Lakin v. United States Department of Justice , 917 F. Supp. 2d 142 ( 2013 )

  •                    UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    LOWELL THOMAS LAKIN,                  )
    Plaintiff,                    )
    v.                     )    Civ. Action No. 11-594
    )       (EGS)
    Defendant.                    )
    Plaintiff Lowell Thomas Lakin has sued the United States
    Department of Justice (“DOJ” or defendant) alleging violations
    of the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”), 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    the Privacy Act, 
    5 U.S.C. § 552
    (a).    Pending before the Court is
    defendant’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint for failure
    to exhaust administrative remedies.    In the alternative, the DOJ
    seeks summary judgment and asserts that there are no issues of
    material fact in dispute.    For the reasons set forth below,
    defendant’s motion for summary judgment will be GRANTED.
    Plaintiff Lowell Thomas Lakin, who is currently
    incarcerated, sent a FOIA request on May 15, 2009 to the
    Executive Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) seeking
    records concerning himself.    Def.’s Statement of Facts (“Def.’s
    SOF”) ¶ 1.    Specifically, plaintiff requested
    any and all records contained within your system of
    records which either pertains to me or makes any
    reference to me in any way.
    . . . .
    This request should be construed broadly to cover any
    and all records, whether generated by the United
    States Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois,
    or elsewhere, the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
    Homeland Security, or any other federal or State
    agency, whether specifically identified [by] me herein
    or not.
    May 15, 2009 FOIA Request, ECF No. 11-4.
    On September 8, 2009, EOUSA notified plaintiff that it was
    denying plaintiff’s request because plaintiff had waived his
    right to request records pursuant to a February 24, 2008 plea
    agreement.    Def.’s SOF ¶ 6.   In that plea agreement, plaintiff
    stated that he “waive[d] all rights . . . to request or receive
    from any Department or Agency of the United States any records
    pertaining to the investigation or prosecution of this case,
    including without limitations, any records that may be sought
    under the [FOIA] or the Privacy Act of 1974 . . . .”     Def.’s SOF
    ¶ 5.    The EOUSA’s letter informed plaintiff that he could file
    an administrative appeal with the Office of Information Policy
    (OIP) and that the appeal must be received within sixty days of
    EOUSA’s September 8, 2009 letter.      Def.’s SOF ¶ 7.
    On November 17, 2009, OIP received a letter dated November
    5, 2009 in which plaintiff sought to appeal the denial of his
    FOIA request.    Def.’s SOF ¶ 8.   On January 19, 2010, OIP
    notified plaintiff that it was closing plaintiff’s appeal as
    untimely because the appeal was received ten days after the
    deadline for the appeal.     Def.’s SOF ¶ 9.   On February 1, 2010,
    plaintiff requested that the denial of his appeal be
    reconsidered, and the OIP denied that request on April 8, 2010.
    Def.’s SOF ¶ 10-11.
    Defendant has moved to dismiss or, in the alternative, for
    summary judgment, alleging that the complaint fails to state a
    claim and that plaintiff has failed to exhaust his
    administrative remedies.     Because the motion relies on materials
    outside the pleadings, the Court will construe defendant’s
    motion as one for summary judgment.     See Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(d).
    The motion is ripe for the Court’s decision.
    Summary judgment may be granted if “the movant shows that
    there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the
    movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Fed. R. Civ.
    P. 56(a).   A genuine issue of material fact is one that would
    change the outcome of the litigation.     See Anderson v. Liberty
    Lobby, Inc., 
    477 U.S. 242
    , 248 (1986) (“Only disputes over facts
    that might affect the outcome of the suit under the governing
    law will properly preclude the entry of summary judgment.”).     In
    the event of conflicting evidence on a material issue, the Court
    is to construe the conflicting evidence in the light most
    favorable to the non-moving party.   See Sample v. Bureau of
    466 F.3d 1086
    , 1087 (D.C. Cir. 2006).   Factual
    assertions in the moving party's affidavits or declarations may
    be accepted as true unless the opposing party submits his own
    affidavits, declarations, or documentary evidence to the
    contrary.   Neal v. Kelly, 
    963 F.2d 453
    , 456 (D.C. Cir. 1992). 1
    In a FOIA action, the Court may award summary judgment to the
    agency solely on the basis of information provided in reasonably
    detailed affidavits or declarations.   Military Audit Project v.
    656 F.2d 724
    , 738 (D.C. Cir. 1981); accord Campbell v.
    Dep't of Justice, 
    164 F.3d 20
    , 30 (D.C. Cir. 1998) (quoting King
    v. Dep't of Justice, 
    830 F.2d 210
    , 217 (D.C. Cir. 1987)).
    The DOJ seeks dismissal on the grounds that plaintiff has
    failed to exhaust his administrative remedies because he failed
    to timely appeal of the denial of his FOIA request.    Def.’s Mot.
    to Dismiss or, in the Alternative, for Summary Judgment (“Def.’s
    Br.”), ECF No. 11, at 6.   Specifically, DOJ argues that
    plaintiff failed to comply with 
    28 C.F.R. § 16.9
    (a), which
    requires that an appeal of the denial of a FOIA request “must be
    received by the Office of Information and Privacy within 60 days
    of the date of the letter denying [the FOIA] request.”     The
    Because plaintiff is proceeding pro se, the Court informed
    plaintiff of his obligation to respond to the statements of fact
    in a so-called “Fox/Neal” order on June 5, 2012.
    regulation further states that a FOIA requestor must first
    appeal a denial according to the above procedure if he intends
    to seek judicial review.   See 
     § 16.9(c).   Because
    plaintiff’s appeal was received ten days late, DOJ argues, it
    was untimely.
    A party seeking agency records under FOIA must comply with
    the procedures set forth in the regulations promulgated by that
    agency.   See Hidalgo v. FBI, 
    344 F.3d 1256
    , 1257 (D.C. Cir.
    2003); Calhoun v. U.S. Dep't of Justice, 
    693 F. Supp. 2d 89
    , 91
    (D.D.C. 2010), aff'd, No. 10-5125, 
    2010 WL 4340370
     (D.C. Cir.
    Oct. 19, 2010).   When a FOIA request “is not made in accordance
    with the published regulations, the FOIA claim is subject to
    dismissal for failure to exhaust administrative remedies, as
    ‘[t]he failure to comply with an agency's FOIA regulations [for
    filing a proper FOIA request] is the equivalent of a failure to
     (citing and quoting West v. Jackson, 
    448 F. Supp. 2d 207
    , 211 (D.D.C. 2006)); see also Hidalgo, 
    344 F.3d at 1259
    (“FOIA's administrative scheme favors treating failure to
    exhaust as a bar to judicial review.”).   Although the exhaustion
    requirement under FOIA is not jurisdictional, judicial review is
    precluded under FOIA as a jurisprudential matter because “‘the
    purposes of exhaustion’ and the ‘particular administrative
    scheme’ support such a bar.”   Hidalgo, 
    344 F.3d at
    1259 (citing
    Oglesby v. U.S. Dep’t of Army, 
    920 F.2d 57
    , 61 (D.C. Cir.
    1990)); see also Oglesby, 
    920 F.2d at
    61–62 (“Courts have
    consistently confirmed that the FOIA requires exhaustion of this
    appeals process before an individual may seek relief in the
    courts.”) (citations omitted).   A FOIA requestor bears the
    burden of producing evidence of a proper appeal.       See Schoneman
    v. FBI, No. 04-2202, 
    2006 WL 1582253
    , at *11 (D.D.C. June 5,
    2006) (citing Bestor v. CIA, No. 04-2049, 
    2005 WL 327323
    , at *4
    (D.D.C. Sept. 1, 2005).
    Here, plaintiff’s appeal was received ten days after the
    sixty-day deadline had passed for the appeal of the EOUSA’s
    denial of his FOIA request.   Defendant argues that plaintiff’s
    complaint should therefore be dismissed because he failed to
    exhaust administrative remedies.       In support of this argument,
    defendant cites Hamilton Sec. Group, Inc. v. HUD, which held
    that an administrative appeal filed one day after the regulatory
    deadline did not constitute exhaustion of administrative
    106 F. Supp. 2d 23
    , 27-28 (D.D.C. 2000).
    In plaintiff’s opposition to defendant’s motion, plaintiff
    mainly argues the merits of his underlying FOIA request. 2
    For example, plaintiff argues that his waiver in the plea
    agreement is not valid because the sentencing court “rejected”
    the plea agreement. Pl.’s Opp., ECF No. 13, at 2. Although
    these claims are not relevant to the outcome of the case, the
    Court has reviewed the docket from plaintiff’s underlying
    criminal matter. While it does appear that the sentencing court
    rejected an initial plea agreement, see Feb. 28, 2008 Plea
    Agreement, ECF No. 125, No. 07-30068 (S.D. Ill.), a subsequent
    Plaintiff also concedes that defendant’s recitation of the facts
    is “fairly accurate.”   Pl.’s Opp. at 3.   Plaintiff contends,
    however, that the “prisoner’s mailbox rule” renders his appeal
    timely.   In this respect, plaintiff cites Houston v. Lack, which
    held that a pro se prisoner’s notice of appeal from the denial
    of his motion for habeas corpus was deemed “filed” at the moment
    of delivery to prison authorities, rather than when it is
    received by the district court.   
    487 U.S. 266
    , 274-276 (1988).
    Plaintiff argues that his appeal to OIP should be deemed timely
    filed under this rule, though plaintiff does not make any
    representation regarding when he mailed his appeal. 3
    Plaintiff has not cited any cases in which this Circuit has
    applied the prisoner’s mailbox rule to administrative appeals
    and it does not appear that the Circuit has expressly addressed
    the issue.   Several other courts have considered the issue and
    plea agreement was entered on August 18, 2008, see Aug. 18, 2008
    Plea Agreement, ECF No. 144, No. 07-30068 (S.D. Ill.). That
    agreement included a FOIA waver, see 
     § V.5, and was accepted
    by the sentencing court on September 10, 2008, see Sept. 10,
    2008 Tr., ECF No. 156, No. 07-30068 (S.D. Ill.).
    Plaintiff further contends that summary judgment should be
    denied because “the United States has . . . not asserted that
    Plaintiff did not deliver his appeal to the Office of
    Information Policy to the institutional mailbox on or before the
    7th of November, 2009.” Pl.’s Sur-reply, ECF No. 15, at 2. In
    this respect, plaintiff misunderstands the burden of proof in
    this case, which requires plaintiff to produce evidence of a
    proper appeal. See Schoneman v. FBI, 04 Civ. 2202, 
    2006 WL 1582253
    , at *11 (D.D.C. June 5, 2006) (citing Bestor v. CIA, 04
    Civ. 2049, 
    2005 WL 327323
    , at *4 (D.D.C. Sept. 1, 2005).
    have rejected the application of the prisoner’s mailbox rule to
    administrative proceedings when precluded by a specific
    statutory or regulatory regime.    See, e.g., Smith v. Conner, 
    250 F.3d 277
    , 279 (5th Cir. 2001) (declining to apply prisoner’s
    mailbox rule to untimely immigration appeal where INS regulation
    specifically provided that the date of filing is the date the
    appeal is received); Nigro v. Sullivan, 
    40 F.3d 990
    , 994 (9th
    Cir. 1994) (declining to apply prisoner’s mailbox rule to
    untimely appeal where administrative regulations specifically
    defined the word “filed”); contra Longenette v. Krusing, 
    322 F.3d 758
    , 765 (3d Cir. 2003) (distinguishing Smith and Nigro and
    applying prisoner’s mailbox rule to statute that did not
    expressly define “filed” as requiring actual receipt).
    Here, the applicable regulation specifically states that an
    appeal of a FOIA request “must be received by the Office of
    Information and Privacy within 60 days of the date of the letter
    denying [the FOIA] request.”    
    28 C.F.R. § 16.9
    (a) (emphasis
    added).   In Houston, the relevant statute provided that “no
    appeal shall bring any judgment . . . before a court of appeals
    for review unless notice of appeal is filed, within thirty days
    of entry of such judgment.”    
    28 U.S.C. § 2107
    .   The statute in
    Houston did not define whether “filed” meant actual receipt by
    the court.   Because of this ambiguity, the Supreme Court created
    the prisoner’s mailbox rule.    See Longenette, 
    322 F.3d at 765
    The Court finds that this case is similar to Smith and
    Nigro, both of which involved statutory or regulatory schemes
    that required receipt by a specific date, and is distinguishable
    from Houston.   The FOIA appeal regulation in this case
    specifically required that OIP receive the appeal within sixty
    days of the date of the September 8, 2009 letter.    Because the
    appeal was not received until November 17, 2009, plaintiff did
    not comply with the regulation.   Accordingly, the Court finds
    plaintiff failed to exhaust administrative remedies and his
    claim is not properly before this Court.
    For the reasons stated above, the Court finds that
    plaintiff has failed to exhaust his administrative remedies.
    Accordingly, defendant’s motion for summary judgment is GRANTED
    and plaintiff’s complaint is DISMISSED.    An appropriate Order
    accompanies this Memorandum Opinion.
    SIGNED: Emmet G. Sullivan
    United States District Court Judge
    January 20, 2013