Michaels v. Greenberg Traurig, LLP ( 2021 )

  • Filed 3/26/21
    JILLIAN MICHAELS et al.,                   B300093
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,          (Los Angeles County
    Super. Ct. No. SC126100)
    Defendants and Respondents.
    APPEAL from an order of the Superior Court of
    Los Angeles County, Mark A. Young, Judge. Reversed and
    King & Ballow, Richard S. Busch and D. Keith Kelly, II, for
    Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    Jenner & Block, Michael P. McNamara, Kirsten H. Spira
    and AnnaMarie A. Van Hoesen for Defendants and Respondents.
    Jillian Michaels and Empowered Media, LLC (together
    Appellants), filed a complaint against Greenberg Traurig (a law
    firm) and its shareholder partner, David Markman (together
    Respondents), for nine causes of action including legal
    malpractice. The malpractice claim, central to this appeal,
    involved negotiating a branding contract with a diet supplement
    company called ThinCare International, LLC (“ThinCare”).
    Respondents filed a motion for summary adjudication on
    six of the nine causes of action. The trial court granted the
    motion on all six causes of action finding lack of factual support
    for causation and damages, and a lack of factual support on
    fraudulent concealment. Several months later, Appellants moved
    to dismiss the remaining causes of action which was granted on
    August 12, 2019. Thereafter, Appellants timely appealed.
    Appellants contend the trial court erred on various legal
    bases, including failing to view the evidence in the light most
    favorable to them and challenge the trial court’s ruling except on
    the eighth cause of action (fraudulent concealment). We hold, the
    trial court abused its discretion by excluding portions of
    Appellants’ expert witness’s declaration on damages. Further,
    the trial court erred in granting the summary adjudication on the
    first, second, third, fifth and seventh causes of action.
    Accordingly, we reverse.
    Jillian Michaels is a fitness celebrity who appeared on
    several seasons of the NBC’s television series called The Biggest
    Loser. Empowered Media, LLC (Empowered) is a company she
    In 2008, Michaels and Empowered hired Greenberg
    Traurig and its transactional partner, David Markman, to
    negotiate various deals. In mid-2009, Markman represented
    Michaels and Empowered with two contracts at issue in this case.
    The first involved Michaels’ appearance on the television show,
    The Biggest Loser. This contract was executed on May 6, 2009,
    with a production company called BL4 Productions, Inc. (the
    “2009 Biggest Loser Agreement”). The second contract was for
    branding and promotional services (to be performed by Michaels)
    between a maker of nutraceutical products called ThinCare and
    Empowered, executed on May 8, 2009 (the “ThinCare
    The 2009 Biggest Loser Agreement contained certain
    specified restrictions on Michaels’ ability to participate in
    commercials.1 The ThinCare Agreement executed after the 2009
    Biggest Loser Agreement contained warranty provisions
    inconsistent with the commercial restrictions in the 2009 Biggest
    Loser Agreement.2 The gravamen of the malpractice claim is
    1     The restrictive provision in the 2009 Biggest Loser
    Agreement specified in pertinent part, “Artist shall not render
    services or appear on-camera or off-camera in any commercials
    (including infomercials). Notwithstanding the foregoing, subject
    to the conditions set forth . . . above, Artist may render services
    on one (1) national commercial campaign during each year
    hereunder, subject to the reasonable approval of the television
    network to which Company has granted the initial broadcast
    rights to the Series . . . .”
    2     Section 11 of the ThinCare Agreement provided in
    pertinent part:
    “Section 11 (b)(iii) – [Empowered] has entered into no
    other agreement or contract and is not subject to any order,
    decree or ruling, which would prohibit [Empowered] from
    Markman’s alleged failure to advise Appellants on this
    inconsistency between the 2009 Biggest Loser Agreement and the
    ThinCare Agreement.
    Pursuant to the ThinCare Agreement, Empowered was
    paid a royalty advance of $2 million and was entitled to royalties
    based on a sliding scale between 8 and 11 percent.3 The length of
    the ThinCare Agreement was four years from the launch of the
    first product until on or about August 1, 2013. ThinCare paid
    Empowered a total of $5,531,153 in royalties over the life of the
    ThinCare Agreement.
    At the start of 2010, ThinCare and the Appellants were
    sued in four separate class actions alleging the products were
    falsely advertised. These lawsuits were eventually dismissed.
    On January 21, 2011, ThinCare filed a complaint against
    the Appellants in the federal district court in Utah (ThinCare
    Litigation). Among other claims, ThinCare alleged a cause of
    action for fraud in the inducement based on the “false”
    warranties contained in the ThinCare Agreement. Appellants
    performing its obligations under this Agreement or permitting
    (ThinCare] to exercise the rights granted herein;
    “Section 11 (b)(iv) – (Empowered ]is the sole owner of
    the Jillian Michaels identifications, or has the sole and exclusive
    right to use the Jillian Michaels Identifications . . . by [ThinCare
    ]as provided herein, does not and will not infringe the rights of
    any third party.”
    3     Pursuant to the terms of the ThinCare Agreement,
    Empowered was to be paid royalties of 11 percent for the first $25
    million in net sales, 10 percent for the next $25 million to $50
    million in net sales, 9 percent for the next $50 million to $75
    million in net sales, and 8 percent above $75 million in net sales.
    retained Greenberg Traurig and its litigation partner, Matthew
    Steinberg, along with a Utah based law firm, Strong & Hanni, to
    defend the suit. As the case progressed, Strong & Hanni became
    Appellants’ sole legal representation.
    On July 12, 2013, ThinCare and the Appellants settled by
    executing a Memorandum of Understanding. The terms of the
    Memorandum of Understanding provided: (1) Appellants would
    pay ThinCare $2.2 million, (2) Empowered would waive its claim
    to the $1,299,814.72 that was held in escrow, and (3) Appellants
    agreed to permit ThinCare to sell Michaels’ branded products
    until April 30, 2016 without any payment of royalties. Prior to
    the termination of the ThinCare Agreement, ThinCare and
    Empowered Media Supplements, LLC (affiliated with
    Empowered) entered into an “Amended and Restated Licensing
    Agreement” for the continued sale of Michaels’ branded products
    until June 1, 2018. Under this new agreement, Empowered
    Media Supplements, LLC received an advance of $100,000 and
    royalties after recoupment of the advance.
    On December 16, 2012, during the ThinCare lawsuit,
    Appellants and Midtown Equities began discussing the
    possibility of a licensing deal to sell Michaels’ branded
    supplement products. In May of 2013, Markman drafted a
    proposed agreement with Midtown Equities which they reviewed.
    The two sides, however, never reached a meeting of the minds
    and the deal was never consummated.
    Appellants filed the initial complaint in the instant case on
    July 7, 2016. The operative second amended complaint, filed on
    February of 2017, alleged nine causes of action (1) legal
    malpractice, (2) breach of fiduciary duty, (3) breach of contract,
    (4) declaratory relief to rescind and void contingent fee contract
    for services, (5) declaratory relief to rescind and void litigation
    agreement, (6) unfair business practice in violation of Business
    and Professions Code section 17200 et seq., (7) negligent
    misrepresentation, (8) fraudulent concealment, and (9) violation
    of the Lanham Act (
    15 U.S.C. § 1125
     et seq.).
    On December 10, 2018, Respondents filed their motion for
    summary adjudication on six out of the nine causes of action.
    The trial court conducted the hearing on January 31, 2019 and
    issued its final ruling on February 5, 2019. In its ruling, the trial
    court excluded Appellants’ expert witness’s declaration on future
    damages as speculative and not supported by the record. The
    trial court granted the motion on all six causes of action based on
    a lack of factual support on causation and damages (first, second,
    third, fifth and seventh causes of action) and a lack of factual
    support on the fraudulent concealment cause of action (eighth
    cause of action). It denied Respondents’ alternative contentions
    based on the doctrine of unclean hands and the relevant statute
    of limitations.
    On August 12, 2019, Appellants moved to dismiss the
    remaining causes of action which the trial court granted on the
    same day. This appeal followed.
    Appellants contend the trial court erred in granting
    Respondents’ motion for summary adjudication as to their first,
    second, third, fifth, and seventh causes of action. We agree.
    A party may move for summary adjudication to resolve
    causes of action, affirmative defenses, damages, or issues of duty.
    (Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (f)(1).) Procedurally, a summary
    adjudication motion is treated the same as a summary judgment
    motion. (Id., subd. (f)(2).)
    “On appeal after a motion for summary judgment [or
    summary adjudication] has been granted, we review the record
    de novo, considering all the evidence set forth in the moving and
    opposition papers except that to which objections have been made
    and sustained. [Citation.]” (Guz v. Bechtel National, Inc. (2000)
    24 Cal.4th 317
    , 334 [
    100 Cal.Rptr.2d 352
    8 P.3d 1089
    ]; Saelzler
    v. Advanced Group 400 (2001) 
    25 Cal.4th 763
    , 767 [
    107 Cal.Rptr.2d 617
    23 P.3d 1143
    ].) “In ruling on the motion, the
    court must ‘consider all of the evidence’ and ‘all’ of the ‘inferences’
    reasonably drawn therefrom [citation], and must view such
    evidence [citations] and such inferences [citations], in the light
    most favorable to the opposing party.’ (Aguilar v. Atlantic
    Richfield Co. (2001) 
    25 Cal.4th 826
    , 843 (Aguilar).)
    The moving party, whether the plaintiff or the defendant,
    bears the initial burden or production “to make a prima facie
    showing of the nonexistence of any trial issue of material fact; if
    he carries his burden of production, he causes a shift, and the
    opposing party is then subjected to a burden of production of his
    own to make a prima facie showing of the existence of a triable
    issue of material fact.” (Aguilar, supra, 25 Cal.4th at p. 850.)
    The moving party also bears the burden of persuasion
    which, unlike the burden of production, never shifts. In Aguilar,
    California’s Supreme Court explained, “[o]n summary judgment,
    the moving party’s burden is more properly labeled as one of
    persuasion rather than proof. That is because, in order to carry
    such burden, he must persuade the court that there is no
    material fact for a reasonable trier of fact to find, and not prove
    any such fact to the satisfaction of the court itself as though it
    were sitting as the trier of fact.” (Aguilar, supra, 25 Cal.4th at
    p. 845, fn. 4.)
    “[I]f a defendant moves for summary judgment
    against . . . a plaintiff, he must present evidence that would
    require a reasonable trier of fact not to find any underlying
    material fact more likely than not–otherwise, he would not be
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law, but would have to
    present his evidence to a trier of fact.” (Aguilar, supra,
    25 Cal.4th at p. 851.)
    Before addressing the merits of Respondent’s summary
    adjudication motion, we must determine whether the trial court
    abused its discretion by excluding Appellants’ expert witness’s
    opinion on future profits. Here, “[a] different analysis is required
    for our review of the trial court’s . . . rulings on evidentiary
    objections. Although it is often said that an appellate court
    reviews a summary judgment motion ‘de novo,’ the weight of
    authority holds that an appellate court reviews a court’s final
    rulings on evidentiary objections by applying an abuse of
    discretion standard. [Citations.]” (Carnes v. Superior Court
    126 Cal.App.4th 688
    , 694 [
    23 Cal.Rptr.3d 915
    We start by reviewing relevant laws on the trial court’s role
    in assessing whether to admit or exclude an expert witness’s
    opinion on calculation of damages.
    A.      Legal Principles
    “[U]nder Evidence Code sections 801, subdivision (b),[4] and
    802,[5] the trial court acts as a gatekeeper to exclude expert
    4     Evidence Code section 801 states:
    opinion testimony that is (1) based on matter of a type on which
    an expert may not reasonably rely, (2) based on reasons
    unsupported by the material on which the expert relies, or (3)
    speculative. Other provisions of law, including decisional law,
    may also provide reasons for excluding expert opinion testimony.”
    (Sargon Enterprises, Inc. v. University of Southern California
    55 Cal.4th 747
    , 771–772 (Sargon).)
    In Sargon, supra, 
    55 Cal.4th 747
    , the California Supreme
    Court applied these principles to determine whether the trial
    “If a witness is testifying as an expert, his testimony in the
    form of an opinion is limited to such an opinion as is:
    “(a) Related to a subject that is sufficiently beyond common
    experience that the opinion of an expert would assist the trier of
    fact; and
    “(b) Based on matter (including his special knowledge, skill,
    experience, training, and education) perceived by or personally
    known to the witness or made known to him at or before the
    hearing, whether or not admissible, that is of a type that
    reasonably may be relied upon by an expert in forming an opinion
    upon the subject to which his testimony relates, unless an expert
    is precluded by law from using such matter as a basis for his
    5     Evidence Code section 802 states:
    “A witness testifying in the form of an opinion may state on
    direct examination the reasons for his opinion and the matter
    (including, in the case of an expert, his special knowledge, skill,
    experience, training, and education) upon which it is based,
    unless he is precluded by law from using such reasons or matter
    as a basis for his opinion. The court in its discretion may require
    that a witness before testifying in the form of an opinion be first
    examined concerning the matter upon which his opinion is
    court erred in sustaining an objection to exclude expert witness’s
    opinion on future profits. The Sargon court drew a distinction
    between established and unestablished businesses in assessing
    the admissibility of such opinions.
    Regarding established businesses, “ ‘[l]ost profits . . . may
    be recovered if their extent and occurrence can be ascertained
    with reasonable certainty; once their existence has been so
    established, recovery will not be denied because the amount
    cannot be shown with mathematical precision. [Citations.]
    Historical data, such as past business volume, supply an
    acceptable basis for ascertaining lost future profits. [Citations.]
    In some instances, lost profits may be recovered where plaintiff
    introduces evidence of the profits lost by similar businesses
    operating under similar conditions. [Citations.]’ ” (Sargon,
    supra, 55 Cal.4th at p. 774.)
    Where an unestablished businesses is “‘prevented or
    interrupted, damages for prospective profits that might otherwise
    have been made from its operation are not recoverable for the
    reason that their occurrence is uncertain, contingent and
    speculative. [Citations.] . . . But although generally
    objectionable for the reason that their estimation is conjectural
    and speculative, anticipated profits dependent upon future events
    are allowed where their nature and occurrence can be shown by
    evidence of reasonable reliability.’ [Citation.]” (Sargon, supra,
    55 Cal.4th at p. 774.)
    The question of speculation extends beyond the framework
    of analyzing established and unestablished businesses. For
    example, the expert witness in Sargon testified that Sargon
    Enterprises would develop a research and development
    department, like the “Big Six,” to compete with them. The expert
    further assumed Sargon Enterprises would replace one of the
    “Big Six” and that, the competitors would have taken no steps to
    contend with their new competitor. (Sargon, supra, 55 Cal.4th at
    p. 780.) Such assumptions, unless tethered to appropriate factual
    foundation, may also render an opinion speculative.
    Additionally, “courts must also be cautious in excluding
    expert testimony. The trial court’s gatekeeping role does not
    involve choosing between competing expert opinions. The high
    court warned that the gatekeeper’s focus ‘must be solely on
    principles and methodology, not on the conclusions that they
    generate.’ [Citation.]” (Sargon, supra, 55 Cal.4th at p. 772.)
    Noting that calculation of lost profits must be certain as to their
    occurrence and extent, mathematical precision is not required.
    (Id. at p. 774.)
    In Garrett v. Howmedica Osteonics Corp. (2013)
    214 Cal.App.4th 173
     (Garrett), the court discussed the standard
    for admitting expert opinions in a motion for summary judgment
    or adjudication. Garrett concerned a patient’s products liability
    action against designers and manufacturers of prosthetics
    devices. In moving for summary adjudication, the defendants
    lodged an expert’s declaration that the prosthetic device, used to
    replace a portion of the femur, was not defective. (Id. at p. 179.)
    The plaintiff, in opposition to the summary adjudication motion,
    filed its own expert witness declaration refuting the defendant’s
    expert witness opinion. The trial court found the plaintiff’s
    expert’s declaration lacking in adequate factual foundation and
    excluded the declaration.
    The court reversed finding the trial court abused its
    discretion. The Garrett court analyzed Sargon and explained,
    “Sargon involved the exclusion of expert testimony at trial.
    [Citation.] Evidence Code section 802 allows the trial court to
    inquire into the reasons for an expert’s opinion so as to determine
    whether those reasons are supported by the material on which
    the expert relies. [Citation.]” (Garrett, supra, 214 Cal.App.4th at
    p. 188.)
    The court reasoned, “[u]nlike Sargon, [citation] this case
    involves the exclusion of expert testimony presented in opposition
    to a summary judgment motion. The trial court here did not
    conduct an evidentiary hearing, and there was no examination of
    an expert witness pursuant to Evidence Code section 802.
    Absent more specific information on the testing methods used
    and the results obtained, the trial court here could not scrutinize
    the reasons for [plaintiff’s expert witness’s] opinion to the same
    extent as did the trial court in Sargon. We do not believe,
    however, that the absence of such detailed information justified
    the exclusion of [plaintiff’s expert witness] testimony.” (Garrett,
    supra, 214 Cal.App.4th at p. 189.)
    The court further explained, “[t]he rule that a trial court
    must liberally construe the evidence submitted in opposition to a
    summary judgment motion applies in ruling on both the
    admissibility of expert testimony and its sufficiency to create a
    triable issue of fact. [Citations.] In light of the rule of liberal
    construction, a reasoned explanation required in an expert
    declaration filed in opposition to a summary judgment motion
    need not be as detailed or extensive as that required in expert
    testimony presented in support of a summary judgment motion
    or at trial. [Citations.] Liberally construing the [plaintiff’s
    expert witness] declaration, we conclude that the explanation
    provided for [plaintiff’s expert] opinion was sufficient and that
    the trial court could not properly exclude the expert testimony
    based on [expert witness’s] failure to identify the particular tests
    employed or describe the test results.” (Garrett, supra,
    214 Cal.App.4th at p. 189.)
    Thus a distinction is drawn between the trial court’s
    gatekeeping function at a motion in limine, and, the trial court’s
    role in ruling on the admissibility of the expert witness who offers
    a declaration in opposition to a summary judgment motion. At a
    motion in limine before a court or a jury trial, the trial court does
    not view the evidence in the light favoring either party. In ruling
    on the admissibility of evidence in a summary adjudication
    motion, the trial court liberally construes the evidence in favor of
    the party opposing the summary adjudication motion.
    B.    Analysis
    On the question of lost profits, Appellants offered the
    declaration of their expert, Sidney P. Blum, a certified public
    accountant, licensed in California and New York. He worked as a
    partner in several accounting firms including KPMG. He also
    worked as the Chief Audit Officer for Beats Electronics, LLC, and
    currently operates a consulting business on financial damages,
    royalty audits, and expert witness services. He has experience
    over royalty agreement negotiations which involved over $1
    billion in annual sales and hundreds of millions of dollars in
    royalties. Blum offered lost profit opinions on (1) the ThinCare
    Agreement, and (2) the potential Midtown Equities deal. The
    trial court excluded both.6 We analyze each in turn.
    6     In the trial court’s final order for the summary
    adjudication, the court set forth its objection rulings by noting the
    number sequentially. When compared to the Defendants’
    Objections to Evidence Submitted in Support of Plaintiffs’
    Opposition to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Adjudication, the
    1.     ThinCare Agreement
    On the ThinCare Agreement, Blum resorted to the
    American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA) for
    guidance on calculating damages. According to Blum’s
    declaration, he used a method termed the “Before and After
    Method” which “considers the profit the [Appellants] would have
    received but for the actions of the [Respondents], and these but
    for profits are reduced by any actual benefits that the
    [Appellants] did receive through mitigation of damages or other
    sources.” Blum divided the contract into two periods
    (before/after) with the after periods further subdivided into two
    parts. The “Before” period entailed 16 royalty payments from
    ThinCare to the Appellants with an average royalty payment of
    $351,204. The “Before” period reflected the actual royalties
    received from ThinCare up until ThinCare litigation in 2011.
    According to Blum, the “Before” period was impacted by
    several significant market conditions that affected sales (1) the
    class action litigations that started in February of 2010, and (2)
    the ThinCare litigation which prevented Michaels from actively
    marketing the products. Blum opined sales are a direct result of
    marketing and that, had it not been for the ThinCare litigation,
    Michaels could have resumed marketing activities thereby
    increasing the ThinCare product’s sales.
    Regarding the “After” period, Blum broke down the time
    periods into (1) November 2011 to July 2013 (time from when the
    last class action suit ended until the end of the ThinCare
    numbers do not line up. However, both appellants and the
    respondents agree in their briefing, the trial court excluded
    Blum’s opinions on lost profits.
    litigation), and (2) August 2013 to April 2016. Blum calculated
    the lost profits from the period of November 2011 to July 2013 as
    $7,375.279, and from the period of August 2013 to April 2016 as
    $11,589,723. This is arrived at by multiplying the average
    royalty payment from the “Before” period by the number of
    months in each of the “After” periods.
    On excluding Blum’s expert opinion, the trial court
    reasoned, “Court . . . believes that Mr. Blum’s expert testimony
    that Plaintiff lost between $7.3 million and $11.5 million in
    royalties from the ThinCare deal is entirely too speculative and
    based upon assumptions that are not supported by the record.
    (Blum Decl. ¶25).”
    A review of Blum’s declaration reveals the assumption the
    trial court noted was not supported by the record, namely, that
    Michaels was prevented from conducting further promotional and
    marketing activities because of the ThinCare Litigation. This
    assumption was crucial to Blum’s expert opinion. His entire
    opinion on future profits rested on the premise of marketing. In
    the same paragraph, Blum opined, “[Appellants’] damage
    calculation must consider the lack of active marketing of the
    products because sales are a direct result of marketing.” Thus,
    the following progression of concepts may be extrapolated from
    Blum’s opinion: (1) ThinCare product sales are a direct result of
    marketing, (2) level of profits depends on Michaels’ involvement
    with marketing, (3) Michaels was prevented from marketing
    because of the ThinCare Litigation, and, (4) if the ThinCare
    litigation would not have occurred, Michaels would have
    continued to market ThinCare products into the “After” period.
    Earlier in its final order, the trial court addressed the
    question of whether Michaels would have continued marketing by
    noting, “[Respondents] ha[ve] presented uncontroverted evidence
    that [Michaels] had stopped supporting the ThinCare products
    before the litigation was filed causing a precipitous decline in
    sales. [Michaels] has provided no evidence indicating that she
    would have continued supporting the ThinCare products despite
    her stated concerns regarding false advertising, damage to her
    image, and other matter had the litigation never been filed.” In
    support of this conclusion, the trial court listed various exhibits
    lodged by the Respondents that together show prior to ThinCare
    filing suit against the Appellants on January 11, 2011,
    Appellants were dissatisfied with ThinCare’s actions including
    (1) failure to comply with the contract’s product approval
    procedure, and (2) failure to comply with the royalty reporting
    and payment procedure. The trial court referenced another
    document which shows, in a deposition taken in connection with
    the ThinCare Litigation, Michaels believed ThinCare, on some
    occasions, had engaged in false advertising exposing both to the
    threat of law suits.
    The trial court’s conclusion, however, is contradicted by
    Michaels’ declaration filed in opposition to the summary
    adjudication motion. There, Michaels indicated “prior to the
    filing of the ThinCare Litigation, I continued to actively promote
    the products. At the instruction of the litigation firm
    representing both ThinCare and [Empowered] in the class action
    lawsuits, I limited my promotional and marketing activity during
    the class action lawsuits. When the class actions stopped, I
    would have continued to meet my marketing and promotional
    obligations under the contract, but for the litigation filed by
    ThinCare.” This declaration is admittedly self-serving, however,
    “[m]odern courts have recognized that all evidence proffered by a
    party is intended to be self-serving in the sense of supporting the
    party’s position, and it cannot be discounted on that basis.”
    (Oiye v. Fox (2012) 
    211 Cal.App.4th 1036
    , 1050.)
    The record contains additional evidence that show Michaels
    continued to participate in ThinCare’s marketing activities. For
    example, an e-mail from Giancarlo Chersich, the CEO for
    Empowered, dated March 17, 2010, after the filing of the class
    action suit, highlights an exchange between ThinCare and
    Empowered discussing Michaels’ promotional activities as
    required under the ThinCare Agreement.
    We acknowledge, evidence within the record reveals
    Michaels was unhappy in her dealings with ThinCare prior to the
    ThinCare litigation. However, in a summary adjudication
    motion, the trial court does not weigh the evidence. Instead, the
    court is required to “view the evidence in the light most favorable
    to plaintiffs as the parties opposing summary judgment, strictly
    scrutinizing defendants’ evidence in order to resolve any
    evidentiary doubts or ambiguities in plaintiffs’ favor. [Citation.]”
    (Dammann v. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation
    Dist. (2012) 
    212 Cal.App.4th 335
    , 340-341.) On this issue of facts
    assumed by Blum, the trial court failed to liberally construe the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the Appellants.
    Another factual assumption, apparent from Blum’s opinion
    is that ThinCare and Appellants would have continued with their
    contractual relationship beyond the initial ThinCare Agreement.
    This relates to the second part of the “After” period, from August
    of 2013 to April of 2016. Blum calculated the lost profits from
    this period to be $11,589,723.
    The four-year time period of the ThinCare Agreement,
    which had an expiration date of around August of 2013, was
    extended based on the Memorandum of Understanding to settle
    the ThinCare litigation. To offer an opinion, but for the ThinCare
    litigation, Appellants would have earned future profits, and, at
    the same time, extend the time period of the ThinCare
    Agreement based on the Memorandum of Understanding that
    settled the ThinCare Litigation appears inconsistent and
    conjectural. We agree with the trial court that this factual
    assumption was not properly supported by the record.
    However, this alone does not resolve the question on
    whether the trial court abused its discretion in excluding the
    future profits’ declaration by Blum. We must also determine
    whether his opinion was speculative. We analyze this question
    through the framework discussed in Sargon.
    On calculating lost profits, Sargon drew a dichotomy
    between established and unestablished businesses. (Sargon,
    supra, 55 Cal.4th at p. 774.) In the case of established
    businesses, lost profits may be reasonably ascertained by looking
    at the business’s past performance to extrapolate potential future
    earnings. For unestablished businesses, past performance may
    be objectionable as speculative. However, “ ‘anticipated profits
    dependent upon future events are allowed where their nature
    and occurrence can be shown by evidence of reasonable
    reliability.’ ” (Ibid.)
    Blum’s “Before and After Method” applied to the ThinCare
    Agreement falls within Sargon’s established business dichotomy.
    ThinCare manufactured and sold Michaels branded products for
    approximately 16 months until ThinCare filed suit against the
    Appellants (the “Before” period).
    Here, we note several legal principles that apply. First, the
    court’s role in determining the admissibility of expert witness’s
    opinion “does not involve choosing between competing expert
    opinions.” (Sargon, supra, 55 Cal.4th at p. 772.) The court’s role
    is limited to analyzing principles and methodologies, not the
    conclusions generated. (Ibid.)
    The ThinCare business operated for approximately 16
    months prior to the ThinCare Litigation, which served as the
    basis for Blum’s future profits calculation. He used actual data
    from ThinCare’s sale of Michaels’ branded products to arrive at
    this calculation. The methodology used, the “Before and After
    Method,” is approved by the American Institute of Certified
    Public Accountants. While the methodology used must also fit
    the facts on which it is applied, Blum had over a year’s worth of
    data from ThinCare’s sales to provide his opinion.
    Respondent cites Berge v. International Harvester Co.
    142 Cal.App.3d 152
    , which held that an award of future
    damages for plaintiff’s two-year-old trucking business could not
    be sustained after a jury verdict since the business never earned
    a consistent profit. Berge, however, may be distinguished on
    several grounds. First, the Court of Appeal in Berge was not
    dealing with a summary adjudication motion, but instead,
    reviewing a jury verdict that awarded lost profits under the
    sufficiency of the evidence standard. Second, facts under Berge
    do not line up with the instant case. In Berge, the expert offered
    an opinion on lost profits based not on the actual profits
    generated by the business, but instead, on a national average.
    The Berge court found this testimony speculative as it had no
    correlation to the plaintiff’s business. (Id. at pp. 162-163.) In the
    instant case, Blum relied on data from ThinCare’s business to
    calculate lost profits.
    On the ThinCare Agreement, we hold that the trial court
    abused its discretion in excluding Blum’s expert opinion on the
    “Before” period, and, on the first “After” period from November
    2011 to July 2013, calculated as $7,375,279. The trial court did
    not abuse its discretion in excluding Blum’s opinion on the second
    “After” period as an assumption not supported by the record.
    2.     Midtown Equities Deal
    The trial court also excluded Blum’s expert opinion on lost
    profits for the Midtown Equities deal. In excluding this opinion,
    the trial court explained, “[t]he Court has further concerns that
    any lost profits from the Midtown Equities deal would be entirely
    too speculative. The Court . . . does not believe that [Appellants’]
    ha[ve] established a basis for its expert witness to opine that
    Midtown Equities, which had never operated in this field or
    fielded any similar product, would generate profits for
    [Appellants] between $10 million and $90 million. [Citation.] At
    least part of Mr. Blum’s opinion is based upon terms of draft
    agreements that were drafted by [Appellants] and never agreed
    to by Midtown Equities.”
    Here, the business was literally unestablished. Midtown
    Equities is owned by Joe Cayre whose business is in real estate
    investments and development, not in the production and sale of
    dietary supplements. Cayre declared, “[a]fter many months of
    frustrating negotiations, we ultimately decided that we did not
    wish to do a deal with [Michaels] anyway because [the CEO of
    Empowered] was difficult to work with and taking up too much of
    our time.” He further declared, “I did not pass on the deal
    because of anything related to the ThinCare litigation.”
    Appellants’ evidence fares no better. The evidence shows
    Appellants were not interested in pursuing the deal because
    Midtown had not agreed Michaels would have control over
    product formulation. This deal was never consummated.
    Again, we apply Sargon’s two-part dichotomy. As a
    completely unestablished business, Blum had an uphill task of
    attempting to formulate a lost profit analysis. In discussing his
    analysis, Blum noted the lost profit calculation was based on
    other deals. Blum, however, offered no analysis on the identity or
    calculation analysis based on these other deals. Blum then
    offered a comparison to the ThinCare Agreement. This was
    lacking in any meaningful comparison between the two
    companies other than comparing the agreements and noting
    superficial similarity of products, time frames, and sales
    We agree with the trial court, this opinion was wholly
    speculative. The comparison between ThinCare and Midtown
    Equities is more problematic than the comparisons made in
    Sargon. Here, unlike Sargon, the Midtown’s proposed business
    venture never got off the ground. Attempting to calculate lost
    profits of a business that was never created is a difficult
    proposition, one that takes much more than what Blum did in the
    instant case. The trial court was correct in excluding this opinion
    as speculative. On this, the trial court did not err.
    Having determined the trial court abused its discretion in
    excluding Appellants’ expert witness’s opinion on the “Before and
    After Method” and on the calculation of lost profits on the “After”
    period from November 2011 to July 2013, we next independently
    review the evidence.
    Respondents insist they are entitled to summary
    adjudication on three bases: (1) lack of evidence showing
    causation and damages, (2) unclean hands, and (3) statute of
    A.     Causation/Damages
    Respondents first contend they are entitled to summary
    adjudication because the record lacks sufficient evidence showing
    causation and damages. We disagree.
    1.     Legal Principles
    Legal malpractice falls into two categories: litigation, and,
    transactional. In Viner v. Sweet (2003) 
    30 Cal.4th 1232
    the California Supreme Court held “just as in litigation
    malpractice actions, a plaintiff in a transactional malpractice
    action must show that but for the alleged malpractice, it is more
    likely than not that the plaintiff would have obtained a more
    favorable result.” (Id. at p. 1244.) To prove causation in the
    “transactional” context, the Viner court explained “[t]he
    requirement that the plaintiff prove causation should not be
    confused with the method or means of doing so. Phrases such
    as . . . ‘no deal’ scenario and ‘better deal’ scenario describe
    methods of proving causation, not the causation requirement
    itself or the test for determining whether causation has been
    established.” (Id. at p. 1240, fn. 4.)
    While the terms “no deal” and “better deal” are helpful in
    analyzing the question of causation, they are not the actual test
    in determining causation. Instead, “California has definitively
    adopted the substantial factor test of the Restatement Second of
    Torts for cause-in-fact determinations. [Citation.] Under that
    standard, a cause in fact is something that is a substantial factor
    in bringing about the injury. [Citations.] The substantial factor
    standard generally produces the same results as does the ‘but for’
    rule of causation which states that a defendant’s conduct is a
    cause of the injury if the injury would not have occurred ‘but for’
    that conduct. [Citations.] The substantial factor standard,
    however, has been embraced as a clearer rule of causation—one
    which subsumes the ‘but for’ test while reaching beyond it to
    satisfactorily address other situations, such as those involving
    independent or concurrent causes in fact. [Citations.]”
    (Rutherford v. Owens-Illinois, Inc. (1997) 
    16 Cal.4th 953
    , 968-
    969.) California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) No. 430 sets forth
    the “Substantial Factor” test as follows: “A substantial factor in
    causing harm is a factor that a reasonable person would consider
    to have contributed to the harm. It must be more than a remote
    or trivial factor. It does not have to be the only cause of the
    harm. [¶] [Conduct is not a substantial factor in causing harm if
    the same harm would have occurred without that conduct.]”
    (CACI No. 430.)
    “For the breach of an obligation not arising from contract,
    the measure of damages . . . is the amount which will compensate
    for all the detriment proximately caused thereby, whether it
    could have been anticipated or not.” (Civ. Code, § 3333.) Thus,
    “an attorney’s ‘liability, as in other negligence cases, is for all
    damages directly and proximately caused by his negligence.’ ”
    (Smith v. Lewis (1975) 
    13 Cal.3d 349
    , 362, disapproved on other
    grounds in In re Marriage of Brown (1976) 
    15 Cal.3d 838
    The amount of any damages suffered, however, is offset by
    any benefits the injured party may have received from the
    alleged wrongful conduct. (See In re De Laveaga’s Estate (1958)
    50 Cal.2d 480
    , 488-489; Heckert v. MacDonald (1989) 
    208 Cal.App.3d 832
    , 839.) This is referred to as the “Special Benefits”
    doctrine. (Heckert, supra, at p. 839.)
    2.    Analysis
    The key question on causation is whether Markman’s
    alleged legal malpractice was a substantial factor in causing
    harm to the Appellants. In business transactions, harm is
    necessarily reduced to damages. Both the Appellants and the
    Respondents have analyzed this question under the “better deal”
    and “no deal” methods discussed in Viner.
    Appellants contend that, had Markman properly advised
    them on the 2009 Biggest Loser Agreement’s restriction on
    external commercial activities, they could have pursued three
    better deals: (1) execute only the ThinCare Agreement, (2)
    negotiate the 2009 Biggest Loser Agreement with an exception for
    the ThinCare commercials, or (3) negotiate with ThinCare with
    the 2009 Biggest Loser Agreement restrictions included to form a
    different deal. Respondent contends no evidence supports any of
    these alternatives. We disagree.
    Within Markman’s deposition conducted on February 8,
    2018 he indicated Michaels contemplated walking away from the
    Biggest Loser deal.
    “[Question:] Okay. When was it expressed to you in the
    process what Jillian Michaels wanted in order to agree to go back
    to ‘the Biggest Loser’?
    “[Answer:] Well, when she said why she didn’t want to go.
    When she said she didn’t want to go back, she explained why.
    “[Question:] Okay. And what was the reason why?
    “[Answer:] Well, I think she felt she was being underpaid.
    I think she felt she was being paid less than her counterpart and
    that they were sort of abusing her time and her interaction with
    brands and things like that.”
    Michaels’ declaration also supports this alternative. In it,
    she declared, “[h]ad Markman informed me, that the 2009
    Biggest Loser Agreement would have rendered the
    representations and warranties in the ThinCare Agreement false,
    I may not have entered into the 2009 Biggest Loser Agreement. I
    felt the ThinCare Agreement was an incredible opportunity and
    worth a minimum of $5 million, while I had been having issues
    with the production of the Biggest Loser. Therefore, if I had been
    told I needed to choose one or the other I likely would have picked
    the ThinCare Agreement.”
    This supports the conclusion, had Markman advised the
    Appellants about the restriction on external commercial
    activities, Michaels could have chosen to execute only the
    ThinCare Agreement. While we recognize the ThinCare
    Litigation encompassed more than the question of false warranty
    in the agreement, our role is not to decide which side has the
    better case. When viewed in the light most favorable to the
    opposing party, the Appellants have met their burden of
    establishing a material factual dispute on causation.
    Beyond causation, Appellants must also show they suffered
    a harm. On the issue of damages, we earlier determined the trial
    court abused its discretion in excluding a part of the Appellant’s
    expert witness’s opinion on lost profits for the “Before and After
    Method” of calculating lost profits, and, the “After” period from
    November 2011 to July 2013 which Blum calculated as
    $7,375,279. According to the Respondents, without the lost
    profits, Appellants retained a net benefit of $3,085,209. Applying
    the “Special Benefits” doctrine with the addition of the lost profits
    as claimed damages, the Appellants suffered a potential net loss
    of $4,290,070. As with causation, the Appellants have met their
    burden of establishing materiality on damages.7
    B.     Unclean Hands
    Respondents alternatively contend Appellants are barred
    from recovery under the doctrine of unclean hands. The trial
    court rejected this contention as do we.
    1.     Legal Principles
    “The doctrine [of unclean hands] demands that a plaintiff
    act fairly in the matter for which he seeks a remedy. He must
    come into court with clean hands, and keep them clean, or he will
    be denied relief, regardless of the merits of his claim. [Citations.]
    The defense is available in legal as well as equitable actions.
    [Citations.] Whether the doctrine of unclean hands applies is a
    question of fact.” (Kendall-Jackson Winery, Ltd. v. Superior
    Court (1999) 
    76 Cal.App.4th 970
    , 978 (Kendall-Jackson).)
    Furthermore, “[t]he unclean hands doctrine protects
    judicial integrity and promotes justice. It protects judicial
    integrity because allowing a plaintiff with unclean hands to
    recover in an action creates doubts as to the justice provided by
    the judicial system. Thus, precluding recovery to the unclean
    plaintiff protects the court’s, rather than the opposing party’s
    interests.” (Kendall-Jackson, supra, 76 Cal.App.4th at p. 978.)
    In Blain v. Doctor’s Co. (1990) 
    222 Cal.App.3d 1048
    the court discussed a three-pronged test to determine whether
    the equitable defense of unclean hands bars a claim: (1)
    analogous case law, (2) the nature of the misconduct, and (3) the
    7     Since we have found Appellants have met their burden to
    show there are material disputed facts on causation under the
    “better deal” scenario, it is unnecessary to analyze the “no deal”
    relationship of the misconduct to the claimed injuries. (Id. at
    p. 1060.)
    2.   Analysis
    Respondents claim, when Michaels executed the ThinCare
    Agreement, she personally signed an acknowledgment which
    stated: “By signing below, Jillian Michaels acknowledges that
    she has read this Agreement and confirms all grants,
    representations, warranties and agreements made by
    [Empowered] and agrees to make the contributions provided for
    therein in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof and
    if Jillian Michaels fails to do so, Jillian Michaels acknowledges
    that [ThinCare] shall have the same rights and remedies against
    Jillian Michaels as [ThinCare] has against [Empowered].”
    Michaels, however, indicated in a declaration, despite
    having signed the acknowledgment to the contrary, she had not
    read the ThinCare Agreement before executing it. The ThinCare
    Agreement contained a warranty clause that provided Appellants
    have not entered into any other agreements that prevented the
    Appellants from performing any obligations in the ThinCare
    When ThinCare filed suit in 2011 against the appellants in
    federal district court in Utah, one of the causes of actions was for
    fraud in the inducement. ThinCare filed a partial summary
    judgment motion, like a summary adjudication motion in
    California, on the fraudulent inducement cause of action. On
    July 8, 2013, the district court conducted the hearing and
    provided a tentative to grant the motion in favor of ThinCare.
    The parties requested a two-day continuance to talk settlement
    which ultimately led to the Memorandum of Understanding.
    The Appellant’s second amended complaint contained a
    procedural history that discussed what occurred in the ThinCare
    Litigation.8 Respondents claim a sentence within the procedural
    history is an admission of fraud by the Appellants (“The Motion
    also set forth facts demonstrating that ThinCare had met all
    elements of its fraudulent inducement claim in its Complaint.”).
    This contention is resolved by looking at the second prong
    of the Blain test – nature of the misconduct. In Blain, a medical
    doctor sued his attorney for legal malpractice because the
    attorney allegedly told the doctor to lie in a medical malpractice
    deposition. The attorney defendant demurred on several theories
    including the doctrine of unclean hands. The trial court
    sustained the demurrer without leave to amend. (Blain, supra,
    222 Cal.App.3d at p. 1057.)
    The doctor’s misconduct was egregious. It was “designed to
    disadvantage an injured patient in pursuing a claim for medical
    malpractice, resulting in severe and permanent injuries. This is
    8      Paragraph 63 of the Second Amended Complaint stated as
    “ThinCare’s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment re
    Count IV (Fraudulent Inducement) of its Second Amended
    Complaint, filed April 8, 2013, set forth undisputed facts showing
    that the advertising-related exclusivity provisions of the earlier-
    signed BL4 Contract rendered false the Warranties made in the
    subsequently-signed ThinCare Agreement. The Motion also set
    forth facts demonstrating that ThinCare had met all elements of
    its fraudulent inducement claim in its Complaint. The Motion
    was fully briefed over the following weeks and, along with several
    motions filed by Ms. Michaels and Empowered Media, came
    before the court at a hearing held on July 8, 2013 (the
    an ‘act involving dishonesty or corruption which is substantially
    related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a physician
    and surgeon’ within the meaning of Business and Professions
    Code section 2234, subdivision (e). Such an act is grounds for the
    professional discipline of a physician.” (Blain, supra, 222
    Cal.App.3d at p. 1064.) The Blain court upheld the trial judge’s
    On the nature of the alleged misconduct, our case is
    nowhere close. Respondents allege, by including the sentence in
    the second amended complaint as discussed above, Appellants
    have admitted the fraudulent inducement claim in the ThinCare
    litigation. Another paragraph within the same second amended
    complaint, however, sheds further light on this issue. In
    discussing the tentative ruling given by the Utah District Court,
    the second amended complaint states, “Greenberg Traurig and
    Markman’s negligence, causing Ms. Michaels to unwittingly
    violate the warranties, directly led to this disastrous result.”
    This potentially negates the requisite intent.
    In denying Respondents summary adjudication motion on
    this ground, the trial court observed “that there is a triable
    question of fact as to the second element of unclean hands.
    Plaintiffs’ admitted misconduct does not necessarily constitute
    unclean hands as a matter of law. . . . The language in the
    [second amended complaint] cited by Defendants instead
    constitutes an admission that Plaintiffs would have lost the fraud
    lawsuit against ThinCare – that is not the same as an admission
    that the facts underlying the lawsuit were true.” We agree with
    this assessment and reach the same conclusion. Viewing these
    facts in the light most favorable to the Appellants, there exists a
    disputed material fact – the nature and extent of the alleged
    misconduct – which must be resolved by a jury. As such, we need
    not analyze the other two prongs.
    C.    Statute of Limitations
    Respondents contend the causes of action related to the
    malpractice claims are barred by the one-year statute of
    limitations under Code of Civil Procedure section 340.6.9
    Respondents claim Appellants knew, or should have known, the
    alleged wrongful act or omission by no later than March of 2011
    when they were served with the ThinCare complaint.
    Respondents further assert, the statute of limitations began to
    run when their litigation attorneys substituted out at the end of
    February 2012 making March of 2013 the time frame when the
    complaint on the malpractice claims had to have been filed. We
    1.    Legal Principles
    “The continuous representation rule, as codified in section
    340.6, subdivision (a), is not triggered by the mere existence of an
    attorney-client relationship. Instead, the statute’s tolling
    language addresses a particular phase of such a relationship—
    representation regarding a specific subject matter. Moreover, the
    limitations period is not tolled when an attorney’s subsequent
    9     Code of Civil Procedure section 340.6, subdivision (a) states
    in pertinent part:
    “An action against an attorney for a wrongful act or
    omission, other than for actual fraud, arising in the performance
    of professional services shall be commenced within one year after
    the plaintiff discovers, or through the use of reasonable diligence
    should have discovered, the facts constituting the wrongful act or
    omission, or four years from the date of the wrongful act or
    omission, whichever occurs first.”
    role is only tangentially related to the legal representation the
    attorney provided to the plaintiff. [Citations.] Therefore, ‘[t]he
    inquiry is not whether an attorney-client relationship still exists
    but when the representation of the specific matter terminated.’
    [Citation.]” (Foxborough v. Van Atta (1994) 
    26 Cal.App.4th 217
    In Crouse v. Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison (1998) 
    67 Cal.App.4th 1509
    , the court discussed the contours involved in
    analyzing continuous representation. The Crouse court
    explained, “[a] leading treatise . . . states that to qualify as the
    same subject matter ‘[t]he activities allegedly constituting
    continuous representation must relate to the main task or
    particular undertaking in which the error occurred. . . . [¶] . . .
    The focus should be on the objectives of the prior retention and
    whether the present activities fall within those objectives.’
    [Citation.]” (Id. at p. 1530.)
    When an attorney is formally substituted out as counsel,
    that usually terminates the attorney/client relationship.
    However, “the relationship can continue–notwithstanding the
    withdrawal and substitution–if the objective evidence shows that
    the attorney continues to provide legal advice or services.
    [Citation.]” (Shaoxing City Maolong Wuzhong Down Products,
    Ltd. v. Keehn & Associates, APC (2015) 
    238 Cal.App.4th 1031
    1039.) Acts such as (1) providing advice on the subject matter
    involving the alleged wrong act, (2) performing work, (3) billing
    for legal services relating to the on-going representation, (4)
    making appearances, (5) negotiating on the client’s behalf, and
    (6) speaking or communicating on the subject matter of the
    representation – may be considered as objective evidence of an
    on-going representation. (Ibid.)
    2.    Analysis
    Appellants assert that Respondents continued to represent
    them on the ThinCare Litigation through Markman until
    Appellants formally severed ties on July 8, 2013. Until then,
    Appellants contend the Respondents continued to render legal
    services which tolled the statute of limitation under Code of Civil
    Procedure section 340.6, subdivision (a)(2) which provides for
    tolling when, “[t]he attorney continues to represent the plaintiff
    regarding the specific subject matter in which the alleged
    wrongful act or omission occurred.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 340.6,
    subd. (a)(2).) According to the Appellants, with the execution of
    the tolling agreement, the statute of limitations was extended for
    an additional two years up until July of 2016 when the original
    complaint was filed.
    A review of the record shows the following facts:
    (1)   When the ThinCare Litigation was filed in Utah,
    Markman recommended Appellants retain Greenberg Traurig
    litigation attorneys, Matthew S. Steinberg and Richard G. Merrill
    to represent the Appellants.
    (2)   Utah attorneys from the law firm of Strong & Hanni
    made a notice of entry of appearance of counsel in the ThinCare
    litigation on July 8, 2011.
    (3)   The Utah Federal District Court granted Greenberg
    Traurig’s litigation attorneys, Matthew S. Steinberg and Richard
    G. Merrill, pro hac vice admission on July 12, 2011.
    (4)   Appellants discharged respondent Greenberg
    Traurig’s litigation attorneys, Matthew S. Steinberg and Richard
    G. Merrill, reflected in a substitution of counsel filing which
    named Stuart Schultz of Strong & Hanni as counselor for the
    Appellants on February 29, 2012.
    (5)   Appellants sent a letter dated August 22, 2013 to
    Markman which indicated Appellants had instructed Markman
    and Greenberg Traurig on July 8, 2013 to suspend all further
    services on their behalf.
    (6)   Respondents and Appellants executed the Tolling
    Agreement effective July 8, 2014 for a one-year period.
    (7)   Respondents and Appellants executed an
    Amendment to the Tolling Agreement effective July 8, 2015 for
    another one-year period.
    (8)   Appellants filed the original complaint in the instant
    case on July 7, 2016.
    On this issue, the factual question is whether between item
    (4) and item (5) above, Respondents continued to represent the
    Appellants on the specific subject matter in which the alleged
    wrongful act or omission occurred.
    We note, this is not a case of litigation malpractice. Both
    sides agree, the Viner case is controlling because Markman
    provided transactional services as a shareholder partner for
    Greenberg Traurig. Furthermore, the record shows Respondents
    provided both transactional and litigation services which makes
    the analysis more complex than a garden variety litigation
    representation when counsel substitutes out.
    Appellants’ evidence shows they viewed Markman as “their
    legal counsel” and he continued to bill them for work performed
    until late 2013. For example, invoice number 3518158 for
    $59,964.08 shows entries for litigation related work on May 17,
    2013, May 20, 2013, May 22, 2013, May 24, 2013, May 30, 2013,
    May 31, 2013, June 7, 2013, June 11, 2013, June 13, 2013,
    June 18, 2013, June 20, 2013, and June 21, 2013. While a
    transactional attorney can sometimes become involved in
    litigation to render advice on deals they have worked on, and,
    while it is possible these billing entries were for work on behalf of
    the Appellants on some other litigation, we know for certain, this
    billing time period led up to the partial summary judgment
    motion hearing date in Utah District Court which occurred on
    July 7, 2013.
    That Markman communicated and worked on the ThinCare
    Litigation after March of 2012 finds further support in the record.
    For example, on June 10, 2013, Strong & Hanni requested
    Markman’s assistance on legal issues on the ThinCare Litigation
    memorialized in a letter sent by Strong & Hanni to the
    Appellants. This appears to correspond with Markman’s billing
    notation from June 11, 2013. The record also contains an e-mail
    sent by Strong & Hanni to Appellants and Markman from May
    29, 2013 on the potential impact of the federal court “unsealing”
    the case. The inquiry triggered Markman’s involvement with
    litigation strategy on the potential impact of such “unsealing” on
    Appellants’ federal regulatory concerns.
    It remains an open question whether these actions by the
    Respondents were tangential to the prior representation or
    constitutes evidence of continuous representation. Resolving
    statute of limitations issue is normally a question of fact. (Fox v.
    Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. (2005) 
    35 Cal.4th 797
    , 810.)
    Certainly here, the statute of limitations question involves
    materially disputed facts that cannot be resolved by a summary
    adjudication motion.
    The order granting the summary adjudication on the first,
    second, third, fifth and seventh causes of action is reversed. The
    case is remanded for further proceedings. Appellants are entitled
    to recover their costs on appeal.
    OHTA, J.*
    We concur:
    BIGELOW, P. J.
    GRIMES, J.
    *     Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, assigned by the
    Chief Justice pursuant to article VI, section 6 of the California