Morello v. District of Columbia , 73 F. Supp. 3d 1 ( 2014 )

  •                    UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    FRANK DAVID MORELLO,            )
    Plaintiff,       )
    v.                         ) Civil Action No. 14-82 (EGS)
    DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA,           )
    Defendant.       )
    Frank David Morello brings this action against the District of
    Columbia (“the District”) under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, alleging a
    violation of rights protected under the United States
    Constitution, specifically, the equal protection and due process
    guarantees of the Fifth Amendment. Mr. Morello claims that his
    constitutionally protected rights were violated when he was
    denied the photographic identification described in the Law
    Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, 18 U.S.C. § 926C
    (“LEOSA”).    Pending before the Court is the defendant’s motion
    to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint for failure to state a claim
    under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). Upon
    consideration of the motion, the response and reply thereto, the
    applicable law, and the entire record, the Court GRANTS
    defendant’s motion.
    I.     Background
    Mr. Morello is a former police officer with the Metropolitan
    Police Department (“MPD”). See Compl., ECF No. 1 ¶ 1. Mr.
    Morello began his career with the MPD on February 20, 1990 and
    on December 21, 2001, after more than ten years of service as a
    police officer, submitted his resignation paperwork to pursue
    other career opportunities.    See 
    id. ¶¶ 10,
    On September 19, 2013, Mr. Morello, pursuant to LEOSA,
    submitted an application to the MPD for a photographic
    Id. at ¶
    16.    Under LEOSA, a “qualified retired
    law enforcement officer” who possesses “photographic
    identification issued by the agency from which the individual
    separated from service as a law enforcement officer” “may carry
    a concealed firearm that has been shipped or transported in
    interstate or foreign commerce.” 18 U.S.C. § 926C.     On November
    15, 2013, Mr. Morello was informed, by Sergeant Colin Hall of
    the MPD Gun Control Unit, that his application for the
    photographic identification was rejected because his separation
    from the MPD was not “in good standing.” See Compl., ECF No. 1 ¶
    19. Mr. Morello was also informed that, should he have any
    questions about the MPD’s decision, he can contact Sergeant Hall
    Id. at Ex.
    On January 21, 2014, Mr. Morello filed this lawsuit against
    the District. Compl., ECF No. 1. He alleged violations of his
    Fifth Amendment rights. 
    Id. On April
    7, 2014, the District
    moved to dismiss Mr. Morello’s claims.    See Mot., ECF No. 6.
    Mr. Morello filed his opposition brief on May 8, 2014. See Opp.,
    ECF No. 8. The District filed its reply on May 19, 2014. See
    Reply, ECF No. 9.   The District’s motion to dismiss is now ripe
    for determination by the Court.
    II.   Standard of Review
    A motion to dismiss under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    12(b)(6) “tests the legal sufficiency of a complaint.” Browning
    v. Clinton, 
    292 F.3d 235
    , 242 (D.C. Cir. 2002). A complaint must
    contain “a short and plain statement of the claim showing that
    the pleader is entitled to relief, in order to give the
    defendant fair notice of what the . . . claim is and the grounds
    upon which it rests.” Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 
    550 U.S. 544
    555 (2007) (quotation marks omitted). While detailed factual
    allegations are not necessary, plaintiff must plead enough facts
    to “raise a right to relief above the speculative level.” 
    Id. When ruling
    on a Rule 12(b)(6) motion, the Court may consider
    “the facts alleged in the complaint, documents attached as
    exhibits or incorporated by reference in the complaint, and
    matters about which the Court may take judicial notice.”
    Gustave-Schmidt v. Chao, 
    226 F. Supp. 2d 191
    , 196 (D.D.C. 2002).
    The Court must construe the complaint liberally in plaintiff’s
    favor and grant plaintiff the benefit of all reasonable
    inferences deriving from the complaint. Kowal v. MCI Commc’ns
    16 F.3d 1271
    , 1276 (D.C. Cir. 1994). However, the Court
    must not accept plaintiff’s inferences that are “unsupported by
    the facts set out in the complaint.” 
    Id. “[O]nly a
    that states a plausible claim for relief survives a motion to
    dismiss.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 679 (2009). Most
    important for this case, the Supreme Court instructs that a
    pleading must offer more than “labels and conclusions” or a
    “formulaic recitation of the elements of a cause of action.”
    Id. at 678.
    “Threadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of
    action, supported by mere conclusory statements, do not
    Id. III. Analysis
    “[A] municipality can be found liable under [Section] 1983
    only where the municipality itself causes the constitutional
    violation at issue.” City of Canton, Ohio v. Harris, 
    489 U.S. 378
    , 385 (1989) (citing Monell v. Dep’t of Soc. Servs. of the
    City of New York, 
    436 U.S. 658
    , 694 (1978) (emphasis in
    original)). The District, as a municipality, see D.C.Code § 1–
    102, is subject to liability under § 1983 only “when an official
    policy or custom causes the [plaintiff] to suffer a deprivation
    of [a] constitutional right,” Carter v. District of Columbia,
    795 F.2d 116
    , 122 (D.C. Cir. 1986), and that policy or custom
    must itself be the moving force behind the alleged
    constitutional violation. 
    Id. (citing Monell,
    436 U.S. at 694);
    see also Pembaur v. City of Cincinnati, 
    475 U.S. 469
    , 483 (1986)
    (“[M]unicipal liability under § 1983 attaches where—and only
    where—a deliberate choice to follow a course of action is made
    from among various alternatives by the official or officials
    responsible for establishing final policy with respect to the
    subject matter in question.”); Oklahoma City v. Tuttle, 
    471 U.S. 808
    , 817 (1985) (requiring a plaintiff to show a course
    deliberately pursued by the city establishing an affirmative
    link between the city’s policy and the alleged constitutional
    In Baker v. District of Columbia, 
    326 F.3d 1302
    (D.C. Cir.
    2003), the Court of Appeals explained that a district court
    assessing a § 1983 complaint must ask two questions. First, the
    Court asks whether the complaint states a claim for a predicate
    constitutional violation. To satisfy that prong of the analysis,
    all that need be established is some constitutional harm
    suffered by the plaintiff; it is not necessary that the
    municipality’s policy makers be implicated. 
    Id. at 1306.
    In this
    case, it is unclear whether the MPD’s rejection of Mr. Morello’s
    application for a photographic identification could be deemed to
    be a constitutional violation.   But even assuming, without
    deciding, that the MPD’s rejection of Mr. Morello’s application
    violated his constitutional rights in some way, Mr. Morello has
    failed to allege sufficient facts to establish the critical
    second prong of the municipal liability analysis — causation.
    The second question to be answered when assessing the
    sufficiency of a § 1983 claim is: does the complaint state a
    “claim that a custom or policy of the municipality caused the
    Id. The law
    is clear that the Court must determine
    whether a plaintiff has alleged this “affirmative link” between
    the policy and the injury; the municipal policy must be alleged
    to be the “moving force” behind the violation. 
    Id. There is
    no heightened pleading standard in a case alleging
    municipal liability for a civil rights violation. See Leatherman
    v. Tarrant Cnty. Narcotics Intelligence and Coordination Unit,
    507 U.S. 163
    , 164 (1993). “Nevertheless, [a] [c]omplaint must
    ‘include some factual basis for the allegation of a municipal
    policy or custom.’” Hinson ex rel. N.H. v. Merritt Educ. Ctr.,
    521 F. Supp. 2d 22
    , 29 (D.D.C. 2007) (quoting Atchinson v.
    District of Columbia, 
    73 F.3d 418
    , 422 (D.C. Cir. 1996)); Hodges
    v. Government of District of Columbia, 
    975 F. Supp. 2d 33
    , 54
    (D.D.C. 2013) (finding that sufficiency of plaintiff’s
    allegations of liability under Monell “must be assessed under
    the standard set by the Supreme Court in Twombly and Iqbal ”).
    Regardless of the circumstances under which Mr. Morello’s
    application was rejected by the MPD, the complaint sets forth no
    factual allegations regarding the existence and enforcement of a
    municipal policy, custom or practice that directly caused a
    violation of his Fifth Amendment rights to equal protection and
    due process.1 This pleading defect is fatal.2
    Mr. Morello, in his complaint, alleges that “[MPD] has
    established procedures for establishing eligibility and the
    issuance of photographic identification for all qualified former
    Metropolitan Police Officers in furtherance of [LEOSA].” Compl.,
    IV.   Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby GRANTS the
    District’s motion to dismiss. An appropriate Order accompanies
    this Memorandum Opinion.
    Signed:    Emmet G. Sullivan
    United States District Judge
    November 7, 2014
    ECF No. 1 ¶ 24. The complaint, however, makes no further
    mention of those established procedures, nor does the complaint
    assert any facts affirmatively linking those established
    procedures to the denial of Mr. Morello’s application for LEOSA
    Mr. Morello’s contention that the “absence of any due process
    mechanism” related to LEOSA permitting constitutes “inaction”
    implicating Monell liability fails because inaction gives rise
    to municipal liability under § 1983 only when it can be said
    that the government’s failure to act amounted to “deliberate
    indifference” towards the plaintiff’s constitutional rights.
    See Huthnance v. District of Columbia, 
    793 F. Supp. 2d 183
    , 197-
    98 (D.D.C. 2011). Notably, there is absolutely nothing alleged
    in the complaint suggesting that the District or any of its
    officials knew or should have known that the system in place was
    constitutionally defunct in the manner Mr. Morello now claims.
    See Connick v. Thompson, 
    131 S. Ct. 1350
    , 1360 (2011)
    (deliberate indifference is a “stringent standard of fault”
    requiring either actual or constructive notice). Finally, the
    Court is not persuaded by Mr. Morello’s frivolous argument that
    a statement made by an Assistant Attorney General in an
    unrelated case is somehow an admission by the District of a
    policy and is the “moving force” behind the denial of his LEOSA
    identification. In any event, “[i]t is axiomatic that a
    complaint may not be amended by the briefs in opposition to a
    motion to dismiss.” See Arbitraje Casa de Cambio, S.A. de C.V.
    v. U.S. Postal Serv., 
    297 F. Supp. 2d 165
    , 170 (D.D.C. 2003).