United States v. James ( 2010 )

    C|erk, U.S. Dcstrict & Bankruptcy
    ) Courts for the Dlstrict of columbia
    ) Criminal Action. No. 03-325 (RBW)
    v. ) Civil Action No. 07-1506 (RBW)
    Defendant. )
    Steven James, the pr_o g defendant in this case, seeks immediate relief from the prison
    sentence he received from the Court for violating the terms of his plea agreement. Writ for
    Habeas Corpus to Vacate, Set Aside, or Correct Sentence (the "Def.’s Mot.") at 2, 12;1 Hr’g Tr.
    2-5, l 1-l5, May 6, 2005. In his motion for post-conviction relief, the defendant argues that his
    guilty plea and sentence for Possession With Intent to Distribute Heroin and Possession of a
    Firearm During a Drug Trafficking Offense were unlawful because (l) he pled guilty to a "sham
    statute," Def.’s Mot. at 2, 5; (2) his counsel was constitutionally ineffective, i_cL at 6; (3) the
    Court violated Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure ll by failing to inform him of the nature and
    consequences of a potential term of supervised release, § at 8; and (4) the Court’s application of
    the United States Sentencing Guidelines - specifically the Career Offender Pr0vision, by
    allowing sentencing enhancements for past convictions, see U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual
    § 4Bl .l (2009) ~ violated the Double Jeopardy Clause, Def’s Mot. at 9; Memorandum Citation
    l Although the cover page of the defendant’s motion is titled "Writ for Habeas Corpus to Vacate, Correct or Set
    Aside Sentence," the standardized motion form that he used is titled "Motion Under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 to Vacate, Set
    Aside, or Correct Sentence by a Person in Federal Custody." Given the submission of the forrn, along with the
    defendant’s repeated citation to Section 2255 in the body of his motion, see, e.g., § at 2, ll, 12, the Court will
    evaluate the motion as pursued under Section 2255.
    of Laws (the "Def.’s Mem.") at 4. After careful consideration of the defendant’s motion and
    attached memorandum, the Government’s Opposition to Defendant’s Section 2255 Motion (the
    "Gov’t’s Opp’n"), and the entire Court record, the Court concludes for the following reasons that
    the defendant’s motion must be denied.
    I. Background
    On July 29, 2003, the defendant was charged with one count of Possession of a Firearm
    and Ammunition by a Person Convicted of a Crime Exceeding One Year, in violation of 18
    U.S.C. § 922(g)(l) (2002); one count of Unlawful Possession with Intent to Distribute Heroin, in
    violation of 21 U.S.C. § 84l(b)(l)(C) (2002); and one count of Using, Carrying, and Possessing
    a Firearm During a Drug Trafficking ()ffense, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(l) (2002).
    Gov’t’s Opp’n at 2. On December l l, 2003, the defendant pled guilty to the latter two counts
    and was released pursuant to a cooperation agreement with the government that required the
    defendant to serve as a govemment inforrnant. §_e_e Hr’ g Tr. 5-6, 27-50, Dec. ll, 2003. The
    defendant, however, violated the terms of his release, and consequently he was sentenced by this
    Court on May 6, 2005 to a term of 240 months incarceration on the Possession with Intent to
    Distribute Heroin count and twenty-two months on the Using, Carrying, and Possessing a
    Firearm During a Drug Trafficking Offense count, with both sentences to be served
    consecutively. Hr’g Tr. 14-l 5, May 6, 2005. The defendant was also sentenced to five years of
    supervised release following the completion of his prison sentence. ld_.
    On appeal, the defendant argued that "he [had been] convicted of a drug crime ‘for which
    he ha[d] never been charged."’ United States v. James, No. 05-3083, 
    2007 WL 754784
    , at *l
    (D.C. Cir. Feb. 27, 2007) (per curiam). Although "the plea agreement that J ames negotiated with
    the government mistakenly identified the drug charge as a violation of subsection
    84l(b)(l)(B)(i)," the District of Columbia Circuit affirmed the conviction and sentence because
    [the defendant’s] characterization of the proceedings below is clearly wrong.
    James was indicted for violating 21 U.S.C. § 84l(b)(l)(C), which prohibits
    possession with intent to distribute any amount of heroin. The sentencing
    hearing, the presentencing report, and the bulk of the Rule ll colloquy all
    correctly referred to and applied that provision. Moreover, the judgment entered
    in the district court docket plainly states that J ames was convicted of a violation
    of subsection 84l(b)(l)(C).
    I_959 F.2d 1011
    , 1031 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (quoting Machibroda v. United States, 
    368 U.S. 487
    , 495 (1962)). In making this assessment, the Court construes pro _se_ filings liberally.
    Toolasprashad v. Bureau of Prisons, 
    286 F.3d 576
    , 583 (D.C. Cir. 2002). With these principles
    in mind, the Court will now address each of the defendant’s arguments in tum.
    1. The defendant’s ‘sham statute’ argument
    The defendant first argues that he was induced to plead guilty to a "sham statute" because
    Federal Rule of Evidence 704(b) prohibits the Court from allowing an expert witness to testify to
    the defendant’s intent to distribute drugs. Def.’s Mot. at 5; Def.’s Mem. at 3. The government
    argues that this claim is merely a re-framing of the defendant’s argument on direct appeal that he
    was convicted of a drug crime for which he has never been charged, and thus it is not open to
    relitigation. Gov’t’s Opp’n at 2, 5-6. Certainly, "[i]t is well established in the federal circuits
    that a federal prisoner cannot raise collaterally any issue litigated and adjudicated on a direct
    appeal from his conviction, absent an intervening change in the law[,]" or some fundamental
    miscarriage of justice. Garris v. Lindsay, 
    794 F.2d 722
    , 726 (D.C. Cir. 1986) (footnotes
    omitted). However, the Court understands the defendant to be raising a different argument: that
    the defendant would have declined the plea offer if he had not been misled about what an expert
    witness could say at trial under the Federal Rules of Evidence. The defendant seems to argue
    that the govemment induced him to plea guilty by misrepresenting that an expert witness could
    testify to the his intent to distribute drugs. § Def.’s Mot. at 5 ("The Government was
    prohibit[ed] from inducing petitioner to had pled [sic] guilty to a ‘SHAM’ statute, because the
    Criminal P. Rule No. 704(B), does prohibit [sic] the court from allowing an expart [sic] witness
    to testify to the petitioner[‘s] ‘MENTAL INTENT’ to further distribute any drugs to an ‘UN-
    This argument was not raised on direct appeal; thus, the defendant must show "cause" for
    the failure, as well as "actual prejudice" suffered as a result of the alleged error, to avoid
    procedural default. United States v. Frady, 
    456 U.S. 152
    , 167-68 (1982). "[C]ause . . .
    ordinarily tum[s] on whether the prisoner can show that some objective factor external to the
    defense impeded counsel’s efforts to comply with the [relevant] procedural rule." Murray v.
    477 U.S. 478
    , 488 (1986); see also Bouslev v. United States, 
    523 U.S. 614
    , 621-23
    (1998) (citing my for procedural default rule in the context of a guilty plea). For example,
    the defendant may demonstrate "that the factual or legal basis for a claim was not reasonably
    available to counsel, or that some interference by officials made compliance impracticable."
    135 477 U.S. at 488 (citations and quotation marks omitted). To establish "actual prejudice,"
    the defendant must show that the errors at his trial "worked to his 11 and substantial
    disadvantage, infecting his entire trial with error of constitutional dimensions." I_cl. at l70. Thus
    "to obtain collateral relief[,] a prisoner must clear a significantly higher hurdle than would exist
    on direct appeal." § at 166.
    Here, the Court finds that it need not address the merits of the defendant’s "sham statute"
    argument because he is procedurally barred from raising it. The defendant offers no reason for
    his failure to raise this claim on direct appeal, and the Court can think of none. Def.’s Mot. at 5.
    But even setting aside the lack of cause, the defendant is unable to establish prejudice. First, the
    defendant misrepresents the government’s case and intended use of an expert witness. At the
    defendant’s plea hearing, the govemment noted that
    [i]f this case were to have gone to trial, the govemment would have presented
    expert testimony that the 41 Ziploc bags found in the defendant’s possession were
    . . . packaged and in amounts consistent with distribution. The govemment would
    further have provided expert testimony that the evidence recovered from the
    defendant’s residence was consistent with use for processing, packaging, selling,
    transferring[,] and trafficking narcotics in the District of Columbia.
    Hr’g Tr. 30, Dec. ll, 2003. Hence, the expert would have testified that evidence, such as
    weapons, scales, and large amounts of cash, found in the defendant’s home were consistent with
    an intent to distribute, not that this defendant actually had an intent to distribute. I_d. at 29-31.
    This testimony would be entirely consistent with Federal Rule of Evidence 704(b), which only
    prohibits an expert witness from testifying as to whether a particular defendant did in fact have
    such intent. See also In re Sealed Case, 
    99 F.3d 1175
    , 1178 (D.C. Cir. 1996) (finding that "the
    expert’s testimony on whether the drugs in the house were consistent with personal use or with
    distribution" was consistent with Rule 704(b) because it concerns @lg§ operandi of drug
    traffickers and not the particular defendant’s mental state). Additionally, the Rule ll colloquy
    made clear that the defendant pled guilty because of his actual guilt and not for any other reason
    or inducement. Hr’g Tr. 46, Dec. ll, 2003. Thus, there are no errors here, let alone errors of
    "constitutional dimensions." l~`@y, 456 U.S. at 170. According1y, the defendant’s "sham
    statute" claim is procedurally barred.z
    2. The defendant’s ineffective assistance of counsel claims
    Next, the defendant argues that his counsel during plea and sentencing hearings, Shawn
    Moore, was constitutionally ineffective for (l) "fail[ing] to challenge the tainted indictment," (2)
    failing to challenge "the Grand Jury process," (3) "fail[ing] to file Pre-Trial Motions," (4)
    negotiating "his own client’s guaranteed Constitutional Rights at a Plea Hearing," (5) failing to
    challenge the Court’s ruling that his two sentences run consecutively, and (6) "fail[ing] to object
    to an illegal search warrant." Def.’s Mot at 6. These claims are not procedurally barred despite
    the defendant’s failure to raise them on direct appeal because ineffective assistance of counsel
    claims are not subject to the procedural-default rule. Massaro v. United States, 538 U.S. at 504
    ("We hold that an ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim may be brought in a collateral
    proceeding under [Section] 2255, whether or not the petitioner could have raised the claim on
    direct appeal."). However, because the Court finds that a number of the defendant’s allegations
    are "vague, conclusory, and palpably incredible," Pollard, 959 F.2d at 1031, and furthermore that
    any non-jurisdictional and non-sentencing claims were specifically waived by the defendant,
    Hr’g Tr. 43-44, Dec. ll, 2003, his claims are without merit.
    2 To the extent that the Court could construe the defendant’s "sham statute" argument to mean that he is alleging
    that his own counsel did not properly advise him as to the govemment’s expert witness testimony, making it
    essentially an ineffective assistance of counsel claim, the argument is without merit. An ineffective assistance of
    counsel claim is not subject to the procedural default rule, Massoro v. United States, 
    538 U.S. 500
    , 504 (2003);
    however, "a guilty plea cannot be attacked as based on inadequate legal advice unless counsel was not ‘a reasonably
    competent attomey’ and the advice was not ‘within the range of competence demanded of attorneys in criminal
    cases."’ trickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687 (1984) (quoting McMann v. Richardson, 
    397 U.S. 759
    , 771
    (1970)). Given the overwhelming evidence consistent with the intent to distribute heroin, such as weapons, scales,
    and other trafficking materials, Hr’ g Tr. 29-30, Dec. ll, 2003, any advice counsel may have given to the defendant
    suggesting that he plea guilty would have been sound legal advice. The defendant also fails to show that he would
    have declined to plea guilty if his counsel had not allegedly failed to clarify what expert testimony would be
    admissible at trial. § United States v. Hugl_ies, 
    514 F.3d 15
    , 17 (D.C. Cir. 2008) (stating that defendant must show
    a reasonable probability that the results would have been different but for counsel’s errors).
    As to the defendant’s claims that Mr. Moore was deficient in preserving his constitutional
    rights, first the defendant appears to contend that the Grand Jury process violates the Separation
    of Powers doctrine by granting to a non-j udiciary body the power to establish whether a
    defendant is to be indicted and charged. Def.’s Mem at 1. The defendant also argues that the
    plea agreement and plea hearing, pursuant to which the defendant waived a number of
    constitutional rights, are "unconstitutional" and part of "a joint-conspiracy [between the
    defendant’s counsel and the Court] to deprive [the defendant] of his [c]onstitutional [r]ights
    [sic]." Def.’s Mem. at 9. However, both practices (plea agreements and guilty pleas) are
    ingrained in American jurisprudence and fundamental to American justice. Moreover, the ability
    to waive one’s own constitutional rights is uncontroversial, §§ Indiana v. Edwards, 
    554 U.S. 164
    , _, 
    128 S. Ct. 23
     79, 23 83-84 (2008) (noting that a criminal defendant may waive the right
    to counsel); Florida v. Nixon, 
    543 U.S. 175
    , 187 (2004) (stating that a guilty plea is a waiver of
    constitutional rights, including the right to trial by jury and protection against self-incrimination),
    and the use of a grand jury to indict an individual for a maj or crime is not only allowed under the
    Constitution, but it is an individual right that our Founding Fathers explicitly provided for in the
    Bill of Rights, U.S. Const. amend. V. Thus, no counsel could be constitutionally deficient for
    failing to raise these claims based solely on the occurrence of these events. United States v.
    449 F.3d 154
    , 159 (D.C. Cir. 2006) ("Failure to raise a meritless claim is not evidence of
    ineffective assistance."), overruled in part on other grounds by Dean v. United States, _ U.S. _,
    129 S. Ct. 1849
    , 1852-53, 1856 (2009). These claims, therefore, are "palpably incredible" and
    must be rejected for that reason. Pollard, 959 F.2d at 1031; see also United States v. Geraldo,
    523 F. Supp. 2d 14
    , 21 (D.D.C. 2007) (Ko11ar-Kotelly, J.) (rejecting as palpably incredible a
    claim of ineffective assistance of counsel premised on the defendant’s inability to understand his
    counsel’s advice due to a language barrier, where the defendant was at all relevant times
    provided with an interpreter).
    As to the defendant’s claims that Mr. Moore was constitutionally ineffective for "fail[ing]
    to challenge the tainted indictment," "fail[ing] to file pre-trial motions," failing to challenge the
    Court’s imposition of consecutive sentences, and "fail[ing] to object to an illegal search
    warrant[,]" Def.’s Mot at 6, these allegations are vague and conclusory, The defendant does not
    describe or even hint at how his indictment was tainted, on what grounds Mr. Moore could have
    challenged the search warrant, what other pre-trial motions his lawyer should have or could have
    filed (no motion schedule was ever set because the defendant pled guilty), or on what grounds
    Mr. Moore could have challenged the Court’s determination that the defendant’s sentences be
    served consecutively. As to this last point, Mr. Moore did in fact request that the sentences be
    served concurrently, but the Court denied the request.3 Hr’g Tr. 16, May 6, 2005 . Furthermore,
    the defendant’s plea bargain entailed a waiver of all non-jurisdictional and non-sentencing
    challenges to the defendant’s conviction, Hr’g Tr. 43-44, Dec. 1 1, 2003, and because the
    defendant here does not claim that his plea was defective - that is, not entered into voluntarily or
    intelligently ~ the Court must deem all of the defendant’s non-sentencing claims as waived, _see
    United States v. Williams, 
    838 F. Supp. 1
    , 2-3 (D.D.C. 1993) (Gasch, J.) (rejecting a defendant’s
    Section 2255 motion, because "supposed violations . . . occurred prior to her guilty plea and [did]
    not affect the voluntary nature of that plea. Therefore, those issues [could not] be raised
    collaterally. . . . [A defendant] ‘may only attack the voluntary and intelligent character of the
    3 Even if Mr. Moore had not made this request, the Court would not find fault with the failure. There was no basis
    for challenging the determination that the sentences be served consecutively, as 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1)(D)(ii)
    provides that "no term of imprisonment imposed on a person under this subsection shall run concurrently with any
    other term of imprisonment imposed on the person, including any term of imprisonment imposed for the crime of
    violence or drug trafficking crime during which the firearm was used, carried, or possessed."
    guilty plea by showing that the advice [the defendant] received from counsel was
    constitutionally ineffective (quoting Tollett v. Henderson, 
    411 U.S. 258
    , 267 (1973))).
    3. The defendant’s Rule 11 claim
    The defendant next claims that he was "exposed to [a Rule] 11 violation[] when this
    Court . . . imposed a [s]upervised [r]elease [t]errn . . . beyond the maximum Sentencing
    Guideline Range," because the Court "did not [inform] the petitioner of the nature and
    consequences of the [the] [s]upervised [r]elease [t]erm, which makes the [p]lea [b]argain
    invalid." Def.’s Mot. at 8 (citing United States v. Thorne, 
    153 F.3d 130
    , 133-34 (4th Cir. 1998)
    (permitting a defendant to withdraw his guilty plea because of the district court’s failure to
    inform him "of the nature of supervised release or of the consequences attendant on its
    violation")). Regardless of whether this claim rests on a different ground than the Rule 11 claim
    raised and decided on direct appeal, the govemment is correct that this claim fails on the merits.
    Gov’t’s Opp’n at 4 n.3. Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure ll(b)(l)(H) requires that the Court
    advise a defendant of "any maximum possible penalty, including imprisonment, fine, and term of
    supervised re1ease." Contrary to the defendant’s assertions, the Court did in fact inform him of
    the terms and nature of supervised release; indeed, the Court apprised the defendant that he faced
    a prison sentence, fine, and "supervised release for up to five years, which means that once you
    finish your sentence, then you would be under the supervision of the Probation Department for
    five years." Hr’ g Tr. 32-33, Dec. ll, 2003. Thus, the Court rejects this claim as well.
    4. The defendant’s double jeopardy claim
    Finally, the defendant argues that the Court relied upon a prior conviction in imposing his
    sentence, thereby subjecting him to double jeopardy, and that he carmot waive a double jeopardy
    claim, Def.’s Mot. at 9. Specifically, the defendant asserts that the application of the Career
    Offender provision of the Sentencing Guidelines violates the Double Jeopardy Clause of the
    Fifth Amendment. Def.’s Mem. at 4-5. But similar, if not identical, claims have been rejected
    by the Supreme Court, se_e Witte v. United States, 
    515 U.S. 389
    , 402-06 (1995) ("Because
    consideration of relevant conduct in determining a defendant’s sentence within the legislatively
    authorized punishment range does not constitute punishment for that conduct, the instant
    prosecution does not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause’s prohibition against the imposition of
    multiple punishments for the same offense."), and the District of Columbia Circuit, § m
    States v. Garrett, 
    959 F.2d 1005
     , 1009 (1992) (rejecting a claim that the Career Offender
    provision violates the Double Jeopardy Clause, as "‘ [t]he sentence as a . . . habitual criminal is
    not to be viewed as either a new jeopardy or additional penalty for the earlier crimes. lt is a
    stiffened penalty for the latest crime, which is considered to be an aggravated offense because [it
    is] a repetitive one."’ (quoting Gryger v. Burke, 
    334 U.S. 728
    , 732 (1948))). Thus, Mr. Moore
    was not deficient for failing to raise this meritless claim/1
    III. Conclusion
    The Court concludes that all of the defendant’s asserted grounds for release are without
    merit. The motion and record conclusively show that the defendant is not entitled to relief, and
    therefore, no evidentiary hearing is necessary. The defendant’s motion for post-conviction relief
    pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255 is denied.
    4 The defendant also mentions the "unprofessional errors" of his counsel in relation to this claim. Def.’s Mot. at 9
    ("The petitioner cannot waive his double jeopardy claim[] before this [C]ourt[] due to trial counsel’s unprofessional
    errors."). Again construing this m g filing liberally, the Court considers whether the defendant is alleging
    ineffective assistance of counsel in making this Double Jeopardy argument. _See Toolasprashad, 286 F.3d at 5 83.
    But because of the clear precedent on how the Career Offender Provision of the Sentencing Guidelines has been
    construed in light of the Double Jeopardy Clause as cited above, § i, 515 U.S. at 402-06; Garrett, 959 F.2d at
    1009, any failure of counsel to raise this argument would not have constituted a Sixth Amendment violation. Thus,
    the Court finds that any ineffective assistance of counsel claim that the defendant may have raised on this point is
    without merit.
    so oRDERED this jff<§y or sepiember, 2010.5
    United States District Judge
    5 An order will be issued contemporaneously with this memorandum opinion denying the defendant’s motion for
    post-conviction relief pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 2255.