People in interest of I.B.-R , 439 P.3d 38 ( 2018 )

  •      The summaries of the Colorado Court of Appeals published opinions
    constitute no part of the opinion of the division but have been prepared by
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    May 17, 2018
    No. 17CA1534, People In the Interest of I.B.-R. — Juvenile
    Court — Dependency and Neglect — Termination of the Parent-
    Child Legal Relationship; American Indian Law — ICWA —
    In this dependency and neglect case, a division of the court of
    appeals considers the duty and content of notice to the Bureau of
    Indian Affairs (BIA) under the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
    (ICWA), 25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963 (2012). The division concludes
    that where a parent reports a connection to an unknown Native
    American tribe in a state with no designated tribal agents, the
    department of human services must notify the BIA of the parent’s
    report, and the notice the department sends to the BIA must
    include the state that the parent identified. Because the notice to
    the BIA in this case omitted the state that the parent identified, the
    division remands the case to the trial court for the limited purpose
    of ensuring compliance with ICWA.
    COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS                                           2018COA75
    Court of Appeals No. 17CA1534
    Weld County District Court No. 16JV231
    Honorable Elizabeth B. Strobel, Judge
    The People of the State of Colorado,
    In the Interest of I.B.-R., A.B.-R., M.B.-R., and A.R., children,
    and Concerning J.S.R., C.M.H. f/k/a C.M.R., and S.B.-R.,
    Division A
    Loeb, C.J., Ashby and Welling, JJ.
    Announced May 17, 2018
    Bruce T. Barker, County Attorney, David S. Anderson, Assistant County
    Attorney, Greeley, Colorado, for Petitioner-Appellee
    Keren C. Weitzel, Guardian Ad Litem
    Van Gaasbeek Law, Christine Van Gaasbeek, Fort Collins, Colorado, for
    Respondent-Appellant J.S.R.
    Henson Law, LLC, Patrick R. Henson, Denver, Colorado, for Respondent-
    Appellant C.M.H.
    Pamela K. Streng, Georgetown, Colorado, for Respondent-Appellant S.B.-R.
    ¶1    In this dependency and neglect proceeding, C.M.H. (mother),
    formerly known as C.M.R., appeals the trial court’s judgment
    terminating her parent-child relationships with her children,
    I.B.-R., A.B.-R., M.B.-R., and A.R. J.S.R., who is the father of A.R.,
    appeals the judgment terminating his parent-child relationship with
    A.R. S.B.-R., who is the father of A.B.-R. and I.B.-R., appeals the
    judgment terminating his parent-child relationships with A.B.-R.
    and I.B.-R.
    ¶2    One of J.S.R.’s contentions is that the trial court and the Weld
    County Department of Human Services (the Department) did not
    comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA), 25 U.S.C.
    §§ 1901-63 (2012), after he asserted Native American heritage.
    ¶3    We agree that, although the Department notified some tribes
    and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the notice was inadequate.
    Further, the trial court did not make the required inquiry of the
    participants as to all of the children after the Department initiated
    the proceeding to terminate parental rights. Therefore, we remand
    the case to the trial court for the limited purpose of ensuring
    compliance with ICWA.
    I.    ICWA’s Inquiry and Notice Provisions
    ¶4    ICWA’s provisions are for the protection and preservation of
    Indian tribes and their resources and to protect Indian children who
    are members of or are eligible for membership in an Indian tribe.
    25 U.S.C. § 1901(2), (3) (2012). ICWA recognizes that Indian tribes
    have a separate interest in Indian children that is equivalent to, but
    distinct from, parental interests. B.H. v. People in Interest of X.H.,
    138 P.3d 299
    , 303 (Colo. 2006); see also Mississippi Band of
    Choctaw Indians v. Holyfield, 
    490 U.S. 30
    , 52 (1989). Accordingly,
    in a proceeding in which ICWA may apply, tribes must have a
    meaningful opportunity to participate in determining whether the
    child is an Indian child and to be heard on the issue of ICWA’s
    B.H., 138 P.3d at 303
    ¶5    To ensure tribes have an opportunity to be heard, Colorado’s
    ICWA-implementing legislation provides that in dependency and
    neglect proceedings, the petitioning party must make continuing
    inquiries to determine whether the child is an Indian child.
    § 19-1-126(1)(a), C.R.S. 2017; see also 
    B.H., 138 P.3d at 302
    ¶6    The federal regulations and guidelines implementing ICWA
    impose a duty of inquiry and notice on trial courts. 25 C.F.R.
    23.107(a) (2017); Bureau of Indian Affairs, Guidelines for
    Implementing the Indian Child Welfare Act, 81 Fed. Reg. 96,476
    (Dec. 30, 2016), (2016 Guidelines);
    see also Notice of Guidelines, 81 Fed. Reg. 96,476 (Dec. 30, 2016).
    The trial court must ask each participant on the record at the
    beginning of every emergency, voluntary, or involuntary child
    custody proceeding whether the participant knows or has reason to
    know that the child is an Indian child. 25 C.F.R. § 23.107(a); see
    also People in Interest of L.L., 
    2017 COA 38
    , ¶ 19. A proceeding to
    terminate parental rights is a separate child custody proceeding
    under ICWA. See 25 U.S.C. § 1903(1) (2012); see also § 19-1-
    126(1); People in Interest of C.A., 
    2017 COA 135
    , ¶ 10. Accordingly,
    the court must inquire at the commencement of the termination
    proceeding, and all responses should be on the record. 25 C.F.R.
    § 23.107(a).
    ¶7    When there is reason to know or believe that a child involved
    in a child custody proceeding is an Indian child, the petitioning
    party must send notice of the proceeding to the potentially
    concerned tribe or tribes. 
    B.H., 138 P.3d at 302
    ; see also 25 U.S.C.
    § 1912(a) (2012); § 19-1-126(1)(b). The BIA publishes a list of
    designated tribal agents for service of ICWA notice in the Federal
    Register each year and makes the list available on its website. 2016
    Guidelines, pp. 19-20; see also 82 Fed. Reg. 12,986-13,009 (Mar. 8,
    2017). If the identity or location of the tribe cannot be determined,
    notice must be given to the BIA. 
    B.H., 138 P.3d at 302
    ; see 25
    U.S.C. § 1912(a).
    ¶8    The 2016 Guidelines recommend the following steps when the
    reporting party has not identified a specific tribe:
    If only the Tribal ancestral group (e.g.,
    Cherokee) is indicated, then . . . State agencies
    or courts [should] contact each of the Tribes in
    that ancestral group (see . . . the published list
    of ICWA designated agents) to identify whether
    the parent or child is a member of any such
    Tribe. If the State agency or court is unsure
    that it has contacted all the relevant Tribes, or
    needs other assistance in identifying the
    appropriate Tribes, it should contact the BIA
    Regional Office. Ideally, State agencies or
    courts should contact the BIA Regional Office
    for the region in which the Tribe is located, but
    if the State agency or court is not aware of the
    appropriate BIA Regional Office, it may contact
    any BIA Regional Office for direction.
    2016 Guidelines, p. 18. Thus, “courts [and state agencies] are not
    required to become experts in tribal genealogy.” In re J.T., 
    693 A.2d 283
    , 289 (Vt. 1997) (father’s statement that his father was a
    “full-blooded Mohican” did not require court to resolve whether he
    might be affiliated with the federally recognized Mohegan tribe or
    the unrecognized Mahican tribe; court’s duty was only to notify the
    BIA). Instead, the BIA is available to assist in identifying
    appropriate tribes. 2016 Guidelines, p. 18; accord In re Trever I.,
    973 A.2d 752
    , 758-59 (Me. 2009) (child welfare agency properly
    investigated father’s vague claim of Indian heritage by notifying BIA
    of supporting information).
    II.    Procedural History
    ¶9     The Department filed a petition in dependency and neglect in
    April 2016. That same month, J.S.R. told the Department he had
    Cherokee heritage on his father’s side. A month later, he told the
    trial court his father’s lineage descended from a tribe in Arkansas,
    but he did not know which tribe. The Department did not notify
    any tribe or the BIA of the dependency and neglect proceeding.
    ¶ 10   The Department filed a motion to terminate mother’s, J.S.R.’s
    and S.B.-R.’s parental rights in November 2016. In December
    2016, the Department sent notice of the termination proceeding to
    the three federally recognized Cherokee Tribes. Each of the tribes
    responded that A.R. was not a member or eligible for membership.
    ¶ 11   The Department also notified the BIA. The notice stated that
    J.S.R. had indicated he had Cherokee heritage, but it did not
    mention his reported affiliation to an unknown tribe in Arkansas.
    The BIA replied that the notice indicated the child’s possible tribal
    affiliation was Cherokee, the Certificate of Mailing showed the
    Cherokee Tribes had been notified, and the BIA does not research
    or determine tribal enrollment for tribes.
    ¶ 12   The trial court terminated all three parents’ parental rights in
    July 2017. Although the court held eight hearings in the eight
    months following the initiation of the termination proceeding in
    November 2016, it made no further inquiry regarding the children’s
    possible Indian status at any time.
    III.   Analysis
    ¶ 13   J.S.R. contends that the Department failed to comply with
    ICWA’s notice requirements because it did not send notice to any
    tribes in Arkansas. We agree in part.
    ¶ 14   There are no federally recognized tribes with designated tribal
    agents in Arkansas. See Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to
    Receive Services From the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs,
    82 Fed. Reg. 4915-02 (Jan. 17, 2017). Nevertheless, J.S.R.
    contends that ICWA required the Department to research whether
    any federally recognized tribes are located at least partially in that
    state. In particular, he asserts that an investigation would have
    revealed that the Osage Nation, a federally recognized tribe with its
    designated tribal agent in Oklahoma, identifies its territory to
    include land in the state of Arkansas. See Historic Preservation |
    Osage Nation (Apr. 9, 2018), (We
    note that J.R.’s opening brief characterizes Arkansas as included in
    “Osage lands,” while the website describes the area as part of its
    “ancestral lands.”)
    ¶ 15   ICWA does not, however, require courts or departments of
    human services to ferret out tribal connections from such vague
    information as the name of a state with no designated tribal agents.
    See In re Desiree F., 
    99 Cal. Rptr. 2d 688
    , 695 (Cal. Ct. App. 2000).
    Instead, that burden shifts to the BIA, which presumably has the
    resources and expertise necessary for the task. See id.; see also
    2016 Guidelines, p. 18.
    ¶ 16   But the notice in this case did not alert the BIA that J.S.R.
    had reported a tribal connection to Arkansas. This omission
    frustrated the BIA’s ability to fully discharge its responsibility under
    ICWA to identify potentially relevant tribes. Therefore, we must
    remand the case to the trial court to ensure compliance with ICWA.
    IV.   Remand Instructions
    ¶ 17   On remand, the trial court shall direct the Department to (1)
    procure the appearance of all the parents, if possible, so that the
    court may inquire of each of them on the record and (2) inquire of
    such persons with whom it has contact who may have knowledge of
    the children’s possible Native American ancestry.
    ¶ 18   The court shall then hold a hearing and ask the participants
    to state on the record whether they know or have reason to know or
    reason to believe that any of the children is an Indian child. 25
    C.F.R. § 23.107; see also 2016 Guidelines, p. 11; § 19-1-126(1)(b).
    At the hearing, the Department shall make a record of its efforts to
    determine whether the children are Indian children. See
    § 19-1-126(1)(a). The court shall then issue an order detailing its
    ¶ 19   If any participant provides reason to know or believe that any
    of the children may be affiliated with a particular tribe, the trial
    court should proceed in accordance with the ICWA notice
    requirements and direct the Department to send notice to the
    applicable tribe or tribes. Otherwise, based on the information that
    J.S.R. has already provided regarding A.R., the court shall direct
    the Department to send notice to the BIA indicating J.S.R.’s
    reported tribal connection to Arkansas.
    ¶ 20   The trial court must afford the tribes or the BIA a reasonable
    amount of time to respond to notices and must proceed in
    accordance with 25 U.S.C. § 1912(a), which provides that (1) no
    foster care placement hearing or termination of parental rights
    proceeding shall be held until at least ten days after receipt of
    notice by the tribe; and (2) a tribe shall be granted twenty additional
    days to prepare for such proceeding if the tribe so requests.
    ¶ 21   After the expiration of the timeframe under 25 U.S.C.
    § 1912(a) or a reasonable additional time deemed appropriate by the
    trial court, the court shall enter factual findings and legal
    conclusions regarding the application of ICWA.
    ¶ 22   If the trial court determines that any of the children is an
    Indian child, within 7 days of issuance of the trial court’s order
    making such determination, the Department shall file notice with
    this court along with a copy of the trial court’s order. The appeal
    shall then be recertified to permit a division of this court to issue an
    opinion vacating the termination judgment as to the Indian child or
    children and remanding the case to the trial court with directions to
    proceed in accordance with ICWA as to that child or children. The
    appeal shall be recertified as to any non-Indian children.
    ¶ 23   If the trial court determines none of the children is an Indian
    child, within 7 days of issuance of the trial court’s order making
    such determination, the Department must file notice with this court
    along with a copy of the trial court’s order, and the appeal shall be
    recertified. A supplemental record consisting of the court record
    created on remand, including the trial court’s order, is due 14 days
    after recertification. However, within 7 days of the matter being
    recertified, if any party wishes to supplement the record with
    transcripts of hearings that occurred on remand, that party must
    file a supplemental designation of transcripts with the trial court
    and this court. If supplemental transcripts are designated, the
    complete supplemental record, including the court record, will be
    due 21 days after the filing of the supplemental designation of
    ¶ 24   Within 14 days of the filing of the supplemental record, any
    parent may file a supplemental brief, not to exceed 3500 words,
    limited to addressing the trial court’s ICWA determination. If
    M.B.-R.’s father, although not currently a party to this appeal,
    wishes to file a brief addressing the ICWA determination, he may do
    so, but his brief must be accompanied by a notice of appeal
    indicating his intent to appeal the ICWA determination. Within 14
    days of any supplemental brief by a parent, any other party may file
    supplemental response brief not to exceed 3500 words.
    ¶ 25   This court further orders that the Department notify this court
    in writing of the status of the trial court proceedings in the event
    that this matter is not concluded within 28 days from the date of
    this order, and that the Department shall do so every 28 days
    thereafter until the trial court issues its order on remand.
    Loeb, C.J.
    Ashby, J.
    Welling, J.