Barney O. Padgett v. R. James Nicholson , 19 Vet. App. 133 ( 2005 )

    NO . 02-2259
    On Appeal from the Board of Veterans' Appeals
    (Decided       April 19, 2005 )
    Barton F. Stichman and James W. Stewart (non-attorney practitioner), both of Washington,
    D.C., were on the pleadings for the appellant.
    Tim S. McClain, General Counsel; R. Randall Campbell, Assistant General Counsel; John
    D. McNamee, Acting Deputy Assistant General Counsel; Cristine D. Senseman; and Edward V.
    Cassidy, Jr., all of Washington, D.C., were on the pleadings for the appellee.
    Before IVERS, Chief Judge, and STEINBERG, GREENE, KASOLD, and HAGEL, Judges.*
    KASOLD, Judge, filed the opinion of the Court. HAGEL, Judge, filed an opinion
    concurring in part and dissenting in part. IVERS, Chief Judge, filed a dissenting opinion.
    KASOLD, Judge: World War II veteran Barney O. Padgett appeals through counsel an
    August 8, 2002, Board of Veterans' Appeals (Board) decision that denied his claim for VA disability
    compensation for service-connected osteoarthritis of the right hip on direct, presumptive, and
    secondary bases. Record (R.) at 1-20. In a July 9, 2004, panel decision of this Court issued after
    oral argument, the Board's decision was vacated and the matter remanded for readjudication. On
    September 14, the Court granted motions by both parties for a full-Court decision and withdrew the
    panel decision. Padgett v. Principi, 
    18 Vet.App. 404
     (2004) (en banc order). For the reasons stated
    Judges Moorman, Lance, Davis, and Schoelen, all of whom began regular active service on the Court after
    full-Court deliberations on this matter, did not participate in consideration of the appeal. See Court's Internal Operating
    Procedures at V(b)(1)(C).
    below, the Board's decision will be reversed in part and set aside in part, and the matter will be
    remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    I. FACTS
    Mr. Padgett served on active duty in the U.S. Army from January 1943 to July 1945. He is
    a combat veteran who served in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. R. at 22-23. In March 1943,
    he injured his left knee as a result of slipping on ice in Plattsburgh, New York. R. at 43. In July
    1944, he reinjured his left knee during combat when he jumped into a ditch seeking cover from shell
    fire. R. at 54, 71. His service medical records indicate that he was diagnosed with having a sprained
    left knee, chronic, severe, and synovitis of the left knee, chronic, severe, secondary to the left-knee
     In August 1945, a VA regional office (RO) awarded him service connection for residuals
    of a left-knee injury, rated at 30% disabling. R. at 92. That rating was reduced later to 10%. R. at
    In September 1975, Mr. Padgett filed claims seeking service connection for arthritis-related
    pain in his left leg, left hip, and the left side of his back. R. at 149. In a June 1976 decision, the RO
    assigned a 30% rating for traumatic arthritis of his left knee and for a residual sprain of the left knee
    with favorable ankylosis. R. at 185. The RO denied service connection for a lumbar-spine disorder
    and further determined that the evidence did not indicate the existence of a current left-hip disorder.
    R. at 185-87. Mr. Padgett appealed to the Board, claiming that all his arthritis had been caused by
    his service-connected left-knee injury. R. at 189-92, 201. In an April 1977 decision, the Board
    found that his multiple-joint arthritis, other than that of his left knee, was not incurred while in
    service, aggravated by service, or caused by an in-service disease or injury, and the Board denied
    his appeal. R. at 211-15.
    In March 1993, Mr. Padgett filed a claim for service connection for a right-hip disorder on
    the basis that the need for a right-hip replacement was caused by his left-knee disability. R. at 218.
    The RO obtained treatment records from Dr. Charles H. Shaw, Mr. Padgett's private orthopedic
    surgeon. In those records, Dr. Shaw noted that in 1982 Mr. Padgett was "morbidly obese" and
    suffered from degenerative arthritis in the neck, spine, and knees. R. at 226. In 1988, Dr. Shaw
    wrote that x-rays taken after an October 1988 automobile accident depicted, inter alia, severe
    degenerative arthritis of the left knee with lesser changes in the right knee and severe degenerative
    arthritis of the right hip with lesser changes in the left hip. R. at 230. Mr. Padgett underwent a
    right-total-hip arthroplasty in 1989. R. at 233-37. In 1991, Dr. Shaw also recommended a
    left-total-knee arthroplasty. R. at 237.
    In May 1993, the RO found that there was no evidence that his right-hip condition had been
    caused by his left-knee disability and denied Mr. Padgett's claim. R. at 240, 242. Mr. Padgett
    appealed to the Board. R. at 246, 260. In support of his appeal, he submitted the following
    additional medical statements from his private physicians indicating that the degenerative disease
    that he was experiencing in his right hip was related to his left-knee injury. In a December 1993
    letter, Dr. Shaw stated:
    Mr. Padgett historically sustained an injury to his left knee while in the [s]ervice.
    This injury has resulted in severe endstage traumatic osteoarthritis of his knee. He
    also states that he thinks he sustained an injury to his hip as a result of that same
    incident. Over the years he has developed progressively increasing degenerative
    disease of both his left knee and right hip.
    It is my feeling that the gait abnormalities associated with the severity of the disease
    involving his left knee ha[ve] adversely impacted the progression of the degenerative
    disease of his right hip and have in fact aggravated his symptoms with it. It is my
    feeling that the degenerative disease that he has experienced in his right hip is related
    to his original injury.
    R. at 262.
    In a January 1994 letter, Dr. Robert Thoburn, a private specialist in internal medicine and
    rheumatology, stated:
    [Mr. Padgett] had an injury to the left knee while in the service. This has progressed
    to severe osteoarthritis of the left knee secondary to trauma. He thinks he sustained
    an injury to the right hip and has progressive pain and stiffness of the right hip.
    He has an endstage left knee that has resulted in weight shifting to the right side. It
    is likely that this has resulted in progression of osteoarthritis of the right hip. It is
    consistent that the osteoarthritis of the right hip and left knee are related to the
    original injury.
    R. at 261.
    Mr. Padgett also submitted an October 1993 letter from Dr. James A. Rawls, in which Dr.
    Rawls stated that he had treated Mr. Padgett for almost 30 years and noted that "a major problem
    most of this time has been osteoarthritis involving the weight-bearing joints, knees, hips, and low
    back." R. at 263. Mr. Padgett also submitted a June 1979 letter from Dr. Rawls that noted Mr.
    Padgett's left-knee pain, but Dr. Rawls did not comment specifically on Mr. Padgett's gait or right-
    hip disability. R. at 265-67. In March 1994, after reviewing this newly submitted evidence, the RO
    continued to deny the claim. R. at 272-74.
    In May 1994, Mr. Padgett filed a Notice of Disagreement with respect to the March 1994 RO
    decision and, in December 1994, he was afforded a hearing before the RO. At the hearing, Mr.
    Padgett testified under oath that he had injured his right hip while in service at the same time that
    he had reinjured his left knee in 1944. R. at 296-97. In January 1995, after finding that the evidence
    did not provide a sufficient basis for service connection on either a direct or secondary basis, the RO
    again denied Mr. Padgett's claim R. at 303-04.
    Mr. Padgett appealed that January 1995 RO decision to the Board (R. at 319) and submitted
    additional statements from Dr. Thoburn and Dr. Shaw (R. at 325, 340). In a November 1995 letter,
    Dr. Thoburn opined: "It is my feeling that a shift in weight [because of his altered gait] plus his size
    and obesity contributed to accelerated osteoarthritis of his right hip," thereby leading to a total
    right-hip replacement. R. at 325. In an October 1996 statement, Dr. Shaw opined that Mr. Padgett's
    irregular gait pattern resulting from his left-knee injury increased symptoms in his right hip, which
    ultimately required right-hip replacement. R. at 340. Dr. Shaw concluded that "[Mr. Padgett's]
    war-related injury directly aggravated his symptoms with respect to his hip." 
    In April 1997, the Board remanded the case to the RO to (1) adjudicate Mr. Padgett's claim
    for compensation based on direct service connection, (2) reconsider his claim for compensation
    based on a secondary basis as a result of the Court's decision in Allen v. Brown, 
    7 Vet.App. 439
    (1995) (en banc) (holding that veteran may be awarded compensation for aggravation of
    non-service-connected condition by service-connected disability), and (3) afford him a hearing
    before a traveling section of the Board. R. at 354-57.
    In June 1997, Mr. Padgett underwent a VA examination by Dr. F. Henderson. R. at 360-63.
    Dr. Henderson concluded that Mr. Padgett suffered from multijoint "degenerative joint disease" that
    was "a consequence of the aging process" rather than any one specific injury. Id. at 363. However,
    he also stated that Mr. Padgett's left-knee injury may have "played a part in the damage that later
    required a left-knee replacement, but not necessarily a hip replacement." Id. In addition, Dr.
    Henderson noted that he had not reviewed the claims file and that a certified orthopedist should
    review the case "for a more definitive opinion." R. at 361, 363.
    During a February 1999 Board hearing, Mr. Padgett again testified under oath that he had
    injured his right hip at the same time he had reinjured his left knee in 1944. R. at 393-410. In a July
    1999 letter, the Board requested an expert medical opinion from the chief of staff of the Columbia,
    South Carolina, VA Medical Center (VAMC). R. at 413-15. As its authority for requesting the
    opinion, the Board's letter cites Veterans Health Administration Directive 10-95-040 (April 17,
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
     (1999), and 
    38 U.S.C. § 7109
    . R. at 413. Dr. John K. Blincow, a VA
    employee, was tasked by the Chief of Staff of the VAMC to review Mr. Padgett's claims file and
    provide to the Board the requested advisory medical opinion. See R. at 413-20. After examining
    Mr. Padgett's claims file, Dr. Blincow concluded that (1) Mr. Padgett's right-hip disorder was caused
    by age-related degenerative arthritis and was not related to his in-service left-knee injury or a gait
    abnormality and (2) his left-knee disability did not aggravate or cause an increase in severity of his
    right-hip arthritis. R. at 418-20.
    On August 8, 2002, the Board issued the decision on appeal. R. at 1-19. In its decision, the
    Board accorded the VA medical opinions more weight than the opinions rendered by Mr. Padgett's
    private physicians. R. at 14-18. The Board found that the opinions of the private physicians were
    "equivocal and apparently unsubstantiated [in] nature." R. at 16. In contrast, the Board stated that
    "both of [the VA opinions] have tremendous probative value as both were based on a thorough
    review of the claims file, which is essential [to] formulating a sound opinion." 
     The Board found
    that the medical evidence of record did not indicate a nexus between an in-service injury to Mr.
    Padgett's right hip and his current right-hip disability or that his right-hip disability manifested
    within one year after his discharge, and thus denied service connection on direct and presumptive
    bases. R. at 14-17. The Board also denied Mr. Padgett's claim for secondary service connection,
    after finding that Mr. Padgett's right-hip injury was not related to his service-connected left-knee
    disability. R. at 17-18.
    On appeal, Mr. Padgett argues, inter alia, that (1) the Board erred in relying on the June 1997
    VA medical opinion rendered by Dr. Henderson because he did not review Mr. Padgett's claims file,
    did not discuss the positive medical evidence in the claims file, and did not consider the fact that Mr.
    Padgett had injured his right hip in combat (Appellant's Brief (Br.) at 17-18); (2) the Board did not
    have the authority under the then-existing regulation, 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    , to secure the 1999 VA
    expert medical opinion of Dr. Blincow, and even if the Board had the authority to obtain such an
    opinion, under section 7104(a), title 38, U.S. Code, and Disabled American Veterans v. Secretary
    of Veterans Affairs, 
    327 F.3d 1339
     (Fed. Cir. 2003) [hereinafter DAV v. Sec'y], the Board could not
    consider that opinion without first remanding the matter to the agency of original jurisdiction or
    obtaining Mr. Padgett's waiver (Appellant's Br. at 20-24); (3) the Board's finding that Mr. Padgett's
    right-hip condition is not related to an in-service injury or his service-connected left-knee disability
    is clearly erroneous because the private medical opinions of record provide the required etiological
    relationship for service connection to be awarded (Appellant's Br. at 15-16); and (4) because the
    Board could not properly rely on either of the VA medical opinions, the only medical opinions
    properly before the Board or the Court are those that support Mr. Padgett's claim and therefore the
    Court should reverse the Board's decision denying his claim (Appellant's Br. at 25). In the
    alternative, Mr. Padgett argues that the Court should remand the case for the Board to correct the
    errors that he identified and to ensure compliance with the notice and assistance requirements of
    sections 5103(a) and 5103A, title 38, U.S. Code. Appellant's Br. at 26 n.2.
    The Secretary filed an initial brief in which he argued primarily for a remand, based on his
    failure to comply with notice duties under section 5103(a). Secretary's (Sec'y) Br. at 7-13.
    However, Mr. Padgett "waive[d] this Court's consideration [of] the errors relating to the . . . duty to
    notify discussed in . . . the Secretary's brief." Appellant's Reply Br. at 1-2. The Secretary, with
    leave of the Court, then filed a sur-reply brief in order to address Mr. Padgett's other arguments.
    Although the Secretary agrees with Mr. Padgett that the Board erred in relying on the 1997 VA
    medical opinion of Dr. Henderson (Sec'y Br. at 10), the Secretary argues that the Board had the
    authority under section 7109(a) and § 20.901 (2002) to obtain the 1999 VA medical opinion of Dr.
    Blincow, and that opinions obtained pursuant thereto do not require remand to the RO for initial
    consideration (Sec'y Sur-Reply Br. at 3-7).
    In Mr. Padgett's response to the Secretary's sur-reply brief, he argues, inter alia, that Dr.
    Blincow's medical opinion did not fit under any exception to section 7104(a) that would allow the
    Board initially to consider additional evidence. Appellant's Response to Sec'y Sur-Reply Br. at 2-6.
    In his motion for a full-Court decision, the Secretary argues that section 7109(a) is a clear exception
    to section 7104(a) and that the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (Federal
    Circuit) found in DAV v. Sec'y that the exception exists, thereby precluding this Court from holding
    otherwise. Sec'y Motion (Mot.) at 3. Mr. Padgett argues in his cross-motion for a full-Court
    decision that the Court has full authority to review the Board's factual findings for clear error.
    Appellant's Mot. at 3.
    Mr. Padgett raises two issues concerning the Board's consideration of Dr. Blincow's 1999
    expert medical opinion. First, he argues that the Board failed to follow applicable regulatory
    procedures in obtaining this medical opinion, thereby rendering its use invalid. Second, he argues
    that even if the Board had the statutory and regulatory authority to "secure" the opinion, it did not
    have the statutory authority to "consider" it in the first instance, absent a waiver from Mr. Padgett.
    We will address each of these contentions in turn.
    A. Regulatory Authority to Secure and Consider 1999 Expert
    Medical Opinion of Dr. Blincow
    Before rendering its decision, the Board requested an expert medical opinion from the Chief
    of Staff of the VAMC in Columbia, South Carolina. Mr. Padgett argues that the Board lacked the
    authority under the law in effect at the time to ask the Chief of Staff to provide a medical opinion
    because the regulations provided only that such an opinion could be solicited from VA's Chief
    Medical Director (also known as the Under Secretary for Health), and made no reference to any
    other person, including a Chief of Staff of a VAMC. See Appellant's Br. at 20; see also 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    After obtaining the expert medical opinion but during the pendency of the Board decision,
    the Secretary amended § 20.901(a) to authorize the Board to obtain a medical opinion from any
    appropriate health-care professional within VA, not just the Chief Medical Director. See Rules of
    Practice: Medical Opinions From the Veterans Health Administration, 
    66 Fed. Reg. 38,158
    , 38,159
    (July 23, 2001); compare 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a) (1999) with 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a) (2002). Given
    this modification of the regulation, the Court cannot and does not find that Mr. Padgett was
    prejudiced by the Board's solicitation in 1999 of Dr. Blincow's expert medical opinion because the
    Board had clear regulatory authority to take such action and consider Dr. Blincow's opinion in 2002,
    when it ultimately relied upon it and rendered the decision here on appeal. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (b)(2) (Court shall take due account of rule of prejudicial error).
    B. Statutory Authority to Secure and Consider
    Expert Medical Opinion
    Mr. Padgett also argues that, even if obtaining or securing Dr. Blincow's opinion was
    permissible by regulation, the Board could not rely upon Dr. Blincow's medical opinion in the first
    instance, absent the claimant's waiver, because it would deny Mr. Padgett his right to "one review
    on appeal to the Secretary" as provided for by 
    38 U.S.C. § 7104
    (a); see also DAV v. Sec'y, 
    Although Mr. Padgett focuses on the Board's authority – or lack thereof – to "consider" Dr.
    Blincow's opinion in the first instance, it is essential that we first examine the statutory authority of
    the Board to "secure" the opinion. For the reasons set forth below, we conclude that in section
    7109(a) the United States Congress statutorily recognized and sanctioned the practice of the Board
    to secure expert medical opinions from VA employees and thereby provided statutory authority for
    that practice. We also find that the authority of the Board to secure a medical opinion includes the
    authority for the Board to consider that opinion.
    1. Board May Secure Expert Medical Opinions
    At the outset, we note that the Court already has addressed on several occasions the Board's
    use of medical opinions it obtained, and concluded, either directly or implicitly, that the Board had
    the authority to secure medical expert opinions from both VA and non-VA employees. See, e.g.,
    Winsett v. West, 
    11 Vet.App. 420
    , 426 (1998) (holding that section 7109(a) does not preclude Board
    from obtaining medical opinions not rendered from outside VA); Perry v. Brown, 
    9 Vet.App. 2
    , 6
    (1996) (stating that, in event that medical-nexus opinion was needed on remand, "Board may seek
    to obtain that development itself through a [VA] or non-VA [medical expert] opinion"); Thurber v.
    5 Vet.App. 119
    , 120-21 (1993) (commenting that section 7109 assumes, although does not
    specifically authorize, Board's obtaining opinions of VA medical experts, and holding that 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a) authorizing such action is a valid promulgation pursuant to statutory sections 7109 and
    5107(a)); see also Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    , 843-45
    (1984) (Court gives deference to executive department's regulation making reasonable interpretation
    of statutory scheme). In light of the subsequent issuance of the Federal Circuit's opinion in DAV v.
    Sec'y, however, we feel constrained to examine this question anew and thus proceed to do so.
    In DAV v. Sec'y, the Federal Circuit held that a regulation authorizing the Board to obtain
    additional evidence without remand to an RO for initial consideration of that evidence violated the
    statutory requirement in section 7104(a) that there be one appellate review of the Secretary's
    decisions. See DAV v. Sec'y, 
    327 F.3d at 1353
    38 C.F.R. § 19.9
    (a)(2) (2000)).
    Although the Federal Circuit concluded that section 7104(a) generally precluded the Board from
    considering new evidence in the first instance, absent waiver by the claimant, that court recognized
    that Congress could make exceptions, and further noted that Congress had explicitly done so with
    regard to expert medical opinions in at least two statutory provisions as implemented by regulation.
    Specifically, the Federal Circuit stated:
    [W]hen Congress intended to authorize the Board to obtain additional evidence
    without "one review on appeal to the Secretary," it knew how to do so. Congress has
    provided express statutory authority to permit the Board to obtain additional
    evidence, such as expert medical opinions in specific cases. See, e.g., 
    38 U.S.C. § 5107
    (a) (2000) (authorizing Board to obtain medical opinions from VA's Under
    Secretary for Health (formerly the Chief Medical Director)); 
    38 U.S.C. § 7109
    (2000) (authorizing Board to obtain independent medical opinions from outside the
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a) (2002) (authorizing Board to obtain opinions from the
    Veterans Health Administration); 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (b) (authorizing Board to obtain
    medical opinions from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology).
    DAV v. Sec'y, 
    327 F.3d at 1347-48
    . Although we note that former section 5107(a) (now 38 U.S.C.
    § 5103A(d)) did not expressly authorize the Board to obtain or secure medical opinions, the import
    of the Federal Circuit's analysis, at least as it relates to this case, is that court's recognition that
    Congress may provide an exception to the one-appellate-review requirement of section 7104(a), and
    that Congress did so in section 7109. We agree.
    "The starting point in interpreting a statute is its language, for 'if the intent of Congress is
    clear, that is the end of the matter.'" Gardner v. Brown, 
    5 F.3d 1456
    , 1456 (Fed. Cir. 1993)
    [hereinafter Gardner II], aff'd, 
    513 U.S. 115
     (1994). "Determining a statute's plain meaning requires
    examining the specific language at issue and the overall structure of the statute." Gardner v.
    1 Vet.App. 584
    , 586 (1991) [hereinafter Gardner I], aff'd sub nom. Gardner II, 
    5 F.3d 1456
     (Fed. Cir. 1993), aff'd, 
    513 U.S. 115
     (1994); see also Splane v. West, 
    216 F.3d 1058
    , 1068-69
    (Fed. Cir. 2000) ("canons of construction . . . require us to give effect to the clear language of a
    statute and avoid rendering any portions meaningless or superfluous"); Gardner I, 1 Vet.App. at
    587-88 ("Where a statute's language is plain, and its meaning clear, no room exists for construction.
    There is nothing to construe."). Where the plain meaning of a statute is discernible, that "plain
    meaning must be given effect unless a 'literal application of [the] statute will produce a result
    demonstrably at odds with the intention of its drafters.'" Gardner I, 1 Vet.App. at 587 (quoting
    Griffin v. Oceanic Contractors, Inc., 
    458 U.S. 564
    , 571 (1982)).
    Section 7109(a) authorizes the Board to secure expert medical opinions when deemed
    necessary. Although this section authorizes the Board to secure these opinions from experts who
    are not employees of VA, it also recognizes and sanctions the Board's practice to secure such
    opinions from medical experts employed by VA. Section 7109(a) states in relevant part:
    When, in the judgment of the Board, expert medical opinion, in addition to that
    available within the Department [of Veterans Affairs], is warranted by the medical
    complexity or controversy involved in an appeal case, the Board may secure an
    advisory medial opinion from one or more independent medical experts who are not
    employees of the Department.
    38 U.S.C. § 7109
    (a) (emphasis added).
    Although section 7109(a) does not explicitly authorize the Board to secure expert medical
    opinions from experts within VA, the phrase "in addition to that available within the Department
    [of Veterans Affairs]" is an express sanctioning of the practice of the Board to use such experts.
    The inclusion of this reference to the Board's existing practice within the statutory authority for the
    Board to use experts outside VA, creates a strong implication that Congress was recognizing and
    approving the existing practice of the Board to secure medical opinions from experts within VA.
    Moreover, to the extent that there is any doubt, the legislative history of section 7109(a)
    demonstrates that this recognition of the Board's practice of using VA medical experts in addition
    to outside medical experts was a deliberate action by Congress. See Steadman v. SEC, 
    450 U.S. 91
    101 (1981) (Court may look to legislative history to reveal Congress' intent). The principal purpose
    of the section that eventually became section 7109 was to provide the Board with the authority to
    secure an advisory medical opinion from independent medical experts who were not employees of
    VA. See Pub. L. No. 87-671, 
    76 Stat. 557
    38 U.S.C. § 4009
     (1962) (redesignated as section
    7109 by Pub. L. No. 12-40, § 402(b)(1), 
    105 Stat. 238
     (1991)). The House-passed version of the bill
    would have required the VA chief medical director to "render an opinion to the Board on the
    medical aspects of the case" in every case in which (1) an RO had denied a service-connection
    claim, (2) medical evidence had been submitted that tended to support the claim, and (3) the case
    was appealed and such an opinion was requested. In such cases, the opinion would have to "be
    considered by the Board." H.R. REP. NO . 87-1453, at 2 (1962) (to accompany H.R. 852); see also
    H.R. 852, 87th Cong. (2d Sess.), § 1 (adding new section 4009 to title 38, U.S. Code) (as reported
    Mar. 19, 1962); 108 CONG . REC. 5519 (Apr. 2, 1962) (House passage of reported bill). In addition,
    after a claim had been disallowed, reopened, and again denied, the House-passed bill also would
    have required the Chief Medical Director, upon request after appeal to the Board, to refer the case
    to an independent medical-expert advisory panel for review, and it would have made the opinion of
    that panel "binding upon the Board." Id.
    The United States Senate committee considering the bill amended it by dropping the mandate
    to the Chief Medical Director and the Board, thereby leaving "the use of independent medical
    experts permissive with the Board rather than mandatory as would have been required by the bill
    as passed by the House of Representatives."           S. REP. NO . 87-1844 (1962), reprinted in
    1962 U.S.C.C.A.N. 2585, 2586. It explained its action by noting that the bill it was reporting made
    "no reference to the Board of Veterans' Appeals securing an advisory opinion from the Chief
    Medical Director of the Veterans' Administration since this is a matter within Agency discretion
    and ample authority for this practice now exists." Id. (emphasis added); see H.R. 852, 87th Cong.
    (2d Sess.), § 1 (amending proposed section 4009 in House-passed bill) (reported Aug. 6, 1962). The
    Senate version of the bill authorizing the Board to seek expert medical opinions "in addition to that
    available within the Department," was concurred in by the United States House of Representatives,
    108 Cong. Rec. 18406 (Sept. 4, 1962), and thereafter was enacted. By adding this language, instead
    of the House mandatory language, Congress recognized and approved the continuing authority of
    the Board to seek expert medical opinions from medical experts employed by VA in addition to the
    newly granted authority to secure such opinions from medical experts outside VA. This recognition
    is demonstrated by the Explanatory Statement on Compromise Agreement on Division A,
    accompanying the enactment of the Veterans Judicial Review Act, Pub. L. 100-687, § 103(a)(1),
    102 Stat. 4105
     (1988), which, inter alia, modified then-section 4009 and stated that "[t]he
    Committees . . . note with approval the current practice of obtaining [expert medical] opinions" from
    within VA. 134 Cong. Rec. S16653 (1988), reprinted in 1988 U.S.C.C.A.N. 5834, 5842. Thus, we
    hold that section 7109 provides statutory authority for the Board to secure medical opinions from
    both VA and other medical experts.
    We now address Mr. Padgett's argument that the plain wording of section 7109(a) authorizes
    the Board only to secure, not to consider in the first instance, an expert medical opinion, and that
    this means that the Board is required to return a case to the RO for initial consideration of any expert
    medical opinion that the Board might secure. For the reasons stated below, we reject this
    2. Board Initially May Consider Expert Medical Opinions It Secures
    Although Mr. Padgett correctly notes that section 7109(a) authorizes the Board to "secure"
    expert medical opinions and does not explicitly state that the Board may "consider" those opinions
    in the first instance, his interpretation of the statute to mean that the Board is precluded from so
    considering them is inconsistent with the analysis of DAV v. Sec'y, supra, as well as the discussion
    in Perry and Thurber, both supra. Mr. Padgett's interpretation is also inconsistent with the statutory
    scheme and the legislative purpose behind section 7109 and it would produce absurd results.
    a. DAV v. Sec'y, Perry, and Thurber: In DAV v. Sec'y, the Federal Circuit stated: "[W]hen
    Congress intended to authorize the Board to obtain additional evidence without 'one review on
    appeal to the Secretary,' it knew how to do so." 
    327 F.3d at 1347-48
    . If the Federal Circuit was
    addressing only the obtaining (or securing) of evidence in its narrowest sense, as Mr. Padgett would
    have us construe those terms, then there would have been no need for the Federal Circuit to note that
    Congress knew how to authorize the Board to obtain such evidence "without 'one review on appeal
    to the Secretary'" because the mere obtaining of evidence by the Board (without review) could not
    violate the one-appellate-review requirement of section 7104(a); only the Board's consideration of
    such evidence could possibly do so. We view the Federal Circuit's conclusion in this respect as
    integral to its analysis of section 7104(a) and therefore not dictum. See generally Co-Steel Raritan,
    Inc. v. Int'l Trade Comm'n, 
    357 F.3d 1294
    , 1307-08 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (defining dictum as language
    that is unnecessary to decision in case) (citing BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 1100 (7th ed. 1999)); see
    also DaimlerChrysler Corp. v. United States, 
    361 F.3d 1378
    , 1385 n.3 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (noting that,
    even if dictum, court "would feel obligated to follow the Supreme Court's explicit and carefully
    considered statements"); Ins. Co. of the West v. United States, 
    243 F.3d 1367
    , 1372 (Fed. Cir. 2001)
    (same); Stone Container Corp. v. United States, 
    229 F.3d 1345
    , 1349-50 (Fed. Cir. 2000) (same).
    Moreover, consistent with DAV v. Sec'y, this Court has implicitly recognized the propriety of the
    Board's consideration of medical opinions it obtains. See Perry, 9 Vet.App. at 6 (stating that on
    remand the Board could develop a case itself through use of a VA medical expert opinion); Thurber,
    5 Vet.App. at 126, (noting that notice to a claimant and opportunity to respond were required before
    Board could rely on a VA medical expert opinion that it obtained).
    Even if the language in DAV v. Sec'y was not binding upon us, based on the following
    analysis we agree with the Federal Circuit's conclusion as to section 7109.
    b. Statutory Scheme: Although the plain language of the statute – here authorizing the Board
    to "secure" an expert medical opinion from both VA and non-VA medical experts – is the starting
    point of an analysis of that statute, see Gardner II, Splane, and Gardner I, all supra, it is not the
    totality of analysis. When interpreting the meaning of a statute, "each part or section of a statute
    should be construed in connection with every other part or section so as to produce a harmonious
    whole" and "it is not proper to confine interpretation to the one section to be construed." 2A N.
    SINGER , SUTHERLAND      ON   STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION § 46:05 (6th ed. 2000) [hereinafter
    SUTHERLAND ]. That is, "the court will not only consider the particular statute in question, but also
    the entire legislative scheme of which it is a part." SUTHERLAND , § 46:05; see also King v. St.
    Vincent's Hosp., 
    502 U.S. 215
    , 221 (1991) (when interpreting statute, court is required to look at
    context and provisions of law as a whole); Imazio Nursery, Inc. v. Dania Greenhouses, 
    69 F.3d 1560
    , 1564 (Fed. Cir. 1995) (all parts of a statute must be construed together without according
    undue importance to single or isolated portion). Moreover, a "statute should be construed so that
    effect is given to all its provisions, so that no part will be inoperative or superfluous, void or
    insignificant, and so that one section will not destroy another unless the provision is the result of
    obvious mistake or error." SUTHERLAND , § 46:06; see also Splane, 
    The statutory scheme pertinent to our review in this case includes separate authorities for the
    Secretary to obtain medical opinions at the RO level. See 38 U.S.C. §§ 5103A(d), 5109. Those
    medical opinions are first considered by an RO, whose decisions can be appealed to the Board. See
    38 U.S.C. §§ 7104
    (a), 7105. Section 7109(a) gives the Board separate and independent authority
    to secure advisory medical opinions when, "in the judgment of the Board, expert medical opinion,
    in addition to that available within the Department, is warranted by the medical complexity or
    controversy involved in an appeal case". 
    38 U.S.C. § 7109
    (a). Considering these provisions in
    concert, the Court concludes that it would have been incongruous for Congress to have given
    discretionary authority to the Board to obtain a medical opinion but require initial review of that
    opinion by the RO, which already had an opportunity to seek and review medical opinions obtained
    under its own separate authority in 
    38 U.S.C. § 5109
    . Unlike DAV v. Sec'y, this is not a case
    involving regulatory authority for the Board to consider evidence that conflicts with a statutory right
    to one review on appeal. Rather, the authority issue here involves the statutory scheme itself.
    Requiring the Board to send information that it is statutorily permitted to secure back to the RO for
    initial consideration is inconsistent with the overall statutory scheme and the intent of Congress
    (described below in part II.B.1.c) that the Board resolve conflicts in evidence.
    Our conclusion that Congress intended for the Board to consider the expert opinions that it
    obtained under section 7109(a) is further supported by the fact that Congress also provided due-
    process protections. Subsection (c) of section 7109 requires the Board to furnish notice and a copy
    of the opinion to the claimant. See Winsett, 11 Vet.App. at 426 ("subsection (c) of section
    7109[, by] requir[ing] notice and provision of a copy of the [VA] opinion to a claimant (as does
    section 5109[(c)]), merely restates the procedural process due a claimant under higher law before
    a decision is made"); 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.903
    (a) (2004) (Board to give claimant notice and opportunity
    to respond to evidence obtained under § 20.901, the regulation implementing section 7109(a)); see
    also Thurber, 5 Vet.App. at 122 (concluding that 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.903
    , which requires notification
    to claimant of use by Board of expert medical opinion and opportunity to respond, "applies to both
    independent and VA opinions"). If an expert opinion obtained by the Board had to be sent to the
    RO before it could be considered by the Board, there would be no need for the Board to provide
    notice and a copy to the claimant because the RO is otherwise required to do so. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 5109
    38 C.F.R. § 3.328
    (d) (2004).
    c. Legislative Purpose: The express purpose for enacting the provision that is now codified
    as section 7109 was "to improve the appellate procedures applicable to veterans' claims by
    authorizing the referral of such claims to independent medical experts" in order to "resolve conflicts
    of evidence in questions involving service connection of disabilities or deaths." S. REP. NO . 1844
    (1962), reprinted in 1962 U.S.C.C.A.N. 2585, 2585-86. The interpretation of the scheme urged by
    Mr. Padgett, i.e., remanding to the RO for initial consideration of expert medical opinions requested
    and obtained by the Board pursuant to section 7109(a), does nothing to improve the referenced
    appellate procedures. We believe that it is difficult, if not impossible, to escape the conclusion that
    Congress, by specifically referencing appellate procedures and by vesting in the Board (VA's
    appellate body) the authority to procure such expert medical opinions, intended that the Board be
    able both to procure and to review the medical opinions obtained under section 7109(a).
    d. Avoiding Absurd Results: Finally, Mr. Padgett's interpretation of section 7109(a) would
    lead to absurd results. See United States v. X-Citement Video, Inc., 
    513 U.S. 64
    , 68-69 (1994)
    ("Some applications of respondent's position would produce results that were not merely odd, but
    positively absurd . . . . We do not assume that Congress, in passing laws, intended such results.");
    Timex V.I., Inc. v. United States, 
    157 F.3d 879
    , 886 (Fed. Cir. 1998) ("statutory construction that
    causes absurd results is to be avoided if at all possible"). It would be absurd to conclude that
    Congress authorized the Board to "secure" but not "consider" VA expert medical opinions, when
    the Board was already authorized to remand matters to the RO for consideration, and the RO was
    authorized to obtain and consider VA expert medical opinions. See 38 U.S.C. §§ 5103A(d), 5109.
    The incongruity of a conclusion that the Board is authorized to obtain, but not consider in the first
    instance, an expert medical opinion is further illustrated by the application of that conclusion to
    another section of the statutory scheme, section 7107, title 38, U.S. Code. Under section 7107, if
    Mr. Padgett's position that the Board can do only what is explicitly authorized is correct, then the
    Board could hold a hearing and record Mr. Padgett's testimony but, because section 7107 fails to
    state explicitly that the Board can consider his testimony in the first instance, the hearing transcript
    would have to be sent to the RO for initial consideration (where Mr. Padgett may already have had
    a hearing, see, e.g., 
    38 U.S.C. § 7105
    (a) (stating that, after the filing of a Notice of Disagreement,
    "[e]ach appellant will be accorded hearing . . . rights"); 
    38 C.F.R. §§ 3.103
    (a) (requiring notice of
    right to hearing and citing 
    38 U.S.C. § 501
    (a) as statutory authority for this right); 3.105(i)
    (affording claimant opportunity for hearing prior to severance of service connection, reduction in
    compensation or pension, and other reductions and discontinuances) (2004)). This would mean that
    the Board could no longer assess in the first instance the credibility of the hearing testimony of a
    claimant, a well-recognized role of the Board. See Cuevas v. Principi, 
    3 Vet.App. 542
    , 547 (1992)
    (noting that Board is required to "address the credibility of appellant's sworn testimony or provide
    reasons for discounting that testimony"); Wilson v. Derwinski, 
    2 Vet.App. 16
    , 20 (1991) (same);
    Smith v. Derwinski, 
    1 Vet.App. 235
    , 237-38 (1991) ("[d]etermination of credibility is a function for
    the [Board]"). Because Mr. Padgett's interpretation would lead to the above absurd results, it should
    be avoided.
    3. Summary
    In summary, we conclude that section 7109(a) gives the Board the authority to secure expert
    medical opinions from both VA and non-VA medical experts, and that such authority includes the
    authority to consider in the first instance the information so obtained and does not conflict with the
    section 7104(a) right to one appellate review, particularly given the fact that due-process protections
    are provided in the statute and regulation, 
    38 U.S.C. § 7109
    38 C.F.R. § 20.903
    (a). This
    conclusion, in effect, reaffirms Thurber, supra, and is consistent with DAV v. Sec'y, supra.
    Accordingly, the Court holds that the Board's consideration of Dr. Blincow's expert medical opinion
    was fully consistent with the statutory scheme as an exception to, and not in conflict with, the "one
    review on appeal to the Secretary" provision of section 7104(a).
    Mr. Padgett seeks reversal of the Board decision based on his argument that the Board could
    not properly rely on either VA medical opinion, leaving the opinions of Drs. Shaw and Thoburn as
    the only medical opinions properly before the Board. Although the Court rejects the contention that
    the Board could not consider the VA medical opinions for any purpose, we nevertheless find
    reversal appropriate as to the denial of Mr. Padgett's secondary-service-connected right-hip-
    disability claim. Additionally, remand is appropriate with regard to his claims for presumptive and
    direct service connection for his right-hip disability.
    A. Board Decision as to Secondary Service Connection for
    Right-Hip Disability will be Reversed
    Secondary service connection may be granted for any disability that is proximately due to
    or the result of a service-connected disease or injury. 
    38 C.F.R. § 3.310
    (a) (2004); see Allen,
    7 Vet.App. at 448 (allowing secondary service connection for aggravation of non-service-connected
    condition by service-connected disability). The Board's decision regarding the finding of secondary
    service connection is a finding of fact that the Court reviews under the "clearly erroneous" standard
    of review set forth in 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (a)(4). See Harder v. Brown, 
    5 Vet.App. 183
    , 187 (1993).
    In this regard, section 7261(a)(4) directs the Court to "reverse or set aside" any "finding of material
    fact adverse to the claimant . . . if the finding is clearly erroneous." 38 U.S.C. 7261(a)(4). "'A
    finding is 'clearly erroneous' when although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing court on
    the entire evidence is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been
    committed.'" Gilbert v. Derwinski, 
    1 Vet.App. 49
    , 52 (1990) (emphasis added) (quoting United
    States v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. 364
    , 395 (1948)). Of course, if the Board's "'account of the
    evidence is plausible in light of the record viewed in its entirety, the court of appeals may not
    reverse it.'" Gilbert, 1 Vet.App. at 52 (quoting Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
    573-74 (1985)).
    Additionally, when assessing the factual determinations of the Board, the Court is required
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (b)(1) to "take due account" of the application of 
    38 U.S.C. § 5107
    (b), the
    "benefit-of-the-doubt" rule in every case. Under this rule, the Secretary is charged with the duty to
    consider all information and evidence of record and, when there is an "approximate balance of
    positive and negative evidence regarding any issue material to the determination of the matter, the
    Secretary shall give the benefit of the doubt to the claimant." 
    38 U.S.C. § 5107
    (b); see also Mariano
    v. Principi, 
    17 Vet.App. 305
    , 313 (2003) (also referring inferentially to benefit-of-the-doubt rule as
    "equipoise standard"); 
    38 C.F.R. § 3.102
     (2004). Put another way, under the benefit-of-the-doubt
    rule, "the preponderance of the evidence must be against the claim for benefits to be denied."
    Gilbert, 1 Vet.App. at 54; see Robinette v. Brown, 
    8 Vet.App. 69
    , 76 (1995) ("the unique evidentiary
    burdens in the VA adjudication system . . . permit a merits disallowance only where the evidence
    preponderates against the claim"); see also Ortiz v. Principi, 
    274 F.3d 1361
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2001)
    ("benefit of the doubt rule may be viewed as shifting the 'risk of nonpersuasion' onto the VA to
    prove that the veteran is not entitled to benefits"). In application, this rule creates a preponderance-
    against-the-claim evidentiary standard that applies to every finding of material fact. See Mariano,
    Robinette, and Gilbert, all supra. The Court cannot carry out its section 7261(b) responsibility to
    "review the record of proceedings before the Secretary and the Board . . . and . . . take due account
    of the Secretary's application of section 5107(b)", 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (b), (b)(1), without referring to
    the probativeness of the evidence that the Board weighed in finding that the evidence preponderated
    against the claim. Indeed, that is exactly what the Court did three times in its opinion in Mariano,
    17 Vet.App. at 313-17.
    Although in Gilbert the Court indicated that a review of the Board's application of the
    benefit-of-the-doubt rule would be under the "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
    otherwise not in accordance with law" standard of review pursuant to 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    Gilbert, 1 Vet.App. at 58 (dictum), such a review was not carried out there because the Court
    concluded that the Board's statement of reasons or bases was inadequate, thereby warranting
    remand, id. at 59. More recently, the Court held that it reviews the "outcome" of the Board's
    application of the benefit-of-the-doubt rule under the "clearly erroneous" standard of review set forth
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (a)(4), and then proceeded to apply that standard of review. Mariano, supra
    (quoting Roberson v. Principi, 
    17 Vet.App. 135
    , 146 (2003)). Accordingly, if the Court has "'the
    definite and firm conviction that a mistake has been committed'" by the Board in finding that the
    evidence preponderated against the claim on a finding of material fact, then section 7261(a)(4) and
    section 7261(b)(1) require that such finding be held clearly erroneous and be reversed or set aside.
    Gilbert, supra (quoting U.S. Gypsum Co., supra (reversing lower Court's finding of fact under
    "clearly erroneous" standard of review)); see also Veterans Benefits Act of 2002 (VBA), Pub. L. No.
    107-330, § 401, 
    116 Stat. 2820
    , 2832 (enacting section 7261(b)(1) and revising section 7261(a)(4));
    Mariano, supra (noting "clearly erroneous" standard of review applies to assessment of "outcome
    of the Board's application" of benefit-of-doubt rule, thrice holding Board's application of section
    5107(b) clearly erroneous, and twice reversing it and once setting it aside); Roberson, 17 Vet.App.
    at 147 (noting no change to "clearly erroneous" standard of review). But see Wells v. Principi,
    18 Vet.App. 33
    , 39 (2004) (en banc order) (Steinberg, J., dissenting to denial of full-Court decision)
    (opining that VBA brought "about a major expansion of the Court's responsibilities as to review of
    BVA factfinding").
    The Secretary argues that the Court cannot hold clearly erroneous a Board finding unless the
    evidence is uncontroverted against the Board's finding; specifically, the Secretary states:
    Reversal by the Court is warranted only when there is absolutely no plausible
    basis for the [Board's] decision and where the [Board's] decision is clearly erroneous
    in light of the uncontroverted evidence in [the a]ppellant's favor. Hicks v. Brown,
    8 Vet.App. 417
    , 422 (1995). The medical evidence regarding nexus or aggravation
    in this case is controverted, so reversal is not appropriate.
    Sec'y Sur-Reply at 3. The Hicks language cited by the Secretary as authority for not finding clear
    error unless the evidence is uncontroverted was derived from Hersey v. Derwinski, 
    2 Vet.App. 91
    95 (1992), where it was used to describe how strong the claimant's evidence was – it was
    "uncontroverted". This characterization of the evidence in Hersey was not presented as a new or
    different criterion for "clearly erroneous" review. See Hicks, supra; see also Wells v. Principi,
    18 Vet.App. 33
    , 47-48 (en banc order) (Steinberg, J., dissenting to denial of full-Court decision)
    (analyzing Hicks and Hersey in relation to Anderson, U.S. Gypsum Co., and Gilbert); id at 49-51
    (Kasold, J., dissenting to denial of full-Court decision) (same).
    It is clear from U.S. Gypsum Co., Mariano, and Gilbert that the existence of some
    controverting evidence (that is, evidence that is not in the appellant's favor) does not preclude this
    Court from carrying out the mandates in section 7261(a)(4) and (b)(1) to "review the record of
    proceedings before the Secretary and the Board" and then to "take due account of the Secretary's
    application of [the] section 5107(b)" benefit-of-the-doubt rule (i.e., "the preponderance of the
    evidence must be against the claim for benefits to be denied," Gilbert, supra), 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (b)(1), that governs the Board's decisionmaking as to every finding of material fact, and to
    "set aside or reverse" that application when it is "clearly erroneous," 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (a)(4). See
    Mariano, 17 Vet.App. at 313-17 (twice holding Board's findings clearly erroneous even though
    evidence was not uncontroverted); see also U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. at 395-96
     (finding lower
    court's finding clearly erroneous where evidence was not uncontroverted). To the extent that Hicks
    and other precedent relying on Hersey can be read to support the proposition that a Board finding
    cannot be clearly erroneous unless the evidence against that finding is uncontroverted, that precedent
    is overruled unanimously.
    In reviewing the Board's decision to deny secondary service connection for the right-hip
    disability in light of the entire record in this case, we note that there are two doctors with intimate
    knowledge of Mr. Padgett and his medical status who opine that his left-knee injury "directly
    aggravated," "adversely impacted," or otherwise "contributed to" or "resulted in" his right-hip
    problems. R. at 261-62, 325, 340. Dr. Thoburn, a rheumatologist, was aware of Mr. Padgett's knee
    condition since at least 1975, when Dr. Thoburn was consulted by another doctor who believed that
    Mr. Padgett had severe degenerative arthritis and a possible torn medial meniscus of the left knee.
    R. at 162. In 1976, Dr. Thoburn treated Mr. Padgett for, inter alia, degenerative arthritis of the left
    knee. R. at 189-91. Dr. Shaw, an orthopaedic surgeon, began treating Mr. Padgett in 1982,
    performed his right-total-hip arthroplasty in 1989, and evaluated his medical condition in follow-up
    medical evaluations through 1991. R. at 226-37. Dr. Shaw provided copies of his periodic
    evaluations to Dr. Thoburn throughout his treatment of Mr. Padgett. R. at 226-37.
    The Board noted Dr. Shaw's opinion that Mr. Padgett's "in service left knee injury resulted
    in severe traumatic osteoarthritis of the left knee which adversely impacted the progression of
    degenerative disease of the right hip and aggravated his symptoms" and that his "in service left knee
    injury resulted in an irregular gait pattern which directly aggravated his right hip symptoms." R. at
    17. Further, the Board noted Dr. Thoburn's opinion that Mr. Padgett's "left knee condition resulted
    in his weight shifting to the right side, which resulted in the progression of osteoarthritis of the right
    In contrast to the opinions of Drs. Shaw and Thoburn, which are based on personal
    examinations and knowledge of Mr. Padgett's pertinent medical and physical history, including
    direct observation of the alteration of his gait, are the opinions of Drs. Henderson and Blincow, the
    VA doctors. Dr. Henderson examined Mr. Padgett but, contrary to what the Board stated in its
    decision, he did not review the claims file. R. at 16, 361 (Dr. Henderson's report stating, "C file was
    not available for review"). Dr. Henderson's report also made no mention of Mr. Padgett's in-service
    right-hip injury. R. at 360-63. These factors render Dr. Henderson's report of "questionable
    probative value." Mariano, 17 Vet.App. at 317 (flawed methodology in creating medical report
    renders report of "questionable probative value"); Bielby v. Brown, 
    7 Vet.App. 260
    , 268 (1994) ("In
    order for an expert's opinion to be based upon the facts or data of a case, those facts or data must be
    disclosed to or perceived by the expert prior to rendering an opinion[;] otherwise the opinion is
    merely conjecture and of no assistance to the trier of fact.") (emphasis in original); Green v.
    1 Vet.App. 121
    , 124 (1991) (duty to assist requires providing claimant with "thorough
    and contemporaneous" medical examination that "takes into account the records of prior medical
    38 C.F.R. § 4.1
     (2004) ("It is . . . essential both in the examination and in the evaluation
    of a disability, that each disability be viewed in relation to its history.").
    Moreover, Dr. Henderson's diagnosis was not definitive, stating that the "fact that both hips
    and knees are affected by this problem [(i.e., degenerative joint disease)] suggest[s] that it is a
    consequence of the aging process," further stating that the "fact that he did injure the left knee . . .
    50 years ago suggest[s] that this may have played a part in the damage that required a knee
    replacement, but not necessarily a hip replacement," and further noting that "[f]or a more definitive
    opinion, it is suggested that a certified orthopedist review this case." R. at 363 (emphasis added).
    The latter statement diminishes further the value of this report as probative medical evidence. See
    Espiritu v. Derwinski, 
    2 Vet.App. 492
    , 494-95 (1992) (question involving special knowledge
    requires witness skilled in that area); see also Sklar v. Brown, 
    5 Vet.App. 140
    , 146 (1993)
    (specialist's opinion on medical matter outside his or her specialty to be given little weight);
    Guerrieri v. Brown, 
    4 Vet.App. 467
    , 470-71 (1993) ("probative value of medical opinion evidence
    is based on the medical expert's personal examination of the patient, the physician's knowledge and
    skill in analyzing the data, and the medical conclusion that the physician reaches"); cf. Bloom v.
    12 Vet.App. 185
    , 187 (1999) (speculative medical opinion cannot establish in-service medical
    nexus to service).
    Dr. Blincow's report fares not much better. Although direct examination of Mr. Padgett by
    a medical expert is not necessary to make the expert's medical report competent, see Black v. Brown,
    10 Vet.App. 279
    , 286 (1997) (Kramer, J., dissenting) ("medical opinions obtained from . . . medical
    experts provide sufficient bases for awarding a claim . . . and those physicians, by definition,
    examine only records, not patients" (citing 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a), (d)), the lack of a complete and
    accurate record, at least as to material and relevant facts, certainly undercuts an expert medical
    opinion's probative value. See Bielby, supra.
    Dr. Blincow makes no reference to the in-service incurrence of Mr. Padgett's combat-related
    right-hip injury, which the Board accepted as having occurred as Mr. Padgett had asserted. R. at 16;
    38 U.S.C. § 1154
    38 C.F.R. § 3.304
    (d) (2004) ("[s]atisfactory lay or other evidence that an
    injury or disease was incurred or aggravated in combat will be accepted as sufficient proof of service
    connection if the evidence is consistent with the circumstances, conditions or hardships of such
    service"); cf. Caluza v. Brown, 
    7 Vet.App. 498
    , 508 (1994) (lay evidence of veteran's combat-related
    injury must be accepted by Board as sufficient proof of in-service incurrence or aggravation of
    injury absent clear and convincing proof to contrary), aff'd, 
    78 F.3d 604
     (Fed. Cir. 1996) (table).
    Indeed, Dr. Blincow notes in his report that there "is no recorded record of any injury to the patient's
    right hip at the time of the [1944 left-knee injury]" (R. at 418) and that "[t]here is no mention of any
    injury to the right hip in the medical records" (R. at 419). It is not the province of the Court to
    speculate on the extent to which knowledge of Mr. Padgett's right-hip injury in service would have
    affected Dr. Blincow's medical conclusions; indeed, the materiality and relevance of that knowledge
    is itself a medical question. It is, however, axiomatic that without knowledge of Mr. Padgett's right-
    hip injury, Dr. Blincow's conclusions with regard to the etiology of Mr. Padgett's current right-hip
    disability are necessarily based on incomplete information and rendered suspect. Accordingly, Dr.
    Blincow's conclusions with regard to Mr. Padgett's right-hip disability, having been made in the
    absence of a potentially material and relevant fact, are also of "questionable probative value."
    Mariano, 17 Vet.App. at 317; see also Bielby, supra; Reonal v. Brown, 
    5 Vet.App. 458
    , 461 (1993)
    ("opinion based upon an inaccurate factual premise has no probative value").
    Despite the infirmities in the reports of Drs. Henderson and Blincow, and the lack of such
    infirmities regarding the opinions of Drs. Shaw and Thoburn, the Board found that the probative
    value of the opinions of Drs. Henderson and Blincow "far outweighed" the value of the opinions of
    Drs. Shaw and Thoburn. Based on this weighing of the evidence, the Board found that Mr. Padgett's
    right-hip injury was not secondarily service connected because the preponderance of the evidence
    was against that claim. R. at 18. However, given the little probative weight, if any, that can legally
    and reasonably be accorded the opinions of Drs. Henderson and Blincow, as opposed to the opinions
    of Drs. Shaw and Thoburn that strongly support secondary service connection for the right-hip
    injury, the finding of the Board that the evidence preponderated against this claim is simply not
    "plausible in light of the record viewed in its entirety," Gilbert, 1 Vet.App. at 52 (quoting Anderson,
    470 U.S. at 574
    ); see also 
    38 C.F.R. § 3.303
    (a) (2004) ("[d]eterminations as to service connection
    will be based on review of the entire evidence of record"), and the Court has "'the definite and firm
    conviction that a mistake has been committed.'" Gilbert, supra (quoting U.S. Gypsum Co., supra);
    see Mariano, 17 Vet.App. at 314-17.
    The only plausible resolution of the key factual issue on the record in this case is that Mr.
    Padgett's right-hip disability was aggravated by his service-connected left-knee disability, and the
    Board's decision that the evidence preponderated against this claim must therefore be, and will be,
    reversed. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (a)(4) (Court must "reverse or set aside" clearly erroneous finding
    of material fact); Pullman-Standard v. Swint, 
    456 U.S. 273
    , 292 (1982) (reversal is appropriate
    where "the record permits only one resolution of the factual issue"); Mariano, supra; see also Ortiz,
    274 F.3d at 1365
     ("benefit of the doubt rule may be viewed as shifting the 'risk of nonpersuasion'
    onto the VA to prove that the veteran is not entitled to benefits"); Robinette, 8 Vet.App. at 76 ("a
    merits disallowance [is permitted] only where the evidence preponderates against the claim");
    Gilbert, 1 Vet.App. at 54 ("the preponderance of the evidence must be against the claim for benefits
    to be denied"). Accordingly, Mr. Padgett's claim for disability benefits on the basis of a right-hip
    disability secondary to his service-connected left-knee disability will be remanded for assignment
    of a disability rating and the effective date thereof. See Fenderson v. Principi, 
    12 Vet.App. 119
    , 127
    (1999) (remanding for consideration of staged ratings in connection with initial award of service
    Finally, the Court notes that it would be an anomalous use of 
    38 U.S.C. § 7104
    (a), a
    provision designed to provide to VA claimants the benefit and protection of an administrative appeal
    process within VA, to deny meaningful judicial review in this Court. Such an aberrant shield-to-
    sword transformation, which was embraced by the now-withdrawn panel opinion that this full-Court
    opinion replaces, was addressed earlier in the consideration of this case, as follows:
    The right to "one review on appeal to the Secretary" provided in
    section 7104(a) is a process right guaranteed to VA claimants, not the
    Secretary who clearly has no right of appeal to this Court. To permit
    the appellant's process right to operate as a shield from the Court's
    review of the Board's arguably clearly erroneous denial of a claim is
    to stand the statute and common sense on their heads.
    Padgett v. Principi, 
    18 Vet.App. 223
    , 226 (2004) (per curiam order) (Steinberg, J., dissenting to
    denial of full-Court decision) (citations omitted).
    B. Board Decision as to Direct and Presumptive Service Connection for
    Right-Hip Disability will be Remanded
    The Board also denied Mr. Padgett's claims for disability benefits for a right-hip disability
    on direct and presumptive bases. In so doing, the Board discounted the favorable opinions of Drs.
    Shaw and Thoburn because they "appear[ed] to be largely based on Mr. Padgett's self-reported
    history of having sustained a right-hip injury in service." The Board relied upon, inter alia, its
    finding that "the most probative medical evidence on file" – the previously discussed faulty reports
    of Drs. Henderson and Blincow – failed to demonstrate that the right-hip injury was incurred in or
    aggravated by service or that the injury was manifested within one year after discharge from service.
    R. at 16-17.
    At the outset, we note a serious incongruity in that the Board correctly accepts as true that
    Mr. Padgett injured his right hip during combat in World War II, see 
    38 U.S.C. § 1154
    38 C.F.R. § 3.304
    (d) (2004); cf. Caluza, supra, but then rejects as not probative the opinions of Drs. Shaw and
    Thorburn, in part, because they relied on Mr. Padgett's report that he had injured his right hip in
    service. R. at 16. Having accepted as true that Mr. Padgett injured his right hip during war, it was
    error then to reject the reports of Drs. Shaw and Thorburn because they relied on that fact. Cf.
    Bailey v. Derwinski, 
    1 Vet.App. 441
    , 447 (1991) (reversing as clearly erroneous 1990 Board finding
    that arthritis of shoulder was due to aging process rather than trauma when 1988 Board had found
    that "almost identical evidence" as to arthritis of wrist showed arthritis to be posttraumatic in
    nature); see also Otero-Castro v. Principi, 
    16 Vet.App. 375
    , 382 (2002) (relying on Bailey, supra);
    Thomas v. Principi, 
    16 Vet.App. 197
    , 200 (2002) (citing Bailey, supra, for proposition that Board
    "must be reversed because inconsistent VA factfinding was reached in 'arbitrary and capricious'
    manner in violation of 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (a)(3)(A)"). On remand, the Board may not assign
    diminished probative value to these reports on the basis that they relied upon Mr. Padgett's report
    of a hip injury during combat.
    Moreover, as noted above, neither Dr. Blincow nor Dr. Henderson knew or understood that
    Mr. Padgett had actually or presumably injured his right hip during combat in World War II, as was
    accepted as true by the Board. See R. at 16. Without this information, these doctors could not (and
    did not) form an opinion regarding a nexus between the in-service incurrence of that injury and his
    current right-hip disability. See Caluza, 7 Vet.App. at 506 (service connection requires medical
    nexus between in-service incurrence or aggravation of injury and appellant's current disability).
    Accordingly, insofar as these reports relate to a direct- or presumptive-service-connection
    assessment, they have no probative value. See Mariano and Reonal, both supra.
    Whereas with the secondary service-connection issue the record contains substantial
    evidence that Mr. Padgett's right-hip disability was secondary to his service-connected left-knee
    injury and the Board's decision that the evidence preponderated against that claim was clearly
    erroneous, warranting reversal, the record is silent as to a medical nexus between Mr. Padgett's
    current right-hip disability and the incurrence, either on direct or presumptive bases, of his right-hip
    injury in service. See Caluza, supra. Moreover, the necessary factual determinations cannot be
    made by this Court in the first instance. See Hensley v. West, 
    212 F.3d 1255
    , 1263 (Fed. Cir. 2000)
    (appellate tribunals are not appropriate fora for initial factfinding); see also 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    Accordingly, the decision of the Board as to Mr. Padgett's claim for disability benefits for
    his right-hip disability on direct or presumptive bases will be set aside and the matter remanded for
    readjudication and any additional development necessary. See Bucklinger v. Brown, 
    5 Vet.App. 435
    440 (1993) (remand is the appropriate remedy when the Board has failed to make necessary findings
    of fact); 
    38 C.F.R. § 19.9
     (2004) (requiring Board, when additional development is necessary, to
    remand to RO for further development or to direct Board personnel to undertake appropriate action).
    C. Remand Proceedings
    On remand, Mr. Padgett will have the opportunity to present any additional evidence and
    argument in support of his claim, and the Board must consider any evidence and argument so
    presented. See Kay v. Principi, 
    16 Vet.App. 529
    , 534 (2002). The Court notes that Mr. Padgett is
    a combat veteran who is now 83 years old and has already waited over twelve years to have his
    claim finally decided. In light of this, judgment will be entered and mandate will issue 10 days after
    the date on which this opinion is issued. See U.S. VET . APP . R. 2 (suspension of rules), 35 (motion
    for reconsideration), 36 (entry of judgment), 41(a) (issuance of mandate); see also Mariano,
    17 Vet.App. at 318 (same order regarding judgment and mandate). The Court expects that the
    Secretary will provide expeditious treatment of this matter on remand. See 38 U.S.C. §§ 5109B,
    7112; see also Vargas-Gonzalez v. Principi, 
    15 Vet.App. 222
    On consideration of the foregoing, the August 8, 2002, decision of the Board with regard to
    Mr. Padgett's secondary-service-connection right-hip disability claim is REVERSED; the decision
    with regard to Mr. Padgett's presumptive and direct service-connection right-hip disability claims
    is SET ASIDE; and the entire matter is REMANDED for further proceedings consistent with this
    HAGEL, Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in part: I join in the Court's opinion to the
    extent that it overrules the Court's precedents that "can be read to support the proposition that a
    Board finding [of fact] cannot be clearly erroneous unless the evidence against that finding is
    uncontroverted."    Ante at 18.    Reversal is not limited to instances where the evidence is
    uncontroverted in an appellant's favor – that limitation sets the bar prohibitively high. Rather, this
    Court can reverse a Board finding of fact when the Court possesses "a definite and firm conviction
    that a mistake has been committed." Hersey v. Derwinski, 
    2 Vet.App. 91
    , 94 (1992) (quoting United
    States v. U. S. Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. 364
    , 395 (1948)). It is unfortunate that the uncontroverted-
    evidence standard has crept into our jurisprudence, and I am pleased that the Court today
    emphatically eradicates that errant standard. That said, for the reasons provided below, I dissent
    from the Court's conclusion that VA medical opinions ordered by the Board pursuant to VA
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a) (2004) are exempt from an appellant's statutory right to "one
    review on appeal to the Secretary" provided for in 
    38 U.S.C. § 7104
    In Disabled American Veterans v. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Federal Circuit
    invalidated VA regulation 
    38 C.F.R. § 19.9
    (a)(2) (2002) because that regulation would have allowed
    the Board, "the only appellate tribunal under the Secretary," "to gather and consider evidence that
    had not been before the regional office without having to remand the case to the regional office "for
    initial consideration and without having to obtain the appellant's waiver." 
    327 F.3d 1339
    , 1347 (Fed.
    Cir. 2003) [hereinafter DAV v. Sec'y]. The Federal Circuit based its finding on section 7104(a),
    which provides that "all questions in a matter which . . . is subject to decision by the Secretary shall
    be subject to one review on appeal to the Secretary" and because, in its view, "[w]hen the Board
    obtains evidence that was not considered by the [regional office] and does not obtain the appellant's
    waiver, . . . an appellant has no means to obtain 'one review on appeal to the Secretary' because the
    Board is the only appellate tribunal under the Secretary." 
     In reaching this decision , the Federal
    Circuit then stated, in what can be characterized fairly as dicta, as follows:
    Furthermore, we note that when Congress intended to authorize the Board to obtain
    additional evidence without "one review on appeal to the Secretary," it knew how to
    do so. Congress has provided express statutory authority to permit the Board to
    obtain additional evidence, such as expert medical opinions in specific cases. See,
    38 U.S.C. § 5107
    (a) (2000) (authorizing Board to obtain medical opinions from
    the VA's Under Secretary for Health (formerly the Chief Medical Director));
    38 U.S.C. § 7109
     (2000) (authorizing Board to obtain independent medical opinions
    from outside the VA); 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (a) (2002) (authorizing Board to obtain
    opinions from the Veterans Health Administration); 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    (authorizing Board to obtain medical opinions from the Armed Forces Institute of
    Id. at 1347-48 (emphasis added). In other words, the Federal Circuit in DAV v. Sec'y instructed us
    that the Board is prohibited from considering in the first instance evidence without either obtaining
    an appellant's waiver of regional office consideration of that evidence or express statutory authority
    to consider such evidence in the absence of a such a waiver.
    First, I note that 
    38 U.S.C. § 5107
    (a) (2000) did not expressly authorize the Board to obtain
    medical opinions from VA's Under Secretary for Health and that the majority appears to concede
    as much. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 5107
    (a) (2000) (providing, prior to the enactment of the Veterans Claims
    Assistance Act of 2000, Pub. L. No. 106-475, 
    114 Stat. 2096
    , that "[t]he Secretary shall assist such
    a claimant in developing the facts pertinent to the claim"); ante at 9 ("[W]e note that section 5107(a)
    does not expressly authorize the Board to obtain or secure medical opinions."). I also note that VA
    is not Congress and that the regulation cited to by the Federal Circuit, 
    38 C.F.R. § 20.901
    and (b), cannot support the proposition for which they are cited, namely that "Congress has provided
    express statutory authority to permit the Board to obtain additional evidence, such as expert medical
    opinions in specific cases." DAV v. Sec'y, 
    327 F.3d at 1347
    ; see William Jameson & Co. v.
    307 U.S. 171
    , 173-174(1939) (noting that an administrative regulation does not equate
    to an Act of Congress).
    As for section 7109, it appears that that statute is the only authority cited to by the Federal
    Circuit that can even arguably support the proposition that Congress permitted the Board to obtain
    expert medical opinions and to consider such evidence in the first instance without entitling an
    appellant to "one review on appeal to the Secretary." 
    38 U.S.C. § 7104
    (a). Nevertheless, even
    assuming for the sake of argument that Congress, in enacting section 7109, carved out an exception
    to the right of an appellant to one review on appeal to the Secretary, in my view Mr. Padgett's case
    does not implicate section 7109. The only way the majority can conclude that § 20.901 establishes
    an exception to section 7104 is to conclude that section 7109 provides adequate congressional
    authority for this regulation. Because the majority's decision is premised on the conclusion that
    section 7109 provides authority for the Board to obtain and consider VA medical opinions in
    addition to independent medical opinions, I cannot concur in that portion of the Court's opinion.
    Further, whether section 7109 establishes an exception to the principle expounded in DAV v. Sec'y
    in cases where independent medical opinions are requested and, if so, the parameters of such an
    exception would be more appropriately examined in a case where those issues are squarely
    presented. This is not such a case.
    The majority's conclusion to the contrary turns solely on the existence in section 7109(a) of
    the nonessential phrase "in addition to that available within the Department." Ante at 10. In my
    view, the majority, in its rush to analyze the evidence and reach a conclusion with which I am in
    sympathy, has adopted an interpretation of section 7109 that stretches the phrase "in addition to that
    available within the Department" too far. Congress, in section 7109 itself and in the legislative
    history underlying that statute, merely recognized that there existed, at the time that that statute was
    enacted, preexisting authority for the Board's practice of obtaining VA medical opinions – such
    authority was not vested in the Board by section 7109. The Senate committee's statement makes
    clear that "ample authority" for the Board's practice of securing a medical opinion from within VA
    already existed at the time of section 7109's enactment and that the Senate version of the bill, which
    ultimately became what is now section 7109, was therefore making "no reference to the Board
    securing an advisory opinion from the Chief Medical Director of VA." S. REP. NO . 87-1844 (1962),
    reprinted in U.S.C.C.A.N. 2585, 2586. In that regard, I note the existence of 
    38 U.S.C. § 212
    (1962), which provided the Administrator (now the Secretary) with the authority "to assign
    duties . . . to such . . . employees as he may find necessary." It is beyond my comprehension that
    Congress would pass a statute whose purpose was to authorize that which was already authorized
    and to provide authority for a practice already supported by ample authority.
    Artfully casting Congress as having "approved" of a preexisting practice or as having
    "sanctioned" such a practice does not transform what is in essence a recognition of then-preexisting
    authority into an instrument that grants such authority. See Ante at 10. As I read section 7109 and
    its legislative history, that section did one thing and one thing only; it authorized the Board to obtain
    medical opinions from experts who were independent of VA. The initiation of the legislative
    process that culminated in the passage of what is now section 7109 was motivated by a desire to
    combat a perception of VA bias and to "inspire, in the veteran, the confidence that his claim is
    receiving objective consideration." 108 CONG . REC. H5518 (Apr. 2, 1962) (statement of Rep. Lane).
    For that reason, in addition to those stated above, it strikes me as improvident to cite the very statute
    that authorized the Board to procure non-VA medical opinions as the authority for the Board to
    obtain VA medical opinions. That said, I do not question whether the Board is permitted to obtain
    VA medical opinions; I simply express my opinion that the authority vested in the Board by
    § 20.901(a) is not rooted in section 7109 but elsewhere, for instance § 20.901 cites as authority 38
    U.S.C. § 5103A(d) in addition to section 7109. Because I do not believe that section 7109 is the
    authority that permits the Board to obtain VA medical opinions, because I see no reason to believe
    that section 5103A(d) establishes an exception to section 7104(a), and because no other statutory
    authority has been advanced that would permit the Board to consider in the first instance Board-
    ordered VA medical opinions, an exception to section 7104(a)'s grant of "one review on appeal to
    the Secretary" is not implicated in the instant case. Absent such an exception, the Federal Circuit's
    decision in DAV v. Sec'y compels me to conclude that before the Board can consider a VA medical
    opinion that it orders pursuant to § 20.901, it must either obtain the claimant's waiver of regional
    office consideration of that evidence or remand the matter for regional office adjudication. DAV v.
    327 F.3d at 1347
    The foregoing discussion leaves open the question of whether reversal is the appropriate
    remedy in this case. Reluctantly, I am compelled to conclude that it is not. Although I would tend
    to agree with the majority's evaluation of the evidence, because the Board was not permitted to
    consider Dr. Blincow's report without (1) Mr. Padgett's waiver of regional office consideration of
    that evidence or (2) remanding the matter for regional office adjudication, the Board's findings with
    respect to that report are void. It follows then that by evaluating Dr. Blincow's opinion, the majority
    is engaged in factfinding in the first instance, which it is prohibited by law from doing. See
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (c); Hensley v. West, 
    212 F.3d 1255
    , 1263 (Fed. Cir. 2000) (stating that "appellate
    tribunals are not appropriate fora for initial factfinding"). If Mr. Padgett had wanted us to review
    the Board's factual conclusions with respect to Dr. Blincow's opinion, he could have so argued and
    could have waived regional office consideration of Dr. Blincow's opinion. If he had done so before
    us, it would not be inappropriate for us to review the Board's findings of fact with respect to that
    piece of evidence. However, he has not advanced such an argument nor made such a request.
    Specifically, he does not seek reversal based on a review of all of the evidence considered by the
    Board, but only a portion thereof – his argument for reversal is premised on his contention that the
    Court should exclude from consideration due to various alleged inadequacies or procedural defects
    VA medical opinions, including that of Dr. Blincow. Appellant's Brief (Br.) at 16-26; Reply Br.
    at 6-7. He has never argued for reversal based on a review of all the evidence of record, i.e., the
    totality of the evidence relied upon by the Board in rendering its decision. Regarding waiver, he was
    well aware of his ability to waive his right to a remand in order to have the Court reach the merits
    of his claim. In fact, he specifically waived consideration of any potential error with respect to
    deficient notice under the Veterans Claims Assistance Act (Reply Br. at 1-2) and his representative
    reaffirmed the limited scope of that waiver when questioned on the subject during oral argument.
    Accordingly, this matter should be remanded to the Board and, in turn and absent a waiver by Mr.
    Padgett, by the Board to the regional office for initial adjudication based on the full record and after
    appropriate regional office action the opportunity for "one review on appeal to the Secretary," if Mr.
    Padgett should invoke that right in a timely fashion. 
    38 U.S.C. § 7104
    IVERS, Chief Judge, dissenting: Because Judge Hagel finds that the majority errs in its
    analysis regarding the applicability of Disabled Am. Veterans v. Sec'y Veterans Affairs, 
    327 F.3d 1339
     (Fed. Cir. 2003), to this matter, while engaging in impermissible factfinding to reach its
    conclusion that reversal, rather than remand is the appropriate remedy, I join in his separate
    statement. However, I write separately to address my own concerns that, in its effort to reach a
    clearly sympathetic outcome, the majority ignores this Court's role as an appellate body, and parses
    the medical evidence of record to arrive at that outcome.
    As Judge Hagel correctly states in his dissent, this Court, as an appellate body, is prohibited
    both by statute and longstanding precedent, from making initial findings of fact. See 
    38 U.S.C. § 7261
    (c); Andre v. Principi, 
    301 F.3d 1354
     (Fed. Cir. 2002); Elkins v. Gober, 
    229 F.3d 1369
    Cir. 2000); Hensley v. West, 
    212 F.3d 1255
     (Fed. Cir. 2000). The Federal Circuit has stated, with
    uncompromising clarity, that lest this Court become a factfinder, rather than a court of appellate
    review, "fact-finding is to be performed by the expert BVA", not by the judges of this Court. Elkins,
    229 F.3d at 1377
    . Here, however, the majority determines that a mistake has been made, then goes
    well beyond the bounds of appellate jurisprudence, and engages in factfinding to support the
    credibility of its own findings in support of that determination. Rather than reviewing the Board's
    application of the law and arriving at its decision to reverse the Board's finding that the evidence
    preponderates against Mr. Padgett's claim for entitlement to service connection for osteoarthritis of
    the right hip on a secondary basis, and because "[it] is left with a definite and firm conviction that
    a mistake has been committed", Gilbert v. Derwinski, 
    1 Vet.App. 49
    , 52 (1990), the majority appears
    not only to review the evidence de novo, but also parses the evidence, substituting its judgment for
    that of the Board. Ante at 18-21. In order to reach its conclusion that reversal rather than remand
    is proper here, the majority must know with certainty that, but for the flaws in the VA examinations,
    the Board would have found in the appellant's favor. By weighing and discounting some of
    evidence, the majority leaves only medical evidence favoring the appellant's claim. That evidence,
    by the Court's action, then becomes uncontroverted.
    While I do not disagree with the majority's statement that "the existence of some
    controverting evidence . . . does not preclude this Court from carrying out the mandates in section
    7261(a)(4) and (b)(1)", I must strongly disagree with the majority's treatment of our jurisprudence
    in both Hersey v. Derwinski, 
    2 Vet.App. 91
     (1992), and Hicks v. Brown, 
    8 Vet.App. 417
     (1995). The
    language in Hicks that reversal is the appropriate remedy when there is absolutely no plausible basis
    for the BVA's decision and where that decision is clearly erroneous in light of the uncontroverted
    evidence in the appellant's favor derives from our decision in Hersey, which had characterized the
    evidence in the appellant's favor as "uncontroverted" and did not add that criterion to the standards
    for a finding of "clearly erroneous." Hersey and Hicks were thereafter followed in a number of
    opinions requiring that the evidence in favor of the appellant be uncontroverted for reversal, an
    unanticipated result. See, e.g., Pentecost v. Principi, 
    16 Vet.App. 124
    , 129 (2002); Ardison v.
    6 Vet.App. 405
    , 409 (1994).
    I agree with Judge Hagel that correcting the course of our jurisprudence where it appears to
    veer from its intended course is a welcome outcome of this matter and I concur in that correction,
    even though this is not an appropriate case in which to overrule Hersey or Hicks. The majority here
    eliminates the VA evidence against the claim on the bases that one opinion was based on an
    inaccurate premise and that the other was rendered without the appellant's claims file without regard
    to the entirety of the evidence of record. By parsing the evidence in this manner and ignoring the
    extenuating factors of the appellant's weight (described as variously as "obese" and "morbidly
    obese") (R. at 226-27, 325), medical and family history of degenerative arthritis (R. at 226, 230, 325,
    340, 363, 418-20), the only remaining medical evidence favors of the appellant's claim, and, unlike
    both Hersey and Hicks, where the evidence was, indeed, uncontroverted, the evidence here truly
    becomes uncontroverted as a result of the Court's action. Because it would decide the case
    differently than the Board below, the majority, feeling that a mistake has been made, does not
    merely consider and weigh all of the evidence, it discriminates among the evidence and then reaches
    its result.
    The majority's desire to elevate the concurrence in Gilbert, without expressly overruling
    Gilbert's holding, is palpable, but this is not the case in which to do so. Even if we agree that the
    concurrence in Gilbert should be given more weight, to do so by slighting our responsibility as an
    appellate court is wrong. In Gilbert, this Court adopted the definition of "clearly erroneous" put
    forward by the Supreme Court in United States v. U.S. Gypsum Co., 
    333 U.S. 364
     (1948), and in
    Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, 
    470 U.S. 564
     (1985). Since Gilbert, the Court has continued to
    apply this definition. See Duenas v. Principi, 
    18 Vet.App. 512
    , 519 (2004); Burris v. Principi,
    15 Vet.App. 348
    , 353 (2001); Bowling v. Principi, 
    15 Vet.App. 1
    , 15-16 (2001); Pond v. West,
    12 Vet.App. 341
    , 345 (1999); Villano v. Brown, 
    10 Vet.App. 248
    , 249-50 (1997); Slater v. Principi,
    4 Vet.App. 43
    , 44 (1993) (per curiam order); Hersey, 2 Vet.App. at 94. While it may be appropriate
    and timely to reexamine Gilbert, the facts of this case do not lend themselves to doing so. Here
    again, the extenuating factors of the appellant's weight, medical and family history of degenerative
    arthritis complicate the evidence confronting both the Board below and this Court on appeal.
    The majority's approach throughout this matter is illustrative of the danger inherent in
    applying the arguably subjective standard that, when "the reviewing court . . . is left with a definite
    and firm conviction that a mistake has been made," (Gilbert, 1 Vet.App. at 52) without the
    tempering effect of a review of the "entire" evidence and a recognition of the rarity of fact-finding
    in the appellate process.
    Lastly, I note that the majority, without addressing the Court's longstanding rejection of the
    "Treating Physician Rule" (see Winsett v. West, 
    11 Vet.App. 420
     (1998); Guerrieri v. Brown,
    4 Vet.App. 467
    , 473 (1993); Chisem v. Brown, 
    4 Vet.App. 169
    , 176 (1993)), comes perilously close
    to its adoption by its approach to the appellant's private treating physicians. By failing to address
    the nonapplicability of the Treating Physician Rule, while appearing to apply it, the majority leaves
    in question the status of this Court's long-held position on this matter, and may, in fact, sub silentio,
    appear to overturn our previous holdings on this matter.

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-2259

Citation Numbers: 19 Vet. App. 133

Judges: Greene, Hagel, Ivers, Kasold, Steinberg

Filed Date: 4/19/2005

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/6/2023

Authorities (21)

Emilio R. Ortiz, Sr., Claimant-Appellant v. Anthony J. ... , 274 F.3d 1361 ( 2001 )

Phillip Andre, Claimant-Appellant v. Anthony J. Principi, ... , 301 F.3d 1354 ( 2002 )

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Burke Hensley, Claimant-Appellant v. Togo D. West, Jr., ... , 212 F.3d 1255 ( 2000 )

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Fred P. Gardner, Claimant-Appellee v. Jesse Brown, ... , 5 F.3d 1456 ( 1993 )

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United States v. United States Gypsum Co. , 68 S. Ct. 525 ( 1948 )

Steadman v. Securities & Exchange Commission , 101 S. Ct. 999 ( 1981 )

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Anderson v. City of Bessemer City , 105 S. Ct. 1504 ( 1985 )

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United States v. X-Citement Video, Inc. , 115 S. Ct. 464 ( 1994 )

Brown v. Gardner , 115 S. Ct. 552 ( 1994 )

View All Authorities »