K.S. v. District of Columbia , 962 F. Supp. 2d 216 ( 2013 )

  •                             UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    K.S., et al.,
    v.                                         Civil Action No. 12-624 (JEB)
    Plaintiffs Dudley and Elizabeth Snee, acting on behalf of their child K.S., have brought
    this action challenging a hearing officer’s determination that the District of Columbia Public
    Schools did not deny their daughter a free and appropriate education (FAPE) pursuant to the
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
     et seq. Magistrate Judge
    Alan Kay, having been referred the case, has issued a Report and Recommendation supporting
    the administrative decision. Plaintiffs have now submitted their Objections to the Report.
    Finding that the Report appropriately upholds the decision of the hearing officer, the Court will
    accept it and grant summary judgment to the District.
    I.      Background
    The Court will not reiterate the full factual background of the case, which is set out in
    detail in the 16-page Report. A brief recap here will suffice. K.S. attended Janney Elementary
    School, a D.C. public school, from pre-kindergarten through fourth grade. See A.R. 956
    (Transcript of Due-Process Hearing). During first grade (2006-2007), she was diagnosed with a
    learning disability, and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) was developed whereby she
    was to receive special instruction in both general and special-education settings. See A.R. 50
    (DCPS IEP, 4/30/07). DCPS developed IEPs for K.S. for second (2007-2008) and third grade
    (2008-2009) as well, under which she continued to receive similar services. See A.R. 71-73
    (DCPS IEP, 3/6/08); A.R. 87-97 (DCPS IEP, 2/19/09). Concerned with their daughter’s
    progress during third grade, K.S.’s parents had a neuropsychological evaluation conducted by a
    private psychologist in January 2009. See A.R. 975 (Transcript of Due-Process Hearing); A.R.
    76-86 (January 2009 Neuropsychological Evaluation). The psychologist recommended adding
    specific services and instructional approaches to address K.S.’s needs. See A.R. 76-86 (January
    2009 Neuropsychological Evaluation).
    Based on this evaluation and the recommendations contained in the psychologist’s report,
    K.S.’s parents sought additional services for their daughter during a planning meeting for her
    fourth-grade (2009-2010) IEP. DCPS, however, proposed the same services that K.S. was then
    receiving in third grade. See A.R. 87-97 (DCPS IEP, 2/19/09); A.R. 103-110 (DCPS IEP,
    5/13/09). Despite her parents’ concerns, K.S. returned to Janney for fourth grade in the fall of
    2009. The Snees, nonetheless, simultaneously applied for admission to the Lab School, a private
    special-education school, for the next year. See A.R. 1013 (Transcript of Due-Process Hearing).
    In the spring of 2010, a meeting was held at Janney to plan K.S.’s fifth-grade (2010-2011) IEP.
    See A.R. 145-147 (Meeting Notes from 4/12/10 IEP Planning Session). The IEP was not
    finalized at this time, however, because the parties determined that an additional speech-and-
    language assessment should be conducted. See 
    Following this assessment, the parties reconvened to discuss K.S.’s IEP on June 7, 2010.
    DCPS proposed additional speech-and-language service hours for K.S. and further determined
    that she should attend Janney and did not need a full-time special-education placement at a
    private school. See A.R. 187-214 (DCPS IEP, 6/7/10); A.R. 215-216 (Prior Written Notice,
    6/7/10). Finding the District’s plan inadequate, K.S.’s parents rejected the proposed IEP and the
    placement at Janney, informing DCPS that they were going to remove her from Janney, enroll
    her at the Lab School, and pursuant to IDEA, seek reimbursement for her tuition. See A.R. 215-
    216 (Prior Written Notice, 6/7/10); A.R. 1022 (Transcript of Due-Process Hearing).
    K.S. began her fifth-grade year at Lab in the fall of 2010, receiving services in a full-time
    special-education classroom. See A.R. 235-253 (Lab School Plan for Services, 11/2/10). In the
    spring, Lab updated its plan to serve K.S. in sixth grade (2011-2012). Even though K.S. was not
    currently enrolled at DCPS, a copy of that plan was provided to the District, and an IEP meeting
    was held on June 1, 2011. At this meeting, DCPS proposed an increase in the special-education
    services offered to K.S. See A.R. 347-360 (DCPS IEP, 6/1/11). Again, though, DCPS refused
    K.S.’s parents’ request that she remain in a full-time special-education setting at the Lab School.
    See A.R. 361-363 (Prior Written Notice, 6/7/11). Believing that DCPS’s proposed placement (at
    Alice Deal Middle School) could not meet their daughter’s needs, they rejected the proposal and
    re-enrolled their daughter at Lab for the 2011-2012 school year.
    Alleging a denial of FAPE from DCPS’s failure to propose an appropriate program or
    placement for the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school years, K.S.’s parents filed a due-process
    complaint on December 9, 2011, seeking tuition reimbursement. See A.R. 413-424 (Due Process
    Complaint, 12/9/11). A three-day due-process hearing was held in February 2012, and the
    hearing officer issued a decision on March 3, finding that Plaintiffs had not proven that K.S. had
    been denied a FAPE in either year. See A.R. 3-27 (HOD). As a result, she was not entitled to
    reimbursement for tuition at the private school. See 
    Following these administrative proceedings, Plaintiffs filed this action on April 19, 2012,
    and the case was subsequently referred to Magistrate Judge Kay for full case management. Both
    sides thereafter filed Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment. On June 10, 2013, Magistrate
    Judge Kay issued his Report recommending that Plaintiffs’ Motion be denied and Defendant’s
    Motion be granted. Plaintiffs timely filed their Objections to the Report on June 27, and
    Defendant filed its Reply on July 15.
    II.    Legal Standard
    Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 72(b), once a magistrate judge has entered a
    recommended disposition, a party may file specific written objections. The district court “must
    determine de novo any part of the magistrate judge’s disposition that has been properly objected
    to.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 72(b)(3); see also Winston & Strawn LLP v. FDIC, 
    841 F. Supp. 2d 225
    228 (D.D.C. 2012) (court must conduct de novo review of objections to magistrate judge’s report
    and recommendation). The district court may then “accept, reject, or modify the recommended
    disposition.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 72(b)(3).
    III.   Analysis
    Plaintiffs object to the Report’s recommendation that this Court uphold the decision of
    the hearing officer relating to 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. They claim the hearing officer erred in
    finding that the District’s proposed IEPs for those years constituted a FAPE. As to the first year,
    they maintain that the hearing officer failed to consider the evidence and testimony of the parents
    and their experts when he determined that K.S.’s IEP was reasonably calculated to confer
    educational benefits under IDEA. See Obj. at 7-12. They also challenge his findings for the
    2011-2012 school year on two distinct grounds. First, they argue that he erred in determining
    that the District was not required to provide an IEP to K.S. for that year because she was enrolled
    in a private school. See 
    id. at 1-7
    . Second, they contend that the hearing officer erred in finding
    that the plan DCPS did develop for K.S. was sufficient. See 
    id. at 12-15
    . The Court will first
    set forth some of IDEA’s basic principles and then address each of Plaintiffs’ objections.
    A. Statutory Framework of IDEA
    The purpose of IDEA is “to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to
    them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services
    designed to meet their unique needs.” 
    20 U.S.C. § 1400
    (d)(1)(A). “Implicit” in IDEA’s
    guarantee “is the requirement that the education to which access is provided be sufficient to
    confer some educational benefit upon the handicapped child.” Bd. of Educ. of Hendrick Hudson
    Cent. Sch. Dist. v. Rowley, 
    458 U.S. 176
    , 200 (1982). As a condition of receiving funding under
    IDEA, school districts are required to adopt procedures to ensure appropriate educational
    placement of students with disabilities. See 
    20 U.S.C. § 1413
    1.      Role of IEPs
    In particular, school districts must develop a comprehensive plan, known as an
    individualized education program, for meeting the special-educational needs of each student with
    a disability. See § 1414(d)(2)(A). The plan is developed by the child’s IEP Team, a
    multidisciplinary team consisting of the child’s parents and teachers, as well as educational
    specialists, that meets and confers in a collaborative process to determine how best to
    accommodate the needs of the student and provide a FAPE. See § 1414(d)(1)(B). The IEP must
    be formulated in accordance with the terms of IDEA and “should be reasonably calculated to
    enable the child to achieve passing marks and advance from grade to grade.” Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 204
    . IDEA also requires that children with disabilities be placed in the “least restrictive
    environment” so that they can be educated in an integrated setting with children who do not have
    disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. See § 1412(a)(5)(A).
    The role of courts is to inquire:
    First, has the State complied with the procedures set forth in the
    Act? And second, is the individualized educational program
    developed through the Act’s procedures reasonably calculated to
    enable the child to receive educational benefits? If these
    requirements are met, the State has complied with the obligations
    imposed by Congress and the courts can require no more.
    Id. at 206-07 (footnotes omitted). IDEA provides a “basic floor of opportunity” for students,
    458 U.S. at 201
    , rather than “a potential-maximizing education.” 
     at 197 n.21; see
    also Jenkins v. Squillacote, 
    935 F.2d 303
    , 305 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (inquiry is not whether another
    placement may be “more appropriate or better able to serve the child”) (emphasis in original);
    Houston Indep. Sch. Dist. v. V.P. ex rel. Juan P., 
    582 F.3d 576
    , 583 (5th Cir. 2009) (IDEA does
    not guarantee “the best possible education, nor one that will maximize the student’s educational
    potential”; instead, it requires only that the benefit “‘cannot be a mere modicum or de minimis;
    rather, an IEP must be likely to produce progress, not regression or trivial educational
    advancement.’”) (quoting Cypress-Fairbanks Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Michael F. ex rel. Barry F., 
    118 F.3d 245
    , 248 (5th Cir. 1997)). Consistent with this framework, “[t]he question is not whether
    there was more that could be done, but only whether there was more that had to be done under
    the governing statute.” Houston Indep. Sch. Dist., 582 F.3d at 590.
    Courts have consistently underscored that the “appropriateness of an IEP is not a question
    of whether it will guarantee educational benefits, but rather whether it is reasonably calculated to
    do so”; thus, “the court judges the IEP prospectively and looks to the IEP’s goals and
    methodology at the time of its implementation.” Report at 11 (citing Thompson R2-J Sch. Dist.
    v. Luke P. ex rel. Jeff P., 
    540 F.3d 1143
    , 1148-49 (10th Cir. 2008)). Academic progress under a
    prior plan may be relevant in determining the appropriateness of a challenged IEP. See Roark ex
    rel. Roark v. Dist. of Columbia, 
    460 F. Supp. 2d 32
    , 44 (D.D.C. 2006) (“Academic success is an
    important factor ‘in determining whether an IEP is reasonably calculated to provide education
    benefits.’”) (quoting Berger v. Medina City Sch. Dist., 
    348 F.3d 513
    , 522 (6th Cir. 2003));
    Hunter v. Dist. of Columbia, No. 07-695, 
    2008 WL 4307492
    , at *9 (D.D.C. Sept. 17, 2008)
    (citing cases with same holding).
    When assessing a student’s progress, courts should defer to the administrative agency’s
    expertise. See Cerra v. Pawling Cent. Sch. Dist., 
    427 F.3d 186
    , 195 (2d Cir. 2005) (“Because
    administrative agencies have special expertise in making judgments concerning student progress,
    deference is particularly important when assessing an IEP’s substantive adequacy.”). This
    deference, however, does not dictate that the administrative agency is always correct. See Cnty.
    Sch. Bd. of Henrico Cnty., Virginia v. Z.P. ex rel. R.P., 
    399 F.3d 298
    , 307 (4th Cir. 2005) (“Nor
    does the required deference to the opinions of the professional educators somehow relieve the
    hearing officer or the district court of the obligation to determine as a factual matter whether a
    given IEP is appropriate. That is, the fact-finder is not required to conclude that an IEP is
    appropriate simply because a teacher or other professional testifies that the IEP is
    appropriate. . . . The IDEA gives parents the right to challenge the appropriateness of a
    proposed IEP, and courts hearing IDEA challenges are required to determine independently
    whether a proposed IEP is reasonably calculated to enable the child to receive educational
    benefits.”) (internal citations omitted).
    An IEP, nevertheless, need not conform to a parent’s wishes in order to be sufficient or
    appropriate. See Shaw v. Dist. of Columbia, 
    238 F. Supp. 2d 127
    , 139 (D.D.C. 2002) (IDEA
    does not provide for an “education . . . designed according to the parent’s desires”) (citation
    omitted). While parents may desire “more services and more individualized attention,” when the
    IEP meets the requirements discussed above, such additions are not required. See, e.g., Aaron P.
    v. Dep’t of Educ., Hawaii, No. 10-574, 
    2011 WL 5320994
    , at *32 (D. Hawaii Oct. 31, 2011)
    (while “sympathetic” to parents’ frustration that child had not progressed in public school “as
    much as they wanted her to,” court noted that “the role of the district court in IDEA appeals is
    not to determine whether an educational agency offered the best services available”); see also
    D.S. v. Hawaii, No. 11-161, 
    2011 WL 6819060
    , at *10 (D. Hawaii Dec. 27, 2011)
    (“[T]hroughout the proceedings, Mother has sought, as all good parents do, to secure the best
    services for her child. The role of the district court in IDEA appeals, however, is not to
    determine whether an educational agency offered the best services, but whether the services
    offered confer the child with a meaningful benefit.”).
    2.      Reimbursement for Private School Placement
    In implementing the IEP, “[i]f no suitable public school is available, the school system
    must pay the costs of sending the child to an appropriate private school.” Reid ex rel. Reid v.
    Dist. of Columbia, 
    401 F.3d 516
    , 519 (D.C. Cir. 2005) (citation and alterations omitted).
    However, “if there is an ‘appropriate’ public school program available . . . the District need not
    consider private placement, even though a private school might be more appropriate or better
    able to serve the child.” Jenkins, 
    935 F.2d at 305
     (emphasis in original); see also A.E. ex rel. Mr.
    and Mrs. E. v. Westport Bd. of Educ., 
    463 F. Supp. 2d 208
    , 221 (D. Conn. 2006) (IDEA “does
    not require a school district to pay for a private school education simply because that opportunity
    would be ideal for the student. It requires only that a school board provide each student a FAPE,
    that is, a basic opportunity to receive an educational benefit. Because [the student] would have
    received that basic opportunity . . . , the Board is not required to reimburse the parents for the
    cost of what may have been an even better educational opportunity for [the student].”).
    Finally, “parents are not required to wait and see a proposed IEP in action before
    concluding that it is inadequate and choosing to enroll their child in an appropriate private
    school.” N.S. ex rel. Stein v. Dist. of Columbia, 
    709 F. Supp. 2d 57
    , 72 (D.D.C. 2010) (citing
    Forest Grove Sch. Dist. v. T.A., 
    557 U.S. 230
     (2009)). Parents who unilaterally place their child
    in a private school without the agreement of the school district, however, “do so at their own
    risk, and are entitled to reimbursement only if a court concludes that the placement approved by
    the school officials violates the IDEA and that the private school placement is proper under the
    IDEA.” Roark, 
    460 F. Supp. 2d at 45
    3.      Procedural Posture of Case
    Parents who object to their child’s “identification, evaluation, or educational placement”
    are entitled to an impartial due-process hearing, see §§ 1415(b)(6), (f)(1), at which they have a
    “right to be accompanied and advised by counsel” and a “right to present evidence and confront,
    cross-examine, and compel the attendance of witnesses.” § 1415(h). In the District, a qualified,
    impartial hearing officer conducts the due-process hearing in accordance with the Act. See 5-E
    D.C. Mun. Regs. § 3030. Parents “aggrieved by” a hearing officer’s findings and decision may
    bring a civil action in either state or federal court. See § 1415(i)(2); 5-E D.C. Mun. Regs. §
    3031.5. The district court has remedial authority under the Act and broad discretion to grant
    “such relief as the court determines is appropriate.” § 1415(i)(2)(C)(iii).
    Although styled Motions for Summary Judgment, the pleadings in this case more
    accurately seek the Court’s review of an administrative decision. The reviewing court “shall
    receive the records of the administrative proceedings; shall hear additional evidence at the
    request of a party; and, basing its decision on the preponderance of the evidence, shall grant such
    relief as the court determines is appropriate.” § 1415(i)(2)(C). In a review of a Hearing Officer
    Decision (HOD), the burden of proof is always on the party challenging the administrative
    determination, who “‘must at least take on the burden of persuading the court that the hearing
    officer was wrong.’” Reid, 
    401 F.3d at 521
     (quoting Kerkam v. McKenzie, 
    862 F.2d 884
    , 887
    (D.C. Cir. 1989)).
    The Supreme Court has held that IDEA’s preponderance-of-the-evidence standard of
    review does not authorize unfettered de novo review. See Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 206
     (“Thus the
    provision that a reviewing court base its decision on the ‘preponderance of the evidence’ is by no
    means an invitation to the courts to substitute their own notions of sound educational policy for
    those of the school authorities which they review.”). Courts must give administrative
    proceedings “due weight,” 
     and “‘[f]actual findings from the administrative proceedings are
    to be considered prima facie correct.’” Roark, 
    460 F. Supp. 2d at 38
     (quoting S.H. v. State-
    Operated Sch. Dist. of the City of Newark, 
    336 F.3d 260
    , 270 (3d Cir. 2003)). The statute,
    however, also suggests “less deference than is conventional in administrative proceedings,” Reid,
    401 F.3d at 521
     (internal quotation marks omitted), since the district court is allowed to hear
    additional evidence at the request of a party. See § 1415(i)(2)(C)(ii). When no additional
    evidence is introduced in a civil suit seeking review of a HOD, a motion for summary judgment
    operates as a motion for judgment based on the evidence comprising the record. Dist. of
    Columbia v. Ramirez, 
    377 F. Supp. 2d 63
    , 67 (D.D.C. 2005).
    B.      2010-2011 School Year
    As noted above, the first school year at issue here is K.S.’s fifth-grade year, 2010-2011.
    During the planning process for that year, while K.S. was still in fourth grade at Janney, her
    parents sought additional services based on a recent speech-and-language assessment that had
    been conducted by a private psychologist. See A.R. 153-174 (Speech and Language
    Assessment, 5/19/10); A.R. 215-216 (Prior Written Notice, 6/7/10). DCPS did authorize some
    additional services; however, it maintained that K.S. should remain at Janney and did not need a
    full-time special-education placement. See A.R. 187-214 (DCPS IEP, 6/7/10); A.R. 215-216
    (Prior Written Notice, 6/7/10). Finding the District’s proposed IEP inadequate, K.S.’s parents
    rejected the plan and informed DCPS that they were going to enroll their daughter at the Lab
    School and seek reimbursement for her tuition. See A.R. 215-216 (Prior Written Notice, 6/7/10);
    A.R. 1022 (Transcript of Due-Process Hearing).
    Plaintiffs now contend that the hearing officer – and, subsequently, the Magistrate
    Judge – erred in finding that K.S. had been provided with a FAPE even though the District
    refused to offer her a full-time special-education placement. Specifically, they argue that the
    hearing officer “engaged in an extreme departure from the regular fact-finding process” by
    ignoring the extensive evidence presented by the parents at the hearing as to their daughter’s
    needs and the IEP’s inability to address those needs. See Obj. at 8, 9-12; see also Pls.’ Mot. for
    Summary Judgment at 15-31. The Court disagrees.
    Plaintiffs discuss at length the specific testimony and documentary evidence presented at
    the due-process hearing in support of their argument that K.S. had not made sufficient progress
    while attending Janney and thus was denied a FAPE when private placement was rejected. See
    Obj. at 7-12. For example, they contend that the hearing officer:
    •   Ignored evidence from Lab staff that K.S.’s assessed instructional levels
    were at the same level as they were a year earlier at Janney Elementary,
    see Obj. at 8 (citing A.R. 322-23 (Lab School Plan for Services, 5/19/11);
    A.R. 123 (Teacher Evaluation, 12/18/09));
    •   “[D]iscounted the objective deficits in performance and scores as recorded
    in the December, 2009 DCPS teacher reports on K.S.’s instructional
    levels,” Obj. at 9; and
    •    “[C]ompletely ignored” Plaintiffs’ expert testimony, including that of
    o James Ross, K.S.’s speech and language pathologist at Lab,
    who was qualified as an expert and discussed K.S.’s
    significant speech and language needs and the challenges of
    serving those needs in a larger mainstream class, see Obj. at
    10 (citing A.R. 874, 877, 885-87 (Transcript of Due-
    Process Hearing));
    o Christine Chang, an expert in occupational therapy
    services, who testified that K.S.’s classroom needs to have
    Occupational Therapy for her to be successful, see Obj. at
    10-11 (citing A.R. 923, 938, 941 (Transcript of Due-
    Process Hearing)); and
    o Karen Duncan, Director of Education at Lab, who testified
    regarding K.S.’s needs and the necessity that she be
    educated in a full-time special education program.
    See Obj. at 11.
    Defendant responds that the hearing officer adequately considered that evidence and
    correctly determined that K.S. had in fact made progress under her previous IEP. See Reply at
    10-12. Her progress, it contends, was demonstrated through:
    •      Test scores indicating she was making progress in reading, written
    language, oral language, and math;
    •      Test scores showing that she was reading at a 4.2 grade
    equivalency with 94% accuracy;
    •      Individual teacher comments on her report card (and teacher
    testimony) indicating she made progress; and
    •      Reports documenting K.S.’s progress toward goals in her IEP.
    See Reply at 12 (citing Report at 12-13). Defendant, moreover, maintains that the hearing
    officer did not “ignore” the parents’ evidence, but carefully weighed it and explained why certain
    evidence was not persuasive. The District notes that
    •      Two-thirds of the 39 factual findings reference the testimony or
    records provided by Plaintiffs, see Reply at 10 (citing A.R. 4-14
    •   The hearing officer found the testimony of Plaintiffs’ witness Ms.
    Mounce unconvincing and instead credited the testimony of K.S.’s
    teachers at Janney Elementary, see id. at 11; and
    •   The hearing officer correctly disregarded the Lab School’s
    informal assessments because they employed different standards
    and there was no way to compare them to previous assessments.
    See id.
    The Court believes the Report correctly upheld the hearing officer’s determination that
    K.S. had been offered a FAPE for the 2010-2011 school year. See Report at 13. Consistent with
    IDEA’s requirements, DCPS constructed an individualized program tailored to meet K.S.’s
    educational needs. See Hailey M. ex rel. Melinda B. v. Matayoshi, No. 10-733, 
    2011 WL 3957206
    , at *26 (D. Hawaii Sept. 7, 2011) (finding student had been offered a FAPE in
    compliance with IDEA even though “parties appear[ed] divided by honest differences of
    opinion” with respect to services student should receive). In crafting its plan to serve K.S.,
    DCPS offered to provide “sufficient support services to permit the child to benefit educationally
    from that instruction,” Rowley, 
    458 U.S. at 203
    , including reading, writing, mathematics, and
    speech-pathology services in both general-educational and special-educational settings. See
    A.R. 187-214 (DCPS IEP, 6/7/10). This plan, moreover, was a result of ongoing efforts to assess
    K.S.’s needs and ensure that those needs were being met, including a speech-and-language
    assessment that was incorporated into K.S.’s IEP for the year. See A.R. 145-46 (MDT Meeting
    Notes, 6/7/10); A.R. 168 (Speech Assessment). The hearing officer also appropriately
    considered IDEA’s and the District’s requirement that K.S. be educated in the “least restrictive
    environment.” See Report at 12 (citing 
    20 U.S.C. § 1412
    (a)(5)); see also 5-E D.C. Mun. Regs. §
    While the Report acknowledged that the services sought by K.S.’s parents may have
    more comprehensively served K.S., it correctly observed that the “‘Cadillac’ of educational
    treatment” is not required by IDEA. See Report at 12, 13. Instead, the Report looked to whether
    K.S. would have received some educational benefit in the general-education setting (even if her
    potential may not have been maximized). It found evidence of such a benefit, including:
    •   K.S.’s scores on the WJ-III standardized test and the F&P reading
    test that showed she was making progress, see id.;
    •   Testimony from K.S.’s fourth-grade teachers regarding her
    progress, see id.;
    •   K.S.’s progress on IEP goals, even if she had only mastered two
    of nine goals, see id.; and
    •   Testimony from K.S.’s teacher at Janney that she was well
    socialized and had a happy disposition.
    See id. at 12-13. The Report further appropriately noted that “[w]here evidence of educational
    appropriateness is mixed, and a court bases its ruling on same record as before the hearing
    officer,” courts should defer to the hearing officer. See id. at 13 (quoting Schoenbach v. Dist. of
    309 F. Supp. 2d 71
    , 82 (D.D.C. 2004)).
    Finally, while Plaintiffs contend that the hearing officer’s failure to explain why he was
    discounting the testimony of their experts merits remand, the Court cannot concur. Because he
    otherwise provided substantial justification for his determination that K.S. was receiving
    sufficient educational benefit at Janney, no remand for further elaboration is warranted.
    As the Court finds that K.S. was offered sufficient educational benefit under the District’s
    proposed IEP, she was not denied a FAPE for 2010-11, and Plaintiffs are thus not entitled to
    reimbursement for K.S.’s fifth-grade private-school placement.
    14 C. 2011
    -2012 School Year
    On March 18, 2011, while K.S. was enrolled at the Lab School, DCPS volunteered to
    review the previous year’s IEP (which K.S.’s parents had rejected) and develop a new plan. See
    A.R. 274 (DCPS Letter) (“Last spring, DCPS developed an IEP for [K.S.] prior to her
    withdrawal from DCPS. That IEP will expire on June 6 of this year. If you would like DCPS to
    conduct an annual review of [K.S.’s] current IEP and develop a new IEP for the 2011-2012
    school year, we would like to complete this process while her current educational instructors and
    related services providers are available.”). On June 1, 2011, the IEP meeting was convened and
    included K.S.’s parents, numerous individuals from the Lab School, and representatives from
    DCPS. See A.R. 347-360 (DCPS IEP, 6/1/11). Prior to this meeting, the Lab School had
    developed its own service plan for the next school year requiring full-time special education,
    which K.S.’s mother had signed. See A.R. 314-324 (Lab School Plan for Services, 5/19/11); see
    also A.R. 325-343 (Student Goals & Objectives). These documents were shared with DCPS in
    advance of the June 1 meeting, and DCPS incorporated the Goals and Objectives from the Lab
    School plan into its proposed IEP. See A.R. 344 (Letter to DCPS enclosing Lab School plan);
    A.R. 347-360 (DCPS IEP, 6/1/11).
    Table A identifies the services in the proposed IEP, compared to the services that K.S.
    had been offered (and refused) in the previous school year.
    Table A: Hours of Services / Week
    2010-2011        2011-2012
    6/7/10 IEP       6/1/11 IEP
    Service                                 Setting                      (A.R. 197)       (A.R. 357)
    Outside General Education
    Reading                             Outside General Education 1 hr            2 hr
    Written Expression                  Outside General Education .5 hr           1 hr
    Speech-Language Pathology           Outside General Education .75 hr          .75 hr
    Total                             2 hr 15 mins    3 hr 45 mins
    General Education
    Reading                              General Education        1 hr             2 hr
    Written Expression                   General Education        1 hr             2 hr
    Mathematics                          General Education        2 hr             2 hr
    Speech-Language Pathology            General Education        .75 hr           .75 hr
    Total                             4 hr 45 mins     6 hr 45 mins
    Consultation Services: Speech-
    Language Pathology                   n/a                      .5 hr            .5 hr
    While the proposed IEP increased services K.S. would receive both inside and outside of the
    general-education setting, it did not include full-time special education. See A.R. 314-324 (Lab
    School Plan for Services, 5/19/11); A.R. 347-360 (DCPS IEP, 6/1/11). In other words, the
    District recommended that K.S. enroll at Alice Deal Middle School (since Janney ends after fifth
    grade), not remain at Lab. As with the previous year’s IEP, K.S.’s parents refused the District’s
    plan and kept her at Lab. See A.R. 413-424 (Due Process Complaint, 12/9/11).
    Plaintiffs raise two challenges to the Report’s recommendation to affirm the hearing
    officer’s decisions as to the 2011-2012 school year. First, they charge that he erred in
    concluding that the District was not required to develop an IEP for parentally placed private-
    school children like K.S. Second, Plaintiffs complain of his alternative finding that the District
    had nonetheless developed an IEP that was reasonably calculated to provide K.S. with sufficient
    educational benefit. See A.R. 24-25 (HOD). Magistrate Judge Kay affirmed both findings. See
    Report at 13-14. Because the Court finds an appropriate IEP was in fact developed by DCPS, it
    need not resolve the threshold issue of whether DCPS was required to create one.
    Plaintiffs are correct in noting that the hearing officer’s discussion of the appropriateness
    of this IEP is extremely limited: “I find that DCPS’ June 1, 2011 IEP did not violate the IDEA.
    As with DCPS’ proposed June 7, 2010 IEP, the June 1, 2011 IEP continued all of the services
    provided to student in the successful May 13, 2009 IEP.” A.R. 25 (HOD). After noting that
    K.S.’s services were being increased under the proposed IEP, the hearing officer concluded that
    “Petitioners have not shown that this level of Specialized Instruction and Related Services was
    not reasonably calculated to provide some educational benefit to Student.” 
    Such a cursory discussion, Plaintiffs contend, fails to recognize that “a student’s
    educational needs may change from year to year,” and “parents should be allowed to present, and
    a Court or Hearing Officer must consider, evidence of a student’s differing need from one year to
    the next when crafting appropriate relief.” Obj. at 14. While this may well be true, Plaintiffs
    never provided any evidence of a significant change in K.S.’s needs. Instead, they rest their
    challenge on the same argument they made with respect to the previous year: that K.S.’s needs
    could only be met in a full-time special-education setting. 
    Id. at 15
    . By doubling down on the
    identical argument – an argument that this Court has rejected, see Section III.B, supra – and
    failing to demonstrate any material change in K.S.’s needs for the 2011-2012 school year,
    Plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden on this point. They cannot show the hearing officer
    erred in finding DCPS could meet her needs at Deal. Had the Court found that the previous
    year’s plan was inappropriate – or that K.S.’s needs had grown – then it might well follow that
    the plan for the second year, which proposed similar services, would also be inadequate. That is
    not the case, however.
    The new plan, moreover, did not simply repeat the previous IEP, but instead offered
    substantial increases in services. See Table A, supra. As with the 2010-2011 year, DCPS
    endeavored to provide K.S. with some educational benefit for the 2011-2012 school year: it
    convened an IEP meeting, incorporated Goals and Objectives from the Lab School’s plan, and
    developed a reasonable service plan to aid K.S. in attaining those goals. See A.R. 14 (HOD).
    The Court concludes that the proposed IEP was sufficient. Plaintiffs, therefore, are not entitled
    to reimbursement for K.S.’s sixth-grade tuition at the Lab School either.
    IV.    Conclusion
    For the reasons stated herein, the Court will issue a contemporaneous Order adopting
    Magistrate Kay’s June 10, 2013, Report and Recommendation denying Plaintiffs’ Motion and
    granting Defendant’s.
    /s/ James E. Boasberg
    United States District Judge
    Date: August 26, 2013

Document Info

Docket Number: Civil Action No. 2012-0624

Citation Numbers: 962 F. Supp. 2d 216

Judges: Judge James E. Boasberg

Filed Date: 8/26/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/31/2023

Authorities (17)

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