Brenda D. Grissom v. United States , 102 A.3d 1163 ( 2014 )

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    No. 13-CM-935
    Appeal from the Superior Court
    of the District of Columbia
    Criminal Division
    (Hon. Patricia A. Wynn, Trial Judge)
    (Submitted September 23, 2014                      Decided November 12, 2014)
    Susan E. Borecki was on the brief for appellant.
    Ronald C. Machen Jr., United States Attorney, and Elizabeth Trosman, John
    P. Mannarino, and Stephen F. Rickard, Assistant United States Attorneys, were on
    the brief for appellee.
    Before BLACKBURNE-RIGSBY and MCLEESE, Associate Judges, and PRYOR,
    Senior Judge.
    BLACKBURNE-RIGSBY, Associate Judge: Following a bench trial, appellant
    Brenda Grissom was convicted of second-degree theft for stealing two pieces of
    jewelry worth a total of $72.00 from a Lord & Taylor department store.1 On
    appeal, appellant argues that there was insufficient evidence to show that she
    ―wrongfully obtained‖ the jewelry from the store. Specifically, appellant argues
    that the only evidence the government proffered to show that she ―wrongfully
    obtained‖ the jewelry is the universal product codes (―UPCs‖) on the jewelry,
    which appeared as items for sale in Lord & Taylor‘s computer system. Appellant
    claims that just because the UPCs appeared in Lord & Taylor‘s computer system
    does not mean that the items were unique to that particular store. Based on the
    forthcoming reasons, we agree with appellant and conclude that the UPCs in this
    case, standing alone, could not have reasonably identified the jewelry as coming
    from this specific Lord & Taylor store.      There being inadequate evidence to
    reasonably infer that appellant ―wrongfully obtained‖ the jewelry, there is
    insufficient evidence to support appellant‘s conviction and we must reverse.
    Appellant was charged with a single count of second-degree theft covering
    two pairs of jeans, valued at $69.50, and two pieces of jewelry, valued at $72.00.
    At the end of a bench trial, however, appellant was ultimately convicted of second-
    degree theft with respect to the two pieces of jewelry.
    I.     Factual Background
    On March 9, 2013, appellant was shopping at a Lord & Taylor department
    store located at 5255 Western Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C.            A loss
    prevention officer, Eain James Cole, decided to focus his attention on appellant
    through a security camera lens as she browsed through the store. Thereafter, Mr.
    Cole also physically followed her throughout the store, including within the
    jewelry section. However, he did not actually see her conceal or take any items.
    Nonetheless, believing that she might have taken some items without purchasing
    them, Mr. Cole confronted appellant after she exited the store, escorted her to the
    store‘s holding area, and searched her belongings.       He discovered jewelry, a
    bracelet and necklace, among appellant‘s other personal belongings, which he
    thought might have come from the store, based on his observation of appellant
    browsing through the jewelry section. Mr. Cole recorded the UPCs from the
    jewelry, cross-referenced those numbers in the store‘s computer system, and found
    that jewelry of the same type is sold in the store for a total value of $72.00. Based
    on this finding, Mr. Cole concluded that the jewelry items were from that store,
    and that appellant took them without paying. Appellant was subsequently charged
    with second-degree theft.
    At trial, the government‘s only admitted evidence was Mr. Cole‘s
    testimony.2 Mr. Cole testified as to his observations of appellant in the store and
    clarified that he did not see her take or conceal any items because he was too far
    away to see what specific items appellant was selecting while browsing at the
    jewelry display. He further stated that he saw her purchasing several items, but
    could not see exactly what the items were. Mr. Cole conceded that after he
    stopped appellant during his investigation, he never checked with the sales clerk or
    obtained a receipt to potentially identify the items actually purchased. He also
    never asked whether appellant actually purchased the items in question.
    Nevertheless, the government argued that because the UPCs are unique
    identifiers of merchandise to each individual store, the totality of the circumstances
    observed by Mr. Cole supported the inference that the jewelry was ―wrongfully
    obtained‖ from the Lord & Taylor store. Alternatively, the government claimed
    that, ―even assuming the UPC codes were not unique to Lord & Taylor, the fact
    The trial court was not able to consider other evidence from the
    government in its final decision for various reasons. Specifically, Mr. Cole‘s
    testimony about a discussion with another Lord & Taylor employee who may have
    watched the events on a security camera was excluded as hearsay. Further, the
    government did not present that additional employee as a witness at trial. Finally,
    the actual security video was barred from evidence as a sanction under Super. Ct.
    Crim. R. 16 for the government‘s failure to comply with the court‘s discovery
    that scanning them returned Lord & Taylor prices showed that items bearing that
    UPC code were offered for sale by that store and . . . corroborated that they were
    the items that appellant selected as she stood at the jewelry counter.‖
    Based on Mr. Cole‘s testimony, and convinced by the government‘s
    argument that the UPCs are unique, the trial court found appellant guilty at the
    conclusion of a bench trial, reasoning that: ―in spite of the fact that there was no
    direct viewing of [appellant] taking the jewelry, . . . the items did have [UPCs]
    which, [upon entering them] into the system, returned a price of Lord &
    Taylor . . . . I am assuming, and I think it‘s a reasonable inference, that these
    [UPCs] are unique.‖ This appeal followed.
    II.    Discussion
    On appeal, appellant argues that the trial court‘s assumption, that UPCs can
    identify pieces of merchandise as unique to each store, from which it inferred that
    the jewelry was wrongfully obtained from that particular Lord & Taylor store, was
    not supported by the evidence. This court reviews insufficiency of evidence claims
    de novo. Russell v. United States, 
    65 A.3d 1172
    , 1176–77 (D.C. 2013). In
    analyzing a sufficiency claim, we view the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the government, giving deference to the trial court‘s findings of fact in weighing
    the evidence, determining the credibility of witnesses, and drawing reasonable
    inferences from the testimony. Price v. United States, 
    985 A.2d 434
    , 436 (D.C.
    2009); Dickerson v. United States, 
    650 A.2d 680
    , 683 (D.C. 1994). Furthermore,
    in a bench trial, this court will not reverse ―unless an appellant has established that
    the trial court‘s factual findings are plainly wrong, or without evidence to support
    Price, supra
    , 985 A.2d at 436. Thus, to prevail, appellant must establish
    ―that the government presented ‗no evidence‘ upon which a reasonable mind could
    find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.‖ 
    Russell, supra
    , 65 A.3d at 1176 (citations
    and internal quotations omitted); 
    Price, supra
    , 985 A.2d at 436. However, ―slight
    evidence is not sufficient evidence; a mere modicum cannot rationally support a
    conviction beyond a reasonable doubt.‖ 
    Russell, supra
    , 65 A.3d at 1176 (citations
    and internal quotation marks omitted).
    To establish second-degree theft, the government must prove that the
    defendant: (1) ―wrongfully obtained the property of [another],‖ (2) specifically
    intended — at the time the property was obtained — ―either to deprive [another] of
    a right to the property or a benefit of the property or to take or make use of the
    property for [themselves] . . . without authority or right,‖ and (3) obtained property
    that had some value. D.C. Code § 22-3211; 
    Russell, supra
    , 65 A.3d at 1176–77.
    The statute defines ―wrongfully obtains‖ as ―(1) taking or exercising control over
    property; (2) making an unauthorized use, disposition, or transfer of an interest in
    or possession of property; or (3) obtaining property by trick, false pretense, false
    token, tampering, or deception.‖ D.C. Code § 22-3211 (a); 
    Price, supra
    , 985 A.2d
    at 436.
    Here, the government‘s sole evidence to establish that the jewelry was
    wrongfully obtained from Lord & Taylor, i.e., taken from the store without paying
    for the items, was the testimony of Mr. Cole stating that he recovered the jewelry
    from appellant bearing UPCs that appeared in Lord & Taylor‘s computer system
    upon scanning. Based on that information, the trial court inferred that the UPCs
    must be unique to this particular Lord & Taylor store and that, consequently,
    appellant must have wrongfully obtained the jewelry from the store. We take issue
    with the trial court‘s conclusions for two reasons.
    First, Mr. Cole never testified that UPCs are unique to each particular Lord
    & Taylor store. Mr. Cole merely assumed that the UPCs were unique after cross-
    referencing the items found in appellant‘s bag and discovering that the same type
    of items were sold at the store. In fact, because we find inadequate evidence at
    trial to establish that UPCs relating to the jewelry were unique to the specific Lord
    & Taylor store, we conclude that the trial court‘s inference that UPCs could
    somehow identify specific merchandise is unreasonable.
    In coming to this conclusion, we find support from a Fourth Circuit case,
    which explained that UPCs alone are insufficient to identify the specific store from
    which the merchandise was obtained. United States v. Hartgrove, 
    919 F.2d 139
    (4th Cir. 1990); see also L’Oreal USA, Inc. v. Trend Beauty Corp., 
    2013 WL 4400532
    (S.D.N.Y. Aug. 15, 2013) (explaining that UPCs are not unique and that
    ―all products have a UPC . . . that identifies the supplier of a product [rather than
    the retailers, and] nearly all suppliers of consumer products put a UPC sticker on
    the product for inventory control purposes[]‖) (emphasis added). Similar to the
    instant case, in Hartgrove, a store security guard observed the defendant as she
    shopped and browsed through a 
    store. 919 F.2d at 139
    . During the guard‘s
    surveillance, he saw appellant conceal items and confronted her as she exited the
    Id. A subsequent
    scan of the items‘ UPCs registered in the store‘s computer
    system and the defendant was later arrested for theft. 
    Id. On appeal,
    the Fourth
    Circuit held that the computer results merely indicated that the items could have
    come from any number of stores, not necessarily the specific store where the
    defendant was shopping. 
    Id. Furthermore, there
    were no other identifying marks
    on the items to prove that the items came from that specific store. 
    Id. In that
    however, the Fourth Circuit still found the defendant guilty of theft because other
    corroborating evidence was available to show that the items were wrongfully
    obtained from the store. 
    Id. Notably, the
    security guard actually saw the defendant
    take and conceal specific items in the store, those previously concealed items were
    found in the defendant‘s personal belongings after a search, and the defendant
    further admitted her failure to pay for some of the items. 
    Id. Here, just
    as in Hartgrove, a scan of the UPCs returned information to show
    that the jewelry recovered from appellant was of the same type generally sold at
    Lord & Taylor. However, UPCs alone are not necessarily unique to a particular
    retailer or specific retail store. 
    Hartgrove, supra
    , 919 F.2d at 139. Thus, the UPCs
    alone cannot establish that these specific jewelry items were actually obtained from
    the Lord & Taylor store where appellant was shopping, nor did Mr. Cole testify to
    the contrary. Moreover, because Mr. Cole admitted that he only saw appellant
    select jewelry items in the jewelry section and never actually saw appellant take or
    conceal any jewelry, there is nothing to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that
    these jewelry items were actually stolen.
    Second, even assuming that UPCs are somehow capable of identifying the
    particular retail store from which merchandise is obtained, there would still be
    insufficient evidence under these facts to find appellant guilty of theft.         The
    government‘s sole witness, Mr. Cole, testified that he never saw appellant take or
    conceal any items, never saw what specific items appellant selected for purchase,
    never asked whether she actually purchased the jewelry, and never checked with
    the sales staff for a potential receipt of purchase. The fact that appellant was in
    possession of items that may have come from Lord & Taylor when she just
    shopped there is clearly not out of the ordinary or criminal, absent evidence to the
    Hartgrove, supra
    , 919 F.2d at 139. The government has the burden to
    prove second-degree theft beyond a reasonable doubt and failed to do so.
    Consequently, there was insufficient evidence to sustain appellant‘s conviction.
    III.   Conclusion
    Although we view the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    government, there must be more than a mere possibility of guilt to convict
    someone beyond a reasonable doubt. See 
    Russell, supra
    , 65 A.3d at 1176. Here,
    no reasonable inference can be made from Mr. Cole‘s testimony or from the items‘
    UPCs to show that appellant wrongfully obtained the jewelry from the store.
    Hartgrove, supra
    , 919 F.2d at 139. Accordingly, appellant‘s conviction is not
    supported by the evidence and we reverse and remand with instructions to dismiss
    the criminal information.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-CM-935

Citation Numbers: 102 A.3d 1163

Filed Date: 11/13/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023