Halcomb v. Wmata ( 2011 )

  •                              UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    GLORIA HALCOMB,                           )
    Plaintiff,                    )
    v.                                  )                  Civil Action No. 02-1336 (PLF)
    NOPADON WOODS,                            )
    Defendant.                    )
    In November of 2009, plaintiff Gloria Halcomb presented to a jury her claims that
    defendant Nopadon Woods was liable to her for false arrest, assault, battery, intentional infliction
    of emotional distress, and violations of her Fourth Amendment rights. The jury found in Ms.
    Halcomb’s favor as to most of those claims and awarded her $75,000 in compensatory and
    $175,000 in punitive damages. This matter is now before the Court on Mr. Woods’ motion for
    judgment as a matter of law or, alternatively, for a new trial. Mr. Woods argues that (1) he is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law on Ms. Halcomb’s common law claims of false arrest,
    assault, and battery, and on her Section 1983 claim of unconstitutional arrest; (2) no reasonable
    jury could have awarded punitive damages based on the evidence presented at trial; and
    (3) qualified immunity shields him from liability for unconstitutional search and arrest. The
    Court will grant Mr. Woods’ motion in part and deny it in part, vacating the jury’s award of
    punitive damages but leaving the remainder of its verdict unchanged.1
    The filings considered by the Court on this motion include: Mr. Woods’ renewed
    motion for judgment as a matter of law or, alternatively, for a new trial (“Mot.”); Ms. Halcomb’s
    A. Procedural History
    Ms. Halcomb’s complaint, filed on July 1, 2002, originally contained claims
    against Mr. Woods, the Washington Area Metropolitan Transit Authority (“WMATA”), and the
    District of Columbia. See Compl. ¶¶ 6-8. Against Mr. Woods, Ms. Halcomb pled claims of
    false arrest, assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violations of 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    Id. ¶¶ 37-48, 52-56
    . She claimed that WMATA was liable under the theory of
    respondeat superior for the allegedly tortious actions of Mr. Woods. 
    Id. ¶¶ 49-51
    . In addition,
    she asserted a claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress against the District of
    Columbia, alleging that the District was vicariously liable for the actions of several unidentified
    officers of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department. 
    Id. ¶¶ 60-63
    . She also
    sought to hold the District of Columbia liable for Mr. Woods’ alleged violations of 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    Id. ¶¶ 64-67
    . Ms. Halcomb requested compensatory damages in the amount of at least
    $75,000 and an unspecified amount of punitive damages. 
    Id. at 12
    At Ms. Halcomb’s request, her claims against WMATA were dismissed in
    September of 2002. On March 13, 2003, on the District of Columbia’s motion, the Court
    dismissed Ms. Halcomb’s Section 1983 claims against the District. Halcomb v. Wash. Area
    Metro. Transit Auth., Civil Action No. 02-1336, Order at 1-2 (D.D.C. Mar. 14, 2003). Ms.
    Halcomb’s remaining claims against the District of Columbia and Mr. Woods were tried to a jury
    opposition to Mr. Woods’ motion (“Opp.”); Mr. Woods’ reply to Ms. Halcomb’s opposition
    (“Reply”); Ms. Halcomb’s motion to strike portions of Mr. Woods’ reply (“Mot. to Strike”); Mr.
    Woods’ opposition to that motion (“Def.’s Opp.”); Ms. Halcomb’s complaint (“Compl.”); and the
    instructions provided to the jury on November 6, 2009 (“Jury Instructions”).
    beginning on December 10, 2007. After eight days of trial and nearly two days of deliberations,
    the jury was unable to reach a verdict, and the Court declared a mistrial. Although the jury had
    failed to reach a decision on Ms. Halcomb’s claims, the defendants filed a motion for judgment
    as a matter of law, which was granted as to the District of Columbia but denied as to Mr. Woods.
    See Halcomb v. Woods, 
    610 F. Supp. 2d 77
    , 87 (D.D.C. 2009). Ms. Halcomb’s claims against
    Mr. Woods were tried again before a jury in November of 2009. After five days of trial and
    nearly three days of deliberations, the jury returned a verdict for Ms. Halcomb on a number of
    her claims.
    B. Evidence Presented at the Second Trial
    The evidence presented by the parties at trial must be understood in light of the
    undisputed facts about the manner in which the District of Columbia’s subway system, called
    “Metro,” operates. A passenger may reach a Metro train platform only after first passing through
    a barrier called a faregate. To open a faregate, a passenger must either touch a plastic card, called
    a SmarTrip card, to an electronic sensor located on top of the gate, or insert a paper card, called a
    farecard, into a slot located on the side of the gate. The card — whether made of paper or plastic
    — is electronically encoded with a monetary value. If that value is equal to or higher than the
    minimum fare needed to ride a Metro train, the faregate will open after electronically “reading”
    the card.
    1. The Plaintiff’s Evidence
    Ms. Halcomb testified as follows at the second trial: On October 30, 2001, at
    around 6 p.m., she left the United States Capitol building, where she worked, and walked to
    Union Station to catch a Metro train. She inserted a paper farecard containing sufficient fare to
    enter the Metro system into a faregate and passed through the gate after it opened. Once in the
    area of the station reserved for Metro passengers, she then proceeded to a bank of pay phones and
    called Sam Taylor, a friend whom she was scheduled to meet for dinner that night. While she
    was on the phone, she was approached by Mr. Woods, at the time an officer of the WMATA
    Metro Transit Police. He informed her that her farecard did not have sufficient monetary value
    to trigger the faregate and asked Ms. Halcomb to give him the card. Once she had done so, he
    carried the farecard to a nearby kiosk. Ms. Halcomb did not see what he did there.
    When Mr. Woods returned from the kiosk, he said that he had checked the value
    of Ms. Halcomb’s card and confirmed that it was below the minimum value needed to enter the
    Metro system. Ms. Halcomb denied this claim and asked if Mr. Woods would accompany her to
    a fare machine so that they could check the value of the card together. He refused her request
    and retained possession of the farecard, informing Ms. Halcomb that he was going to write her a
    citation for fare evasion.2 He asked to see her identification. After at first refusing to provide
    identification, Ms. Halcomb showed him a media credential and a work identification card, but
    Mr. Woods rejected those and asked for a different form of identification, one with her
    photograph on it. He then reached for Ms. Halcomb’s purse, whose straps Ms. Halcomb was
    holding with her right hand. Saying that he was sure there was identification in her bag, Mr.
    Woods grasped two of Ms. Halcomb’s fingers, bent them back, and held onto them for a couple
    of seconds.
    Fare evasion is defined by statute as follows: “No person shall . . . knowingly enter
    or leave the paid area of a real transit station owned and/or operated by [WMATA] . . . without
    paying the established fare . . . .” D.C. CODE § 35-216.
    Ms. Halcomb told Mr. Woods to let go of her hand. He did so, and she withdrew
    her wallet from her purse and showed him her driver’s license. Mr. Woods then called another
    police unit on his radio and read off Ms. Halcomb’s identifying information. He told Ms.
    Halcomb that he was going to issue her a citation. Ms. Halcomb still denied that she had done
    anything wrong and insisted that he show her the farecard he had taken from her. He refused to
    do so. Ms. Halcomb’s fingers, the ones that Mr. Woods had bent back while trying to obtain her
    driver’s license, were beginning to swell. She complained to him that he had injured her and
    warned him that she would file a complaint against him. Mr. Woods told her that if she wanted
    medical treatment, he would have to take her D.C. General Hospital, and that she would also
    have to “go to jail” first in order to get medical attention.
    At that point, Mr. Woods put a hand cuff on Ms. Halcomb’s right wrist and then
    “yanked” her right arm behind her back to complete the process of handcuffing her, injuring her
    arm and shoulder in the process. Once Ms. Halcomb was handcuffed, Mr. Woods put on rubber
    gloves and began to search her and collect her property. He roughly pulled off her earrings and,
    in trying to remove her necklace, twisted it in such a way that it broke. He also ripped her belt
    from her trench coat. Then he put his knee between Ms. Halcomb’s legs to push them apart,
    bruising them in the process, and searched her front, back, and sides. He “stomped” on Ms.
    Halcomb’s right foot.
    At the conclusion of the search, an officer from the District of Columbia
    Metropolitan Police Department arrived on the scene, and he and Mr. Woods placed Ms.
    Halcomb in a patrol car outside Union Station. Ms. Halcomb was driven to a police precinct and
    led inside. Somehow during all of this, Ms. Halcomb said, her blouse had come open, exposing
    her breasts, and officers and prisoners in the precinct taunted her as she was led past them. She
    was locked in a cell for an unspecified number of hours, until she was removed from the precinct
    and taken to D.C. General Hospital by Mr. Woods and another officer.
    At D.C. General, Ms. Halcomb was placed in another cell while she waited to
    receive medical attention. Ms. Halcomb was so horrified by the dirty condition of the cell that
    she urinated on herself rather than use the toilet provided. Her hand and foot pained her, and at
    some point she vomited. After she had been in the cell for some time, Mr. Woods arrived and
    took her to be treated by a physician. Before seeing the doctor, Ms. Halcomb spoke with a nurse,
    who asked her some questions and recorded her contact information on a medical form. When
    Mr. Woods saw the address that was written on the medical form, he said something along the
    lines of, “Now that I know where you live, I ought to come out there and put a bullet in your head
    for making me go through all this [expletive] with you tonight.”
    A physician ordered x-rays of Ms. Halcomb’s right hand and foot but found no
    fractures of her bones. On Ms. Halcomb’s medical forms, he wrote that she had a contusion
    (bruise) on her right hand and instructed her to use compresses and Motrin to treat the injury.
    After the doctor’s examination of Ms. Halcomb had ended, Mr. Woods took her back to the cell
    where she previously had been placed. At about 5:00 a.m. on the morning of October 31, 2001,
    she was driven to another police precinct, where she was photographed, fingerprinted, and placed
    in another cell. She was released later that morning, at about 7:30 a.m., after her friend Sam
    Taylor paid her fine. At the time, she had pain in her shoulder, foot and hand, and her thighs
    were bruised.
    After Ms. Halcomb finished testifying, her counsel called several supporting
    witnesses. Ruth Enoch, a friend of Ms. Halcomb’s, testified that Ms. Halcomb had been very
    upset after her experience with Mr. Woods. A former New York City police captain, Edward
    Mamet, appeared as an expert witness and testified regarding the standards governing police
    behavior during investigations and arrests. Ms. Halcomb’s doctor, Danny Mamodesene, testified
    that Ms. Halcomb came to see him on November 1, 2001, claiming that she had been injured
    during a confrontation with a police officer and complaining of injuries to her right hand, right
    foot, and both thighs. Dr. Mamodesene diagnosed Ms. Halcomb as having a right wrist
    “sprain/contusion,” a shoulder sprain, and bruises on her right thigh and ankle, along with
    insomnia and anxiety.
    Sam Taylor, Ms. Halcomb’s friend, testified that he had gone to Union Station on
    the evening of October 30, 2001, after hearing over the phone the beginning of Ms. Halcomb’s
    confrontation with Mr. Woods.3 According to Mr. Taylor, he arrived at Union Station after Ms.
    Halcomb had already been handcuffed and searched by Mr. Woods. Ms. Halcomb was crying
    and told Mr. Taylor that Mr. Woods had bent back her fingers and stomped on her foot. She
    seemed to Mr. Taylor to be in great pain. She insisted on getting medical treatment for her
    injuries, prompting a police officer who was standing with Mr. Woods and Ms. Halcomb to
    inform Mr. Taylor that the police could only get Ms. Halcomb medical treatment by taking her to
    D.C. General Hospital, and could only do that if Ms. Halcomb was under arrest.
    Mr. Taylor passed away between the first and second trials of Ms. Halcomb’s claims.
    His sworn testimony from the first trial was read into the record at the second trial by a professional
    actor hired by plaintiff’s counsel.
    Once Ms. Halcomb was removed from Union Station by the officers, Mr. Taylor
    tried to find out where she had been taken. Eventually he found her at the New York Avenue
    police substation, where he paid Ms. Halcomb’s fine, and she was released.
    2. The Defendant’s Evidence
    Unsurprisingly, Mr. Woods related an account of his confrontation with Ms.
    Halcomb that differed dramatically from hers. He testified that he had stood in the kiosk in
    Union Station on October 30, 2001, monitoring the faregates. Through the transparent windows
    of the kiosk, he could see people passing through the gates. He could also look down at a
    machine called the “System Monitor Acknowledgment Display” (“SMADS machine”), which
    displayed on a screen the information encoded on the cards being used at the faregates. When
    Ms. Halcomb approached a faregate, Mr. Woods noticed that although she was using a paper
    farecard, which must be inserted into a slot on the side of a faregate to be processed, she swiped
    the card across the top of the faregate as if it were a plastic SmarTrip card. She then
    “piggybacked” through the faregate by slipping through the gate behind another person before it
    closed behind the person who had entered in front of her. Mr. Woods, believing that Ms.
    Halcomb had evaded paying her fare, glanced down at the SMADS screen and saw that no
    SmarTrip card had been used at the faregate through which she had just passed.
    Convinced that Ms. Halcomb had entered the Metro system illegally — he said he
    had “reasonable suspicion” at this point — Mr. Woods approached her and asked for her
    farecard. After she handed it to him, he took it to the kiosk, where he inserted it into the SMADS
    machine. According to the machine, the card had not been used to enter a Union Station faregate
    that evening; the last place of entry encoded on the card was Glenmont station. Mr. Woods
    concluded that Ms. Halcomb had not paid her fare when she passed through the faregate and
    believed he then had probable cause to believe she had committed the offense of fare evasion.
    Mr. Woods returned to the place where Ms. Halcomb was standing, asked her for a form of
    identification, and informed her that he was going to issue her a citation for fare evasion. Ms.
    Halcomb denied that she had done anything wrong, refused to give Mr. Woods any identification,
    and walked off toward a bank of pay phones to make a call. Mr. Woods followed her and again
    asked for a form of identification or for identifying information. He advised her that he needed
    certain information, including her name and address, in order to issue her a citation for fare
    evasion. When Ms. Halcomb refused to provide identification after Mr. Woods’ third request, he
    told her that he would have to arrest her if she refused to identify herself, and he showed her his
    Ms. Halcomb continued to refuse to provide any information about her identity.
    Mr. Woods then attempted to place her in handcuffs. She resisted, pulling away from him and
    twisting from side to side; they struggled. Ultimately, Mr. Woods was forced to obtain assistance
    from another Metro Transit police officer, Spencer Pines, before he was able to close the
    handcuffs around both of Ms. Halcomb’s wrists. Mr. Woods then performed a search of Ms.
    Halcomb. He removed her jewelry and belt without damaging either. He said he did not
    intentionally stomp on her foot and did not bend her fingers back.
    Eventually, after waiting at Union Station for a transport vehicle for roughly
    ninety minutes, Mr. Woods took Ms. Halcomb to D.C. General Hospital because she was
    complaining of injuries. Once at the hospital, he informed personnel there that he had brought in
    a prisoner who required medical attention. After Ms. Halcomb was registered as required by the
    hospital, Mr. Woods took her to a cell for arrestees/prisoners that is maintained and monitored by
    the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department. Sometime later Ms. Halcomb was
    seen by a physician and x-rays were taken, after which she was returned to the cell. Later Mr.
    Woods took her to the Third District Metropolitan Police Department station to be booked and
    placed in a cell. She was released later that morning after Sam Taylor paid her fine. Mr. Woods
    denied ever threatening to come to her house and “put a bullet in [her] head.”
    To support his testimony, Mr. Woods produced a paper farecard that he identified
    as the one given to him by Gloria Halcomb on the night in question. He testified that, as was
    standard practice for transit police officers, he had kept the card in a filing cabinet at his home
    since that night. His counsel introduced in evidence a photograph of the information displayed
    on the screen of a SMADS machine when the card was inserted into the machine approximately
    two years after Ms. Halcomb’s arrest. She also introduced a second, more recent photograph of
    the information displayed by a SMADS machine when the card was inserted. Mr. Woods
    testified that both photographs showed what the SMADS machine had shown him on
    October 30, 2001: that the card had not been used to enter the Metro system at Union Station
    that evening.
    Mr. Woods’ testimony was followed by that of three other individuals: Paul
    Mazzei, an expert on police procedures; Jonathan Strong, a Metro technician who explained the
    operation of the SMADS machines; and Spencer Pines, the other Metro transit officer who was
    in Union Station on the evening in question.
    3. The Jury’s Verdict
    The jury found in favor of Ms. Halcomb on her common law claims of assault,
    battery, and false arrest, but rejected her claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress. See
    Verdict Form, Docket No. 184, at 1. With regard to Ms. Halcomb’s additional claim under 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , the jury was asked to answer the following questions, with the understanding that
    an affirmative answer as to any one of them would mean that Ms. Halcomb had established a
    Section 1983 violation:
    Do you find that Gloria Halcomb has proven a claim under the
    United States Constitution against Nopadon Woods for any of the
    following acts:
    A.      Unreasonable seizure?
    B.      Unreasonable arrest?
    C.      Unreasonable search?
    D.      Excessive use of force?
    Id. at 2
    . The jury found that Ms. Halcomb had proven an unreasonable arrest and an
    unreasonable search, but not an unreasonable seizure or excessive use of force. 
    Having found for Ms. Halcomb on four of her claims, the jury awarded her
    $75,000 in compensatory damages and $175,000 in punitive damages. Finally, since it had found
    for Ms. Halcomb on her constitutional claim, the jury was asked to respond to three special
    interrogatories. This was done in order to assist the Court in deciding the issue of qualified
    immunity. The jury answered as follows:
    Do you find that Nopadon Woods:
    1.      Bent Gloria Halcomb’s fingers back?                        Yes
    2.      Used excessive force in applying Ms. Halcomb’s
    handcuffs?                                              No
    3.      Stomped on Ms. Halcomb’s foot in the manner
    claimed by Ms. Halcomb?                                 No
    Verdict Form at 4.
    C. Post-Trial Motions
    Mr. Woods made a Rule 50 motion at the close of plaintiff’s case and again at the
    close of all the evidence. The Court denied the motion on both occasions. After entry of
    judgment based on the jury’s verdict, Mr. Woods filed the pending motion for judgment as a
    matter of law or, in the alternative, for a new trial. Ms. Halcomb filed a memorandum in
    opposition to that motion, and Mr. Woods in turn replied to that opposition. Ms. Halcomb has
    since filed a motion to strike Mr. Woods’ reply memorandum on the ground that it contained
    new arguments not presented in the post-trial motion itself, Mot. to Strike at 1, which Mr. Woods
    opposes. Because Mr. Woods has moved for two alternative forms of relief — judgment as a
    matter of law or a new trial — the Court addresses them separately, beginning with the
    defendant’s request for a new trial.
    Mr. Woods asserts that a new trial is warranted under Rule 59 of the Federal
    Rules of Civil Procedure on either one of two grounds: (1) “the jury’s verdict is inherently
    inconsistent”; and/or (2) the Court erred in refusing to allow Mr. Woods to present evidence that
    Ms. Halcomb previously had received a citation for fare evasion in 2000. Mot. at 20-21. For the
    reasons given in open court on November 3, 2009, and in the Memorandum Opinion and Order
    issued on October 30, 2009, the Court rejects the second argument. See Halcomb v. Woods,
    Civil Action No. 02-1336, Memorandum Opinion and Order at 2-3 (D.D.C. Oct. 30, 2009). As
    for the first, the defendant has failed to identify any aspects of the jury’s verdict that are so
    inconsistent as to justify a new trial.
    “Claims that a jury verdict is internally inconsistent impose a special obligation on
    the court to view the evidence in a manner that reconciles the verdicts if possible, and to grant a
    new trial if not.” Hundley v. District of Columbia, 
    494 F.3d 1097
    , 1102 (D.C. Cir. 2007).
    “[S]uccessful claims of verdict inconsistency are rare,” arising only when the jury has reached
    conclusions that “cannot reasonably be reconciled or sustained.” 
     Here, the defendant claims
    that the jury’s verdict was inconsistent in three ways: (1) the jury “found no excessive force in
    the constitutional context and no intentional infliction of emotional distress, yet nonetheless
    awarded punitive damages”; (2) “the jury found no unreasonable seizure, but found false arrest
    and unreasonable search”; and (3) the jury’s “finding of unreasonable arrest is inconsistent with a
    verdict for defendant on unreasonable seizure.” Mot. at 20.
    The defendant’s first argument — that the jury’s award of punitive damages is
    inconsistent with its rejection of Ms. Halcomb’s claims of excessive force and intentional
    infliction of emotional distress — makes little sense. The jurors were given an instruction on the
    law of punitive damages — agreed to by the parties — that reflected the law in the District of
    Columbia and was not limited to any particular claims in the case. See Jury Instructions, Docket
    No. 180, at 86-89. Under District of Columbia law, “punitive damages are available in actions
    for intentional torts.” Oliver v. Mustafa, 
    929 A.2d 873
    , 878 (D.C. 2007). The jury found Mr.
    Woods liable for three such torts: assault, battery, and false arrest. Any one or more of those
    torts could have provided the foundation for the jury’s award of punitive damages, and the
    defendant has not made any attempt to explain why a finding of excessive use of force or liability
    for intentional infliction of emotional distress should have been a necessary predicate for that
    The logic underlying the defendant’s other arguments is similarly dubious. As a
    legal matter, it is true that a finding of unconstitutional arrest is incompatible with a finding of no
    unconstitutional seizure; an arrest, after all, is a seizure within the meaning of the Fourth
    Amendment. See, e.g., California v. Hodari D., 
    499 U.S. 621
    , 624 (1991). That fact, however,
    was not reflected in the jury instructions developed jointly by the parties and presented to the
    jury. Those instructions did not even include a full definition of what a constitutionally
    unreasonable seizure — as distinct from a constitutionally unreasonable arrest or excessive use of
    force — might be. The only instructions presented to the jury concerning unreasonable seizure
    as a constitutional claim independent of unreasonable arrest or excessive use of force consisted
    of the following:
    The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
    protects persons from being subjected to unreasonable seizures by
    the police. A law enforcement official may only seize a person if
    there is appropriate justification to do so. In this case, Plaintiff
    Halcomb claims that she was not free to leave Union Station due to
    Defendant Woods’ conduct and that such conduct was
    The heading for this instruction and the following instruction was not read to the jury;
    only the text was. As is the Court’s practice, however, a written copy of the instructions was sent
    to the jury room for ready reference during deliberations, and this written set of instructions
    contained the headings.
    unreasonable and not justified. She alleges that she was subjected
    to an unlawful seizure under the Constitution.
    I will now give you more details on what constitutes a
    “seizure” and on how to decide whether a seizure is unreasonable
    under the circumstances.
    A “seizure” occurs when a police officer restrains a
    person in some way, either by means of physical force or by a show
    of authority that the person obeys. A person is “seized” within the
    meaning of the Fourth Amendment if, in view of all the
    circumstances surrounding the incident, a reasonable person would
    have believed that he was not free to ignore a police presence and
    leave. In deciding whether a seizure has occurred under this test,
    you may consider circumstances such as whether the officer
    physically touched the person, whether the officer physically
    displayed a restraining device, and the officer’s use of language or
    tone of voice.
    Jury Instructions at 66-69. Glaringly absent from these agreed upon instructions is any definition
    of reasonableness or any explanation of the distinction between a reasonable seizure and an
    unreasonable one. The instructions formulated by the parties thus left the jury an incomplete and
    potentially confusing discussion of the concept of an unreasonable seizure.5
    At worst, the legally contradictory findings of unreasonable arrest but no
    unreasonable seizure reveal that the jury may not have fully understood the meaning of the claim
    for unreasonable seizure as distinct from the plaintiff’s other constitutional claims. Mr. Woods
    has identified no reason to believe, however, that the jury did not understand and correctly apply
    Immediately following the above instructions, the Court instructed the jury on arrest
    without probable cause, unreasonable search, and excessive use of force. See Jury Instructions at
    70-76. All three of those categories of claims are described in detail, but without any mention of the
    relationship of excessive use of force or arrest without probable cause to
    unreasonable/unconstitutional seizure.
    the much clearer and more complete instructions regarding unconstitutional arrest,
    unconstitutional search, and excessive use of force that were given. See CSX Transp., Inc. v.
    129 S.Ct. 2139
    , 2141 (2009) (“[J]uries are presumed to follow the court’s
    instructions.”). The Court therefore rejects Mr. Woods’ claim that a new trial is necessary on the
    ground that the jury’s finding of unreasonable arrest was irreconcilably inconsistent with its
    finding of no unconstitutional seizure.6
    The Court also rejects the assertion that the jury’s finding of no unreasonable
    seizure is inconsistent with its finding in response to a special interrogatory, that Mr. Woods did
    bend back Ms. Halcomb’s fingers back, as she alleged. According to Mr. Woods, “[t]here was
    no other claim for unreasonable seizure, separate and apart from the arrest, other than the
    ‘bending of [Ms. Halcomb’s] fingers.’” Mot. at 20. This argument is both confusing and
    unsupported by any reference to the trial record. To the Court’s knowledge, the jury had no
    reason to suppose that a finding on unreasonable seizure was equivalent to or wholly dependent
    upon a finding on whether Mr. Woods had bent back Ms. Halcomb’s fingers. Those two
    findings do not indicate any confusion or inconsistency on the part of the jury that would justify
    the grant of a new trial.
    It is worth noting that at the conclusion of the instructions, the Court called counsel
    to the Bench to ask if they had any objections to the instructions just given. Other than to
    incorporate earlier objections by reference — none of which relates to the issues raised in
    defendants’ request for a new trial — there were none.
    Mr. Woods also argues for judgment as a matter of law under Rule 50(b) of the
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. He maintains that the jury’s verdict should be set aside in
    whole or in part because (1) no reasonable factfinder would have returned a verdict in Ms.
    Halcomb’s favor with regard to her claims of false arrest, unconstitutional arrest, unconstitutional
    search, common law assault, or common law battery, Mot. at 2, 6; and (2) a reasonable factfinder
    could not have found by clear and convincing evidence that Ms. Halcomb is entitled to punitive
    damages. Mot. at 16. While the first of these arguments is unconvincing, the second has merit.
    A. Standard of Review
    After a jury trial, the Court may grant a motion for judgment as a matter of law
    under Rule 50 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure only if it finds that “a reasonable jury
    would not have had a legally sufficient evidentiary basis to find for the party on that issue[.]”
    FED . R. CIV . P. 50(a)(1). Judgment as a matter of law is proper, “considering the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the [non-movants] and making all reasonable inferences in their favor,” if
    the Court concludes that there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury to
    have found in their favor under controlling law. Hendry v. Pelland, 
    73 F.3d 397
    , 400 (D.C. Cir.
    1996); see Fox v. District of Columbia, 
    990 F. Supp. 13
    , 19 (D.D.C. 1997). The jury’s verdict
    must stand “unless the evidence, together with all inferences that can be reasonably drawn
    therefrom is so one-sided [in favor of the moving party] that reasonable persons could not
    disagree on the verdict,” Milone v. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 
    91 F.3d 229
    , 231 (D.C. Cir. 1996), that is, unless the non-movant’s evidence is so insufficient that a
    reasonable finder of fact “could not possibly find for the non-movant.” 9 MOORE ’S FEDERAL
    PRACTICE § 50.60[1] at 50-87 (3d ed. 2002). Accord Muldrow ex rel. Estate of Muldrow v.
    Re-Direct, Inc., 
    493 F.3d 160
    , 165 (D.C. Cir. 2007); McGill v. Munoz, 
    203 F.3d 843
    , 845 (D.C.
    Cir. 2000); Lloyd v. Ashcroft, 
    208 F. Supp. 2d 8
    , 11 (D.D.C. 2002).
    In deciding a motion for judgment as a matter of law, the Court is not to resolve
    legitimately disputed issues of fact already decided by the jury. 9 MOORE’S FEDERAL PRACTICE
    § 50.60[1] at 50-87 (3d ed. 2002). Even if the Court finds the evidence that led to the jury
    verdict unpersuasive, or that it would have reached a different result if it were sitting as the fact-
    finder, that is not a basis for overturning the jury’s verdict and granting judgment as a matter of
    law. Id. The Court may not grant the motion unless “the evidence is such that, without weighing
    the credibility of the witnesses or otherwise considering the weight of the evidence, there can be
    but one conclusion as to the verdict that reasonable [persons] could have reached.” Me, Inc. v.
    157 F.3d 139
    , 142 (2d Cir. 1998).
    As the Supreme Court has explained, at the Rule 50 stage, “although the court
    should review the record as a whole, it must disregard all evidence favorable to the moving party
    that the jury is not required to believe. That is, the court should give credence to the evidence
    favoring the nonmovant as well as that evidence supporting the moving party that is
    uncontradicted and unimpeached, at least to the extent that that evidence comes from
    disinterested witnesses.” Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Products, Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 151
    (2000) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted).
    B. False Arrest and Arrest in Violation of the Fourth Amendment
    The jury returned verdicts in Ms. Halcomb’s favor on her common law claim of
    false arrest and her constitutional claim of unreasonable arrest in violation of the Fourth
    Amendment. See Verdict Form at 1-2. Under District of Columbia common law, “the focal
    point of [an] action [for common law false arrest] is the question whether the arresting officer
    was justified in ordering the arrest of the plaintiff.” Scott v. District of Columbia, 
    101 F.3d 748
    754 (D.C. Cir. 1996). The jury was instructed that a person commits a false arrest at common
    law “when he intentionally detains or retains another, for any length of time, whether by actual
    force or threat of force, without legal justification.” Jury Instructions at 47 (emphasis added).
    Thus, a false arrest claim cannot succeed if “the arresting officer had probable cause to believe
    that the arrestee committed a crime.” Scott v. District of Columbia, 101 F.3d at 754.
    “Generally, probable cause exists where the facts and circumstances within the arresting officer’s
    knowledge . . . are sufficient in themselves to warrant a reasonable belief that an offense has been
    or is being committed.” In re T.H., 
    898 A.2d 908
    , 913 (D.C. 2006).
    Similarly, under the Constitution, “[a]n arrest based on probable cause cannot
    constitute an unreasonable . . . seizure within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment.” Carr v.
    District of Columbia, 
    565 F. Supp. 2d 94
    , 99 (D.D.C. 2008) (citing Whren v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 806
    , 819 (1996)), rev’d on other grounds by 
    587 F.3d 401
     (D.C. Cir. 2009). “Probable
    cause exists when ‘facts and circumstances within the officer’s knowledge . . . are sufficient to
    warrant a prudent person in believing that the suspect has committed, is committing, or is about
    to commit an offense.’” Marcus v. District of Columbia, 
    646 F. Supp. 2d 58
    , 61 (D.D.C. 2009)
    (quoting United States v. Wesley, 
    293 F.3d 541
    , 535 (D.C. Cir. 2002)).
    Mr. Woods argues that no reasonable factfinder could have found him liable for
    either false or unconstitutional arrest because he “had probable cause, even in the constitutional
    sense, to arrest the [p]laintiff.” Mot. at 5. The defendant asserts that Mr. Woods “observed Ms.
    Halcomb enter the station in a[n] [illegal] piggyback manner” and used the SMADS machine to
    “confirm[] . . . that Ms. Halcomb had not inserted her farecard into the faregate in order to move
    from the unpaid area to the paid area.” Id. at 5-6. But those allegations are based solely on Mr.
    Woods’ testimony, and since Mr. Woods was an interested party, the jury was not required to
    believe his assertions. See, .e.g., Pitt v. District of Columbia, 
    558 F. Supp. 2d 11
    , 16 (D.D.C.
    2008); District of Columbia v. Minor, 
    740 A.2d 523
    , 531 (D.C. 1999). Nor was the jury required
    to accept the authenticity of the farecard produced by Mr. Woods and identified as that of the
    plaintiff, since, again, all averments of such authenticity were made by Mr. Woods himself.
    Taken in the light most favorable to the non-moving party, as it must be on a
    motion made under Rule 50 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the evidence presented at
    trial showed that Ms. Halcomb entered Union Station, inserted a paper farecard containing more
    than the minimum fare into a faregate, and entered the paid area of the station after the gate
    properly processed her card. The jury reasonably could have inferred from that evidence that Mr.
    Woods could have had no reasonable belief that Ms. Halcomb had committed the crime of fare
    evasion, and that his arrest of Ms. Halcomb therefore was not legally justified. Its verdicts in
    Ms. Halcomb’s favor with regard to her claims of false arrest and unconstitutional arrest
    therefore were permissible and in accordance with the law.
    C. Assault and Battery
    “An assault is an intentional act and unlawful attempt or threat, either by words or
    by acts, to do physical harm to the victim,” while “[a] battery is an intentional act that causes a
    harmful or offensive bodily contact.” Evans-Reid v. District of Columbia, 
    930 A.2d 930
    , 937
    (D.C. 2007). The unreasonable use of force by a police officer may be an assault and battery
    under District of Columbia law, Hundley v. District of Columbia, 
    494 F.3d at 1101
    , but a police
    officer has a qualified privilege to use reasonable force to effect an arrest, provided that the
    means employed are not in excess of those which the [officer] reasonably believes to be
    necessary.” Scales v. District of Columbia, 
    973 A.2d 722
    , 730 (D.C. 2009) (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted). As the jury was instructed: “A law enforcement officer may use
    only that amount of force reasonably necessary to arrest a person and to keep the arrested person
    in custody. An officer is not allowed to use force beyond that reasonably necessary to
    accomplish his lawful purpose.” Jury Instructions at 57.
    Based on the evidence presented at trial, Mr. Woods argues that any reasonable
    factfinder would have found that any force used against Ms. Halcomb was both necessary and
    reasonable, thus subject to a qualified privilege. Mot. at 8. To support this proposition, however,
    he again relies on evidence that the jury was not required to accept: “The uncontroverted
    evidence at trial was that Defendant found it necessary to request the assistance of Officer
    Spencer Pines to secure Ms. Halcomb in handcuffs. Therefore, Officer Woods not only proved
    his use of force was reasonable, but also that the force he employed was initially insufficient to
    overcome the Plaintiff’s resistance.” 
     The jury reasonably concluded that the evidence
    showed no such thing. Mr. Woods and Officer Pines did testify that Mr. Woods requested
    Officer Pines’ help in securing Ms. Halcomb, but, contrary to the defendant’s assertion, that
    testimony was not uncontroverted. Ms. Halcomb testified that Officer Pines did not participate
    in her arrest, and the jury was free to believe her over the defendant and Officer Pines.
    Furthermore, the jury specifically found in answer to a special interrogatory that
    Mr. Woods bent back Ms. Halcomb’s fingers. According to Ms. Halcomb, that incident occurred
    before her arrest, when Mr. Woods attempted to gain access to her purse. By Ms. Halcomb’s
    account, Officer Pines was not involved in that incident, nor did Ms. Halcomb pose any threat
    that would make the use of force against her at that point reasonable. Mr. Woods’ assertion of
    qualified privilege therefore could reasonably have been rejected by the jury.
    Mr. Woods also suggests that the jury’s finding for Ms. Halcomb on her claims of
    assault and battery is “undermine[d]” by its finding against her on her claim of excessive use of
    force in violation of the Fourth Amendment. This argument is misplaced. The Court cannot and
    will not guess at what factual findings may have motivated the jury’s verdict on the excessive
    force claim and then apply those assumed findings to its analysis of the assault and battery
    claims. If Mr. Woods believed the jury’s verdict on the Fourth Amendment claim to be
    inconsistent with its findings on assault and battery, he should have moved for a new trial on the
    ground that those aspects of the verdict were irreconcilably inconsistent and evidence of
    unacceptable confusion on the part of the jury. See, e.g., Mazloum v. District of Columbia
    Metro. Police Dep’t, 
    576 F. Supp. 2d 25
    , 42 (D.D.C. 2008) (ruling on the evidence presented in
    that case that a finding against an officer on a claim of excessive use of force in violation of the
    Fourth Amendment was inconsistent with a finding in his favor on a common law battery claim).
    Mr. Woods cannot attempt to translate the jury’s finding on the Fourth Amendment claim into a
    judgment in his favor on the common law claims.
    D. Punitive Damages
    Under the law of the District of Columbia:
    The test for punitive damages . . . is a rigorous one. [Punitive
    damages] are a form of punishment. Their purpose is to punish
    unlawful conduct and to deter its repetition. Punitive damages are,
    accordingly, to be awarded only in cases of outrageous or
    egregious wrongdoing where the defendant has acted with evil
    motive, actual malice, or in willful disregard for the rights of the
    plaintiff. In keeping with this high substantive burden, the plaintiff
    must prove egregious conduct and the requisite mental state by
    clear and convincing evidence.
    Rosenthal v. Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP, 
    985 A.2d 443
    , 455-56 (D.C. 2009) (internal
    quotation marks and citation omitted).7 “Clear and convincing evidence is evidence that will
    produce in the mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or conviction as to the facts sought to be
    established.” Wood v. Neuman, 
    979 A.2d 64
    , 73 (D.C. 2009) (internal quotation marks and
    citation omitted). The Court concludes that, even taken in the light most favorable to Ms.
    Halcomb, the evidence presented at trial could not suffice to produce in the mind of a reasonable
    With respect to claims brought pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    , “punitive damages . . .
    are available against . . . individual defendants where their conduct was ‘motivated by evil motive
    or intent, or when it involve[d] reckless or callous indifference to the federally protected rights of
    others.’” Elkins v. District of Columbia, 
    527 F. Supp. 2d 36
    , 47 (D.D.C. 2007) (quoting Smith v.
    461 U.S. 30
    , 56 (1983)). The standard for the award of punitive damages under Section 1983
    thus differs somewhat from the standard applicable under District of Columbia common law. Ms.
    Halcomb did not request a separate jury instruction on punitive damages under Section 1983,
    however; her requested instruction on punitive damages was based solely on District of Columbia
    law. See Jury Instructions at 86-89 (using Instruction 16-1 from the Standardized Civil Jury
    Instructions for the District of Columbia to explain the circumstances under which punitive damages
    can be awarded). The Court therefore applies the District of Columbia standard in determining
    whether punitive damages were available to Ms. Halcomb as a matter of law.
    trier of fact “a firm belief or conviction” that Mr. Woods engaged in outrageous or egregious
    conduct “evincing malice or its equivalent.” Pitt v. District of Columbia, 
    491 F.3d 494
    , 508
    (D.C. Cir. 2007) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    Ms. Halcomb asserts that the jury reasonably could have assessed punitive
    damages based on a finding that any one or more of the following had occurred: (1) Mr. Woods
    threatened to “come to Ms. Halcomb’s home and ‘put a bullet in [her] head,’” Opp. at 24; (2) Mr.
    Woods “bent Ms. Halcomb’s fingers back to access a driver’s license in her wallet,” id. at 25;
    (3) the defendant “violently placed Ms. Halcomb under arrest and performed a full-body search,”
    “jamm[ing] his knee between Ms. Halcomb’s legs, violently pull[ing] her necklace off, [and]
    searching her in an overly aggressive and physical manner,” id. at 25, 27; (5) Ms. Halcomb was
    placed in a dirty cell at D.C. General Hospital and taken to two separate police precincts, id. at
    25; and (6) Ms. Halcomb was subjected to “verbal assault from other prisoners” while she was in
    custody. Id.
    As an initial matter, the Court notes that punitive damages are a remedy, not a
    claim; Ms. Halcomb cannot recover punitive damages for acts of Mr. Woods that could not as a
    matter of law form the basis for one of the legal claims on which the jury returned a verdict in the
    plaintiff’s favor. See Iacangelo v. Georgetown Univ., 
    580 F. Supp. 2d 111
    , 113-14 (D.D.C.
    2008) (pointing out that punitive damages are a remedy, not the basis for a free-standing legal
    claim). Thus, even if it is assumed that the jury believed Ms. Halcomb’s testimony that Mr.
    Woods threatened to shoot her, that she was placed in a dirty cell, and that other prisoners
    mocked her, none of those findings could support an award for punitive damages, because none
    could form the basis of one of the legal claims on which the jury returned a verdict in Ms.
    Halcomb’s favor.
    Ms. Halcomb’s contention that Mr. Woods threatened to “put a bullet in [her]
    head” was presented to the jury as grounds for a finding of intentional infliction of emotional
    distress. The jury found in Mr. Woods’ favor on that claim. The plaintiff in passing has
    suggested the possibility that the jury could have construed the alleged threat as an assault. See
    Opp. at 15. But that theory of the plaintiff’s assault claim was never presented to the jury. Even
    if it had been, as a matter of law, the jury could not have found Mr. Woods’ liable for assault on
    the basis of his threat, made while standing with Ms. Halcomb in D.C. General Hospital, that he
    ought to go out to her house and put a bullet in her head because she had caused him so much
    trouble. Under the common law of the District of Columbia, a threat “to cause physical harm or
    offensive contact with another person” only qualifies as an assault if it appears that “the person
    making the threat . . . has the present ability to carry out the harmful or offensive contact.”
    (emphasis added). See also Jury Instructions at 53-54. To constitute an assault, then, a threat
    must create a reasonable “apprehension of immediate offensive contact.” Id. cmt. (citing Madden
    v. D.C. Transit System, Inc., 
    307 A.2d 756
    , 757 (D.C. 1973)) (emphasis added); see also
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 22 (1965). The threat attributed to Mr. Woods in this case does
    not meet those criteria. According to Ms. Halcomb, Mr. Woods threatened action in the
    indefinite future while standing in front of the nurse’s station at D.C. General Hospital, awaiting
    the arrival of a physician. Given those undisputed circumstances, a reasonable person could not
    have felt that offensive contact was imminent.
    Because Mr. Woods’ threat did not constitute an assault as a matter of law, and
    the jury found against Ms. Halcomb on her claim of intentional infliction of emotional distress,
    the threat cannot serve as a basis for punitive damages. Similarly, the fact that Ms. Halcomb was
    placed in an unpleasant cell at the hospital and taunted by other persons in custody cannot justify
    the award of punitive damages, because neither allegation, even if assumed to be true, provided a
    foundation for any of the legal claims that the jury decided in Ms. Halcomb’s favor.
    Despite the attempts of Ms. Halcomb’s counsel to characterize her arrest as
    “violent” and “overly aggressive,” the award of punitive damages must rest on the evidence
    presented at trial, not on counsel’s characterization of it. Taken in the light most favorable to
    Ms. Halcomb, the evidence on the claims of assault and battery showed that Mr. Woods pulled
    on two of her fingers in an attempt to open or grab her purse; that he bruised her thighs while
    pushing her legs apart so that he could complete the search incident to arrest; and that he twisted
    her necklace when attempting to remove it, breaking it in the process. None of those acts is
    sufficiently egregious to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Woods acted
    with the intent to injure Ms. Halcomb, nor can such an intent be inferred from surrounding
    Mr. Woods’ bending of Ms. Halcomb’s fingers, because it constituted a use of
    force not justified by any threat or reasonable law enforcement objective, could support a
    reasonable jury’s finding of assault and battery. But the record contains no suggestion that Mr.
    Woods developed a sense of malice toward Ms. Halcomb prior to the finger-bending incident.
    Even according to Ms. Halcomb, Mr. Woods said nothing at the time of the incident to indicate
    malicious intent and the bending lasted for only a few seconds. The resultant injuries to Ms.
    Halcomb’s fingers — swelling and bruises — are too mild to serve as clear and convincing
    evidence, in and of themselves, that Mr. Woods aimed to hurt Ms. Halcomb by grabbing her
    fingers or that his conduct was egregious or outrageous. With so little evidence regarding Mr.
    Woods’ motives, no reasonable factfinder could have reached a firm conclusion that Mr. Woods
    acted with malice.
    In the same way, a finding that Mr. Woods had, as Ms. Halcomb claimed, bruised
    her thighs with his knee while searching her would not justify an award of punitive damages. A
    search incident to an arrest necessarily is a physical process; de minimis injuries such as bruises,
    while not to be condoned, at the same time do not demonstrate the existence of an intent to injure
    by clear and convincing evidence. Nor does Mr. Woods’ breaking of Ms. Halcomb’s necklace
    constitute egregious conduct or evidence of malice. According to Ms. Halcomb’s own
    testimony, the necklace broke while Mr. Woods was looking for the fastener of the necklace and
    “turned” it in such a way that it “popped.” Such a description indicates accident, not malice.
    Finally, the plaintiff did not introduce any evidence tending to show that Mr.
    Woods willfully disregarded her rights when he arrested her. There is no evidence in the record
    to suggest that Mr. Woods knew or harbored malice toward Ms. Halcomb before he stopped her
    or that he believed her to be innocent of the crime for which he arrested her. It is true that Mr.
    Woods rejected Ms. Halcomb’s claims of innocence and refused to show her the information the
    SMADS machine showed to be encoded on her farecard. By Ms. Halcomb’s own account,
    however, Mr. Woods twice took her card to the kiosk where the SMADS machine was located to
    check that he had not made a mistake in stopping her. Of course, the jury was not required to
    believe that Mr. Woods did in fact check the SMADS machine once in the kiosk, or that the
    machine showed that Ms. Halcomb had committed fare evasion. But in light of Ms. Halcomb’s
    own admission that Mr. Woods appeared to go twice to check the card, the jury could not
    reasonably have found by clear and convincing evidence that he had been reckless with regard to
    Ms. Halcomb’s Fourth Amendment right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures.
    In light of these considerations, the Court concludes that a reasonable jury could
    not have found by clear and convincing evidence, based on the evidence presented at trial and
    construed in the light most favorable to Ms. Halcomb, that Mr. Woods engaged in egregious,
    tortious conduct with a malicious state of mind. As a result, the jury’s award of punitive
    damages will be set aside.
    Mr. Woods argues that he “has qualified immunity both for the arrest [of Ms.
    Halcomb] itself and for the limited amount of force necessary to effectuate the arrest.” Mot. at 7.
    The second part of that contention is entirely unnecessary; although Mr. Woods, for reasons
    unknown, devotes much of his discussion of qualified immunity to the subject of excessive use
    of force, see Mot. at 13-14, the jury found in Mr. Woods’ favor on that claim. See Verdict Form
    at 2. Qualified immunity is relevant only to those constitutional claims that were decided against
    Mr. Woods: unreasonable search and unreasonable arrest.
    The defendant advances the mistaken and unsupported argument that “police
    officers possess qualified immunity from suit absent egregious circumstances.” Mot. at 9. That
    contention misstates the law. As the court of appeals has noted:
    The Supreme Court has held that “government officials performing
    discretionary functions generally are shielded from liability for
    civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly
    established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable
    person would have known.” Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    818 (1982); see also Wilson v. Layne, 
    526 U.S. 603
    , 614 (1999)
    (holding that qualified immunity turns upon the “objective legal
    reasonableness of the officers’ action, assessed in light of the legal
    rules that were clearly established at the time the action was taken”
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted)).
    Pitt v. District of Columbia, 
    491 F.3d at 509
    . A defendant’s entitlement to qualified immunity is
    a question of law to be decided by the court, see 
     although sometimes, as in this case, the facts
    establishing what the challenged conduct was are legitimately in dispute and must first be
    decided by the jury before the court answers the ultimate legal question whether a defendant is
    entitled to qualified immunity. See Zellner v. Summerlin, 
    494 F.3d 344
    , 367-68 (2d Cir. 2007);
    Halcomb v. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 
    526 F. Supp. 2d 20
    , 22 (D.D.C.
    2007). “Whether an official protected by qualified immunity may be held personally liable . . .
    generally turns on the objective legal reasonableness of the action.” Wilson v. Layne, 
    526 U.S. 603
    , 614 (1999). In assessing whether a party is entitled to qualified immunity, the facts must be
    taken in the light most favorable to the party asserting the constitutional injury. See Saucier v.
    533 U.S. 194
    , 201 (2001) (citing Siegert v. Gilley, 
    500 U.S. 226
    , 232 (1991)), rev’d on
    other grounds by Pearson v. Callahan, 
    129 S.Ct. 808
     (2009); see also Scott v. Harris, 
    550 U.S. 372
    , 377 (2007).
    In this case, a violation of Ms. Halcomb’s constitutional rights to be free from
    unreasonable arrest and unreasonable search was found by the jury, and that finding remains
    undisturbed by the Court. See supra at 11. The sole question remaining for decision is whether
    Mr. Woods’ arrest and search of Ms. Halcomb “‘violate[d] clearly established constitutional
    rights of which a reasonable person would have known.’” Pitt v. District of Columbia, 
    491 F.3d at 510
     (brackets in original) (quoting Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. at 818
    ). Another
    formulation of this standard is “whether an objectively reasonable officer would have believed
    his conduct to be lawful, in light of clearly established law[.]” Id. at 509-10; see Brosseau v.
    543 U.S. 194
    , 197 (2004).
    Unfortunately, Mr. Woods does not address the proper issue — whether “an
    objectively reasonable officer” would have believed Mr. Woods’ conduct to be in accordance with
    clearly established law, see Halcomb v. Washing Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 
    526 F. Supp. 2d at
    22 — but instead attempts to relitigate the factual findings made by the jury and
    affirmed in this Opinion by the Court. See, e.g., Mot. at 12 (arguing that Mr. Woods’ “eyewitness
    account” — which, again, the jury was not required to believe — provides proof of probable
    cause). As already explained, the jury could reasonably have concluded that Mr. Woods arrested
    Ms. Halcomb for fare evasion even though she had properly inserted a farecard with a value
    greater than the minimum fare into the faregate at Union Station. Such a finding could negate a
    claim of probable cause, establishing a constitutional violation. Mr. Woods has not argued, much
    less established, that the constitutional law governing the existence of probable cause in such a
    situation is unclear. He consequently has failed to show that he is entitled to qualified immunity.
    For the foregoing reasons, the Court will grant in part and deny in part the
    defendant’s motion for judgment as a matter of law or, in the alternative, for a new trial. The
    jury’s award of punitive damages will be vacated, but the jury’s verdict otherwise will remain
    unchanged. Because the Court has not relied on any of the allegedly inappropriate arguments
    made in the defendant’s reply to the plaintiff’s opposition to the motion for judgment as a matter
    of law, the plaintiff’s motion to strike that reply is denied as moot. An Order consistent with this
    Opinion shall issue this same day.
    United States District Judge
    DATE: March 3, 2011