Dickerson v. Stamford ( 2020 )

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    The syllabus and procedural history accompanying the
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    tions, Judicial Branch, State of Connecticut.
    (SC 20244)
    Robinson, C. J., and Palmer, McDonald, D’Auria,
    Mullins, Kahn and Ecker, Js.
    The named defendant, the city of Stamford, appealed from the decision of
    the Compensation Review Board, which vacated the Workers’ Compen-
    sation Commissioner’s dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim for benefits
    under the statute (§ 7-433c) governing compensation for municipal
    police officers or firefighters with hypertension or heart disease. In
    2000, while employed as a police officer with the Stamford Police Depart-
    ment, the plaintiff was diagnosed with hypertension, and, in 2004, the
    commissioner concluded that the plaintiff’s hypertension was compensa-
    ble under § 7-433c. The plaintiff retired from the police department in
    2004, and, in 2014, he suffered a myocardial infarction as a result of
    coronary artery disease. The plaintiff then filed a claim under § 7-433c for
    compensation for his coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction,
    asserting that these events or conditions were the sequelae of his com-
    pensable claim for hypertension. The commissioner concluded that
    hypertension and heart disease are two separate diseases for purposes
    of § 7-433c and that the plaintiff failed to file a notice of new claim
    within one year of his diagnosis of heart disease, in accordance with
    the notice provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act (§ 31-275 et
    seq.), and dismissed his claim. The plaintiff appealed from the commis-
    sioner’s decision to the board, which vacated the commissioner’s deci-
    sion, concluding that a cardiac event that occurs subsequent to an initial,
    compensable injury under § 7-433c need not be deemed a new injury
    and that to require a new notice of claim for a subsequent manifestation
    of a compensable injury would be inconsistent with the way in which
    workers’ compensation claims have been previously handled under the
    act. The board remanded the case to the commissioner to make indepen-
    dent factual findings with respect to whether the plaintiff’s heart disease
    was caused by his hypertension or constituted a new injury. On the
    city’s appeal from the decision of the board, held:
    1. Contrary to the city’s claim, the plaintiff satisfied the jurisdictional prereq-
    uisites of § 7-433c and was not required to file notice of new claim
    in order to pursue benefits under § 7-433c for his heart disease, and,
    accordingly, this court upheld the board’s decision to vacate the commis-
    sioner’s dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim for benefits on the basis of the
    plaintiff’s failure to file a notice of new claim; this court adopted the
    reasoning and result of the companion case of Coughlin v. Stamford
    Fire Dept. (334 Conn.        ), in which this court held that, when a plaintiff
    has a compensable claim for hypertension under § 7-433c, he also may
    be eligible for benefits for subsequent heart disease if the heart disease
    is causally related to the hypertension.
    2. This court determined that a claimant who suffers a compensable primary
    injury may also be compensated for a subsequent injury under § 7-
    433c when the subsequent injury is the direct and natural result of
    the compensable primary injury, and whether a sufficient nexus of
    proximate cause exists between the two injuries requires a workers’
    compensation commissioner to use a substantial factor causation stan-
    dard; accordingly, because the commissioner in the present case dis-
    missed the plaintiff’s claim for benefits without making an independent
    factual finding as to causation, this court directed that, on remand, the
    commissioner shall determine whether the plaintiff’s hypertension was
    a substantial factor in the development of his heart disease.
    Argued November 12, 2019—officially released March 10, 2020
    Procedural History
    Appeal from the decision of the Workers’ Compensa-
    tion Commissioner for the Seventh District dismissing
    the plaintiff’s claim for certain workers’ compensation
    benefits, brought to the Compensation Review Board,
    which vacated the commissioner’s decision and
    remanded the case for further proceedings, and the
    defendants appealed. Affirmed; further proceedings.
    Scott Wilson Williams, for the appellants (defend-
    Andrew J. Morrissey, for the appellee (plaintiff).
    KAHN, J. The named defendant, the city of Stamford,1
    appeals2 from the decision of the Compensation Review
    Board (board), which vacated the decision of the Work-
    ers’ Compensation Commissioner for the Seventh Dis-
    trict (commissioner) dismissing the claim for benefits
    that the plaintiff, George R. Dickerson, brought pursu-
    ant to General Statutes § 7-433c (a).3 Dickerson v. Stam-
    ford, No. 6215, CRB 7-17-8 (September 12, 2018). On
    appeal, the defendant asserts that the board incorrectly
    determined that the commissioner had jurisdiction over
    the plaintiff’s claim because, at the time of his diagnosis
    and disability, the plaintiff had retired and was no longer
    a uniformed member of the Stamford Police Depart-
    ment (department). Furthermore, the defendant asserts
    that a claim for a new injury of heart disease cannot
    be established on the basis of its causal relationship to
    the plaintiff’s initial compensable claim for hyperten-
    sion because § 7-433c mandates that hypertension and
    heart disease be treated as separate and distinct injur-
    ies. Therefore, the defendant claims, the plaintiff was
    required to give a separate, timely notice of his heart
    disease claim within one year of his diagnosis. The
    plaintiff responds that the jurisdictional prerequisites
    of § 7-433c were met and that his heart disease claim
    was timely because it flowed from his compensable
    claim for hypertension, and neither a plain reading of
    § 7-433c nor this court’s interpretation of that statute
    requires hypertension and heart disease to be treated
    as separate diseases when they are causally related.
    Finally, the defendant argues that, even if the plaintiff
    met the jurisdictional prerequisites and his claim for
    heart disease was timely, the plaintiff’s hypertension
    must be the sole contributing factor to his heart disease
    for the latter claim to be eligible for benefits. The plain-
    tiff responds that the long-standing substantial factor
    standard that applies to subsequent injury claims
    brought under the Workers’ Compensation Act (act),
    General Statutes § 31-275 et seq., also applies to his
    claim. We agree with the plaintiff and, accordingly,
    affirm the decision of the board.
    The record reveals the following undisputed facts
    and procedural history. The plaintiff became a regular
    member of the department in 1984.4 While employed
    as a police officer, the plaintiff was diagnosed with
    hypertension on July 17, 2000, and filed a timely claim
    for benefits pursuant to § 7-433c. The commissioner, in
    an October 7, 2004 finding and award on that claim,
    concluded that the plaintiff’s hypertension was compen-
    sable and awarded a 40 percent permanent partial dis-
    ability. The plaintiff retired from the department in 2004.
    On September 4, 2014, the plaintiff suffered an infe-
    rior wall myocardial infarction as a result of coronary
    artery disease and underwent an emergency angioplasty
    with a stent placement in his right coronary artery.
    The plaintiff then filed a heart disease claim, seeking
    compensation for both his coronary artery disease and
    myocardial infarction. In doing so, the plaintiff asserted
    that these diagnoses were the sequelae of his compensa-
    ble claim for hypertension. Following a hearing on the
    heart disease claim, the commissioner issued an
    amended finding and dismissal dated August 28, 2017.5
    The commissioner, relying on this court’s decision in
    Holston v. New Haven Police Dept., 
    323 Conn. 607
    149 A.3d 165
    (2016), determined that hypertension and heart
    disease are two separate diseases for the purpose of
    § 7-433c and that the plaintiff failed to file a notice of
    new claim within one year of his diagnosis of heart
    disease in accordance with the notice provisions of
    the act. Accordingly, the commissioner found that the
    plaintiff was not entitled to benefits for heart disease
    and dismissed his claim. The plaintiff appealed from
    that decision to the board.
    In its decision, the board stated that it ‘‘[did] not
    believe [that] a cardiac event that occurred at a later
    date from an initial compensable injury [pursuant to
    § 7-433c] must, as a matter of law, be deemed a new
    injury.’’ (Emphasis in original; internal quotation marks
    omitted.) The board observed that this court has consis-
    tently held that § 7-433c ‘‘provides for the administra-
    tion of benefits in the same amount and the same man-
    ner as that provided under [the act],’’ and ‘‘to require
    a future manifestation of a compensable injury to
    require a new notice of claim . . . would be inconsis-
    tent with the way [workers’ compensation] claims have
    been handled since the inception of the [act].’’ (Internal
    quotation marks omitted.) Accordingly, because the
    commissioner did not present independent factual find-
    ings related to whether the plaintiff’s heart disease was
    caused by his hypertension or constituted a new injury,
    the board vacated the commissioner’s amended finding
    and dismissal and remanded the case for further pro-
    ceedings. See footnote 6 of this opinion. This appeal
    ‘‘The principles that govern our standard of review
    in workers’ compensation appeals are well established.
    The conclusions drawn by [the commissioner] from
    the facts found must stand unless they result from an
    incorrect application of the law to the subordinate facts
    or from an inference illegally or unreasonably drawn
    from them. . . . [Moreover, it] is well established that
    [a]lthough not dispositive, we accord great weight to
    the construction given to the workers’ compensation
    statutes by the commissioner and [the] board. . . .
    Cases that present pure questions of law, however,
    invoke a broader standard of review than is ordinarily
    involved in deciding whether, in light of the evidence,
    the agency has acted unreasonably, arbitrarily, illegally
    or in abuse of its discretion. . . . We have determined,
    therefore, that the traditional deference accorded to an
    agency’s interpretation of a statutory term is unwar-
    ranted when the construction of a statute . . . has not
    previously been subjected to judicial scrutiny [or to]
    . . . a governmental agency’s time-tested interpreta-
    tion . . . .’’ (Footnote omitted; internal quotation
    marks omitted.) Holston v. New Haven Police 
    Dept., supra
    323 Conn. 611
    –13. In addition, ‘‘we are mindful
    of the proposition that all workers’ compensation legis-
    lation, because of its remedial nature, should be broadly
    construed in favor of disabled employees. . . . This
    proposition applies as well to the provisions of [§] 7-
    433c . . . because the measurement of the benefits to
    which a § 7-433c claimant is entitled is identical to the
    benefits that may be awarded to a [claimant] under
    . . . [the act]. . . . We also recognize, however, that
    the filing of a timely notice of claim is a condition
    precedent to liability and a jurisdictional requirement
    that cannot be waived.’’ (Internal quotation marks omit-
    Id., 613. II
    We first consider the defendant’s claims that the
    plaintiff did not meet the jurisdictional prerequisites of
    § 7-433c because he was retired when he pursued his
    claim for heart disease and that the plaintiff failed to
    give timely, separate notice of his heart disease claim.
    In Coughlin v. Stamford Fire Dept., 334 Conn.          ,
    A.3d       (2020), which we also decide today, we held
    that, when a plaintiff has a compensable claim for
    hypertension under § 7-433c, the plaintiff may also be
    eligible for benefits for subsequent heart disease if, as
    required by the act, the plaintiff’s heart disease is caus-
    ally related to his hypertension. We adopt the reasoning
    and result of that decision herein and, therefore, con-
    clude that the plaintiff met the jurisdictional prerequi-
    sites of § 7-433c. We hold that the plaintiff was not
    required to file a notice of new claim in order to pursue
    benefits for his heart disease.
    We next turn to the defendant’s contention that the
    plaintiff’s hypertension must be the sole contributing
    factor to his heart disease for the plaintiff to be eligible
    for benefits. ‘‘[O]nce § 7-433c coverage is established,
    the measurement of the plaintiff’s benefits under this
    statute is identical to the benefits that may be awarded
    to a plaintiff under [the act].’’ Felia v. Westport, 
    214 Conn. 181
    , 185, 
    571 A.2d 89
    (1990); see also Lambert
    v. Bridgeport, 
    204 Conn. 563
    , 566, 
    529 A.2d 184
    Under the act, a claimant, having suffered a compensa-
    ble primary injury during the course of his employment,
    may also be compensated for a subsequent injury when
    the subsequent injury is ‘‘the direct and natural result
    of a compensable primary injury.’’ (Internal quotation
    marks omitted.) Sapko v. State, 
    305 Conn. 360
    , 378–80,
    44 A.3d 827
    Whether a sufficient nexus of proximate cause exists
    between the two injuries for the subsequent injury to
    be compensable requires commissioners to use a ‘‘sub-
    stantial factor’’ causation standard. See, e.g., Birnie v.
    Electric Boat Corp., 
    288 Conn. 392
    , 408–409, 
    953 A.2d 28
    (2008). This court has construed the requirement to
    mean that there must exist ‘‘some causal connection’’
    between the two injuries. (Emphasis omitted; internal
    quotation marks omitted.) 
    Id., 410. ‘‘It
    has been deter-
    mined that the substantial factor standard is met if the
    employment materially or essentially contributes to
    bring about an injury . . . . The term substantial, how-
    ever, does not connote that the employment must be
    the major contributing factor in bringing about the
    injury . . . [or] that the employment must be the sole
    contributing factor in development of an injury. . . .
    [T]he substantial factor causation standard simply
    requires that the employment, or the risks incidental
    thereto, contribute to the development of the injury
    in more than a de minimis way.’’ (Citations omitted;
    emphasis altered; internal quotation marks omitted.)
    Id., 412–13; see
    also Filosi v. Electric Boat Corp., 
    330 Conn. 231
    , 244–45, 
    193 A.3d 33
    In interpreting the act, this court has previously noted
    that, ‘‘[u]nless causation under the facts is a matter of
    common knowledge, the plaintiff has the burden of
    introducing expert testimony to establish a causal link
    between the compensable workplace injury and the
    subsequent injury.’’ Sapko v. 
    State, supra
    305 Conn. 386
    . ‘‘When . . . it is unclear whether an employee’s
    [subsequent injury] is causally related to a compensable
    injury, it is necessary to rely on expert medical opinion.
    . . . Unless the medical testimony by itself establishes
    a causal relation, or unless it establishes a causal rela-
    tion when it is considered along with other evidence,
    the commissioner cannot reasonably conclude that the
    [subsequent injury] is causally related to the employee’s
    employment.’’ (Citation omitted; internal quotation
    marks omitted.) Marandino v. Prometheus Pharmacy,
    294 Conn. 564
    , 591–92, 
    986 A.2d 1023
    In the present case, the commissioner dismissed the
    plaintiff’s claim without making an independent factual
    finding as to whether the plaintiff’s hypertension was
    a substantial factor in the development of his heart
    disease. On appeal, the board remanded the case to the
    commissioner for further proceedings, noting that, ‘‘[i]n
    matters [in which] it is not definitive whether a plain-
    tiff’s cardiac ailment is the manifestation of a prior
    injury or a new injury, the commissioner must reach a
    factual determination on the issue prior to proceeding
    forward.’’6 We conclude that, on remand, the commis-
    sioner shall determine whether the plaintiff’s hyperten-
    sion was a substantial factor in his subsequent develop-
    ment of heart disease.
    The decision of the Compensation Review Board is
    affirmed and the case is remanded to the board with
    direction to remand the case to the commissioner for
    further proceedings in accordance with this opinion.
    In this opinion the other justices concurred.
    PMA Management Corporation of New England, a third-party administra-
    tor for the city of Stamford, is a defendant in the present case and joined
    in this appeal. In the interest of clarity, we hereinafter refer to the city of
    Stamford as the defendant.
    The defendant appealed from the decision of the Compensation Review
    Board to the Appellate Court, and we transferred the appeal to this court
    pursuant to General Statutes § 51-199 (c) and Practice Book § 65-1.
    General Statutes § 7-433c (a) provides: ‘‘Notwithstanding any provision
    of chapter 568 or any other general statute, charter, special act or ordinance
    to the contrary, in the event a uniformed member of a paid municipal fire
    department or a regular member of a paid municipal police department who
    successfully passed a physical examination on entry into such service, which
    examination failed to reveal any evidence of hypertension or heart disease,
    suffers either off duty or on duty any condition or impairment of health
    caused by hypertension or heart disease resulting in his death or his tempo-
    rary or permanent, total or partial disability, he or his dependents, as the
    case may be, shall receive from his municipal employer compensation and
    medical care in the same amount and the same manner as that provided
    under chapter 568 if such death or disability was caused by a personal injury
    which arose out of and in the course of his employment and was suffered
    in the line of duty and within the scope of his employment, and from the
    municipal or state retirement system under which he is covered, he or his
    dependents, as the case may be, shall receive the same retirement or survivor
    benefits which would be paid under said system if such death or disability
    was caused by a personal injury which arose out of and in the course of
    his employment, and was suffered in the line of duty and within the scope
    of his employment. If successful passage of such a physical examination
    was, at the time of his employment, required as a condition for such employ-
    ment, no proof or record of such examination shall be required as evidence
    in the maintenance of a claim under this section or under such municipal
    or state retirement systems. The benefits provided by this section shall be
    in lieu of any other benefits which such policeman or fireman or his depen-
    dents may be entitled to receive from his municipal employer under the
    provisions of chapter 568 or the municipal or state retirement system under
    which he is covered, except as provided by this section, as a result of any
    condition or impairment of health caused by hypertension or heart disease
    resulting in his death or his temporary or permanent, total or partial disabil-
    ity. As used in this section, ‘municipal employer’ has the same meaning as
    provided in section 7-467.’’
    General Statutes § 7-433c (b) provides in relevant part that ‘‘those persons
    who began employment on or after July 1, 1996, shall not be eligible for
    any benefits pursuant to this section.’’ In the present case, it is undisputed
    that the plaintiff was hired in 1984.
    The plaintiff filed a motion to correct the initial finding and dismissal,
    dated August 17, 2017, seeking the omission of any references to Staurovsky
    v. Milford Police Dept., 
    164 Conn. App. 182
    134 A.3d 1263
    (2016), appeal
    324 Conn. 693
    154 A.3d 525
    (2017), which the plaintiff claimed had
    not been an issue for consideration at the formal hearing. The commissioner
    granted the motion, resulting in the amended finding and dismissal.
    The commissioner noted that the parties stipulated to a number of facts,
    including that the plaintiff’s long-standing hypertension was a significant
    contributing factor in his development of coronary artery disease that ulti-
    mately resulted in his myocardial infarction. The plaintiff also submitted,
    and the commissioner admitted into evidence as full exhibits, two letters
    from the plaintiff’s treating physician, Steven H. Kunkes. Neither party,
    however, challenged the board’s decision to remand the case to the commis-
    sioner for further proceedings, and, therefore, we affirm the decision of the
    board without intimating a view on how the issue of causation is to be
    resolved by the commissioner on remand.

Document Info

Docket Number: SC20244

Filed Date: 3/10/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/6/2020