People v. Pelton CA6 ( 2020 )

  • Filed 10/29/20 P. v. Pelton CA6
    California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), prohibits courts and parties from citing or relying on opinions not certified for
    publication or ordered published, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b). This opinion has not been certified for publication
    or ordered published for purposes of rule 8.1115.
    THE PEOPLE,                                                          H046957
    (Santa Clara County
    Plaintiff and Respondent,                                Super. Ct. No. 217248)
    Defendant and Appellant.
    I.        INTRODUCTION
    Defendant appeals after pleading no contest to three counts of grand theft (Pen.
    Code, § 487, subd. (a))1 and four counts of vandalism (§ 594, subd. (b)(1)) and admitting
    six prior prison term allegations (§ 667.5, subd. (b)). The trial court struck one of the
    prior prison term enhancements at the prosecution’s request, struck the punishment for
    the remaining five prior prison term enhancements, and sentenced defendant to
    three years in county jail pursuant to section 1170, subdivision (h).
    Defendant contends that although the trial court struck the punishment for the
    prior prison term enhancements, the enhancements must be stricken pursuant to Senate
    Bill No. 136. Defendant further contends that the sentencing minutes and the abstract of
    judgment must be corrected to unambiguously reflect the trial court’s waiver of various
    All further statutory references are to the Penal Code unless otherwise indicated.
    fines and fees based on defendant’s inability to pay. The Attorney General concedes both
    claims, and we concur.
    Accordingly, we will strike the five prior prison term enhancements, direct the
    trial court to correct the sentencing minutes and the abstract of judgment, and affirm the
    judgment as modified.2
    A.      Factual Background3
    Between January 3, 2018 and February 2, 2018, defendant stole approximately
    43 catalytic converters from AT&T fleet vehicles parked on corporate lots in Santa Clara,
    Mountain View, and Sunnyvale. The catalytic converters were worth approximately
    $2,000 each.
    B.      Charges, Plea, and Sentence
    An indictment charged defendant with three counts of grand theft (§ 487,
    subd. (a)), four counts of vandalism (§ 594, subd. (b)(1)), and one count of misdemeanor
    theft (§ 487, subd. (a)). The indictment also alleged that defendant had served nine prior
    prison terms (§ 667.5, subd. (b)).
    On February 8, 2019, defendant pleaded no contest to the felony charges and
    admitted six of the prior prison term allegations.
    At sentencing on April 12, 2019, the trial court struck one of the prior prison term
    enhancements at the prosecution’s request. The court struck the punishment for the
    remaining five prior prison term enhancements and sentenced defendant to three years in
    Defendant also filed a “petition to vacate a judgment pursuant to Penal Code
    section 1473.6,” which we have considered with his appeal. (Some capitalization
    omitted.) We have disposed of the petition by separate order issued this day.
    Because the facts are not relevant to the issues on appeal, we briefly summarize
    the facts as stated in the probation report.
    county jail pursuant to section 1170, subdivision (h). The court ordered victim restitution
    in the amount of $64,137.53.
    A. Prior Prison Term Enhancements
    Senate Bill No. 136, effective January 1, 2020, amended the prior prison term
    sentence enhancement under section 667.5, subdivision (b) by limiting its application to
    prison terms that, unlike defendant’s, were served for a sexually violent offense as
    defined in Welfare and Institutions Code section 6600, subdivision (b). (Stats. 2019,
    ch. 590, § 1.) The parties agree that the amendment applies retroactively to defendant,
    and we concur. (See People v. Jennings (2019) 
    42 Cal. App. 5th 664
    , 682.) We will
    therefore order the five prior prison term enhancements under section 667.5,
    subdivision (b) stricken. Defendant’s sentence remains unchanged because the trial court
    struck the punishment for the enhancements at sentencing pursuant to section 1385.
    B. Corrections to the Sentencing Minutes and the Abstract of Judgment
    The trial court waived a $280 court security fee (§ 1465.8), a $259.50 criminal
    justice administrative fee (Gov. Code, §§ 29550, 29550.1, 29550.2), a $210 criminal
    conviction assessment (Gov. Code, § 70373), and a $10 grand theft fine (§ 1202.5),
    presumably based on defendant’s representations regarding his inability to pay. The
    parties agree that the sentencing minutes and the abstract of judgment are ambiguous
    regarding the court’s waiver of the fees, assessment, and fine.
    The sentencing minutes appear on a preprinted form that has a section for
    “fines/fees” where acronyms for various fees, assessments, and fines are listed.
    (Capitalization omitted.) Each of the monetary amounts waived by the trial court and
    enumerated above is handwritten next to the pertinent fee, assessment, or fine. A
    separate notation appears on a different part of the form stating, “fines/fees
    [unintelligible] waived/stayed purs to Duenas.”4
    Similarly, the fees, assessment, and fine waived by the trial court are listed on the
    abstract of judgment in a section entitled, “Financial obligations.” (Some capitalization
    omitted.) In a section entitled, “Other orders,” the abstract states, “Fines/fees wvd stayed
    purs Duenas.”
    We agree with the parties that the sentencing minutes and the abstract of judgment
    are ambiguous regarding the trial court’s waiver of the court security fee, the criminal
    justice administrative fee, the criminal conviction assessment, and the grand theft fine.
    Accordingly, we will order the sentencing minutes and the abstract of judgment corrected
    to reflect that the trial court did not impose the fees, assessment, or fine.
    The judgment is modified to reflect that the five prior prison term enhancements
    (Pen. Code, § 667.5, subd. (b)) are stricken. As so modified, the judgment is affirmed.
    The trial court shall strike the amounts listed on the sentencing minutes pertaining
    to the court security fee (Pen. Code, § 1465.8), the criminal justice administrative fee
    (Gov. Code, §§ 29550, 29550.1, 29550.2), the criminal conviction assessment (Gov.
    Code, § 70373), and the grand theft fine (Pen. Code, § 1202.5) to reflect that the court did
    not impose the fees, assessment, or fine. The court shall further strike the notation on the
    sentencing minutes stating, “fines/fees [unintelligible] waived/stayed purs to Duenas.”
    The trial court shall prepare an amended abstract of judgment reflecting that the
    five prior prison term enhancements (Pen. Code, § 667.5, subd.(b)) have been stricken.
    In addition, the court shall strike the amounts listed in section 9 of the abstract of
    judgment for the court security fee (Pen. Code, § 1465.8), the criminal justice
    People v. Dueñas (2019) 
    30 Cal. App. 5th 1157
    (Dueñas). Dueñas was not
    mentioned by the parties or the trial court during sentencing.
    administrative fee (Gov. Code, §§ 29550, 29550.1, 29550.2), the criminal conviction
    assessment (Gov. Code, § 70373), and the grand theft fine (Pen. Code, § 1202.5) to
    reflect that the court did not impose the fees, assessment, or fine. The court shall further
    strike the language in section 13 of the abstract of judgment stating, “Fines/fees wvd
    stayed purs Duenas.” The court shall send a certified copy of the amended abstract of
    judgment to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
    DANNER, J.
    People v. Pelton

Document Info

Docket Number: H046957

Filed Date: 10/29/2020

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2020