Heli-Support, Inc. v. United States , 26 Ct. Int'l Trade 352 ( 2002 )

  •                                         Slip Op. 02-28
    HELI-SUPPORT, INC. AND              :
    AEROTEC, INC.,                :
    Plaintiff,        :
    v.        :                Court No. 99-10-00636
    UNITED STATES,                      :
    Defendant.        :
    [Motion for summary judgment upholding Customs’ tariff classification granted.]
    Dated: March 13th, 2002
    Peter Herrick, Esq. for plaintiffs Heli-Support, Inc. and Aerotec, Inc.
    Robert D. McCallum, Jr., Assistant Attorney General, Joseph I. Liebman, Attorney in
    Charge, International Trade Field Office, Barbara M. Epstein, Civil Division, United States
    Department of Justice, Commercial Litigation Branch, Chi Choy, Esq., Office of Assistant Chief
    Counsel, International Trade Litigation, United States Customs Service, for defendant.
    RESTANI, Judge: This customs classification action is before the court on Defendant’s
    motion for summary judgment. USCIT Rule 56. Defendant, the United States, moves for
    summary judgment against plaintiffs, Heli-Support, Inc. and Aerotec, Inc. (collectively “Heli-
    Support”), on the grounds that the United States Customs Service (“Customs”) properly
    classified Heli-Support’s merchandise upon entry from Sweden in 1997.
    COURT NO.       99-10-00636                                                                     PAGE   2
    This court has jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1581
    (a) to hear appeals from denials
    of classification protests. Werner & Pfleiderer Corp. v. United States, 
    17 CIT 916
    , 917 (1993).
    Heli-Support imported the product in question, the Saab TopEye AE and Ground
    Reference System (“TopEye”), into the United States from Sweden in 1997.1 The TopEye is a
    high precision system used for measuring topography. See Technical Description, Saab TopEye,
    available at http://www.combitech.se/survey/topeye/index.html (last visited March 13, 2002)
    (hereinafter “Technical Description”). The TopEye uses a specialized laser camera that is
    mounted to the undercarriage of any standard helicopter or fixed wing aircraft to generate
    topographical images. See 
    id. at 1
    . The TopEye is attached to a helicopter or aircraft so that it
    may photograph various landscapes from above and, from those pictures, produce maps. 
    Id. at 4
    The images are produced by emitting a laser pulse, which is then directed by a set of
    mirrors to reflect off of a given object. 
    Id. at 5
    . That reflection, in turn, is captured by a light
    collector; the time required for the light to travel from the laser, to the object, and back to the
    collector is measured and divided by the speed of light to calculate distances. See Defendant’s
    Statement of Material Facts Not in Issue, No. 11. Simultaneously, the TopEye uses two video
    cameras to record overhead images, as well as images contained in a field of view larger than the
    laser scanning width. Technical Description at 4. These cameras are aligned with the laser
    scanner to allow synchronization with the captured terrain data. 
     The combination of the
    Heli-Support is the importer of record in this case, while Aerotec is the ultimate
    consignee of the product in question. Both plaintiffs will be referred to collectively as “Heli-
    Support” in this opinion.
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    laser-generated and video images can be used to create highly detailed, large-scale maps in near
    real time. See 
     The parties do not dispute the essential components and functions of the
    Upon import, Customs classified the TopEye as a “surveying instrument” under
    subheading 9015.80.20 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (1997)
    (“HTSUS”) and, accordingly, imposed a 3.9% ad valorem duty. Heli-Support claims that the
    TopEye should have been classified as a “measuring or checking instrument” under HTSUS
    9031.80.00, and as such, should have entered the United States duty-free.
    Standard of Review
    The court shall grant Defendant’s motion for summary judgment if no genuine issue of
    material fact exists and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. See USCIT
    Rule 56(d). The relevant facts are not in dispute. The only issue is the scope of the HTSUS
    provisions with respect to this product, which may be determined as a matter of law. See E.M.
    Chem. v. United States, 
    920 F.2d 910
    , 912 (Fed. Cir. 1990).
    Under Rule 1 of the General Rules of the Interpretation (“GRI”) of the Harmonized Tariff
    Schedule, “a court first construes the language of the heading, and any section or chapter notes in
    Plaintiff agrees that the TopEye is composed of optical elements used to create
    topographical images. See Pl.’s Statement of Material Facts, at 1-2. Plaintiff, therefore, does not
    dispute the basic functions or components of the TopEye itself. Instead, Plaintiff disputes the
    scope of “surveying devices” under the HTSUS. Plaintiff argues that, even though the TopEye
    uses cameras, mirrors, and lasers to create digital images, the TopEye is “not a survey instrument
    to be used in the practice of the science of surveying” by “surveyors.” See id. at ¶¶ 18, 20.
    Plaintiff’s argument is, therefore, a legal one and properly decided on summary judgment.
    COURT NO.       99-10-00636                                                                 PAGE    4
    question, to determine whether the product at issue is classifiable under the heading. Only after
    determining that a product is classifiable under the heading should the court look to the
    subheadings to find the correct classification for the merchandise.” Orlando Food Corp. v.
    United States, 
    140 F.3d 1437
    , 1440 (Fed. Cir. 1998). In reviewing Customs’ classification here,
    the court must first determine whether the TopEye can generally be classified as a “surveying
    device” under heading 9015. In doing so, the court looks to whether the TopEye is, as Plaintiff
    suggests, more appropriately classified under heading 9031 as a “measuring or checking
    Heading 9031 states that it may be invoked only when the item in question is not
    specified elsewhere in chapter 90.4 Therefore, if the court determines that the TopEye is properly
    classified under heading 9015 as a surveying device, the TopEye cannot be classified under
    heading 9031 as a checking instrument. If the court finds that the TopEye is classifiable as a
    surveying device, the court must then determine whether it should be classified under the “optical
    instrument” subheading. See HTSUS 9015.80.20.5 The primary inquiry, therefore, is whether
    Heli-Support withdrew its initial argument that the TopEye should have been classified
    under HTSUS 8803.30.00 as a “helicopter part.” See Plaintiff’s Response Brief at 2. The court
    notes that this claim would have failed pursuant to note 2(g) of HTSUS § XVII, because that
    note excludes “parts and accessories” of Chapter 90 from classification under § XVII and,
    therefore, under Chapter 88 by incorporation.
    HTSUS 9031.80.00 reads as follows:
    9031 Measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or
    included elsewhere in this chapter...
    Id. (emphasis added)
    HTSUS 9015.80.20 provides:
    9015 Surveying (including photogrammetrical surveying), hydrographic,
    oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or geophysical instruments and
    appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders, parts and accessories thereof:
    9015.80       Other instruments and appliances:
    COURT NO.      99-10-00636                                                                 PAGE   5
    Customs properly classified the TopEye as a surveying device.
    A. Surveying Device
    Surveying devices are broadly defined to include instruments of modern technology that
    carry out special types of surveying, beyond mere surface examinations. See Gehrig, Hoban &
    Co., Inc., v. United States, 
    293 F. Supp. 433
    , 439 (Cust. Ct. 1968); see also Schlumberger Well
    Surveying Corp. v. United States, 54 CCPA 37, 41 (1967) (holding that cartridges designed to
    determine the dip of subsurface formations for oil exploration are surveying devices); R.W.
    Smith v. United States, 
    41 Cust. Ct. 78
    , 81-82 (1958) (holding that deviation recorders and parts
    used to measure the angle and the direction from the vertical of an oil well hole are surveying
    These cases have adopted broad lexicographic definitions of the word “survey” and
    “surveying instrument.” For example, the court in R.W. Smith referred to the definition of
    “surveying” in Columbia Encyclopedia (2d ed. 1950), stating:
    surveying, the science of finding the relative position on or near
    the earth’s surface. Boundaries, areas, elevations, construction
    lines, and geographical or artificial features are determined by the
    measurement of horizontal and vertical distances and angles and
    by computations based in part on the principles of geometry and
    trigonometry. *** Branches of surveying are named according
    to the purpose of surveys, e.g., topographic surveying, used to
    determine relief (see CONTOUR), route surveying, mine surveying,
    construction surveying, or according to the method used, e.g.
    transit surveying, plane-table surveying, photogrammetic surveying
    (securing data by photographs). Surveys based on photographs
    are especially useful in rugged or inaccessible country and for
    reconnaissance surveys for construction, mapping, or military
    9015.80.20             Optical instruments and appliances...
    COURT NO.      99-10-00636                                                                    PAGE   6
    R.W. Smith at 1921.
    R.W. Smith also referred to the definition of “surveying” in the Encyclopedia Americana,
    Volume 26 (1953):
    SURVEYING, the science of determining the positions of points
    on the earth’s surface for the purpose of making therefrom a
    graphic representation of the area. By the term earth’s surface is
    meant all of the earth that can be explored–the bottoms of seas and
    rivers, and the interior of mines, as well as the more accessible
    portions. It includes the measurement of distances and angles
    and the determination of elevations.
    R.W. Smith at 91.
    In addition, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language
    (1981) defines “survey” as follows:
    1- Survey: 1a: to look over or examine with reference to condition,
    situation, or value: examine and ascertain the state of: Appraise, Estimate,
    Evaluate...2: to determine and delineate the form, extent, and
    position of (as a tract of land, a coast, or a harbor) by taking linear
    and angular measurements and by applying the principles of
    geometry and trigonometry 3a: to view from or as if from a high
    place or a commanding position: take an inclusive or overall view
    of; consider or study comprehensively: examine the whole extent
    2- Survey: ...3a: the process of surveying an area of land or water:
    the operation of finding and delineating the contour, dimensions,
    and position of any part of the earth’s surface whether land or
    water (a topographic and hydrographic, of a locality) b: a measured
    plan, a description of a portion of an area or of a road or line through
    an area obtained by surveying...
    Heli-Support ignores these definitions and argues that the TopEye is not a surveying instrument
    because it is not an instrument used in the practice and science of surveying by a surveyor. The
    court notes, however, that TopEye’s own marketing literature describes it as a surveying device,
    as does the technical description of the product on the SAAB website.
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    There is no question that the primary function of the TopEye is to record topographical
    images. The TopEye would, under any of the above definitions, be considered a surveying
    device. “[A]bsent contrary legislative intent, HTSUS terms are to be construed according to their
    common and commercial meanings, which are presumed to be the same.” Carl Zeiss, Inc. v.
    United States, 
    195 F.3d 1375
    , 1379 (Fed. Cir. 1999). Upon review of the its components and
    functions, the court finds that the TopEye is properly classified as a surveying device.
    Plaintiff argues that the TopEye is more appropriately classified as a checking or
    measuring instrument under heading 9031. GRI Rule 3(a) states that if goods are classifiable
    under two or more headings, classification must be effected under the provision with the most
    specific description.6 The court has already determined that the TopEye is classifiable as a
    surveying device. See discussion supra. Because heading 9031, by its own prohibition, cannot
    apply to items otherwise classified under the same chapter, the court need not determine which
    heading is more specific.
    The court notes, however, that heading 9015, which reads “surveying (including
    photogrammetrical surveying), hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological or
    geophysical instruments and appliances, excluding compasses; rangefinders; parts and
    accessories thereof” is, on its face, more specific than heading 9031, which reads: “measuring or
    checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified or included elsewhere in this
    Harmonized Tariff Schedule General Rules of Interpretation:
    Classification of goods in the schedule shall be governed by the following principles:
    3.    When, by application of rule 2(b) or for any other reason, goods are, prima facie,
    classifiable under two or more headings, classification shall be effected as follows:
    (a)    The heading which provides the most specific description shall be
    preferred to heading providing a more general description....
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    chapter; profile projectors; parts and accessories thereof.” In analyzing specificity, the court may
    only compare “the language of the headings and not the language of the subheadings.” Orlando
    Food Corp., at 1440. Under the “rule of relative specificity,” the court would look “to the
    provision with requirements that are more difficult to satisfy and that describe the article with the
    greatest degree of accuracy and certainty.” Orlando Food Corp., at 1441. To the extent
    necessary, the court finds that the description and requirements of heading 9015 are more
    specific than those of heading 9031. Finding that the TopEye is classifiable as a surveying
    device, the court turns to whether it should be classified under the optical instrument subheading.
    B. Optical Instrument
    In determining whether the TopEye is an optical instrument under HTSUS 9015.80.20,
    the court must determine: 1) whether the device acts on or interacts with light; 2) whether the
    device permits or enhances human vision through the use of one or more optical elements; and 3)
    whether the device uses the optical properties of the device in something more than a
    “subsidiary” capacity. See United States v. Ataka Am., Inc., 64 CCPA 60, 66, 
    550 F.2d 33
    , 37
    (1977); see also Celestaire, Inc. v. United States, 
    120 F.3d 1232
    , 1233 (Fed. Cir. 1997).
    There is no question that the TopEye “acts on or interacts with light,” in that it projects a
    laser - a light beam - onto land in order to measure distances. The TopEye “enhances human
    vision” because the device employs cameras and mirrors to produce images that the human eye
    would not otherwise be able to detect with any sort of accuracy or speed.7 Heli-Support focuses
    Mirrors have been held to be “optical elements”. See, e.g., Celestaire, 
    120 F.3d at 1233
    (qualifying a “split-image mirror” as an “optical element”); Engis Equip. Co. v. United States, 
    62 Cust. Ct. 29
    294 F. Supp. 964
    , 967 (1969) (considering a mirror an optical element in an
    COURT NO.      99-10-00636                                                                 PAGE   9
    its objection on the third requirement, arguing that the TopEye’s cameras and mirrors are merely
    subsidiary optical elements and, consequently, do not use light in the way the term “optics” is
    used in the tariff schedule. This argument ignores the integral nature of those components in
    producing TopEye’s imagery. The core purpose of the TopEye is to create images through the
    use of specialized optical technology. Accordingly, the TopEye satisfies this “optical element”
    portion of the “surveying device” test.
    The TopEye meets the HTSUS 9015.80.20 requirement of being both a surveying device
    and an optical instrument. The court finds that Customs correctly classified the TopEye under
    that provision and, therefore, summary judgment must be entered in favor of the United States.
    Jane A. Restani
    Dated: New York, New York
    This 13th day of March, 2002.

Document Info

Docket Number: Court 99-10-00636

Citation Numbers: 2002 CIT 28, 26 Ct. Int'l Trade 352

Judges: Restani

Filed Date: 3/13/2002

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/6/2023