Miller v. Bill Harbert International Construction, Inc. ( 2011 )

  •                                 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                                 )
    ex rel. RICHARD F. MILLER,                               )
    Plaintiff,                     )
    v.                                      )                                   95-cv-1231 (RCL)
    BILL HARBERT INTERNATIONAL                               )
    CONSTRUCTION, INC., et al.,                              )
    Defendants.                    )
    Four years ago one individual and five corporate entities 1 were found to have repeatedly
    and extensively fleeced the United States by engaging in a broad conspiracy to rig the bidding
    process for several construction contracts in Egypt that were funded by the U.S. Agency for
    International Development (“USAID”). Following a seven-week trial and jury verdict, the Court
    entered judgment against these defendants for numerous violations of the False Claims Act
    (“FCA”) and ordered them—pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Act—to pay treble
    damages and the costs and attorneys’ fees of relator Richard F. Miller. Having escaped
    judgment on the merits through an appeal of legal issues unrelated to the quality and quantity of
    evidence implicating them in the deceptive scheme to extract excessive funds from an agency
    that provides aid to third-world and developing countries—think “anti-Robin Hood”—
    The defendants include E. Roy Anderson, Harbert Corporation (“HC”), Harbert International, Inc.
    (“HII”), Bill Harbert International Construction (“BHIC”), Bilhar International Establishment (“BIE”), and Harbert
    Construction Services (U.K.) Ltd. (“HUK”). In addition, a second individual defendant—Bill L. Harbert
    (“Harbert”)—went to trial but was dismissed prior to the verdict due to the expiration of the relevant statute of
    limitations. Order, May 4, 2007 [854].
    defendants now attempt to avoid their obligations to pay Mr. Miller’s counsel for their
    previously-successful and now partially-successful prosecution of the FCA claims in this case.
    In light of the Circuit Court’s decision, the Court today will grant certain of these requests, deny
    others, and amend the original fee award as necessary.
    Though this matter concerns sordid acts and this suit has a substantial history, the Court
    sets forth only the facts and procedural history necessary to the resolution of the issue before it.
    A.      Original Proceedings before this Court
    In 1995, Richard F. Miller, who was then Vice President of a construction company
    operating abroad, brought a claim under the False Claims Act, 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
     et seq., alleging
    that defendants—in collusion with other corporate entities and contractors—were conspiring to
    rig the bidding process for development projects in Egypt funded by USAID. These projects
    were part of a U.S. policy to repay Egypt for its recognition of Israel following the Camp David
    Accords of 1979. The allegations in Mr. Miller’s complaint focused on the bidding for one
    particular development project, Contract 20A, which involved the installation of large-diameter
    sewer pipes throughout heavily-populated districts in Cairo. Mr. Miller maintained that the
    company he worked for—J.A. Jones Construction Company (“Jones”)—entered a joint-venture
    with HII, and together they extracted commitments from the only other two bidders for Contract
    20A to either overbid or not bid at all. As a result of this collusion, the joint venture extracted
    $10 million in excess profits from the project, while the other participants received payments of
    $2.2 and $3 million for their role in the scheme.
    In conjunction with FCA procedures, Mr. Miller’s complaint was filed in camera and
    remained under seal while the United States evaluated its statutory options to either (1) intervene
    and proceed with the action itself, (2) decline to take over the action, in which case the relator
    may pursue the suit, or (3) petition the Court for an extension of the 60-day period during which
    the complaint remains sealed. 
    31 U.S.C. § 3730
    (b). In this case, the United States chose to
    pursue criminal investigations into the alleged conspiracy and ultimately obtained guilty pleas or
    convictions from at least five U.S. entities. Throughout this period, the United States filed
    several motions to keep Miller’s complaint under seal.
    Nearly six years after Mr. Miller filed suit, the United States permitted the unsealing of
    his complaint and simultaneously filed its own civil complaint against the defendants now before
    the Court. This new complaint repeated Mr. Miller’s allegations as to Contract 20A and the
    broader scheme, while adding new claims relating to two other projects: Contract 29, which
    concerned the building of a wastewater treatment plant near Cairo, and Contract 07, which
    involved the construction of sewers in Alexandria. Mr. Miller subsequently amended his own
    complaint to mirror the pleadings filed by the United States, and the plaintiffs jointly pursued
    prosecution of these civil claims against all defendants.
    After five years of discovery and motion practice, 2 this matter proceeded to trial in March
    2007. 3 The trial was extensive, to say the least. It lasted over seven weeks, included testimony
    by more than forty witnesses, and involved the introduction of more than 500 exhibits. Ten days
    after beginning deliberations, the jury returned a verdict for plaintiffs and against defendants on
    all counts, 4 having found that all of the defendants “conspired to defraud the Government” and
    that every defendant “knowingly presented or caused to be presented a false or fraudulent claim
    This case was reassigned on December 2, 2005 following the death of Judge William B. Bryant. In
    March of 2006, the Court informed the parties that the case had lingered a sufficient period of time, and that trial
    would begin in one year. Order, Mar. 13, 2006 [235]. True to its word, jury selection began on March 19, 2007.
    During this period, two of the defendants named in the operative complaints—Jones and its parent
    company, Philipp Holzmann, A.G.—filed for bankruptcy and settled with plaintiffs. They were subsequently
    dismissed from the case. Order, Aug. 3, 2007 [880]; Minute Order, Mar. 8, 2007.
    Claims against defendant Anderson relating to Contracts 20A and 07 were previously dismissed on statute
    of limitations grounds, so the final verdict only included judgment on Contract 29 as to him.
    for payment or approval to the United States” with respect to Contracts 20A, 29 and 07. Verdict
    Form 2–5, May 14, 2007 [858]. The jury then specified damages of $29,920,000, $3,400,000,
    and $1,026,029.22 on Contracts 20A, 29 and 07, respectively. 
     at 9–12.
    Following the verdict, the Court entered judgment against all defendants. United States
    ex rel. Miller v. Bill Harbert Int’l Constr., Inc., 
    501 F. Supp. 2d 51
     (D.D.C. 2007) (“Miller I”).
    In that opinion, the Court held that it lacked personal jurisdiction over HUK with respect to
    claims relating to Contracts 29 and 07, and therefore entered judgment against that particular
    defendant only for claims arising from Contract 20A. 
    Id. at 53
    . Pursuant to the FCA, the Court
    then trebled the damages against all defendants, 
    31 U.S.C. § 3729
    (a), and entered a final
    judgment in excess of $90 million. 
     at 57–58. After several months of extensive briefing, the
    Court subsequently re-affirmed final judgment in a lengthy opinion denying defendants’ motions
    seeking judgment notwithstanding the verdict, a new trial or alteration of the original judgment.
    Miller v. Holzmann, 
    563 F. Supp. 2d 54
     (D.D.C. 2008) (“Miller II”).
    Two months later, the Court turned to Mr. Miller’s request for fees and costs. Miller v.
    575 F. Supp. 2d 2
     (D.D.C. 2008) (“Miller III”). Having prevailed on all claims, Mr.
    Miller was entitled to receive compensation for reasonable expenses pursuant to 
    31 U.S.C. § 3730
    (d). In a 95-page opinion, the Court tediously reviewed over 70 pages of billing records,
    and concluded that defendants were obligated to pay more than $7 million in attorneys’ fees and
    almost $300,000 in expenses and costs to plaintiff Miller. 
    Id. at 58
    . Shortly thereafter, Mr.
    Miller requested—and received—supplemental awards for additional attorneys’ fees and costs
    (collectively, the “fee award”). Order, Feb. 26, 2009 [1053]. Following entry of this award,
    defendants filed notice of their intention to appeal both the Court’s denial of a directed verdict or
    new trial, as well as its award of litigation costs and attorneys’ fees to Mr. Miller.
    B.      The Appeal
    In an opinion release in the Summer of 2010, the D.C. Circuit surveyed several legal
    matters—including the proper application of relevant statutes of limitations, questions of
    preemption, jurisdiction and settlement, several evidentiary matters at trial, and arguments
    concerning the overall sufficiency of the evidence—to reverse in part and affirm in part this
    Court’s entry of judgment against all defendants. United States ex rel. Miller v. Bill Harbert
    Int’l Constr., Inc., 
    608 F.3d 871
     (D.C. Cir. 2010) (“Miller IV”). A total of three legal decisions
    were called into question by the opinion: first, the Circuit Court held that the statute of
    limitations had run on all claims relating to Contracts 29 and 07, which were only added after the
    suit was unsealed in 2001, 
     at 880–82; second, it found error in this Court’s decision to permit
    the United States to present evidence that BHIC existed throughout a particular period of time
    notwithstanding an agreed-upon stipulation to the contrary, 
     at 888–89; and third, it concluded
    that this Court’s admission of testimony concerning the wealth of defendants HII and HC was
    prejudicial and warranted a new trial. 
     at 896–98. The cumulative result of these three errors
    is that (1) judgment as to all defendants on claims relating to Contracts 29 and 07 has been
    reversed and those claims have been dismissed, (2) judgment as to defendants BHIC, HII and
    HC on claims relating to Contract 20A has been reversed, and (3) judgment as to defendants BIE
    and HUK on claims relating to Contract 20A has been affirmed. 
    Id. at 907
    C.      Current Fee Dispute
    The D.C. Circuit’s opinion on the merits did not address defendants’ appeal from the
    Court’s entry of the fee award against all defendants, but instead directed this Court to “consider
    the appellants’ requests for vacatur of the [fee orders], and to modify the award of fees and costs
    in a manner consistent with this court’s opinion and judgment.” Mandate, Dec. 30, 2010 [1079].
    In response, defendants split into two groups and moved to vacate the fee award. The first group
    of defendants include BHIC, HII and HC—the three defendants who successfully obtained
    reversals as to all claims against them. In their motion, this group argues that because the
    underlying judgment against them has been vacated, the predicate basis for the fee award no
    longer exists. Motion of HII, HC and BHIC to Vacate Awards of Costs and Attorneys’ Fees 3–4,
    Mar. 4, 2011 [1080]. In response, Mr. Miller concedes that vacatur is appropriate for these three
    defendants, but reserves the right to seek reinstatement of the fee award should he prevail in a
    new trial. Response to the HI-HC-BHC Motion to Vacate Fee Awards 1, Mar. 18, 2011 [1083].
    The second group of defendants—HUK and BIE—also initially requested that the Court
    vacate the fee award. HUK and BIE’s Motion to Vacate Awards of Costs and Attorneys’ Fees,
    Mar. 9, 2011 [1081] (“Ds.’ Mtn.”). These defendants argue that plaintiff Miller cannot collect
    fees incurred in pursuing claims upon which he did not prevail, and that the Circuit Court’s
    reversal of judgment against HUK and BIE with respect to Contracts 29 and 07 means that
    Miller did not prevail on those claims. 
     at 1–4. In addition, these defendants assert that
    “because the Court of Appeals vacated the judgment against HII, HC and BHIC in full, relator
    was not the ‘prevailing party’ with respect to claims against those parties and cannot recover fees
    incurred in pursuing those claims against those parties from any party, including [HUK and
    BIE].” Id. at 4. In essence, these defendants maintain that because at least some of the fees
    generated in pursuit of claims relating to Contract 20A are tied to claims asserted against BHIC,
    HII and HC, Mr. Miller cannot collect any fees from any party.
    In response to this motion, plaintiff Miller opposes complete vacatur of the fee award as
    unsupported by established law, Opposition to the Bilhar-HUK Motion to Vacate Fee Awards,
    Mar. 23, 2011 [1084] (“P’s Opp.”), and simultaneously cross-moves for an adjustment of the fee
    award to account for the dismissal of all claims concerning Contracts 29 and 07. Motion to
    Adjust Fee Awards as to Bilhar and HUK, Mar. 23, 2011 [1085] (“P’s Cross-Mtn.”). In his
    cross-motion, Mr. Miller indicates that some reduction in the fee award might be appropriate, id.
    at 1–2, and suggests that any such discount should mirror the 12.89% reduction to the damage
    award that resulted from the dismissal of certain claims by the Circuit Court. Id. at 3–4. 5 He
    therefore proposes that the fee award be reduced from $7,564,168.55 to $6,589,147.22 for the
    initial award and from $732,678.74 to $638,236.45 for the supplemental award. Id. at 4. In
    response to Mr. Miller’s opposition and cross-motion, BIE and HUK abandon their initial
    request for a complete vacatur of the fee award and merely propose an alternative method for
    discounting the fee award. Specifically, these defendants assert that claims related to Contract
    20A and those related to Contracts 29 and 07 are divisible and that the Court can and should
    reduce the fee award by two-thirds to reflect the Circuit Court’s dismissal of claims related to
    two of the three development projects at issue in this case. Response in Opposition to Relator
    Richard F. Miller’s Motion to Adjust the Fee Awards, Apr. 6, 2011 [1086] (“Ds.’ Opp.”). Mr.
    Miller sharply criticizes this approach by both pointing out that the claims related to Contract
    20A constituted the overwhelming majority of the focus in this case and emphasizing that much
    of the work performed to prosecute this action centered on the overall conspiracy and is not
    divisible between particular claims. Reply in Support of Plaintiff Richard F. Miller’s Motion to
    Adjust Fee Awards, Apr. 13, 2011 [1087] (“P’s Reply”).
    For the reasons set forth below, the Court will vacate the fee award as to BHIC, HII and
    HC, but will affirm that award as to BIE and HUK. Consistent with the following discussion, the
    Court will also amend the fee award as appropriate.
    The jury awarded a total of $34,346,029.22 in damages at trial, of which $29,920,000 were attributable to
    Contract 20A. Miller II, 
    563 F. Supp. 2d at
    74 n.3. Thus, by dismissing all claims not linked to Contract 20A, the
    Circuit Court reduced jury damages by ($34,346,029.22 - $29,920,000) / $34,346,029.22 = 12.89%.
    The False Claims Act provides that where “the Government proceeds with an action
    brought by a person . . . such person shall . . . receive at least 15 percent but not more than 25
    percent of the proceeds . . . . Any such person shall also receive an amount for reasonable
    expenses which the court finds to have been necessarily incurred, plus reasonable attorneys’ fees
    and costs.” 
    31 U.S.C. § 3730
    (d)(1). This provision ensures that the attorneys’ fees and costs
    incurred by any prevailing relator are reimbursed by the violators of the Act. Miller III, 
    575 F. Supp. 2d at 8
    . In the wake of the Circuit Court’s partial reversal of judgment against defendants,
    two questions concerning the continuing validity of the fee award now linger. First, does Mr.
    Miller remain a “prevailing party” against any or all defendants? Second, does the dismissal of
    certain claims advanced by Mr. Miller necessitate a reduction to the fee award beyond the
    discounts previously provided? The Court addresses each of these questions in turn.
    A.      Prevailing Party
    A party seeking fees under a “prevailing party” statute must have obtained some form of
    relief from the court. District of Columbia v. Straus, 
    590 F.3d 898
    , 901 (D.C. Cir. 2010). After
    the Circuit Court’s opinion in Miller IV, plaintiff no longer has any right to relief against BHIC,
    HII or HC, see supra Section II.C, and as a result Mr. Miller no longer constitutes a prevailing
    party. See Straus, 
    590 F.3d at 901
     (including “judicial pronouncement . . . accompanied by
    judicial relief” among requirements to qualify as “prevailing party”). The Court thus vacates the
    fee award against these three defendants pending the outcome of any subsequent proceedings.
    With respect to defendants BIE and HUK, however, the Court concludes that Mr. Miller
    remains a prevailing party. The law is settled that a party need not obtain favorable outcomes on
    every claim or argument to be considered a “prevailing party” for these purposes; instead, a
    prevailing party need only “succeed on any significant issue in litigation which achieves some of
    the benefit the part[y] sought in bringing suit.” Raton Gas Transmission Co. v. FERC, 
    891 F.2d 323
    , 327 (D.C. Cir. 1989). And the other argument advanced by BIE and HUK—that because
    Mr. Miller is no longer a “prevailing party” against the other three defendants, he cannot collect
    fees for claims against those defendants from BIE or HUK—is contrary to established law. The
    normal practice in assessing liability for attorneys’ fees is that all defendants are jointly and
    severally liable. Kaseman v. District of Columbia, 
    444 F.3d 637
    , 640 (D.C. Cir. 2006). Nor can
    the Court equitably differentiate these fees among the defendants, as they were all involved in an
    extensive scheme to rig the bidding process for numerous development projects, of which
    Contracts 20A, 29 and 07 were merely a part. In these circumstances, there is simply no sound
    basis upon which counsel’s efforts to establish the existence of the conspiracy is divisible among
    defendants. Indeed, the Court previously rejected this very contention when declining to sever
    HUK’s obligations concerning fees even though it was found liable only for claims related to
    Contract 20A. Miller III, 
    575 F. Supp. 2d at 33
    ; see also Turner v. D.C. Bd. of Elections &
    354 F.3d 890
    , 898–99 (D.C. Cir. 2004) (holding that division of attorneys’ fees award is
    only permitted where “there are fractionable parts of a lawsuit not fairly attributable to other
    parties”). Having found no reason not to apply the normal rule of joint and several liability here,
    the Court holds that BIE and HUK shall be liable for the entirety of the fee award, less any
    further necessary reductions.
    B.      Awards for Partial Success
    1.      The Hensley Inquiry
    In Hensley v. Eckerhart, the Supreme Court addressed the problem of awarding
    attorneys’ fees pursuant to fee-shifting statutes where the prevailing party was successful on
    some—but not all—of her claims. 
    461 U.S. 424
     (1983). The Hensley Court articulated two
    questions for a trial court facing this scenario, and the D.C. Circuit has fashioned those questions
    into a two-stage inquiry for the calculation of attorneys’ fees in cases of partial success:
    Under the first inquiry, if the lawsuit presents unrelated claims—
    some successful and some not—a court must confine fee awards to
    work done on the successful claims. . . . Under the second Hensley
    inquiry, the factfinder must then consider whether the success
    obtained on the remaining claims is proportional to the efforts
    expended by counsel.
    George Hyman Constr. Co. v. Brooks, 
    963 F.2d 1532
    , 1535 (D.C. Cir. 1992); see also Int’l Ctr.
    for Tech. Assessment v. Vilsack, 
    602 F. Supp. 2d 228
    , 231 (D.D.C. 2009) (“The Supreme Court
    has held that where a plaintiff succeeds on only some of his claims, two critical questions must
    be addressed. First, did the plaintiff fail to prevail on claims that were unrelated to the claims on
    which he succeeded? Second, did the plaintiff achieve a level of success that makes the hours
    reasonably expended a satisfactory basis for making a fee award?”) (quotations omitted). 6
    The two phases in this inquiry are distinct. In the first, the Court reviews the particulars
    of a plaintiff’s claims to determine whether the overlap in the facts or legal issues renders the
    construction of any easy divisions between various tasks performed by counsel in pursuit of
    particular claims impossible. Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at 434
    . Where such natural dividing lines exist,
    the Court immediately strikes fees incurred in pursuit of claims that are both unrelated and
    unsuccessful. See 
    id. at 435
     (“[C]ongressional intent to limit awards to prevailing parties
    requires that these unrelated claims be treated as if they had been raised in separate lawsuits, and
    therefore no fee may be awarded for services on the unsuccessful claim.”); Copeland v.
    641 F.2d 880
    , 890 (D.C. Cir. 1980) (“[N]o compensation should be paid for time spent
    Though Hensley involved §1988 of the civil rights statutes, the D.C. Circuit has made clear that the basic
    framework established in that case applies to any federal statute that awards fees to the “prevailing party,” George
    Hyman Constr., 
    963 F.2d at
    1535—including the FCA here.
    litigating claims upon which the party seeking the fee did not ultimately prevail.”). Where such
    ready distinctions do not exist, however, the Court in the second phase turns to the process of
    weighing the outcomes generated by the suit against the efforts expended by counsel. Goos v.
    Nat’l Ass’n of Realtors, 
    997 F.2d 1565
    , 1569 (D.C. Cir. 1993) (“Goos I”). “[I]f the successful
    and unsuccessful claims ‘share a common core of facts or are based on related legal theories,
    then a court should simply compute the appropriate fee as a function of degree of success.’”
    Pigford v. Vilsack, 
    613 F. Supp. 2d 78
    , 82 (D.D.C. 2009) (quoting George Hyman Constr., 
    963 F.2d at 1537
    ); see also Am. Lands Alliance v. Norton, 
    525 F. Supp. 2d 135
    , 146 (D.D.C. 2007)
    (“A second inquiry that must be undertaken when partial success was achieved requires the court
    to ask whether the success obtained is proportional to the effort reasonably expended on the
    case.”) (quotations omitted). The Court now turns to each stage of this inquiry.
    2.      Plaintiff’s Claims are Interrelated
    “If a party succeeded on only some of its claims, then the Court must ask whether the
    claims on which the plaintiff succeeded were ‘related to the claims upon which the plaintiff was
    unsuccessful.’” Lake Pilots Ass’n, Inc. v. Coast Guard, 
    310 F. Supp. 2d 333
    , 344 (D.D.C. 2004)
    (quoting Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at 434
    ). This inquiry requires the Court to conduct an issue-by-issue
    assessment of a plaintiff’s claims. Am. Lands, 
    525 F. Supp. 2d at 146
    . Recognizing that work on
    a case often blends across multiple claims, the test for unrelatedness is a stringent one: “Fees for
    time spent on claims that ultimately were unsuccessful should be excluded only when the claims
    are ‘distinctly different’ in all respects, both legal and factual, from plaintiff’s successful claims.”
    Morgan v. District of Columbia, 
    824 F.2d 1049
    , 1066 (D.C. Cir. 1987) (quoting Hensley, 
    461 U.S. at 434
    ). A party attempting to establish that certain claims are related therefore need not
    show “a virtually complete factual overlap” between the claims, but must only demonstrate that
    the claims share a “common core of facts.” Goos I, 
    997 F.2d at 1570
    . At the same time, a party
    asserting unrelatedness must do more than highlight distinct elements among particular claims or
    portions of attorneys’ work that are unmistakably limited to certain claims; he must establish
    substantial differences between the factual development and legal theories underlying the
    particular claims. Pigford, 
    613 F. Supp. 2d at 83
    The Court has little doubt that all claims brought by Mr. Miller are “related” under this
    standard. At its core, this case is not an amalgamation of independent contract disputes into a
    single lawsuit, but is best understood as an action concerning an overarching conspiracy between
    the defendants to rig the bidding system in order to extract excessive payments from USAID for
    development projects in Egypt. For example, in denying defendants’ post-trial motions, the
    Court noted that “[i]n their pleadings and at trial, plaintiffs alleged that defendants colluded on
    Contracts 20A, 29 and 07 in furtherance of a single, overarching conspiracy.” Miller II, 
    563 F. Supp. 2d at 138
    . And in the immediate aftermath of the trial, the Court explained that “the
    evidence showed at trial [that] the breadth of this conspiracy was intricate, far-reaching and
    involved a deliberate attempt to rig bids on USAID contracts.” Miller I, 
    501 F. Supp. 2d at 56
    The overlapping nature of Mr. Miller’s claims was again highlighted by the Court in awarding
    attorneys’ fees against all defendants, see Miller III, 
    575 F. Supp. 2d at 32
     (“Plaintiffs alleged an
    overarching conspiracy to rig bids on government contracts.”), and the D.C. Circuit affirmed on
    appeal that “the jury found an overarching conspiracy spanning Contracts 20A, 29 and 07.”
    Miller IV, 
    608 F.3d at 899
    . In sum, the claims related to particular Contracts are merely three
    instances in which the conspirators’ scheme was executed—not distinct and unrelated acts. This
    is simply not a case where the claims overwhelmingly involve distinct legal and factual issues
    and are thus unrelated under Hensley. Pigford, 
    613 F. Supp. 2d at 83
    Another factor weighing in favor of relatedness is the evidence itself. Throughout trial,
    witnesses frequently discussed various agreements among all the defendants and described
    bidding processes in general terms, and they were rarely limited to testimony concerning a single
    Contract. Similarly, key documents detailed the overarching conspiracy, and were often relevant
    to more than one of the construction projects. In developing this evidence, Mr. Miller’s counsel
    undoubtedly spent most of their time investigating and reviewing generally-applicable evidence,
    rather than narrowly focusing on proof of isolated conduct. “Where plaintiffs’ claims for relief
    involve a common core of facts . . . much of counsel’s time will be devoted generally to the
    litigation as a whole and the focus should be on the significance of the overall relief obtained.”
    Int’l Ctr. for Tech., 
    602 F. Supp. 2d at 232
    . In other words, plaintiff’s inability to prevail on
    claims—due to the operation of statutes of limitations—concerning every project identified in
    this suit does not compel the Court to slash the fee award where the majority of work performed
    was in pursuit of evidence establishing the scheme and actions taken in furtherance of it. See
    Pub. Citizen Health Research Grp. v. Young, 
    909 F.2d 546
    , 552 (D.C. Cir. 1990) (explaining that
    under Hensley “a district court should not reduce the award for unsuccessful theories if the issue
    was all part and parcel of one matter”); see also Goos v. Nat’l Ass’n of Realtors, 
    68 F.3d 1380
    1384 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (“It is a plaintiff’s overall success, and not the number of counts she
    prevails on, that determines the amount of fees she is entitled to.”) (“Goos II”).
    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, both parties in their briefing fail to discuss the
    Court’s prior rulings as to whether claims arising from Contracts 29 or 07 are related to those
    arising from Contract 20A. In resolving the parties’ original dispute over plaintiff’s claim for
    fees, the Court was presented with two arguments concerning divisions among the claims: first,
    defendants jointly asserted that any fees incurred while developing claims against Harbert—who
    had been previously dismissed on statute of limitations grounds—were non-compensable; and
    second, defendant HUK individually maintained that it should not be equally liable for Mr.
    Miller’s attorneys’ fees since it had only been found liable on claims related to Contract 20A.
    Miller III, 
    575 F. Supp. 2d at
    31–32. The Court rejected both of these positions. As to the
    former, the Court explained that “[p]laintiffs alleged an overarching conspiracy to rig bids on
    government contracts of which Harbert was a ringleader. . . . Their claims against Harbert and
    against the present defendants were part and parcel of one matter—those against Harbert were by
    no means fractionable.” 
    Id. at 33
     (quotations omitted). As to the latter, the Court found that all
    claims in this case are “closely intertwined,” and that in presenting their case with respect to
    Contract 20A, plaintiffs developed evidence and presented facts to the jury concerning Contracts
    29 and 07. 
    Id. at 33
    . The Court therefore held HUK equally liable for the entirety of plaintiff’s
    attorneys’ fees. Order, Aug. 12, 2008 [972].
    Here, the claims emanating from each of the three development projects were part of a
    continuous process of U.S.-funded development in Egypt which defendants conspired to profit
    from, and counsel’s efforts in prosecuting this action were directed primarily toward exposing
    the fraudulent acts undertaken in the name of this seedy conspiracy. In light of these facts, the
    same rationales that informed the Court’s earlier decisions in Miller III apply with equal force in
    this context, and defendants BIE and HUK provide no justification for the Court’s abandonment
    of its prior holding. 7 The Court therefore has little trouble concluding that plaintiff’s claims are
    Nor does the D.C. Circuit’s opinion require reconsideration of these holdings. In analyzing the statute of
    limitations, the Circuit Court’s inquiry was on whether the allegations in Mr. Miller’s original complaint provide
    sufficient notice of claims relating to Contracts 29 and 07. Those allegations were generally scant, and provided
    little detail concerning any overarching conspiracy or any relation between the various events that ultimately were
    raised at trial. By contrast, the inquiry here focuses on the work performed by Mr. Miller’s counsel, the majority of
    which occurred after the complaint was unsealed, when the conspiracy allegations were broadened and allegations
    concerning Contracts 29 and 07 were added. See generally Miller III, 
    575 F. Supp. 2d at 44
     (including appendix
    with 19 pages of billing prior to 2001 and 51 pages of billing after 2001). As a result, the vast majority of that work
    focused on developing evidence of the overarching conspiracy. Thus, the D.C. Circuit’s holding that the “naked
    unrelated and non-fractionable, and moves to the second stage of the Hensley inquiry. See Goos
    997 F.2d at 1569
     (“In assessing the fees for related claims, ‘a court is to skip the first Hensley
    inquiry and move to its second.’”) (quoting George Hyman Constr., 
    963 F.2d at 1537
    3.       Reduction in Fees for Lack of Success
    Having determined that the claims arising from Contracts 29 and 07 are related to claims
    arising from Contract 20A, the second step of the Hensley analysis is to determine whether “the
    product of hours reasonably expended on the litigation as a whole times a reasonable hourly rate
    may be an excessive amount.” 
    Id. at 1571
    . 8 A reduction in total fees is generally warranted
    where a plaintiff achieves only limited success. 
     at 1571–72. As the D.C. Circuit explained:
    Hensley by no means entitles plaintiffs to reimbursement of their
    entire fees if they pursue multifarious and marginal claims. And
    where the pursuit of multiple claims inflates the total hours beyond
    what is reasonable for the litigation, a reduction is clearly
    appropriate. Indeed, the courts have in many instances properly
    reduced fees where a plaintiff failed to prevail on related claims.
    However, a reduction is not appropriate if it is based solely on a
    plaintiff’s failure to prevail on a related claim; the focus must be
    on whether the hours were reasonably expended in relation to the
    results obtained.
    Goos II, 
    68 F.3d at 1387
    . While a failure to prevail on related claims does not mandate a strict
    reduction in fee awards, it does serve as evidence that some discount may be appropriate. See
    Raton, 891 F.2d at 330 (“Since Raton did not prevail on all of its contentions, it is evident that
    some reduction in the amount is called for.”). Ultimately, the appropriate size of the fee
    reduction is a matter of discretion for the Court, as there is no standard method for calculating
    assertions devoid of further factual enhancement” in Mr. Miller’s original complaint fail to provide notice of claims
    related to Contracts 29 or 07, Miller IV, 
    608 F.3d at 882
    , does not alter this Court’s conclusion that the factual and
    legal issues developed in the evidence and presented at trial render all claims related for these purposes.
    Defendants point to Mr. Miller’s statement that no fees should be awarded for claims arising out of
    Contracts 29 and 07, P’s Opp. at 2, to argue that Mr. Miller concedes that his claims are fractionable. Ds.’ Opp. at 4.
    This is incorrect. As Mr. Miller correctly observes, his counsel is entitled to receive their fees for all work which
    reasonably contributed to success in this suit, P’s Reply at 3, and those fees should not be reduced solely because
    they relate in some way to Contracts 29 or 07. Goos II, 
    68 F.3d at 1387
    such cuts. Id. at 330; see also Dickens v. Friendship-Edison PCS, 
    724 F. Supp. 2d 113
    , 121
    (D.D.C. 2010) (“It is within a court’s discretion to reduce the overall fee award to reflect that
    degree of success, regardless of whether the total number of hours expended was reasonable.”).
    There is no requirement—particularly in a substantial and far-ranging dispute such as
    this—that the Court undertake the burdensome task of going line-by-line through counsel’s
    billing statements to pinpoint the specific tasks that were related only to Contract 20A or the
    conspiracy. Copeland, 
    641 F.2d at 903
    . Indeed, the parties do not suggest that such an approach
    is necessary, P’s Mtn. at 3–4; Ds.’ Mtn. at 3, but instead offer competing plans for reducing the
    fee award to account for Mr. Miller’s reduced level of success. For their part, BIE and HUK
    argue that because Mr. Miller prevailed on claims related to only one of the three development
    projects, the attorneys’ fees award should be reduced by two-thirds. Ds.’ Opp. at 5–6. The
    Court cannot accept this mechanical reduction in counsel’s fees. Apart from concerns with its
    underlying logical foundation, see Raton, 891 F.2d at 331 (noting that this “approach could rest
    logically only upon the highly unlikely premise that [plaintiff] devoted an equal amount of time
    to each” claim); see also Pigford, 
    613 F. Supp. 2d at 85
     (“[S]imply reducing [the] fee by a
    fraction corresponding to the number of unsuccessful claims is not likely to result in a fair and
    reasonable fee.”), this approach would merely replicate the first stage of the Hensley inquiry,
    which focuses solely on the nature of the claims and does not account for the level of success
    achieved by plaintiff—a key element in the latter stage of the Hensley inquiry. Indeed, at least
    one court in this district has held that Hensley mandates rejection of a purely mathematical
    reduction in fees equal to the percentage of claims that were unsuccessful, Am. Lands, 
    525 F. Supp. 2d at 147
    , while the D.C. Circuit has cited with approval a Tenth Circuit opinion rebuking
    a lower court for adopting this approach. Goos II, 
    68 F.3d at
    1385 (citing Jane L. v. Bangerter,
    61 F.3d 1505
    , 1512 (10th Cir. 1995)); see also Int’l Ctr. for Tech., 
    602 F. Supp. 2d at 233
    (rejecting “excessive” reduction of one-third where plaintiff was unsuccessful on one of three
    claims); Thomas v. District of Columbia, No. 03 Civ. 1791, 
    2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 20236
    , at
    *13–14 (D.D.C. Mar. 22, 2007) (rejecting 80% reduction where plaintiff succeeded on only one
    of five claims). A reduction in fees strictly tied to the percentage of unsuccessful claims is
    therefore inappropriate absent some indicia that the resulting discount (1) accurately reflects the
    actual time expended by counsel on each claim and (2) properly approximates the level of
    success achieved by that plaintiff. Defendants make no such showing.
    For his part, Mr. Miller suggests that the appropriate reduction in attorneys’ fees should
    mirror the reduction in overall damages resulting from the D.C. Circuit’s reversal of portions of
    the judgment. P’s Mtn. at 4. The Court cannot accept this metric either. The fundamental
    question in the second stage of the Hensley inquiry is whether the fees sought by counsel are
    proper when compared to the level of success achieved. Evaluating this question requires the
    Court to balance two factors: the extent of energy expended by counsel, and the results achieved
    by the litigation. Plaintiff’s proposed method, however, only takes the latter factor into account
    while ignoring entirely the question of how much time and effort counsel put into developing
    claims concerning Contracts 29 and 07. Thus, in the same way that an approach that looks only
    to the number of claims upon which a plaintiff succeeded risks under-awarding efforts in cases
    where attorneys achieved great successes, Mr. Miller’s proposal risks awarding excessive fees
    for efforts directed towards fruitless endeavors. An appropriate award therefore accounts both
    for energy expended and success achieved.
    To measure the effort expended by counsel on particular claims, a common practice is to
    review the time allocation of certain practices throughout the case. See, e.g., Raton Gas, 891
    F.2d at 331; Dickens, 
    724 F. Supp. 2d at 121
    . For example, in one recent unpublished opinion
    awarding fees at the appellate level, the D.C. Circuit used the number of pages devoted to each
    claim as a metric for appropriating attorney’s efforts. Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Dep’t of
    Commerce, No. 05-5366, 
    2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 2337
    , at *3–4 (D.C. Cir. Jan. 31, 2007) (per
    curiam). Adopting a similar tack here, the Court readily confirms what it recalls from pretrial
    litigation and the trial itself: the majority of the efforts undertaken by Mr. Miller in this case
    focused on claims arising from Contract 20A or the development of the overarching conspiracy,
    and not to matters solely related to Contracts 29 or 07. For example, in the Court’s opinion
    denying most of the defendants’ challenges to final judgment, “Contract 20A” was mentioned 92
    times and the “conspiracy” was mentioned 155 times; meanwhile “Contract 29” and “Contract
    07” were only discussed 86 times combined. In that same opinion, the Court’s discussion as to
    the sufficiency of the evidence related to Contract 20A went on for more pages than the
    combined discussions concerning Contracts 29 or 07. Contract 20A also remained the center of
    attention for all parties involved on appeal. In Mr. Miller’s brief on appeal, for example,
    Contract 20A was discussed for 7 pages in the fact section and another 5 when examining the
    sufficiency of the evidence—fifty percent more than the discussion of Contracts 29 and 07
    combined. And this pattern of contributing significantly more time and effort to claims related to
    Contract 20A was also present in defendants’ briefing on reply, in which Contract 20A received
    10 pages worth of discussion while Contracts 29 and 07 only garnered four. 9 The record is thus
    consistent with the Court’s own recollection of the proceedings and at trial—the overwhelming
    majority of effort exerted by Mr. Miller’s counsel was spent litigating Contract 20A and the
    conspiracy generally.
    In his reply briefing, Mr. Miller also points out that counsel at trial focused the vast majority of her efforts
    at closing argument—over twenty-seven pages of transcript—to discussing Contract 20A, and relatively little
    effort—just under six pages—discussing either Contract 29 or Contract 07. P’s Reply at 2.
    The Court is thus presented with two figures to evaluate in weighing a reduction of the
    fee award. On the one hand, the various measures above indicate that Mr. Miller’s counsel
    invested roughly 70% of their efforts to support claims related to Contract 20A and the overall
    conspiracy, and the rest on Contracts 29 and 07. On the other hand, in terms of overall damages,
    Mr. Miller still achieved tremendous success in this action, as nearly 88% of the original damage
    award remains intact. In light of Mr. Miller’s significant achievements in this suit—including
    the fulfillment of his original and primary goals of exposing defendants’ underhanded scheme
    and establishing the fraudulent nature of their conduct with respect to Contract 20A—and
    mindful that under any metric it is clear that Mr. Miller’s counsel focused the majority of their
    efforts on these tasks, the Court concludes that Mr. Miller should retain 80% of his fee award.
    After seven years of investigation and litigation, and seven weeks of intensive trial work,
    several citizens of the United States concluded what Mr. Miller had long suspected—defendants,
    along with others, engaged in sordid and deceptive practices to defraud the United States and
    extract millions in undeserved payments intended to benefit people in developing nations. The
    D.C. Circuit’s subsequent holdings, while mandating a new trial for certain defendants, do not
    undermine the jury’s conclusions as to BIE and HUK. The Court is thus unwilling to release
    these defendants from their obligations to compensate Mr. Miller’s counsel for their extensive
    and tireless work, which resulted in what the Court views as nothing less than a tremendous
    victory. In such circumstances, and for the reasons set forth above, the Court holds that 20%
    reduction to reflect the dismissal of certain claims is appropriate.
    A separate Order consistent with these findings shall issue this date.
    Signed by Royce C. Lamberth, Chief Judge, on May 12, 2011.

Document Info

Docket Number: Civil Action No. 1995-1231

Judges: Chief Judge Royce C. Lamberth

Filed Date: 5/12/2011

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016

Authorities (20)

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