Countrywide Home Loans Servicing L.P. v. Peterson , 171 Conn. App. 842 ( 2017 )

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    The ‘‘officially released’’ date that appears near the
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    date it was released as a slip opinion. The operative
    date for the beginning of all time periods for filing
    postopinion motions and petitions for certification is
    the ‘‘officially released’’ date appearing in the opinion.
    In no event will any such motions be accepted before
    the ‘‘officially released’’ date.
    All opinions are subject to modification and technical
    correction prior to official publication in the Connecti-
    cut Reports and Connecticut Appellate Reports. In the
    event of discrepancies between the electronic version
    of an opinion and the print version appearing in the
    Connecticut Law Journal and subsequently in the Con-
    necticut Reports or Connecticut Appellate Reports, the
    latest print version is to be considered authoritative.
    The syllabus and procedural history accompanying
    the opinion as it appears on the Commission on Official
    Legal Publications Electronic Bulletin Board Service
    and in the Connecticut Law Journal and bound volumes
    of official reports are copyrighted by the Secretary of
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    Publications, Judicial Branch, State of Connecticut.
    (AC 37764)
    Keller, Prescott and West, Js.
    Argued November 29, 2016—officially released March 28, 2017
    (Appeal from Superior Court, judicial district of
    Middlesex, Domnarski, J. [judgment]; C. Taylor, J.
    [motion to open; motion to reargue])
    Alyssa S. Peterson, self-represented, the appellant
    (named defendant).
    Christopher J. Picard, for the appellee (substitute
    PER CURIAM. The named defendant, Alyssa
    Peterson,1 who represented herself before the trial
    court and continues to do so on appeal, challenges the
    judgment of the court (1) denying her motion to open
    the court’s judgment of strict foreclosure, and (2) deny-
    ing her motion to reargue the motion to open. The
    defendant’s principal claim, and the only one we need
    address at length,2 is that the court improperly declined
    to open the judgment of strict foreclosure in order to
    correct an erroneous determination of the debt owed
    by the defendant. We affirm the judgment of the court.
    The operative facts underlying this appeal are as fol-
    lows. On April 21, 2009, Countrywide Home Loans Ser-
    vicing L.P. (Countrywide) commenced this action
    seeking foreclosure of a mortgage on property owned
    by the defendant in Middletown (property).3 On May
    26, 2010, the court granted Countrywide’s motion for
    summary judgment as to liability only. Countrywide
    subsequently merged with another entity, which there-
    after assigned the mortgage and note to the substituted
    plaintiff, Green Tree Servicing LLC (plaintiff). On
    December 22, 2014, the court rendered a judgment of
    strict foreclosure, finding a debt of $350,051.71 plus
    costs and fees, and setting the commencement of the
    law days for January 26, 2015. On January 26, 2015, the
    defendant moved to open the judgment, arguing, inter
    alia, that the trial court should recalculate the debt
    to reflect the fact that there was a private mortgage
    insurance policy4 on the property. The court, without
    stating its reasons, denied the motion on the same day.
    On February 17, 2015, the defendant filed a motion to
    reargue the motion to open. The court denied that
    motion on February 19, 2015, again without providing
    its reasoning. The defendant appealed from the denial
    of both motions on March 11, 2015.
    As a preliminary matter, we clarify the procedural
    posture of this appeal. As previously mentioned, on
    January 26, 2015, when the law days were set to com-
    mence, the defendant filed her motion to open, which
    the court denied on the same day. The denial of the
    motion to open was an appealable final judgment; see
    TD Banknorth, N.A. v. White Water Mountain Resorts
    of Connecticut, Inc., 
    133 Conn. App. 536
    , 542 n.7, 
    37 A.3d 766
     (2012); from which an automatic twenty day
    stay arose. See Practice Book §§ 61-11 (a) and 63-1 (a).
    The defendant filed her motion to reargue on the final
    day of the twenty day appeal period; see Practice Book
    § 63-1 (c); thereby giving rise to a new twenty day appeal
    period commencing upon the denial of the motion to
    reargue and extending the existing appellate stay. See
    Gibbs v. Spinner, 
    103 Conn. App. 502
    , 506 n.4, 
    930 A.2d 53
     (2007). On the final day of the new appeal period,
    the defendant appealed from the denial of both motions
    to this court. The defendant’s claims as to the motion to
    open and her motion to reargue are therefore properly
    before this court. The defendant cannot, however, chal-
    lenge the merits of the December 22, 2014 judgment of
    strict foreclosure in this appeal because she filed the
    motion to open on January 26, 2015—more than twenty
    days after the court rendered the judgment of strict
    foreclosure. See Alix v. Leech, 
    45 Conn. App. 1
    , 3–4,
    692 A.2d 1309
    , 1311 (1997).
    Before proceeding to our analysis of the defendant’s
    claim, we address the plaintiff’s argument that this court
    lacks subject matter jurisdiction over the appeal on
    mootness and ripeness grounds. As to mootness, the
    plaintiff’s reasoning proceeds as follows: the defendant
    did not place her motion to open on the short calendar
    pursuant to Practice Book § 11-13 (a); therefore, the
    trial court was without authority to hear the motion;
    hence the law day has passed and title has vested in
    the plaintiff, meaning that this court cannot afford the
    defendant any practical relief. We disagree.
    Practice Book § 11-13 (a) provides in relevant part:
    ‘‘Unless otherwise provided in these rules or ordered
    by the judicial authority . . . all motions and objec-
    tions to requests when practicable . . . must be placed
    on the short calendar list. No motions will be heard
    which are not on said list and ought to have been placed
    thereon; provided that any motion in a case on trial, or
    assigned for trial, may be disposed of by the judicial
    authority at its discretion, or ordered upon the short
    calendar list on terms, or otherwise.’’ Thus, § 11-13 (a)
    ‘‘allows for the expeditious, alternative, discretionary
    hearing of motions. The court need not place a motion
    on a short calendar list if to do so would delay the
    proceedings.’’ Udolf v. West Hartford Spirit Shop, Inc.,
    20 Conn. App. 733
    , 736, 
    570 A.2d 240
     (1990). The court’s
    ruling on the defendant’s motion to open was, impliedly,
    a determination that calendaring the matter would
    unnecessarily delay the proceeding, and therefore was
    not improper.5 The plaintiff’s reliance on Fattibene v.
    18 Conn. App. 344
    558 A.2d 677
     (1989), is mis-
    placed. In Fattibene, the defendant’s motion to impose
    sanctions of attorney’s fees was granted by the trial
    court before the plaintiff could file an objection and
    despite never having been placed on the short calendar.
     352–53. In the present case, however, the plaintiff
    suffered no such harm because the defendant’s motion
    to open was summarily denied. The defendant’s motion
    to open, therefore, was not required to be placed on
    the short calendar. Accordingly, the defendant’s appeal
    is not moot.
    Nor do we conclude that, as the plaintiff contends, the
    appeal is unripe. ‘‘[T]he rationale behind the ripeness
    requirement is to prevent the courts, through avoidance
    of premature adjudication, from entangling themselves
    in abstract disagreements . . . [and we therefore]
    must be satisfied that the case before [us] does not
    present a hypothetical injury or a claim contingent upon
    some event that has not and indeed may never tran-
    spire.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Office of the
    Governor v. Select Committee of Inquiry, 
    271 Conn. 540
    , 570, 
    858 A.2d 709
     (2004). The plaintiff argues that
    this appeal should be dismissed on ripeness grounds
    because the defendant’s claim involves the proper cal-
    culation of the amount of the deficiency, and the court
    has yet to render a deficiency judgment. See General
    Statutes § 49-14. The plaintiff continues: ‘‘[The defen-
    dant] sets forth in her brief that the primary concern
    was the determination of any deficiency balance due
    to . . . her chapter 13 bankruptcy plan.’’ We disagree
    because we decline to read the defendant’s claim so
    narrowly. Whether her ultimate aim is to have the defi-
    ciency judgment, if and when rendered, reduced to
    reflect the fact that the plaintiff’s loss has been partially
    satisfied from the proceeds of a private mortgage insur-
    ance policy on the property, the defendant is at this
    stage merely seeking recalculation of the debt that the
    court found in its judgment of strict foreclosure.
    Because the amount of the debt has already been deter-
    mined by the trial court, our consideration of this issue
    is not premature even though a deficiency judgment
    has not been formally rendered.6 Accordingly, the defen-
    dant’s appeal is ripe for adjudication.
    We now turn to the defendant’s principal claim. She
    argues that the court should have opened the judgment
    of strict foreclosure in order to recalculate the debt to
    reflect that (1) the plaintiff had collected, or will collect,
    a portion of the outstanding debt under a private mort-
    gage insurance policy on the property; and (2) the defen-
    dant, for a period of time, paid premiums on the policy.
    The defendant asserts that she paid premiums on the
    policy before declaring chapter 13 bankruptcy, and that
    the plaintiff paid, and may be continuing to pay, the
    premiums after the bankruptcy.
    The following legal principles guide our analysis.
    ‘‘Any judgment foreclosing the title to real estate by
    strict foreclosure may, at the discretion of the court
    rendering the judgment, upon the written motion of any
    person having an interest in the judgment and for cause
    shown, be opened and modified, notwithstanding the
    limitation imposed by section 52-212a, upon such terms
    as to costs as the court deems reasonable, provided no
    such judgment shall be opened after the title has
    become absolute in any encumbrancer except as pro-
    vided in subdivision (2) of this subsection.’’ General
    Statutes § 49-15 (a) (1).
    ‘‘A motion to open a judgment of strict foreclosure
    is addressed to the discretion of the trial court . . .
    and unless that discretion was abused or was based
    upon some error in law, the denial of the motion must
    stand.’’ (Citation omitted; internal quotation marks
    omitted.) New Haven Savings Bank v. Gurland, 
    3 Conn. App. 508
    , 508–509, 
    489 A.2d 1070
     (1985). ‘‘Because open-
    ing a judgment is a matter of discretion, the trial court
    [is] not required to open the judgment to consider a
    claim not previously raised. The exercise of equitable
    authority is vested in the discretion of the trial court
    and is subject only to limited review on appeal. . . .
    In light of the extremely deferential standard of review
    governing the disposition of new claims raised posttrial
    and without the benefit of the trial court’s reasoning
    as to those claims . . . the defendant’s arguments are
    entitled to brief consideration only.’’ (Citations omitted;
    footnote omitted; internal quotation marks omitted.)
    Chapman Lumber, Inc. v. Tager, 
    288 Conn. 69
    , 94–95,
    952 A.2d 1
    As to an appeal from the denial of a motion to reargue,
    ‘‘[a]s with any discretionary action of the trial court,
    appellate review requires every reasonable presump-
    tion in favor of the action, and the ultimate issue for
    us is whether the trial court could have reasonably
    concluded as it did. . . . [T]he purpose of a reargument
    is . . . to demonstrate to the court that there is some
    decision or some principle of law which would have a
    controlling effect, and which has been overlooked, or
    that there has been a misapprehension of facts. . . .
    It also may be used to address . . . claims of law that
    the [movant] claimed were not addressed by the court.
    . . . [A] motion to reargue [however] is not to be used
    as an opportunity to have a second bite of the apple
    . . . .’’ (Citation omitted; internal quotation marks
    omitted.) Gibbs v. Spinner, 
    103 Conn. App. 507
    The defendant has failed to demonstrate that the
    court abused its discretion or committed an error of
    law in denying the motion to open. We observe that
    the defendant waited until after the judgment of strict
    foreclosure had been rendered and the law days were
    about to run to challenge the finding of debt on the
    basis of the existence of private mortgage insurance.
    See Connecticut National Bank v. N.E. Owen II, Inc.,
    22 Conn. App. 468
    , 475, 
    578 A.2d 655
     (1990) (‘‘The defen-
    dants never asserted a defense with regard to the debt
    prior to the rendering of the judgment of strict foreclo-
    sure. Therefore, any claim that they had a good defense
    to open that judgment and challenge the amount of the
    debt is equally without merit.’’). The defendant was
    undoubtedly aware of the existence of the private mort-
    gage insurance before the court rendered the judgment
    of strict foreclosure—after all, she takes credit in her
    brief for having the ‘‘foresight to obtain said insurance.’’7
    Additionally, in her motion to open, the defendant pro-
    vided no evidence, save for unsubstantiated assertions,
    of the existence of the mortgage insurance policy, or
    any proof that the plaintiff or Countrywide had actually
    collected under such policy. The defendant provided
    the following explanations as to why she did not assert
    this defense until after the judgment of strict foreclo-
    sure: ‘‘[T]he law day was set rather quickly and arrang-
    ing to meet with bankruptcy legal counsel, attempting
    to locate the private mortgage policy, contact the pro-
    posed sale parties . . . has been ill-timed.’’ ‘‘Although
    we are inclined to be indulgent of lay persons like the
    defendant who represent themselves in legal proceed-
    ings’’; Burritt Mutual Savings Bank of New Britain v.
    183 Conn. 369
    , 373, 
    439 A.2d 396
     (1981); we are
    not persuaded by any of the preceding explanations
    that the court abused its discretion in denying the defen-
    dant’s motion to open. On the basis of the foregoing,
    we conclude that the court’s denial of the motion to
    open was a proper exercise of discretion. Additionally,
    because the defendant has not shown that her motion
    to reargue was anything more than an attempt to have
    a second bite of the apple; Gibbs v. Spinner, 
    103 Conn. App. 507
    ; we conclude that the court did not
    abuse its discretion in denying that motion as well.
    The judgment is affirmed and the case is remanded
    with direction to set new law days.
    Sherri Truelove, Homeowners Finance Co., and Professional Electric
    Corporation were also defendants in the proceeding before the trial court.
    The court defaulted those defendants for failure to appear. Truelove subse-
    quently filed an answer to the complaint and a motion to set aside the
    default, which the court granted. Peterson is the sole appellant in the present
    appeal and will be referred to herein as the defendant.
    We summarily dispose of the defendant’s other claims, which appear to
    involve requests that this court coordinate with, or enforce orders purport-
    edly given by, the federal district court before which the defendant is pursu-
    ing chapter 13 bankruptcy relief. Such matters are not within the purview
    of this court.
    Shortly after bringing this action, Countrywide changed its name to BAC
    Home Loans Servicing, L.P., which was then substituted as the plaintiff. For
    purposes of this appeal, however, we refer to both as Countrywide.
    ‘‘‘Mortgage insurance’ means insurance written by an independent mort-
    gage insurance company to protect the mortgage lender against loss incurred
    in the event of a default by a borrower under the mortgage loan . . . .’’
    General Statutes § 36a-725.
    We acknowledge that the court, in acting expeditiously on the motion
    on the law day, preserved the defendant’s right to maintain the motion to
    open and appeal its denial. Had the court not acted on the motion that day,
    the court would have lost subject matter jurisdiction over the motion. See
    General Statutes § 49-15 (a) (1) (‘‘[a]ny judgment foreclosing the title to real
    estate by strict foreclosure may . . . be opened and modified . . . pro-
    vided no such judgment shall be opened after the title has become absolute
    in any encumbrancer’’ [emphasis added]); First National Bank of Chicago
    v. Luecken, 
    66 Conn. App. 606
    , 612, 
    785 A.2d 1148
     (2001) (‘‘if the court did
    not hear the defendant’s first motion to open prior to the vesting of title in
    the plaintiff, the trial court was without jurisdiction to open the judgment’’),
    cert. denied, 
    259 Conn. 915
    792 A.2d 851
    Although the defendant failed to present a defense as to the amount of
    the debt prior to the entry of the judgment of strict foreclosure, we are
    aware of no procedural barrier preventing her from attempting to assert
    such a defense in a timely filed motion to open the judgment of strict
    foreclosure. In fact, even if the plaintiff were to prevail on its ripeness
    argument, thereby requiring the defendant to wait until the entering of a
    deficiency judgment to interpose her claim as to the private mortgage insur-
    ance, we are not persuaded that the defendant could raise such claim at
    that later time. See First Bank v. Simpson, 
    199 Conn. 368
    , 373, 
    507 A.2d 997
     (1986) (‘‘[the] deficiency judgment procedure presumes the amount of
    the debt as established by the foreclosure judgment and merely provides
    for a hearing on the value of the property’’).
    Although the defendant asserts on appeal that ‘‘[i]t wasn’t known that
    the policy was still in force until [she] began receiving tax documents
    regarding the benefit, years later,’’ she did not distinctly make this argument
    before the trial court. Moreover, even if such statement were accurate, the
    defendant has not explained, nor is it readily apparent to us, how she was
    unable, with due diligence, to ascertain whether the insurance policy was
    still in force before the entry of the judgment of strict foreclosure.