Thurman N. Wilson v. United States , 102 A.3d 751 ( 2014 )

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    No. 13-CM-564
    Appeal from the Superior Court
    of the District of Columbia
    (Hon. Harold L. Cushenberry, Jr., Trial Judge)
    (Argued October 2, 2014                                Decided November 6, 2014)
    Bryan P. MacAvoy for appellant.
    Stephen F. Rickard, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom Ronald C.
    Machen Jr., United States Attorney, and Elizabeth Trosman, Assistant United
    States Attorney, were on the brief, for appellee.
    Before FISHER and BECKWITH, Associate Judges, and NEBEKER, Senior
    FISHER, Associate Judge: After denying his motion to suppress, the trial
    court convicted appellant Thurman Wilson of unlawful possession of cocaine and
    assault on a police officer (APO). On appeal, appellant challenges the denial of his
    motion to suppress the cocaine and argues that the evidence was insufficient to
    support his APO conviction. We affirm.
    I.     Factual and Procedural Background
    Viewed in the light most favorable to the government,1 the evidence showed
    the following. At approximately 5:45 p.m. on June 5, 2012, Officer Andre Martin,
    a veteran of the Metropolitan Police Department with twenty years of drug
    enforcement experience, was conducting undercover surveillance at the 4200 block
    of 4th Street, S.E., an area known for high drug activity. After observing a known
    drug buyer give appellant what appeared to be money in exchange for a small
    object, Officer Martin broadcast a lookout for a male wearing a dark fishing hat.
    Officers Kristopher Plumley and Marcus Stevens heard the broadcast,
    spotted appellant, who matched the lookout description, and got out of their
    unmarked vehicle to approach him. Officer Plumley wore plain clothes, but he
    also sported a tactical vest emblazoned with “police” in three-inch lettering.
    We consider challenges to the denial of a motion to suppress and the
    sufficiency of evidence underlying a conviction by viewing the record in the light
    most favorable to the government. Coghill v. United States, 
    982 A.2d 802
    , 806
    (D.C. 2009); Davis v. United States, 
    781 A.2d 729
    , 734 (D.C. 2001).
    Before the officers could speak, appellant saw them and took off running in the
    opposite direction. Officer Plumley eventually caught up to appellant and placed
    him in handcuffs. Soon thereafter, Officer Martin positively identified appellant in
    a show-up procedure.
    After the show-up, appellant stood in handcuffs between Officers Plumley
    and Stevens. Without warning, appellant jerked his body and pulled his arms away
    from the officers‟ hold, falling backwards to the ground and knocking Officer
    Plumley off the curb. The officers tried to pick appellant up, but he refused to
    stand on his own. After informing appellant that he was under arrest for assault on
    a police officer, the officers escorted him to their cruiser. As they tried to place
    him in the vehicle, appellant flailed his arms and kicked and pushed his legs. The
    officers eventually subdued appellant and transported him to their station. There, a
    search incident to arrest uncovered cocaine in appellant‟s shoe and $140 in U.S.
    Appellant moved to suppress the cocaine and currency as the products of an
    illegal search and arrest.   Crediting the testimony and experience of Officers
    Martin and Plumley, the trial court denied the motion, finding the officers‟
    knowledge of the two-way transaction, the lookout description, and appellant‟s
    subsequent flight gave Officer Plumley reasonable, articulable suspicion to seize
    appellant. The handcuffing of appellant was a reasonable precaution given the
    totality of the circumstances, and it did not convert the initial seizure into an arrest.
    The court finally found that, after Officer Martin‟s positive identification,
    reasonable, articulable suspicion ripened into probable cause.
    II.    The Suppression Motion
    Appellant contends that he was arrested without probable cause and that the
    cocaine found in his shoe should have been suppressed as the fruit of this unlawful
    detention. We need not decide whether or when the police had probable cause to
    arrest appellant for a drug crime because there is an independent ground for
    denying the suppression motion. 2 We therefore assume, without deciding, that
    appellant was arrested without probable cause.
    The government raised this argument in the trial court, giving appellant a
    full and fair opportunity to develop a record on this issue. See Tuckson v. United
    77 A.3d 357
    , 373 (D.C. 2013) (“We may affirm the trial court‟s denial of
    the motion to suppress on any valid ground supported by the record so long as
    there has been no procedural unfairness.”) (citation and internal quotation marks
    Generally, when physical or testimonial evidence is uncovered by an illegal
    search or seizure, it must be suppressed as the “fruit of the poisonous tree.” Clark
    v. United States, 
    755 A.2d 1026
    , 1029 (D.C. 2000), abrogated on separate grounds
    by Carrell v. United States, 
    80 A.3d 163
    (D.C. 2013).          However, there are
    exceptions to this general rule. See, e.g., Hicks v. United States, 
    730 A.2d 657
    661-62 (D.C. 1999) (applying the inevitable discovery doctrine); Al-Mahdi v.
    United States, 
    867 A.2d 1011
    , 1023-24 (D.C. 2005) (applying the independent
    source rule). The test is whether the evidence in question “has been come at by
    exploitation of [the primary] illegality or instead by means sufficiently
    distinguishable to be purged of the primary taint.” Wong Sun v. United States,
    371 U.S. 471
    , 488 (1963) (citation omitted).
    In Clark we held that “absent unforeseen exceptional circumstances,[3] the
    commission of a separate and distinct crime while in unlawful police custody is the
    type of intervening act which purges the primary 
    taint.” 755 A.2d at 1030
    . There,
    we affirmed the admission of a threat made to an officer during the course of an
    unlawful arrest. 
    Id. at 1027.
    Notwithstanding the causal connection between the
    We noted that there was no indication that police intentionally provoked
    Clark into committing the new crime. 
    See 755 A.2d at 1030
    n.4. Here, the record
    likewise provides no support for a claim of police provocation.
    unlawful arrest and the words which constituted the threat, we followed the lead of
    United States v. Bailey, 
    691 F.2d 1009
    (11th Cir. 1982), and other courts which
    have “refus[ed] to suppress either evidence of the distinct crime itself or evidence
    seized incident to arrest for the distinct 
    crime.” 755 A.2d at 1029-30
    Clark did not involve the admissibility of physical evidence tending to prove
    the crime which led to the initial (unlawful) arrest. To resolve this case, we turn to
    Bailey, upon which Clark chiefly relied. There, assuming that the defendant had
    been unlawfully arrested on suspicion of being a drug courier, the United States
    Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that his subsequent assault of a
    DEA agent constituted a separate and distinct crime generating probable cause for
    a lawful “second” 
    arrest. 691 F.2d at 1017-18
    . The court affirmed the admission
    of cocaine and heroin recovered from the defendant during searches incident to the
    second arrest. 
    Id. at 1018-19.
    Joining many other courts that have adopted the rule articulated in Bailey,
    we extend Clark and hold that, absent unforeseen exceptional circumstances,
    where a defendant commits a separate and distinct crime while unlawfully in
    police custody, evidence uncovered by a search incident to the later, lawful arrest
    is not suppressible as the fruit of the poisonous tree. See, e.g., United States v.
    46 F.3d 1427
    , 1430-31 (8th Cir. 1995) (assuming that defendant was
    unlawfully arrested for possession of methamphetamine, his struggle with state
    trooper provided independent grounds for arrest, and additional methamphetamine
    uncovered by subsequent searches of his person and automobile was admissible);
    see also United States v. Marine, 
    51 M.J. 425
    , 429-30 (C.A.A.F. 1999) (even if
    defendant was unlawfully detained for investigation of assault, subsequent arrest
    for disrespect to commissioned officer, a military offense punishable by court-
    martial, was an intervening circumstance which purged the initial taint; marijuana
    cigarette discovered during search incident to arrest was admissible); Kavanaugh v.
    427 S.W.3d 178
    , 181 (Ky. 2014) (assault on officer purged the
    taint of unlawful Terry stop; crack cocaine found during valid search incident to
    arrest was admissible); State v. Williams, 
    926 A.2d 340
    , 345-46 (N.J. 2007)
    (handgun was seized incident to lawful arrest for obstructing the police, an offense
    which attenuated the taint of unlawful detention for suspicion of drug activity).
    Even if appellant had been unlawfully detained, our next discussion shows that he
    committed the separate and distinct crime of APO before the cocaine and money
    were discovered. Thus, any taint from an unlawful arrest was purged, and the
    motion to suppress was properly denied.
    III.   The APO Conviction
    Anyone who “without justifiable and excusable cause, assaults, resists,
    opposes, impedes, intimidates, or interferes with a law enforcement officer . . .
    while that law enforcement officer is engaged in the performance of his or her
    official duties” is guilty of assault on a police officer. D.C. Code § 22-405 (b)
    (2012 Repl.). The offending conduct must, however, “go beyond speech and mere
    passive resistance or avoidance, and cross the line into active confrontation,
    obstruction or other action directed against an officer‟s performance in the line of
    duty.” In re C.L.D., 
    739 A.2d 353
    , 357 (D.C. 1999) (no APO violation where
    juvenile ignored police command to stop, mouthed off, and walked away, but did
    not struggle with officer or physically impede him from carrying out his duties).
    For example, in Coghill v. United States, 
    982 A.2d 802
    , 806 (D.C. 2009), we
    upheld an APO conviction where a motorist resisted officers‟ attempts to remove
    him from his vehicle. By bracing his feet against the floorboard and gripping the
    steering wheel, the motorist “imposed an active, physical obstacle to the officers‟
    effectuation of their duties.” Id.; see also In re J.S., 
    19 A.3d 328
    , 331 (D.C. 2011)
    (“[R]esisting handcuffing constitutes the type of active resistance directed against
    police that is prohibited by the APO statute.”).
    By jerking his body and pulling his arms away from the officers‟ hold,
    appellant actively and physically opposed the officers‟ efforts to secure his person.
    Appellant thereafter flailed his arms and kicked and pushed his legs as the officers
    tried to place him in their cruiser, physically obstructing their attempt to secure
    him in the vehicle.
    Notwithstanding this active and oppositional behavior, appellant argues that
    resistance to unlawful police action does not „trigger” the APO statute.            We
    disagree. By its plain text, the statute prohibits forcible resistance to police action,
    whether it is lawful or unlawful.4 D.C. Code § 22-405 (d) (“It is neither justifiable
    nor excusable cause for a person to use force to resist an arrest when such an arrest
    is made by . . . a law enforcement officer, whether or not such arrest is lawful.”);
    see also 
    Tyson, 30 A.3d at 806
    (“[A] defense claim of justifiable or excusable
    cause is specifically barred by statute when the defendant is charged with assault
    on a police officer.”) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    Appellant forcibly resisted Officers Plumley and Stevens to prevent them
    from carrying out their duties. See In re 
    C.L.D., 739 A.2d at 357
    (“The key is the
    This general prohibition does not preclude a citizen from defending
    himself against excessive force. See Tyson v. United States, 
    30 A.3d 804
    , 806
    (D.C. 2011). Appellant did not raise a self-defense claim below.
    active and oppositional nature of the conduct for the purpose of thwarting a police
    officer in his or her duties.”). Such conduct falls squarely within the APO statute.
    IV.   Conclusion
    The judgment of the Superior Court is hereby

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-CM-564

Citation Numbers: 102 A.3d 751

Filed Date: 11/6/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023