Fitzgerald v. Federal Transit Administration , 255 F. Supp. 3d 60 ( 2017 )

    TRAIL et al.,
    Civil Case No. 14-01471 (RJL)
    el al. , '
    C|ark. U.S. Distrlct & Bankruptcy
    Courts for the D|str|ct of Co|umb|a
    Federal Defendants.
    (June 3 , 2017) [Dkts. ## 47, 54, 56, ll$, 116]
    In March 2014, the Federal Transit Adrninistration (“FTA”) issued a Record of
    Decision (“ROD”) approving the Purple Line Project, a planned 162-mile light rail transit
    system in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, Maryland. Friends of the Capital
    Crescent Trail (“FCCT”), John MacKnight Fitzgerald, and Christine Real de Azua
    (“plaintiffs”) filed suit in this Court, challenging the ROD and related approvals by the
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS,” together with FTA and the Department of
    Transportation and the Department of Interior, “federal defendants”).l Plaintiffs raise a
    plethora of claims under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 551
    and five substantive statutes: (l) the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), 
    42 U.S.C. § 4321
     et seq.; (2) the Federal Transit Act, 
    49 U.S.C. § 5309
    ; (3) Section 4(f) ofthe
    Department of Transportation Act, 
    23 U.S.C. § 138
    ; (4) the Endangered Species Act, l6
    U.S.C. §§ 1531-1544; and (5) the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, l6 U.S.C. § 703. See
    generally Am. Compl. [Dkt. # 20]; First Suppl. Compl. [Dl583 F.3d 860
    865 (D.C. Cir. 2009). Whereas “the role of the agency [is] to resolve factual issues,” the
    sole “function of the district court is to determine whether or not as a matter of law the
    evidence in the administrative record permitted the agency to make the decision it did.”
    Sl`erm Club v. Maz`nella, 
    459 F. Supp. 2d 76
    , 90 (D.D.C. 2006). The Court must determine
    “whether the agency acted within the scope of its legal authority, . . . explained its
    decision, . . . relied [on facts that] have some basis in the record, and . . . considered the
    relevant factors.” Fundfor Animals v. Babbz`lt, 
    903 F. Supp. 96
    , 105 (D.D.C. l995) (citing
    MarS//l v. Oregon Nat. Res. COw/zcl`l, 
    490 U.S. 360
    , 378 (l989)).
    The scope of review under the “arbitrary and capricious” standard is “narrow,” and
    “a court is not to substitute its judgment for that of the agency.” Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n
    v. State Fczrm Muz‘. Auzo Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43 (l983). Nevertheless, the Court must
    satisfy itself that the agency “examine[d] the relevant data and articulate[d] a satisfactory
    explanation for its action, including a ‘rational connection between the facts found and the
    choice made.”’ Icl. (quoting Burlington Truck Lines v. Um`tecl States, 
    371 U.S. 156
    , 168
    (1962)). An agency’s action is arbitrary and capricious if it “has relied on factors which
    Congress has not intended it to consider, entirely failed to consider an important aspect of
    the problem, offered an explanation for its decision that runs counter to the evidence before
    the agency, or is so implausible that it could not be ascribed to a difference in view or the
    product of agency expertise.” 
    I. National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”)
    A. Plaintiffs’ NEPA Claims Challenging the Alternatives Analysis/Draft
    Environmental Impact Statement and the Final Environmental Impact
    Statement lack merit.
    The National Environm ental Policy Act sets forth procedures intended to ensure that
    agency decision-makers “carefully consider[] detailed information concerning significant
    environmental impacts” and make the public aware of those environmental effects before
    the proposed action is chosen. Robertson v. Metliow Valley Cill'zens Councl`l, 
    490 U.S. 332
    , 349 (1989); see also Theoclore Roosevelt Conservation P’shl`p v. Salazar, 
    616 F.3d 497
    , 503 (D.C. Cir. 2010). The Council on Environmental Quality “CEQ” has promulgated
    regulations implementing NEPA that are binding on all agencies. 
    40 C.F.R. §§ 1500-08
    As part of the NEPA process, a federal agency must prepare an Environmental
    lmpact Statement (“EIS”) whenever a proposed government action qualifies as a “major
    Federal action[] significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.” 42
    4 U.S.C. § 4332
    (C). The EIS must include a “full and fair discussion of [the project’s]
    significant environmental impacts and shall inform decision makers and the public of the
    reasonable alternatives which would avoid or minimize adverse impacts or enhance the
    quality ofthe human environment.” 
    40 C.F.R. § 1502.1
    ln September 2003, MTA and FTA published a Notice of lntent to prepare an
    Environmental lmpact Statement “to address the need to improve transit access, reduce
    travel times and improve connectivity in response to regional growth, traffic congestion,
    and land use plans” for the Bi-County Transitway in Montgomery and Prince George’s
    Counties. Notice of lntent to Prepare an Environmental lmpact Statement (EIS), 
    68 Fed. Reg. 52,452
    , 52,452 (Sept. 3, 2003). In 2008, after conducting hundreds of meetings with
    the public about possible alternatives, FTA and MTA published an Alternatives
    Analysis/Draft Environmental lmpact Statement (“AA/DEIS”). AR1_012023-28. The
    AA/DEIS studied eight alternative projects in detail: a no action alternative, a traffic
    systems management (“TSl\/l”) alternative, three alternatives involving bus rapid transit
    (“BRT”), and three light rail alternatives_a high investment alternative, a medium
    investment alternative, and a low investment alternative, AR1_011994~012028. In
    August 2009, Maryland announced that it had chosen the medium investment light rail
    alternative (with elements from the high investment alternative) as the Locally Preferred
    Alternative for the project. AR1_001945. ln August 2012, MTA issued a reevaluation of
    the project because more than three years had passed since the AA/DEIS’s publication, and
    FTA concurred with the re-evaluation. AR2__061614. ln September 2013, l\/ITA and FTA
    released a Final Environmental linpact Statement, which examined the Locally Preferred
    Alternative and included the agencies’ responses to thousands of public comments about
    the project. AR1_001884-011943. Finally, in March 2014, the FTA’s Regional
    Adininistrator signed a Record of Decision approving the Locally Preferred Alternative.
    Plaintiffs raise a number of claims challenging the sufficiency of the AA/DEIS and
    the FEIS. When Courts review agencies’ environmental impact statements, they apply a
    “rule of reason” to assess “wlzi`cli alternatives the agency must discuss, and the extent to
    which it must discuss them.”’ Citizens Against Bw"lington, Inc. v. Busey, 
    938 F.2d 190
    195 (D.C. Cir. 1991). The Court’s obligation is simply to determine that the agency has
    taken a “hard look” at the project and “has adequately considered and disclosed the
    environmental impact of its actions.” Nevada v. Dep’t of Energy, 
    457 F.3d 78
    , 93 (D.C.
    Cir. 2006). Generally, an agency’s alternatives analysis should be upheld “so long as the
    alternatives are reasonable and the agency discusses them in reasonable detail.” Citz'zens
    Agal`nst Burlington, ]nc., 
    938 F.2d at 196
    , and courts will not “‘tlyspeck’ an agency’s
    environmental analysis, looking for any deficiency no matter how minor.” Theoa’ore
    Roosevelt Conservation P ’shl`p, 661 F.3d at 75.
    Plaintiffs raise a number of complaints about the AA/DEIS and FEIS, arguing inter
    alia that MTA and FTA failed to respond adequately to public comments about the Proj ect,
    failed to clearly articulate the environmentally-related differences between the alternatives,
    and failed to examine various aspects and/or environmental impacts of the Preferred
    Alternative in sufficient detail. Pls.’ Mem. in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J. at 27-39
    [Dkt. # 47-1]. l have reviewed the administrative record carefully in light of plaintiffs’
    arguments Although 1 need not discuss in detail each discrete issue that plaintiffs raised,
    l am convinced that the FTA reasonably considered and the proj ect’s possible alternatives
    and has carefully considered the environmental impacts of the project Plaintiffs do not
    identify any fatal flaw in the AA/DEIS or the FEIS; instead, their claims boil down to an
    argument that the agencies did not consider certain issues with the level of detail they
    would have liked, or did not reach the substantive conclusion they desired, but that is not
    sufficient As just one example, plaintiffs argue that the defendants did not sufficiently
    explain the stormwater effects of the project. Pls.’ Mem. in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J. at
    36-37 [Dkt. # 47-1]. But the record shows that the defendants did consider and explain
    the project’s stormwater effects during the NEPA process, see, e.g., AR1_002120-23, and
    subsequently developed a detailed, comprehensive Concept Stormwater Management
    Report after the Preferred Alternative was selected, as they are permitted to do.
    AR5'_000718-001325. Plaintiffs’ argument simply boils down to a claim that the agencies
    should have assessed the project’s stormwater effects in more detail and at an earlier stage
    than they did. 1 disagree The law only requires that defendants take a “hard look” at the
    project’s environmental impacts during the NEPA process, and it is clear to me that they
    did so.
    ln addition, plaintiffs argue that l\/ITA refused to provide some of the data
    underlying ridership estimates “on the basis it was ‘proprietary’ or gave out information
    and data that was insufficient or unreadable and even unusable by experts.” Pls.’ Mem. in
    Supp. ofl\/lot. for Summ. J. at 29 (citing AR1_010972-75). In July 2014, MTA responded
    to a public information request and provided the Town of Chevy Chase with travel
    ridership forecast data and three reports relying on the data. That same information was
    then provided to the plaintiffs as part of the administrative record. AR2_219964-65.
    l\/ITA, however, did not purchase and provide the Town of Chevy Chase (or plaintiffs) with
    a copy of Cube, the commercially available software that they used to run their ridership
    models. Plaintiffs rely on 
    40 C.F.R. § 1502.21
    , which states that “material based on
    proprietary data which is itself not available for review and comment shall not be
    incorporated by reference [into an EIS],” and argue that defendants are inappropriately
    withholding relevant data or providing it in an unreadable format. But the regulation is
    inapposite to the situation here. Defendants did not rely on or withhold any “proprietary
    data”; they made their ridership data available to the plaintiffs and told them how they
    could purchase their own license to run the proprietary software. NEPA obligates agencies
    to make information reasonably available to the public; it does not obligate government
    agencies to purchase and provide commercially available software for private parties.
    B. With the Exception of WMATA Metrorail’s Safety and Ridership
    Issues, Plaintiffs Have Not Identif`ied Any NeW Circumstances or
    Information that Necessitate a Supplemental Environmental Impact
    Even after the preparation of an FEIS, an agency is obligated to prepare a
    supplemental EIS (SEIS) if there remains “major Federal action to occur and if the new
    information is sufficient to show that the remaining action will affect the quality of the
    human environment in a significant manner or to a significant extent not already
    considered, a supplemental ElS must be prepared.” Marslz v. Oregon Nal‘. Res. Councl`l,
    490 U.S. 360
    , 374 (1989). This obligation, of course, is not triggered “every time new
    information comes to light,” z`a’. at 373 (1989), but only when “new information provides a
    seriously different picture of the environmental landscape. ” Nat ’l Co)n)n. for the New River
    v. FERC, 
    373 F.3d 1323
    , 1330 (D.C. Cir. 2004).
    When reviewing an agency’s decision to create or forego an SEIS, the court’s review
    is limited, because the “determination as to whether information is new or significant
    requires a high level of technical expertise, and courts must defer to the informed discretion
    of the agency.” Kleppe v. Si`erra Club, 
    427 U.S. 390
    , 412 (1976); see also Blue Ria’ge
    Envtl. Def League v. NRC, 
    716 F.3d 183
    , 195 (D.C. Cir. 2013). As a result, the court
    should “carefully review[] the record and satisfy[] [itself] that the agency has made a
    reasoned decision based on its evaluation of the significance_or lack of significance_of
    the new information.” Marsh, 
    490 U.S. at 378
    1n July and ()ctober 2015, plaintiffs provided the agency with information that
    plaintiffs believed warranted the preparation of SEIS and asked the agencies to prepare an
    SEIS. 1 have reviewed the materials that plaintiffs presented, and the agencies’ responses
    to them. With the exception of the new information about WMATA Metrorail’s safety and
    ridership issues, for which 1 have already ordered the preparation of SEIS, l find that none
    of the information is so clearly significant that the failure to prepare an SEIS as to these
    issues is arbitrary and capricious
    1. Governor Hogan’s Changes to the Purple Line Project Do Not
    Require an SEIS.
    ln June 2015, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced a number of “cost-
    saving” changes to the Purple Line Project. AR4_007432~50. On July 14, 2015, plaintiffs
    submitted a request for an SEIS that argued that six of those proposed changes
    encompassed “significant new circumstances” warranting an SEIS: (1) the elimination of
    “Green Track” plantings underneath the Purple Line tracks; (2) a 25% reduction in peak
    train service when the Project opens; (3) allowing a standard bridge to be built over Rock
    Creek rather than a parabolic steel box bridge; (4) a decision to make LEED compliance
    optional for the project’s buildings; (5) a decision that shared lanes will not require full
    width repaving; and a (6) requirement that Montgoiriery County will play a greater role in
    providing the alternate interim Capital Crescent Trail. AR4_007411-26. In September
    2015, FTA advised plaintiffs that it had reviewed the materials and would not prepare an
    SEIS. AR4_000001-2.
    1 have reviewed the six changes, and l find that defendants’ conclusion that they do
    not present significant new circumstances was neither arbitrary nor capricious The
    elimination of Green Track and the decision to make LEED compliance optional for the
    project’s buildings are both related to the environmental consequences of the project, but
    the record shows that neither Green Track nor LEED compliance were required, essential
    elements of the FEIS. See, e.g., AR1_002120; AR1_001962; AR1_000033-42;
    AR4_002858. The decision to reduce peak service when the project initially opens has no
    bearing on the peak services frequency discussed in the FEIS, which discussed service in
    “horizon year” 2040. AR4_002855. Plaintiffs do not point to any clear evidence showing
    that a standard bridge over Rock Creek, rather than a parabolic steel box bridge, will have
    significant environmental impacts on the project. Lastly, plaintiffs do not explain how no
    longer requiring full-width pavement replacement for shared lanes will have any
    environmental impacts, nor do they articulate any reason why giving Montgomery County
    more responsibility over the alternate interim trail will have any environmental impact on
    the project.
    2. None of the Issues Identified in Plaintiffs’ October 9, 2015
    Request Mandate an SEIS.
    Plaintiffs submitted a renewed request for an SEIS on October 9, 2015.
    AR5_006469-7821. ln January 2016, defendants responded to the October request and
    explained to the plaintiffs that they were declining to prepare an SEIS. AR5_000001~43.
    With the exception of the new information detailing WMATA Metrorail’s ridership decline
    and safety issues, the record shows that the agency took a hard look at the information and
    reasonably concluded that none of the information presented in the letter requires the
    preparation of an SEIS.
    As part of their request, plaintiffs submitted five declarations or memoranda
    addressing the following issues: (1) Purple Line ridership issues (Allen Memorandum,
    AR5_006696); (2) the Project’s cost estimates and potential increases (Lysy Declaration,
    AR5_006669); (3) the FEIS’s wetlands analysis impact (Collinson Declaration,
    AR5¢000663-68); (4) the project’s noise impacts (MacGlashan Declaration,
    AR5_006678-89); and (5) a catchall, conclusory criticism of the project that predicted
    project failure (Saggese Declaration; AR5_0006690-95). However, a review of the
    declarations and the prior administrative record shows that the agencies already considered
    the issues or criticisms raised in the declarations, and therefore they do not constitute “new
    information.” See, e.g., AR1_001970-77 (assessing ridership issues); AR1_002363-68
    (assessing project costs); AR1_002114, AR1_005476 (considcring wetlands impact);
    AR5!0006678-89 (conducting noise analysis).
    Plaintiffs also submitted a “Stormwater Runoff and Water Pollution” paper as part
    of their request, but none of the information in that document constitutes the sort of “new
    information” that would require FTA to supplement its EIS. AR5_006702-81. For
    example, plaintiffs argue that recent requests for proposals (RFPs) related to the project
    reveal that private partners affiliated with the Proj ect will need to obtain permits related to
    the storage of hazardous materials and will be required to develop “evacuation plans and
    routes should any of these hazardous materials escape into the environment.” Pls.’ Mem.
    in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J. at 24 [Dkt. # 47-1]. But it is clear from the record that the
    agencies considered the risk of hazardous materials and the need for mitigation and
    remediation issues in the original FEIS process AR1_002126-31, AR1_002166-67.
    Plaintiffs also raise concerns about the need for local variances related to stormwater
    storage, but the record shows that the agencies already considered this issue. AR1_002004;
    AR1_005519; AR1_002166.
    II. Federal Transit Act, 
    49 U.S.C. § 5309
    Maryland is seeking a significant amount of federal funding for the Purple Line
    through the “New Starts” component of the FTA’s Capital lnvestment Grant program.
    ARl__012149~51. Under 
    42 U.S.C. § 5309
    , the FTA is statutorily required to rate a
    proposed project and determine that it meets specific criteria before it can issue any “New
    Start” funding. Plaintiffs allege that defendants failed to make those required findings in
    the Purple Line’s March 2014 ROD and have therefore violated § 5309.
    However, plaintiffs confiate the overlapping but distinct requirements of NEPA and
    § 5309. Plaintiffs argue that the FTA must make its § 5309 findings “concurrently” with
    the NEPA analysis and include the § 5309 findings in the Project’s ROD, which they
    characterize as the formal decision as to “whether or not to approve federal grant money
    before the project.” Pls.’ Reply in Supp. ofMot. for Summ. J. at 17-18. 1 disagree. Section
    5309 and its implementing regulations both clearly presume that the FTA will have the
    benefit of all NEPA analysis before making § 5309 findings, which indicates that all NEPA
    analysis must be completed before, not concurrently with, § 5309 findings See 
    49 U.S.C. § 5309
    (d)(2)(A) (stating that a FTA can issue findings allowing a project to advance to
    engineering phases “at the completion of the process required under the National
    Environmental Policy Act”); 
    49 C.F.R. § 61
     1.203(a) (“To perform the statutorily required
    evaluations and assign ratings for project justification, FTA will evaluated information
    developed locally through the planning and NEPA processes.”). The ROD represents the
    conclusion of the NEPA analysis process lt is separate from the FTA’s decision to grant
    funds under § 5309, which occurs in a separate full-funding grant agreement (“FFGA”)
    that follows 
    49 U.S.C. § 5309
    (k)(2). Defendants have not executed a Full Funding Grant
    Agreement for the Purple Line Proj ect.
    ln sum, plaintiffs allege that the defendants have not made the necessary § 5309
    findings, but defendants have not yet executed the FFGA that obligates them to make those
    findings Therefore, plaintiffs’ claim “rests upon contingent future events that may not
    occur as anticipated, or indeed may not occur at all,” and is therefore not ripe for judicial
    decision. In re Aiken Cty., 
    645 F.3d 428
    , 435 (D.C. Cir. 2011).
    III. Section 4(1) of the Department of Transportation Act
    Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act prohibits the FTA from
    approving any “program or project . . . which requires the use of any publicly owned land
    from a public park” unless there “is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use” and the
    program “includes all possible planning to minimize harm to such park.” 
    23 U.S.C. § 138
    (a). ln their motion for summary judgment, plaintiffs argue that defendants violated
    Section 4(f`) in three primary ways; (1) by failing to evaluate the project’s impacts on Elm
    Street Park in Bethesda under the “no feasible alternative” standard; (2) by failing to assess
    the Purple Line’s impacts on the Georgetown lnterim Branch Trail “and its forested buffer
    between Bethesda and Lyttonsville”; and (3) by concluding that the Purple Line’s use of
    parks is a’e minimis, even though the defendants recognize that the private partners need to
    obtain a special use permit from the National Park Service. Pls Mem. in Supp. ofl\/lot. for
    Summ. J. at 39~43 [Dkt. # 47-1].2 All three ofplaintiffs’ arguments fail. How so?
    Elm Street Park is a small, 2.1-acre park in Bethesda, Maryland that qualifies as a
    Section 4(f) park. AR1`001673. ln order to connect the Capital Crescent Trail to the Park
    as part of the Purple Line Proj ect, MTA will temporarily occupy 0.02 acres of the park for
    construction easements and will “use a portion of an existing path, an undeveloped corner
    2 In their summary judgment papei's, plaintiffs also point to the FEIS’s “Noise Analysis Summary”,
    ARl _003580, and note that “Defendants admit that 13 parks will be affected by Purple Line noise.” Mem.
    in Supp. of Pls.’ l\/lot. for Summ. J. at 43 [Dkt. # 47-1]. However, they do not move beyond this barebones
    assertion to articulate any clear legal theory as to how the FTA’s analysis of noise impacts demonstrates a
    violation of Section 4(f), and the Court will not conjure up arguments the plaintiffs did not articulate.
    Coleman v. Disl. ofCo/uml)ia, 
    794 F.3d 49
    , 65 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (“lt is not enough and should not be enough
    merely to mention a possible argument in the most skeletal way . . . , and then leave the court . . . to do
    counsel’s work.” (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    ofa playground, and a grassy area adjacent to the path.” AR1_001673-75. Plaintiffs argue
    that defendants failed to evaluate the impacts on the park under the “no feasible alternative
    standard” and thus violated Section 4(f). Pls.’ Mem. in Supp, of Summ. J. at 43 [Dkt.
    # 47-1]. However, plaintiffs apply the wrong standard. The regulations governing Section
    4(f) permit the FTA to conclude that a “temporary occupancy” of park land is “so minimal
    as to not constitute a use within the meaning of Section 4(f),” and thus exempt it from the
    “no feasible alternative” standard. 
    23 C.F.R. § 774.13
    (d). ln order for the agency to
    conclude that a temporary occupancy is not a use, the following factors must be present:
    (1) the “duration must be temporary”; (2) the “scope ofthe work must be minor”; (3) there
    are “no anticipated adverse physical impacts” nor any “interference with the protected
    activities, features or attributes of the property”; (4) the land must be “fully restored” upon
    completion; and (5) there must be documented agreement from the officials who control
    the resource. Ia’. The FTA considered these factors and concluded (with Montgomery
    County’s concurrence) that the Purple Line Project only involves a temporary occupancy
    of Elm Street Park. AR1H001642, AR1_00177. This conclusion is supported by the
    record, and is neither arbitrary nor capricious
    Plaintiffs also argue that the FTA did not properly assess the impacts of the Purple
    Line Project on the “[Georgetown Branch Interim] Trail and its forested buffer between
    Bethesda and Lyttonsville.” Pls.’ Mem. in Supp, of Summ. J. at 43 [Dkt. # 47-1]. The
    Georgetown Branch lnterim Trail is a “temporary recreational trail that currently exists
    within the Georgetown Branch right of way.” AR1_001664. The right-of-way is a former
    branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad that was transferred to Montgomery County.
    Def`s.’ Mem. in Supp. of Cross-Mot. for Summ. J at 40 [Dkt. # 55]. ln 1995, the
    Montgomery County Council adopted a resolution stating that the “section between
    Bethesda and Silver Spring remains designated as a transportation corridor in which an
    interim trail is permitted . . . .” AR1_001664. The regulations implementing Section 4(f)
    clearly state that “when a property is formally reserved for a future transportation facility
    temporarily functions for park . . . purposes in the interim,” then the interim activity does
    not subject the property to Section 4(f). 
    23 C.F.R. § 774.1
     1(h). Here, because Montgomery
    County clearly reserved the right of way for a future transportation project, the FTA
    properly concluded that it was not subject to Section 4(f).
    Lastly, plaintiffs argue that the “need to seek a special use permit from park
    authorities” undermines FTA’s decision that the use of parks is ole minimis Pls.’ l\/lem. in
    Supp, of Summ. J. at 43 [Dkt. # 47-1]. Although plaintiffs do not clearly articulate their
    argument, defendants surmise that they are referring to the crossing at the Baltimore-
    Washington Parkway, which will in fact require the National Park Service to issue a special
    use permit. Defs.’ Mem. in Supp. of Cross-l\/lot. for Summ. J at 40 [Dkt. # 55] (citing
    AR1_001709-12). To the extent that this is plaintiffs’ argument, it fails Construction of
    the Purple Line Project will temporarily use less than 4 acres of parkway land, and less
    than 3 acres of parkway road, and will permanently use 0.61 acres of Parkway property.
    Ia’. The regulations implementing § 4(f) state that a park property is exempt from the “no
    feasible alternative” standard whenever the FTA determines that the use of a park will be
    de minimis_i.e., that the “use will not adversely affect the features, attributes, or activities
    qualifying the property.” 
    23 CFR § 774.3
    (b); ia’. § 774.17(5). Here, l\/ITA committed to
    implement mitigation measures and to exchange land with the National Park Service, and
    concluded (with the Park Service’s agreement), that the Parkway property would not be
    adversely affected and was therefore a’e minimis That determination was neither arbitrary
    nor capricious, and defendants are entitled to summary judgment on plaintiffs’ § 4(f)
    IV. Endangered Species Act
    The Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) establishes a process for identifying and
    protecting plant and animal species that are “threatened” or “endangered.”
    16 U.S.C. §§ 1533-1544
    . As relevant here, the Secretary of the lnterior is responsible for
    “listing”_i.e., formally identifying_threatened and endangered species, and administers
    the statute through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (“FWS”). Ia’. § 1533(a)(1); 
    50 C.F.R. § 402.01
    Pursuant to § 7 of the ESA, federal agencies are required to consult with FWS to
    make sure that any proposed agency action is “not likely to jeopardize the continued
    existence of any endangered species or threatened species or result in the destruction or
    adverse modification of[the species’ critical] habitat . . . .” 
    16 U.S.C. §1536
    (a)(2). lfFWS
    advises the agency that the proposed action’s area includes neither a listed species nor their
    critical habitat, then there is no need for ESA consultation between FWS and the agency.
    50 C.F.R. § 402.12
    (d)(1); Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Dep’t of]nterior, 
    563 F.3d 466
    , 474-75 (D.C. Cir. 2009). However, the agency must consult with FWS_either
    formally or informally_if it determines that its proposed action “may affect listed species
    or critical habitat.” 
    50 CFR § 402.14
    (c). lf informal consultation leads the agency to
    determine that the action is “not likely to adversely affect the listed species or critical
    habitat,” and FWS concurs with that conclusion in writing, then the consultation process
    concludes Ici. § 402.13(a). lf, however, the agency determines that the action is likely to
    adversely affected a listed species or its critical habitat, then the agency must engage in
    formal consultation, which requires the agency to prepare a “biological assessment” of the
    action and requires FWS to issue a “biological opinion” as to whether the action is likely
    to “jeopardize the continued existence of any listed species or destroy or adversely modify”
    critical habitat. Io’. § 402.14(h). ln addition, agencies may need to reopen the consultation
    process when “new information reveals effects of the action that may affect listed species
    or critical habitat.” Ia'. § 402.16(b).
    Whereas § 7 of the ESA governs the consultation process for federal agencies
    undertaking major actions, § 4 of the ESA governs the process for identifying and listing
    threatened and endangered species Under § 4, members of the public can petition FWS
    and request that a species be listed as threatened or endangered. 
    16 U.S.C. §1533
    The petition is subject to a review process, and FWS must ultimately decide whether listing
    the species is “warranted,” “not warranted,” or “warranted but precluded”_i.e., placing
    the species on a candidate list but deferring a final listing determination until later. Ia’. §
    1533(b)(3)(B)(i-iii); Nat’l Ass’n ofHome Buila’ers v. U.S. Fish ana’ Wildlife Serv., 
    786 F.3d 1050
    , 1051 (D.C. Cir. 2015). When a species is listed as “warranted but precluded,”
    FWS must “implement a system to monitor effectively the status” of the species and, if
    necessary, exercise its emergency listing authority “to prevent a significant risk to [the
    species’] well-being.” 
    16 U.S.C. § 1533
    The Hay’s Spring ainphipod is a small crustacean that occurs in springs and seeps
    adjacent to Rock Creek in Washington, D.C. FWS_482. lt has been listed as an
    endangered species since 1982. Ia’. The Kenk’s ainphipod is another small crustacean that
    is known to occur in five spring sites in Maryland and the District of Columbia. FWS_483.
    The Kenk’s ainphipod is a “warranted but precluded” candidate species for listing. Ia’.
    ln October 2011, FWS responded to a request from MTA and advised the agency
    that “no federal proposed or listed endangered or threatened species are known to exist
    within the [Purple Line Project] impact area,” and that no biological assessment or further
    ESA § 7 consultation was required. FWS_5. ln late 2013, after receiving public comments
    about the Hay’s Spring and Kenk’s amphipods, FTA and MTA undertook further informal
    consultation with FWS about the species FWS_3-6, 66-70. In January 2014, FWS
    confirmed that neither species is known to be present in the Purple Line Project Area, and
    that the Purple Line is expected to have no effect on either species FWS_94-95. Plaintiffs
    raise several arguments alleging that FTA and FWS violated the ESA (and by extension,
    the APA) with respect to their treatment of the amphipods, but plaintiffs’ misunderstand
    the agencies’ obligations under the statute, and defendants are entitled to summary
    judgment on their claims
    First plaintiffs argue that FWS violated the ESA by issuing a “no effect”
    determination for both ainphipod species and thereby “failing” to conduct formal
    consultation for the Hay’s Spring ainphipod and “a conference” for the Kenk’s amphipod.
    Am. Compl. ll 130 [Dkt. # 20]. Plaintiffs also argue that FTA should have completed a
    biological assessment of the Purple Line’s cumulative impacts on the amphipods.
    Pls.’ Mem. in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J. at 44-45 [Dkt. # 47-1]. But this puts the cart
    before the horse. As discussed above, formal consultation and a biological assessment are
    only required once the agency determines that the propose action is likely to adversely
    affect a listed species or critical habitat. See 
    50 C.F.R. § 402.12
    (d)(1), § 402.14(b)(1),
    § 402.14(h). lf the agency determines during the course of informal consultation that the
    project is not likely to have an adverse effect, then “no further action is necessary.” Ia’.
    § 402.14(b)(1). That is exactly what happened here. MTA, FTA, and FWS engaged in
    informal consultation, and concluded that the Purple Line Proj ect would have no effect on
    either species, because neither species is known to occur in the project area, and their
    distance and separation from the project area render any adverse effects unlikely.
    FWS_94-95. Plaintiffs cannot show that this “no effect” determination was arbitrary and
    capricious, and thus their claim fails
    Second, plaintiffs argue that the agencies should have reinstated consultation after
    new information called into question the assumptions underlying FWS’s earlier “no effect”
    determination Specifically, plaintiffs argue that the elimination of “Green Track” under
    the Purple Line’s rails will result in increased stormwater runoff that may harm the
    amphipods, and argue that their own Stormwater Report and the MTA’s Concept
    Stormwater Management Report also presented relevant new information about the
    project’s stormwater effects that could alter the FWS’s prior determination about the
    amphipods. Pls Mem. in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J at 45 [Dkt. # 47-1]. This argument
    is unavailing The record shows that the agencies considered the removal of Green Track
    and the plaintiffs stormwater-related submissions and concluded that they did not present
    information that changed their earlier conclusion about the Project and the amphipods.
    AR5_5~6; AR5_12-14; AR5W20-21. Plaintiffs do not offer evidence showing that this
    determination was arbitrary or capricious, and thus their claim fails
    Lastly, plaintiffs argue that FWS violated the ESA by failing to monitor effectively
    the status of the Kenk’s amphipod. Pls.’ Mem. in Supp. of Mot. for Summ. J. at 45
    [Dkt. # 47-1]. As mentioned above, the Kenk’s amphipod is a “warranted but precluded”
    candidate species, which obligates FWS to monitor the species’ status and, if necessary,
    make use of its emergency listing power to “prevent a significant risk to [the species’] well-
    16 U.S.C. § 1533
    (b)(3)(C)(iii). Contrary to plaintiffs’ protestations, however, the
    record shows that FWS has in fact been monitoring the Kenk’s amphipod. FWS has
    considered more than 52 surveys for the Kenk’s amphipod, conducted at 45 sites in
    Washington and Maryland. FWS_1441, 1452. FWS coordinates with state and local
    governments, as well as other federal agencies, and solicits information from academies
    and non-governmental organizations to ensure that it has the “best scientific and
    commercial data” available regarding the Kenk’s amphipod, and the agency’s annual
    published Candidate Notice of Review (“CNOR”) affirmatively asks the public to “submit
    any new information” regarding the species FWSH965-66, 971; see also FWS_lOl l. The
    record shows that FWS is in fact monitoring the Kenk’s amphipod, and thus its conclusion
    that emergency listing is not warranted right now, FWS_965-66, is a reasoned decision that
    is neither arbitrary nor capricious
    As a result, defendants are entitled to summary judgment on Count ll of the
    Amended Complaint.
    V. Migratory Bird Treaty Act
    The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (“l\/IBTA”) renders it unlawful to “pursue, hunt,
    take, capture, [or] kill” any migratory bird “unless and except as permitted by regulations”
    promulgated by the Department of the lnterior. 
    16 U.S.C. § 703
    (a). Plaintiffs argue that
    the Purple Line Proj ect will likely lead to many deaths of migratory birds protected by the
    MBTA. Am Compl. 11 135 [Dkt. # 20]. As a result, plaintiffs allege that the “FTA’s
    authorization for and funding of the Proj ect without obtaining, or ensuring that the project
    proponent obtains, a permit to ‘take’ migratory birds” violates the MBTA, and by
    extension, the APA. Ia'.
    Plaintiffs may sue federal agencies like FTA to enforce the MBTA, but they must
    do so through the APA. Am. Bira’ Conservancy v. FCC, 
    516 F.3d 1027
    , 1031 (D.C. Cir.
    2008) (“The court has held that the MBTA applies to federal agencies.”); Defena’ers of
    Wildlife v. Jackson, 
    791 F. Supp. 2d 96
    , 119 (D.D.C. 2011) (“lndividual plaintiffs may
    enforce the Migratory Bird Act against government agencies, but must do so through the
    review provision of the APA).
    When courts in our Circuit have permitted claims seeking review of-agency action
    that allegedly violates the MBTA, they have done so where the federal program a’irectly
    causes the taking of migratory birds See Humane Soc’y v. Glickman, 
    217 F.3d 882
    (D.C. Cir. 2000) (reviewing Agriculture Department program of capturing and killing
    Canadian geese); Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. Pirie, 
    191 F. Supp. 2d 161
    , 165 (D.D.C.
    2002) (reviewing military exercises that killed migratory birds), vacated as moot sub nom.
    Ctr. for Biological Diversity v. Englana’, 
    2003 WL 179848
     (D.C. Cir. Jan. 23, 2003). Here,
    FTA’s role in the Purple Line Project is much more limited_the agency is simply tasked
    with deciding whether the project qualifies for a funding grant that will cover part of
    Maryland’s construction costs_and there is no allegation that any action by FTA will
    directly result in the taking of migratory birds The Court is unaware of any decision in
    our Circuit holding that the MBTA’s take prohibition extends to a federal agency that
    authorizes third-party activity that may allegedly cause “take.” See, e.g., Pul). Employees
    for Envtl. Responsibility v. Beaua'reau, 
    25 F. Supp. 3d 67
    , 117~18 (D.D.C. 2014) (holding
    that agency “did not violate the “MBTA” merely by approving a project that, if ultimately
    constructed, might result in the taking of migratory birds); see also Frienols of the Bouna’ary
    Mtns. v. Army Corps. ofEng’rs, 
    24 F. Supp. 3d 105
    , 114 (D.Me. 2014) (“The relationship
    between the [agency’s] regulatory permitting authority and any potential harm to migratory
    birds appears to be too attenuated to support a direct action against the [agency] to enforce
    the MBTA’s prohibition on ‘takes.”’). As a result, federal defendants are entitled to
    summary judgment on Count 111 of the Amended Complaint.
    For all the foregoing reasons, and the reasons set forth in the Court’s earlier
    opinions,3 plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment is DENIED IN PART and GRANTED
    in PART, and federal defendants’ and defendant-intervenors’ cross-motions for summary
    judgment are GRANTED lN PART and DENIED IN PART.
    United States District Judge
    3 Aug. 3, 2016 Mem. Op. and Order [Dkts. ## 96, 97]; Nov. 22, 2016 Mem. Op. and Order
    [Dkts. ## 109, 110]; May 22, 2017 Mem. Op. and Order [Dkts. ## 138, 139].