St. Michale's Medical Center v. Leavitt ( 2009 )

  •                   UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    ST. MICHAEL’S MEDICAL         )
    CENTER, et al.,               )
    Plaintiffs,         )
    v.              )     Civil Action No. 07-2036 (EGS)
    )     Civil Action No. 07-1484 (EGS)
    KATHLEEN SEBELIUS,1 Secretary )
    of the Department of Health   )
    and Human Services,           )
    Defendant.   )
    Plaintiffs are twenty-two urban hospitals seeking additional
    reimbursement from the Secretary of Health and Human Services
    (“defendant” or the “Secretary”) for inpatient services
    plaintiffs provided to Medicare beneficiaries during fiscal years
    (“FY”) 2000 and 2001.2   The parties filed cross motions for
    summary judgment, which this Court referred to a magistrate judge
    Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(d),
    Secretary Sebelius, in her official capacity as the Secretary of
    the Department of Health and Human Services, is automatically
    substituted as the named defendant.
    This case was filed as two separate actions: Civil
    Action No. 07-2036, which addresses claims relating to FY 2000,
    and Civil Action No. 07-1484, which addresses claims relating to
    FY 2001. On January 4, 2008, the Court granted the parties’
    joint motion to consolidate the cases, and nothing substantive
    has been filed in Civil Action No. 07-2036 since the filing of
    the Administrative Record in February 2008. Because Civil Action
    No. 07-1484 is the operative case, all citations to the record in
    this Memorandum Opinion reference that case unless otherwise
    for a Report and Recommendation.       Now pending before the Court
    are the parties’ objections to the Report and Recommendation.
    Upon careful consideration of the Report and Recommendation, the
    parties’ objections and responses to objections, the cross
    motions, responses and replies thereto, the applicable law, the
    entire record herein, and for the reasons stated below, the Court
    rejects the magistrate judge’s recommendations, GRANTS
    defendant’s motion for summary judgment, and DENIES plaintiffs’
    motion for summary judgment.
    A. Medicare Reimbursement and the Prospective Payment
    The Medicare program, established by Title XVIII of the
    Social Security Act, 
    42 U.S.C. § 1395
     et seq., pays for covered
    medical services provided to eligible aged and disabled persons.
    Part A of the Medicare program authorizes payments for, among
    other things, certain inpatient hospital services.       See 
    1395c, 1395d.     The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
    (“CMS”) (formerly known as the Health Care Financing
    Administration (“HCFA”)) is the agency within the Department of
    Health and Human Services that has been designated by the
    Secretary to administer the Medicare program.       CMS, in turn, has
    delegated many of Medicare’s audit and payment functions to
    fiscal intermediaries, who are generally private insurers.       See
    id. § 1395h.
    Although hospitals used to be reimbursed for their actual
    costs in treating beneficiaries (as long as those costs were
    reasonable), most hospitals are now reimbursed through the
    Prospective Payment System (“PPS”).   See id. § 1395ww(d).     Under
    the PPS, hospitals are “paid fixed rates for providing specific
    categories of treatment, known as ‘diagnosis related groups,’ or
    ‘DRGs.’”   Bellevue Hosp. Ctr. v. Leavitt, 
    443 F.3d 163
    , 168 (2d
    Cir. 2006) (citing 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)).   Medicare
    administrators develop these rates by setting a “standard
    nationwide cost rate – the ‘federal rate’ – based on the average
    operating costs of inpatient hospital services.   They then assign
    a weight to each category of inpatient treatment, or [DRG].”
    Methodist Hosp. of Sacramento v. Shalala, 
    38 F.3d 1225
    , 1227
    (D.C. Cir. 1994) (internal citation omitted).   A hospital’s final
    reimbursement per patient is determined by multiplying the
    patient’s DRG and the federal rate, after that rate has been
    “standardized” by making adjustments based on a variety of
    factors. See 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(2)(C) (listing the factors
    used for standardization).
    To account for regional variations in labor costs, the
    Secretary adjusts the labor-related portion of the federal rate
    by a geographically specific factor commonly referred to as the
    “wage index.”   See 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i).     Specifically,
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) states that
    the Secretary shall adjust the proportion, (as
    estimated by the Secretary from time to time) of
    hospitals’ costs which are attributable to wages and
    wage-related costs, of the DRG prospective payment
    rates computed under subparagraph (D) for area
    differences in hospital wage levels by a factor
    (established by the Secretary) reflecting the relative
    hospital wage level in the geographic area of the
    hospital compared to the national average hospital wage
    Id.; see also Robert Wood Johnson Univ. Hosp. v. Shalala, 
    297 F.3d 273
    , 276 (3d Cir. 2002) (“The wage index compares the
    average hourly wage for hospitals in a given geographic area with
    the national average hourly wage, which in turn determines the
    payment rate above or below the national average at which a
    hospital is reimbursed.   The wage-index for an area generally
    applies to all hospitals physically located within that
    geographic area.” (internal citation omitted)).
    B. Geographic Classification, Reclassification, and
    the Impact on the Wage Index
    For the purposes of the wage index, the Secretary classifies
    a hospital as being located in either an urban or rural area
    using Metropolitan Statistical Areas (“MSAs”), as defined by the
    Executive Office of Management and Budget.   See 
    42 C.F.R. § 412.64
    .   Recognizing that these geographic classification
    procedures impose a burden on some hospitals,3 Congress amended
    The hospitals that tend to be most negatively impacted by
    these classifications are those that compete for the same labor
    pool with hospitals located in larger, urban areas with higher
    the Medicare statute “to allow a hospital to seek
    reclassification from its geographically-based wage area to a
    nearby wage area for payment purposes if it meets certain
    criteria.”    Robert Wood Johnson, 397 F.3d at 276.    The current
    reclassification provisions permit a rural hospital that meets
    those criteria to reclassify as urban, and qualifying urban
    hospitals to reclassify either as rural or to another higher-wage
    urban area.   See 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395ww(d)(8)(B)(i) & (d)(10); 
    42 C.F.R. §§ 412.230-412.235
    .   Congress also created the Medicare
    Geographic Classification Review Board, a five-member entity that
    reviews reclassification applications and, based on the specified
    requirements, decides whether an applicant is eligible for
    reclassification.    See 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(10); 
    42 C.F.R. § 412.230
    Both Congress and the Secretary have recognized that
    hospital reclassification can substantially impact the wage index
    for both the geographic area from which a hospital originates and
    the new area into which the hospital classifies.      The Medicare
    program therefore provides for circumstances when the wage index
    data for an incoming rural hospital must be excluded from the
    wage indexes. See Robert Wood Johnson, 
    297 F.3d at 276
    (describing the “inequitable results” caused by this situation);
    Athens Cmty. Hosp., Inc. v. Shalala, 
    21 F.3d 1176
    , 1177 (D.C.
    Cir. 1994) (“[A] hospital that is in a rural area but must
    compete for labor with hospitals in a nearby urban area may be
    insufficiently reimbursed for the cost of providing services.”).
    wage index of the urban area it is entering.     42 U.S.C. §
    1395ww(d)(8)(C)(i)(I)-(II).    Likewise, Congress implemented a
    provision to prevent the wage index of a rural area from
    decreasing when a hospital originating from that area
    reclassifies into an urban area.4     See id. § 1395ww(d)(8)(C)(ii).
    No such statutory provision exists for urban areas, but no
    reclassification may result in the reduction of a wage index of
    any county below that of the State’s rural areas.5      See id. §
    1395ww(d)(8)(C)(iii); see also Def.’s Objections to Magistrate
    Judge’s Report & Recommendation (“Def.’s Objections”) at 5
    (“[T]he Act is silent with respect to how to calculate the wage
    index for an urban area after a hospital has reclassified to
    another area . . . .”).    Plaintiffs in this lawsuit challenge the
    Secretary’s since-changed practice of calculating the wage index
    for urban areas without including data from hospitals that have
    reclassified into higher-wage areas.
    C.    Reclassification and Urban Wage Indexes
    The Secretary annually publishes rules in the Federal
    Register setting forth both the methodology for calculating the
    wage index and the wage indexes themselves.     Beginning in 1991,
    This is often referred to as a “hold harmless” provision,
    because it ensures that hospitals in rural areas are “held
    harmless” from the effects of a reclassification. See Def.’s
    S.J. Mem. at 7.
    This is sometimes called the “rural floor.”
    the Secretary publicly acknowledged the increase in urban
    reclassifications and, through notice and comment rulemaking,
    considered various methods to calculate the wage index for urban
    areas in the wake of such reclassifications.   Despite proposals
    to implement a “hold harmless” provision for urban hospitals
    similar to the statutory provision in place for rural areas, the
    Secretary repeatedly declined to do so.   See, e.g., 
    65 Fed. Reg. 47054
    , 47077 (Aug. 1, 2000) (“[E]xcept for those rural areas in
    which redesignation would reduce the rural wage index value, the
    wage index value for each area is computed exclusive of the wage
    data for hospitals that have been redesignated from the area for
    purposes of their wage index.”); 
    56 Fed. Reg. 43196
    , 43221 (Aug.
    30, 1991) (“[W]e considered . . . provid[ing] the same ‘hold
    harmless’ protection that the statute affords to rural areas when
    hospitals are reclassified from those areas.   That is, we
    considered providing that the wage index value for an urban area
    could not be reduced due to the reclassification of hospitals
    from that area.   However, we do not believe this action would be
    In 2001, however, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
    (“MedPAC”) issued a report to Congress recommending that the
    Medicare statute be amended to provide a “hold harmless”
    provision for urban areas.   See Def.’s S.J. Mem. at 10-11 (citing
    Medicare Payment Advisory Comm’n, Report to the Congress:
    Medicare Payment Policy 82 (Mar. 2001),
    documents/Mar01%20Entire%20report.pdf (“MedPAC Report”), and
    describing the contents of the report).   The report expressed
    MedPAC’s opinion that the Secretary had the authority to make
    such a change by way of regulation, but noted that the agency had
    been “reluctant” to do so.   MedPAC Report at 83 (“HCFA appears to
    have the authority to make this change through regulation.
    However, because the protection for nonreclassified
    rural hospitals was enacted legislatively and Congress has not
    legislated such protection for urban hospitals, HCFA has thus far
    been reluctant to make the change itself.”).
    Shortly thereafter, the Secretary did in fact propose
    implementing a “hold harmless” provision for urban areas, and
    discussed the MedPAC Report and its findings in the proposed
    rule.   See 
    66 Fed. Reg. 22646
    , 22678 (May 4, 2001).   The rule was
    adopted in August 2001 and has been in effect since FY 2002.     See
    66 Fed. Reg. 39828
    , 39865 (Aug. 1, 2001) (“Currently, the wage
    index value for an urban area is calculated exclusive of the wage
    data for hospitals that have been reclassified to another area.
    For the FY 2002 wage index, we include the wage data for a
    reclassified urban hospital in both the area to which it is
    reclassified and the MSA where the hospital is physically
    D.    Administrative and Judicial Review
    To receive reimbursement for services, hospitals file “cost
    report[s]” with their intermediaries at the end of each fiscal
    42 C.F.R. § 405.1801
    (b)(1).   Intermediaries then audit the
    reports and determine the reimbursement amount owed to the
    providers.     That determination is memorialized in a Notice of
    Program Reimbursement and issued to the provider.      
    A hospital or group of hospitals dissatisfied with an
    intermediary’s reimbursement determination may file an appeal
    with the Provider Review Reimbursement Board (“PRRB”).      See 42
    U.S.C. § 1395oo(a)-(b).     The PRRB is “an administrative review
    panel that has the power to conduct an evidentiary hearing and
    affirm, modify, or reverse the intermediary’s [reimbursement]
    determination.”     Your Home Visiting Nurse Servs., Inc. v.
    525 U.S. 449
    , 451 (1999).      Additionally, both the
    statute and the corresponding regulations provide a mechanism for
    the PRRB to grant expedited judicial review (“EJR”) where the
    PRRB determines that it lacks the authority to decide a legal
    Providers shall . . . have the right to obtain judicial
    review of any action of the fiscal intermediary which
    involves a question of law or regulations relevant to
    the matters in controversy whenever the Board
    determines (on its own motion or at the request of a
    provider of services . . . ) that it is without
    authority to decide the question, by a civil action
    commenced within sixty days of the date on which
    notification of such determination is received.
    42 U.S.C. § 1395oo(f)(1); see also 
    42 C.F.R. § 405.1842
    (noting that before issuing an EJR decision, the PRRB must
    determine that it “lacks the authority to decide a specific legal
    question relevant to the specific matter at issue because the
    legal question is a challenge either to the constitutionality of
    a provision of a statute, or to the substantive or procedural
    validity of a regulation or CMS Ruling”).
    E.   Factual and Procedural Background
    Plaintiffs are hospitals located in multiple MSAs in New
    Jersey, New York, and Connecticut from which at least one
    hospital has classified to another area.      See Compl. ¶¶ 3, 15.
    In FY 2000 and 2001, plaintiffs submitted cost reports to their
    fiscal intermediaries requesting reimbursement.     Def.’s Statement
    of Material Facts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue (“Def.’s
    Statement”) ¶ 3.   Plaintiffs were dissatisfied with their Notices
    of Program Reimbursement because they believed that the data from
    reclassified hospitals was improperly omitted from the wage-
    index calculation, the exclusion of which resulted in reduced
    reimbursements.6   Def.’s Statement ¶ 4; Compl. ¶¶ 15, 20.
    Plaintiffs claim that recalculating the wage index with
    data from the reclassified hospitals “would result in an increase
    of [plaintiffs’] collective reimbursement of approximately
    $23,956,069" for FY 2001 and approximately $20,588,699 for FY
    2000. Compl., Civil Action No. 07-1484, at 14; Compl., Civil
    Action No. 07-2036, at 14.
    On appeal to the PRRB, plaintiffs requested (1)
    consolidation into group appeals for FY 2000 and 2001, and (2)
    EJR.    See Def.’s Statement ¶ 5; Admin. Record (“AR”) at 432-33.
    The PRRB determined that EJR was appropriate in both cases
    because the PRRB was “without the authority to decide the legal
    question” presented by plaintiffs’ challenge to the reimbursement
    determination.    AR at 2.   Specifically, the PRRB noted that
    plaintiffs were not seeking the type of relief – “correction of
    [plaintiffs’] own wage data” – that PRRB could provide.      AR at 2.
    “Rather, they are seeking to have the wages of reclassified
    hospitals included in their wage index calculation.”      AR at 2.
    Because such a remedy would require an evaluation of the
    lawfulness of the Secretary’s interpretation of the Medicare
    statute, the PRRB concluded that EJR was appropriate.      AR at 2.
    As required by 42 U.S.C. § 1395oo(f)(1), plaintiffs filed
    the instant complaints within sixty days of the PRRB’s respective
    EJR determinations.    After the cases were consolidated in this
    Court, the parties filed cross motions for summary judgment.      In
    December 2008, the Court referred the case to a magistrate judge
    for a Report and Recommendation.       The magistrate judge filed her
    Report and Recommendation on March 19, 2009, recommending that
    both motions for summary judgment be denied and that the action
    “be remanded to the Secretary for the articulation of findings,
    as to each provider which is a Plaintiff in this action, with
    respect to what ‘adjustment’ was made pursuant to 42
    U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(3)(E).”   Report & Recommendation at 9.
    In reaching this recommendation, the magistrate judge
    reasoned that “the absence from the administrative record of any
    indication of how CMS interpreted and applied 42 U.S.C. §
    1395ww(d)(3)(E)” prevented judicial review of a final agency
    action.   Id. at 6.   The Report and Recommendation thus concluded
    that “[i]n the absence of any record in the administrative record
    of what determination CMS made with respect to the adjustments,
    and what factors were considered in making such adjustments, the
    court has no basis upon which to determine whether CMS’s
    determinations were contrary to law, or otherwise arbitrary and
    capricious.”   Id. at 6-7.   Noting that calculating the
    reimbursement rates applicable to plaintiffs “would require a
    virtually trial-like proceeding for the resolution of the
    disputed factual issues,” the magistrate judge instead
    recommended that the case be remanded to the agency for further
    factual development of the record.     Id. at 7.
    Both plaintiffs and defendant have filed objections to the
    Report and Recommendation.   Those objections have been fully
    briefed and are now ripe for decision.
    II.   Report and Recommendation
    Both parties object to the Report and Recommendation’s
    findings that (1) the administrative record does not make clear
    how CMS calculated the wage indexes challenged in this case or
    “what factors were considered in making such adjustments,” Report
    & Recommendation at 6; and (2) the record does not contain
    sufficient information about the financial impact of the
    Secretary’s calculations on the amount of plaintiffs’
    reimbursement, see id. at 7.   More generally, the parties object
    to the Report and Recommendation’s conclusion that the PRRB’s
    decision does not constitute a final action, and agree that
    remand is unnecessary because the PRRB properly granted EJR.
    “When a party files written objections to any part of the
    magistrate judge’s recommendation with respect to a dispositive
    motion, the Court considers de novo those portions of the
    recommendation to which objections have been made, and ‘may
    accept, reject, or modify the recommended decision[.]’”     Robinson
    v. Winter, 
    457 F. Supp. 2d 32
    , 33 (D.D.C. 2006) (quoting Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 72(b)).   Upon careful review of both the Report and
    Recommendation and the parties’ objections thereto, the Court
    respectfully disagrees with the magistrate judge’s determination
    that remand is necessary to develop the factual development in
    this case.
    As noted by the parties, “the sole issue” before this
    Court is a legal question – whether the Secretary’s practice of
    excluding data from reclassified hospitals in calculating the
    wage indexes for the hospitals remaining in those urban areas
    violated 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(3)(E).   Pls.’ Statement of
    Material Facts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue (“Pls.’
    Statement”) ¶ 3; see also Def.’s Response to Pls.’ Statement of
    Material Facts as to Which There is No Genuine Issue ¶ 3 (“The
    sole issue is whether federal law mandated that the Secretary
    include reclassified hospitals located in the Plaintiffs’
    geographic area in the wage index calculation for the remaining
    hospitals.”).   The parties do not dispute that this data was in
    fact excluded from the FY 2000 and 2001 calculation of the wage
    indexes for plaintiffs’ geographic areas, and, as the parties
    explain in their summary judgment briefing and respective
    objections, the Secretary’s reasons for maintaining the
    challenged policy were explained in detail in the Federal
    Register.   See, e.g., 
    56 Fed. Reg. 43196
    , 43221 (Aug. 30, 1991)
    (explaining why the Secretary was rejecting proposals to
    implement a “hold harmless” provision for urban hospitals).
    The Report and Recommendation correctly notes – and the
    parties fully acknowledge – that the administrative record does
    not contain factual information sufficient to determine the
    precise amount of additional reimbursement to which plaintiffs
    would be entitled if they were to prevail in their legal
    argument.   See Pls.’ Objections at 9-10 (explaining that some of
    the relevant information is in the administrative record, but
    acknowledging that the Secretary and/or intermediary would have
    to recalculate the exact amount at issue); Def.’s Objections at
    11-12 (noting that the administrative record “contains little
    beyond the documents needed to establish the PRRB’s jurisdiction
    over each of the Plaintiffs”).   But this deficiency in the record
    does not create a material factual dispute preventing the Court
    from resolving the legal question raised here.7
    Moreover, the PRRB’s determination that it lacked the
    authority to decide the legal question raised by plaintiffs was
    in full compliance with 42 U.S.C. § 1395oo(f)(1), which
    explicitly contemplates the situation presented by this case.
    See Hunterdon/Somerset 2001 Wage Index Group v. Riverbend Gov’t
    Benefits Adm’r, PRRB Hearing Dec. No. 2004-D13, Case No. 01-
    1881GE (Apr. 14, 2004), AR at 438 (finding, on its own motion,
    that EJR was warranted because “the facts material to the issue
    are not in dispute.   The questions posed by the Providers as
    requiring Board resolution are questions regarding how CMS’s
    policy is made.   The Board has no authority to dictate or fashion
    The parties’ briefing on both the cross motions and the
    objections to the Report and Recommendation includes considerable
    argument relating to the propriety of plaintiffs’ proposed order,
    which specifically directs the Secretary to recalculate the wage
    index in a particular way and orders the Secretary to reimburse
    plaintiffs using these new calculations. Notwithstanding this
    dispute, however, the parties agree that if plaintiffs were to
    prevail on the merits, the case would have to be remanded to the
    agency to recalculate the wage indexes. And because, as
    discussed below, the Court concludes that defendant is entitled
    to summary judgment, further consideration of plaintiffs’
    proposed order is unnecessary.
    CMS policy or to retroactively apply policy changes.”); see also
    Robert Wood Johnson, 
    297 F.3d at 279-80
     (acknowledging the
    court’s jurisdiction after the PRRB granted EJR; noting that the
    court’s review was “limited to the issue before the PRRB
    regarding the Secretary’s interpretation” of the statute relevant
    in that case).      Because 42 U.S.C. § 1395oo(f)(1) has been
    properly invoked, the PRRB’s EJR decision constitutes a final
    decision, see 
    42 C.F.R. § 405.1842
    (h)(1), and plaintiffs “have
    the right to obtain judicial review” of the calculation of their
    wage index for FY 2000 and 2001, “which involves a question of
    law or regulations relevant to the matters in controversy.”      42
    U.S.C. § 1395oo(f)(1).      This Court therefore rejects the
    magistrate judge’s recommendation and will proceed to address the
    merits of the parties’ cross motions for summary judgment.
    A.   Standard of Review
    Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56, summary
    judgment should be granted if the moving party has shown that
    there are no genuine issues of material fact and that the moving
    party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.      See Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 56; Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 325 (1986);
    Waterhouse v. District of Columbia, 
    298 F.3d 989
    , 991 (D.C. Cir.
    2002).      In determining whether a genuine issue of material fact
    exists, the court must view all facts in the light most favorable
    to the non-moving party.   See Matsushita Elec. Indus. Co. v.
    Zenith Radio Corp., 
    475 U.S. 574
    , 587 (1986).   Likewise, in
    ruling on cross-motions for summary judgment, the court shall
    grant summary judgment only if one of the moving parties is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law upon material facts that
    are not genuinely disputed.   See Rhoads v. McFerran, 
    517 F.2d 66
    67 (2d Cir. 1975).8
    Plaintiffs’ principal claim is that the Secretary exceeded
    her statutory authority and that her actions must be set aside
    pursuant to 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(C), which permits a court to “hold
    unlawful and set aside agency action, findings, and conclusions
    found to be . . . in excess of statutory jurisdiction, authority,
    or limitations, or short of statutory right.”   As the D.C.
    Circuit has explained, “[i]n examining the Secretary’s
    interpretation of a statute that she administers, the court
    applies the familiar methodology of Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v.
    Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 
    467 U.S. 837
    Methodist Hosp. of Sacramento, 
    38 F.3d at 1229
    .   The court’s
    first question must be “whether Congress has directly spoken to
    the precise question at issue.”    Chevron, 
    467 U.S. at 842
    .    “If
    the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter;
    for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect to the
    The parties here agree that there are no material facts
    in dispute. They vigorously dispute, of course, which side is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
    unambiguously expressed intent of Congress.”     
    Id. at 842-43
    The court moves to the second step of Chevron only “if the
    statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific
    Id. at 843
    .   Under those circumstances, the court must
    consider whether the agency’s interpretation “is based on a
    permissible construction of the statute.”     
       If so, then the
    court “must defer to the Secretary’s” interpretation.      Methodist
    Hosp. of Sacramento, 
    38 F.3d at 1229
    .     Where Congress has
    implicitly delegated authority to the agency to fill a gap left
    in the statutory framework, “a court may not substitute its own
    construction of a statutory provision for a reasonable
    interpretation made by the administrator of an agency.”        Chevron,
    467 U.S. at 844
    Finally, “in framing the scope of review, the court takes
    special note of the tremendous complexity of the Medicare
    statute.   That complexity adds to the deference which is due to
    the Secretary’s decision.”     Methodist Hosp. of Sacramento, 
    38 F.3d at 1229
     (giving heightened deference to the Secretary’s
    policy of denying retroactive effect to a revised wage index);
    see also Robert Wood Johnson, 
    297 F.3d at 282
     (“The broad
    deference of Chevron is even more appropriate in cases that
    involve a ‘complex and highly technical regulatory program,’ such
    as Medicare, which “require[s] significant expertise and
    entail[s] the exercise of judgment grounded in policy concerns.’”
    (quoting Thomas Jefferson Univ. v. Shalala, 
    512 U.S. 504
    , 512
    (1994) (additional citations omitted))).
    B. 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) Does Not Speak to
    the Precise Question at Issue
    Plaintiffs challenge the Secretary’s exclusion of wage data
    of reclassified hospitals from the calculation of their wage
    indexes under § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i).    As noted above, the statute
    requires the Secretary to
    adjust the proportion . . . of the DRG prospective
    payment rates computed under subparagraph (D) for area
    differences in hospital wage levels by a factor
    (established by the Secretary) reflecting the relative
    hospital wage level in the geographic area of the
    hospital compared to the national average hospital wage
    (Emphasis added.)
    Plaintiffs argue that this provision is “clear and
    unambiguous” in requiring the Secretary to include the wage data
    of reclassified hospitals, which are “by definition ‘in the
    geographic area’ of” plaintiff hospitals, in the calculation of
    the wage index.   Pls.’ Mem. at 6-7.   In support of this argument,
    plaintiffs rely heavily on two cases:    Bellevue Hospital Center
    v. Leavitt, 
    443 F.3d 163
     (2d Cir. 2006), and Anna Jacques
    Hospital v. Leavitt, 
    537 F. Supp. 2d 24
     (D.D.C. 2008).9   As
    discussed below, neither of these cases supports plaintiffs’
    The Anna Jacques decision is currently on appeal to the
    D.C. Circuit. See Case Nos. 08-5407 and 08-5529 (D.C. Cir.).
    In Bellevue, the Second Circuit addressed two issues.
    First, it considered and rejected the plaintiff hospitals’
    challenge to the agency’s use of MSAs in defining the “geographic
    areas” referred to in § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i).    At the outset, the
    Bellevue court acknowledged that the agency’s “task” under
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) “is unambiguous: to calculate a factor that
    reflects geographic-area wage-level differences, and nothing
    443 F.3d at 174
    .   Plaintiffs in this case take this
    conclusion to mean that “the first sentence of
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) is unambiguous, period.”    Pls.’ Reply at 5.
    Plaintiff’s reliance on Bellevue, however, fails to account
    for the remainder of the Bellevue court’s discussion regarding
    the term “geographic area”:
    At the same time, . . . the statute leaves considerable
    ambiguity as to the term “geographic area,” which,
    based only on the literal language of the provision,
    could be as large as a several-state region or as small
    as a city block. CMS’s discretion in interpreting this
    ambiguous term is cabined by the need to fulfill two
    somewhat contradictory policies . . . : (1) the
    geographic areas must be small enough to actually
    reflect differences in wage levels and, (2) each
    geographic area must include enough hospitals that
    their costs can be meaningfully averaged and individual
    hospitals do not get reimbursed for their own actual
    costs. In balancing these two considerations, the
    agency has considerable discretion. Moreover, even
    after determining the scale of each geographic area,
    lines must be drawn between areas that inevitably will
    be contested and may seem arbitrary; once again, the
    statute is silent as to how this process is to take
    place, leaving the agency with broad discretion.
    443 F.3d at 175
     (emphasis added); see 
    that “the use of MSAs to fill the gap left by the ambiguous term
    ‘geographic areas’ is reasonable”).
    To the extent that Bellevue’s reasoning is applicable in the
    present case, it actually undermines plaintiffs’ position that
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) unambiguously requires the Secretary to
    include particular hospitals in calculating “the relative
    hospital wage level in the geographic area” of plaintiff
    hospitals.   Just as the Bellevue court concluded that
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) leaves discretion to the agency to use MSAs
    in determining the geographic area of a hospital for the purposes
    of the wage index, so too does the statute leave open the
    question of whether a hospital should be treated as located “in
    the geographic area” from which it has reclassified.
    The second issue addressed in Bellevue – whether the agency
    acted arbitrarily and capriciously in collecting certain data
    relating to the occupational mix of employees – is simply
    irrelevant to the case at bar.   Plaintiff’s reliance on Anna
    Jacques is misplaced for the same reason.   Indeed, although Anna
    Jacques addressed the wage index under § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i), that
    case concerned the agency’s interpretation of its obligation
    under the second sentence of the statutory provision to gather
    data for use in the calculation of wage indexes.   See
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) (“[T]he Secretary shall update the factor
    under the preceding sentence on the basis of a survey conducted
    by the Secretary (and updated as appropriate) of the wages and
    wage-related costs of subsection (d) hospitals in the United
    States.”).   Specifically, the Anna Jacques court considered the
    scope of the Secretary’s discretion to determine what types of
    hospitals should be included in the survey that the Secretary is
    required to conduct before updating the wage index.   See 
    537 F. Supp. 2d at 31
     (concluding that the statute did not give the
    Secretary discretion to exclude critical access hospitals from
    the survey, because “the plain language of the statute indicates
    that Congress required the Secretary to conduct an accurate
    survey of the wages and wage-related costs of subsection (d)
    hospitals,” and exclusion of critical access hospitals would not
    “faithfully reflect” that information).   Anna Jacques thus
    addressed an entirely different part of § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i), one
    that deals with the collection of wage-index data rather than the
    calculation of a wage index after that data has been gathered.
    Accordingly, the Anna Jacques court’s holding that the second
    sentence of the statute is unambiguous does not shed light on
    whether or not the first sentence of the statute clearly requires
    the Secretary to include the data from reclassified hospitals in
    its calculation.
    Reading the statutory framework as a whole reinforces the
    conclusion that § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) does not unambiguously
    require the Secretary to include reclassified hospitals in the
    geographic area where they are physically located.    Of particular
    note in this regard are the other subsections of § 1395ww(d) that
    explicitly (1) “hold harmless” rural hospitals,
    § 1395ww(d)(8)(C)(ii); and (2) set the “rural floor” below which
    no wage index may fall as a result of reclassification,
    § 1395ww(d)(8)(C)(iii).   Plaintiffs’ reading of §
    1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) would render these subsections superfluous,
    because § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) would already protect against the
    concerns addressed by those provisions.   See TRW Inc. v. Andrews,
    534 U.S. 19
    , 31 (2001) (“It is a cardinal principle of statutory
    construction that a statute ought, upon the whole, to be so
    construed that, if it can be prevented, no clause, sentence, or
    word shall be superfluous, void, or insignificant.” (internal
    quotation marks omitted)).
    In sum, the Court agrees with the Secretary that 42 U.S.C.
    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) does not clearly address how the Secretary
    must treat wage data from hospitals that have reclassified to a
    different area in calculating the wage index.     See Def.’s S.J.
    Mem. at 16.   Although § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) unambiguously requires
    the Secretary to “establish” a “factor” that reflects “the
    relative hospital wage level in the geographic area of the
    hospital,” the language leaves substantial discretion to the
    Secretary in determining what constitutes both the “relative wage
    level” and the relevant “geographic area.”   Cf. Bellevue Hosp.
    443 F.3d at 174
    .   The Court must therefore proceed to the
    second step of Chevron to consider whether the Secretary’s policy
    of excluding data from reclassified hospitals from the
    calculation of plaintiffs’ wage indexes was based on a
    “permissible construction” of § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i).
    C.   The Secretary’s Interpretation is Reasonable
    Having concluded that the statute does not address the
    precise question at issue, the Court must consider whether the
    Secretary’s interpretation of    § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) was
    reasonable and, if so, must defer to that interpretation.      See
    467 U.S. at 843
    .   Plaintiffs rely primarily on the
    Secretary’s decision to implement the “hold harmless” provision
    for FY 2002 in arguing that the agency’s prior practice of
    excluding the wage data of reclassified hospital was based on an
    impermissible construction of § 1395ww(D)(3)(E)(i).    Put
    differently, plaintiffs claim that because the Secretary was able
    to effectuate the change in wage-index calculation without a
    change to the statutory or regulatory framework, the statute must
    have already required the inclusion of reclassified hospitals as
    part of the “geographic area.”
    The Secretary responds that because the statute is silent as
    to the inclusion of reclassified hospitals’ wage data, the agency
    was not only permitted to change its practice but was required to
    do so when information gained through the administration of the
    program led the Secretary to conclude that inclusion of the data
    was the preferable approach.   Here the Secretary relies on a long
    line of cases, including Chevron, recognizing that an agency
    should not be prevented from adapting its policies when
    circumstances counsel in favor of such a change.   See Def.’s S.J.
    Mem. at 23 (citing cases).   Indeed, the Supreme Court in Chevron
    made this point particularly clearly:
    An initial agency interpretation is not instantly
    carved in stone. On the contrary, the agency, to
    engage in informed rulemaking, must consider varying
    interpretations and the wisdom of its policy on a
    continuing basis. Moreover, the fact that the agency
    has adopted different definitions in different contexts
    adds force to the argument that the definition itself
    is flexible, particularly since Congress has never
    indicated any disapproval of a flexible reading of the
    467 U.S. at 863-64
    ; see also Smiley v. Citibank (South Dakota)
    517 U.S. 735
    , 742 (2001) (“[T]he mere fact that an agency
    interpretation contradicts a prior agency position is not fatal.
    . . . [C]hange is not invalidating, since the whole point of
    Chevron is to leave the discretion provided by the ambiguities of
    a statute with the implementing agency.”).
    The Court rejects plaintiffs’ attempt to fault the Secretary
    for doing precisely what the Chevron Court envisioned –
    evaluating “the wisdom of [the agency’s] policy on a continuing
    basis.”   Indeed, the Federal Register passages repeatedly
    referenced and discussed by the parties make clear that the
    Secretary carefully considered whether the Medicare statute
    should be interpreted to include a “hold harmless” provision for
    urban hospitals.   The Secretary originally rejected this
    interpretation because of the concern that including reclassified
    hospitals in their original labor markets would (1) disrupt the
    statutory scheme, which specifically enumerated the circumstances
    under which reclassified hospitals should be included in the
    calculations of their originating geographic area; and (2)
    negatively impact the majority of hospitals by requiring that the
    overall standardized rate be reduced to comport with a budget-
    neutrality requirement contained in the statute.    See 56 Fed.
    Reg. at 43221.
    When the agency reevaluated this interpretation in 2001, its
    rationale for doing so was clearly explained.    The Secretary
    noted that including the data of reclassified hospitals in “the
    MSA where the hospital is physically located . . . . improves
    consistency and predictability in hospital reclassification and
    wage indexes, as well as alleviates the fluctuations in the wage
    indexes due to reclassifications.”   66 Fed. Reg. at 39865.
    Moreover, the Secretary explained that reclassified hospitals may
    continue to compete for labor with the other hospitals in their
    MSA, and that their higher wages could pressure neighboring
    hospitals to increase their wages accordingly.     Id. at 39866.
    These considerations, in addition to the conclusion that the
    Secretary had the authority to make this change through
    rulemaking, found support in the MedPAC Report which was cited
    and discussed in the proposed rule.
    Plaintiffs repeatedly assert that only the Secretary’s 2001
    interpretation is reasonable, but they fail to point to anything
    about the agency’s prior interpretation of the statutory scheme
    that was either unreasonable or arbitrary.10    As noted above, the
    mere fact that the agency reevaluated the impact of its policy
    and changed its practice does not render the prior interpretation
    unreasonable.   It is also significant that – despite a number of
    congressional amendments to 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d) during the
    period that the agency enforced its policy of excluding
    reclassified hospitals from the calculation of the wage indexes
    of the urban areas in which those hospitals were physically
    located – Congress never questioned or otherwise addressed the
    policy.   See Chevron, 
    467 U.S. at 864
     (pointing out that
    Congress’s failure to “indicate[] any disapproval of a flexible
    reading of the statute” supports the conclusion that “the
    definition itself is flexible”).     Because the Court concludes
    that the Secretary’s policy of excluding reclassified hospitals
    Plaintiffs focus on a few particular words in the 2001
    Federal Register notice, claiming that the Secretary’s choice of
    words either (1) proves that the Secretary knew its prior
    practice was unlawful, and/or (2) constitutes an admission under
    the Federal Rules of Evidence. Defendant’s briefing persuasively
    demonstrates why these arguments are utterly lacking in merit,
    and the Court will not address plaintiffs’ contentions any
    from plaintiffs’ wage-index calculations constituted a
    permissible construction of the statute, the Secretary’s
    interpretation is entitled to deference.    Therefore, plaintiffs’
    challenge under 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(C) fails.
    D.   Additional Claims
    Plaintiffs also contend that the Secretary’s exclusion of
    reclassified hospitals from the wage index calculations in FY
    2000 and 2001 (1) violated 
    42 C.F.R. § 413.5
    (b)(3); (2) was
    arbitrary and capricious in violation of 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    and (3) violated plaintiffs’ rights to equal protection.11    These
    arguments are not well-developed in the parties’ submissions and,
    as explained briefly below, are without merit.
    Section 413.5(b)(3) of Title 42 of the Code of Federal
    Regulations is a regulation which states “[i]n general terms”
    that one goal of reimbursement should be to create “a division of
    the allowable costs between the beneficiaries of [the Medicare]
    program and the other patients of the provider that . . . is fair
    to each provider individually.”    Plaintiffs conclusorily state
    that the Secretary’s challenged policy was unfair to the
    Plaintiffs state that defendant’s policy violates “the
    Equal Protection Clause,” but never specify what constitutional
    provision this claim is based upon. The Equal Protection Clause
    of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not
    apply to the federal government. Therefore, any constitutional
    claim against defendant based on equal protection principles
    would be cognizable only under the Due Process Clause of the
    Fifth Amendment.
    individual hospitals, but fail to explain how or why this
    particular regulation applies in the present case or how the
    regulation confers any enforceable legal rights upon plaintiffs.
    For these reasons, the Court rejects this claim.
    Despite the distinct legal standards, plaintiffs make one
    combined argument that the Secretary’s policy (1) was arbitrary
    and capricious and (2) violated their constitutional rights to
    equal protection.   With respect to the claim based on 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (A)(2), plaintiffs argue that the Secretary failed to
    fulfill the statutory purpose of § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i) and that
    the negative impact on plaintiff hospitals renders the
    Secretary’s practice arbitrary and capricious.     See Pls.’ Mem. at
    22-24.   The D.C. Circuit has recognized that the arbitrary and
    capricious standard often “overlaps” with the second step of
    Chevron, because “whether a statute is unreasonably interpreted
    is close analytically to the issue whether an agency’s actions
    under a statute are unreasonable.”   Shays v. Fed. Election
    414 F.3d 76
    , 96 (D.C. Cir. 2005) (alteration and internal
    quotation marks omitted)).   Here, plaintiffs’ arguments under the
    arbitrary and capricious standard map directly onto the arguments
    that this Court has already addressed and rejected in discussing
    the Secretary’s interpretation of 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i).
    These arguments need not be revisited.
    Finally, as the Secretary points out, an equal protection
    challenge to the Medicare regulations is appropriately evaluated
    under the rational-basis standard.     See Clinton Mem. Hosp. v.
    783 F. Supp. 1429
    , 1440 (D.D.C. 1992) (applying a
    “deferential standard” to an equal protection challenge to a
    Medicare regulation, and explaining that “the challenged statute
    or regulation will be struck down only if it ‘manifests a
    patently arbitrary classification, utterly lacking in rational
    justification’” (quoting Weinberger v. Salfi, 
    422 U.S. 749
    , 768
    (1975))), aff’d sub nom. Clinton Mem. Hosp. v. Shalala, 
    10 F.3d 854
    , 860-61 (D.C. Cir. 1993).    Plaintiffs contend that there was
    no valid reason to treat urban and rural hospitals differently,
    or to reimburse similarly situated hospitals at different levels
    before and after FY 2002.   They do not challenge, however, the
    Secretary’s proffered justifications for distinguishing between
    urban and rural hospitals or for not applying the change in the
    calculation of the wage indexes retroactively.    Indeed,
    plaintiffs do not address their equal protection claim at all in
    their reply brief.   And because the Secretary’s proffered reasons
    “sufficient to justify any disparate treatment,” 
    constitutional claim must fail.
    Accordingly, for the reasons stated, the Court GRANTS
    defendant’s motion for summary judgment and DENIES plaintiffs’
    motion for summary judgment.    An appropriate Order accompanies
    this Memorandum Opinion.
    Signed:   Emmet G. Sullivan
    United States District Judge
    August 26, 2009