Martinez v. Empire Fire & Marine Ins. Co. ( 2014 )

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    The ‘‘officially released’’ date that appears near the
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    All opinions are subject to modification and technical
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    event of discrepancies between the electronic version
    of an opinion and the print version appearing in the
    Connecticut Law Journal and subsequently in the Con-
    necticut Reports or Connecticut Appellate Reports, the
    latest print version is to be considered authoritative.
    The syllabus and procedural history accompanying
    the opinion as it appears on the Commission on Official
    Legal Publications Electronic Bulletin Board Service
    and in the Connecticut Law Journal and bound volumes
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    (AC 35367)
    DiPentima, C. J., and Beach and Keller, Js.
    Argued February 14—officially released June 24, 2014
    (Appeal from Superior Court, judicial district of New
    Haven, Zemetis, J.)
    Stacey D. Lafferty, with whom was Vincent R. Fal-
    cone, for the appellant (plaintiff).
    Tracy L. Montalbano, with whom was Daniel P. Sca-
    pellati, for the appellee (defendant).
    KELLER, J. The plaintiff, Renee Martinez, appeals
    from the summary judgment rendered by the trial court
    in favor of the defendant, Empire Fire and Marine Insur-
    ance Company. The plaintiff sought to recover under
    an insurance policy that the defendant had issued to
    Tony’s Long Wharf Transport, LLC (Tony’s), a towing
    company registered as an interstate motor carrier.1 The
    plaintiff previously had obtained a judgment against
    Tony’s for personal injuries she sustained in a motor
    vehicle accident involving her vehicle and a truck
    owned by Tony’s and driven by one of its employees.
    At issue before the trial court on summary judgment
    was whether the federally mandated MCS-90 endorse-
    ment2 attached to the insurance policy was triggered,
    so as to obligate the defendant to pay the judgment
    rendered against its insured. On appeal, the plaintiff
    claims that the trial court erred in finding that the MCS-
    90 endorsement did not apply. The plaintiff also argues
    that the public policy of protecting innocent motorists
    from negligent motor carriers mandates the enforce-
    ment of the MCS-90 endorsement in this case. We dis-
    agree and conclude that because Tony’s vehicle was
    not being operated as a ‘‘for-hire’’ motor carrier at the
    time of the accident, the MCS-90 endorsement was not
    triggered. Accordingly, we affirm the judgment of the
    trial court.
    The record reveals the following undisputed facts
    and procedural history. On April 11, 2006, the plaintiff
    was involved in an automobile collision with a 2000
    Ford F-450 Dynamic Wrecker (truck) owned by Tony’s.
    The truck was being operated by Edward Reynolds,
    who at the time was employed by Tony’s as a heavy-
    duty truck mechanic. At the time of the collision, Rey-
    nolds was retrieving motor vehicle parts from a facility
    in Hamden, which he then was to transport to Tony’s
    facility in New Haven. Reynolds was to use those motor
    vehicle parts to repair other vehicles owned by Tony’s
    at the New Haven facility. On July 24, 2006, the plaintiff,
    alleging personal injuries as a result of Tony’s tortious
    conduct, commenced an action against Tony’s, Rey-
    nolds, and Anthony Juliano, who formerly was the man-
    aging member of Tony’s.
    On May 5, 2010, the court rendered judgment against
    Tony’s and awarded to the plaintiff damages in the
    amount of $693,025.69, plus costs. The judgment was
    not satisfied within thirty days of the date it was ren-
    dered because, in a letter to Tony’s dated April 26, 2006,
    the defendant had denied liability coverage under an
    insurance policy that it had issued to Tony’s prior to
    the collision.
    The insurance policy at issue in this appeal is a Com-
    mercial Lines Policy, effective April 27, 2005 through
    April 27, 2006.3 Although the truck originally was listed
    on the schedule of covered vehicles of the policy, it
    later had been removed, at the request of Tony’s, by
    way of an endorsement dated October 7, 2005. The
    effective date of the truck’s removal from the policy
    was September 30, 2005, more than six months before
    the collision. Nevertheless, a federally mandated MCS-
    90 endorsement was attached to the policy. The MCS-
    90 endorsement provides in relevant part: ‘‘[The defen-
    dant] . . . agrees to pay, within the limits of liability
    described herein, any final judgment recovered against
    the insured for public liability resulting from negligence
    in the operation, maintenance or use of motor vehicles
    subject to the financial responsibility requirements of
    Sections 29 and 30 of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980
    regardless of whether or not each motor vehicle is spe-
    cifically described in the policy . . . . It is further
    understood and agreed that, upon failure of the [defen-
    dant] to pay any final judgment recovered against the
    insured as provided herein, the judgment creditor may
    maintain an action in any court of competent jurisdic-
    tion against the [defendant] to compel such payment.’’
    (Emphasis added.)
    The plaintiff brought the underlying action, as a judg-
    ment creditor, against the defendant, as an insurer, pur-
    suant to General Statutes § 38a-321.4 In her one count
    complaint, dated October 4, 2010, the plaintiff alleged
    that the defendant is liable to her because, at some
    point prior to the day of the collision, the defendant
    had issued an automobile liability policy to Tony’s, and
    under the terms of that policy, the defendant promised
    to indemnify Tony’s against claims arising from the
    negligence of its agents and employees while operating
    its motor vehicles, including the truck involved in the
    collision, owned by Tony’s. The plaintiff concluded that,
    pursuant to § 38a-321, she was subrogated to the rights
    of Tony’s as against the defendant for its failure to
    pay the underlying judgment, and that the defendant,
    therefore, is liable to her for the unpaid balance thereof.
    The defendant moved for summary judgment,
    asserting that the truck had been removed from the
    insurance policy as a covered vehicle prior to the colli-
    sion. The plaintiff subsequently filed an objection to
    the defendant’s motion. Therein, the plaintiff did not
    dispute that the truck had been removed from the policy
    prior to the collision. Instead, she argued that the MCS-
    90 endorsement attached to the policy was triggered
    and therefore the defendant was obliged to pay the
    judgment rendered against its insured. The court heard
    oral argument on the motion, and in a memorandum
    of decision filed on December 24, 2012, granted the
    defendant’s motion for summary judgment. The court
    found, essentially, that because there was no genuine
    issue of material fact that Tony’s was not transporting
    goods in interstate commerce at the time of the acci-
    dent, the MCS-90 endorsement was not triggered so as
    to obligate the defendant to pay the judgment rendered
    against its insured.5 The court also concluded, however,
    that there was no issue of fact that Tony’s was operating
    as a ‘‘for-hire’’ motor carrier at the time of the automo-
    bile collision because ‘‘[u]ncontradicted evidence was
    proffered to show that Reynolds . . . was being com-
    pensated for transporting the property of another
    . . . .’’ This appeal followed.
    Before turning to the relevant statutory and regula-
    tory background, we begin with the well established
    standard of review. ‘‘The standards governing our
    review of a trial court’s decision to grant a motion for
    summary judgment are well established. Practice Book
    [§ 17-49] provides that summary judgment shall be ren-
    dered forthwith if the pleadings, affidavits and any other
    proof submitted show that there is no genuine issue as
    to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled
    to judgment as a matter of law. . . . In deciding a
    motion for summary judgment, the trial court must view
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmov-
    ing party. . . . The party seeking summary judgment
    has the burden of showing the absence of any genuine
    issue [of] material facts which, under applicable princi-
    ples of substantive law, entitle him to a judgment as a
    matter of law . . . and the party opposing such a
    motion must provide an evidentiary foundation to dem-
    onstrate the existence of a genuine issue of material
    fact. . . . Finally, the scope of our review of the trial
    court’s decision to grant the plaintiff’s motion for sum-
    mary judgment is plenary.’’ (Internal quotation marks
    omitted.) CitiMortgage, Inc. v. Coolbeth, 
    147 Conn. App. 183
    , 190–91, 
    81 A.3d 1189
    (2013), cert. denied, 
    311 Conn. 925
    86 A.3d 469
    Having set forth the pertinent facts and standard of
    review, we now turn to the background of the Motor
    Carrier Act of 1980 (MCA), 49 U.S.C. § 10101 et seq.
    Federal law applies to the operation and effect of the
    MCS-90 endorsement. See, e.g., John Deere Ins. Co. v.
    229 F.3d 853
    , 856 (9th Cir. 2000), cert. denied,
    534 U.S. 1127
    122 S. Ct. 1063
    151 L. Ed. 2d 967
    Although no Connecticut appellate court has done so,
    several other state and federal courts have discussed
    the MCA, and the MCS-90 endorsement specifically, in
    great detail. See, e.g., Canal Ins. Co. v. Coleman, 
    625 F.3d 244
    (5th Cir. 2010); Carolina Casualty Ins. Co. v.
    584 F.3d 868
    (10th Cir. 2009); John Deere Ins.
    Co. v. 
    Nueva, supra
    229 F.3d 853
    ; Newman v. State
    Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co., 
    62 So. 3d 808
    (La. App.
    Congress enacted the MCA ‘‘to deregulate the truck-
    ing industry, increase competition, reduce entry barri-
    ers, and improve quality of service. . . . Importantly,
    enactment of the MCA sought, in part, to address abuses
    that had arisen in the interstate trucking industry which
    threatened public safety, including the use by motor
    carriers of leased or borrowed vehicles to avoid finan-
    cial responsibility for accidents that occurred while
    goods were being transported in interstate commerce.’’
    (Citation omitted; internal quotation marks omitted.)
    Herrod v. Wilshire Ins. Co., 499 F. Appx. 753, 754 (10th
    Cir. 2012). To that end, the MCA provides that a com-
    mercial motor carrier may operate only if registered to
    do so; 49 U.S.C. § 13901 (a); and if it is ‘‘willing and
    able to comply with . . . [certain] minimum financial
    responsibility requirements . . . .’’ 49 U.S.C. § 13902
    (a) (1) (A); see also Carolina Casualty Ins. Co. v.
    Yeates, supra
    584 F.3d 875
    (MCA and regulations there-
    under require proof of financial responsibility demon-
    strating that motor carrier is ‘‘adequately insured in
    order to protect the public from risks created by the
    [carrier’s] operations’’).
    In response to the passage of the MCA’s minimum
    financial responsibility requirements mandate, the fed-
    eral Secretary of Transportation promulgated a motor
    carrier endorsement form known as the MCS-90
    endorsement. See 49 C.F.R. 387.15. ‘‘The MCS-90
    endorsement constitutes such proof of requisite finan-
    cial responsibility under the MCA. See 49 U.S.C. § 31139
    (f) (1) (A); 49 C.F.R. § 387.7 (d) (1). Consequently, every
    liability insurance policy issued to motor carriers of
    interstate commerce contains the MCS-90 endorse-
    ment. . . . The MCS-90 endorsement, in pertinent part,
    provides that the motor carrier’s insurer agrees to pay,
    within the limits of liability described herein, any final
    judgment recovered against the insured for public liabil-
    ity resulting from negligence in the operation, mainte-
    nance or use of motor vehicles subject to the financial
    responsibility requirements of . . . the [MCA] whether
    or not the vehicle involved in the accident is specifi-
    cally described in the policy. 49 C.F.R. § 387.15 . . . .
    The MCS-90 endorsement is intended to impose a surety
    obligation on the motor carrier’s insurer—in other
    words, the endorsement is a safety net that covers the
    public in the event other insurance coverage is lacking.’’
    (Citations omitted; emphasis added; footnote omitted;
    internal quotation marks omitted.) Herrod v. Wilshire
    Co., supra
    , 499 F. Appx. 755–56; see also Century
    Indemnity Co. v. Carlson, 
    133 F.3d 591
    , 594 (8th Cir.
    1998) (‘‘[t]he MCS-90 provides a broad guaranty that
    the insurer will pay certain judgments . . . regardless
    of whether the motor vehicle involved is specifically
    described in the policy or whether the loss was other-
    wise excluded by the terms of the policy’’).
    The MCS-90 endorsement is required to be attached
    to any liability policy issued to ‘‘for-hire’’ motor carriers
    operating motor vehicles transporting property in inter-
    state commerce. See Canal Ins. Co. v. 
    Coleman, supra
    625 F.3d 246
    . The MCA defines a ‘‘motor carrier’’ as
    ‘‘a person6 providing motor vehicle transportation for
    compensation.’’ 49 U.S.C. § 13102 (14). Federal regula-
    tions promulgated pursuant to the MCA expand on that
    definition and define ‘‘motor carrier’’ as a ‘‘for-hire
    motor carrier or a private motor carrier.’’7 49 C.F.R.
    § 387.5. In turn, ‘‘for-hire carriage’’ is defined in those
    regulations as ‘‘the business of transporting, for com-
    pensation, the goods or property of another.’’ 49
    C.F.R. § 387.5.
    Moreover, the great weight of authority throughout
    the country is that the analysis must consider whether
    the vehicle was ‘‘presently engaged in the transporta-
    tion of property in interstate commerce.’’ (Emphasis
    added.) Canal Ins. Co. v. 
    Coleman, supra
    625 F.3d 249
    251 (‘‘the weight of authority from [the Fifth] Circuit
    and beyond supports [the] conclusion that the MCS-90
    does not cover vehicles when they are not presently
    transporting property in interstate commerce’’). Addi-
    tionally, the majority of courts have agreed that a ‘‘trip-
    specific’’ approach is appropriate in determining the
    applicability of the MCS-90 endorsement, by finding
    the relevant question in these cases to be whether the
    accident occurred while the vehicle was transporting
    property, for-hire, in interstate commerce. 
    Id., 253–54; see
    also Brunson v. Canal Ins. Co., 
    602 F. Supp. 2d 711
    , 715–16 (D.S.C. 2007) (issue in determining applica-
    bility of MCA is whether ‘‘at the time of the accident’’
    motor vehicle was operating for-hire, transporting prop-
    erty, and in interstate commerce); Newman v. State
    Farm Mutual Auto Ins. 
    Co., supra
    62 So. 3d 811
    (trip-specific review showed MCS-90 endorsement inap-
    plicable where vehicle was not being used for-hire or
    in interstate commerce); but see Royal Indemnity Co.
    v. Jacobsen, 
    863 F. Supp. 1537
    , 1540–42 (D. Utah 1994)
    (declining to use trip-specific reading).
    Finally, an insurer’s obligation to pay a judgment
    recovered against its insured pursuant to an MCS-90
    endorsement is triggered only when two elements are
    satisfied. That is, a MCS-90 endorsement is ‘‘triggered
    only when (1) the underlying insurance policy to which
    the endorsement is attached does not otherwise provide
    coverage, and (2) either no other insurer is available
    to satisfy the judgment against the motor carrier, or
    the motor carrier’s insurance coverage is insufficient
    to satisfy the federally-prescribed minimum levels of
    financial responsibility.’’ (Emphasis omitted.) Carolina
    Casualty Co. v. 
    Yeates, supra
    584 F.3d 878
    In the present case, neither party disputes that the
    truck involved in the collision was not a ‘‘covered vehi-
    cle’’ under the insurance policy or that no other insurer
    is available to satisfy the judgment against Tony’s.
    Accordingly, the sole issue before the court is whether
    there is a disputed issue of material fact that the truck
    was operating as a for-hire motor carrier transporting
    property in interstate commerce at the time of the colli-
    sion. The court found that although there was evidence
    that Tony’s truck was operating for-hire, it was not
    engaged in interstate commerce at the time of the colli-
    sion. The plaintiff argues that the court erred in conclud-
    ing that there was no genuine issue of material fact that
    the truck was not engaged in interstate commerce at
    the time of the accident. The defendant responds that
    the court properly found that the truck was not engaged
    in interstate commerce. In its brief to this court, the
    defendant argued, as an alternative ground for
    affirmance, that the court improperly determined the
    threshold issue that there was no issue of fact that
    Tony’s was operating the vehicle ‘‘for-hire’’ at the time
    of the collision.8 We agree with the defendant that the
    court improperly found that Tony’s was operating the
    vehicle ‘‘for-hire’’ at the time of the accident.
    As noted previously, to be considered a ‘‘for-hire car-
    riage,’’ the insured had to be in the ‘‘business of trans-
    porting, for compensation, the goods or property of
    another’’; 49 C.F.R. § 387.5; at the time of the accident.
    The United States Court of Appeals for the Second
    Circuit has explained the ‘‘for-hire’’ provision in an
    exposition of the history and purpose of the MCA. ‘‘The
    MCA originally contemplated three categories of motor
    carriers: common, contract, and private. Common and
    contract carriers were known as for-hire carriers. . . .
    Common carriers offered transportation for property
    and passengers for the general public, while contract
    carriers arranged transportation services by contract.
    . . . Private carriers transported property of which
    they were the owner, lessee, or bailee, when such trans-
    portation is for the purpose of sale, lease, rent, or bail-
    ment, or in furtherance of any commercial enterprise.’’
    (Citations omitted; internal quotation marks omitted.)
    Bilyou v. Dutchess Beer Distributors, Inc., 
    300 F.3d 217
    , 226–27 (2d Cir. 2002).
    In the present case, the trial court correctly noted
    that undisputed evidence indicated that Reynolds, as
    Tony’s employee, was being compensated to transport
    the motor vehicle parts. There is no dispute, however,
    that Tony’s, as the actual insured, was not being com-
    pensated for the transport of the motor vehicle parts.
    That is, the insured, through its employee, was trans-
    porting its own property, for its own benefit, without
    being compensated by any third party. Tony’s was nei-
    ther transporting goods for the general public, nor was
    it transporting goods in fulfillment of a contract at the
    time the collision occurred. The defendant’s insured,
    through its employee, simply retrieved motor vehicle
    parts in Hamden, to be delivered to New Haven, where
    they ultimately were to be used for repairing other
    vehicles owned by the insured. Under these circum-
    stances, where the insured effectively was undertaking
    a personal errand, we cannot construe Tony’s to have
    been operating its vehicle ‘‘for-hire’’ at the time the
    collision occurred. See Herrod v. Wilshire Ins. 
    Co., supra
    , 499 Fed. Appx. 759–60 (lack of factual predicate
    to determine whether insured was transporting prop-
    erty of another for compensation at time of accident);
    see also Brunson v. Canal Ins. 
    Co., supra
    602 F. Supp. 2d
    716 (driver was not operating for-hire at time of
    accident where he ‘‘was solely on a personal mission
    to drive the . . . tractor-trailer a few miles from his
    home for the purpose of trying to sell the truck’’); New-
    man v. State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. 
    Co., supra
    62 So. 3d
    811–12 (vehicle was not operated for-hire, as insured
    driver merely was hauling materials he had personally
    purchased). Accordingly, because there was no evi-
    dence that Tony’s was operating its vehicle for-hire at
    the time the collision occurred, the plaintiff could not
    prevail in demonstrating that the MCS-90 endorsement
    was triggered, and the court properly granted the defen-
    dant’s motion for summary judgment.
    We briefly address the plaintiff’s argument that the
    public policy of providing ‘‘financial protection to mem-
    bers of the public’’ calls for the enforcement of the
    MCS-90 endorsement in this case. The thrust of the
    plaintiff’s argument is that a strict reading of the statu-
    tory language would thwart the broad, remedial pur-
    pose of the minimum financial responsibility scheme
    for motor carriers, resulting in injustice to the plaintiff
    and similarly situated individuals. We disagree.
    We recognize that the MCS-90 endorsement was
    intended to ensure ‘‘that the public be adequately pro-
    tected when a licensed carrier uses a . . . vehicle to
    transport goods . . . .’’ Wells v. Gulf Ins. Co., 
    484 F.3d 313
    (5th Cir. 2007). As we have discussed previously
    in this opinion, however, the purpose of the MCS-90
    endorsement is to protect the public from negligent
    motor carriers while they are engaged in the transporta-
    tion of property, for-hire, in interstate commerce. See,
    e.g., Herrod v. Wilshire Ins. 
    Co., supra
    , 499 F. Appx.
    755–56. Simply, the policy goals of the minimum finan-
    cial responsibility mandate are not inconsistent with
    our holding today. Tony’s was not operating for-hire at
    the time the accident occurred, and, therefore, this is
    not an instance in which Congress intended that the
    MCS-90 endorsement provide coverage. As the United
    States District Court for the District of South Carolina
    noted: ‘‘Congress and the appropriate regulatory agen-
    cies could broaden and clarify the relevant language
    now in place to provide coverage in factual scenarios
    similar to the one in this matter.’’ Brunson v. Canal
    Co., supra
    602 F. Supp. 2d
    719. In the absence of
    such clarification, we must interpret the statutes and
    regulations as written. See Perry v. Harco National Ins.
    129 F.3d 1072
    , 1074–75 (9th Cir. 1997) (rejecting
    context-specific approach to interpreting MCS-90
    endorsement regulations and holding that definition in
    regulations applied regardless of whether its applica-
    tion promoted regulatory goal).
    ‘‘An appellate court is authorized to rely upon alterna-
    tive grounds supported by the record to sustain a judg-
    ment.’’ (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Mortgage
    Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. v. Goduto, 
    110 Conn. App. 367
    , 372, 
    955 A.2d 544
    , cert. denied, 
    289 Conn. 956
    961 A.2d 420
    (2008). In light of our conclusion
    that the truck in question was not operating for-hire
    when the collision occurred, the MCS-90 endorsement
    attached to the policy was not triggered and the defen-
    dant, as a matter of law and in the absence of any
    genuine issue of material fact, was not required to pay
    the judgment rendered against its insured. Because we
    affirm the court’s decision to grant summary judgment
    on this alternative ground, we need not decide whether
    the court properly concluded that Tony’s truck was not
    being operated in interstate commerce at the time of
    the collision.
    The judgment is affirmed.
    In this opinion the other judges concurred.
    The plaintiff’s complaint identifies the insured as Tony’s Long Wharf
    Transport, LLC, Tony’s Long Wharf, Inc., and/or Tony’s Long Wharf Towing,
    LLC. The sole named insured on the insurance policy, however, is Tony’s
    Long Wharf Transport, LLC. We refer to this entity throughout this opinion
    as Tony’s.
    As explained later in this opinion, an MCS-90 endorsement is a standard
    endorsement required to be included in a commercial motor carrier’s insur-
    ance policy by the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 (MCA), 49 U.S.C. § 10101 et
    seq., and the regulations promulgated thereunder, 49 C.F.R. § 387.15 et seq.
    As noted previously, the sole named insured on the insurance policy
    was Tony’s Long Wharf Transport, LLC. See footnote 1 of this opinion.
    General Statutes § 38a-321 provides in relevant part: ‘‘Upon the recovery
    of a final judgment against any . . . firm . . . by any person . . . for loss
    or damage on account of bodily injury . . . or damage to property, if the
    defendant in such action was insured against such loss or damage at the
    time when the right of action arose and if such judgment is not satisfied
    within thirty days after the date when it was rendered, such judgment
    creditor shall be subrogated to all the rights of the defendant and shall have
    a right of action against the insurer to the same extent that the defendant
    in such action could have enforced his claim against such insurer had such
    defendant paid such judgment.’’
    The court reasoned that the trip, from Hamden to New Haven, occurred
    entirely within the state, and that there was no intention that the motor
    vehicle parts, as ‘‘the actual goods,’’ were ‘‘to be transported in interstate
    commerce to a final destination’’ after being delivered to New Haven and
    used in repairs. (Emphasis in original.)
    The MCA’s definition of ‘‘person’’ incorporates the meaning under 1
    U.S.C. § 1. See 49 U.S.C. § 13102 (18). Title 1 of the United States Code, § 1,
    provides in relevant part that the word ‘‘person’’ includes ‘‘corporations,
    companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock com-
    panies . . . .’’ Accordingly, Tony’s, a limited liability company, clearly is
    considered to be a ‘‘person’’ under the MCA.
    The term ‘‘motor carrier,’’ as defined in the regulations, also includes ‘‘a
    motor carrier’s agent, officer, or representative; an employee responsible
    for hiring, supervising, training, assigning, or dispatching a driver; or an
    employee concerned with the installation, inspection, and maintenance of
    motor vehicle equipment and/or accessories.’’ 49 C.F.R. § 387.5.
    The plaintiff did not timely file with this court a reply brief addressing
    the alternative ground for affirmance raised by the defendant.