In Re Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation ( 2018 )

  •                             UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    In re BLACK FARMERS                 )               Misc. No. 08-0511 (PLF)
    This matter is before the Court on an appeal [Dkt. No. 505] by the Black Belt
    Justice Center (“BBJC”) of Class Counsel’s second review recommendation to deny the BBJC’s
    Phase I cy pres application. The BBJC asks the Court to set aside the second review
    recommendation of Lead Class Counsel and to authorize full cy pres Phase I grant funding to the
    BBJC in the amount of $400,000.
    The BBJC’s Phase I cy pres application was first denied on January 10, 2018,
    when the Court issued a Memorandum Opinion (“Mem. Op.”) [Dkt. No. 501] and Order [Dkt.
    No. 500] granting Lead Class Counsel’s motion [Dkt. No. 496] to designate cy pres beneficiaries
    and to approve partial distribution of cy pres funds pursuant to the Settlement Agreement. The
    Court’s Memorandum Opinion and Order approved Class Counsel’s proposal to distribute
    $4,108,000 to twenty-five non-profit organizations selected as Phase I grantees under Section
    V.E.13(b) of the Settlement Agreement. See Mem. Op. at 1. In its Memorandum Opinion, the
    Court explained that it had received an informal objection to Class Counsel’s proposal from the
    BBJC, an organization that Class Counsel did not recommend receive funding as part of Phase I.
    See id. at 1-2. The Court reiterated its confidence in Class Counsel’s vetting process and, upon
    finding Class Counsel’s recommendations reasonable, the Court concluded that it would not
    undertake a de novo review of Class Counsel’s determinations. It granted Class Counsel’s
    motion to designate the beneficiaries recommended by Class Counsel as the Phase I grantees.
    See id. at 2.
    In the same Memorandum Opinion, the Court nevertheless directed Class Counsel
    to undertake a second review of the BBJC’s application to determine whether it might be eligible
    for Phase I funding despite Class Counsel’s initial recommendation. See Mem. Op. at 2. After
    conducting a second review of the BBJC’s application for Phase I cy pres funding, Class Counsel
    confirmed its original findings: (1) the BBJC is ineligible under the terms of the Settlement
    Agreement to receive Phase I cy pres funds because it is primarily a “legal services entity” and
    (2) “even if the [BBJC] were eligible to receive Phase I cy pres funds, the particular program
    proposal by the [BBJC] is not a program that . . . should receive Phase I cy pres funds.” See
    Response of Class Counsel to January 10, 2018 Order [Dkt. No. 504].
    Following Class Counsel’s second review, the BBJC filed an appeal (“BBJC
    Appeal”) [Dkt. No. 505] of Class Counsel’s second review recommendation, alleging that Class
    Counsel “failed to adequately explain to the Court why the [BBJC] falls beyond the scope of Cy
    Pres I funding.” See BBJC Appeal at 1. The Court subsequently ordered [Dkt. No. 506] Class
    Counsel and the government to respond to the BBJC’s appeal. Class Counsel filed its response
    (“Class Counsel Response to BBJC Appeal”) on April 13, 2018 [Dkt. No. 507]; the Government
    submitted a response (“Gov. Response”) on April 27, 2018 [Dkt. No. 508]; and the BBJC filed
    its reply (“BBJC Reply”) on May 17, 2018 [Dkt. No. 509]. The BBJC has asked the Court to set
    aside Class Counsel’s second review recommendation and authorize full funding for the BBJC’s
    proposed project under Phase I of the cy pres funds disbursement. See BBJC Appeal at 7.
    The Court has already ruled that it would enforce the cy pres provision of the
    Settlement Agreement as modified. See April 8, 2016 Memorandum Opinion & Order (“Apr. 8,
    2016 Mem. Op. & Order”) [Dkt. No. 458]; see also Klier v. Elf Atochem N. Am., Inc., 
    658 F.3d 468
    , 475-76 (9th Cir. 2011) (“[W]hile the settlement agreement must gain the approval of the
    district judge, once approved its terms must be followed by the court and the parties alike. The
    district judge must abide the provisions of the settlement agreement, reading it to effectuate the
    goals of the litigation.”). In relevant part, Section V.E.13 of the amended Settlement Agreement
    provides that:
    Class Counsel may . . . move the Court to designate ‘Cy Pres
    Beneficiaries’ and propose an allocation of the available cy pres
    funds among such proposed Cy Pres Beneficiaries. A Cy Pres
    Beneficiary must be . . . (b) a tax-exempt non-profit organization,
    other than a law firm, legal services entity, or educational
    institution, that is providing agricultural, business assistance, or
    advocacy services, including assistance under Pigford and the
    Consolidated Case, to African American farmers . . . . Following
    any payment to a Subparagraph (a) Beneficiary, the Court shall
    designate the Subparagraph (b) Cy Pres Beneficiaries and
    determine how much of the available cy pres funds each such
    beneficiary shall receive.
    See April 7, 2014 Order at 2 [Dkt. No. 405]; September 3, 2015 Memorandum Opinion & Order
    [Dkt. No. 430].1 In initially deciding to enforce these terms, the Court ordered Class Counsel to
    “identify[] potential cy pres beneficiaries as contemplated by Section V.E.13, giving thought to
    how the process can (1) be as transparent as possible, and (2) involve the parties and the Court or
    The Court notes that pursuant to the court order issued on August 27, 2013, the
    quoted text should have been renumbered as “Section V.E.14” of the Settlement Agreement, and
    separate text should have replaced this language as “Section V.E.13.” See Aug. 27, 2013 Order
    [Dkt. No. 381]. Despite this order, the parties and the Court have continued to reference the
    excerpted language as “Section V.E.13.” See, e.g., April 8, 2016 Mem. Op. & Order [Dkt. No.
    458]; Plaintiffs’ Motion to Further Modify Order and Judgement [Dkt. No. 485]. In an effort to
    avoid confusion and to remain consistent with the parties’ papers in this matter, see Motion to
    Designate Cy Pres Beneficiaries [Dkt. No. 496], the Court will continue to refer to the original
    Section V.E.13 of the Settlement Agreement [Dkt. No. 170-2] related to cy pres distribution,
    with its amended language, as “Section V.E.13.” The other section that was designated as
    “Section V.E.13” pursuant to the court order of August 27, 2013 [Dkt. No. 381] will continue to
    be referenced as Section V.E.13, as well.
    its designated agents in assuring that the necessary due diligence is done with respect to the
    background and appropriateness of potential cy pres beneficiaries.” See Apr. 8, 2016 Mem. Op.
    & Order. The question before the Court now, therefore, is whether it should reverse Class
    Counsel’s designation of some grant applicants as beneficiaries, while excluding others – and in
    particular, its decision not to recommend the BBJC for Phase I cy pres funding.
    Class Counsel has determined that the BBJC is ineligible as a Phase I beneficiary
    under the express terms of Section V.E.13 of the Settlement Agreement. Section V.E.13 of the
    Settlement Agreement excludes “law firm[s], legal services entit[ies], or educational
    institution[s]” from eligibility as Section V.E.13(b) cy pres beneficiaries. See April 7, 2014
    Order at 2. Based on the information presented in the BBJC’s funding application and on its
    website, Class Counsel concluded that the “BBJC had failed to demonstrate that its principal
    purpose was something other than the provision of legal services.” See Class Counsel Response
    to BBJC Appeal at 3.2
    Class Counsel further concluded that even if the BBJC were an eligible
    institution, the BBJC’s proposed project was not suitable for funding because it did not match the
    priorities that Class Counsel had identified for Phase I. See Class Counsel Response to BBJC
    Appeal at 4. Specifically, with limited Phase I funds available, Class Counsel aimed to “stabilize
    and/or grow the capacity of nonprofit organizations . . . rather than to fund new programs or
    initiatives.” See id. at 4; see also Request for Proposal – Grant Application Form, Ex. A at 21
    [Dkt. No. 496-1]. Class Counsel also explained that it had recommended to applicants that “the
    In its response, the government explained that “[c]onsistent with the terms of the
    Settlement Agreement, the government plays no role in Class Counsel’s review of applications
    for designation as a cy pres beneficiary.” See Gov. Response at 2. The government nonetheless
    agreed that the BBJC’s “self-identification as a ‘legal and advocacy nonprofit organization’ is a
    sufficient basis to conclude that the organization is ineligible for cy pres funds under the
    Settlement Agreement.” See id.
    maximum funding request for project support [should] not exceed one-third of the annual project
    budget or projected annual project (for a new project) per year for two years.” See Class Counsel
    Response to BBJC Appeal at 4, 6; see also Request for Proposal – Grant Application Form,
    Ex. A at 4 [Dkt. No. 496-1]. The BBJC, however, proposed a new initiative and requested that it
    receive 100% of the project’s budget through Phase I funding. With respect to its due diligence
    responsibilities, Class Counsel also expressed concerns about the financial capability of the
    BBJC, pointing to the fact that the BBJC had approximately $980 in total assets as of December
    31, 2016 and earned approximately $26,670 in total income between January 1, 2015 and
    December 31, 2017. See Class Counsel Response to BBJC Appeal at 6. Class Counsel further
    noted that the BBJC was unable to comply with Class Counsel’s informational requests,
    explaining that “[d]ue to financial hardships, the BBJC has never achieved an actualized fully
    funded budget.” See id. at 6.
    Lastly, in reviewing Phase I applicants, Class Counsel considered “the historic
    work that applicant organizations had done in support of the Pigford and/or In re Black Farmers
    Discrimination cases.” See Class Counsel Response to BBJC Appeal at 5. Class Counsel
    concluded that “unlike virtually all of the other organizations applying for Phase I funding, [the
    BBJC] had no involvement in and provided no support for the Pigford case.” See id. at 6-7. Any
    work that the BBJC’s Executive Director, Tracy Lloyd McCurty, or its Deputy Director, Dania
    Davy, contributed to the In Re Black Farmers Discrimination cases was performed in their
    individual capacities or on behalf of another non-profit organization, not in the course of their
    leadership of the BBJC. See id. at 7; see also BBJC Reply at 2-4.
    The BBJC asserts that it is an eligible recipient under the terms of the Settlement
    Agreement and that its proposed project should qualify for funding. First, the BBJC disputes
    Class Counsel’s determination that the BBJC is primarily a legal service entity. See BBJC
    Appeal at 2. It explains that it has never received funding from the Legal Services Corporation,
    and while it does “provide[] a range of legal services to African American farmers, landowners,
    and cooperatives, the nonprofit organization also provides a range of effective business
    assistance and advocacy services.” See id. at 2-3. The BBJC further contends that it meets the
    criteria described on Class Counsel’s website, which explained that “organizations that provide
    eligible legal services/educational services as part of their work but are not law firms, legal
    service entities, or educational institutions may be eligible for Cy Pres Phase I grants.” See id.
    at 3 (quoting Response No. 13 of the Frequently Asked Questions, IN RE BLACK FARMERS
    visited Dec. 4, 2018)); see also BBJC Reply at 4-7.
    Second, the BBJC maintains that the project proposal it submitted – entitled “Dirt
    Rich: Preserving Black Family Land Initiative, a five-pillar approach to preserving Black-owned
    farmlands and ensuring land access for next generation farmers” – complies with the cy pres
    project funding requirements. See BBJC Appeal at 4-5.3 The BBJC explains that its project
    proposal matches a description of advocacy services eligible for funding listed on Class
    Counsel’s website, which “include, but are not limited to . . . legal service projects.” See id. at 5
    (quoting Response No. 9 of the Frequently Asked Questions, IN RE BLACK FARMERS
    The BBJC’s project proposal, “Dirt Rich: Preserving Black Family Land
    Initiative,” outlines a five-pillar approach: “(1) pro bono curative legal services for farmers
    farming on heir property (i.e., probate, clearing title, land trusts and limited liability legal
    formations, etc.); (2) technical assistance for heir property landowners who aspire to farm on
    their family lands; (3) multi-state community workshops and legal trainings (including curricula
    development); (4) advocacy regarding the efficacy of the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property
    Act as well as access to non-extractive capital for farmers of heir property who desire to exercise
    their rights of first refusal; and (5) establishment of a multi-state regenerative land stewardship
    database to connect landless next generation farmers with retiring elder farmers and/or absentee
    heir property landowners.” See BBJC Appeal at 5-6.
    visited Dec. 4, 2018)). The BBJC also contends that its inability to submit an annual operating
    budget can be attributed to funding cuts to historic federal agricultural programs that have caused
    financial hardship for “many African America-led rural community-based nonprofit
    organizations.” See BBJC Reply at 8. Moreover, the BBJC argues that Class Counsel
    selectively omitted financial information that shows that the BBJC received a large grant from a
    different source in 2017 and failed to consider the BBJC’s alternative funding proposal that did
    not require 100% Phase I cy pres funding. See id. at 7.
    The Court concludes that Class Counsel’s decision not to recommend the BBJC
    for Phase I cy pres funding is not unreasonable. The Court’s role is to “assur[e] that the
    necessary due diligence is done with respect to the background and appropriateness of potential
    cy pres beneficiaries,” not to personally involve itself directly in the selection of cy pres
    beneficiaries. See Apr. 8, 2016 Mem. Op. & Order at 1. Class Counsel has given adequate and
    reasoned explanations for its decision to include the BBJC among the 13 organizations not
    recommended for Phase I funding. See Class Counsel Response to BBJC Appeal at 4. Class
    Counsel has undertaken a careful review of the BBJC’s eligibility and project proposal – not
    once, but twice – and come to the same conclusion. An organization that meets the criteria
    outlined in the Frequently Asked Questions on Class Counsel’s website is not guaranteed to be
    selected by Class Counsel as a beneficiary, nor does that fact obligate Class Counsel to so
    decide. As Class Counsel explains, 39 applicants applied for Phase I cy pres grants and only 26
    received funding. See id. at 4. Phase I cy pres funding was limited to approximately $4 million
    of the $12 million cy pres funds available in this Settlement, the remainder to be awarded later in
    Phase II. See id. at 4. Class Counsel was tasked with evaluating grant applications, and it
    decided not to recommend the BBJC as a grantee pursuant to criteria set forth in the Settlement
    Agreement and in subsequent court orders and consistent with Class Counsel’s own reasonable
    criteria used to prioritize the distribution of Phase I’s limited funds. The Court defers to and
    affirms Class Counsel’s determination to deny the BBJC Phase I cy pres funding. Accordingly,
    it is hereby
    ORDERED that the BBJC’s Appeal of Class Counsel’s Second Review
    Recommendation [Dkt. No. 505] is DENIED.
    United States District Judge
    DATE: December 7, 2018

Document Info

Docket Number: Misc. No. 2008-0511

Judges: Judge Paul L. Friedman

Filed Date: 12/7/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/7/2018