City of Lafayette v. Town of Erie , 434 P.3d 746 ( 2018 )

  •      The summaries of the Colorado Court of Appeals published opinions
    constitute no part of the opinion of the division but have been prepared by
    the division for the convenience of the reader. The summaries may not be
    cited or relied upon as they are not the official language of the division.
    Any discrepancy between the language in the summary and in the opinion
    should be resolved in favor of the language in the opinion.
    June 14, 2018
    No. 17CA0595, City of Lafayette v. Town of Erie — Municipal
    Law; Eminent Domain — Public Use or Purpose — Necessity —
    Bad Faith
    A division of the court of appeals considers whether a
    municipality may condemn a parcel of land belonging to a statutory
    town for the purpose of creating an open space community buffer.
    The division also considers whether the municipality’s finding of
    necessity and public purpose can be reviewed based on a showing
    of bad faith.
    Following the supreme court’s decision in Town of Telluride v.
    San Miguel Valley Corp., 
    185 P.3d 161
    (Colo. 2008), the division
    concludes that a municipality may condemn a statutory town’s
    property because an open space community buffer would be a valid
    public purpose.
    However, the division concludes that (1) the district court’s
    finding of bad faith behind the municipality’s decision to condemn
    the property was correct; and (2) the municipality’s finding of
    necessity can be reviewed. The division holds that the
    municipality’s ultimate reason for condemning the property — to
    prevent a grocery store and its associated tax revenue from
    relocating — is not a valid public purpose.
    Accordingly, the division affirms the judgment.
    COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS                                      2018COA87
    Court of Appeals No. 17CA0595
    Boulder County District Court No. 16CV30791
    Honorable Norma A. Sierra, Judge
    City of Lafayette, a home rule municipality and a Colorado municipal
    Town of Erie Urban Renewal Authority; and Town of Erie, Colorado
    Division VI
    Opinion by JUDGE FOX
    Ashby, J., concurs
    Furman, J., specially concurs
    Announced June 14, 2018
    Hamre, Rodriguez, Ostrander & Dingess, P.C., Donald M. Ostrander, Richard
    F. Rodriguez, Stephanie Ceccato, Denver, Colorado; Williamson and Hayashi,
    LLC, David Williamson, Boulder, Colorado, for Plaintiff-Appellant
    Waas Campbell Rivera Johnson & Velasquez LLP, Darrell G. Waas, Mikaela V.
    Rivera, Denver, Colorado, for Defendants-Appellees
    ¶1    This dispute stems from the attempt by the City of Lafayette
    (Lafayette) to condemn a parcel of land owned by the Town of Erie
    (Erie). Lafayette appeals the district court’s order granting Erie’s
    motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction. Because the record
    supports the district court’s finding that Lafayette had an unlawful
    motive for the condemnation, we affirm.
    I.   Background and Procedural History
    ¶2    Lafayette, a home rule municipality, and Erie, a statutory
    town, were signatories to the East Central Inter-Governmental
    Agreement (IGA), a comprehensive plan that sought to maintain
    some rural development as community buffers. The agreement
    lasted from 1994 to 2014. Lafayette and Erie were also signatories
    to the Super IGA — a comprehensive development plan for Boulder
    County. Erie and Lafayette withdrew from the Super IGA in July
    ¶3    After the two IGAs ended and the land along Highway 287 was
    no longer designated for rural preservation, commercial
    development by Erie and Lafayette ensued along Highway 287. The
    map below shows the relevant corridor of Highway 287. The Tebo
    property is part of unincorporated Boulder County. Lafayette
    annexed Weems, a residential community. The Safeway above Nine
    Mile Corner — the property at issue — is in Erie. Beacon Hill,
    located below Nine Mile Corner, is residential property within
    ¶4    Erie formed the Town of Erie Urban Renewal Authority
    (TOEURA) in 2011. In 2012, TOEURA purchased the Nelson
    property and the Kuhl property — together, they form Nine Mile
    Corner. Erie annexed Nine Mile Corner from TOEURA in 2015.1
    ¶5    In 2013, Erie commissioned a geotechnical investigation of the
    property which determined that the property was suitable for
    development. Two blight studies commissioned by Erie, in 2012
    and 2015, found that Nine Mile Corner was a blighted area. Erie
    then began to develop an urban renewal plan for the property. Erie,
    TOEURA, and the Nine Mile Developer signed a disposition and
    development agreement on March 22, 2016.
    ¶6    Erie hired a consultant to examine the property and identify
    potential tenants, including King Soopers. King Soopers had a
    location in Lafayette, but it had developed a larger store prototype.
    In early 2016, Lafayette became aware that King Soopers might
    relocate to open a larger store. In February 2016, Lafayette
    1 Lafayette argued in the supplemental briefing requested by this
    court that the property still belongs to TOEURA, a statutory body.
    However, the record (and the parties’ previous briefing) indicates
    that Erie annexed the property as of 2015 so the property is
    currently within the boundaries of Erie, a statutory town.
    engaged in discussions to keep King Soopers (and its corresponding
    tax revenue) in Lafayette. Lafayette offered King Soopers a potential
    development site north of the Walmart on the west side of Highway
    ¶7      In May 2016, Lafayette’s city council passed an ordinance
    declaring, “[a]cquisition of [part of Nine Mile Corner] is necessary for
    the public purpose of open space and benefits associated with open
    space, as well as preservation of Lafayette’s local and unique
    character, and buffering of Lafayette from development activities in
    neighboring communities.” Lafayette determined it would condemn
    twenty-two acres of the southern portion of Nine Mile Corner to
    create an open space community buffer and leave the remaining
    twenty-three acres of Nine Mile Corner for Erie.
    ¶8    After attempting to purchase the property,3 Lafayette filed its
    petition in condemnation and motion for immediate possession in
    July 2016. Erie responded by filing a motion to dismiss arguing
    that Lafayette’s condemnation lacked a proper public purpose,
    thereby depriving the court of jurisdiction. After a two-day
    2 The Nine Mile Corner property: the blue/shaded area reflects the
    twenty-two acres Lafayette sought to condemn, and the white area
    reflects the twenty-three acres left for Erie.
    3 The record is sparse regarding Lafayette’s purchase efforts. Erie’s
    answer brief asserts that Lafayette never attempted to negotiate the
    size of the condemnation parcel, but does not assert that Lafayette
    never attempted a purchase. Lafayette contends it tried to
    purchase the property before starting condemnation proceedings,
    but denies it was obligated to negotiate the size of the
    condemnation parcel.
    evidentiary hearing, the district court granted Erie’s motion to
    dismiss, thus preventing Lafayette from condemning the property.
    ¶9     Lafayette appeals, arguing that its condemnation had a proper
    public purpose and that no bad faith motivated its condemnation
    decision. Although we agree that condemnation to create an open
    space community buffer could be a proper public purpose, the
    record here supports the district court’s findings that Lafayette’s
    condemnation decision fails because it was motivated by bad faith.
    Thus, we affirm the district court’s judgment.
    II.   Standard of Review
    ¶ 10   The parties dispute the applicable standard of review. In
    examining the public purpose for a condemnation, we examine
    whether the stated public purpose is supported by the record. City
    & Cty. of Denver v. Block 173 Assocs., 
    814 P.2d 824
    , 828-29 (Colo.
    1991). Allegations of bad faith are also reviewed by reference to the
    record. Id.; see also Glenelk Ass’n, Inc. v. Lewis, 
    260 P.3d 1117
    1120 (Colo. 2011) (in a private condemnation action, the district
    court’s findings of facts are reviewed under the clearly erroneous
    standard); Denver W. Metro. Dist. v. Geudner, 
    786 P.2d 434
    , 436
    (Colo. App. 1986) (recognizing that even if there is an incidental
    public benefit, a court may still find bad faith).4
    III.   Open Space Buffer as Public Purpose
    ¶ 11   First, we consider whether a municipality may condemn
    property belonging to a statutory town for an open space buffer
    under article XX of the Colorado Constitution. As a general matter,
    Town of Telluride v. San Miguel Valley Corp., 
    185 P.3d 161
    2008), concluded that open space buffers can serve a valid public
    A.    Condemnation Law
    ¶ 12   Home rule municipalities may “condemn property for any
    lawful, public, local, and municipal purpose.” 
    Id. at 164
    Colo. Const. art. XX); see also Kelo v. City of New London, 
    545 U.S. 469
    , 478 (2005) (recognizing that a governmental entity may not
    take property “under the mere pretext of a public purpose”).5 It is
    4 The parties agreed in their briefing that there is not a specific
    definition of “bad faith” in the case law; rather it is a fact specific
    inquiry into whether a condemning entities’ proffered motives for a
    condemnation are legitimate.
    5 Decisions before and after the 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of New
    545 U.S. 469
    , 478 (2005), have examined the motives of
    condemning authorities when considering whether a taking was
    true “the powers of a home rule or statutory municipality to acquire
    by condemnation property outside of its territorial boundaries
    [must] be limited to the narrowest extent permitted by article XX of
    the state constitution,” § 38-1-101(4)(a)(II), C.R.S. 2017, but our
    supreme court has stated more than once that the powers
    enumerated in article XX are illustrative not exclusive, see Telluride,
    pretextual. See Fideicomiso De La Tierra Del Caño Martin Peña v.
    604 F.3d 7
    , 23 n.13 (1st Cir. 2010) (noting that the court
    was not foreclosing a later as-applied challenge to a condemnation
    as a “mere pretext of a public purpose” (quoting 
    Kelo, 545 U.S. at 478
    )); Franco v. Nat’l Capitol Revitalization Corp., 
    930 A.2d 160
    , 171
    (D.C. Cir. 2007) (acknowledging the potential for a claim that an
    alleged “public purpose is a pretext” to a condemnation (quoting
    Kelo, 545 U.S. at 478
    )); Cty. of Hawaii v. C & J Coupe Family Ltd.
    198 P.3d 615
    , 647-49 (Haw. 2010) (noting that courts must
    consider evidence of an illegitimate purpose and determine whether
    the rationale was “a mere pretext for its actual purpose to bestow a
    private benefit”); Middletown Twp. v. Lands of Josef Seegar Stone,
    939 A.2d 331
    , 337-38 (Pa. 2007) (“In considering whether a primary
    public purpose was properly invoked, this [c]ourt has looked for the
    ‘real or fundamental purpose’ behind a taking[,]” meaning that “the
    government is not free to give mere lip service to its authorized
    purpose or to act precipitously and offer retroactive justification.”)
    (citation omitted); see also Cottonwood Christian Ctr. v. Cypress
    Redevelopment Agency, 
    218 F. Supp. 2d 1203
    , 1229 (C.D. Cal.
    2002) (“Courts must look beyond the government’s purported public
    use to determine whether that is the genuine reason or if it is
    merely pretext.”); 99 Cents Only Stores v. Lancaster Redevelopment
    237 F. Supp. 2d 1123
    , 1129 (C.D. Cal. 2001) (“No judicial
    deference is required . . . where the ostensible public use is
    demonstrably pretextual.”).
    8 185 P.3d at 166
    ; Town of Glendale v. City & Cty. of Denver, 
    137 Colo. 188
    , 194, 
    322 P.2d 1053
    , 1056 (1958) (allowing Denver to
    condemn property belonging to Glendale for the construction of
    sewer lines because “[a]lthough sewers are not expressly mentioned
    in the Constitution, the powers enumerated therein are by way of
    illustration and not of limitation”).
    ¶ 13   In a condemnation action, “the burden of proof is on the
    condemning entity to demonstrate, by a preponderance of the
    evidence, that the taking of private property is for a public use[.]”
    § 38-1-101(2)(b).
    ¶ 14   In Telluride, our supreme court concluded that “article XX
    grants home rule municipalities the power to condemn property,
    within or outside of territorial limits, for any lawful, public, local,
    and municipal purpose[,]” because “the list of purposes in section 1
    [of article XX] is not 
    comprehensive.” 185 P.3d at 166
    . But,
    Telluride did not adopt a uniform rule for what constitutes a lawful
    public purpose “because of the difficulty of capturing the
    permissible range of local and municipal projects with a static
    Id. at 167.
    On the facts before it, the Telluride court
    concluded that open space and parks were a valid public purpose
    for which a municipality could condemn extraterritorially. 
    Id. at 167-68.
    ¶ 15   Section 1 of article XX also provides, “[a municipality] shall
    have the power, within or without its territorial limits, to . . .
    condemn . . . in whole or in part, and everything required therefore,
    for the use of said city and county and the inhabitants
    thereof[.]” Colo. Const. art. XX, § 1; cf. City of Aurora v. Commerce
    Grp. Corp., 
    694 P.2d 382
    , 385 (Colo. App. 1984) (“[T]here is a
    presumption against implication of authority for eminent domain
    not expressly granted[.]”). Thus, a municipality would not
    6 In Town of Telluride v. San Miguel Valley Corp., 
    185 P.3d 161
      (Colo. 2008), the court did not analyze the Public Service Co. of
    Colorado v. Shaklee, 
    784 P.2d 314
    (Colo. 1989), factors. It is
    unclear if the court’s failure to reference Shaklee is meaningful.
    But here, the district court referenced and considered the Shaklee
    factors: (1) the physical condition of the property; (2) the
    community’s needs; (3) the character of the benefit the project
    would confer on the community; and (4) the necessity of the
    improvement for the development of state resources. 
    Shaklee, 784 P.2d at 318
    . Because 
    Telluride, 185 P.3d at 164-68
    , suggests that
    extensive discussion of these factors may not be necessary, the
    district court’s discussion was sufficient. In any event, we can
    affirm the district court on any ground supported by the record.
    Taylor v. Taylor, 
    2016 COA 100
    , ¶ 31.
    necessarily be prohibited from exercising its legitimate
    condemnation authority to take land owned by a neighboring
    statutory town, if a valid public purpose exists.7 See City of
    Thornton v. Farmers Reservoir & Irrigation Co., 
    194 Colo. 526
    , 537,
    575 P.2d 382
    , 391 (1978) (“[Beth Medrosh Hagodol v. City of Aurora,
    126 Colo. 267
    248 P.2d 732
    (1952),] recognizes that Colo. Const.
    [a]rt. XX grants to home rule municipalities ample power to acquire
    by condemnation property already devoted to a public use.”); Town
    Glendale, 137 Colo. at 195
    , 322 P.2d at 1057. But see Town of
    Parker v. Colo. Div. of Parks & Outdoor Recreation, 
    860 P.2d 584
    586 (Colo. App. 1993) (“The right to take property already dedicated
    to a public use for another public use exists in some cases, but
    such rights must be by specific grant of authority.”); see also CAW
    Equities, L.L.C. v. City of Greenwood Village, 
    2018 COA 42M
    , ¶¶ 27-
    7After Telluride, a bill to limit the ability of a home rule
    municipality to acquire real property outside its territorial
    boundaries via condemnation was introduced to the General
    Assembly. H.B. 09-1258, 67th Gen. Assemb., 1st Sess. (Feb. 3,
    2009). However, the bill did not pass.
    B.    Bad Faith in the Condemnation Context
    ¶ 16   Lafayette argues that (1) there was no bad faith or fraud
    behind its decision to condemn the property and (2) its finding of
    necessity cannot be disturbed. We disagree with both contentions.
    ¶ 17   Courts may review condemnation actions to determine if “the
    essential purpose of the condemnation is to obtain a public benefit.”
    Geudner, 786 P.2d at 436
    . Even if a condemnation decision is
    motivated in part by a public benefit, “the existence of an incidental
    public benefit does not prevent a court from finding ‘bad faith’ and
    invalidating a condemning authority’s determination that a
    particular acquisition is necessary.” 
    Id. Bad faith
    factors into the
    lawful public purpose analysis. Without judicial review of
    condemnation actions, there would be no end to one entity
    subverting another entity’s condemnation action by initiating one of
    its own. See Schroeder Invs., L.C. v. Edwards, 
    301 P.3d 994
    , 999
    (Utah 2013) (“[O]ne of the primary policies underlying the ‘more
    necessary public use’ provision is the avoidance of serial takings.”)
    (citation omitted); Lake Cty. Parks & Recreation Bd. v. Ind.-Am.
    Water Co., 
    812 N.E.2d 1118
    , 1123 (Ind. Ct. App. 2004) (“[A]bsent
    the prior public use doctrine, property could be condemned back
    and forth indefinitely.”).
    ¶ 18   In Telluride, however, the court noted that the trial court
    found that Telluride’s condemnation was not motivated by bad
    faith. Town of 
    Telluride, 185 P.3d at 169
    n.7. Thus, on review, the
    court “accept[ed] as fact that Telluride sought the condemnation
    pursuant to [a] constitutionally valid purpose.” 
    Id. ¶ 19
      Further, “[t]he issues of necessity and public purpose are
    ‘closely related and, to some extent, interconnected.’” 
    Geudner, 786 P.2d at 436
    (quoting Thornton Dev. Auth. v. Upah, 
    640 F. Supp. 1071
    , 1076 (D. Colo. 1986)). “While the existence of a public
    purpose is always subject to judicial review, the necessity of an
    acquisition of a specific parcel of property may only be reviewed by
    a court upon a showing of bad faith.” 
    Id. Thus, if
    bad faith is at
    issue, courts may look behind an entity’s stated condemnation
    purpose and finding of necessity.
    C.    Analysis of the Legality of the Asserted Purpose
    ¶ 20   Lafayette’s argument hinges on its belief that because the
    Lafayette city council determined this condemnation was necessary,
    the district court cannot look behind that determination to see if it
    was motivated by bad faith. This is incorrect. It is true that “[a]
    determination of necessity . . . is not reviewable absent a showing of
    bad faith or fraud.” Block 173 
    Assocs., 814 P.2d at 829
    . But here,
    Erie’s motion to dismiss alleged that Lafayette’s condemnation was
    motivated by bad faith and was not for a lawful public purpose.
    ¶ 21   To rebut Lafayette’s claim that the taking was for a public
    purpose, § 38-1-101(2)(b), Erie presented evidence of Lafayette’s
    alleged bad faith during the two-day evidentiary hearing. Because
    Erie sufficiently showed that Lafayette’s decision could have been
    motivated by bad faith, the district court appropriately reviewed
    Lafayette’s finding of necessity. See Block 173 
    Assocs., 814 P.2d at 828-29
    (“In examining the stated public purpose for a
    condemnation, we look to whether the stated public purpose is
    supported by the record.”).
    ¶ 22   Pheasant Ridge Associates Ltd. Partnership v. Town of
    506 N.E.2d 1152
    , 1154 (Mass. 1987), presented a
    similar question on “the lawfulness of the town’s taking in light of
    the plaintiffs’ assertion that the taking was made in bad faith[.]”
    The court stated that “[b]ad faith in the use of the power of eminent
    domain . . . includes the use of the power of eminent domain solely
    for a reason that is not proper, although the stated public purpose
    or purposes for the taking are plainly valid ones.” 
    Id. at 1156.
    is precisely the situation here. The stated public purpose of an
    open space buffer is valid, but blocking Erie’s planned development
    — planning that predated Lafayette’s condemnation petition — is
    not lawful. See, e.g., R.I. Econ. Dev. Corp. v. Parking Co., L.P., 
    892 A.2d 87
    , 104 (R.I. 2006) (concluding that condemnation of a
    temporary easement was inappropriate where it was motivated by a
    desire for increased revenue and was not undertaken for a
    legitimate public purpose). Because the district court’s
    determination — that Lafayette’s primary interest in the property
    was to interfere with Erie’s proposed commercial development —
    enjoys record support, we defer to those factual findings. See
    Ass’n, 260 P.3d at 1120
    ; Bd. of Cty. Comm’rs v. Kobobel,
    176 P.3d 860
    , 866 (Colo. App. 2007) (finding no valid public
    purpose for challenged condemnation of land used as a public road
    to a private cemetery).
    ¶ 23   Although TOEURA submitted its land use application in
    October 2016 (after Lafayette passed its condemnation ordinance),
    Erie had begun sufficient work to develop the site including hiring a
    developer, identifying potential tenants, and signing a development
    agreement. As in Pheasant Ridge, Lafayette filed its action to
    condemn the property only after Erie’s development plans began to
    take shape. 
    See 506 N.E.2d at 1157
    (“The matter of taking the
    subject site came forward only when the plaintiffs’ proposal became
    known.”). “Although not controlling, the absence of any prior town
    interest in the site or its neighborhood is instructive on the matter
    of good faith.” 
    Id. At the
    evidentiary hearing, Lafayette’s city
    administrator tried to explain that Lafayette’s failure to include the
    property on previous open space and trail priority (PROST) lists
    from 2008 to 2016 did not reflect a lack of interest in the property.
    He suggested that the PROST lists reflected properties Lafayette
    believed Boulder County would financially partner with Lafayette to
    acquire, but that Lafayette had always been interested in the
    subject property. The district court judge heard all arguments and
    evidence and reasonably concluded that Erie’s explanation — that
    Lafayette had no interest in the property until it learned of Erie’s
    proposed development — was more credible.
    ¶ 24   Erie also presented evidence that without the southern
    twenty-two acres, the value of the property was severely diminished
    and developing the remaining portion could be foreclosed. The
    district court was within its discretion to consider the respective
    economic impacts on Erie and Lafayette of losing the property and
    King Soopers as a tenant, see 
    Kelo, 545 U.S. at 490
    that a taking in furtherance of an economic development plan
    constitutes a public use), and to determine Lafayette invoked its
    condemnation power improperly — especially because Lafayette was
    unable to explain how it determined that the condemned
    twenty-two acres were necessary, see Piedmont Triad Reg’l Water
    Auth. v. Sumner Hills Inc., 
    543 S.E.2d 844
    , 847 (N.C. 2001) (stating
    that the condemning entity must explain what portion of the
    condemned property is actually for the asserted public purpose and
    what portion of the land is “in excess of the public purpose” to
    prevent “the condemner from taking the entire tract of land by
    [asserting] that the property is needed for a public
    purpose without defining that segment of the land actually
    necessary”). Here, Lafayette engaged in extensive commercial
    development along Highway 287 but ignored Nine Mile Corner —
    until King Soopers threatened relocation. Finally, Lafayette
    presented no evidence showing why the setback incorporated in
    Erie’s development plans would be insufficient to serve as a
    community buffer.
    ¶ 25   Because Erie, as the property owner, met its burden of
    showing bad faith, see 
    Goltra, 66 P.3d at 174
    , the district court
    properly examined Lafayette’s finding of necessity to determine,
    with record support, that the taking to establish an open space
    community buffer was pretextual and was not a lawful public
    purpose. See Glenelk 
    Ass’n, 260 P.3d at 1120
    . The court also
    indicated that Lafayette’s public officials were highly motivated to
    keep King Soopers — and the corresponding tax revenue — within
    Lafayette. Accordingly, the record amply supports the district
    court’s findings. See 
    id. IV. Attorney
    Fees and Costs
    ¶ 26   Because the district court has not issued an order on Erie’s
    motion for attorney fees, we do not review the issue. See Weston v.
    T & T, LLC, 
    271 P.3d 552
    , 561 (Colo. App. 2011) (“The trial court
    must make sufficient findings, so that, when they are considered
    together with the record, the reviewing court can conduct a
    meaningful review.”).
    V.   Conclusion
    ¶ 27   Because Erie sufficiently showed that Lafayette’s
    condemnation decision was made in bad faith and was thus not for
    a lawful public purpose, we affirm the district court’s judgment.
    JUDGE ASHBY concurs.
    JUDGE FURMAN specially concurs.
    JUDGE FURMAN, specially concurring.
    ¶ 28   I agree with my colleagues that Erie sufficiently showed that
    Lafayette’s condemnation decision was made in bad faith and was
    thus not for a lawful public purpose. That was the focus of the
    litigation in the district court. I write separately to point out what I
    consider to be a more important question that we need not answer:
    Whether the Colorado Constitution, or some other authority,
    authorizes one home rule municipality to exercise its eminent
    domain power over public land owned by a statutory town. The
    parties in the district court appear to have assumed that such
    authority exists; so the focus of the litigation was over whether
    Lafayette had a proper public purpose in acquiring the land. My
    agreement with the division is on this narrow basis.

Document Info

Docket Number: 17CA0595

Citation Numbers: 2018 COA 87, 434 P.3d 746

Filed Date: 6/14/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 6/15/2018

Authorities (19)

Fideicomiso De La Tierra v. Fortuno , 604 F.3d 7 ( 2010 )

99 Cents Only Stores v. Lancaster Redevelopment Agency , 237 F. Supp. 2d 1123 ( 2001 )

Beth Medrosh Hagodol v. City of Aurora , 126 Colo. 267 ( 1952 )

City of Thornton v. Farmers Reservoir & Irrigation Co. , 194 Colo. 526 ( 1978 )

Thornton Development Authority v. Upah , 640 F. Supp. 1071 ( 1986 )

Cottonwood Christian Center v. Cypress Redevelopment Agency , 218 F. Supp. 2d 1203 ( 2002 )

Town of Parker v. Colorado Division of Parks & Outdoor ... , 860 P.2d 584 ( 1993 )

City of Aurora v. Commerce Group Corp. , 694 P.2d 382 ( 1984 )

Town of Glendale v. City and County of Denver , 137 Colo. 188 ( 1958 )

Public Service Co. of Colorado v. Shaklee , 784 P.2d 314 ( 1989 )

City & County of Denver v. Block 173 Associates , 814 P.2d 824 ( 1991 )

BOARD OF COUNTY COM'RS OF MORGAN v. Kobobel , 176 P.3d 860 ( 2007 )

GLENELK ASS'N, INC. v. Lewis , 260 P.3d 1117 ( 2011 )

Town of Telluride v. San Miguel Valley Corp. , 185 P.3d 161 ( 2008 )

Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority v. Sumner Hills Inc. , 353 N.C. 343 ( 2001 )

Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. v. Parking Co. L.P. , 892 A.2d 87 ( 2006 )

In re Donald C. Taylor and Margaret Ann Taylor Trust , 381 P.3d 428 ( 2016 )

Middletown Township v. Lands of Stone , 595 Pa. 607 ( 2007 )

Kelo v. City of New London , 125 S. Ct. 2655 ( 2005 )

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