East Oakland Stadium Alliance, LLC v. City of Oakland ( 2023 )

  • Filed 3/30/23
    ALLIANCE et al.,
    Plaintiffs and Appellants,
    v.                                      A166221
    CITY OF OAKLAND et al.,
    (Alameda County
    Defendants and
    Super. Ct. No.
    GROUP, LLC, et al.,
    Real Parties in Interest
    and Appellants.
    Oakland’s professional baseball team proposes to construct
    a new ballpark and a large, adjoining development featuring
    several new commercial and residential buildings. The proposed
    building site is currently used largely for parking and storage
    activities associated with the Port of Oakland. Among other
    issues of public concern, the soil at the project site is
    contaminated from long years of industrial use; the ballpark and
    development will generate substantial new pedestrian and
    vehicle traffic in the neighborhood; and the site’s existing uses
    must be relocated.
    Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act
    (Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq. (CEQA)),1 the City of
    Oakland (City) prepared an environmental impact report (EIR)
    for the project. Following the City’s certification of the EIR,
    appellants (petitioners) filed petitions for a writ of mandate
    challenging the EIR’s compliance with CEQA. In an extensive
    written decision, the trial court found inadequate one mitigation
    measure designed to address the project’s adverse wind effects,
    but it rejected petitioners’ other claims. The judgment required
    the City to reconsider and revise the wind mitigation measure
    and otherwise denied the petitions.
    Petitioners appeal the denial of the bulk of their claims,
    while the City, the Oakland City Council, the Port of Oakland
    (Port), and the project sponsor, Athletics Investment Group, LLC
    (respondents), have filed cross-appeals of the trial court’s
    rejection of the wind mitigation measure.2 We affirm.
    The Oakland Waterfront Ballpark District Project (project)
    proposes an ambitious redevelopment of Howard Terminal, a 50-
    acre site within the Port, and five acres of contiguous parcels.
    The centerpiece is a 35,000-seat ballpark for the city’s Major
    League Baseball team, the Oakland Athletics (A’s), but the
    All subsequent statutory references are to the Public
    Resources Code, unless indicated otherwise.
    2Although these entities filed separate notices of cross-
    appeal, they joined on the briefs in this court.
    project also anticipates construction of 3,000 residential units,
    270,000 square feet of retail space, 1.5 million square feet of
    space for other commercial uses, a performance venue, and up to
    400 hotel rooms. There will be parking for 8,900 vehicles, and
    nearly 20 acres will be set aside as publicly accessible open space.
    It is estimated that the project will take eight years to complete.
    Howard Terminal borders an estuary southwest of the
    City’s downtown. Portions of the site are currently used for
    various commercial maritime activities, but most of the land is
    devoted to truck parking and container storage. A rail line
    serving passenger and freight traffic runs down the middle of
    Embarcadero West, the street forming the northern border of
    Howard Terminal.
    The City began preparation of an EIR for the project in
    November 2018 and issued a draft EIR in February 2021. The
    City Council certified the final EIR a year later, adopting
    extensive findings. Among these findings was a statement of
    overriding considerations, concluding that the project’s benefits
    outweighed several significant environmental impacts that could
    not be fully mitigated.
    Three writ petitions challenging the adequacy of the EIR
    were consolidated for hearing. Except with respect to one wind
    mitigation measure, the trial court rejected petitioners’ claims,
    finding the EIR adequate and the City in compliance with CEQA.
    The judgment directed the City to reconsider its adoption of the
    wind mitigation measure, but otherwise denied the petitions.
    I.    Governing Law
    A.       CEQA—General Overview3
    CEQA “embodies a central state policy to require state and
    local governmental entities to perform their duties ‘so that major
    consideration is given to preventing environmental damage.’
    [Citations.] [¶] CEQA prescribes how governmental decisions will
    be made when public entities, including the state itself, are
    charged with approving, funding—or themselves undertaking—a
    project with significant effects on the environment.” (Friends of
    the Eel River v. North Coast Railroad Authority (2017) 
    3 Cal.5th 677
    , 711–712, italics omitted.)
    When the agency responsible for approving a proposed
    discretionary project finds substantial evidence that the project
    may have a significant impact on the environment, CEQA
    requires the agency to prepare and certify an EIR before
    approving the project. (Union of Medical Marijuana Patients,
    Inc. v. City of San Diego (2019) 
    7 Cal.5th 1171
    , 1187; § 21100,
    subd. (a).) One purpose of the EIR “is to inform the public and its
    responsible officials of the environmental consequences of their
    decisions before they are made.” (Citizens of Goleta Valley v.
    Board of Supervisors (1990) 
    52 Cal.3d 553
    , 564.) “The [EIR] must
    include a description of the proposed project and its
    environmental setting and discussions of (1) the possible
    The facts and law applicable to the specific claims raised
    by petitioners and respondents are discussed as appropriate in
    connection with each claim.
    environmental effects of the project, (2) feasible measures to
    mitigate any significant, adverse environmental effects of the
    project, (3) the comparative environmental effects of a range of
    reasonable alternatives to the proposed project, including a ‘no
    project’ alternative, and (4) the cumulative impact of the project’s
    various environmental effects.” (County of Butte v. Department of
    Water Resources (2022) 
    13 Cal.5th 612
    , 627 (County of Butte).) In
    this way, an EIR serves “to identify the significant effects on the
    environment of a project, to identify alternatives to the project,
    and to indicate the manner in which those significant effects can
    be mitigated or avoided.” (§ 21002.1, subd. (a).)
    The CEQA process, however, “is not solely informational.
    It also plays a critical regulatory role, largely through the
    mechanism of mitigation measures.” (County of Butte, supra,
    13 Cal.5th at p. 642 (conc. & dis. opn. of Cantil-Sakauye, C.J.).)
    When an EIR concludes that a project, as proposed, will result in
    a significant environmental effect, the EIR must propose
    mitigation measures, which are “modifications of the proposed
    design and implementation of a project . . . to reduce the project’s
    adverse environmental effects.” (County of Butte, at p. 627;
    Guidelines, § 15126.4, subd. (a)(1)(A) [an EIR must “identify
    mitigation measures for each significant environmental effect
    identified in the EIR”].)4 Once identified, the mitigation
    measures, if feasible, must be adopted by the lead agency as
    4We will cite and refer to CEQA’s implementing
    regulations, codified at title 14, division 6, chapter 3 of the
    California Code of Regulations, as the “Guidelines.”
    legally enforceable conditions of the project. (Sierra Club v.
    County of Fresno (2018) 
    6 Cal.5th 502
    , 524–525 (Sierra Club)
    [agencies are required to implement all feasible mitigation
    measures]; Guidelines, § 15126.4, subd. (a)(2) [mitigation
    measures must be made “fully enforceable” through “legally-
    binding instruments”].) Approving a project that omits a feasible
    mitigation measure constitutes an abuse of discretion. (Sierra
    Club, at p. 526.) A “feasible” mitigation measure is one that is
    “capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a
    reasonable period of time, taking into account economic,
    environmental, social, and technological factors.” (§ 21061.1;
    Guidelines, § 15364.)
    When an agency concludes that a proposed project will
    result in an environmental effect that cannot be reduced to
    insignificance through the application of feasible mitigation
    measures, the project may not be approved unless the responsible
    agency makes an express finding that “specific overriding
    economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of the
    project outweigh the significant effects on the environment.”
    (§ 21081, subd (b); County of Butte, at pp. 627–628.) But even
    when a project’s benefits are found to outweigh its significant
    environmental effects, “agencies are still required to implement
    all mitigation measures unless those measures are truly
    infeasible.” (Sierra Club, 
     6 Cal.5th at pp. 524–525.)
    B.      Standard of Review
    “In general, judicial review of agency actions for CEQA
    compliance extends to ‘whether there was a prejudicial abuse of
    discretion.’ ” (Protecting Our Water & Environmental Resources
    v. County of Stanislaus (2020) 
    10 Cal.5th 479
    , 495 (County of
    Stanislaus).) “ ‘[A]n agency may abuse its discretion under
    CEQA either by failing to proceed in the manner CEQA provides
    or by reaching factual conclusions unsupported by substantial
    evidence. [Citation.] Judicial review of these two types of error
    differs significantly: While we determine de novo whether the
    agency has employed the correct procedures, “scrupulously
    enforc[ing] all legislatively mandated CEQA requirements”
    [citation], we accord greater deference to the agency’s substantive
    factual conclusions. In reviewing for substantial evidence, the
    reviewing court “may not set aside an agency’s approval of an
    EIR on the ground that an opposite conclusion would have been
    equally or more reasonable,” for, on factual questions, our task “is
    not to weigh conflicting evidence and determine who has the
    better argument.” ’ ” (Sierra Club, supra, 6 Cal.5th at p. 512.)
    We “ ‘review[] the agency’s action, not the trial court’s
    decision; in that sense appellate judicial review under CEQA is
    de novo.’ ” (County of Stanislaus, supra, 10 Cal.5th at p. 495.)
    II.   Mitigation of Railroad Impacts
    Petitioners first contend that the EIR’s plan for
    safeguarding ballpark visitors from rail traffic is, for three
    separate reasons, infeasible and ineffective.5
    5The first claim petitioners purport to present is that the
    “EIR systematically deferred analysis and mitigation.” The
    accompanying one-page argument, however, is conclusory and
    unsupported by citation to the record. We therefore disregard
    this argument, except as mitigation deferral is properly raised in
    As noted, Howard Terminal is bounded on the north by
    railroad tracks that actively serve both passenger and freight
    lines. The tracks are unusual in that they run down the middle
    of a major street at grade. Traffic gates at intersections are the
    only barriers separating the tracks from Embarcadero West and
    its cross-streets. As the EIR explained, “[t]he railroad segment
    through Jack London District is unique in California in that
    passenger and freight trains operate within an urban street
    sharing the rail right-of-way with motor vehicles, bicycles, and
    pedestrians . . . . [R]ailroad crossing controls and protection are
    minimally provided at public street at-grade crossings but no
    features exist that preclude people from crossing mid-block or
    turning left across the railroad tracks even when crossing
    controls are activated.” A study by the City found that an
    average of six freight trains and 36 passenger trains use the
    tracks daily between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., the
    time period when fans will be attending baseball games. These
    trains thus present not only a safety hazard to persons visiting
    the ballpark, but also the risk that access to the site will be
    obstructed by passing trains.
    To address these problems, the EIR proposed and the City
    adopted a series of mitigation measures, including the
    connection with petitioners’ other claims. (See, e.g., United
    Grand Corp. v. Malibu Hillbillies, LLC (2019) 
    36 Cal.App.5th 142
    , 153 [disregarding “ ‘conclusory arguments that are not
    supported by pertinent legal authority or fail to disclose the
    reasoning by which the appellant reached the conclusions he
    wants us to adopt’ ”].)
    installation of fencing on both sides of the tracks for the length of
    the project site’s frontage; the elimination of one intersection and
    the installation of enhanced safety features at the remainder; and
    the construction of two overcrossings, one for bicycles and
    pedestrians and a second for vehicles. Although these measures
    will improve existing conditions, the EIR found that the project
    will present significant and unavoidable environmental impacts
    because it will expose the vehicles and pedestrians expected to
    cross the tracks at the five remaining at-grade intersections to
    the safety hazards created by the railroad tracks.
    A.      The Multi-Use Path
    Petitioners contend that a portion of one of the measures
    proposed to mitigate railroad impacts is not feasible. As noted,
    the EIR requires fencing on both sides of the tracks to isolate the
    railroad corridor from traffic on Embarcadero West and thereby
    prevent crossing of the tracks between intersections. The
    proposed fence would start at the northwest corner of the site and
    extend two blocks beyond the northeast corner.
    As part of this measure, the EIR anticipates that a three-
    block stretch of the southern lane of Embarcadero West would be
    closed to vehicle traffic and “physically separated from the
    railroad tracks by a fence to accommodate a multi-use path.” The
    proposed location of the multi-use path, however, is within the
    right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company (UPRR),
    which operates the freight line on the tracks. During preparation
    of the EIR, UPRR told the City that “[n]o part of the railroad
    right of way may be used for the Project. UPRR is preserving the
    full width of its right of way for future capacity needs and will not
    make any of it available for third-party development.” The final
    EIR recognized that UPRR’s stated position “would preclude the
    multi-use path described in the Draft EIR.” Petitioners rely on
    UPRR’s position and the City’s concession in arguing that the
    multi-use path is not feasible.
    The flaw in this argument is that the mitigation measure
    at issue is not the multi-use path. It is the fence. As discussed
    above, the EIR proposes to reduce safety risks by requiring
    construction of a fence on both sides of the railroad tracks to
    prevent pedestrians and vehicles from crossing them outside of
    intersections. The multi-use path is an aspect of the envisioned
    modification of Embarcadero West, but the path does not itself
    contribute to the fence’s mitigation of safety hazards. Rather, the
    path appears to be simply an amenity. Indeed, the final EIR
    recognizes that the path would be located outside the fence,
    “between the fence and the existing buildings,” where it would
    play little or no role in hazard mitigation.
    Petitioners cite no law suggesting that the infeasibility of a
    single feature of a mitigation measure necessarily renders the
    entire measure infeasible. With or without a multi-use path, the
    fence will have the desired effect of precluding access to the
    tracks between intersections, and there is no evidence to suggest
    that loss of the path will reduce the effectiveness of the fencing.
    Further, the final EIR concludes that UPRR’s position with
    respect to its right of way would not necessarily preclude
    construction of the fence, which is consistent with UPRR’s
    insistence that “[f]encing or similarly effective barriers must be
    constructed to prevent the public from entering the railroad right
    of way at unauthorized locations.” Substantial evidence thus
    supports the City’s conclusion that this mitigation measure is
    B.       The Pedestrian and Bicycle Overcrossing
    Petitioners next contend that the mitigation measure
    requiring construction of an overcrossing dedicated to pedestrians
    and bicyclists “will not be effective.”
    Construction of an overpass across Embarcadero West will,
    in theory, permit pedestrians and bicyclists to enter the project
    site without crossing the railroad tracks, thereby avoiding both
    the danger and delay posed by passing trains. In part to
    encourage use of the overpass, the EIR requires its installation to
    be accompanied by improvements to the surrounding streets and
    sidewalks “to provide a pedestrian path of travel between
    buildings and parking where no sidewalk exists today.” The EIR
    anticipates that the overpass will be located near the northeast
    corner of the site, which is expected to receive about 60 percent of
    the fans entering the ballpark on game days, but a specific
    location was not determined because implementation of the
    overpass will be subject to the jurisdiction of the California Public
    Utilities Commission (CPUC). The EIR concluded that the
    overpass will serve between 3,000 and 6,000 persons during the
    peak hour on game days. It recognized, however, that although
    the overpass “would have the potential to improve safety and
    therefore reduce the severity” of the rail hazards, “some travelers
    to and from the site would continue to use at-grade crossings” at
    Embarcadero West intersections.
    Relying on a number of public comments criticizing the
    EIR’s tentative placement of the overpass at Jefferson Street, a
    cross street toward the eastern end of the project site, and taking
    issue with the analysis in the technical study on which the
    tentative placement and design of the overpass was based,
    petitioners claim that “substantial evidence demonstrates” that
    the overpass will be ineffective.
    Petitioners’ contention misstates the applicable standard of
    review. The question before us is not whether substantial
    evidence supports a petitioner’s critique of the EIR; it is whether
    substantial evidence supports the agency’s conclusions. (Sierra
    Club, supra, 6 Cal.5th at p. 512 [“ ‘In reviewing for
    substantial evidence, the reviewing court “may not set aside an
    agency’s approval of an EIR on the ground that an opposite
    conclusion would have been equally or more reasonable,” for, on
    factual questions, our task “is not to weigh conflicting evidence
    and determine who has the better argument” ’ ”].)
    The EIR concluded that the overpass would divert some
    3,000 to 6,000 visitors from using at-grade crossings on game
    days, but it did not contend that the overpass—or, indeed, any
    proposed mitigation measures—would solve the unusual
    problems created by the at-grade railroad tracks running across
    the northern border of the project site. The City acknowledged
    this in adopting a statement of overriding considerations
    regarding these hazards, concluding that the project’s benefits
    outweighed the unmitigable hazards presented by the tracks.
    The EIR unquestionably contains substantial evidence to support
    a finding that the overpass will significantly mitigate the hazards
    by diverting thousands of visitors from at-grade intersections, but
    the adoption of a statement of overriding considerations makes
    clear that the City did not believe the risks will be entirely
    Petitioners are critical of the proposed placement of the
    overpass, but there does not appear to be an ideal location. None
    of the evidence cited by petitioners establishes that an
    alternative placement would, all things considered, be preferable,
    and the EIR provides rational reasons for its choice.6 Because
    substantial evidence supports the conclusion that the tentative
    location identified in the EIR will have the mitigating effect
    explained in the EIR, we have no legal basis to second-guess the
    City. Moreover, precise placement of the overpass—and, indeed,
    its very existence—will be up to the CPUC, as the EIR
    acknowledges. The City recognized this uncertainty in citing the
    CPUC’s authority as one basis for its adoption of a statement of
    overriding considerations with respect to rail hazards.
    6 The study on which the EIR relied considered four
    different overpass locations. Two were found infeasible. The EIR
    focused on the Jefferson Street location because it scored highest
    on all the factors evaluated by the study, was judged to be
    compatible with the existing City grid, and is close to a proposed
    transit hub on 2nd Street. But the mitigation measure also
    identifies Clay Street “or comparable nearby location” and leaves
    the decision to the project sponsor and the CPUC.
    Petitioners cite City of Maywood v. Los Angeles Unified
    School Dist. (2012) 
    208 Cal.App.4th 362
     (City of Maywood), which
    considered an EIR prepared in connection with a proposed new
    high school. (Id. at p. 371.) As proposed in the notice of
    preparation for the EIR, the project required the closure of 58th
    Street, a major street running through the proposed campus site.
    During the period of EIR preparation, however, the project was
    redesigned to incorporate a pedestrian bridge crossing the street,
    which would remain open to traffic. (Id. at p. 387.) Although the
    EIR addressed traffic safety, neither the project’s consultants nor
    the draft EIR addressed the risks created by permitting 58th
    Street to divide the campus. (Id. at p. 388.) When the failure
    was pointed out in comments on the draft EIR, the final EIR “did
    not make any substantive changes to the [draft EIR’s] subchapter
    on pedestrian safety. The [agency] also chose not to revise the
    pedestrian safety study to consider impacts associated with 58th
    Street and the pedestrian bridge.” (Id. at p. 389.) The court
    found the EIR inadequate due in part to its failure to address
    safety impacts created by the change of plans regarding 58th
    Street. (Id. at pp. 395, 436.)
    Petitioners point to no deficiency in the EIR’s discussion of
    rail hazards comparable to the failure in City of Maywood. The
    EIR disclosed and addressed the risks presented by the rail
    tracks; petitioners merely criticize the thoroughness of the
    discussion and some of its conclusions. Our substantial evidence
    standard of review precludes these disputes from serving as a
    basis for reversal.
    C.     Failure to Consider Closure of Intersections
    Petitioners argue that the EIR failed to consider the
    temporary closure of Embarcadero West intersections during
    events at the ballpark as a means to mitigate the hazards
    associated with the railroad tracks. As respondents argue, this
    contention was not properly exhausted.
    As noted, the EIR considered a series of physical changes to
    Embarcadero West and the surrounding streets to mitigate the
    hazards associated with the railroad tracks. At least two
    commenters suggested that the City should consider closing
    intersections as a further means of reducing those risks. The
    first suggestion was relatively summary. (Comment of RailPros
    [“The DEIR and appendix do not sufficiently address the
    potential for crossing closures to reduce impacts”].) The second
    comment, by the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (JPA),
    was more substantial. The JPA suggested that “[t]he only
    feasible mitigation for [the risk created by pedestrians crossing
    the railroad tracks] is a combination of grade separation or
    closure of the railroad crossings.” It therefore urged the City to
    “study a combination of grade separation and permanent closure
    of all railroad crossings near and adjacent to the Ballpark,”
    opining that “without a combination of grade-separation . . . and
    permanent closures at all five (5) railroad crossings . . . , the
    Project would be imprudent from our perspective.” (Italics
    added.) After discussing grade separation in more detail, the
    JPA’s comment devoted a paragraph to the claim that “the City is
    obligated to fully analyze an alternative involving permanent
    closure of the five at-grade railroad crossings. This alternative
    was impermissibly eliminated from full consideration in the
    [draft EIR].” (Italics added.)
    In a different portion of the letter, three pages later and in
    a section entitled, “Pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing,” the JPA
    noted that it was uncertain how many fans would use the
    overpass because “[t]o use the overcrossing, users would need to
    first go up 26 feet and then down 26 feet,” which might
    discourage some. The comment continued, “At a minimum,
    measures to encourage use of the overcrossing will be necessary
    considering normal human proclivity to seek the fastest way from
    one side of the railroad tracks to another. The most effective and
    safest way to preclude the possible use of at-grade crossings is by
    closing them, whether temporarily or permanently.” (Italics
    The final EIR addressed the permanent closure of the
    Embarcadero West intersections, finding it infeasible. Closing
    these intersections, the final EIR noted, would turn portions of
    four of the crossing streets into cul-de-sacs, interfering with
    traffic patterns and isolating from vehicle access a wide variety of
    offices and businesses, boat slips, parking facilities, and a fire
    station. Closing the fifth intersection would divide a “major
    street” connecting downtown Oakland with the waterfront,
    requiring “substantial changes to area circulation.” The EIR did
    not, as petitioners now urge, consider temporary closure of these
    intersections during ballpark events.
    Our colleagues in Division Five recently summarized the
    CEQA exhaustion requirement: “ ‘ “In order to attack a decision
    that is subject to CEQA, the alleged grounds for noncompliance
    must have been presented to the public agency . . . .” ’ ‘ “[T]he
    objections must be sufficiently specific so that the agency has the
    opportunity to evaluate and respond to them.” ’ [Citation.]
    This requirement is known as the exhaustion doctrine.
    [Citation.] The rationale behind this rule is that the public
    agency should have the opportunity to receive and respond to
    articulated factual issues and legal theories before its actions are
    subjected to judicial review. [Citation.]’ [Citation.] [¶] Generally
    speaking, ‘ “ ‘ “bland and general references to environmental
    matters” ’ ” ’ or ‘ “ ‘ “isolated and unelaborated” ’ ” ’ comments do
    not satisfy the exhaustion requirement; rather, the ‘ “ ‘ “exact
    issue” ’ ” ’ must have been presented to the agency. [Citations.]
    At the same time, courts have acknowledged less specificity is
    required to preserve an issue for appeal in an administrative
    proceeding than in a court proceeding because parties are not
    generally represented by counsel before administrative
    bodies . . . .” (Save the Hill Group v. City of Livermore (2022)
    76 Cal.App.5th 1092
    , 1104–1105.) In essence, “[t]o satisfy the
    exhaustion doctrine, the objections must ‘fairly apprise[]’ the
    agency of the purported defect in the EIR.” (Planning &
    Conservation League v. Castaic Lake Water Agency (2009)
    180 Cal.App.4th 210
    , 251.)
    We agree with respondents that the single word
    “temporarily” in the JPA’s comment did not fairly apprise the
    City that the JPA was proposing temporary closure of the
    intersections as a mitigation measure independent of permanent
    closure. In so holding, we recognize that the JPA comment did
    suggest that “[t]he most effective and safest way to preclude the
    possible use of at-grade crossings is by closing them, whether
    temporarily or permanently.” Yet in determining whether this
    mention fairly apprised the City of the issue, it is necessary to
    consider the context. This sentence came toward the close of a
    letter primarily faulting the City for failing to consider two
    specific mitigation measures: some form of grade separation at
    each of the intersections or the permanent closure of the
    intersections without grade separation. The comment discussed
    each of these issues at length in separate paragraphs, and each of
    the several mentions of closure referred specifically to
    “permanent closure” of the intersections. The final mention of
    “closing them, whether temporarily or permanently,” which
    occurred three pages later in a separate portion of the letter,
    gives no indication that it was intended to refer to a mitigation
    measure different from that urged in the remainder of the
    comment. On the contrary, the single reference to temporary
    closure was an “isolated and unelaborated comment.” (Banker's
    Hill, Hillcrest, Park West Community Preservation Group v. City
    of San Diego (2006) 
    139 Cal.App.4th 249
    , 282.) Merely adding
    the word “temporarily” to a sentence that otherwise reiterated a
    point made several times in the comment was insufficient to
    fairly apprise the City that the JPA considered temporary closure
    to be an issue separate and apart from permanent closure.
    Petitioners rely on Los Angeles Unified School Dist. v. City
    of Los Angeles (1997) 
    58 Cal.App.4th 1019
     (Los Angeles Unified),
    but that case is inapposite. In Los Angeles Unified, the City
    prepared an EIR addressing a proposed plan for development of a
    portion of the San Fernando Valley. (Id. at p. 1022.) The school
    district argued that the EIR failed to consider measures to
    mitigate the impact of increased air pollution on community
    schools, such as “the feasibility of air conditioning and filtering at
    the schools so the windows could be closed against the polluted
    air.” (Id. at p. 1028.) There was no dispute that these mitigation
    measures were suggested by the school district in its comments
    on the EIR, and the city did not contend that the school district
    had failed to exhaust the claim. (Id. at pp. 1028–1029.) Further,
    there was no suggestion that the school district’s comment was
    raised in a manner analogous to the JPA’s single passing mention
    of temporary closings.
    In sum, we are unpersuaded by petitioners’ challenge to the
    EIR’s discussion of railroad-related impacts and mitigation.
    III.    Displacement of Howard Terminal Activities
    As approved, the project will displace all current activities
    at Howard Terminal and require their relocation. Petitioners
    contend the EIR did not adequately analyze the environmental
    consequences of this displacement.
    A.     Seaport Parking Assumptions
    Petitioners first argue that the EIR’s assumption that
    displaced overnight truck parking can relocate to nearby lots—an
    assumption made for the EIR’s analysis of the impact of such
    displacement on air quality—is not supported by substantial
    The primary activities displaced by the project are parking
    for trucks and container storage, but Howard Terminal is also the
    site of a longshoreperson training facility, a vessel berth used for
    maintenance and storage, and facilities for truck repair. The
    project will require all these activities to find a new home. As the
    final EIR recognized, because the economic impact of
    displacement “is not in and of itself considered a significant
    impact for CEQA purposes,” the EIR “is not required to identify
    potential relocation sites . . . as mitigation.” (See Guidelines,
    § 15131, subd. (a); Gray v. County of Madera (2008)
    167 Cal.App.4th 1099
    , 1120–1121 (Gray) [“Economic and social
    effects may be considered, but by themselves, are not treated as
    significant effects on the environment”].) To evaluate the
    environmental impact of displacement, however, the EIR was
    required to make reasonable assumptions about the manner in
    which relocation would occur.
    In its discussion of the impact of displacement on local air
    quality, the EIR assumed that trucks currently parking at the
    project site would find sufficient alternative overnight parking
    within the Port. The assumption was premised on the findings of
    a 2020 study of overnight truck parking needs at the Port
    through the year 2050, which was included in a broader study of
    future Port activities (Seaport Forecast). Asked to update an
    earlier survey which found that 30 acres of truck parking space
    at the Port would be adequate for “foreseeable conditions,” the
    Seaport Forecast concluded that even assuming strong growth in
    Port traffic, overnight parking needs would continue to be
    accommodated on 30 acres through 2050.
    Based on the Seaport Forecast, the EIR assumed that 30
    acres of parking would be necessary to accommodate total
    overnight parking needs. The EIR located that acreage at two
    sites within the Port. The first was 15 acres at the
    “Roundhouse,” an existing facility to the west of Howard
    Terminal that was already used for parking. The second site was
    15 acres of then-unused space at the former Oakland Army Base
    (OAB), which was projected to open in 2021. The City had earlier
    committed to making the OAB site available for Port truck
    parking and ancillary maritime services in connection with the
    redevelopment of OAB. As the final EIR explained, the OAB
    facilities occupy 16.7 acres and would provide “a range of support
    services for trucking companies,” including “areas for short-term
    and overnight truck parking.” Because trucks currently parking
    at Howard Terminal should find sufficient overnight parking at
    one of these two locations, the EIR concluded, relocation of
    parking “would not create new or additional [air quality]
    A comment by the Bay Area Air Quality Management
    District (BAAQMD) observed that the Roundhouse site is at
    capacity and, disregarding the EIR’s reference to the OAB site,
    contended that “there are no known plans to develop new or
    additional parking facilities.” CalTrans was similarly concerned
    that “there is a significant shortage in truck parking options” at
    the Port already. Based primarily on these comments,
    petitioners argue that “there was no evidence that the combined
    acreage of the Roundhouse and OAB could absorb the parking
    uses displaced from Howard Terminal.”
    The Seaport Forecast provides the necessary substantial
    evidence to support the EIR’s assumption. As the EIR explained,
    the Seaport Forecast concluded that overnight parking needs at
    the Port in 2050 would be accommodated by 30 acres of parking
    space. The EIR relied on the availability of the necessary 30
    acres between the Roundhouse and the new OAB site to satisfy
    those needs. The Seaport Forecast supports the EIR’s conclusion
    that, once the Howard Terminal parking facilities are closed, the
    anticipated demand for overnight parking at the Port can be
    satisfied by the combined acreage of these two facilities.
    Petitioners cite no evidence in the record that casts doubt on the
    conclusions of the Seaport Forecast regarding future parking
    needs. Therefore, combined with the EIR’s recognition that the
    Roundhouse and OAB are expected to provide a total of 30 acres
    of parking, the Seaport Forecast provides substantial evidence to
    support the assumption that displaced parking can be
    accommodated elsewhere within the Port. (See, e.g., City of Long
    Beach v. City of Los Angeles (2018) 
    19 Cal.App.5th 465
    , 480–481
    [projections by experts may constitute substantial evidence to
    support an EIR’s assumptions].)
    Petitioners argue that the commenters’ observation that
    the Roundhouse is already at capacity casts doubt on the EIR’s
    assumption that displaced parking can be accommodated by the
    Roundhouse and the OAB sites, arguing that there is no evidence
    in the record that the OAB site can accommodate all trucks
    currently using Howard Terminal. As noted above, the EIR’s
    approach to the analysis of future parking needs relied on the
    estimates of the Seaport Forecast, and the analysis was
    reasonable and supported by substantial evidence. Petitioners
    implicitly argue the EIR should have taken a different approach,
    calculating the acreage necessary to accommodate the current
    users of Howard Terminal parking, determining the available
    capacity at the Roundhouse, and adding to that the 15 acres of
    new capacity at OAB. The EIR certainly could have taken this
    approach, but it was not required to do so. (Rodeo Citizens Assn.
    v. County of Contra Costa (2018) 
    22 Cal.App.5th 214
    , 226
    [“ ‘ “CEQA gives lead agencies discretion to design an EIR
    . . . .” ’ ”].)
    If there were evidence in the record suggesting that the
    newly available space at OAB is inadequate to accommodate the
    parking displaced from Howard Terminal, petitioners’ argument
    might have more force. The comments relied on by petitioners,
    however, disregarded entirely the EIR’s reference to the OAB
    site, commenting only that Roundhouse had no additional
    capacity.7 But even if this is true, the OAB site will provide 15
    acres of space to absorb parking displaced at Howard Terminal.
    Neither the comments on which petitioners rely nor any other
    We note that one of the comments cited by petitioners
    undermines their contention that the Roundhouse is already at
    full capacity.
    evidence in the record suggests that the parking needs created by
    the closure of Howard Terminal cannot be accommodated at the
    new OAB site.
    Petitioners also argue that the study is a “projection of
    future parking needs” that “does not address the current parking
    capacity at the Port, nor does it guarantee that any space will be
    available at the Roundhouse (or for that matter at the OAB)
    when activities are displaced from Howard Terminal.” (Italics
    omitted.) While this is literally true, the projected future needs
    in 2050 can reasonably be assumed to exceed present needs.
    Even if the Roundhouse is currently at capacity, the OAB site
    provides an additional 15 acres of parking space, and there is no
    evidence in the record to suggest the OAB site is presently full or
    will be filled during the relevant time.8
    B.       Impacts of Relocation Outside the Port
    Petitioners contend that the EIR inadequately analyzed air
    quality impacts because it declined to consider the impact of
    current Howard Terminal users, primarily parking tenants, that
    will relocate outside the Port.9 The EIR disregarded such
    The fact that the Roundhouse might be converted to
    another use at some point in the future, as petitioners also argue,
    is speculative, as there is nothing in the record to suggest that
    the Roundhouse will be converted to other uses in any foreseeable
    time period.
    All current activities at Howard Terminal will be required
    to relocate. In general terms, petitioners fault the EIR for
    disregarding the air quality impact of this relocation, but their
    analysis focuses exclusively on the impact of relocated truck
    parking. Given the absence of evidence that the relocation of
    impacts because it concluded that attempting to analyze such
    relocation was speculative.
    The EIR contained two separate analyses of the project’s
    impact on air quality, differing in the geographic area over which
    the impacts were measured. The first of these analyses
    addressed the impact of the project on air quality in the
    immediate vicinity of the project site and assumed that all
    displaced parking would relocate to the Roundhouse, which is
    nearly adjacent to the project site. This assumption was selected
    because it presented a “ ‘worst case’ scenario for purposes of the
    health risks associated with [toxic air contaminants] emissions”
    in the immediate area. The failure to analyze the impact of
    parking displaced to locations outside the Port could not have had
    a material impact on this analysis, and petitioners do not appear
    to contend otherwise. Any diversion of parking activities to more
    distant locations would reduce the project’s localized
    environmental impact.10
    The second analysis considered the impact of the project on
    air quality in the San Francisco Bay Area Air Basin, which
    includes Alameda and eight nearby counties. In discussing
    pollutant emissions associated with existing users of Howard
    Terminal, the EIR noted that it did not subtract these emissions
    other activities will have a measurable impact on air quality, we,
    like petitioners, focus on parking.
    10 In this connection, petitioners contend that the EIR erred
    in subtracting emissions from eliminated Howard Terminal
    activities in the analysis of localized impacts. Because those
    activities are displaced to other locations within the Port,
    however, we find no error in this approach.
    from the analysis, despite their need to relocate, because it
    assumed the activities would continue to occur elsewhere in the
    greater Bay Area, even if not at the Port itself. Further, the
    analysis did not consider any additional emissions that might be
    associated with the relocation of these activities outside the Port
    because, as the final EIR explained, “it is unknown where the
    tenants would relocate to if they do not stay within the Seaport.”
    The final EIR characterized these possible changes as
    “speculative,” given the difficulty of predicting how current users
    of Howard Terminal services would respond to the displacement.
    Petitioners dispute the EIR’s characterization of parking
    relocation as speculative and argue that it should have been
    considered because longer distances traveled by relocated
    truckers might generate greater emissions.
    Specifically with respect to truckers who elect to relocate
    outside the Port, the final EIR explained that “the lack of specific
    and reliable information sources on where existing truck parking
    tenants would locate to makes any assumptions of relocation
    areas speculative. . . . Surveys of existing tenants and drivers
    could not be utilized because the information would not be
    reliable or static, as tenants and drivers change over time,
    responses would not be binding or capable of confirmation, and
    could change before the start of Project construction/lease
    termination if the Project is approved. In addition, this is a
    dynamic industry with a mix of large trucking companies, small
    trucking companies, and independent owner-operators that
    frequently change their business operations in response to
    market conditions and other factors.” Particularly given the
    availability of alternative parking within the Port, we find the
    EIR’s conclusion that there is no reliable method to determine
    the number of truckers who will elect to relocate or the site of
    their eventual relocation to be reasonable and supported by the
    administrative record.
    When the environmental impact from a particular project
    feature cannot be reliably ascertained and estimated, it is
    properly characterized as speculative. In Rodeo Citizens Assn. v.
    County of Contra Costa, supra, 
    22 Cal.App.5th 214
    , for example,
    a refinery sought approval to install equipment that would
    permit the refinery to capture and sell butane and propane as a
    byproduct of its operations. (Id. at pp. 217–218.) The petitioner
    contended that the EIR prepared in connection with the permit
    approval was inadequate because it failed “to quantify the
    greenhouse gas emissions from the downstream uses of the
    recovered propane and butane.” (Id. at p. 226.) The court held
    that the agency properly declined to analyze these emissions as
    speculative. (Id. at pp. 226-227.) As the court explained, it could
    not be assumed that the propane and butane would be burned
    because these chemicals have significant non-fuel uses. (Id. at
    p. 227.) Further, because of changing market conditions,
    “historical market data would be an unreliable predictor of the
    future” regarding the manner in which the butane and propane
    would be used. (Ibid.) As a result, the court held, “the lead
    agency reasonably determined that further analysis of the
    potential impacts was impractical and not required.” (Id. at
    p. 228.)
    Rodeo Citizens is illustrative here. As previously noted, the
    EIR reasonably determined that sufficient parking would be
    available near the project site to accommodate the displaced
    trucks. (Section III.A, ante.) Although the EIR recognized the
    likelihood that some truck parking might nonetheless relocate
    outside the Port, it concluded that the extent and character of
    relocation could not be reliably determined at this time and any
    attempt to estimate the extent of relocation was, therefore,
    speculative. For the reasons stated above, we find substantial
    evidence to support that conclusion.
    IV.    Air Quality Analysis
    A.     Emergency Generator Emissions
    Petitioners contend that the EIR’s analysis of emissions
    from emergency electricity generators at the project site was
    The EIR’s air quality analysis “conservatively” assumed
    that the project would include 17 new emergency generators, one
    each at the ballpark and the mixed-use buildings. The analysis
    assumed that these generators would run for 50 hours per year, a
    figure chosen because it represented the maximum time allowed
    by California regulations for annual testing and maintenance of
    such generators. To limit emissions from the generators, the EIR
    included a mitigation measure restricting their annual testing
    and maintenance to a maximum of 20 hours, 30 hours less than
    the maximum permitted.
    An EIR comment contended that the estimated time for
    operation of the generators should have been 150 hours, based on
    a Bay Area Air Quality Management Board (BAAQMD) policy
    document that presumes, in determining the applicability of
    certain agency regulations, 100 hours of annual generator use in
    addition to the time for testing and maintenance. The policy
    explained that “100 hours represents a reasonable worst-case
    assumption regarding the amount of time during any given year
    that a facility could have to operate without outside power.”
    The final EIR rejected the claim that it should follow the
    BAAQMD model, asserting that the EIR was required only to
    assess “emissions which occur on an annual basis,” not
    “ ‘emissions that will only occur infrequently when emergency
    conditions arise.’ . . . The annual hours of operation used in the
    Draft EIR are based on reasonably foreseeable future hours of
    operations, not on the hypothetical maximum hours of operation
    used for permit regulatory purposes.” The final EIR recognized
    that regular power shutoffs, requiring the predictable use of
    generators, do occur during times of wildfire risk in parts of the
    Bay Area that are designated “high fire risk areas.” The project
    site is not so designated.
    Petitioners characterize the EIR as assuming the
    generators would operate for 50 hours of testing and
    maintenance annually, while allocating no time for actual
    emergency use, and argue that this assumption was
    unreasonable. We find no inadequacy in the EIR’s analysis of
    this issue.
    “ ‘CEQA requires that an EIR make “a good faith effort at
    full disclosure.” [Citation.] “An EIR should be prepared with a
    sufficient degree of analysis to provide decisionmakers with
    information which enables them to make a decision which
    intelligently takes account of environmental consequences.” ’ ”
    (Save the El Dorado Canal v. El Dorado Irrigation Dist. (2022)
    75 Cal.App.5th 239
    , 264 (El Dorado.) An EIR “is required to
    study only reasonably foreseeable consequences of” a project.
    (High Sierra Rural Alliance v. County of Plumas (2018)
    29 Cal.App.5th 102
    , 125.) “CEQA does not require an agency to
    assume an unlikely worst-case scenario in its environmental
    analysis.” (Id. at p. 126.)
    The final EIR accurately characterized the City’s burden:
    To analyze the reasonably foreseeable operation of the emergency
    generators. (El Dorado, supra, 75 Cal.App.5th at p. 264.) For
    that reason, if the annual need for emergency generator use is
    reasonably foreseeable, the EIR was not entitled to disregard
    such use merely because it would occur at unpredictable times.
    The EIR acknowledged as much in recognizing the foreseeability
    of annual power shutoffs in high fire risk areas. And as
    petitioners argue, it is likely that power shutoffs will occur at
    some point during the assumed 30-year life of the project’s
    buildings, requiring use of the generators. Neither the EIR nor
    petitioners, however, identify any circumstances that make
    regular emergency use of the generators reasonably foreseeable
    at the project site. Petitioners merely argue the obvious—that
    “shutoffs necessitating use of the emergency generators could
    occur for reasons other than fires.”
    Yet even if some annual emergency use of the generators is
    reasonably foreseeable, we are inclined to conclude that the EIR
    made appropriate allowance for such use. Its adoption of 50
    hours as an appropriate estimate of annual running time was
    based on the maximum time permitted for testing and
    maintenance under California regulations. The time actually
    necessary for testing and maintenance is presumably somewhat
    less than this maximum, as reflected in the EIR’s adoption of a
    mitigation measure allowing only 20 such hours of use. The
    EIR’s estimate of 50 hours of annual operating time therefore
    included a cushion of 30 hours for emergency operation.
    Although the EIR did not purport to allot time for emergency
    operation, its analysis, as a practical matter, appears to have
    done so.
    We are not persuaded otherwise by petitioners’ citation to
    the BAAQMD policy. As the policy document states, its estimate
    of 100 hours is a worst-case assumption that is applicable
    throughout the Bay Area. As noted in the EIR, some parts of the
    Bay Area are subject to predictable, sustained power outages
    undertaken to reduce the risk of fire, and BAAQMD’s generally
    applicable assumption was presumably calculated to take such
    outages into account. The EIR was required to make neither a
    generally applicable nor a worst-case assumption; rather it was
    required to make a reasonable estimate of likely annual use of
    the generators at the project site. It did so.
    B.     Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
    Petitioners contend that the EIR improperly deferred
    mitigation of the project’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
    As the EIR recognized, Assembly Bill No. 734 (Stats. 2018,
    ch. 959, § 2), a state law enacted to speed judicial review of any
    CEQA challenge brought in connection with the project, requires
    the City to incorporate various measures to reduce GHG
    emissions and prohibits the project from causing “any net
    additional emissions of greenhouse gases.” (§ 21168.6.7,
    subds. (a)(3)(A)(ii), (b), (d)(3); see generally, Pacific Merchant
    Shipping Assn. v. Newsom (2021) 
    67 Cal.App.5th 711
    , 719–720
    [addressing § 21168.6.7].) Consequently, as a standard for
    finding no significant environmental impact from GHG
    emissions, the EIR required that the project emit, over its 30-
    year life, no net additional GHGs than are currently emitted in
    connection with the A’s activities. The EIR’s environmental
    impact analysis concluded that, without mitigation, the project
    would fail to meet this standard, producing substantial net
    additional emissions annually throughout its 30-year projected
    To reduce GHG emissions to the significance standard of no
    net additional emissions, the EIR adopted a single mitigation
    measure. Mitigation Measure GHG-1 prohibits the City from
    approving any construction-related permit for the project unless
    the project sponsor has “retain[ed] a qualified air quality
    consultant to develop a Project-wide GHG Reduction Plan” that
    “shall specify anticipated GHG emission reduction measures
    sufficient to reduce or offset these emissions . . . , such that the
    resulting GHG emissions are below the City’s ‘no net additional’
    threshold of significance.”
    Mitigation Measure GHG-1 describes in detail the contents
    of the required emissions reduction plan, including the manner in
    which emissions are to be measured and estimated. Emission
    reduction measures must be specified separately for each project
    phase and must be “verifiable and feasible to implement,” and the
    plan is required to identify the person or entity responsible for
    monitoring each reduction measure. The plan must incorporate
    the EIR’s air quality mitigation measures and must adopt other
    on-site and off-site emissions reduction measures from a detailed,
    five-page list as necessary to meet the significance standard. In
    addition to these specific emissions reduction measures,
    Mitigation Measure GHG-1 identifies several other written
    sources for other possible GHG reduction measures.
    Further, the mitigation measure provides detailed
    instructions for implementing and monitoring the plan, including
    requiring an annual report summarizing the plan’s
    implementation and compliance. The plan must be updated at
    each phase of development, demonstrating with each update that
    the goal of no net additional emissions has been met.
    “The general rule is that an EIR is required to provide the
    information needed to alert the public and the decision makers of
    the significant problems a project would create and to discuss
    currently feasible mitigation measures.” (Sierra Club, supra,
    6 Cal.5th 502
    , 523.) Prior to 2019, the Guidelines generally
    prohibited the deferral of mitigation measures, stating that
    “[f]ormulation of mitigation measures should not be deferred
    until some future time. However, measures may specify
    performance standards which would mitigate the significant
    effect of the project and which may be accomplished in more than
    one specified way.” (Former Guidelines § 15126.4, subd. (a)(1)(B);
    see Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15126.4, Register 2010, No. 8 (Feb.
    19, 2010), p. 690.) By the time the EIR was circulated in 2021,
    the guidelines had been amended to permit an agency to develop
    the “specific details of a mitigation measure” after project
    approval “when it is impractical or infeasible to include those
    details during the project’s environmental review.”11 (Guidelines,
    § 15126.4, subd. (a)(1)(B) (Section 15126.4).) In such
    circumstances, deferral of mitigation details is permitted if the
    agency “(1) commits itself to the mitigation, (2) adopts specific
    performance standards the mitigation will achieve, and (3)
    identifies the type(s) of potential action(s) that can feasibly
    achieve that performance standard and that will [be] considered,
    analyzed, and potentially incorporated in the mitigation
    measure.” (§ 15126.4, subd. (a)(1)(B); see Save Our Capitol! v.
    Department of General Services (2022) 
    85 Cal.App.5th 1101
    , 1134
    (Save Our Capitol!).)
    Because petitioners do not challenge the City’s implicit
    conclusion that it was impractical or infeasible to formulate the
    details of the GHG mitigation measure at the time the EIR was
    11See Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15126.4, Register 2019, No.
    2-Z (Jan. 11, 2019), p. 78.
    prepared, we evaluate the GHG mitigation measure under the
    standards established by Section 15126.4.12
    Mitigation Measure GHG-1 satisfies the three
    requirements of Section 15126.4. First, there is no question that
    the EIR commits the City to the mitigation measure. By its
    terms, the measure prohibits the approval of any permit allowing
    the project sponsor to proceed with construction until the GHG
    mitigation plan is formulated. The same requirement applies
    with respect to the updates required prior to commencement of
    subsequent phases of the project; no phase can proceed without
    an appropriate update. To assist in the City’s “review and
    approval of the Plan” and the updates, the City is required to
    retain a “third-party expert,” paid for by the project sponsor. And
    of course, compliance with the no net additional emissions
    standard is mandated by statute. (§ 21168.6.7, subd. (b).)
    Second, Mitigation Measure GHG-1 adopts a specific
    performance standard that the mitigation will achieve: The
    requirement in Assembly Bill No. 734 that the project will result
    in no net additional GHG emissions above those generated by the
    current activities of the project sponsor.13 The EIR describes in
    detail the manner of calculating existing GHG emissions from the
    12 Interpreting of the requirements of Section 15126.4,
    subdivision (a)(1)(B) is an issue of law that we review de novo.
    (Sierra Club, supra, 6 Cal.5th at p. 512.)
    13 As the EIR states, “The net additional GHG emissions
    associated with the proposed Project is defined as the difference
    in emissions between the A’s related existing emissions and the
    Project’s total operational emissions, including construction
    emissions amortized over the lifetime of the Project.”
    project sponsor’s current activities and quantifies these
    emissions. In 2018, the baseline year, the activities resulted in
    the emission of 8,580 million tons of carbon dioxide annually.
    Holding project GHG emissions below this level is therefore the
    specific performance standard the project must meet.14 In
    addition, the EIR’s analysis quantifies the GHG emissions that
    are expected from the project in the absence of mitigation, with
    any amount above the 8,580 million ton baseline constituting the
    quantitative target for GHG emission reductions.
    Third, Mitigation Measure GHG-1 “identifies the type(s) of
    potential action(s) that can feasibly achieve that performance
    standard and that will be considered, analyzed, and potentially
    incorporated in the mitigation measure.” (§ 15126.4,
    subd. (a)(1)(B).) Mitigation Measure GHG-1 first sets out a series
    of reduction measures that must be incorporated into the plan,
    including adoption of the EIR’s air quality and transportation
    mitigation measures, gold certification from the United States
    Green Building Council for the ballpark and all subsequent
    buildings, extensive electric vehicle charger installation, and
    electrification of at least 50 percent of all residential units. In
    addition, the project sponsor is required to include an extensive
    series of further reduction measures “as necessary to meet the
    requirements of this mitigation measure,” including specific on-
    site measures to reduce emissions from operations,
    14The maximum permitted emissions are actually adjusted
    downward over time to account for predicted reductions in
    emissions caused by increased carbon efficiency.
    transportation, solid waste, water and wastewater, and
    landscaping, and off-site measures to reduce energy and
    transportation emissions and increase carbon sequestration.
    Mitigation Measure GHG-1 also identifies several written sources
    for other potential reduction measures.
    Petitioners recognize the general rule articulated by
    Section 15126.4, but they argue that the EIR’s mitigation
    measure does not commit the City to a “specific performance
    standard,” citing Communities for a Better Environment v. City of
    Richmond (2010) 
    184 Cal.App.4th 70
     (Communities), and they
    otherwise fault Mitigation Measure GHG-1 as inadequate.15
    The project proposed in Communities was the addition of
    new equipment to a petroleum refinery. (Communities, supra,
    184 Cal.App.4th at pp. 76–77.) The draft EIR recognized that the
    project could result in a net increase in GHG emissions of nearly
    1 million tons per year, but both the draft and final EIRs declined
    to find this effect significant. (Id. at p. 90.) In response to
    15 We recognize that Communities was decided under the
    earlier version of Section 15126.4, which generally prohibited
    deferral of mitigation, while the current version expressly
    authorizes deferral of mitigation details. Although the guideline
    amendment was intended to codify judicial decisions regarding
    mitigation deferral, only some of these decisions had been issued
    at the time Communities was decided, and the factors
    enumerated in the current guideline had not been articulated in
    those decisions in precisely the same way that they were adopted
    in the amended guideline. (See California Natural Resources
    Agency, Final Statement of Reasons for Regulatory Action,
    Amendments to the State EQA Guidelines, OAL Notice File
    No. Z-2018-0116-12, November 2018, at pp. 43–45.) In any event,
    all parties agree that Communities remains valid law.
    vigorous public objection, the agency issued an amended EIR
    finding the increase in emissions to constitute a significant
    environmental impact and adopting a mitigation measure
    requiring the project sponsor, within a year after project
    approval, to “submit to the City, for approval by the City Council,
    a plan for achieving complete reduction of GHG emissions up to
    the maximum estimated . . . GHG emissions increase over the
    [existing level].” (Id. at p. 91.) The mitigation measure required
    the sponsor to consult an independent expert in formulating the
    plan and listed “a handful of cursorily described mitigation
    measures for future consideration that might serve to mitigate”
    the emissions. (Id. at pp. 92–93.)
    Communities held the mitigation measure inadequate for
    several reasons. First, the court noted that “reliance on tentative
    plans for future mitigation after completion of the CEQA process
    significantly undermines CEQA’s goals of full disclosure and
    informed decisionmaking.” (Communities, supra,
    184 Cal.App.4th at p. 92.) The court also faulted the content of
    the mitigation measure, explaining that “the final EIR merely
    proposes a generalized goal of no net increase in greenhouse gas
    emissions,” with a list of possible mitigation measures that were
    “nonexclusive, undefined, untested and of unknown efficacy.” (Id.
    at p. 93.) Moreover, the court noted that “[t]he only criteria for
    ‘success’ of the ultimate mitigation plan adopted is the subjective
    judgment of the City Council, which presumably will make its
    decision outside of any public process a year after the Project has
    been approved.” (Ibid.) In short, “the lead agency . . . delayed
    making a significance finding until late in the CEQA process,
    divulged little or no information about how it quantified the
    Project’s greenhouse gas emissions, offered no assurance that the
    plan for how the Project’s greenhouse gas emissions would be
    mitigated to a net-zero standard was both feasible and
    efficacious, and created no objective criteria for measuring
    success.” (Id. at p. 95.)
    We decline petitioners’ invitation to construe Communities
    as holding that all mitigation measures finalized after project
    approval are invalid. As a threshold legal matter, Section
    15126.4, subdivision (a)(1)(B) now expressly states that “specific
    details of a mitigation measure . . . may be developed after project
    approval when it is impractical or infeasible to include those
    details during the project’s environmental review,” provided the
    agency meets the conditions discussed above. The guideline did
    not contain that authorization at the time Communities was
    decided. The question under Section 15126.4 in its current
    iteration is therefore whether the conditions specified in the
    guideline are met, not whether delayed finalization is permitted
    at all. (See, e.g., Save Our Capitol!, supra, 85 Cal.App.5th at
    p. 1134 [recognizing that CEQA “authorizes relying on a future
    plan as a mitigation measure” if the guideline’s requirements are
    met]; King & Gardner Farms, LLC v. County of Kern (2020)
    45 Cal.App.5th 814
    , 856 (King & Gardner) [“the general rule is
    not absolute and ‘ “there are circumstances in which some aspects
    of mitigation may appropriately be deferred” ’ ”].)
    Relying on Communities and POET, LLC v. State Air
    Resources Bd. (2013) 
    218 Cal.App.4th 681
    , 736, 739–740 (POET),
    petitioners also argue that “no net increase” can never be an
    acceptable performance standard. Again, we disagree. The
    mitigation measure rejected in Communities was not inadequate
    because it required no net increase in GHG emissions. Rather, it
    failed to meet the requirement of a specific performance standard
    because the mitigation measure called for a plan that would limit
    increases in GHG emissions by an amount “up to” no net
    additional emissions, with the ultimate acceptable reduction left
    to the discretion of the City Council. (Communities, supra,
    184 Cal.App.4th at pp. 91, 93.) As a result, the only enforceable
    requirement in the mitigation measure was that the plan reduce
    GHG emissions to a level that satisfied that body’s “subjective
    judgment.” (Id. at p. 93.) Communities therefore accurately
    labeled the purported standard as merely a “generalized goal.”
    In contrast, Mitigation Measure GHG-1 requires a plan
    that will achieve no net additional emissions, a standard chosen
    because it reflects the statutory requirement of Assembly Bill
    No. 734. Because the current level of emissions is known,
    quantified, and reported in the EIR, the requirement of “no net
    additional emissions” is, in practice, no different from a
    quantitative cap on emissions set at the current level. A
    quantitative cap is surely a specific performance standard, unlike
    the non-binding, generalized goal of Communities.
    The adoption of a clear standard reflects the City’s
    commitment to achieving the mitigation required by Assembly
    Bill No. 734. Again, this contrasts with the hesitancy of the lead
    agency in Communities, demonstrated by its initial resistance to
    finding the increased GHG emissions to constitute a significant
    environmental impact and its half-hearted adoption of
    mitigation, which left enforcement to the discretion of the City
    Council. (Communities, supra, 184 Cal.App.4th at p. 93.) There
    is no reason to doubt the City’s commitment to achieving the
    statutory standard. Mitigation Measure GHG-1 requires nearly
    constant reporting, updating, and evaluation of the plan to
    ensure that it achieves the necessary emissions reduction.
    Importantly, again in contrast to the EIR in Communities,
    Mitigation Measure GHG-1 did not merely suggest for
    consideration a handful of vague measures of uncertain efficacy.
    As noted, it listed and fully described five pages of detailed
    measures, some of which are mandatory and all of which must be
    implemented if necessary to prevent additional emissions. It is
    not the case, as suggested by petitioners, that the EIR leaves
    specific mitigation measures to future determination. Rather, as
    permitted by Section 15126.4, subdivision (a)(1)(B), the
    mitigation measure leaves only the “specific details of a
    mitigation measure” for later determination. In short, the
    mitigation measure represents a good-faith attempt to ensure no
    increase in GHG emissions while coping with the uncertainties
    created by years of construction, development, and the
    anticipated evolution of GHG reduction technology.
    POET, supra, 
    218 Cal.App.4th 681
    , does not compel a
    different result. POET was a CEQA challenge to the state Air
    Resources Board’s (ARB) formulation of low carbon fuel
    standards regulations. (Id. at p. 697.) As part of those
    regulations, ARB sought to promote the use of biodiesel fuel. (Id.
    at p. 732.) Although recognizing that combustion of biodiesel
    creates a greater amount of nitrogen oxides (NOx) than ordinary
    diesel, in its proposed regulations, ARB staff “ ‘assumed’ ” there
    would be no increase in NOx emissions because “ ‘staff is
    currently conducting an extensive test program for biodiesel and
    renewable diesel and will follow that effort with a rulemaking to
    establish specifications to ensure there is no increase in NOx.’ ”
    (Ibid.) The ARB therefore deferred final rulemaking regarding
    use of biodiesel. (Id. at p. 733.)
    Citing Communities, the POET court concluded that ARB’s
    statement that “future rulemaking will ‘establish specifications to
    ensure there is no increase in NOx’ ” failed to articulate “specific
    performance criteria,” as required by CEQA. (POET, supra,
    218 Cal.App.4th at pp. 739–740.) As the court explained, the
    statement “established no objective performance criteria for
    measuring whether the stated goal will be achieved. As a result,
    we and members of the public have not been informed how ARB
    will determine that the requirements it adopts in a fuel
    specifications regulation will ensure that use of the biodiesel does
    not increase NOx emissions. To illustrate this point, it is unclear
    what tests will be performed and what measurements will be
    taken to determine that biodiesel use is not increasing NOx
    emissions.” (Id. at p. 740.)
    Unlike the proposed regulations in POET, Mitigation
    Measure GHG-1 provided far more than a bare promise that
    future mitigation would ensure there is no increase in GHG
    emissions. It set a quantitative standard as a baseline, required
    the project sponsor to meet that baseline, specified the manner in
    which compliance with the baseline would be measured,
    established strict reporting requirements, and specified a variety
    of measures that must be adopted as necessary to meet the
    standard. These features distinguish the mitigation measure
    from the statement in POET and, for the reasons discussed
    above, satisfy the requirements of Section 15126.4.
    V.    Analysis and Mitigation of Hazardous Materials
    Petitioners contend, for several reasons, that the EIR’s
    analysis of the presence of hazardous materials at the project site
    and its measures for remediating those materials are inadequate.
    A.     Discussion of Existing Conditions
    Petitioners initially argue that the EIR’s discussion of the
    presence of hazardous materials at the project site is insufficient.
    A proper analysis of existing environmental conditions is
    necessary to provide a baseline against which the likely effects of
    the project can be compared and quantified. (San Francisco
    Baykeeper, Inc. v. State Lands Com. (2015) 
    242 Cal.App.4th 202
    Concern over hazardous materials at Howard Terminal did
    not begin with the project. “[T]he Project site has a long history
    of industrial use that has resulted in the contamination of fill,
    soil, and groundwater. Various investigations, cleanup actions,
    and land use restrictions have been implemented to address the
    contamination.” Most of Howard Terminal is an active cleanup
    site subject to the ongoing oversight of the state Department of
    Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).
    In discussing the prevalence of hazardous materials, the
    EIR relied, in addition to extensive past investigation reports, on
    a consultant survey conducted in 2019 (site investigation) that
    “sampled soil gas, soil, and groundwater throughout the entire
    Project site for chemicals of concern (COCs) identified in the
    previous investigations,” including total petroleum hydrocarbons
    (TPH) and other contaminants. The conclusions of the site
    investigation were then used to prepare a human health and
    ecological risk assessment (health risk assessment). The health
    risk assessment evaluated potential human exposure to each
    COC at the project site, determined the maximum exposure to
    each that could be anticipated without mitigation, and evaluated
    the health risks associated with such exposure. Based on this
    analysis, the health risk assessment established “target cleanup
    levels” to guide the remediation of each COC. Both the site
    investigation and the health risk assessment were reviewed by
    DTSC, revised according to the agency’s comments, and approved
    by DTSC. The health risk assessment was, in turn, intended to
    provide the basis for formulating a remedial action plan (RAP) for
    the project that would reduce COCs below the target levels
    identified in the health risk assessment. The RAP was not
    complete at the time of the draft EIR, but a mitigation measure
    required its completion and approval by DTSC before the project
    could proceed.
    Cap penetration
    Petitioners first assert that the project description was
    inadequate because it failed to discuss separately the effect of
    removing the concrete cap that prevents the escape of existing
    soil contaminants. Petitioners theorize that “[b]reaking through
    the caps has the potential to mobilize existing contaminants
    As respondents argue, the EIR’s entire discussion of
    hazardous substances is, in effect, a discussion of the risks
    associated with cap penetration. Without penetration of the cap,
    which is necessary for any construction to occur, those substances
    would remain sealed in the soil and would not present a public
    health risk. The EIR fully recognizes the importance of the cap,
    explaining that the site is subject to land use covenants that
    prohibit any use “that will disturb or interfere with the integrity
    of the existing cap” unless a risk management plan, a health
    safety plan, and a soil management plan have been prepared and
    approved by DTSC prior to the disturbance. To the extent
    petitioners’ contention concerns the risks associated with the
    spread of contaminated soil through construction activities, we
    note that the EIR contains a full discussion of the risk
    management measures already in effect at the site, which are
    triggered by “any construction activity at the Project site that
    would include breaching of the existing cap.” In short,
    petitioners’ claim relating to the cap provides no basis for finding
    the EIR inadequate.
    Failure to discuss HOPs
    Petitioners also contend that the EIR’s description of
    hazardous chemicals is deficient for failing to discuss the
    presence of a group of chemicals called “hydrocarbon oxidation
    products” (HOPs). These chemicals result from the degradation
    of hydrocarbons in the soil, but they can be detected and
    measured separately from hydrocarbons. The EIR noted that
    HOPs had been detected in several wells at a parcel adjacent to
    the project site “at concentrations that exceed the saltwater
    ecotoxicity ESL [environmental screening level]” and that the
    highest concentrations of HOPs were found in wells near the
    border with the project site. Despite this observation, HOPs were
    not separately discussed in the description of hazardous
    chemicals at the project site.
    A comment on the draft EIR faulted the EIR and health
    risk assessment for failing to consider the presence of HOPs.
    According to the comment, a 2018 report prepared in connection
    with the ongoing monitoring and remediation of Howard
    Terminal (2018 Report)16 “recognized HOPs as a contaminant of
    concern and stated that HOPs should be analyzed during future
    sampling events.” Responding to this comment, the final EIR
    stated, “potential exposure from [HOPs] is evaluated by the
    16Baseline Environmental Consulting, Final Third Five-
    Year Review Report, Charles P. Howard Terminal, Oakland,
    California, January 2018.
    inclusion of TPH in the gasoline, diesel, and motor oil ranges,
    along with constituents of these mixtures (e.g., benzene and
    naphthalene) in the [health risk assessment].” This response was
    based on a report from the consultant that performed the site
    investigation and prepared the health risk assessment, which
    stated that “no significant [COCs] have been omitted from the
    [health risk assessment]” because HOPs were reported through
    inclusion within the TPH category.
    The 2018 Report sheds light on this issue. Contrary to
    petitioners’ interpretation of the comment, the 2018 Report did
    not identify HOPs as a COC separate from TPH. Rather, in
    discussing the manner in which total extractable petroleum
    hydrocarbons (TEPH) had been measured for purposes of the
    report, it noted that the test had used a process called “silica gel
    cleanup” (SGC). According to the 2018 Report, the SGC process
    had recently been found by the San Francisco Bay Regional
    Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) to remove HOPs,
    which would otherwise be measured by the TEPH test, from a
    tested sample. For that reason, the 2018 Report noted, “TEPH
    measured after the application of SCG may reduce the apparent
    magnitude of the risks associated with petroleum product and
    their metabolites. . . . TEPH analysis with and without SGC will
    be used in biennial groundwater sampling from now on to provide
    comparable results to the historic data.” (2018 Report, at pp. 21–
    22.) The site investigation, on which the EIR relied, recognized
    the problem and, to avoid any confusion, reported TPH levels
    before and after SGC treatment.
    Understood in light of the 2018 Report, the site
    investigation’s explanation of its TPH analysis provides
    substantial evidence to support the final EIR’s rejection of the
    claim that the EIR failed to report the presence of HOPs on the
    project site. The presence of HOPs was included in the TPH
    measurements prior to treatment with SGC. For this reason, the
    EIR did not fail to disclose the presence of HOPs, any more than
    it failed disclose the presence of gasoline or any other individual
    chemical component of TPH that was not reported separately
    from the overall measurement.
    It is a separate question, however, whether the
    environmental impact of HOPs is sufficiently distinct from that of
    hydrocarbons such that HOPs should have been separately
    measured and discussed by the EIR. This is a complex regulatory
    question that would seem to depend on a variety of factors,
    including the toxicity, prevalence, persistence, and behavior of
    HOPs in the soil relative to that of hydrocarbons, and whether
    HOPs require remediation techniques different from those used
    for hydrocarbons.
    Although there is evidence in the record demonstrating
    that HOPs are soluble in groundwater, there is otherwise little to
    suggest that HOPs present an environmental risk sufficiently
    distinct from that of hydrocarbons as to require their separate
    reporting and discussion. (See East Sacramento Partnerships for
    a Livable City v. City of Sacramento (2016) 
    5 Cal.App.5th 281
    299 (“ ‘ “The party challenging the EIR . . . bears the burden of
    demonstrating that the studies on which the EIR is based ‘are
    clearly inadequate or unsupported” ’ ”].) Petitioners’ argument
    relies heavily on the publication by the Regional Board of an ESL
    for HOPs. As the Regional Board has explained, however, its
    ESLs “provide conservative screening levels for over 100
    chemicals found at sites with contaminated soil and groundwater.
    They are intended to help expedite the identification and
    evaluation of potential environmental concerns at contaminated
    sites. . . . Information provided in [the ESL] documents is not
    intended to establish policy or regulation.”17 In other words, the
    existence of a Regional Board ESL merely suggests that a
    substance is a possible subject of environmental concern. It is not
    a confirmation of such concerns. Accordingly, we find little
    evidence in the record to suggest that HOPs are of sufficient
    environmental concern as to require consideration separate from
    Importantly, the EIR’s decision not to analyze HOPs
    separately from TPH is supported by the judgment of DTSC, the
    regulatory body with authority over the Howard Terminal
    cleanup. DTSC reviewed the site investigation and health risk
    assessment. Although DTSC’s comments on the site
    investigation recognized the problem created by using SGC in
    measuring TPH, the agency did not recommend separate
    reporting of HOPs. That the DTSC did not require separate
    reporting of HOPs provides substantial evidence supporting the
    17See “Environmental Screening Levels” on the Regional
    Board’s website at
     [as of March 30, 2023].
    City’s adoption of the EIR notwithstanding its failure to
    separately assess the impact of HOPs. (See Guidelines, § 15384,
    subd. (b) [“Substantial evidence shall include facts, reasonable
    assumptions predicated upon facts, and expert opinion supported
    by facts”]; Association of Irritated Residents v. County of Madera
    107 Cal.App.4th 1383
    , 1397 [“the decisionmaker is
    ‘permitted to give more weight to some of the evidence and to
    favor the opinions and estimates of some of the experts over the
    others’ ”].)18
    B.        Timeliness of the Health Risk Assessment
    Petitioners next argue that the health risk assessment is
    based on an ecological risk assessment prepared in 2002, which
    they contend is “outdated” because it predates the recognition of
    HOPs as a pollutant requiring consideration separate from TPH.
    This contention is governed by our conclusion, stated above, that
    the EIR’s decision not to treat HOPs as a pollutant separate from
    TPH is supported by substantial evidence. Further, as noted, the
    health risk assessment used information generated by the site
    investigation, which separately reported TPH figures before and
    after SGC treatment.
    Petitioners also contend that the draft EIR understated
    the extent of HOPs contamination in groundwater at the project
    site because a map showing areas of groundwater contamination
    was based on TPH results after SGC treatment. Because we
    conclude that the City’s decision not to separately discuss HOPs
    is supported by substantial evidence, we decline to rule that the
    EIR was required to report TPH results before SGC treatment.
    As noted, the TPH results were reported both ways in the site
    investigation, on which the map in the EIR was based.
    C.        Recirculation of the Draft EIR
    Petitioners next contend that the draft EIR failed to
    provide sufficient information about remedial measures that will
    be taken to minimize risk from soil and groundwater
    contamination at the project site and argue that the draft EIR
    should have been recirculated to disclose and discuss the
    remedial measures proposed in the draft RAP, which was
    completed after issuance of the final EIR. (§ 21092.1; Residents
    Against Specific Plan 380 v. County of Riverside (2017)
    9 Cal.App.5th 941
    , 964 [under section 21092.1, when a lead
    agency adds “significant new information” to an EIR after
    consultation with the public but before certifying the EIR, the
    lead agency must pursue an additional round of consultation].)
    As mentioned above, the EIR tasked the project sponsor
    with formulating a RAP for the project site that would reduce the
    prevalence of COCs below the target levels established in the
    health risk assessment. A RAP is one of two statutory
    documents, along with a removal action workplan (RAW), that
    DTSC may require in connection with environmental
    remediation. (See Health & Saf. Code, §§ 25323.1 [defining
    RAW], 25356.1 [defining RAP].)19 The two documents serve
    essentially the same purpose, but DTSC permits the less
    These statutes have been repealed as part of a
    recodification, effective January 1, 2023, and operative January
    1, 2024. Going forward, the statutes will be codified as Health &
    Safety Code sections 78130 [remedial action work plan] and, in
    relevant part, 79215 [remedial action plan]. (Stats. 2022, ch. 257,
    § 2.)
    comprehensive RAW to be prepared if remediation is projected to
    cost less than 2 million dollars.20 In effect, a RAW is an
    abbreviated version of a RAP, but, unlike a RAP, the RAW is not
    subject to public comment.
    At the time the draft EIR was prepared, the City assumed
    that the project sponsor would prepare a RAW rather than a
    RAP, and the draft EIR originally referred to the preparation of a
    RAW. By the time the final EIR was issued, however, the project
    sponsor had elected to prepare the more comprehensive
    document. Accordingly, the final EIR retrospectively changed the
    draft EIR’s references to a “RAW” to a “RAP.”21
    The draft EIR lists a series of remedial measures that
    might be included in the RAP, recognizing that the RAP “would
    include a combination of the methods summarized here. . . . The
    [RAP] would identify the methods to be used, the specific areas
    and media for the given remedial methods [to] be applied, the
    regulatory standards to be achieved, and measures to restore the
    cap integrity where required.” A mitigation measure requires
    completion of the RAP and its approval by DTSC, which has
    regulatory jurisdiction over cleanup efforts at Howard Terminal,
    before the project can proceed.
    20See “Removal Action Work Plan (RAW) Quick Reference
    Guide” on the DTSC’s website at  [as of March 30, 2023].
    21In this section, our discussion of the draft EIR adopts
    this change. Accordingly, in the text below, we use the term
    “RAP” where the draft EIR originally used “RAW.”
    An EIR must be recirculated if “significant new
    information” is added after issuance of the draft EIR and prior to
    certification of the final EIR. (§ 21092.1; Guidelines, § 15088.5,
    subd. (a).) Recirculation requires making the revised EIR
    available for public review and consulting with other agencies
    again before certifying the EIR. (Citizens for Positive Growth &
    Preservation v. City of Sacramento (2019) 
    43 Cal.App.5th 609
    631.) “[N]ew information is ‘significant,’ within the meaning of
    section 21092.1, only if as a result of the additional information
    ‘the EIR is changed in a way that deprives the public of a
    meaningful opportunity to comment upon a substantial adverse
    environmental effect of the project or a feasible way to mitigate or
    avoid such an effect.’ [Citations.] Recirculation is not mandated
    under section 21092.1 when the new information merely clarifies
    or amplifies the previously circulated draft EIR, but is required
    when it reveals, for example, a new substantial impact or a
    substantially increased impact on the environment.” (Vineyard
    Area Citizens for Responsible Growth, Inc. v. City of Rancho
    Cordova (2007) 
    40 Cal.4th 412
    , 447.) “ ‘ “[T]he final EIR will
    almost always contain information not included in the draft EIR”
    given the CEQA statutory requirements of circulation of the draft
    EIR, public comment, and response to these comments prior to
    certification of the final EIR. . . . “[R]ecirculation was intended to
    be an exception, [not] the general rule.” ’ ” (Southwest Regional
    Council of Carpenters v. City of Los Angeles (2022) 
    76 Cal.App.5th 1154
    , 1184.) The lead agency is not required to make an express
    finding regarding recirculation of an EIR, but the decision not to
    recirculate must be supported by substantial evidence in the
    record. (Save Our Capitol!, supra, 85 Cal.App.5th at p. 1153.)
    The Guidelines provide the following as examples of
    “significant new information” requiring recirculation: “[A]
    disclosure showing that: (1) A new significant environmental
    impact would result from the project or from a new mitigation
    measure proposed to be implemented. [¶] (2) A substantial
    increase in the severity of an environmental impact would result
    unless mitigation measures are adopted that reduce the impact to
    a level of insignificance. [¶] (3) A feasible project alternative or
    mitigation measure considerably different from others previously
    analyzed would clearly lessen the significant environmental
    impacts of the project, but the project’s proponents decline to
    adopt it. [¶] (4) The draft EIR was so fundamentally and basically
    inadequate and conclusory in nature that meaningful public
    review and comment were precluded.” (Guidelines, § 15088.5,
    subd. (a).)
    Petitioners provide no authority suggesting that a private
    party’s preparation of a draft report or plan required by a
    mitigation measure constitutes the addition of new information
    “to an environmental impact report,” as required by section
    21092.1. This is particularly the case where, as here, the new
    information (i.e., the draft RAP) emerged after circulation of the
    final EIR. Recirculation is generally the result of new
    information contained in the final EIR. (See Laurel Heights
    Improvement Assn. v. Regents of University of California (1993)
    6 Cal.4th 1112
    , 1128–1129.) Although the decision to use a RAP
    was disclosed in the final EIR, the release of the draft RAP,
    which petitioners contend is the event requiring recirculation, did
    not occur until later. Further, to the extent petitioners contend
    that recirculation is required because the public is entitled to
    review and comment on the remediation measures adopted in the
    RAP, such an opportunity for public comment is a required part
    of DTSC’s approval of the RAP. (Health & Saf. Code, § 25356.1,
    subd. (e).) There is no risk that the remediation will proceed
    without the opportunity for public disclosure and comment.
    Putting aside these preliminary issues, substantial
    evidence supports the City’s decision not to recirculate the EIR to
    incorporate the contents of the draft RAP. The draft RAP does
    not add new information to the EIR, other than to confirm which
    of the available remedial measures discussed in the draft EIR
    have been deemed most appropriate for implementation.
    Petitioners do not suggest that the draft RAP discloses or will
    create a new significant environmental impact that is not
    discussed in the EIR, nor do they suggest that the draft RAP will
    increase the severity of a disclosed impact. At most, the RAP
    “merely clarifie[d] or amplifie[d]” the discussion in the draft EIR.
    (Guidelines, § 15088.5, subd. (b).)
    Petitioners point to one of three alternative approaches in
    the draft RAP that would require the removal of far less soil than
    anticipated in the draft EIR. Assuming this alternative is
    adopted, it does not involve any new, previously undisclosed
    environmental impacts. The draft EIR made clear that its
    estimate of a much higher quantity of soil was “conservative,”
    intended to disclose the environmental impact associated with
    excavating and hauling contaminated soil in a reasonable worst
    case. Leaving contaminated soil in place (assuming it can be
    done consistent with the standards required by the health risk
    assessment), reduces these impacts and is fully consistent with
    the remedial approach discussed in the draft EIR of leaving
    contaminated soil in place under an impermeable cap.22
    D.      Deferred Mitigation of Contaminants
    Petitioners assert that leaving the detailed formulation of
    remedial measures for hazardous substances to a RAP fails to
    satisfy the requirement of a specific performance standard in
    Section 15126.4, subdivision (a)(1)(B).
    The draft EIR adopts three mitigation measures for
    handling contamination at the project site. The first, Mitigation
    Measure HAZ-1a, requires preparation of a RAP and its approval
    by DTSC, land use covenants, and “associated plans.” It requires
    these plans to identify areas with COC concentrations above the
    target cleanup levels in the health risk assessment and to
    describe “specific remedial methods” to be applied to each of these
    areas, the procedures used to implement these methods, the
    analytical methods used “to verify that contaminated materials
    have been removed or treated such that the numerical cleanup
    22 To the extent petitioners’ argument is that the switch
    from a RAW to a RAP requires recirculation, we similarly find
    substantial evidence supporting the failure to recirculate. A RAP
    performs the same function as a RAW, with more detail and
    public comment. (Compare Health & Saf. Code, §§ 25323.1,
    25356.1.) Use of a RAP in no way changes the substantive
    environmental discussion of the EIR or the impacts of the project.
    levels have been achieved,” and cap restoration actions for those
    areas that will require a cap. The second mitigation measure,
    HAZ-1b, requires that, prior to the issuance of any grading or
    other construction permit for the project, the project sponsor
    provide evidence that DTSC concurs that the proposed actions
    are consistent with the plans required by HAZ-1a. Further, prior
    to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy, the project sponsor
    must provide evidence that DTSC has determined that the site is
    suitable for use. The third measure, HAZ-1c, requires the
    preparation of Health and Safety Plans consistent with
    applicable regulations to protect workers and the public during
    the remediation activities.
    There is little question that these mitigation measures
    satisfy the requirements of Section 15126.4. The target cleanup
    levels from the health risk assessment provide a specific
    performance standard for each of the COCs identified in the EIR.
    Although petitioners contend that the mitigation measures “do
    not even reference the [target cleanup levels],” this is not correct;
    as indicated, Mitigation Measure HAZ-1a requires the project
    sponsor to verify that the target cleanup levels have been
    achieved prior to the issuance of any construction permits.
    Although the mitigation measures do not themselves describe the
    type of remedial actions that are to be considered, the draft EIR’s
    thorough discussion of past and current remediation efforts
    describes the most common remediation measures, and the draft
    EIR cites and summarizes the contents of a consultant report
    that contains a detailed consideration of remedial measures and
    alternatives for the site.
    We conclude that the extensive history of remediation
    efforts at the site, the establishment of quantitative target levels
    for each COC, the presentation in the consultant’s report of a
    detailed range of alternative approaches to remediation, and the
    presence of a state agency responsible for oversight of
    remediation are sufficient to satisfy the requirements for
    deferring the final details of contamination mitigation.
    (§ 15126.4, subd, (a)(1)(B).)
    As respondents argue, the EIR’s approach to mitigation of
    site contaminants is essentially identical to that found adequate
    in City of Maywood, supra, 
    208 Cal.App.4th 362
    . The large site
    on which the school district sought to build a new high school
    consisted of seven commercial and 40 residential parcels. (Id. at
    p. 372.) The district had been unable to secure permission to test
    the soil on most of the residential parcels, but it found a range of
    potentially hazardous contaminants on the remaining parcels.
    (Id. at p. 375.) By statute, the district was required to conduct
    further work under the oversight of DTSC, including preparing a
    supplemental investigation, remediating or removing the
    contaminated soil pursuant to a RAW, and obtaining DTSC
    safety certification. The EIR concluded that, after application of
    this procedure, the hazardous materials would not constitute a
    significant environmental effect. (Id. at pp. 375, 402–405.) The
    court recognized that “ ‘[a] condition requiring compliance with
    regulations is a common and reasonable mitigation measure, and
    may be proper where it is reasonable to expect compliance.’ ” (Id.
    at p. 409.) The court therefore concluded that the statutory
    procedure, requiring approval by DTSC, constituted adequate
    mitigation, holding that the “ ‘mitigation measures . . . f[e]ll
    squarely within the rule . . . that “when a public agency has
    evaluated the potentially significant impacts of a project and has
    identified measures that will mitigate those impacts,” and has
    committed to mitigating those impacts, the agency may defer
    precisely how mitigation will be achieved under the identified
    measures pending further study.’ ” (Id. at p. 412.)
    Petitioners argue that City of Maywood is distinguishable
    because the school district could not formulate a complete
    remediation plan due to its inability to obtain permission to test
    soil over much of the property. Under the Guidelines, the details
    of a mitigation measure can be finalized at a later date when “it
    is impractical or infeasible to include those details during the
    project's environmental review.” (§ 15126.4, subd. (a)(1)(B).) In
    City of Maywood, supra, 
    208 Cal.App.4th 362
    , it was infeasible to
    include details for two reasons. As noted, soil testing could not be
    completed. But mitigation details could not be included for the
    additional reason that they were within the ultimate regulatory
    jurisdiction of DTSC (id. at pp. 405–406), just as is the case here.
    The City’s ability to test the entire project site therefore does not
    meaningfully distinguish City of Maywood.
    VI.   Findings Regarding Alternative Three
    Petitioners contend that the EIR’s analysis of the
    environmental consequences of Alternative 3, the alternative
    requiring construction of an overpass, was insufficient to support
    the City’s finding that “the impacts of Alternative 3 were
    analyzed in the EIR in sufficient detail to analyze the reasonably
    foreseeable impacts of Alternative 3.” Respondents argue that
    this claim was not exhausted below. In response, petitioners
    contend, without further explanation, that their “challenge to the
    City’s CEQA Findings is properly and timely asserted and there
    was no ‘exhaustion’ requirement, nor public comment period.”
    The EIR discussed three alternatives in addition to the no-
    project alternative. Alternative 2 involved construction of a new
    ballpark on the site of the A’s current ballpark. Alternative 4
    was a reduced project alternative, involving the construction of a
    ballpark with limited commercial and residential development.
    For this reason, Alternative 3—described as “The Proposed
    Project with Grade Separation”—was, in effect, the project itself.
    The City’s findings recognized as much, stating, “For purposes of
    these findings, the CEQA project, evaluated in these CEQA
    Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations, . . . shall
    refer to the proposed Project with a single vehicle grade
    separation overcrossing of the railroad tracks as described in
    Alternative 3: the Proposed Project with Grade Separation
    Alternative.” This was necessarily true because the EIR did not
    analyze an alternative that featured the level of development
    sought by the project sponsor but without an overpass.
    Alternative 3 was thus effectively the project.
    “Section 21177, subdivision (a) provides that before an
    alleged ground for noncompliance with CEQA may be brought to
    court it must have been ‘presented to the public agency orally or
    in writing by any person during the public comment period
    provided by this division or prior to the close of the public hearing
    on the project before the issuance of the notice of
    determination.’ ” (Center for Biological Diversity v. Department of
    Fish & Wildlife (2015) 
    62 Cal.4th 204
    , 237.) Section 21177’s
    exhaustion requirement, however, “does not apply to any alleged
    grounds for noncompliance with this division for which there was
    no public hearing or other opportunity for members of the public
    to raise those objections orally or in writing before the approval of
    the project . . . .” (§ 21177, subd. (e).) The party challenging a
    CEQA determination has the burden of proving exhaustion.
    (Stop Syar Expansion v. County of Napa (2021) 
    63 Cal.App.5th 444
    , 459.)
    We will assume that a challenge to a public agency’s
    compliance with CEQA’s findings requirements is exempt from
    exhaustion under section 21177, subdivision (e) because those
    findings ordinarily issue only at the time of project approval,
    after the comment period and public hearing are over. We
    conclude, nonetheless, that petitioners failed to exhaust their
    claim with respect to the Alternative 3 findings because we do not
    view it as a genuine challenge to the City’s findings.
    It is fundamental that an EIR must discuss the significant
    environmental impacts of a project. (Guidelines, §15126.2,
    subd. (a).) Because Alternative 3 was, as a practical matter, the
    project, petitioners’ claim that the City erred in finding that “the
    impacts of Alternative 3 were analyzed in the EIR in sufficient
    detail to analyze the reasonably foreseeable impacts of
    Alternative 3” is simply another way of saying that the EIR’s
    discussion of the project’s environmental impacts was
    inadequate. Indeed, as would be expected for such a claim,
    petitioners support their argument by citing various inadequacies
    in the draft EIR’s discussion of these impacts.23 Because a claim
    that the EIR’s discussion of impacts was insufficient could have
    been raised during the comment period or at the public hearing,
    this claim is subject to the ordinary exhaustion requirement.
    Petitioners cannot avoid the exhaustion requirement by
    characterizing their claim as a challenge to the lead agency’s
    finding that the EIR was adequate. Taken to its logical
    conclusion, petitioners’ position would allow any challenge to the
    adequacy of an EIR to be raised in the absence of exhaustion,
    merely by framing the challenge as a critique of the agency’s
    required finding that the EIR complied with CEQA. (Guidelines,
    § 15090, subd. (a)(1) [prior to approving a project the lead agency
    shall certify that the EIR “has been completed in compliance with
    CEQA”].) We will not countenance such a circumvention of
    CEQA’s procedural requirements.
    Petitioners fail to demonstrate that their specific critiques
    of the EIR’s discussion of the environmental impacts of the
    23Their primary contentions are that the EIR did not
    analyze the impacts of the project “with the Overpass added”;
    merely assumed that the construction of an overpass would
    intensify impacts already found significant and unavoidable,
    without quantifying the added impacts associated with the
    overpass; and did not analyze the impacts of relocating utilities.
    overpass were raised during the administrative proceedings.
    These claims were thus not exhausted, and we are unpersuaded
    by their effort to frame their overpass-related challenge as one to
    the City’s overall finding as to the adequacy of the EIR.
    VII.   Cumulative Impacts
    Finally, petitioners contend that the EIR’s cumulative
    impacts analysis should have included consideration of the
    impact of the use of a portion of the project site to expand the
    Port’s turning basin for large vessels. (Guidelines, § 15355
    [cumulative impacts analysis is required when two or more
    individual effects, considered together, are considerable or
    compound other environmental impacts].)
    Under an agreement negotiated between the project
    sponsor and the Port, an area at the southwest corner of Howard
    Terminal is designated a “Maritime Reservation Area.” At any
    time up until 2029, the Port may, under the agreement,
    terminate the project sponsor’s development rights to some or all
    of 10 acres of the Maritime Reservation Area. In that event, the
    area would be returned to the Port and excavated to expand a
    turning basin for large vessels within Oakland’s Inner Harbor.
    At the time of the draft EIR, the Port and the Army Corps of
    Engineers were jointly conducting a feasibility study of the
    expansion that was scheduled to be completed by the end of 2023.
    The draft EIR did not consider the impacts of expanding
    the turning basin because “[t]he Port of Oakland has not
    proposed, designed, approved, or secured permits for” such an
    expansion. According to the draft EIR, expansion of the turning
    basis would be analyzed “as a separate project” by the Port
    should it elect to exercise the option to take back a portion of the
    project site. The draft EIR nonetheless discussed the
    environmental effects of turning basin expansion in each of its
    technical analyses to the extent such discussion was necessary
    “to address effects that are different from those identified for the
    proposed Project.” The EIR did not consider turning basin
    expansion to be a “cumulative project” for purposes of the draft
    EIR because “an expanded turning basin is still being assessed in
    terms of feasibility.”
    Under CEQA, cumulative impacts analysis must consider
    not only the cumulative impacts of the project itself, but also “the
    change in the environment which results from the incremental
    impact of the project when added to other closely related past,
    present, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects.”
    (Guidelines, § 15355, subd. (b); see also Guidelines, § 15130,
    subd. (a)(1); League to Save Lake Tahoe v. County of Placer (2022)
    75 Cal.App.5th 63
    , 147–150 [discussing cumulative impacts
    analysis generally].) “In assessing the types of projects that
    should be included in a cumulative impacts analysis, our
    Supreme Court has clarified that an EIR need not discuss future
    action ‘that is merely contemplated or a gleam in a planner’s eye.’
    [Citation.] ‘[M]ere awareness of proposed expansion plans or
    other proposed development does not necessarily require the
    inclusion of those proposed projects in the EIR. Rather, these
    proposed projects must become “probable future projects.”
    [Citation.]’ [Citation.] ‘ “ ‘[W]here future development is
    unspecified and uncertain, no purpose can be served by requiring
    an EIR to engage in sheer speculation as to future environmental
    consequences.’ ” ’ ” (City of Maywood, supra, 208 Cal.App.4th at
    pp. 397–398.)
    There is no single accepted definition of “probable future
    project.” The court in Gray, supra, 
    167 Cal.App.4th 1099
    , defined
    the term as “any future project where the applicant has devoted
    significant time and financial resources to prepare for any
    regulatory review.” (Id. at pp. 1127–1128.) City of Maywood,
    208 Cal.App.4th 362
     additionally required “evidence that
    the proposed project is both probable and sufficiently certain to
    allow for meaningful cumulative impacts analysis.” (Id. at
    p. 399.)
    The City’s conclusion that turning basin expansion is not a
    “probable future project” is supported by substantial evidence.
    As the EIR noted, the Port and the Army Corps of Engineers are
    still studying the feasibility of turning basin expansion.
    Although these parties would not be engaged in a feasibility
    study if there were no perceived need for the expansion, it is
    implausible to deem expansion “probable” before there has been
    an official determination that it is even feasible. Further, there
    is no suggestion that the Port is “prepar[ing] for any regulatory
    review.” (Gray, supra, 167 Cal.App.4th at pp. 1127–1128.)
    Petitioners argue that the feasibility study should be deemed a
    “regulatory review” for this purpose, but that phrase must be
    reserved for review by a regulatory body charged with approval of
    the project, which presupposes a relatively complete plan of
    action. Nor are the details of expansion “sufficiently certain to
    allow for meaningful cumulative impacts analysis.” (City of
    Maywood, supra, 208 Cal.App.4th at p. 399.) At the time the
    draft EIR was prepared, turning basin expansion was still
    “merely contemplated or a gleam in a planner’s eye,” rendering it
    outside the scope of cumulative impacts analysis. (Laurel
    Heights Improvement Assn. v. Regents of University of California
    47 Cal.3d 376
    , 398.)
    VIII.   Respondents’ Cross-Appeal
    Respondents challenge the trial court’s holding that the
    EIR improperly deferred mitigation of wind impacts because the
    wind mitigation measure, which postpones formulation of the
    details of wind mitigation pursuant to Section 15126.4,
    subdivision (a)(1)(B), does not contain the type of “specific
    performance standard” required by the guideline. (§ 15126.4,
    subd. (a)(1)(B)(1).)
    The draft EIR contained a relatively brief discussion of the
    project’s impact on wind currents at the project site. As the EIR
    recognized, the effect of wind increases with its speed. Buildings
    that stand alone or are much taller than surrounding structures
    can capture and redirect wind; such “redirected winds can be
    relatively strong and turbulent and may be, in some instances,
    incompatible with the intended uses of nearby ground-level
    pedestrian spaces.” The EIR concluded that the project will have
    a significant adverse environmental impact if it creates winds
    that exceed 36 mph for more than one hour during daylight
    hours.24 A wind tunnel study suggested that the project could, at
    completion, produce winds exceeding this significance level for a
    minimum of 100 to 150 hours annually.
    The EIR’s discussion acknowledged a variety of design and
    landscaping modifications that might reduce the wind impact of
    the project’s buildings. The EIR was concerned, however, that “it
    cannot be stated with certainty at this stage of Project design
    that all wind hazards identified in the wind tunnel test would be
    eliminated” with this type of mitigation. As a result, the EIR
    concluded that the wind impact of the project would be significant
    and unavoidable.
    The EIR’s single wind mitigation measure requires a wind
    tunnel analysis for each proposed building exceeding 100 feet in
    height prior to the issuance of a building permit. The mitigation
    measure requires no further action if the analysis determines
    that the building “would not create a net increase in hazardous
    wind hours or locations . . . compared to then-existing conditions.”
    If, however, the building’s design would cause an increase in
    significant wind impacts, the project sponsor is required to “work
    with the wind consultant to identify feasible mitigation
    strategies, including design changes (e.g., setbacks,
    rounded/chamfered building corners, or stepped facades), to
    eliminate or reduce wind hazards to the maximum feasible extent
    without unduly restricting development potential. Wind
    24For comparison, existing wind speeds at the project site
    average 27 mph, and winds greater than 38 mph “make it nearly
    impossible to walk into the wind and increase difficulty with
    reduction strategies could also include features such as
    landscaping and/or installation of canopies along building
    frontages, and the like.”
    This performance standard fails to satisfy Section 15126.4
    for the simple reason that it is not “specific.” By requiring a
    reduction in wind impacts “to the maximum feasible extent
    without unduly restricting development potential,” the mitigation
    measure appears to seek a balance between competing factors,
    mitigating adverse wind impacts only to the extent possible
    without “unduly” impairing the commercial value of the
    buildings. (Italics added.) Even assuming that a mitigation
    measure may, in appropriate circumstances, strike a balance
    between the reduction of environmental impacts and commercial
    functionality, the mitigation measure must inform the public
    where that balance has been struck. Mitigation measures “need
    not include precise quantitative performance standards” (Sierra
     6 Cal.5th at p. 523), but Section 15126.4’s reference
    to “specific” performance standards implies a reasonably clear
    and objective measure of compliance. One purpose of the
    specificity requirement is presumably to permit the public, the
    responsible regulator, and the project sponsor to determine the
    type and extent of mitigation that must be considered and to
    provide a standard for judging compliance with the mitigation
    measure once the details are finalized. Unless the performance
    standard is expressed in reasonably clear, objective terms, the
    interested parties cannot know how the mitigation measure
    should be interpreted and applied.
    The vague language of the performance standard in the
    EIR’s wind mitigation measure fails this test. On the one hand,
    the project sponsor is required to “eliminate or reduce wind
    hazards to the maximum feasible extent”; on the other hand, the
    project sponsor cannot be required to “unduly” restrict the
    “development potential” of the project to mitigate wind impacts.
    The critical point is reached when the wind mitigation measures
    begin to “unduly” reduce the development potential of the project.
    But the point at which a restriction on development potential
    becomes “undue” depends entirely on the value placed on
    reducing wind impacts by the agency charged with overseeing
    compliance with the mitigation measure, the City Department of
    Planning & Building. If the agency places a high value on the
    reduction of wind impacts, a substantial restriction in
    development potential will not be deemed undue. If the agency
    places little value on reducing adverse wind effects, even small
    reductions in development potential will be undue. For this
    reason, the mitigation measure provides no reliable means for
    deciding the degree of wind impact reduction required with
    respect to a particular building.
    This difficulty is enhanced by the failure of the mitigation
    measure to explain or define its language. As noted, use of the
    inherently subjective term “unduly” without further explanation
    leaves the decision on mitigation largely to the discretion of the
    compliance agency. This is compounded by the EIR’s failure to
    explain the concept of “development potential.” The phrase
    appears nowhere else in the discussion of wind impacts, and the
    mitigation measure itself makes no attempt to explain or define
    the term.
    In addition, the mitigation measure does not fully comply
    with the requirement that it “identif[y] the type(s) of potential
    action(s) that can feasibly achieve that performance standard and
    that will be considered, analyzed, and potentially incorporated in
    the mitigation measure.” (§ 15126.4, subd. (a)(1)(B)(3).) The
    wind mitigation measure merely mentions three possible design
    changes in a parenthetical, combined with a final mention of
    “landscaping and/or installation of canopies along building
    frontages, and the like.” There is no indication whether more
    significant changes in overall building size or location may be
    considered or, if not, why more substantial changes are deemed
    Respondents implicitly disavow the actual performance
    standard in the mitigation measure, instead citing the measure’s
    initial language, which provides, “With the goal of preventing to
    the extent feasible a net increase in the number of hazardous
    wind exceedance locations, compared to existing conditions, . . .”
    Respondents argue that this language incorporates the City’s
    quantitative standard for a significant wind effect as a
    performance standard. Although we agree that the EIR’s
    standard for a significant wind effect (i.e., winds that exceed 36
    mph for more than one hour during daylight hours) is
    appropriately specific, the cited language does not establish that
    measure as a “performance standard.” Instead, the language
    clearly labels avoidance of significant wind effects as a “goal,” to
    be achieved “to the extent feasible.” In so doing, this language
    merely reiterates the legal obligation imposed on the City by
    CEQA—to mitigate significant environmental effects to the
    extent feasible—without providing any guide as to how that
    obligation must be satisfied in particular circumstances.
    Respondents further argue that a specific performance
    standard—at least, beyond reiteration of the basic obligation to
    mitigate—was not required because it is “uncertain” whether full
    mitigation can be achieved. We find no support for respondents’
    position that specific performance standards are unnecessary
    when the lead agency adopts a statement of overriding
    considerations. Section 15126.4 contains no exemption from the
    requirement of a specific performance standard when the lead
    agency adopts a statement of overriding considerations.
    Adoption of such a statement “does not negate the statutory
    obligation to implement feasible mitigation measures. ‘Even
    when a project’s benefits outweigh its unmitigated effects,
    agencies are still required to implement all mitigation
    measures unless those measures are truly infeasible.’ ” (King &
    Gardner, supra, 45 Cal.App.5th at p. 852.)
    Finally, respondents’ counsel insisted at oral argument that
    it was not possible for the EIR to adopt a specific performance
    standard because it is uncertain what the wind impact of the
    project, once finalized, will be. But that is often (if not always)
    the case with deferred mitigation measures, and Section 15126.4
    nonetheless requires specificity. Even assuming respondents are
    correct that the EIR cannot adopt the type of quantitative
    standard it employed in determining a significant wind impact,
    an arithmetically precise standard is not required. (Sierra Club,
    supra, 6 Cal.5th at p. 523.)
    In sum, we reject respondents’ cross-appeal challenging the
    trial court’s grant of the petition with respect to the wind
    mitigation measure.
    The judgment is affirmed.
    East Oakland Stadium Alliance, LLC v. City of Oakland (A166221)
    Trial Court:   Alameda County Superior Court
    Trial Judge:   Hon. Brad Seligman
    Counsel:       Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, Ronald Van
    Buskirk, Margaret Rosegay, and Stacey Wright
    for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    Shana Lazerow, Idalmis Vaquero, and Jina
    Kim as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Plaintiffs
    and Appellants.
    Barbara Parker and Maria S. Bee, City
    Attorney; Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson,
    Timothy D. Cremin and Shaye Diveley for
    Defendants and Appellants.
    Mary Richarson and Kimberly McIntyre; Best
    Best & Krieger, Charity Schiller, Sarah E.
    Owsowitz and Tiffany Michou for Real Party in
    Interest and Appellant Port of Oakland.
    D’Lonra Ellis; Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, Mary
    G. Murphy, Sara Ghalandari; Remy Moose
    Manley, Whitman F. Manley, Christopher L.
    Stiles, for Real Party in Interest and Appellant
    Oakland Athletics Group, LLC.