State v. Hall , 182 Conn. App. 103 ( 2018 )

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    (AC 39355)
    Lavine, Prescott and Elgo, Js.
    Convicted of the crime of manslaughter in the first degree in connection
    with the stabbing death of the victim, the defendant appealed to this
    court. He claimed, for the first time on appeal, that the trial court violated
    his constitutional right to present a defense by failing to provide the
    jury with an instruction concerning his lack of a duty to retreat from
    the scene of the incident. Held that the trial court’s decision not to
    instruct the jury concerning the duty to retreat was proper under the
    circumstances of this case; because the duty to retreat played no part
    in the defendant’s criminal trial, as the state did not advance that theory
    or mention the word retreat before the jury, a jury instruction on the
    defendant’s duty to retreat was not necessary and might have confused
    the jury, and, therefore, the defendant could not establish the existence
    of a constitutional violation that deprived him of a fair trial.
    Argued February 1—officially released May 15, 2018
    Procedural History
    Substitute information charging the defendant with
    the crime of murder, brought to the Superior Court in
    the judicial district of New Britain and tried to the jury
    before D’Addabbo, J.; verdict of guilty of the lesser
    included offense of manslaughter in the first degree;
    thereafter, the court rendered judgment in accordance
    with the verdict, from which the defendant appealed
    to this court. Affirmed.
    Jade N. Baldwin, for the appellant (defendant).
    Rita M. Shair, senior assistant state’s attorney, with
    whom were Brian Preleski, state’s attorney, and, on
    the brief, Brett Salafia, assistant state’s attorney, for
    the appellee (state).
    ELGO, J. The defendant, Jeffrey W. Hall, appeals from
    the judgment of conviction, rendered after a jury trial, of
    manslaughter in the first degree in violation of General
    Statutes § 53a-55 (a) (1).1 On appeal, the defendant
    claims that the trial court improperly declined to pro-
    vide the jury with an instruction on the duty to retreat.
    We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    On the basis of the evidence adduced at trial, the
    jury reasonably could have found the following facts.
    At all relevant times, the defendant lived with Michelle
    Lewis and Karen Letourneau at a residence known as
    19 Lincoln Street in Bristol. In the early hours of June 21,
    2013, Letourneau, the defendant, and other individuals
    were celebrating Lewis’ birthday at the residence.
    Among the attendees was Jerry Duncan, who had been
    invited by Letourneau. The attendees enjoyed birthday
    cake and then drinks together on a front porch. At some
    point, a disagreement arose between the defendant and
    Duncan, and the defendant indicated that he wanted
    Duncan to leave. In response, Letourneau told the
    defendant that ‘‘I pay rent [here] and he’s my company
    and he’s not leaving.’’ The party then continued for
    approximately one hour without incident.
    Sometime after 3 a.m., the Bristol Police Department
    received an anonymous noise complaint regarding the
    party at the residence. Officer Daniel Colavolpe was on
    patrol that evening and responded to the complaint with
    Officer Al Myers. When they arrived at the residence,
    Colavolpe saw multiple people on the porch who were
    ‘‘conversing loudly,’’ at which point the officers advised
    them to ‘‘go inside and call it a night.’’ The individuals
    agreed and went inside the house.
    Nevertheless, the party later resumed on the porch.
    When Letourneau went inside to check on her minor
    son, she heard a ‘‘commotion in the front hallway.’’
    Letourneau opened the front door and found the defen-
    dant and Duncan ‘‘physically attacking each other.’’ At
    trial, Letourneau described what happened next: ‘‘I
    froze, I panicked. I came back in the house and then
    about a minute later, I went back out and that’s when
    I saw everything covered with blood. . . . There was
    blood flying everywhere.’’ Letourneau retreated inside
    the house and then ‘‘went back out a third time’’ and
    found the defendant seated on the porch. When she
    peered over the railing, Letourneau saw Duncan ‘‘laying
    on the bottom of the stairs face up and his legs were
    going up the stairs.’’2
    While those events unfolded, the police received a
    second noise complaint. Colavolpe and Myers again
    responded to the residence, arriving at approximately
    3:45 a.m. As he stood on the front porch, Colavolpe
    heard ‘‘a male voice fairly loudly say, ‘Yeah, call 911,
    there’s a corpse at the bottom of the stairs,’ and then
    followed up a very short time later with, ‘I don’t fucking
    care, tell him I stabbed him.’ ’’ Colavolpe then opened
    the door and saw Duncan lying motionless at the bottom
    of the stairs with ‘‘a large amount of blood around his
    head . . . .’’
    Colavolpe entered the residence with his gun drawn
    and ordered everyone inside to the ground. In response,
    the defendant, who was ‘‘covered in blood,’’ informed
    Colavolpe that the other individuals ‘‘were fine’’ and
    that ‘‘he was the one [who] stabbed [Duncan] but [that]
    it was in self-defense.’’ Colavolpe then moved the defen-
    dant from the crime scene to the porch while awaiting
    assistance from additional officers. At that time, the
    defendant was ‘‘very calm’’ and did not appear to be
    injured in any way. The defendant then stated to Cola-
    volpe: ‘‘I just did what I was trained to do. [Duncan]
    punched me and I grabbed what I could and stabbed
    him. I stabbed him and broke off the knife. . . . I hope
    I killed him. I really hope I did. And if he wasn’t such
    a dick, he wouldn’t be dead.’’
    The defendant made similar statements to Officers
    Tyler Meusel and Craig Duquette in the hours that fol-
    lowed. When Meusel responded to the scene, the defen-
    dant’s demeanor was ‘‘[v]ery passive, almost
    nonchalant.’’ As he sat in a police cruiser with Meusel,
    the defendant stated that he had acted in self-defense.
    The defendant asked if he had killed Duncan and then
    stated, ‘‘I hope I did.’’ The defendant also asked Meusel
    what his sentence was likely to be for this crime, inquir-
    ing whether ‘‘it would be man[slaughter] second.’’ As to
    how the altercation took place, the defendant informed
    Meusel that ‘‘[h]e came at me so I stabbed him in the
    throat.’’ Duquette was involved in booking the defen-
    dant on June 21, 2013. When Duquette asked if he was
    injured, the defendant, pointing to his hand, said
    ‘‘maybe right here . . . from where I stuck the knife
    in him’’ and then laughed. The defendant stated that
    Duncan ‘‘had come to fuck with him’’ so he defended
    himself ‘‘[b]y stabbing him in the neck with a knife.’’
    The defendant also told Duquette that he was a veteran
    of the United States Army and ‘‘had utilized his military
    training to inflict the wounds’’ on Duncan.
    Duncan died as a result of the injuries he sustained
    on June 21, 2013. The official cause of death was a stab
    wound to the carotid artery in his neck. The defendant
    subsequently was arrested and charged, by long form
    information dated January 25, 2016, with murder in
    violation of General Statutes § 53a-54a. At trial, the
    defendant presented a theory of self-defense.3 The
    state’s theory was that the defendant acted with the
    intent to cause death or serious physical injury to Dun-
    can, and did not act in response to a fear of great bodily
    harm. Significantly, the state never suggested that the
    defendant had a duty to retreat or submitted evidence
    related thereto. Indeed, the word ‘‘retreat’’ was not men-
    tioned at trial.
    Following the close of evidence, the defendant filed
    a request to charge that sought, inter alia, an instruction
    indicating that he ‘‘did not have a duty to retreat.’’ At
    the February 19, 2016 charging conference, the court
    discussed that request at length with the parties. The
    court reminded the parties that, under Connecticut law,
    the duty to retreat ‘‘does not apply if [the defendant
    was] in his home . . . .’’4 In light of the parties’ stipula-
    tion that the physical altercation between the defendant
    and Duncan took place in the defendant’s home, the
    court opined that the requested instruction on the inap-
    plicability of the duty to retreat likely would be confus-
    ing to jurors. The court then took the matter under
    Prior to closing arguments on February 22, 2016, the
    court revisited the defendant’s request to charge. At
    that time, the court stated that it was concerned about
    injecting ‘‘law to the jury that is not part of the case.’’
    The court reiterated its view that an instruction on the
    inapplicability of the duty to retreat would be unneces-
    sarily confusing to the jury and therefore denied the
    defendant’s request. Following closing arguments, the
    court provided a comprehensive instruction on self-
    defense in its charge to the jury. The defendant in this
    appeal raises no claim with respect to the propriety of
    that charge, save for its exclusion of an instruction on
    the duty to retreat.
    The jury thereafter found the defendant not guilty of
    murder, but guilty of the lesser included offense of
    manslaughter in the first degree in violation of § 53a-
    55 (a) (1). The court rendered judgment accordingly
    and sentenced the defendant to a term of twenty years
    incarceration. From that judgment, the defendant
    now appeals.
    On appeal, the defendant claims that the court
    improperly declined to provide the jury with an instruc-
    tion concerning the duty to retreat, in violation of his
    sixth amendment right to present a defense.5 The defen-
    dant did not preserve that constitutional claim at trial
    and now seeks review pursuant to State v. Golding, 
    213 Conn. 233
    , 239–40, 
    567 A.2d 823
     (1989), as modified by
    In re Yasiel R., 
    317 Conn. 773
    120 A.3d 1188
    We review the defendant’s claim because the record is
    adequate for review and the claim is of constitutional
    magnitude. See State v. Salters, 
    78 Conn. App. 1
    , 4–5,
    826 A.2d 202
    , cert. denied, 
    265 Conn. 912
    831 A.2d 253
    (2003). We nevertheless conclude that the claim fails
    to satisfy Golding’s third prong.
    The duty to retreat is one of the ‘‘statutory excep-
    tions’’ to the defense of self-defense.7 State v. Diggs,
    219 Conn. 295
    , 301, 
    592 A.2d 949
     (1991). The appellate
    courts of this state have held that a jury instruction on
    the duty to retreat is required under the sixth amend-
    ment only if the state has advanced a theory related
    thereto. In the seminal case of State v. Lemoine, 
    256 Conn. 193
    , 197, 
    770 A.2d 491
     (2001), the defendant
    claimed that ‘‘it was improper for the trial court to
    refrain from instructing the jury [about the] duty to
    retreat under . . . § 53a-19 (b).’’ The defendant further
    contended that ‘‘the absence of an instruction on the
    duty to retreat denied him his right to present a defense
    under the sixth amendment . . . .’’ Id., 198. Our
    Supreme Court disagreed, stating that ‘‘[i]n the present
    case, although the defendant was entitled to a jury
    charge on self-defense, we do not agree that such an
    instruction necessarily should have included an expla-
    nation of the defendant’s duty to retreat. Such an expla-
    nation was not relevant to the present case because
    the state did not argue to the jury that the defendant
    should have retreated.’’ Id., 199. The court emphasized
    that ‘‘had the state’s attack on the defendant’s self-
    defense claim been based on the defendant’s failure to
    retreat, a complete jury instruction on the duty to
    retreat would have been necessary. . . . Because the
    state made no claim that the defendant should have
    retreated, however, the defendant did not suffer consti-
    tutional harm by the trial court’s omission of an unnec-
    essary and potentially confusing instruction on the duty
    to retreat.’’ (Citations omitted.) Id., 200. Furthermore,
    no sixth amendment violation can be established when
    the prosecutor ‘‘never referenced the defendant’s duty
    to retreat’’ at trial and ‘‘never argued to the jury that
    the defendant had an obligation to retreat under Con-
    necticut law . . . .’’ State v. Dawes, 
    122 Conn. App. 303
    , 323, 
    999 A.2d 794
    , cert. denied, 
    298 Conn. 912
    4 A.3d 834
     (2010). The same could be said of the prosecu-
    tor in the present case, as no theory was advanced, and
    no remark was made, on the defendant’s duty to retreat.8
    The defendant nonetheless posits that, without an
    instruction on the duty to retreat, ‘‘the jury may have
    decided that the defendant, rather than the victim,
    should have chosen to leave the residence to avoid
    further conflict . . . .’’9 That claim was raised before,
    and rejected by, our Supreme Court in Lemoine. As the
    court explained: ‘‘The defendant . . . argues that, even
    if the state did not use the duty to retreat to attack the
    defendant’s claim of self-defense, the jurors’ common-
    sense reaction when instructed to evaluate the reason-
    ableness of the defendant’s reaction naturally would be
    to consider whether he could have retreated from the
    situation. In making such a determination, the defen-
    dant argues, the jurors incorrectly would have assumed
    that the defendant had a duty to retreat . . . . We dis-
    agree. To require that the jury be instructed, not only
    on matters at issue, but also on all arguably related but
    factually inapplicable areas of the law not only would
    be impractical, but would impair the jury’s understand-
    ing of the relevant legal issues. The defendant’s position
    essentially would require that a duty to retreat instruc-
    tion be given to the jury in every case where the defen-
    dant presents a self-defense claim. Such an instruction
    would have been unnecessary and potentially confusing
    to the jury.’’ State v. Lemoine, supra, 
    256 Conn. 200
    accord State v. Bellino, 
    31 Conn. App. 385
    , 391, 
    625 A.2d 1381
     (1993) (‘‘[l]egal principles concerning the duty to
    retreat did not play a part in this case, and there is no
    reason to believe that the jury would have considered
    that issue on its own’’), appeal dismissed, 
    228 Conn. 851
    635 A.2d 812
     (1994). The trial court here expressly
    relied on Lemoine in concluding that an instruction
    that the duty to retreat did not apply in the present
    case was unnecessary and likely to confuse jurors.
    The duty to retreat played no part in the defendant’s
    criminal trial. The state did not advance any such theory
    and not once did the prosecutor utter the word ‘‘retreat’’
    before the jury. Bound by State v. Lemoine, supra, 
    256 Conn. 200
    –201, we therefore conclude that the defen-
    dant cannot establish the existence of a constitutional
    violation that deprived him of a fair trial. Mindful of its
    obligation to ‘‘adapt its instructions to the issues in the
    case in order to provide appropriate guidance to the
    jury’’; State v. Bellino, supra, 
    31 Conn. App. 390
    ; we
    conclude that the court’s decision not to instruct the
    jury concerning the duty to retreat was proper under
    the circumstances of this case.
    The judgment is affirmed.
    In this opinion the other judges concurred.
    General Statutes § 53a-55 (a) provides in relevant part: ‘‘A person is
    guilty of manslaughter in the first degree when: (1) With intent to cause
    serious physical injury to another person, he causes the death of such person
    or of a third person . . . .’’
    Another attendee at the party, William Plocharski, was on the porch at
    the time of the altercation between the defendant and Duncan. Plocharski
    testified that he heard a ruckus and glanced inside the residence. When he
    saw the defendant and Duncan fighting, he thought to himself that it was
    ‘‘none of my business’’ and returned to the porch. The defendant then came
    crashing through a screen door with ‘‘blood all over him’’ and Plocharski
    helped him up. The defendant went back inside the residence, while Plochar-
    ski remained on the porch until police arrived.
    The defendant did not testify or call any witnesses at trial.
    See General Statutes § 53a-19 (b) (1) (‘‘a person is not justified in using
    deadly physical force upon another person if he or she knows that he or
    she can avoid the necessity of using such force with complete safety . . .
    by retreating, except that the actor shall not be required to retreat if he or
    she is in his or her dwelling’’); see also State v. Shaw, 
    185 Conn. 372
    , 378–79,
    441 A.2d 561
     (1981), cert. denied, 
    454 U.S. 1155
    102 S. Ct. 1027
    71 L. Ed. 2d 312
    Although the defendant also alleges a violation of his right under article
    first, § 9, of the Connecticut constitution in his appellate brief, he has pro-
    vided no independent analysis thereof. Accordingly, we consider his claim
    under the federal constitution alone. See State v. Saturno, 
    322 Conn. 80
    113 n.27, 
    139 A.3d 629
    Under Golding, ‘‘a defendant can prevail on a claim of constitutional
    error not preserved at trial only if all of the following conditions are met:
    (1) the record is adequate to review the alleged claim of error; (2) the claim
    is of constitutional magnitude alleging the violation of a fundamental right;
    (3) the alleged constitutional violation . . . exists and . . . deprived the
    defendant of a fair trial; and (4) if subject to harmless error analysis, the
    state has failed to demonstrate harmlessness of the alleged constitutional
    violation beyond a reasonable doubt. In the absence of any one of these
    conditions, the defendant’s claim will fail.’’ (Emphasis in original; footnote
    omitted.) State v. Golding, supra, 
    213 Conn. 239
    Those exceptions are codified in General Statutes § 53a-19, which pro-
    vides in relevant part: ‘‘(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection
    (a) of this section, a person is not justified in using deadly physical force
    upon another person if he or she knows that he or she can avoid the necessity
    of using such force with complete safety (1) by retreating, except that the
    actor shall not be required to retreat if he or she is in his or her dwelling,
    as defined in section 53a-100, or place of work and was not the initial
    aggressor, or if he or she is a peace officer, a special policeman appointed
    under section 29-18b, or a motor vehicle inspector designated under section
    14-8 and certified pursuant to section 7-294d, or a private person assisting
    such peace officer, special policeman or motor vehicle inspector at his or
    her direction, and acting pursuant to section 53a-22, or (2) by surrendering
    possession of property to a person asserting a claim of right thereto, or (3)
    by complying with a demand that he or she abstain from performing an act
    which he or she is not obliged to perform.
    ‘‘(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, a
    person is not justified in using physical force when (1) with intent to cause
    physical injury or death to another person, he provokes the use of physical
    force by such other person, or (2) he is the initial aggressor, except that
    his use of physical force upon another person under such circumstances is
    justifiable if he withdraws from the encounter and effectively communicates
    to such other person his intent to do so, but such other person notwithstand-
    ing continues or threatens the use of physical force, or (3) the physical
    force involved was the product of a combat by agreement not specifically
    authorized by law.’’
    At oral argument, defense counsel conceded that the state never argued
    at trial that there was a duty to retreat on the part of the defendant.
    The defendant also argues that he ‘‘certainly [would] have altered his
    trial strategy had he known that the court would fail to fully inform the
    jury on the law of self-defense by leaving out the portion on [the] duty to
    retreat.’’ Beyond that bald assertion, the defendant has provided no further
    explanation or analysis as to how his trial strategy would have changed,
    rendering his briefing of that claim inadequate. See, e.g., State v. Pink, 
    274 Conn. 241
    , 255–56, 
    875 A.2d 447
     (2005) (mere assertion does not constitute
    adequate briefing). Moreover, in light of the fact that the duty to retreat
    plainly does not apply to the undisputed circumstances of this case, as the
    parties stipulated that the altercation took place in the defendant’s home,
    we cannot envision how the defendant would have altered his trial strategy.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC39355

Citation Numbers: 188 A.3d 781, 182 Conn. App. 103

Filed Date: 5/15/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023