Voacolo v. Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) , 224 F. Supp. 3d 39 ( 2016 )

  •                            UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    DAVID J. VOACOLO,                                :
    Plaintiff,                                :      Civil Action No.:      16-1324 (RC)
    v.                                        :      Re Document No.:       13, 14
    FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE                        :
    ASSOCIATION, et al.,                             :
    Defendants.                               :
    Plaintiff David J. Voacolo brings this case against the Federal National Mortgage
    Association (“Fannie Mae”), the Federal Housing Finance Authority (“FHFA”), and the United
    States Department of the Treasury. Mr. Voacolo alleges that the Defendants’ actions,
    particularly the management of FHFA’s conservatorship of Fannie Mae, violated the
    Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) and reduced the value of Fannie Mae stock that
    Mr. Voacolo purchased in 2009. Among other requests for relief, Mr. Voacolo seeks $2,500,000
    in money damages.
    Defendants have moved to dismiss the Complaint on several grounds. Despite repeated
    reminders, Mr. Voacolo, who is now proceeding pro se, has not responded to the motions to
    dismiss. Mr. Voacolo has also failed to respond to other Court orders in this case. For the
    reasons explained below, Mr. Voacolo has conceded the motions to dismiss and the Court will
    therefore dismiss the Complaint.
    Mr. Voacolo filed his Complaint in this Court on June 26, 2016. See generally Compl.,
    ECF No. 1. Mr. Voacolo alleges that he purchased 64,000 shares of Fannie Mae stock in August
    2009, less than a year after FHFA placed Fannie Mae into conservatorship following the housing
    crisis of 2008. Id. ¶¶ 1–2. In a nutshell, Mr. Voacolo argues that certain actions taken by
    Defendants in connection to FHFA’s conservatorship of Fannie Mae violated the APA. Id. ¶¶
    28–29 (citing 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(A)). Mr. Voacolo alleges that those actions “deprived” him “of
    his property” because they reduced “what his shares would otherwise be worth.” 
    Id. ¶ 31
    . Mr.
    Voacolo alleges that, but for the purportedly unlawful actions of Defendants, the shares that he
    purchased for $0.77 per share, 
    id. ¶ 17
    , would now be valued at $35.00 per share, 
    id. ¶ 30
    . In the
    same count, Mr. Voacolo also asserts that the Defendants’ actions violated his Fifth Amendment
    right to due process. 
    Id. ¶ 34
    At the time he filed his Complaint, Mr. Voacolo was represented by counsel. See 
    7–8. The Complaint was signed by Alexander J. E. English, who was listed as “Counsel of
    Record,” as well as Afia SenGupta and Angela Lipsman of Brus Chambers LLC, who were
    listed as “Of Counsel.” 
     Neither Ms. SenGupta nor Ms. Lipsman indicated that they were
    members of the bar of this Court. 
    Id. at 8
    One month after the Complaint was filed, Mr. English moved for leave to withdraw as
    counsel. See generally Mot. to Withdraw, ECF No. 4. Mr. English provided documentary
    evidence supporting his contention that he was retained by Brus Chambers LLC to serve as local
    counsel in this case, but that he was never paid. 
     ¶¶ 1–12; see also 
     Exs. 1–3, ECF No. 4-1.
    The Court ordered that “replacement counsel for Plaintiff shall enter an appearance on or before
    August 26, 2016,” but that, “[a]t that time, Plaintiff shall proceed pro se unless and until he
    obtains replacement counsel.” Min. Order (Aug. 16, 2016). No replacement counsel has entered
    an appearance on behalf of Mr. Voacolo.
    On August 10, 2016, before the Court addressed Mr. English’s motion to withdraw,
    Defendants jointly filed a notice asserting that this case is related to three other cases in this
    district. See Defs.’ Notice of Related Cases at 1, ECF No. 6. Those cases had previously been
    dismissed, see Perry Capital LLC v. Lew, 
    70 F. Supp. 3d 208
     (D.D.C. 2014), and an appeal
    remains pending before the D.C. Circuit, see No. 14-5243 (D.C. Cir. filed Oct. 8, 2014). The
    Court ordered Mr. Voacolo to respond to Defendants’ notice on or before August 26, 2016.
    See Min. Order (Aug. 16, 2016). Mr. Voacolo did not respond. On September 15, 2016, the
    Court again ordered Mr. Voacolo to respond to the notice. See Min. Order (Sept. 15, 2016).
    Again, Mr. Voacolo did not respond.
    On September 20, 2016, Defendants moved to dismiss the Complaint. See generally
    Mot. Dismiss by U.S. Dept. Treasury, ECF No. 13; Mot. Dismiss by Fannie Mae & FHFA, ECF
    No. 14. Mr. Voacolo did not respond to the motions or request an extension of time to respond.
    See LCvR 7(b) (providing 14 days to “serve and file a memorandum of points and authorities in
    opposition to [a] motion”). On November 4, 2016, the Court issued a Fox/Neal order setting
    forth Mr. Voacolo’s obligation to respond to the motions and advising Mr. Voacolo that the
    Court could treat the motions as conceded if Mr. Voacolo did not file a response. See Order,
    ECF No. 15; see also Neal v. Kelly, 
    963 F.2d 453
     (D.C. Cir. 1992); Fox v. Strickland, 
    837 F.2d 507
     (D.C. Cir. 1988) (per curiam). The Court’s order called for Mr. Voacolo to respond to the
    motions to dismiss by December 5, 2016. See Order at 2. To date, Mr. Voacolo has not
    requested additional time or responded to the motions in any way.
    The Court ordered the parties to appear by telephone for a status conference scheduled
    for November 10, 2016. See Min. Order (Nov. 7, 2016). Both Ms. SenGupta and Mr. Voacolo
    called in to join the status conference. During the status conference, Ms. SenGupta stated that
    replacement local counsel would make an appearance before the Court soon after the call. The
    Court mentioned the Fox/Neal order and reminded Mr. Voacolo and Ms. SenGupta that Mr.
    Voacolo was obligated to respond to the motions to dismiss whether he was represented by
    counsel or not. At this time, no replacement counsel has appeared and Mr. Voacolo has not
    responded to the motions to dismiss.
    Under Local Civil Rule 7(b), if any party fails to file a response to a motion within the
    prescribed time, “the Court may treat the motion as conceded.” LCvR 7(b). This rule “is a
    docket-management tool that facilitates efficient and effective resolution of motions by requiring
    the prompt joining of issues.” Fox v. Am. Airlines, Inc., 
    389 F.3d 1291
    , 1294 (D.C. Cir. 2004)
    (citing FDIC v. Bender, 
    127 F.3d 58
    , 67 (D.C. Cir. 1997)). In Fox v. Strickland, 
    837 F.2d 507
    (D.C. Cir. 1988) (per curiam), the D.C. Circuit held that a district court must take pains to advise
    a pro se party of the consequences of the failure to respond to a dispositive motion. See also
    Neal v. Kelly, 
    963 F.2d 453
    , 456 (D.C. Cir. 1992). “That notice . . . should include an
    explanation that the failure to respond . . . may result in the district court granting the motion and
    dismissing the case.” Fox v. Strickland, 
    837 F.2d at 509
    In Cohen v. Board of Trustees of the University of the District of Columbia, the D.C.
    Circuit recently raised some concerns with the interaction between Local Rule 7(b) and Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). 
    819 F.3d 476
     (D.C. Cir. 2016). Specifically, the Cohen court
    noted that certain applications of Local Rule 7(b) would shift the burden that Rule 12(b)(6)
    places on the moving party. 
    Id. at 481
     (“To the extent that it allows a district court to treat an
    unopposed motion to dismiss as conceded, Local Rule 7(b) effectively places the burden of
    persuasion on the non-moving party: when he fails to respond, he loses.”). The court also noted
    that applying Local Rule 7(b) to dismiss a case “risks circumventing the clear preference of the
    Federal Rules to resolve disputes on their merits.” 
    Id. at 482
    The court examined interpretations of similar local rules by other circuits and found a
    circuit split on the issue. See 
     at 481–82 (collecting cases and determining that the majority of
    circuits “prohibit district courts from granting a motion to dismiss solely because the plaintiff
    failed to respond”). In a related vein, the D.C. Circuit has recently identified a similar tension
    between Local Rule 7(b) and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56 in the context of summary
    judgment. See Winston & Strawn, LLP v. McLean, No. 14-7197, 
    2016 WL 7174125
    , at *3
    (D.C. Cir. Dec. 9, 2016) (“Local Rule 7(b) cannot be squared with Federal Rule of Civil
    Procedure 56.”); Grimes v. District of Columbia, 
    794 F.3d 83
    , 95 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (discussing
    the need for the district court’s independent assessment that summary judgment is warranted);
    see also 
    id. at 97
     (Griffith, J., concurring) (“[M]otions for summary judgment may not be
    conceded for want of opposition. . . . The burden is always on the movant to demonstrate why
    summary judgment is warranted.”).
    Despite these concerns, the court reaffirmed that, in the context of a motion to dismiss, it
    “[has] yet to deem a ‘straightforward application of Local Rule 7(b)’ an abuse of discretion.”
    Cohen, 819 F.3d at 480 (quoting Fox v. Am. Airlines, Inc., 
    389 F.3d at 1294
    ). In Cohen, the
    court acknowledged that its prior decisions required it to “affirm the district court’s decision
    insofar as it granted the motion to dismiss the complaint.” Id. at 483 (relying on Fox v.
    American Airlines). But the court decided that Fox v. American Airlines did not require it to
    affirm the district court’s decision to dismiss the complaint “with prejudice or to affirm the
    dismissal of the case.” Id. (emphasis added). The court found that the facts of Cohen did not
    constitute a “straightforward” application of Local Rule 7(b). Id. In Cohen, the plaintiff “filed
    an opposition to the motion to dismiss, albeit a few weeks late, as well as an amended
    complaint,” in an attempt to “remedy what the district court treated as his effective concession.”
    Id. at 484. In contrast, the court described Fox v. American Airlines as a straightforward case,
    where “counsel had failed to respond at all to the motion to dismiss for the eight months that
    preceded the district court’s dismissal of the complaint.” Id. at 483.
    This case presents a “straightforward” situation in which to apply Local Rule 7(b).
    Although this litigation has not dragged on for eight months, Mr. Voacolo has repeatedly failed
    to respond to Defendants’ filings and Court orders since August. Mr. Voacolo has yet to respond
    to Defendants’ notice of related cases, despite two Court orders to do so. See Min. Order (Aug.
    16, 2016); Min. Order (Sept. 15, 2016). Turning to the pending motions to dismiss at issue here,
    Mr. Voacolo has failed to respond for roughly 90 days. See Mot. Dismiss by U.S. Dept.
    Treasury (filed September 20, 2016); Mot. Dismiss by Fannie Mae & FHFA (same). During that
    time, the Court issued an order advising Mr. Voacolo of his obligation to respond to the motions
    or risk conceding them, see Order, ECF No. 15, and restated that obligation during a status
    conference. Mr. Voacolo has never requested additional time to respond.
    Despite raising concerns with Local Rule 7(b) in the context of a motion to dismiss, the
    D.C. Circuit held it had “that yet to deem a ‘straightforward application of Local Rule 7(b)’ an
    abuse of discretion.” Cohen, 819 F.3d at 480 (quoting Fox v. Am. Airlines, Inc., 
    389 F.3d at 1294
    ); see also Stubbs v. Law Office of Hunter C. Piel, LLC, No. 15-7149, 
    2016 WL 6237827
    , at
    *1 (D.C. Cir. Sept. 8, 2016) (unpublished per curiam opinion) (citing Cohen for the principle
    that, where a party’s “response to the motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim was
    unresponsive to the arguments raised in the motion,” the district court “correctly concluded that
    the motion to dismiss was conceded pursuant to Local Rule 7(b)”); Jordan v. Ormond, No. 15-
    2016 WL 4098823
    , at *1 (D.C. Cir. July 22, 2016), cert. denied, (U.S. Nov. 28, 2016)
    (unpublished per curiam opinion) (citing Cohen in support of the conclusion that “the district
    court did not abuse its discretion in dismissing appellant’s complaint pursuant to D.C. District
    Court Local Civil Rule 7(b)”). The Court finds that the facts of this case present a
    “straightforward” application of Local Rule 7(b) because Mr. Voacolo has not asked for
    additional time or filed any response to the motions to dismiss despite repeated warnings to do
    so.1 Therefore, the Court will grant Defendants’ motions to dismiss the Complaint as conceded.
    For the reasons explained above, it is hereby:
    ORDERED that the Motion to Dismiss by the United States Department of the Treasury
    (ECF No. 13) is GRANTED AS CONCEDED; and it is
    FURTHER ORDERED that the Motion to Dismiss by Defendants Federal National
    Mortgage Association and Federal Housing Finance Agency (ECF No. 14) is GRANTED AS
    CONCEDED; and it is
    The Court also notes that, while Mr. Voacolo is formally proceeding pro se, Min. Order
    (Aug. 16, 2016), Ms. SenGupta has signed pleadings on Mr. Voacolo’s behalf and participated in
    a telephonic status conference.
    FURTHER ORDERED that the Complaint and this civil action are DISMISSED
    Dated: December 19, 2016                              RUDOLPH CONTRERAS
    United States District Judge

Document Info

Docket Number: Civil Action No. 2016-1324

Citation Numbers: 224 F. Supp. 3d 39

Judges: Judge Rudolph Contreras

Filed Date: 12/19/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023