Maghfour v. Waterbury ( 2021 )

  • ***********************************************
    The “officially released” date that appears near the be-
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    All opinions are subject to modification and technical
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    discrepancies between the advance release version of an
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    The syllabus and procedural history accompanying the
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    98                   (SC 20502)
    10                Robinson, C. J., and McDonald, D’Auria, Mullins,
    12                          Kahn, Ecker and Keller, Js.
    14                                      Syllabus
    15   The plaintiff, an employee of the defendant city, sought to resolve a dispute
    16      concerning a lien the city placed on certain settlement proceeds that
    17      he had received as a result of a motor vehicle accident that occurred
    18      in 2016. At all relevant times, the city was self-insured and paid for the
    19      medical care that the plaintiff received in connection with the accident.
    20      In July, 2017, the legislature passed an amendment (P.A. 17-165, § 1) to
    21      a statute (§ 7-464) concerning group insurance benefits for municipal
    22      employees that allowed a self-insured city that provides health benefits
    23      for its employees to file a lien on the portion of any settlement proceeds
    24      that represents payment for medical expenses incurred by a city
    25      employee when such expenses result from the negligence or reckless-
    26      ness of a third party. Later in July, 2017, the plaintiff filed an action
    27      against the third-party tortfeasor who had caused the plaintiff to sustain
    28      injuries in the accident. Thereafter, on October 1, 2017, P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    29      became effective. In October, 2018, the city filed a notice of lien, claiming
    30      a right to reimbursement for amounts that it had paid for the plaintiff’s
    31      medical expenses from any judgment or settlement the plaintiff might
    32      receive arising from the accident. Approximately one week later, the
    33      plaintiff settled his civil action against the third-party tortfeasor. The
    34      plaintiff then brought the present action, claiming that P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    35      did not authorize the lien filed by the city because the plaintiff’s injuries
    36      occurred and his action against the third-party tortfeasor was com-
    37      menced before the effective date of P.A. 17-165, § 1. The trial court
    38      granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment and rendered judg-
    39      ment thereon, concluding, inter alia, that the legislature did not expressly
    40      indicate that it intended for P.A. 17-165, § 1, to apply retroactively to
    41      pending actions and, therefore, that the statute (§ 55-3) precluding a
    42      new law that imposes any new obligation from being construed to have
    43      retroactive effect barred the city’s lien. On the city’s appeal from the
    44      trial court’s judgment, held that the trial court properly granted the
    45      plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment, as that court correctly deter-
    46      mined that the city’s lien stemmed from an improper, retroactive applica-
    47      tion of P.A. 17-165, § 1: the legislature did not explicitly provide that
    48      P.A. 17-165, § 1, should apply retroactively, and, because that public act
    49      created a new right for a self-insured municipality to assert a lien to
    50      recover medical expenses that it has paid and eliminated the right of a
    51      municipal employee to retain sums that he or she recovers from a third-
    52      party tortfeasor if those sums represent medical expenses paid by the
    53      municipality, P.A. 17-165, § 1, was substantive, and, pursuant to § 55-3,
    54      could operate prospectively only; moreover, there was no merit to the
    55      city’s claim that allowing it to place a lien on the plaintiff’s settlement
    56      proceeds would not effect a retroactive application of P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    57      in view of the fact that the plaintiff settled his action against the third-
    58      party tortfeasor after the effective date of that public act, as the settle-
    59      ment was not independent of the motor vehicle accident that ultimately
    60      led to the settlement and that occurred prior to the public act’s effec-
    62      tive date.
    64         Argued December 8, 2020—officially released August 3, 2021*
    66                                Procedural History
    68     Action for interpleader to resolve a dispute concern-
    69   ing a lien claimed by the defendant on certain settlement
    70   proceeds, brought to the Superior Court in the judicial
    71   district of Waterbury, where the court, Roraback, J.,
    72   granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment,
    73   denied the defendant’s motion for summary judgment,
    74   and rendered judgment for the plaintiff, from which the
    76   defendant appealed. Affirmed.
    Daniel J. Foster, corporation counsel, for the appel-
    78   lant (defendant).
    80     Jonathan H. Dodd, for the appellee (plaintiff).
    83                               Opinion
    84       MULLINS, J. The defendant, the city of Waterbury
    85    (city), appeals from the judgment of the trial court ren-
    86    dered in favor of the plaintiff, Rochdi Maghfour. On
    87    appeal, the city contends that the trial court improperly
    88    granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment
    89    because it erroneously concluded that General Statutes
    90    § 7-464, as amended by § 1 of No. 17-165 of the 2017
    91    Public Acts (P.A. 17-165), did not authorize the city’s
    92    lien in this case. We disagree and, accordingly, affirm
    93    the judgment of the trial court.
    94      The following undisputed facts, as found by the trial
    95    court and contained in the record, and procedural his-
    96    tory are relevant to our disposition of this appeal. On
    97    June 20, 2016, the plaintiff was injured in a motor vehicle
    98    accident. He was an employee of the city, which is a
    99    self-insured municipality. Therefore, the city paid for
    100   medical care resulting from his injuries.
    101      On July 14, 2017, the plaintiff initiated an action
    102   against the third-party tortfeasor who had caused his
    103   injuries in the motor vehicle accident. Earlier that
    104   month, the legislature had enacted P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    105   which amended § 7-464 by adding subsections (c) and
    106   (d).1 See P.A. 17-165, § 1; 60 S. Proc., Pt. 8, 2017 Sess.,
    107   pp. 3076–77, 3101–3102; 60 H.R. Proc., Pt. 13, 2017 Sess.,
    108   pp. 5329–35. The new subsections allow a self-insured
    109   city, town, or borough to file a lien on the portions of
    110   judgments or settlements that represent payment for
    111   medical expenses incurred by its employees when such
    112   expenses result from the negligence or recklessness of
    113   a third party. See P.A. 17-165, § 1. Public Act 17-165,
    114   § 1, had an effective date of October 1, 2017.
    115      After the effective date of P.A. 17-165, § 1, the city
    116   filed a notice of lien dated October 15, 2018, with the
    117   plaintiff’s attorney. In that notice, the city claimed a
    118   right to reimbursement of medical expenses for which
    119   it had paid from any judgment or settlement the plaintiff
    120   might receive arising from his June 20, 2016 motor vehi-
    121   cle accident. Thereafter, on October 23, 2018, the plain-
    122   tiff settled his civil action against the third-party tortfea-
    123   sor.
    124      Following the settlement, the plaintiff and the city
    125   could not reach an agreement to resolve the issue of
    126   whether the city was entitled to a lien on the settlement
    127   for the amount of the medical expenses it had paid.
    128   Consequently, the plaintiff initiated the present action
    129   in the trial court contesting the validity of the city’s lien
    130   on the proceeds of his settlement.2 In his petition, the
    131   plaintiff claimed that § 7-464, as amended by P.A. 17-
    132   165, § 1, did not authorize the lien filed by the city
    133   because the plaintiff’s injury occurred and his action
    134   against the third-party tortfeasor was commenced
    135   before the effective date of the act.
    136     Each party filed a motion for summary judgment. The
    137   trial court granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary
    138   judgment and denied the city’s motion for summary
    139   judgment. In doing so, the trial court concluded that
    140   the legislature did not expressly indicate that it intended
    141   for P.A. 17-165, § 1, to apply retroactively to pending
    142   actions and, therefore, that General Statutes §§ 1-1 (u)3
    143   and 55-34 barred the lien from affecting pending litiga-
    144   tion and from applying retroactively. This appeal fol-
    145   lowed.5
    146      On appeal, the city asserts that the trial court improp-
    147   erly granted the plaintiff’s motion for summary judg-
    148   ment because the plain language and legislative intent
    149   of § 7-464, as amended by P.A. 17-165, § 1, indicate that
    150   the city’s lien would apply to the proceeds of the plain-
    151   tiff’s settlement reached after the act’s effective date.
    152   The city contends that, because the plaintiff reached
    153   his settlement after the effective date of P.A. 17-165,
    154   § 1, and the plain language of the statute applies to
    155   settlements, its lien under the act would not operate
    156   retroactively in the present case. According to the city’s
    157   reasoning, P.A. 17-165, § 1, simply applies to any settle-
    158   ments reached after the effective date of the act. The
    159   plaintiff responds that the trial court correctly deter-
    160   mined that the city was not authorized to file a lien on
    161   the proceeds of his settlement in this matter because
    162   § 55-3 bars P.A. 17-165, § 1, from applying retroactively
    163   and § 1-1 (u) prevents it from applying to existing litiga-
    164   tion.
    165      We begin by setting forth the standard of review
    166   governing this appeal. ‘‘The scope of our review of the
    167   trial court’s decision to grant the [plaintiff’s] motion
    168   for summary judgment is plenary.’’ Shoreline Shellfish,
    169   LLC v. Branford, 
    336 Conn. 403
    , 410, 
    246 A.3d 470
    170   (2020). ‘‘To the extent that the trial court’s decision
    171   . . . requires us to construe a [statute], our review is
    172   also plenary and is guided by our well established legal
    173   principles regarding statutory construction. . . . In
    174   construing statutes, General Statutes § 1-2z directs us
    175   first to consider the text of the statute itself and its
    176   relationship to other statutes. If, after examining such
    177   text and considering such relationship, the meaning of
    178   such text is plain and unambiguous and does not yield
    179   absurd or unworkable results, extratextual evidence of
    180   the meaning of the statute shall not be considered.’’
    181   (Citations omitted; internal quotation marks omitted.)
    182   Id., 410–11.
    183      Both the plaintiff and the city agree that their compet-
    184   ing motions for summary judgment gave rise to no genu-
    185   ine issue as to any material fact. Thus, the issue of
    186   whether the trial court properly granted the plaintiff’s
    187   motion for summary judgment turns solely on a point
    188   of statutory interpretation, namely, whether, as a matter
    189   of law, § 7-464, as amended by P.A. 17-165, § 1, autho-
    190   rizes the city to file a lien on the plaintiff’s settlement
    191   from his civil action against the third-party tortfeasor.
    192     As instructed by § 1-2z, we begin our analysis with
    193   the text of § 7-464 (c), which provides in relevant part
    194   that ‘‘[a] self-insured town, city or borough that provides
    195   group health benefits for its employees has a lien on
    196   that part of a judgment or settlement that represents
    197   payment for economic loss for medical, hospital and
    198   prescription expenses incurred by its employees and
    199   their covered dependents and family members when
    200   such expenses result from the negligence or reckless-
    201   ness of a third party. . . .’’ As we noted previously,
    202   P.A. 17-165, § 1, provided that the amendment to § 7-464
    203   became effective on October 1, 2017. The legislature,
    204   however, did not expressly indicate whether it intended
    205   the amendment to apply retroactively to events that
    206   occurred before its effective date, such as the plaintiff’s
    207   motor vehicle accident. Therefore, the plain language
    208   of the statute does not answer the question on appeal,
    209   and we must examine the relationship of § 7-464 (c)
    210   with our law governing the retroactivity of statutes.
    211      ‘‘In considering the question of whether a statute may
    212   be applied retroactively, we are governed by certain
    213   well settled principles, [pursuant to] which our ultimate
    214   focus is the intent of the legislature in enacting the
    215   statute. . . . [O]ur point of departure is . . . § 55-3
    216   . . . .’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) King v.
    217   Volvo Excavators AB, 
    333 Conn. 283
    , 292, 
    215 A.3d 218
       149 (2019). Section 55-3 provides: ‘‘No provision of the
    219   general statutes, not previously contained in the stat-
    220   utes of the state, which imposes any new obligation on
    221   any person or corporation, shall be construed to have a
    222   retrospective effect.’’ ‘‘[W]e have uniformly interpreted
    223   § 55-3 as a rule of presumed legislative intent that stat-
    224   utes affecting substantive rights shall apply prospec-
    225   tively only. . . . In civil cases, however, unless consid-
    226   erations of good sense and justice dictate otherwise, it
    227   is presumed that procedural statutes will be applied
    228   retrospectively. . . . [Although] there is no precise def-
    229   inition of either [substantive or procedural law], it is
    230   generally agreed that a substantive law creates, defines
    231   and regulates rights while a procedural law prescribes
    232   the methods of enforcing such rights or obtaining
    233   redress. . . . Procedural statutes . . . therefore leave
    234   the preexisting scheme intact.’’6 (Internal quotation
    235   marks omitted.) King v. Volvo Excavators AB, supra,
    236   292.
    237      Because the legislature did not expressly provide that
    238   P.A. 17-165, § 1, should apply retroactively, the pre-
    239   sumption stands that, if § 7-464, as amended by the act,
    240   affects substantive rights, then it shall apply prospec-
    241   tively only. See id. Here, then, we must determine whether
    242   § 7-464, as amended by P.A. 17-165, § 1, affects a sub-
    243   stantive or procedural right in order to answer the ques-
    244   tion of whether the city is entitled to the lien in this case.
    245    Prior to the passage of P.A. 17-165, § 1, a self-insured
    246   municipality did not have the express right to assert a
    247   lien to recover medical expenses paid as benefits from
    248   the proceeds of an employee’s litigation against third-
    249   party tortfeasors.7 See, e.g., P.A. 17-165, § 1; see also,
    250   e.g., Conn. Joint Standing Committee Hearings, Plan-
    251   ning and Development, Pt. 1, 2017 Sess., p. 247, remarks
    252   of Representative Stephanie E. Cummings (state repre-
    253   sentative who previously spoke with city’s leadership
    254   acknowledged during her testimony in support for pas-
    255   sage of house bill that became P.A. 17-165, § 1, that, as
    256   self-insured municipality, city lacked right under Con-
    257   necticut law to recover collateral source benefits). After
    258   P.A. 17-165, § 1, went into effect, however, a self-insured
    259   municipality had the right to assert a lien to recover
    260   medical expenses it had paid. See General Statutes § 7-
    261   464 (c) and (d).
    262      The statutory change thus confers a new right on a
    263   self-insured municipality, such as the city. Correspond-
    264   ingly, the statute, as amended, simultaneously elimi-
    265   nates the right of plaintiffs, held prior to the enactment
    266   of P.A. 17-165, § 1, to retain sums they recover from
    267   negligent or reckless third-party tortfeasors who have
    268   harmed them if those sums represent medical expenses
    269   paid by the municipality. Thus, because P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    270   created a new right for self-insured municipalities and
    271   limited the rights of their employees, we conclude that
    272   § 7-464, as amended by the act, is substantive. See, e.g.,
    273   Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    187 Conn. 274
       451, 455–57, 
    446 A.2d 818
     (1982) (holding that amend-
    275   ment affecting insurance company’s lien recovery
    276   amount was substantive rather than procedural); see
    277   also, e.g., Little v. Ives, 
    158 Conn. 452
    , 457, 
    262 A.2d 174
    278   (1969) (‘‘[l]egislation which limits or increases statutory
    279   liability has generally been held to be substantive in
    280   nature’’).8 The statute therefore must operate prospec-
    281   tively only.
    282      The city asserts that allowing it to file a lien on the
    283   plaintiff’s settlement proceeds in the present case
    284   would not present a retroactive application of the stat-
    285   ute. Specifically, the city asserts that, because the plain-
    286   tiff settled his action against the third-party tortfeasor
    287   on October 23, 2018, after the effective date of P.A. 17-
    288   165, § 1—which was October 1, 2017—upholding its
    289   lien does not require a retroactive application of the
    290   act. We disagree.
    291      As this court has previously concluded, ‘‘a statute
    292   does not operate retrospectively merely because it is
    293   applied in a case arising from conduct antedating the
    294   statute’s enactment . . . or upsets expectations based
    295   in prior law. Rather, the court must ask whether the new
    296   provision attaches new legal consequences to events
    297   completed before its enactment.’’ (Emphasis in original;
    298   internal quotation marks omitted.) Shannon v. Com-
    299   missioner of Housing, 
    322 Conn. 191
    , 204, 
    140 A.3d 300
       903 (2016). In other words, ‘‘a law has retroactive effect
    301   when it would impair rights a party possessed when he
    302   acted, increase a party’s liability for past conduct, or
    303   impose new duties with respect to transactions already
    304   completed.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) 
    305   205–206. This court further cautioned that ‘‘[t]he conclu-
    306   sion that a particular rule operates retroactively comes
    307   at the end of a process of judgment concerning the
    308   nature and extent of the change in the law and the
    309   degree of connection between the operation of the new
    310   rule and a relevant past event.’’ (Internal quotation
    311   marks omitted.) Id., 204. Moreover, this court noted
    312   that ‘‘[a]ny test of retroactivity will leave room for dis-
    313   agreement in hard cases, and is unlikely to classify the
    314   enormous variety of legal changes with perfect philo-
    315   sophical clarity.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.)
    316   Id.
    317      We conclude that allowing the city to pursue statutory
    318   lien rights in the present case would result in an
    319   improper, retroactive application of P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    320   because it would attach new legal consequences to
    321   events completed before the act’s effective date. Those
    322   events are the legal rights to which the plaintiff became
    323   entitled as a result of personal injuries sustained by
    324   him on June 20, 2016, the date of the motor vehicle
    325   accident. The act impaired the right of the plaintiff to
    326   obtain compensation for personal injuries caused by
    327   the tortfeasor’s negligence on certain conditions, one
    328   of those being that any such recovery would be free
    329   and clear of any claims by the city requiring repayment
    330   of sums expended for medical care relating to those
    331   injuries. Public Act 17-165, § 1, created a new liability
    332   or obligation on the part of the plaintiff to pay proceeds
    333   of his settlement to the city to reimburse the city for
    334   past payments made by it. It also created a correlative,
    335   new right entitling the city to obtain reimbursement for
    336   medical expenses from the proceeds of the plaintiff’s
    337   settlement.
    338      Indeed, neither the plaintiff’s obligation nor the city’s
    339   corresponding right existed at the time of the plaintiff’s
    340   motor vehicle accident or at the time the city paid most
    341   of the medical expenses, and, in this particular case,
    342   even the commencement of the plaintiff’s underlying
    343   civil action predated the effective date of P.A. 17-165,
    344   § 1. Thus, applying P.A. 17-165, § 1, to a settlement
    345   related to a motor vehicle accident that occurred prior
    346   to the effective date of the act is a retroactive applica-
    347   tion of the act. Contrary to the city’s position, the settle-
    348   ment does not stand on its own. Rather, the settlement
    349   stems from the motor vehicle accident that occurred
    350   prior to the effective date of P.A. 17-165, § 1, and the
    351   respective substantive rights and obligations of the par-
    352   ties relating to that accident cannot be altered retroac-
    353   tively. Accordingly, we conclude that allowing the city
    354   to file a lien on the plaintiff’s settlement proceeds in the
    355   present case would constitute an improper, retroactive
    356   application of the act.
    357      In summary, because the legislature did not explicitly
    358   provide that § 7-464, as amended by P.A. 17-165, § 1,
    359   should apply retroactively, and, because it is substan-
    360   tive in nature, § 55-3 requires that the statute operate
    361   prospectively. The postevent amendments to § 7-464
    362   cannot attach new legal consequences to the plaintiff’s
    363   motor vehicle accident, from which his settlement
    364   arose. Therefore, the trial court correctly determined
    365   that the city’s lien stemmed from an improper, retroac-
    366   tive application of P.A. 17-165, § 1, and properly granted
    367   the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgment.
    368      The judgment is affirmed.
    369      In this opinion the other justices concurred.
    371      * August 3, 2021, the date that this decision was released as a slip opinion,
    372   is the operative date for all substantive and procedural purposes.
    373        General Statutes § 7-464 provides in relevant part: ‘‘(c) A self-insured
    374   town, city or borough that provides group health benefits for its employees
    375   has a lien on that part of a judgment or settlement that represents payment
    376   for economic loss for medical, hospital and prescription expenses incurred
    377   by its employees and their covered dependents and family members when
    378   such expenses result from the negligence or recklessness of a third
    379   party. . . .
    380                                            ***
    381      ‘‘(d) As used in subsection (c) of this section: (1) ‘Self-insured town, city
    382   or borough’ means a town, city or borough that provides group health
    383   benefits to its employees by paying submitted medical, hospital and prescrip-
    384   tion expense claims from its revenues . . . .’’
    385        The plaintiff initiated this action under § 7-464 (c) (4) (C), which provides
    386   in relevant part: ‘‘If agreement cannot be reached on the application of
    387   equitable defenses to the claimed lien amount, then either the employee,
    388   covered dependent, family member or the self-insured town, city or borough
    389   may petition the Superior Court for resolution on the application of equitable
    390   defenses. . . .’’
    391      The parties do not dispute that the trial court had jurisdiction to hear the
    392   plaintiff’s claim, so we do not address the issue of whether the plaintiff’s
    393   action was appropriately brought under § 7-464 (c) (4) (C).
    394        General Statutes § 1-1 (u) provides: ‘‘The passage or repeal of an act
    395   shall not affect any action then pending.’’
    396        General Statutes § 55-3 provides: ‘‘No provision of the general statutes,
    397   not previously contained in the statutes of the state, which imposes any
    398   new obligation on any person or corporation, shall be construed to have a
    399   retrospective effect.’’
    400        The city appealed from the judgment of the trial court to the Appellate
    401   Court, and we transferred the appeal to this court pursuant to General
    402   Statutes § 51-199 (c) and Practice Book § 65-1.
    403        The city asserts on appeal that the trial court incorrectly determined
    404   that § 1-1 (u) applied to its lien because the lien was not at issue in the
    405   plaintiff’s civil action against the third-party tortfeasor and, therefore, would
    406   not affect that action. The plaintiff responds that the trial court correctly
    407   determined that § 1-1 (u) bars P.A. 17-165, § 1, from affecting his litigation,
    408   as it was pending at the time of the act’s effective date. We need not decide
    409   whether § 1-1 (u) is applicable to this case because we conclude that § 55-
    410   3 is dispositive of the matter.
    411        Any right to subrogation or a lien under the workers’ compensation
    412   scheme did not apply in the present case because there was no allegation
    413   that the plaintiff’s injuries occurred during the course of his employment
    414   with the city. Prior to the passage of P.A. 17-165, § 1, General Statutes § 52-
    415   225c prohibited the city from recovering the amount of benefits provided
    416   to the plaintiff as a collateral source.
    417        Public Act 17-165, § 1, also imposes a new obligation on the plaintiff
    418   that did not previously exist, namely, that he was being forced to pay money
    419   in the form of a lien from a sum he recovered as a result of his applicable
    420   settlement under § 7-464 (c). See, e.g., Little v. Ives, 
    158 Conn. 453
    421   (holding that statute could not apply retroactively under § 55-3 when it
    422   imposed new obligation and liability on defendant highway commissioner,
    423   i.e., filing certificate of taking within reasonable amount of time after filing
    424   highway layout map and being subject to paying additional damages for not
    425   doing so, respectively).

Document Info

Docket Number: SC20502

Filed Date: 12/7/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/1/2021