United States v. Seefried ( 2022 )

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    Year   Corpus   Source or Source Type              Excerpt of Concordance Line                          Contextual summary
    As we said in both Benoit and Ross , in determin
    Maine, In the Matter of ing appropriate disciplinary sanctions , we must Considering appropriate sanctions for
    Ronald L. KELLAM,       be careful to assure the orderly administration of a judge whose discourtesy to parties Judicial discipline,
    1986 COCAP    
    503 A.2d 1308
               justice in the public interest .                   rose to violation of the Judicial Code. judicial proceeding
    We agree with the finding of the hearing board th
    at the respondent ’s conduct violated C.R.C.P. 24
    1.6 and the following disciplinary rules in the Co
    de of Professional Responsibility : DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 1 ) ( a lawyer shall not violate a disci
    plinary rule ) ; DR 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( 2 ) ( a lawyer shall not handle a legal
    matter without preparation adequate in the circu
    mstances ) ; DR 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( 3 ) ( a lawyer shall not neglect a legal
    matter entrusted to him ) ; DR 7 -
    101 ( A ) ( l ) ( a lawyer shall not intentionally fa
    il to seek the lawful objectives of his client ) ; D
    Colorado, The PEOPLE 101 ( A ) ( 3 ) ( a lawyer shall not prejudice or d
    of the State of Colorado, amage his client during the course of the professi
    Complainant, v. Thomas onal rela tionship ) ; and DR 1 -
    H. MAY, Attorney-          102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ( a lawyer shall not engage in con Finding lawyer's failure to apprise
    Respondent, 745 P.2d duct that is prejudicial to the administration of ju client of case status violated state         Discipline of lawyer,
    1987 COCAP    218                       stice ) .                                              professional conduct rules.           judicial proceeding
    Texas, Phil P. O’NEAL,
    Appellant, v. The         Nevertheless , there comes a time when the order
    COUNTY OF SAN             ly administration of justice requires that the appe Discussing failure of court reporter
    SABA, Appellee, 577       llate process be not delayed further by the absenc timely to prepare statement of facts      Judicial proceeding,
    1979 COCAP    S.W.2d 795                e of the statement of facts .                       needed for appeal.                       not delaying
    Michigan, PEOPLE v.
    KAMIN; PEOPLE v.           In Rich , this Court refused retroactive applicatio
    AUSTIN; PEOPLE v.         n of a jury instruction on the defense of intoxicati
    CARGILL; PEOPLE v.        on and specific intent because of the marked effe
    HARRISON, 405 Mich.       ct on the administration of justice in view of the Discussing reasons for a new rule's       Judicial proceeding,
    1979 COCAP    482                       profound reliance on the old rule .                  exclusively prospective application     jury instruction
    INTERNATIONAL            Although summary judgment is an important tool
    SOCIETY FOR               in the administration of justice and its use encou
    KRISHNA                  raged in proper cases ( Fooden v. Board of Gover
    CONSCIOUSNESS,           nors ( 1971 ) , 
    48 Ill. 2d 580
     , 586 , 272 N.E. 2d
    INC., Plaintiff-         497 ; Allen v. Meyer ( 1958 ) , 
    14 Ill. 2d 284
     , 29
    Appellant, v. THE        2 , 
    152 N.E. 2d 576
     ) , courts must remain cautio
    CITY OF EVANSTON         us not to preempt the right to trial by jury where
    et al., Defendants-      a material dispute may exist ( Anderson v. Doric
    Appellees, 53 Ill. App.  k ( 3rd Dist . 1975 ) , 28 Ill . App . 3d 225 , 227 ,   Discussing impropriety of grant of
    1977 COCAP    3d 443                    
    327 N.E. 2d 541
     ) .                                    summary judgment below.               Judicial proceeding
    Because the issue has potentially far -
    D. Mass., UNITED          reaching ramifications with respect to the orderl      Asserting the ability of the court to
    STATES of America v. y and effective administration of justice in the di         defer ruling on an evidentiary motion Judicial proceeding,
    John R. BARLETTA, strict court , it is appropriate that this court detail        against Government's contrary         judicial power &
    1980 COCAP    
    500 F. Supp. 739
             the basis for its determination .                       argument.                             prerogative
    The imposition of the ethical obligation of honest
    y upon lawyers under DR 1 -
    Kansas, State of Kansas, 102 ( A ) ( 4 ) and subsequent discipline for viol
    Petitioner, v. J. R.     ation of the rule is permissible and may be neces       Discussing tenstion between ethical
    Russell, Respondent,     sary in the interests of the administration of justi    rules and lawyer's First Amendment
    1980 COCAP    
    227 Kan. 897
                 ce .                                                    rights.                               Discipline of lawyer
    A literal interpretation of Article I , § 22 of the C
    onstitution of North Dakota would wreak havoc
    with established judicial practices in that it would
    N. Dakota, KFGO         allow public access to all phases of the administr
    RADIO, INC. and        ation of justice , including chambers ’ conference
    WDAY, Inc., Plaintiffs s , plea bargaining and settlement conferences , a
    and Appellees, v.      doption proceedings , those juvenile proceedings Discussing ramifications of state                 Judicial proceeding,
    Cynthia ROTHE, 298 presently closed , grand jury proceedings , and ap constitutional provision concerning                 judicial power &
    1980 COCAP   N.W.2d 505             pellate court conferences .                            public's access to proceedings.             prerogative
    “ In a proceeding in which the Commission finds
    that : ( 1 ) the subject matter is generally known
    to the public ; ( 2 ) there is broad public interest ;
    ( 3 ) confidence in the administration of justice i
    s threatened due to lack of public information co
    ncerning the status and conduct of the proceedin
    g ; and ( 4 ) the public interest in maintaining co
    nfidence in the judicial office and the integrity of
    the administration of justice requires that some o
    r all aspects of such proceeding should be publicl
    y conducted or otherwise reported or disclosed to
    the public , the requirement of confidentiality m
    ay , to the extent determined by the Commission
    , be modified with respect to said proceeding ; an
    Cal., Mosk v. Superior    d , after completion of the investigation , a public     Discussing when the Commission on
    Ct. of Los Angeles         hearing shall be held and shall be publicly condu       Judicial Performance may allow         Judicial proceeding,
    1979 COCAP   Cnty, 
    25 Cal. 3d 474
          cted .                                                   disciplinary hearings to be public.    discipline, judge
    ( 3 ) The misbehavior of any person in the presen
    Pa., Smith v. Mason,      ce of the court , thereby obstructing the administr      Discussing when a person may be        Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP   
    328 Pa. Super. 314
            ation of justice .                                       found in criminal contempt of court.   contempt
    After reviewing the record , we conclude that cau
    se for discipline has been established and a publi
    c censure is the appropriate discipline . In the for
    mal complaint you were charged with violating R
    ule 241 ( B ) , C.R. C.P. , and the Code of Profes
    sional Responsibility , DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) , DR 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( 3 ) , and DR 7 -
    101 ( A ) ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , by reason of the followi
    ng acts : ( 1 ) neglecting a legal matter entrusted t
    o you ; ( 2 ) failing to carry out a contract of emp
    loyment entered into with a client for professiona
    l services ; ( 3 ) causing damage or prejudice to a
    client during the course of your professional rela Concluding public censure was the
    Colo., People v.        tionship ; and ( 4 ) engaging in conduct that was appropriate discipline for a dilatory           Judicial proceeding,
    1981 COCAP   Gottsegen, 
    623 P.2d 878
     prejudicial to the administration of justice .        and otherwise negligent attorney.           discipline, lawyer
    It was for this reason that a separate standard for
    misbehavior , " conduct prejudicial to the admini
    stration of justice by bringing the judicial office i
    nto disrepute , ” was deleted by the Senate Judici
    DDC, Hastings v.          ary Committee for fear that such a general disrep        Limiting a statute controlling
    Judicial Conf. of the     ute standard directly embodied in the statute coul       censurable judicial behavior to that
    United States, 593 F.     d be used to intrude into a judge ’s personal life       which would interfere with judge's     Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP   Supp. 1371                unrelated to his or her judicial conduct .               duties or taint public's perception.   discipline, judges
    The proper administration of justice necessitates
    Ind., In re Colestock,    the maintenance of independent professional jud Finding that a lawyer violated rules of Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP   
    461 N.E.2d 137
                gment by a lawyer on behalf of his client .       professional responsibility.          discipline, lawyer
    Wash., In re              Further , the holding of a private hearing would h
    Disciplinary Proceeding   ave damaged the public 's confidence in the admi
    against Mark S. Demig,    nistration of justice and led to suspicions as to th Finding appropriate the procedure of a
    1987 COCAP   
    108 Wash. 2d 82
               e objectiveness of the hearing .                     judicial conduct proceeding below.     Judicial proceeding
    The Independent Counsel relies on a single quota
    tion plucked from Blackmer v. United States , 28
    4 U.S. 421
     , 438 , 52 S.Ct . 252 , 255 , 76 L.Ed .
    375 ( 1932 ) : " one of the duties which the citize
    n owes to his government is to support the admin
    istration of justice by attending its courts and givi Rejecting government's request to
    DDC, In re Sealed Case, ng his testimony whenever he is properly summo subpoena potentially self-                           Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP   
    832 F.2d 1268
               ned . "                                               incriminating documents.                      court procedure
    In order to promote the expeditious administratio
    N.C., LEA COMPANY          n of justice , we elect to exercise the rarely used
    v. NORTH CAROLINA          general supervisory powers given this Court in ar
    BOARD OF                   ticle IV , section 12 ( 1 ) of the Constitution of N                                             Judicial proceeding,
    TRANSPORTATION,            orth Carolina and choose to address two collatera                                                powers &
    1986 COCAP   
    317 N.C. 254
                   l issues not raised by the parties .                   Guiding determination of damages.         prerogatives
    On the other hand , there are other dining occasio
    ns that support activities germane to the State Ba
    r ’s performance of its duties in the improvement
    Mich., Falk v. State Bar     of the administration of justice and the advance     Assessing propriety of judges at          Bar association
    1981 COCAP   of Mich., 
    411 Mich. 63
         ment of jurisprudence .                                various social functions.                 regulating judges
    The concluding clause of the statute penalizes an
    yone who “ corruptly ... endeavors to influence ,      Outlining provisions of s. 1503 against
    E.D. Va., U.S. v. Caron,   obstruct , or impede , the due administration of j     improper influence of witness, juror, Judicial proceeding,
    1982 COCAP   
    551 F. Supp. 662
               ustice . ”                                             or court official.                      perjury
    The administration of justice would be greatly bu
    rdened if required to accommodate separate trials
    in all cases where multiple parties have participa
    ted in a criminal offense and where one or more
    have confessed to its commission . " State v. Fer
    guson , 3 Wn . App . 898 , 906 , 
    479 P. 2d 114
    Wash., State v. Samsel,    1970 ) , review denied , 78 Wn .2 d 996 ( 1971 )       Finding no error in refusal to grant      Judicial proceeding,
    1985 COCAP   
    39 Wash. App. 564
              .                                                      motion to sever.                          court procedure
    The committee found that respondent had violate        Finding violation of professional rules
    Pa., In Re Anonymous       d D.R. 1 -                                             requiring lawful behavior where
    No. 60 D.B. 83, 
    33 Pa. 102
     ( A ) ( 5 ) in that his conduct was prejudicia   lawyer consumed drugs and consorted       Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP   D. & C.3d 187              l to the administration of justice .                   with drug dealers.                        discipline, lawyer
    The Commission , based upon its findings of con
    duct prejudicial to the administration of justice w
    hich brings the judicial office into disrepute , as
    Miss., In re Inquiry       opposed to willful misconduct in office , has dete
    Concerning County          rmined that a public reprimand is an appropriate
    Court Judge Kelly          sanction finding that this case is somewhat simila Describing appropriate sanctions for
    COLLINS, 524 So. 2d        r to the trilogy of check collecting cases filed by t personal use of labor of county            Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP   553                        he Commission .                                       prisoners.                                 discipline, judge
    In a mandamus action in which petitioner seeks t
    o have discovery orders involving a claim of priv
    ilege reviewed , we have held that review is appr
    opriate when : “ ‘ ( 1 ) disclosure of the allegedly
    privileged or confidential information renders i
    mpossible any meaningful appellate review of th
    e claim of privilege or confidentiality ; and ( 2 ) t
    he disclosure involves questions of substantial im
    portance to the administration of justice . ’ ” Unit
    ed States v. West , 
    672 F. 2d 796
     , 798 -
    99 ( 10th Cir .1982 ) ( quoting United States v.
    Winner , 
    641 F. 2d 825
     , 830 ( 10th Cir .1981 ) (
    quoting Iowa Beef Processors , Inc. v. Bagley , 6
    C.A. 10,               
    01 F. 2d 949
     ( 8th Cir .1979 ) ) , cert . denied , 4
    Barclaysamerican Corp. 
    57 U.S. 1133
     , 102 S.Ct . 2959 , 73 L.Ed .2 d 13                                                     Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP   v. Kane, 
    746 F.2d 653
     50 ( 1982 ) .                                          Refusing to breach judicial privilege.         discipline, judge
    It is very obvious that the public policy which re
    nders the protection of witnesses necessary for th
    e administration of justice must as a necessary co
    nsequence involve that which is a step towards a         Upholding absolute privilege for
    nd is part of the administration of justice — nam        defamatory statements in documents
    Md., Adams v. Peck,      ely , the preliminary examination of witnesses to        prepared for use inlitigation but not   Judical proceeding,
    1980 COCAP   
    288 Md. 1
                    fínd out what they can prove .                           filed.                                  procedure
    In our judgment the court ’s order requiring appe
    llant to wear a tie in court was a simple requirem
    Ak., Friedman v.         ent bearing a reasonable relationship to the prope                                               Judicial proceeding,
    District Court, 611 P.2d r administration of justice in that court . ” Id . at    Upholding court's requirements of       powers &
    1980 COCAP   77                       23 .                                                     minimum standards of dress.             prerogatives
    “ This was in disobedience to a lawful order , or
    a command , if you want to call it that , of the co      Reviewing proceedings below to find
    Ga., Dowdy v. Palmour, urt , which tended to obstruct the administration          in contempt attornets who did not   Judicial proceeding,
    1982 COCAP   
    164 Ga. App. 804
             of justice .                                             stand to reply to the court.        discipline, lawyer
    Finally , the Magistrate concluded that no conditi
    on or combination of conditions would assure the
    D. P.R., U.S. v.        safety of the Government ’s witnesses and the c                                                   Judicial proceeding,
    Acevedo-Ramos, 600 F. ommunity or insure the proper administration of Reviewing magistrate judge's pretrial               powers &
    1984 COCAP   Supp. 501              justice in defendant ’s case .                     detention of witness.                           prerogatives
    Plaintiff, v. David G.                                                                                                    Judicial proceeding,
    HORNE, et al.,         Disqualification will not hinder the efficient adm Consdering motion to disqualify                 powers &
    1983 COCAP   Defendants             inistration of justice                             counsel.                                        prerogatives
    The term " serious crime " shall include any felo
    ny and any lesser crime a necessary element of w
    hich , as determined by the statutory or common
    law definition of such crime , involves improper
    conduct as an attorney , interference with the ad
    ministration of justice , false swearing , misrepre
    sentation , fraud , willful failure to file income ta
    x returns , deceit , bribery , extortion , misapprop
    D.C., In re James D.       riation , theft , or an attempt or a conspiracy or so Considering whether conduct of
    Hutchinson, 518 A.2d       licitation of another to commit a " serious crime . attorney was "serious crime" requiring Judicial proceeding,
    1986 COCAP   995                         ”                                                    disbarment.                          discipline, lawyer
    Fla., Petition of
    AMEND                                                                             Describing goals of program providing
    INTEGRATION RULE,                                                                 for deposition of clients' common trust
    ARTICLE II AND       The goals of the Court ’s program are to improve             funds in savings accounts, interest
    ARTICLE XI, 373 So. the administration of justice in this state and to e          payable to programs designed to         Judicial proceeding,
    1979 COCAP   2d 1                 xpand the delivery of legal services to the poor .           benefit the public.                     policy
    Although the court concluded that “ there was an
    ample independent source of identification ” , it a
    dded that it was so tainted by duress and imprope
    D.C., U.S. v. Walton,      r suggestiveness “ that it would . be an aberration    Describing reasoning to forbid in-      Judical proceeding,
    1979 COCAP   
    411 A.2d 333
                    in the administration of justice ” to permit it .     court identification.                   procedure
    Courts exist for the administration of justice , an
    d in the conduct of trials in general much must ,
    of necessity , and in the very nature of things , be
    left to the discretion of the court charged with th
    e duty of administering justice , and having the i
    Ala., Hall v. State, 377   nherent power to regulate such matters in the tria     Explaining finding of no abuse of       Judical proceeding,
    1979 COCAP   So. 2d 1123                l forum .                                              discretion below.                       procedure
    Therefore , we sustain charge II , but only insofa
    r as it charges respondent with engaging in " con
    duct that is prejudicial to the administration of ju
    stice ” ( DR 1 -
    102 [ A ] [ 5 ] ) and " [ c ] onceal [ ing ] or kno
    wingly fail [ ing ] to disclose that which he is req Upholding sanction for failure to
    N.Y., In re Devine, 128 uired by law to reveal ” ( DR 7 -                    comply with subpoena of documents          Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP   A.D.2d 1024              102 [ A ] [ 3 ] ) .                                 as predicate to censure.                   discipline, lawyer
    The hearing committee found that while respond
    ent had not violated Disciplinary Rule 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 3 ) , which provides for illegal condu
    ct involving moral turpitude , it did find that resp
    ondent violated Rules of Professional Responsibi
    lity D.R. 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 4 ) , in that he had engaged in conduc
    t amounting to a form of misrepresentation , D.R
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) , in that he had engaged in conduc
    t that is prejudicial to the administration of justic
    e , and D.R. 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 6 ) , in that he had engaged in conduc      Characterizing behavior of lawyer
    Pa., In re Anonymous      t that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice l   who misrepresented facts in          Judicial proceeding,
    1978 COCAP   No. 25 D.B. 77            aw :                                                     transaction.                         discipline, lawyer
    " This is a serious crime because the true admini
    C.A. 2, U.S. v. Assi,     stration of justice is the cornerstone of all our lib
    1984 COCAP   
    748 F.2d 62
                   erties .                                         Judge providing jury instructions            Judicial proceeding
    N.Y., People v.                                                            Discussing incentives back of
    Grissom, 128 Misc. 2d     Requiring the party who wants the minutes to ord production requirements as between           Judicial proceeding,
    1985 COCAP   246                       er them promotes the administration of justice . parties.                                     procedure
    Bredemann v. Bredemann , 
    253 Minn. 21
     , 24 -
    5 , 
    91 N.W. 2d 84
     , 87 ( 1958 ) stated the rule th
    at dissolution judgments may be set aside “ unde
    r such circumstances as amount to a fraud on the
    court and the administration of justice . * * * To
    Minn., In re Marriage of be fraud on the court and the administration of ju
    Adams, 393 N.W.2d        stice , there must be found to be fraud on [ the wi                                            Judicial proceeding,
    1986 COCAP   508                      fe ] . "                                            Explaining controlling precedent.          procedure
    We are also conscious of undue delays in the ad
    ministration of justice produced by unnecessary t
    rials , and also of the crushing financial burdens                                     Judicial proceeding,
    C.A. 3, U.S. v.      placed on the taxpayers who ultimately pay the e Rejecting judicial economy arguments powers &
    1978 COCAP   Moskow, 
    588 F.2d 882
     xpenses of federal criminal litigation .           against allowing conditional pleas. prerogatives
    The obstruction of justice predicate contained in
    paragraph 5 provides : It was part of the pattern o
    f racketeering activity that in or about September
    , 1981 , in the Eastern District of New York and
    elsewhere , that the defendants , Joseph Massino
    , a / k / a “ Joseph Messina , ” a / k / a “ Joseph
    Massina , ” a / k / a “ Joey , ” and Salvatore Vital
    e , a / k / a “ Sally , ” unlawfully , wilfully and kn
    owingly would and did corruptly endeavor to infl
    uence , obstruct and impede the due administrati
    on of justice in that the defendants would and did
    corruptly endeavor to counsel another person to
    avoid service of a grand jury subpoena , in violati
    S.D.N.Y., U.S. v.        on of Title 18 , United States Code , Section 150                                              Judicial proceeding,
    1986 COCAP   Vitale, 
    635 F. Supp. 194
     3 .                                                       Recalling the indictment.            procedure
    The defendant argued that he could not be guilty          Rejecting argument that grand jury
    E.D. Pa., U.S. v.        of the offense because there was no judicial proc         must have heard testimony or decided
    Simmons, 444 F. Supp. eeding pending which could be equated to an “ a              to issue subpoean before it could be
    1978 COCAP   500                      dministration of justice . ”                              "obstructed."                        Grand Jury
    The complaint alleged that his described conduct
    violated DR 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( l ) and ( 3 ) , which provide that a la
    wyer shall not handle a legal matter when he kno
    ws , or should know , that he is not competent to
    do so , and that he shall not neglect a legal matter
    Ore., In re Complaint as entrusted to him . Violation of DR 1 -
    to the Conduct of         102 ( A ) ( 5 ) was also charged . That rule forbi Assessing discipline of lawyer whose
    RICHARD F. CRIST, ds a lawyer to engage in conduct that is prejudici inexperience made him incompetent
    1984 COCAP   Accused, 
    683 P.2d 85
     al to the administration of justice .                    to handle a probate.                Discipline, Lawyer
    As the Supreme Court noted in Northern Pipelin
    e Construction Co. v. Marathon Pipe Line Co. , s
    upra , 
    458 U.S. 50
     at 64 , n. 15 , 102 S.Ct . 2858
    Bankr. N.D. Ga., In re at 2867 , n. 15 , 73 L.Ed .2 d 598 at 610 , n. 15 :
    Seven Springs            “ The Framers chose to leave to Congress the pre         Explaining why courts cannot arrogate Judicial proceeding,
    Apartments, Phase II,    cise role to be played by the lower federal courts       powers not given to them by           powers &
    1983 COCAP   
    33 B.R. 458
                  in the administration of justice . ”                     Congress.                             prerogatives
    The accused ’s conduct with respect to his intera
    Ore., In re: Complaint ction with Calvin and with Wade was boorish in
    as to the Conduct of     the extreme , but the issue is whether that conduc
    WILLIAM C.               t was “ prejudicial to the administration of justice     Finding that badgering of clerks was
    ROCHAT, Accused,          ” or “ adversely reflects on his fitness to practice    prejudicial to the administration of
    1983 COCAP   
    295 Or. 533
                   law ” or both .                                         justice.                               Discipline, Lawyer
    Certainly this court recognizes the importance of
    the orderly and efficient administration of justice
    but acknowledges the court ’s primary responsib
    ility of assuring individuals their rights to a prope
    E.D. Va., U.S. v. Allen, rly selected jury , based upon the Batson standar        Qualifiying criticisms of imprecion of Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP   
    666 F. Supp. 847
             ds .                                                     guidance to lower courts.              procedure
    Mass., Michael J. Foley    Although the single justice was not in error , it is
    vs. Lowell Division of     appropriate that we consider the matter under our
    the District Court          broader inherent common law and constitutional
    Department, 398 Mass.       powers to supervise the administration of justice Taking cognizance of a justice's
    1986 COCAP   800                         .                                                   conduct.                                 Discipline, judge
    But , while the mediation of courts is based upon
    the principle of judicial impartiality , disintereste
    dness , and fairness pervading the whole system
    of judicature , so that courts may as near as possi
    ble be above suspicion , there is , on the other sid
    e , an important issue at stake : that is , that cause
    s may not be unfairly prejudiced , unduly delayed
    , or discontent created through unfounded charg
    es of prejudice or unfairness made against the ju
    Pa., Commonwealth v. dge in the trial of a cause . It is of great importan
    Cherpes, 360 Pa. Super. ce to the administration of justice that such shoul       Outlining the duties and discretion of
    1987 COCAP   246                      d not occur .                                            a judge to vet his own imparitality.   Discipline, judge
    None of these cases contains any reasoned analys
    is explaining why the “ administration of justice
    ” language should include bar proceedings . Upo
    n reflection , however , we conclude that it does .
    Ore., In re Complaint as Bar disciplinary proceedings , although sui gene         Asserting that bar proceedings are
    to the Conduct of        ris in nature , strongly resemble judicial proceedi      "adminsitration of justice" for
    FERRIS F. BOOTHE, ngs in that they primarily involve factual adjudic              purposes of rules of professional
    1987 COCAP   Accused, 
    740 P.2d 785
     ations .                                                    conduct.                               Discipline, lawyer
    C.A. 6, DETROIT
    ASSOCIATION et al.,
    Plaintiffs-Appellees, v.   see also President ’s Commission on Law Enforc                                                Referencing
    Coleman A. YOUNG,          ement and the Administration of Justice , Task F                                              President's
    Mayor of the City of       orce Report : The Police 169 , 174 ( 1967 ) ( citi                                            Commission on Law
    Detroit, et al.,           ng sur veys which found racially exclusionary hir Adducing evidence and citations that        Enforcement and the
    Defendants-Appellants,     ing practices and racially discriminatory job assig hiring program did not violate Title      Administration of
    1979 COCAP   
    608 F.2d 671
                   nments in Detroit Police Department ) .             VII.                                      Justice
    Not only did Respondent engage in conduct preju
    dicial to the administration of justice in ignoring
    the various inquiries sent to him by Bar Counsel
    in the Jones Conservatorship case , but he made
    D.C., In re Melvin J.       arguments and gave testimony at the hearing in t
    WASHINGTON, 489             his case that the Hearing Committee charitably c Characterizing conduct that resulted in
    1985 COCAP    A.2d 452                    haracterized as “ frivolous . ”                     three months' suspension.            Discipline, Lawyer
    This is a distinction well recognized in Common
    wealth v. Shawell , supra. , wherein the Supreme
    Court said : “ The nature and character [ of the d
    uty ] and the practice under the common law and
    related statutes must control the interpretation of
    the term ‘ court . ’ Is the duty of such nature as t
    o require joint consideration by all the members
    of the court ? . .
    . The appointment and removal of public official
    .has far reaching consequences and should be ex
    ercised by all the available judges of the tribunal
    assembled . .
    . ( but ) there are many things in connection with
    Pa., Hamill Estate, 3 Pa. the general administration of justice ( that may b                                               Judicial powers &
    ***1977   COCAP   D. & C.3d 100             e done by fewer members ) . ”                         Elaborating on the court's functions.      prerogatives
    As pointed out in United States v. Tateo , supra ,
    377 U.S. at 466 , the rule of United States v. Ball
    is also grounded upon fairness in the administrat
    Md., Sweetwine v.           ion of justice , considering the interests of the pu Discussing the appropriate scope of       Judicial proceeding,
    1980 COCAP    State, 
    288 Md. 199
              blic as well as those of the defendant .             grant of retrial.                         procedure
    Asserting liability under disciplinary
    Ore., In Re: Complaint                                                           rule for causing secreatary (also a
    as to the conduct of        Smith , by persuading his secretary to make a fal notary) to make a false
    HECTOR E. SMITH,            se acknowledgement , engaged in conduct that pr acknowledgement on a power of a
    1981 COCAP    Accused, 
    292 Or. 84
             ejudicial to the administration of justice .         attorney.                                 Discipline, Lawyer
    In re Murphy states that opinion work product “ c
    an be discovered only in very rare and extraordin
    ary circumstances . where weighty consideration
    D. Minn., U.S. v.           s of public policy and a proper administration of
    Bonnell, 483 F. Supp.       justice would militate against the nondiscovery o Discussing appropriate bounds of             Judicial proceeding,
    1979 COCAP    1070                        f an attorney ’s mental impressions . ”           privilege.                                   procedure
    As discussed in Section I.A , supra , by developi
    ng a complete and searching record , the trial cou
    C.A. 9, U.S. v. Kamer, rt can , and should , ensure the thor ough and eff            Grounding the insufficieny of trial   Judicial proceeding,
    1986 COCAP    
    781 F.2d 1380
                  ective administration of justice .                        judge's process.                      procedure
    Respondent is further charged with violating Dis
    ciplinary Rules 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 1 ) , ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) , by engagin
    g in conduct involy -
    ing dishonesty , fraud , deceit or misrepresentati
    on and engaging in conduct prejudicial to the ad          Describing basis of liability for
    Ind., In re McDaniel,      ministration of justice which adversely reflects o        knowingly false testimony to grand    Perjury, Discipline,
    1984 COCAP    
    470 N.E.2d 1327
                n his fitness to practice law .                           jury.                                 Lawyer
    Section 53a -
    147 , a part of our penal code , covers the crime
    of bribery in broad terms and is not limited to the
    Conn., State v. Carr, jr., administration of justice and attempts to influen         Describing basis of liability for
    1977 COCAP    
    172 Conn. 458
                  ce legislation .                                          bribing a police officer.             Law enforcement
    The administration of justice under our adversary
    system largely depends upon the public ’s ability
    Md., Atty Gen'l of Md.       to rely on the honesty of attorneys who are place
    v. Waldron, 289 Md.         d in a position of being called upon to conduct th Asserting and explaining judicial
    1981 COCAP    683                         e affairs of others both in and out of court .     oversight of the bar.                       discipline, judges
    The court notes that to try both of these charges s
    eparately is not in the best administration of justi
    ce , for among other reasons — a ) the cost and ti
    me of two trials , and b ) inconvenience to witnes
    Fla., State v. Patrus, 46 ses returning for a second trial , and c ) delay in u Finding trial court exceeded discretion Judicial proceeding,
    1977 COCAP    Fla. Supp. 19             ltimate resolve of the accusations .                  in requiring separate trials.           procedure
    We recognize that the fair and orderly administra
    tion of justice requires that trial judges must have
    reasonable discretion in dealing with errant juror
    s who demonstrate their unwillingness to abide b
    Miss., Jones v. State,     y the instructions of the court , or other unanticip     Defending discretion of judges to        Judicial proceeding,
    1981 COCAP    
    398 So. 2d 1312
                ated occurrences which transpire during trials .         discontinue trials.                      procedure
    Finally , we do not believe that retroactive applic
    ation of Brown will " ' cast substantial doubt upo
    n the validity of numerous prior judgments , and
    would impose a great burden on the administrati
    Wash., In the Matter of    on of justice by allowing many cases to be relitig
    the Marriage of Joyce E.   ated . .
    Hilt, Respondent, and      . " ' Milbradt , 103 Wn .2 d at 342 , quoting Ann
    Daniel M. Hilt,            ot. , Comment Note — Prospective or Retroactiv
    Appellant, 41 Wash.        e Operation of Overruling Decision , 
    10 A.L.R. 3
             Deciding to allow retroactive
    1985 COCAP    App. 434                   d 1371 , 1391 ( 1966 ) .                                 application of new rule.                 Judicial proceedings
    The general subject is , therefore , one in which t
    he public [ has ] an interest , with regard to whic
    h legislative action , in the interest of the public i
    s absolutely necessary . . .
    . [ The use of stenographers to report judicial pro
    ceedings ] expedites judi cial procedure , econom
    izes the time of public tribunals , and so promote
    s the prompt administration of justice and reduce
    Pa., Jones v. Montefiore   s the amount of public moneys in that behalf exp         Requiring county to pay costs of         Judicial proceeding,
    1980 COCAP    Hosp., 
    418 A.2d 1361
           ended                                                    stenography.                             procedure
    Because the court could not sanction the method
    by which the jury panel was formed , it reversed
    the judgment below " in the exercise of our powe         Quoting precedent in discussion of
    Colo., Fields v. People,   r of supervision over the administration of justice      review of lower court's practices for    Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP    
    732 P.2d 1145
                   in the federal courts . "                               calling potential jurors.                procedure
    The Bar states that acceptance of this petition wil
    l not adversely affect the public interest , underm
    Fla., Fla. Bar v.          ine the purity of the courts , or hinder the admini      Granting peition for leave to resign
    Hawkins, 467 So. 2d        stration of justice or the confidence of the public      where attorney repeatedly failed in his
    ***1985   COCAP   998                        in the legal profession .                                duties.                                 Discipline, Lawyer
    WILLIAM H.                                                                          Quoting disciplinary rule as basis for
    PATTISON, JR., 292         Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the admi        liability of attorney who converted
    1982 COCAP    Md. 599                    nistration of justice .                                  client funds to his own use.             Discipline, Lawyer
    An attorney may also be disciplined for conduct
    Kan., State v. Russell,    which interferes with the processes of the admini        Quoting bases of liabilty for attorney's
    1980 COCAP    
    227 Kan. 897
                   stration of justice                                      statements.                              Discipline, Lawyer
    Rule 60 ( b ) , however , does not subsume or abr
    D.C., Synanon          ogate the court ’s “ inherent power to dismiss an
    Foundation, Inc. v.    action when a party has willfully deceived the co
    Bernstein, 503 A.2d    urt and engaged in conduct utterly inconsistent w            Assessing remedial options against
    1986 COCAP    1254                   ith the orderly administration of justice . ”                attorney's fraud on the court.           Discipline, Lawyer
    He voiced concern that the holding of the majorit
    y invites state and federal authorities to undermin
    e the historic independence of the press by attem
    pting to annex the journalistic profession as an in
    vestigative arm of government which will in the l            Discussing Supreme Court opinions
    Oh., In re McAuley, 63 ong run harm rather than help the administration             on the limited reporter's privilege from
    1979 COCAP    Ohio App. 2d 5         of justice .                                                 testifying before grand juries.          Grand Jury
    In determining the retroactivity of constitutional r
    ules in criminal cases , the Supreme Court has co
    nsidered three criteria : “ ‘ ( a ) the purpose to be
    served by the new standards , ( b ) the extent of t
    he reliance by law enforcement authorities on the
    old standards , and ( c ) the effect on the admini
    stration of justice of a retroactive application of t   Reciting doctrinal basis for          Judicial proceeding,
    1985 COCAP   C.A. 7, 
    757 F.2d 811
        he new standards . ’                                    retroactivity determination.          procedure
    Neither good -
    faith reliance by state or federal authorities on pr
    ior constitutional law or accepted practice , nor s
    evere impact on the administration of justice has
    sufficed to require prospective application in thes
    e circumstances . ” ( Williams v United States , 4      Reciting doctrinal basis for giving
    N.Y., People v. Molina, 
    01 US 646
     , 653 ; United States v Johnson , 457         retroactive effect to motion to       Judicial proceeding,
    1983 COCAP   
    121 Misc. 2d 483
            US 537 . )                                              suppress evidence.                    evidence
    The speedy and efficient administration of justic
    E.D. Ark., Curl v. Gen. e requires , however , that ‘ [ m ] eritless claims .
    Tele. Co. of the        .. be disposed of at the first appropriate opportuni
    Southwest, 669 F. Supp. ty . ’ Hungate v. United States , 
    626 F. 2d 60
     , 62     Discussing the dismissal of a         Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP   930                      ( 8th Cir .1980 ) .                                    complaint.                            procedure
    He noted , for example , that “ although the rule i
    s thought to deter unlawful police activity in part
    through the nurturing of respect for Fourth Amen
    dment values , if applied indiscriminately it may
    C.A. 3, Morrison v.       well have the opposite effect of generating disres
    Kimmelman, 752 F.2d       pect for the law and administration of justice . ” I Discussing Powell, J. on the
    1985 COCAP   918                       d . 428 U.S. at 491 , 96 S.Ct . at 3051 .            exclusionary rule.                     Law enforcement
    The majority would do well to bear in mind the c
    omment of Judge Markell for this Court in the ca
    se of In re Meyerson , 
    190 Md. 671
     , 678 , 
    59 A. 2d 489
     ( 1948 ) , quoted many times since then ,
    to the effect that “ due regard for the administrati
    Md., In re Application on of justice does not permit disbarment and rein
    of Howard C., 286 Md. statement to be made mere adjuncts to reform sc Discussing timing of admission to the
    1979 COCAP   244                    hools and the parole system . ”                      bar aafter criminal acts.       Discipline, Lawyer
    The following acts or omissions by an attorney , i
    ndividually or in concert with another person , ar
    e misconduct and grounds for discipline , whethe
    r or not occurring in the course of an attorney - Citing grounds of liability for attorney
    Mich., In re Grimes,       client relationship : " ( 1 ) conduct prejudicial to who backdated and persuaded client to
    1982 COCAP   
    414 Mich. 483
                 the proper administration of justice ; "              backdated a loan agreement.           Discipline, Lawyer
    Steinle mistakenly believes that his duty to his cli
    ent extends even to commencing a frivolous and
    meritless action intended to harass appellees and
    to impede and obstruct the due administration of
    justice by intentionally forcing a United States Di
    C.A. 7, Steinle v.       strict Judge to recuse himself from a pending cri
    1985 COCAP   Warren, 
    765 F.2d 95
          minal case on the eve of trial .                     Characterizing attorney's conduct.      Discipline, Lawyer
    Characterizing attorney's repeated
    Ind., In re Friedland,   There are limits which have been drawn to guara violations of rules of professional
    1981 COCAP   
    416 N.E.2d 433
               ntee the effective administration of justice .       conduct.                                Discipline, Lawyer
    Although a defendant ’s right to counsel must be
    respected , this right can not be manipulated in s
    uch a manner as to impede the efficient administ
    ration of justice . People v. Lucero , Colo. , 
    615 P. 2d 660
     ( 1980 ) ; United States ex rel . Basker Discussing rejection of defendant's
    ville v. Deegan , 
    428 F. 2d 714
     ( 2d Cir . 1970 ) , request to discharge counsel and
    Colo., People v. Barnes, cert . denied , 
    400 U.S. 928
     , 91 S.Ct . 193 , 27 represent himself after jury was           Judicial proceeding,
    1981 COCAP   
    636 P.2d 1323
                L.Ed .2 d 188 .                                      empanneled.                             procedure
    However , because of the strong constitutional i
    mplications of the attorney -
    client privilege , “ it would serve the orderly ad
    ministration of justice and further insure the defe
    ndant a fair trial if the admissibility of the [ attor
    ney -
    client communications ] could be determined in Explaining use of motion to suppress
    La., State v. Taylor, 502 a pretrial proceeding . ” State v. Tanner , supra , to test admissibility of attorney-client    Judicial proceeding,
    1987 COCAP    So. 2d 537                at 1174 .                                              communications before trial.             procedure
    U.S. Claims, White     The interests embodied in rules dealing with pret
    Mountain Apache Tribe rial disclosure are significant and are an essential                                                Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP    v. U.S., 
    4 Cl. Ct. 575
     part of the administration of justice .             Discussing sanctions.                          procedure
    Complaint Concerning
    The Honorable Robert
    Crane WINTON, Jr.,         Standard of Conduct The Code of Judicial Condu
    Judge of District Court,   ct focuses on conduct prejudicial to the administr
    Hennepin County, State     ation of justice , which includes but is not limited Explaining significance of canons
    ***1984   COCAP   of Minnesota                to criminal conduct .                               within Code of Judicial Conduct.          Discipline, judge
    Factors to be taken into account in determining w
    hether a decision is to be applied prospectively or
    retroactively are : ( 1 ) the purpose of the new ru
    le , ( 2 ) the general reliance on the old rule , and
    Mich., Hardigree v.      ( 3 ) the affect on the administration of justice . P   Reciting factors for determining
    Green, 97 Mich. App. eople v Hampton , 
    384 Mich 669
     , 673 -                      retroactive or prospective application   Judicial proceeding,
    1980 COCAP    62                        674 ; 
    187 NW2d 404
     ( 1971 ) .                          of a decision.                           precedent
    Our inspection of the District ’s Plan persuades u
    s that , though it burdens the Court , counsel and
    others involved in the administration of justice , i
    t does not , as a corollary , reward defendants wit
    C.A. 5, U.S. v. Bullock, h automatic dismissals in all cases of underachie       Assessing a District Court's plan for    Judicial proceeding,
    1977 COCAP    
    551 F.2d 1377
                vement .                                                case management.                         procedure
    N.J., Greenberg v.         The recusal of all judges so affected could impos Rejecting mandatory recusal of judges
    Kimmelman, 99 N.J.         e a substantial burden on the administration of ju whose spouses work in the kind of
    1985 COCAP    552                        stice , particularly in Atlantic County .          business at bar.                     Discipline, judge
    The Illinois Supreme Court “ has frequently held
    that differences in the size of the municipalities
    may raise special or unique problems in connecti
    Ill., Rincon v. License    on with many activities which justify classificatio
    Appeal Comm'n of the       n including * * * [ the ] administration of justice Allowing different review procedures Local
    City of Chicago, 62 Ill.   , [ citations ] • • Du Bois v. Gibbons ( 1954 ) , 2 for license depending on the size of commissioners
    1978 COCAP    App. 3d 
    600 Ill. 2d 392
     , 402 , 
    118 N.E. 2d 295
     , 301 .         the municipality.                    issuing licenses
    The only authority cited by the Willough -
    bys to support their argument for the requiremen
    t of a specific intent is a definition of contempt in
    an Illinois case , picked up and quoted by this co
    urt in In re Holbrook , 133 Me . 276 , 280 , 
    177 A. 418
     , 420 ( 1935 ) , along with an assortment
    of other definitions from other jurisdictions : any
    act which is calculated to embarrass , hinder or o
    bstruct the court in the administration of justice ..
    .. ( Emphasis added ) We reject the Willough -
    bys ’ suggestions that “ is calculated ” as there u
    Me., State v.              sed means “ is specifically intended ” ; we read “
    Willoughby, 532 A.2d        is calculated ” as meaning nothing more than “ h
    1987 COCAP    1020                       as a natural tendency . ”                             Upholding contempt conviction.           Judicial proceeding
    This contempt power may not be taken away or a                                                 Judicial proceeding,
    Ala., Hall v. Hall, 485    bridged , as it is essential to the due administratio                                          powers &
    1986 COCAP    So. 2d 747                 n of justice .                                        Describing a court's inherent power.     prerogatives
    The trial judge ’s knowledge of the condition of
    his docket , considered against the need for an or
    derly and prompt administration of justice , place
    d him in a unique position to determine whether t Allowing dismissal with prejudice
    La., Thomas v. State,     he dismissal should be with or without prejudice considering previous continuances and Judicial proceeding,
    1980 COCAP   
    383 So. 2d 108
                .                                                  judge's docket.                     procedure
    Here , sufficient evidence was presented from w
    hich the trial court could conclude that the respon
    dents knew that the preliminarily qualified jurors
    were precluded from talking to anyone , includin
    g members of the media , about the case ; that th
    e respondents ’ conduct in contacting the jurors d
    espite this knowledge was “ volitional and comm
    itted when they knew their conduct was wrongful
    ” ; and that the respondents ’ conduct was ' cont
    emptuous because they “ knowingly interfered wi
    th the lawful Order of the court and that misbeha
    vior was of such a character as to obstruct the ad                                           Judicial proceeding,
    Colo., In re Stone, 703   ministration of justice ” and offend the dignity of Upholding contempt finding for           powers &
    1985 COCAP   P.2d 1319                  the court .                                        improper contact with jurors.            prerogatives
    His actions undertaken with such knowledge wo
    uld demonstrate a fundamental lack of honesty a
    nd truthfulness , a deep want of trustworthiness a
    nd fidelity to those with whom he has entered a b
    usiness relationship , and a chronic contempt for
    N.J., In re Application the administration of justice and the laws that go Characterizing lawyer's engagement in
    1983 COCAP   of Matthews, 
    94 N.J. 59
     vern the affairs of individuals .                  criminal activity.                    Discipline, Lawyer
    The policy underlying the statute of limitations is
    primarily for the protection of the defendant , an
    d the courts , from litigation of stale claims wher
    e plaintiffs have slept on their rights and evidenc
    e may have been lost or witnesses ’ memories fa
    ded . This policy is sound and necessary for the o
    Az., Dicenso v. Bryant rderly administration of justice . ” Brooks v. Sout
    Air Conditioning Corp., hern Pacific Co. , 
    105 Ariz. 442
     , 444 , 466 P. 2d                                             Judicial proceeding,
    1982 COCAP   
    131 Ariz. 605
                736 , 738 ( 1970 ) .                                  Discussing doctrine.                    procedure
    . If the single justice concludes that the administr
    ation of justice would not be facilitated by reporti
    Mass., Commonwealth ng the appeal to the full bench , the Commonwea                                                  Judicial proceeding,
    v. Dunigan et al., 384  lth can not proceed as if no determination had be      Affirming judicial prerogatives under powers &
    1981 COCAP   Mass. 1                 en made .                                              state law.                            prerogatives
    To the extent such a charge is valid at common la
    w , it is constitutionally impermissible as it disco
    urages defendants from exercising their rights to      Considering whether a perjury
    C.A. 4, U.S. v. Endo,   testify , without substantially benefiting the admi    information is constitutionally         Judicial proceeding,
    1980 COCAP   
    635 F.2d 321
                nistration of justice .                                permissible.                            procedure
    The Court noted that , according to her allegation
    s , plaintiff was discharged in retaliation for her r
    efusal to commit a criminal act and that to permit
    N.C., Hogan et al. v,      her discharge , without legal recourse , upon suc Assessing the bounds of at-will
    Forsyth Country Club      h grounds would be offensive to the compelling p employment; plaintiff getting her day
    1986 COCAP   Co., 
    79 N.C. App. 483
         ublic interest in the administration of justice .     in court                         Judicial proceeding
    In so holding , we are aware of the consideration
    s regarding possible prior good -
    faith reliance on RAJI 4.01 and the administratio                                            Judicial proceeding,
    Az., State v. Garcia, 152 n of justice as the result of vacating prior convicti Discussing retroactive application of a powers &
    1986 COCAP   Ariz. 245                 ons in cases where that instruction was given .       new rule.                               prerogatives
    We are further satisfied that Judge Blair did not e
    rr in concluding , based on his factual findings , t
    hat Santamour ’s conduct did not “ [ fall ] below
    an acceptable standard for fair and honorable ad
    Ala., Blakesley v. State, ministration of justice . ” Bruce v. State , 
    612 P. 1986
    715 P.2d 269
                  2d 1012 ( Alaska 1980 ) .                            Rejecting defense of entrapment.        Law enforcement
    Va., Stockton v.        The orderly administration of justice requires tha
    Commonwealth, 227       t tactical matters , such as continuances , be left          Finding meritless dispute with court-    Judicial proceeding,
    1984 COCAP   Va. 124                 with counsel .                                               appointed counsel.                       procedure
    Respondents assert that these requirements facilit
    ate the efficient administration of justice , becaus
    e nonresident attorneys allegedly are less compet
    Sup. Ct., Frazier v.    ent and less available to the court than resident at         Finding discriminatory bar admission Bar association rules
    1987 COCAP   Heebe, 
    96 L. Ed. 2d 557
     torneys .                                                    rules not backed by evidence.        regulating lawyers
    Cal., Wenger v.            Prejudicial conduct must be “ conduct prejudicial
    Comm'n on Judicial          to the administration of justice that brings the ju
    Performance, 29 Cal. 3d    dicial office into disrepute . ” ( Const. , art . VI , Assessing bases for disqualification of
    1981 COCAP   615                        § 18 , subd . ( c ) ; italics added . )                a judge.                                Discipline, judge
    W.D. Mo., Williams v. The preservation of public trust both in the scrup             Explaining motivations for requiring
    Trans World Airlines, ulous administration of justice and in the integrit            disqualification of attorney likely to
    1984 COCAP   Inc., 
    588 F. Supp. 1037
     y of the bar is paramount .                                  reveal confidential information.         Discipline, Lawyer
    The trial court ’s inherent power to protect the so
    und administration of justice has provided the ba                                                    Judicial proceeding,
    C.A. 9, Wheeler v. U.S., sis for orders issued to protect jurors after the tria      Discussing a post-trial protective       powers &
    1981 COCAP   
    640 F.2d 1116
                l has ended .                                               order.                                   prerogatives
    If the Government suffered any prejudice , the sp
    ecifics of which are still unknown to me , it was
    E.D. Pa., U.S. v.        plainly self -
    Consolidated Foods        inflicted . Delay in the administration of justice         Chiding the government's lack of         Judicial proceeding,
    1978 COCAP   Corp., 
    455 F. Supp. 142
     has been the subject of much criticism .                     preparation.                             procedure
    “ Administration of justice ” has been described t
    husly : “ The administration of justice consists in
    the trial of cases in the court , and their judicial
    determination and disposition by orderly procedu
    re , under rules of law , and putting of the judgm
    ent into effect . ” Massey v. City of Macon , 97
    Ga.App . 790 , 794 , 
    104 S.E. 2d 518
     , 521 -
    522 ( 1958 ) . We do not believe that the langua
    ge “ a lawyer shall not : . . engage in conduct that
    is prejudicial to the administration of justice ” is
    so vague and indefinite that it violates the due pr Discussing state bar rules and refusing
    Tex., Howell v. State,     ocess and equal protection clauses of the Constit vagueness challenge in disciplinary
    1977 COCAP   
    559 S.W.2d 432
                 ution of Texas .                                      case.                                 Discipline, Lawyer
    In contrast to the problems of choice of forum , c
    hoice of law and conflicting rules of navigation f
    oreseen in those cases , we see no similar burden
    C.A. 1, Austin v.          s on the administration of justice or on the flow o
    Unarco Indus., Inc., 705   f maritime commerce that will result from a deni          Discussing concerns in the definition Judicial proceeding,
    1983 COCAP   F.2d 1                     al of admiralty jurisdiction in this case .               of the reach of admiralty jurisdiction. procedure
    “ By withholding the identity of the informer , th
    e government profits in that the continued value
    of informants placed in strategic positions is prot
    ected , and other persons are encouraged to coop
    erate in the administration of justice . ” United St      Discussing the necessity of anonymity
    C.A. 2, In re U.S., 565    ates v. Tucker , 
    380 F. 2d 206
     , 213 ( 2d Cir . 19        of informants to promote cooperation
    1977 COCAP   F.2d 19                    67 ) .                                                    with law enforcement.                 Law enforcement
    Particularly in an era of excessively crowded low
    er court dockets , it is in the interest of the fair an   Quoting Supreme Court's
    C.A. 9, Vauman v. U.S.     d prompt administration of justice to discourage          reaffirmation of review of final rather Judicial proceeding,
    1977 COCAP   Dist. Ct., 
    557 F.2d 650
        piecemeal litigation .                                    than "piecemeal" judgments.             procedure
    See § 3162 ( a ) ( 2 ) ( “ the court shall consider ,
    among others , each of the following factors : th
    e seriousness of the offense ; the facts and circu
    mstances of the case which led to the dismissal ;
    and the impact of a reprosecution on the administ         Discussing dismiassal under the
    C.A. 8, U.S. v. Ray, 768   ration of this chapter and on the administration o        Speedy Trial Act for delay between       Judicial proceeding,
    1985 COCAP   F.2d 991                   f justice . ” ) .                                         filing of, and hearing on, motions.      procedure
    The Court reflected upon the extraordinary natur
    e of the state ’s interest in Dostert v. Neely , supr
    a : “ In declining to enjoin the imposition of the d
    isciplinary suspension against the plaintiff , the c
    ourt wishes to emphasize the extraordinary state i
    nterest in disciplinary proceedings which affect s
    tate judges . Disciplinary proceedings exist to vin
    dicate the most fundamental of state interests , th
    S.D. W. Va., Dostert v. e need for a fair and impartial administration of j
    1982 COCAP   Neely, 
    537 F. Supp. 912
     ustice for the benefit of all the state ’s citizens . Discussing sanctions against judges.       Discipline, judge
    ( 5 ) Respondent ’s conduct aforesaid constitute
    d misconduct in office , in that said conduct was
    clearly prejudicial to the administration of justice
    within the provisions of article 6 , § 30 of the Mi
    Mich., In re Hotchkiss,   chigan Constitution of 1963 , as amended , and Adopting a statement of reprimand
    1982 COCAP   
    415 Mich. 1101
                GCR 1963 , 932.4 , as amended .                      against a judge.                          Discipline, judge
    In Stovall v. Denno , 
    388 U.S. 293
     , 87 S.Ct . 19
    67 , 18 L.Ed .2 d 1199 ( 1967 ) , a majority of th
    e United States Supreme Court agreed on the fact
    ors which should inform a decision regarding retr
    oactivity : “ The criteria guiding resolution of the
    question implicate ( a ) the purpose to be served
    by the new standards , ( b ) the extent of the relia
    nce by law enforcement authorities on the old sta
    ndards , and ( c ) the effect on the administration                                            Judicial proceeding,
    Pa., Commonwealth v.      of justice . ” ( Footnote omitted . ) 
     , at 297 , 8 Reciting standards for retroactive      powers &
    1980 COCAP   Miller, 
    417 A.2d 128
          7 S.Ct . at 1970 .                                     application.                            prerogatives
    Wash., In re
    Disciplinary Proceeding The Commission has held that Judge Staples ' act
    Against Fred R. Staples, ions nevertheless do not fit within the " administr Allowing a judge to engage in limited
    1986 COCAP   
    105 Wash. 2d 905
             ation of justice " exclusion . We disagree .        law reform efforts.                   Judicial conduct
    Factors to be considered in determining whether
    transfer is appropriate typically include whether t
    he statute of limitations has oth erwise run , the c
    onvenience of the parties and witnesses , and the
    effect on the efficient and expeditious administra
    tion of justice . E. g. , Sherar v. Harless , supra ,                                            Judicial proceeding,
    S.D.N.Y., Wingate v.    561 F. 2d at 794 ; Eccles v. United States , 396 F                                               powers &
    1980 COCAP   Harris, 
    501 F. Supp. 58
     .Supp . 792 , 796 ( D.N.D. 1975 ) .                   Considering transfer.                      prerogatives
    United States ex rel . Brown v. Fogel , 
    395 F. 2d 291
     , 293 ( 4th Cir . 1968 ) ( for breach of condit
    ion other than nonappearance , court may do all t                                              Judicial proceeding,
    C.A. 5, U.S. v.           hat is appropriate to orderly progress of trial and Collecting citations supporting history    powers &
    1979 COCAP   Williams, 
    594 F.2d 86
         fair administration of justice ) .                   of criminalization of bail-jumping.       prerogatives
    The court may order a prepleading mental health
    and physical examination of a defendant and a pr
    epleading investigation by the Department of Pro
    bation to provide material that would reasonably
    aid in the administration of justice by facilitating
    the plea bargaining process . ( People v Crosby ,
    N.Y., People v. Scala,    
    87 Misc 2d 1079
     , 1080 [ Sup Ct , Bronx County                                                 Judicial proceeding,
    1985 COCAP   
    128 Misc. 2d 831
               1976 ] . )                                          Discussing pretrial abilities of court.   procedure
    The doctrine of equitable estoppel is premised up
    on principles of fair dealing and is designed to ai
    d the law in the administration of justice where ,
    without its aid , injustice might result . City & C
    ounty of Denver v. Stackhouse , 
    135 Colo. 289
    Colo., Fanning v.    
    310 P. 2d 296
     ( 1957 ) ; Corporation of Presiding Discussing doctrine estopping plaintiff
    Denver Urban Renewal Bishop v. Board of County Commissioners , 689 from raising issue in separate action Judicial proceeding,
    1985 COCAP   Auth., 
    709 P.2d 22
        P. 2d 738 ( Colo.App .1984 ) .                     that could have been raised in first. procedure
    In scrupulously guarding this fundamental right ,
    our Supreme Court has noted that : [ a ] jury is a
    n integral part of the court for the administration
    of justice and on elementary principles its verdict
    must be obedient to the court ’s charge , based s
    olely on legal evidence produced before it and en                                        Judicial proceeding,
    N.J., Battista v. Olson,   tirely free from the taint of extraneous considerat                                      powers &
    1986 COCAP   
    213 N.J. Super. 137
            ions and influences .                               Discussing juries.                   prerogatives
    Therefore , Appellee asserts that the court can im
    pose a default judgment by analogy to the interro
    gatory statute , or in the alternative it is within th
    e inherent power of the court “ to do all things th
    at are necessary for the administration of justice
    Okla., Amoco               within the scope of its -                                                                Judicial proceeding,
    Production Co. v.           jurisdiction . ” Layman v. State , 
    355 P. 2d 444
     ( Assessing whether default judgment   powers &
    1980 COCAP   Lindley, 
    609 P.2d 733
           Okl.Cr.App .1960 )                                    would be appropriate.             prerogatives
    The interest of the public in the fair and proper a
    dministration of justice includes concerns that tri
    als be conducted in an evenhanded manner ; that
    the participants in the adversary process , includi
    ng witnesses , be protected from unfair tactics ; a
    nd that the courts maintain the integrity of the ju
    Colo., Rodriguez v.      dicial system and the highest ethical standards of
    District Court, 719 P.2d the legal profession . James , 
    708 F. 2d 40
     ; Garc Protecting privilege of communication
    1986 COCAP   699                      ia , 
    517 F. 2d 272
     ; G. Lowenthal , supra , at 61 . of sitnesses with counsel.           Procedure; policy
    The hearing board concluded that the respondent
    ’s submission of false documents to the grievanc
    e committee violated C.R.C.P. 241.6 ( 7 ) and D
    102 ( A ) ( 1 ) ( violation of a disciplinary rule )
    , DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 4 ) ( conduct involving dishonesty , f
    raud , deceit or misrepresentation ) , and DR 1 -
    Colo., People v. Yost,      102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ( conduct that is prejudicial to the
    1986 COCAP   
    729 P.2d 348
                    administration of justice ) .                        Recalling findings below.          Discipline, Lawyer
    Alternatively , the bar asserts that it adopted the
    Rules under its authority to make regulations to a
    id in the administration of justice ( Bus . & Prof.
    Code , § 6031 ) and to ensure that persons admitt Recalling State Bar's justifications for
    Cal., People v. Perez, 24 ed to the bar have received proper training ( see allowing supervised law students to      Bar association
    1979 COCAP   Cal. 3d 133               Bus . & Prof. Code , § 6047 ) .                     participate in criminal matters.       adopting rules
    defendants EDWARD G. PARTIN , JACK P. F.
    nlawfully , willfully and knowingly did combine ,
    conspire , confederate and agree together and wi
    th each other and with their co-
    conspirators , Claude W. Roberson , Mitchell Hu
    sser and other unknown parties , to commit an of
    fense against the United States , to -
    wit , Title 18 , United States Code , Section 150
    3 , that is to corruptly endeavor to influ ence , ob
    struct and impede the due administration of justi
    ce in the United States District Court for the Sout
    hern District of Texas in that knowing that one C
    laude W. Roberson was a material Government                                              Judicial proceeding,
    C.A. 5, U.S. v. Partin,    witness at the trial of the criminal case , then pen                                     powers &
    1977 COCAP   
    552 F.2d 621
                   ding                                                 Restating the indictment.           prerogatives
    defendants EDWARD G. PARTIN , JACK P. F.
    nlawfully , willfully and knowingly did combine ,
    conspire , confederate and agree together and wi
    th each other and with their co-
    conspirators , Claude W. Roberson , Mitchell Hu
    sser and other unknown parties , to commit an of
    fense against the United States , to -
    wit , Title 18 , United States Code , Section 150
    3 , that is to corruptly endeavor to influ ence , ob
    struct and impede the due administration of justi
    ce in the United States District Court for the Sout
    hern District of Texas in that knowing that one C
    laude W. Roberson was a material Government                                              Judicial proceeding,
    Mich., Falk v. State Bar witness at the trial of the criminal case , then pen                                     powers &
    1981 COCAP   of Mich., 
    411 Mich. 63
     ding                                                   Influencing witness                 prerogatives
    Public confidence in the fairness of the criminal j
    ustice system and community participation in the
    administration of justice are also critical by -
    Mass., Commonwalth v. products of juries composed of a representative
    Brown, 11 Mass. App. cross section of the community . People v. Wheel Discussing the proportionality              Judicial proceeding,
    1981 COCAP   Ct. 288               er , 22 Cal . 3d 258 , 270 - 272 ( 1978 ) .         requirements for juries.                procedure
    This is so because the mayor had the power to is
    sue a warrant for the arrest of defendant to comp
    el his appearance at a stated time by reason of th
    e mayor ’s statutory powers enumerated in R. C.
    1905.20 , relating to criminal matters which , int
    er alia , provides : “ * * * The mayor shall award
    Oh., Vill. Of Oakwood and issue all writs and process that are necessary
    v. Wuliger, 69 Ohio St. to enforce the administration of justice througho                                         Law enforcement;
    1982 COCAP   2d 453                  ut the municipal corporation . * * * ”             Citing ordinance.                      Mayoral powers
    Woven throughout our disciplinary cases involvi
    ng attorneys is the thought that they occupy a spe
    cial position because they are actively involved in
    W. Va., Re: Bonn       administering the legal system whose ultimate g
    1980 COCAP   Brown, 
    166 W. Va. 226
     oal is the evenhanded administration of justice . Discussing the disciplinary system.       Discipline, Lawyer
    The fact that she chose instead to make her dema
    nds in the midst of an already unstable , difficult
    , and conceivably dangerous setting gives rise to
    a reasonable inference that her conduct was calcu
    Ill., People v. Siegel, 94 lated to embarrass , hinder or obstruct the court i Evaluating conduct of disruptive   Judiical proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   Ill. 2d 167                n its administration of justice .                   individual                         disruptive incident
    When a defendant , for one reason or another , re
    fuses the assistance of counsel , trial courts are fa
    ced with a difficult question : should the Court re
    quire “ standby ” counsel , even against the wish
    es of the defendant , in order to protect the defen
    dant ’s basic rights ? There is no right to standby
    counsel . Nevertheless , the appointment of stand
    by counsel may benefit not only the defendant bu                                        Judicial proceeding,
    Del., Hicks v. State, 434 t also the Court , by insuring an orderly and fair a                                    procedure, fairness
    1981 COCAP   A.2d 377                  dministration of justice .                            Assessing doctrine.               to defendant
    The following assertion of Judge Will is not true
    and to that extent creates an appearance of despe
    ration in attempting to establish a point : “ ‘ The
    Judicial Council ’s order was undeniably “ neces
    sary . ... for the effective and expeditious adminis
    tration of justice . ’ The chaos and hardship to liti
    gants that would have ensued at the expiration of
    the Marathon stay , had there been no uniform p
    Bankr. N.D. Ill., In re  rocedure for carrying forward the business of fed                                                Judicial proceeding,
    Wildman, et al., 30 B.R. eral bankruptcy jurisdiction , are universally ackn Judge's assessment of delegations to         powers &
    1983 COCAP   133                      owledged . ”                                          bankruptcy judges.                         prerogatives
    ( 2 ) On motion of the state , the court or a party ,
    the court may continue the case when required i
    n the administration of justice and the defendant
    Wash., State c. Kelly,      will not be substantially prejudiced in the present Ordering conditions for grants of         Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   
    32 Wash. App. 112
               ation of his or her defense .                         continuances.                           procedure
    C.A. 10, Plastic            Considering that this case is on appeal from an or
    Container Corp. v.          der granting summary judgment , the court has , i
    Continental Plastics of     n furtherance of the proper administration of just
    Oklahoma, 607 F.2d          ice , decided the issue of collateral estoppel on th                                          Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   885                         e merits of the case .                                Discussing procedure in patent cases.   procedure
    In Ex Parte Reynolds , supra , the progenitor of t
    his line of cases , the court interpreted Robinson
    as diminishing the importance of the “ reliance ”
    prong of the tripartite test of Stovall and Desist ,                                          Judicial proceeding,
    N.D. Tex., Bullard v.       and virtually eliminating the third branch of the t                                           powers &
    1980 COCAP   Estelle                     est ( effect on administration of justice ) .        Discussing retroactivity.                prerogatives
    For these reasons , this Court feels that unless rel
    iance upon the old rule is so great that the accom
    panying difficulties in the retroactive administrati                                            Judicial proceeding,
    E.D. Ill, Persico v. U.S. on of justice forbid ; it is important that some ave                                            powers &
    1977 COCAP   DoJ, 
    426 F. Supp. 1013
     nue of relief be made open to the petitioner .          Discussing retroactivity.                  prerogatives
    There would also seem to be little impact on -                                                Judicial proceeding,
    C.A. 1, Fernandez v.         the administration of justice whether or not Rick                                            powers &
    1982 COCAP   Chardon, 
    681 F.2d 42
            s is applied retroactively .                       Discussing retroactivity.                  prerogatives
    D. Mass., Lombard v.
    Eunice Kennedy              This is not a case , therefore , in which the unspe
    Schriver Ctr. for Mental    cified duration of M.G.L. c. 260 , § 7 ’s tolling p Assessing the effects of mental           Judicial proceeding,
    Retardation, Inc., 556 F.   eriod would have pernicious consequences for th incompetence on state tolling                 powers &
    1985 COCAP   Supp. 677                   e administration of justice .                       provision.                                prerogatives
    Pa., In re Anonymous
    No. 65 D.B. 75, 
    7 Pa. D. & C.3d 519
     . . .         Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the admi Citing basis of liability for not
    1977 COCAP   BOARD                       nistration of justice .                           informing client and not filing action. Discipline, Lawyer
    This court also has said that a minimal showing o
    n the part of defendant serves the administration
    of justice because it is much easier for defendant
    than plaintiff to determine , for example , the abs
    U.S. Claims, Park v.        ence of defendant ’s witnesses and loss of defend Discussing showings for prejudicial         Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   U.S., 
    10 Cl. Ct. 790
            ant ’s documents .                                  delay.                                    procedure
    By statute , the Supreme Court has " power and c
    ontrol over attorneys and counsellors - at -
    law and all persons practicing or assuming to pr
    actice law ” in this State , and the Appellate Divi
    sion is specifically " authorized to censure , susp
    end from practice or remove from office any atto
    rney and counsellor -
    atlaw admitted to practice who is guilty of profe
    ssional misconduct , malpractice , fraud , deceit ,
    crime or misdemeanor , or any conduct prejudici
    N.Y., In re Padilla, 67     al to the administration of justice ” ( Judiciary La Reiterating court's control of conduct
    1986 COCAP   N.Y.2d 440                  w § 90 [ 2 ] ) .                                     of lawyers.                              Discipline, Lawyer
    As was said by this court in Southern Pacific Tra
    Tex., State v. Rotello,   nsportation Go . v. Stoot , 530 S.W. 2d at 931 : Affirming dismissal for prejudicial             Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP    
    671 S.W.2d 507
                Delay haunts the administration of justice .      delay.                                         procedure
    M.D. Fla., U.S. v.        The court found that the district court ’s conclusi                                              Judicial proceeding;
    Lehder-Rivas, 667 F.      on that publicity posed a serious and imminent th Discussing restraining order on                powers &
    1987 COCAP    Supp. 827                 reat to the administration of justice was correct . attorneys regarding media contacts.          prerogatives
    C.A. 9, U.S. v. Tertou,                                                                                                    Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP    
    742 F.2d 538
                  (footnote citing the Speedy Trial Act)                                                           procedure
    Accordingly , and in furtherance of the
    administration of justice , we conclude that a trial
    Ct. Customs & Patent de novo is indicated in this case so that the
    Appeals, ASG Indus. et merits of the issue of the amount of the net            Considering impacts of recent               Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP    al. v. U.S., 
    610 F.2d 770
     bounty herein involved can be fully developed . statutory amendments on procedure.               procedure
    We are entirely convinced that the ex parte dispo
    sition of a criminal case out of court , or the disp
    osition of any case for reasons other than an hone
    N.C., In re Inquiry     st appraisal of the facts and law as disclosed by t
    Concerning Judge W.     he evidence and the advocacy of both parties , wi         Finding a violation of ethical rules in
    Milton Nowell, 293      ll amount to conduct prejudicial to the administra        judge's dispositoin of a case outside of Discipline, judicial;
    1977 COCAP    N.C. 235                tion of justice .                                         normal procedures.                       procedure
    Black ’s Law Dictionary , Rev. 4th Ed. , informs
    us that such a body is ( p. 425 ) — “ A tribunal o
    fficially assembled under authority of law at the a       Public utility commission querying
    Fla. Pub. Serv. Comm'n, ppropriate , time and place , for the administratio       attributes of a body that can
    Petition of Myers, 46   n of justice . In re Carter ’s Estate , 
    254 Pa. 518
     ,     constitutionally exercise judicial
    1977 COCAP    Fla. Supp. 74            
    99 A. 58
     . ”                                             functions                                Broad description
    On this occasion , however , Zywicki informed t
    he police officer that a decision of the District of
    Columbia Superior Court had narrowed the appli
    cation of 40 U.S.C. § 13k to prohibit only conduc
    t engaged in “ with the intent to disrupt or interfe
    C.A.D.C., Grace v.      re with or impede the administration of justice or
    Burger, 214 U.S. App. with the intent of influencing the administration           Recounting conduct of officers at        Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP    D.C. 375                of justice . ”                                            Supreme Court.                           procedure
    The trial court also found , pursuant to § 220. -
    15 , that appellee had the capacity to understand
    the proceedings against him ; his plea was knowi
    C.A. 2, Lockett v.        ngly and voluntarily made ; and acceptance of th
    Montemago, 784 F.2d       e plea was required in the interest of the public in    Assessing court's finding that pleas     Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP    78                         the effective administration of justice .              was voluntary.                           procedure
    The findings in 9 ( b ) and ( e ) , which we have
    N.C., In re Inquiry       adopted , constitute conduct prejudicial to the ad
    Concernign a Judge,       ministration of justice that brings the judicial offi   Assessing judge's involvement with
    1983 COCAP    
    309 N.C. 635
                  ce into disrepute .                                     female probation officer.                Discipline, judge
    The raising of revenue and the allocation of finan
    cial resources among all government entities is in
    itially and primarily the responsibility of the legis
    lative branch of government , and sound public p
    olicy considerations demand that when the judici
    ary seeks to use its inherent power to overcome t
    his peculiar prerogative of the Legislature , it be
    held to a high standard and assume the burden of
    showing that the funds sought to be compelled a
    Tex., District Judges v. re essential for the holding of court , the efficient
    County Judge, 657         administration of justice , or the performance of Reciting standard for judicial, as             Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP    S.W.2d 908               its constitutional and statutory duties .             opposed to legislative, exactions.          financing
    " conduct that is prejudicial to the administration
    N.Y., In re Newman, 64 of justice ” ( Code of Professional Responsibility Basis of liability for a lawyer's
    19781 COCAP   A.D.2d 145              , DR 1 - 102 , subd [ A ] , par [ 5 ] ) ;          repeated violations of ethical rules.           Discipline, lawyer
    To permit the losing party in an ongoing depende
    ncy custody dispute , as in the case before us , to
    file a later adoption proceeding before a different
    Arizona juvenile judge while the dependency pr
    oceedings are being processed by another Arizon
    Az., In re Appeal, 680    a juvenile judge would cause havoc to the orderly Discussing prudential concerns of lack Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   P.2d 163                   administration of justice .                        of jurisdictional limits.            procedure
    Applying this interpretation of the 1831 Act to th
    e facts in Nye , the Supreme Court noted that the
    allegedly obstructive acts occurred more than on
    e hundred miles from the court in which the unde
    rlying action was pending , and concluded that su
    ch actions were not “ so near thereto as to obstru                                             Judicial proceeding;
    S.D.N.Y., U.S. v. Reed, ct the administration of justice , ” and therefore c                                           powers &
    1985 COCAP   
    601 F. Supp. 685
            ould not be punished by the offended court .         Recalling criteria for "obstruction."     prerogatives
    C.A. 11, U.S. v.
    1986 COCAP   Petzold, 
    788 F.2d 1478
     (footnote citing s. 1503)                             Obstruction statute                       Unclear
    Fla., State v. Patrus, 46 This discretion should be exercised in fairness to Announcing bounds for courts'             Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   Fla. Supp. 19             all parties and the administration of justice .    exercises of discretion.                  procedure
    ” Rather we think the language of these cases am
    ply indicates that the purpose of the requirements
    was to insure that dishonest , unscrupulous or co
    rrupt individuals would not use their knowledge
    W. Va., Puchinsky v.  of the law to perpetrate fraud upon the unsuspect         Citing, and then distinguishing, the
    W. Va. Bd. of Law     ing and unknowledgeable public or to obstruct th          motivationd of bar rules from a
    Examiners, 164 W. Va. e proper administration of justice for their own o        lawyer's holding some or other
    1980 COCAP   736                   r their clients ’ benefit .                               political philosophy.                  Discipline, Lawyer
    A court retains inherent power to grant relief to a
    party who has been denied an opportunity to def
    end in a divorce action under such circumstances
    Minn., In re Marriage of as amount to a fraud on the court and the admini                                              Judicial proceeding;
    Nordmark, 388 N.W.2d stration of justice . Bredemann v. Bredemann , 2                                                  powers &
    1986 COCAP   436                      
    53 Minn. 21
     , 24 , 
    91 N.W. 2d 84
     , 87 ( 1958 ) . Describing powers of the court.              prerogatives
    Typical of the reasoning of these courts is E. W.
    Scripps Co. v. Fulton , supra , where the public i
    nterest was stated as follows : “ It can never be cl
    W. Va., State ex rel.     aimed that in a democratic society the public has                                            Judicial
    The Herald Mail Co.,      no interest in or does not have the right to observ Discussing access of journalists to      proceedings; access
    1980 COCAP   
    165 W. Va. 103
                e the administration of justice .                    judicial proceedings.                   to
    In considering the serious request which was not
    made lightly , we are guided by the rationale of
    our Superior Court in Crawford ’s Estate , 307 P
    a. 102 , 108 ( 1931 ) , wherein the court stated : “
    Pa., Kaplan v.          Due consideration should be given by him [ judg
    Alleghany Co. Comm'rs, e ] to the fact that the administration of justice sh Assessing whether any county judge Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   
    45 Pa. D. & C.3d 396
     ould be beyond the appearance of unfairness .           would be able to hear the instant case. procedure
    Assessing denial of continuance when
    pro se party repeatedly missed court
    C.A. 9, U.S. v. Kelm,     There is little doubt that Kelm ’s conduct hindere and imposed requirements for         Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    827 F.2d 1319
                 d the “ efficient administration of justice .      appointed counsel.                   procedure
    D. Ark., Polson v.        Nor does the public service or the administration Refusing absolute privilege to public
    Davis, 635 F. Supp.       of justice require complete immunity for such an officers in the context of terminating
    1986 COCAP   1130                      action .                                           employment.                          Judicial proceeding
    Stated as basis of liabiltiy under
    professional conduct rules for fialures
    Mo., In re Clinton                                                              to advise client of adverse judgment,
    Adams, 737 S.W.2d          ( d ) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the   delay payment to government division,
    1987 COCAP   714                       administration of justice                             and acting against client's interests.  Discipline, Lawyer
    DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ( conduct prejudicial to the admin
    Colo., People v.      istration of justice ) ; and DR 6 -                 Reciting basis of liability resulting in
    1983 COCAP   Whitcomb, 
    676 P.2d 11
     101 ( A ) ( 3 ) ( neglect of a legal matter ) .     suspension of one year and one day.              Discipline, Lawyer
    It is in the best interests of the estate , the debtor
    and the creditors to dismiss this Chapter 11 case
    to effectuate a substantial savings in litigation an
    d administrative expenses which would otherwis
    e be incurred if it were to remain pending and to
    Bankr. W.D. Ark., In re further serve the ends of the fair efficient and eff     Restating rationale for dismissal         Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   Westfall, 
    73 B.R. 186
     ective administration of justice .                         offered below.                            procedure
    C.A. 8, Banks v. Heun- To take such action could , in our judgment , esta
    Norwood, 566 F.2d       blish a precedent which would not advance the pr         Characterizing the result of granting     Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   1073                    oper administration of justice .                         relief sought for first time on appeal.   procedure
    In both instances , the trial judge ’s knowledge o
    f “ the condition of his docket , fairness not only
    to both parties but also to other litigants in his co
    urt , and the need for an orderly and prompt admi
    nistration of justice ” provides him with superior
    La., Martin v. South    ability to determine the terms of the dismissal .
    Coast Corp., 356 So. 2d Malter v. McKinney , 310 So .2 d 696 , 698 ( La.         Describing judges' latitiude in           Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   500                     App . 1st Cir . 1975 ) .                                 dismissals.                               procedure
    Section 1503 also contains a broad omnibus clau
    se which makes illegal any actions whereby a per
    son who “ corruptly or by threats or force , or by
    any threatening letter or communication , influen
    ces , obstructs or impedes , or endeavors to influ
    ence , obstruct , or impede , the due administrati
    on of justice , shall be fined not more than $ 5,00
    C.A. 6, U.S. v.         0 or imprisoned not more than five years , or bot        (Cited in footnote of appeal reversing Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   Schneider, 
    771 F.2d 149
     h .                                                      and granting new trial.)               procedure
    N.D. Ind., Naked City, Prosecutor Ryan corruptly obstructed and impede
    Inc. v. Aregood, 667 F. d the due administration of justice in violation of      (Appendix stating cause of action
    1987 COCAP   Supp. 1246              18 USC 1503 .                                            from complaint.)                          Lawyer misconduct
    Concomitantly , to promote and maintain the effi
    cient administration of justice and the enforceabil
    Pa., Pa. Labor Relations ity of their employees ’ contracts , the judges of t
    Bd. v. Am. Federation he courts of common pleas must have input throu
    of State…, 526 A.2d      gh the county commissioners . 
     , 507 Pa. at 27 Judges must have collective barganing
    1987 COCAP   769                      9 , 489 A. 2d at 1329 - 1330 .                       input from county commissioners.   Judicial conduct
    It comprehends any act which is calculated to or t
    ends to embarrass , hinder , impede , frustrate , o
    r obstruct the court in the administration of justic
    e , or which is calculated to or has the effect of le
    ssening its authority or its dignity ; or which inter
    feres with or prejudices parties during the course
    of litigation , or which tends otherwise to bring t                                              Judicial proceeding;
    N.J., State v. Vasky,     he authority or administration of the law into disr                                              powers &
    1985 COCAP   
    203 N.J. Super. 91
            epute or disregard .                                  Finding of contempt                        prerogatives
    In determining whether to give a decision prospe
    ctive or retrospective application , the purpose of
    Az., In re Appeal in      the decision , reliance on a prior rule of law , and Appeal from court order granting
    Pima Cnty, 118 Ariz.       the possible effect upon the administration of jus adoption and denying habeas as to two
    1977 COCAP   127                       tice are factors which must be considered .          children.                            Law enforcement
    That statute provides that a federal court has the
    power to punish by fine or imprisonment such co
    C.A. 3, Commonwealth ntempt of its authority as “ [ misbehavior of any                                                     Judicial proceeding;
    v. Local Union 542, 552 person in its presence or so near thereto as to obs      Underlying contempt order (on             powers &
    1977 COCAP   F.2d 498                   truct the administration of justice . ”               appeal).                                  prerogatives
    This right may not be employed to thwart the ad      Motion for continuance to employ
    Ill., Peoplle v. Elder, 73 ministration of justice or to delay prosecution ind   different attorney in case below          Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   Ill. App. 3d 192           efinitely .                                           implicating right to counsel.             procedure
    Finally , it does not serve the interests of the adm
    inistration of justice to deny the making of a moti
    on to dismiss when , as here , the affidavit in sup
    N.Y., Lipman v.            port of the motion to dismiss goes beyond mere c
    Salsberg, 107 Misc. 2d     onclusionary allegations of lack of proper service                                          Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   276                         .                                                   Review of denial of motion to dismiss. procedure
    In the instant case , the record fails to disclose th                                           Judicial proceeding;
    Oh., State v. Conliff, 61 at the statement constituted “ an imminent threat        Underlying contempt finding (on         powers &
    1978 COCAP   Ohio App. 2d 185          to the administration of justice . ”                     appeal).                                prerogatives
    In addition , it was found that the respondent ’s
    conduct was prejudicial to the administration of j
    ustice and reflects his unfitness to practice law a
    Colo., People v.          nd was therefore in violation of DR1 — 102 ( A           Grievance Committee's evalution of
    1982 COCAP   Kenelly, 
    648 P.2d 1065
     ) ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) .                                         attorney's conduct.                     Discipline, Lawyer
    The trial court , citing no common law authoritie
    s , briefly adverted to the statute , but spoke main
    C.A. 1, Del Rio v.        ly of the duty of compensation carriers in particul
    Northern Blower Co.,      ar , and the orderly process and administration of       Lower court's assessment of
    1978 COCAP   
    574 F.2d 23
                    justice in general .                                    workmen's compensation scheme.          Unclear
    First , a criminal contempt is classically defined a
    s an act which is calculated to embarrass , hinder                                               Judicial proceeding;
    , or obstruct a court in the administration of justi                                            powers &
    Fla., Dudley v. State,    ce , or which is calculated to lessen its authority      Underlying contempt order (on           prerogatives;
    1987 COCAP   
    511 So. 2d 1052
               or dignity .                                             appeal).                                contempt
    By reason of the foregoing , respondent has negle
    cted a legal matter entrusted to him in violation o
    f The Florida Bar Code of Professional Responsi
    bility , Disciplinary Rule 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( 3 ) ; engaged in conduct prejudicial t
    o the administration of justice in violation of Dis
    ciplinary Rule 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ; and engaged in conduct that adv
    Fla., Bar v. Hoffer, 412 ersely reflects on his fitness to practice law in vio Bar official's evaluation of attorney's
    1982 COCAP   So. 2d 858               lation of Disciplinary Rule 1 - 102 ( A ) ( 6 ) .     conduct (on reivew)                         Discipline, Lawyer
    By resisting arrest , Williams threatened that tim
    tested yet fragile social balance whereby our elec
    ted representatives provide laws for the good of s
    ociety , and public officers to execute and enforc
    e them , and under which respect and obedience
    Pa., Commonwealth v.       shown to officers discharging their lawful duties
    Williams, 344 Pa.          are as essential to the orderly administration of ju Evaluation of conduct (resisting
    1985 COCAP   Super. 108                 stice as the laws themselves .                       arrest).                                   Law enforcement
    Mich., Falk v. State Bar In an integrated bar the compelling state interest i
    1981 COCAP   of Mich., 
    411 Mich. 63
     s the administration of justice .                      Court's assessment of policy aims.           Bar generally
    The appellant was held in contempt of court and
    sentenced to five and one -
    half months imprisonment under Subsection 3 o
    f the Penal Contempt Statute which provides : Th
    e power of the several courts of this Commonwe
    alth to issue attachments and to inflict summary
    punishments for contempts of court shall be restr                                               Judicial proceeding;
    icted to the following cases : ( 3 ) The misbehavi                                              powers &
    Pa., Commonwealth v.       or of any person in the presence of the court , the     Reciting statute in appeal from         prerogatives;
    1981 COCAP   Reid, 
    494 Pa. 201
              reby obstructing the administration of justice .        criminal contempt.                      contempt
    Conduct which falls short of reaffirming one ’s fi
    tness for the high responsibilities of judicial offic
    e constitutes conduct prejudicial to the administr
    Ne., In re Complaint,      ation of justice that brings the judicial office into   Basis of liability in charges against
    1984 COCAP   
    351 N.W.2d 693
                 disrepute .                                             judge.                                  Discipline, judge
    A witness violates no duty to claim it , but one w
    ho bribes , coerces , forces or threatens a witness
    to claim it , or advises with corrupt motive the w                                             Judicial proceeding;
    itness to take it , can and does himself obstruct or Citing upholding of conviction under       powers &
    C.A. 4, U.S. v. Baker,     influence the due administration of justice . 329 s. 1503, for inducing witness to use         prerogatives;
    1979 COCAP   
    611 F.2d 964
                  F. 2d at 443 .                                       Amend. V privilege.                        Tampering
    Accordingly , we conclude that the evidence esta                                                 Judicial proceeding;
    blished beyond a reasonable doubt that defendant        Affirming conviction either for          powers &
    Ill., People v. Page, 73 wilfully and knowingly interfered with the admi         misleading court or causing delat, in    prerogatives;
    1979 COCAP   Ill. App. 3d 796         nistration of justice .                                 either case giving rise to liabiltiy.    Tampering
    Principles of finality , certainty , and the proper a
    dministration of justice suggest that a decision on
    ce rendered should stand unless some compelling         Explaining doctrine back of question
    S.C., Beall v. Doe, 281 countervailing consideration necessitates relitiga       whether a party is precluded from        Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   S.C. 363                 tion .                                                  relitigating an issue with a nonparty.   procedure
    The Florida Bar in response submits that to grant
    the petition would not adversely affect the purity
    of the court system , hinder the administration of
    Fla., Bar v. Ward, 366     justice , or adversely affect the confidence of the
    1978 COCAP   So. 2d 405                 public in the legal profession .                      Petition to resign from bar.             Discipline, lawyer
    This court imposed a thirty -
    day suspension , even though we concluded that
    the attorney ’s conduct had perpetrated a fraud o
    D.C., In re Hutchison,    n the judicial system and compromised the admi         Describing previous sanction on
    1987 COCAP   
    534 A.2d 919
                  nistration of justice .                                lawyer.                                  Discipline, lawyer
    The administrative office of the courts was give
    n authority to “ serve as an agency to apply for an
    d receive grants or other assistance and to coordi
    C.A. 5, Stegmaier v.      nate or conduct studies and projects in connectio
    Trammell, 597 F.2d        n with the improvement of the administration of j
    1979 COCAP   1027                      ustice .                                               Describing the duty of court officers.   Judiciary generally
    State v. Gregory , 
    66 N.J. 510
     , 519 ( 1975 ) ( pr
    ohibiting multiple prosecution for acts arising out
    of same arrest under court ’s supervisory power
    N.J., State v. Ramseur,   to ensure fairness in the administration of justice                                         Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    106 N.J. 123
                  , although rejecting constitutional attack ) ;        Outlining court's doctrine.           procedure
    So , it is clear beyond any argument that the Res
    pondent is guilty of Disciplinary Rule 1 -
    102 “ Misconduct . ( A ) A lawyer shall not : ( 1
    ) Violate a Disciplinary Rule ; ( 5 ) Engage in co
    Md., Attorney             nduct that is prejudicial to the administration of j
    Grievance Comm'n of       ustice ; and ( 6 ) Engage in any other conduct tha
    Md. v. Singleton, 532     t adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law . Upholding sanction of attorney in bar
    1987 COCAP   A.2d 157                   ”                                                    proceeding.                           Discipline, lawyer
    While we are sensitive to the fact that the efficie
    nt administration of justice can not be subject to t
    he whims and inordinate delays of litigants , and
    are not convinced that the failure in this case of t
    he plaintiff ’s new attorney to be prepared for tria
    l could not have been avoided , there is nothing i
    N.Y., Stock v. Stock,     n this record to indicate bad faith on the part of t                                            Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    127 A.D.2d 829
                he plaintiff in seeking an adjournment .             Reversing dismissal.                       procedure
    Since defendant Donn persisted in his contempti
    ble conduct despite the warnings of the Court , a
    nd so misbehaved that in the presence of the Cou
    rt he , Donn , outrageously obstructed the admini
    stration of justice , the Court finds said Donn in c
    ontempt of Court and he is ordered to be sentenc
    ed to a term of six months , all as appears conclu                                               Judicial proceeding;
    sively in the transcript of Evidentiary Hearing , et                                             powers &
    C.D. Cal., U.S. v. Donn, al. , January 25 , 1982 , which is hereby incorpo                                                prerogatives;
    1982 COCAP   
    584 F. Supp. 525
             rated herein and made part hereof .                  Contempt finding.                           Contempt
    This court imposed a thirty -
    day suspension , even though we concluded that
    the attorney ’s conduct had perpetrated a fraud o
    D.C., In re Hutchison,    n the judicial system and compromised the admi
    1986 COCAP   
    518 A.2d 995
                  nistration of justice .                           Recalling past sanction.                   Discipline, lawyer
    Respondent ’s discussion of murdering another p
    erson , raising a false claim of physical inability t
    o stand trial , cocaine selling , and jumping bail c
    onstituted unethical conduct prejudicial to the ad
    ministration of justice , in violation of DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) and adversely reflecting on his fit
    N.J., In re Mintz, 101 ness to practice law , in violation of DR 1 -
    1986 COCAP   N.J. 527                102 ( A ) ( 6 )                                      Disciplinary proceeding.                  Discipline, lawyer
    London has not offered any reason why a fraudul
    ent judgment given by a lawyer to his client does
    not constitute an endeavor to impede the due ad                                                 Judicial proceeding;
    ministration of justice other than the fact that the                                            powers &
    C.A. 11, U.S. v.       obstruction occurred after the resolution of the la                                             prerogatives;
    1983 COCAP   London, 
    714 F.2d 1558
     wsuit .                                                Appeal of conviction under s. 1503.       Tampering
    Although clearly inappropriate and ill -
    advised , the question did not significantly disru
    Pa., In re Campolongo,    pt the proceedings and thus did not constitute an
    1981 COCAP   
    435 A.2d 581
                  obstruction of the administration of justice .      Reveral of contempt finding.             Discipline, lawyer
    It is precisely because “ the necessities of the ad
    ministration of justice require such summary dea
    ling . [ as ] a mode of vindicating the majesty of l
    aw , in its active manifestation , against obstructi
    on and outrage to it , ” Offutt v. United States , 3
    48 U.S. 11
     , 14 , 75 S.Ct . 11 , 13 , 99 L.Ed . 11 ,
    16 ( 1954 ) , that the summary contempt power
    has been upheld against due process attacks , see
    , e. g. , Cooke v. United States , supra , 267 U.S.
    at 534 , 45 S.Ct . 390 , 69 L.Ed . at 773 ; Ex part
    e Terry , 
    128 U.S. 289
     , 9 S.Ct . 77 , 32 L.Ed . 4                                           Judicial proceeding;
    Pa., Commonwealth v.      05 ( 1888 ) , and we therefore decline to adopt ap                                           powers &
    Stevenson, 393 A.2d       pellant ’s argument that summary adjudication is Assessing arguments on appeal of            prerogatives;
    1978 COCAP   386                       per se unconstitutional .                            contempt finding.                       Contempt
    A federal district court must be able “ to protect t
    C.A. 1, Brockton          he administration of justice by levying sanctions
    Savings Bank v. Peat,     in response to abusive litigation practices . ” Pent
    Marwick, Mitchell &       house International , Ltd. v. Playboy Enterprises ,                                          Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   Co., 
    771 F.2d 5
                Inc. , 
    663 F. 2d 371
     , 386 ( 2d Cir .1981 ) .       Expounding doctrine.                    procedure
    Permitting a defendant to proclaim his guilt in op Finding that guilty pleas waive all but
    N.H., State v. Parkhurst, en court and still avoid conviction is incompatibl jurisdictional defects; remanding       Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    121 N.H. 821
                  e with the sound administration of justice .       defective guilty plea.                  procedure
    La., State v. Williams,
    Permitting a defendant
    to proclaim his guilt in
    open court and still
    avoid conviction is
    incompatible with the    A juror ’s failure to attend court interferes with t
    sound administration of he orderly administration of justice . See La.C.Cr      Affirming trial judge's replacement of Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   justice .                .P . arts. 17 , 20 , 21 .                              absent juror.                          procedure; juries
    They are matters involving a serious and substant
    ive evil — the imminent and substantial threat to
    Va., Landmark            the orderly administration of justice posed by the
    Communications, Inc. v. premature disclosure of the confidential proceed
    Commonwealth, 217        ings of the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commiss        Importance of confidentiality of
    1977 COCAP   Va. 699                  ion .                                                  review of judges.                      Discipline, judges
    Respondent did not advise [ C ] that the statute h
    ad expired , nor what actions could be taken to pr
    Pa., In re Anonymous       otect his interest . It is charged that respondent ’s
    No. 65 D.B. 75,             action involved a violation of : a. D.R. 1 -
    Disciplinary Board of       102 ( A ) ( 5 ) — Engage in conduct that is preju
    the Supreme Court of       dicial to the administration of justice . b. D.R. 1 -
    1977 COCAP   Pennsylvania                102 ( A ) ( 6 )                                      Board outlining basis of liability.   Discipline, lawyer
    E.D. Mich, Snider v.
    Lone Star Art Trading      Although not an entirely impossible mission , suc                                           Judicial proceeding;
    Co., Inc., 659 F. Supp.    h a task would make the administration of justice Assessing the elaboration of RICO's       application of
    1987 COCAP   1249                        by the Court an extremely arduous task           test beyond its current scope.            doctrine
    Analysis Lifting the Stay for Cause : Administrat
    ion of Justice 
    11 U.S.C. § 362
     ( d ) states : On re
    quest of a party in interest and after notice and a
    hearing , the court shall grant relief from the stay
    ... such as by terminating , annulling , modifying
    , or conditioning such stay — ( 1 ) for cause ... T
    he Court has found as sufficient cause for modify
    ing the stay in this case that the administration of
    justice and the convenience of the parties is bett
    er served by having the State court act as the one
    Bankr. E.D. Mich., In re tribunal before which all claims , counterclaims , Outlining legal standard in bankruptcy Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   Rutter, 
    25 B.R. 244
    ,     or cross-claims may be heard .                       court.                               procedure
    From the foregoing findings we now find that Re
    spondent filed the lawsuit when he knew that his
    action would merely serve to harass and maliciou
    sly injure others , engaged in conduct prejudicial
    to the administration of justice , which adversely
    reflects on his fitness to practice law , and , by fil
    ing a lawsuit against a judge for conduct occurrin
    g in the performance of his judicial capacity , adv
    Ind., In re Moody, 428     anced a claim which is unwarranted under existi
    1981 COCAP   N.E.2d 1257                ng law .                                               Assessing complaint against attorney. Discipline, lawyer
    Based on the facts outlined above , we agree with
    the commission ’s determination that Lucas viol
    ated the following provisions of the Iowa Code of
    Professional Responsibility for Lawyers : EC 1 -
    5 ( requiring high standards of professional cond
    uct ) ; DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 1 ) ( violating disciplinary rule ) ; DR
    102 ( A ) ( 3 ) ( prohibiting conduct involving m
    oral turpitude ) ; DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 4 ) ( prohibiting dishonesty , fraud , d
    Ia., Committee on      eceit or misrepresentation ) ; DR 1 -
    Professional Ethics v.  102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ( prohibiting conduct prejudicial t
    1987 COCAP   Lucas, 
    420 N.W.2d 781
     o the administration of justice ) ;                    Commission's findings (affirmed).         Discipline, lawyer
    Consequently , the Council concluded that “ the
    uniform effective and expeditious administration
    of justice within this Circuit requires that the atta
    ched rule for the administration of the bankruptc
    C.A. 6, White Motor        y system in this Circuit be adopted by the Distric
    Corp. v. Citibank, 704     t Courts .... ” Order of the Judicial Council of the Recalling Judicial Council, C.A. 6     Judicial council
    1983 COCAP   F.2d 254                    Sixth Circuit , December 21 , 1982 .                 determination.                        determining rules
    Nor is there the slightest reference in his remarks
    to burdens on the administration of justice , to w
    N.C., State v. Norville,   asted court resources , or to the necessity of emp                                          Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    321 N.C. 92
                    anelling another jury in the event of a mistrial . Upholding instructions of trial judge.   procedure
    Such proof might support a reasonable inference
    that Negroes are excluded from juries for reasons
    wholly unrelated to the outcome of the particular
    case on trial and that the peremptory system is b
    eing used to deny the Negro the same right and o
    C.A. 8, Baker v.         pportunity to participate in the administration of j Expositing rationale of peremptory        Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   Wyrick, 
    547 F.2d 428
         ustice enjoyed by the white population .             challenges.                               procedure
    Ala., Vienna v. Scott    and 4 ) the effect on the administration of justice
    Wetzel Services, Inc.,   of a retroactive application of the new rule of law                                            Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    740 P.2d 447
                  .                                                   Discussing retroactivity standard.        retroactivity
    Mich., St. Bar
    Grievance                                                                     Reciting rules that govern professional
    Administrator v. Del     ( 5 ) Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the a conduct in review of determinations
    1979 COCAP   Rio, 
    407 Mich. 336
           dministration of justice .                           thereof.                                Discipline, lawyer
    Out of a concern for the “ practical administratio
    n of justice , ” we conclude , with the trial judge
    Oh., St. v. Fox, 68 Ohio here , that not enough evidence was introduced t Affirming jury instructions of trial          Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   St. 2d 53                o warrant the requested instruction .               judge.                                     procedure
    In the letter , the movants renew their applicatio
    n to withdraw the reference because this will furt
    her the efficient administration of justice and con
    tend that “ [ ijndeed , the practical consequence o
    f the withdrawal of the reference is that it should
    obviate the need for the prosecution and resolutio
    S.D.N.Y., In re Lion   n of appeals from the bankruptcy judge 's determ
    Capital Group, 48 B.R. ination that the proceedings below are core proce Finding movants' motion                        Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   329                    edings .... ”                                       unreasonable, and so denying it.             procedure
    In State v. DeLomba , 
    117 R.I. 673
    370 A. 2d 1
    273 ( 1977 ) , the Rhode Island supreme court , r
    elying in part on Coleman , adopted the requirem
    ent of either a grant of use and derivative use im
    munity for testimony given at a probation revocat
    ion hearing , or postponement of the revocation p
    roceeding until after the criminal trial , on the rea
    soning that “ the unfairness of the current practic
    e , even if not so severe as to rise to the level of a
    constitutional deprivation , is nevertheless so rea
    l and substantial that it calls for action by us on p
    ublic policy grounds and in furtherance of our res       Resolving constitutional question,
    Ala., McCracken v.       ponsibility to assure a sound and enlightened ad         raised below, of coordination of      Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   Corey, 
    612 P.2d 990
          ministration of justice . ” Id . at 1275 .               probation and criminal proceedings.   procedure
    Inquiries would also promote the effective admin
    istration of justice by resolving most conflict situ
    Nev., Harvey v. State,   ations at the earliest possible stage of the proceed     Reversing and remanding for want of Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   
    619 P.2d 1214
                ings                                                     separate trials below.              procedure
    The Respondent objects to the finding that his co
    nduct in refusing to produce the records was ‘ pr
    ejudicial to the administration of justice ’ in viola
    tion of DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) and ‘ conduct that adversely refle
    Del., In re Kennedy,     cts on his fitness to practice law ’ in violation of     Requesting review of disciplinary
    1982 COCAP   
    442 A.2d 79
                  DR 1 - 102 ( A ) ( 6 ) .                                 determination below.                  Discipline, lawyers
    We believe that the restrictive view to the contrar
    y , that it can not , only encourages multiplicity o
    Kan., Burnworth v.       f litigation and waste in the administration of just     Announcing rule for visitation and    Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   Hughes, 
    234 Kan. 69
          ice .                                                    child suppoer cases.                  procedure
    The repeated assertions by Mr. Evans , even after
    the dispositive approving opinion of the Fourth
    Circuit Court of Appeals on the very matters whi
    ch Mr. Evans contends were erroneously decided
    by the Magistrate , and his continued and unrele
    nting groundless assertions that the Magistrate ac
    ted out of bias , rather than in compliance with w
    ell -
    established rules of law , make it apparent that
    Mr. Evans acted originally , and continues to act
    C.A. 4, In re Evans, 801 , in a way that is prejudicial to the administration Recounting reasoning of judge in
    1986 COCAP   F.2d 703                  of justice in violation of DR 1 -- 102 ( A ) ( 5 ) disciplinary matter below.              Discipline, lawyers
    Such conduct is prejudicial to the administration
    Ind., In re Carmody,     of justice and reflects adversely on his fitness to
    1987 COCAP   
    513 N.E.2d 649
               practice law .                                       Affirming disciplinary findings below. Discipline, lawyers
    Furthermore , if the disqualification of one gover
    nment attorney could serve as the predicate for th
    D. Conn., U.S. v.          e disqualification of the entire United States Atto
    Curico, 608 F. Supp.       rney ’s Office , the administration of justice woul Assessing and rejecting defendants'        Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   1346                       d be irreparably damaged .                          disqualification arguments.                procedure
    In summary , Richmond Newspapers does not se
    rve to support defendant ’s demand that he be aw
    arded a new trial because a trial judge in the inter
    est of the fair administration of justice may impo
    se reasonable limitations upon the access of the p
    N.C., State v. Burney, ublic and the press to a criminal trial_U.S. at_n .         Rejecting reasoning back of motion     Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    302 N.C. 529
                   18,65 L. Ed .2 d at 992 , 100 S. Ct. at 2830 .          for new trial.                         procedure
    The waiver provision of § 455 ( e ) , which appli
    es to the “ appearance ” of impropriety issues un
    der § 455 ( a ) but not to any actual conflict of int
    erest under § 455 ( b ) , reinforces our conclusion
    that § 455 ( a ) is concerned with perceptions rat
    C.A. 7, U.S. v. Murphy, her than actual defects in the administration of ju        Expounding doctrine of waiver for      Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   
    768 F.2d 1518
                  stice .                                                 potential judicial conflicts.          procedure
    The standard to be met before first amendment f
    reedoms can be abridged is that the expression b
    y the press must constitute “ ‘ an immediate , not
    Fla., Sentinel Star Co. v. merely likely , threat to the administration of just    Finding trial court was perfunctory in Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   Booth, 
    372 So. 2d 100
     ice .                                                        denying press access.                  procedure
    Texas counties perform a number of functions fo
    r the state including the supervision of state electi
    ons , the collection of state property taxes , the co
    nstruction of state roads , bridges and ferries , an
    N.D. Tex., Crane v.    d the administration of justice . The Texas Supre
    State, 534 F. Supp.    me Court has emphasized that when counties act
    1982 COCAP   1237                   in certain capacities they are agents of the state .        Law enforcement/policy.                Broad description
    Conn., State v.         Such ineffective communication can not aid the
    Gunning, 183 Conn.     defendant , the state or the administration of justi        Assessing police conduct in matter
    1981 COCAP   299                    ce .                                                        below.                                 Law enforcement
    However , the interest of comity and the efficient
    administration of justice will best be served by a
    C.A. 1, Feinstein v.   voiding the duplication of administrative arrange
    Mass. Gen. Hosp., 643 ments necessitated by such a requirement . 12 . S            Jurisdictional concerns in handling    Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   F.2d 880               eep . 882 , supra . 13 .                                    medical malpractice claims.            procedure
    So serious a matter as the appointment of a recei
    Cal., Cal-American     ver should not be made without a full and comple
    Income Property Fund te hearing unless the due administration of justic
    VII v. Brown           e clearly requires it . ” { Cohen v. Herbert ( 1960
    Development Corp., 138 ) 186 Cal.App .2 d 488 , 495 [ 8 Cal.Rptr . 922 ]           Clarifying procedural requirements     Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   Cal. App. 3d 268        .)                                                         upon lower court.                      procedure
    Despite the unfairness to litigants that sometimes
    results , the doctrine of judicial immunity is thou
    ght to be in the best interests of ‘ the proper admi
    nistration of justice . .
    . [ for it allows ] a judicial officer , in exercising t
    he authority vested in him [ to ] be free to act up
    W.D. Pa., Albright v.  on his own convictions , without apprehension of
    Albright, 463 F. Supp. personal consequences to himself . ’ Bradley v.
    1979 COCAP   1220                   Fisher , 13 Wall. , at 347 .                             Affirming judicial immunity.         Judicial proceeding
    [ T ] he desirability of permitting a defendant ad
    ditional time to obtain private counsel of his choi
    ce must be weighed against the public need for th
    Pa., Commonwealth v. e efficient and effective administration of justice Announcing balancing considerations
    1983 COCAP   McCool, 
    457 A.2d 1312
     .                                                         for finding counsel of one's choice. Judicial proceeding
    This court reemphasized in People v. Shrum ( 1
    957 ) , 
    12 Ill. 2d 261
     , 265 , the belief that adequ
    ate opportunity to defend is the first essential of t
    rial fairness : “ Speedy administration of justice i
    s desirable , but the desire for speed must not be
    Ill., People v. Lott, 66   allowed to impinge upon the constitutional requir Finding unfair surprise on defense        Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   Ill. 2d 290                ement of a fair opportunity to defend . ”             counsel of unnoticed testimony.       evidentiary issue
    The exclusion of the occupational groups and of
    women with young children rests upon a factual f
    inding by this court that jury service by these gro
    E.D. Va., U.S. v.          ups would entail undue hardship , extreme incon
    Computer Sci. Corp.,       venience or serious obstruction or delay in the fai Appeal based on defects in jury         Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    511 F. Supp. 1125
              r and impartial administration of justice .         selection.                              jury
    This discretionary power is considered basic to t
    he police power function of governmental entitie
    s and is recognized as critical to a law enforceme
    nt officer ’s ability to carry out his duties . See A                                        Referencing
    BA Standards for Criminal Justice , Standard 1 -                                             President's
    4.1 ( 2d ed . 1980 ) ; President ’s Commission o                                            Commission on Law
    n Law Enforcement and Administration of Justic                                               Enforcement and the
    Fla., Everton v. Willard, e , The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society 103                                             Administration of
    1985 COCAP   
    468 So. 2d 936
                 - 06 ( 1967 ) .                                      Apprising duties of police officers.   Justice
    t stake is the honor of the government ^ ] public
    confidence in the fair administration of justice , a
    nd the efficient administration of justice . . .
    Cal., People v. Sanders, . ’ [ Citations . ] ” ( People v. Mancheno , supra ,
    1987 COCAP   
    191 Cal. App. 3d 79
           32 Cal .3 d at p. 866 . )                           Review of broken plea agreement.         Law enforcement
    In Greenfield , supra , an attorney was suspended
    from practice for three years for professional mi
    sconduct and conduct prejudicial to the administr
    ation of justice . After a judge had denied the att
    orney ’s motion in a pending action , Greenfield ,
    along with another attorney , Rothstein , wrote t
    wo letters to the judge accusing him without any
    basis in fact of misconduct in office . The attorne
    ys also prepared and circulated letters and affidav
    its concerning the alleged misconduct to the presi
    ding judge of the court , as well as the Governor ,
    C.A. 4, In re Evans, 801 the District Attorney , and the Judicial Conferen      Collecting precedent to uphold instant
    1986 COCAP   F.2d 703                 ce .                                                   disciplinary finding.                  Discipline, lawyer
    In passing the Act , Congress sought to promote
    not only the defendant ’s right to a speedy trial ,
    C.A. 11, U.S. v.         but also the public ’s interest in the efficient adm   Legislative history of Speedy Trial    Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   Gonzalez, 
    671 F.2d 441
     inistration of justice .                                 Act.                                   procedure
    Cal., Cooper v. Cnty of                                                         Rationale for lower court's strict
    Los Angeles, 69 Cal.     The principle is founded upon a need for judicial      compliance with instructions on        Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   App. 3d 529              economy in the administration of justice .             remand.                                procedure
    In broader terms , the statute ’s purposes go beyo
    nd protection of juvenile privacy to encompass th
    e Státe ’s interest in sound and orderly administr
    ation of justice ; ipost important , the statute help
    Mass., Globe              s obtain just convictions for the types of crimes f
    Newspaper Co. v.          rom which the victims had often suffered at the h       Expounding policy back of statute
    Superior Court, 379       ands of the criminal justice system , while their a     limiting press access to some trials   Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   Mass. 846                 sssail - ants had often gone free .                     while reviewing the same.              media access to
    Cal., In re Marriage of   We also note the immense burden on the adminis
    Lee, 124 Cal. App. 3d     tration of justice in our civil courts were such reli   Rejecting fully retroactive application Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   371                       tigation permitted .                                    of new rule.                            retroactivity
    “ We have given complete retroactive effect to t
    he new rule , regardless of good -
    faith reliance by law enforcement authorities or t
    he degree of impact on the administration of justi
    ce , where the ‘ major purpose in new constitutio
    nal doctrine is to overcome an aspect of the crimi
    nal trial that substantially impairs its truth -
    finding function and so raises serious questions
    about the accuracy of guilty verdicts in past trials
    . Williams v. United States , 
    401 U.S. 646
     , 653 ,
    Colo., People v. Hardin, 91 S.Ct . 1148 , 1152 , 28 L.Ed .2 d 388 ( 1971          Explaining doctrine concerning         Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   
    607 P.2d 1291
                 )                                                       retroactive application.               retroactivity
    The fires which it kindles must constitute an im       Assessing when language rises to
    Ark., Clark v. State, 291 minent , not merely a likely , threat to the admini     contempt in review of contempt         Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   Ark. 405                  stration of justice .                                   conviction.                            Contempt
    We have denied broader retroactive application o
    f a new rule going to defendant ’s right to a fair tr
    ial on grounds of reasonable reliance by law enfo
    Ala., Farleigh v.         rcement officials on the old rule and potential im
    Anchorage, 728 P.2d       pact on the administration of justice . See Lauder Discussing retroactive application of a Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   637                       dale , 548 P. 2d at 383 .                             new rule.                            retroactivity
    Both the court and the prosecuting attorney may
    well decline to accept such plea in cases where th
    e due administration of justice might be imprope
    rly affected , for when the plea is accepted it is ac
    cepted with all the implications and reservations
    which under the law and accurate pleading apper
    tain to that plea . ” Winesett v. Scheldt , Comr . o Discussing doctrine back of plea of
    N.C., N.C. St. Bar v.     f Motor Vehicles , 
    239 N.C. 190
     , 194 -               nolo contendere in remanding and
    1977 COCAP   Hall, 
    293 N.C. 539
             95 , 
    79 S.E. 2d 501
     , 504 - 505 ( 1954 ) .           denying state bar summary judgment. Judicial proceeding
    The basic rationale for the exceptions related to t
    he administration of justice is that the “ unhinder
    ed and untrammeled functioning of our courts is
    part of the very foundation of our constitutional d
    D.D.C., Laker Airways emocracy , ” for it is clear that when a court is pr   Explaining the rationale of antisuit
    Ltd. V. Pan Am. World evented by outside pressure or other interference      injunctions to evaluate whether
    Airways, Inc., 604 F. from adjudicating claims between litigants before      defendants were interfering with
    1984 COCAP   Supp. 280              it , the rule of law is significantly impaired .      administration of justice.                  Judicial proceeding
    Reciting rules in review of erroneous
    Criminal contempt consists of conduct that obstr dismissal for supposed lack of
    Colo., People v. Barron, ucts the administration of justice or tends to brin jurisdiction over matter brought by         Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   
    677 P.2d 1370
                g the court into disrepute .                        information.                                contempt
    For the reasons we have expressed with respect t
    o our conclusion that the conduct involved here d
    id not fall below an acceptable standard for the fa
    ir and honorable administration of justice , we co
    nclude that the conduct was not shocking and tha
    Ala., Guidry v. State,    t judicial integrity does not require suppression o
    1983 COCAP   
    671 P.2d 1277
                 f the fruits flowing from it .                      Explaining the exclusionary rule.          Law enforcement
    Finally , we believe retroactive application of the
    Az., State c. Hooper,   Chapple rule would have an undesirable effect up                                                  Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   
    703 P.2d 482
                on the administration of justice                    Discussing retroactivity                      retroactivity
    Congress had , however , sought to determine an
    appropriate fee for jukeboxes for nearly 20 years
    before settling on the figure in the Act . See I Co
    C.A.D.C., Nat'l Cable pyright Law Revision : Hearings on H.F. 2223 B
    Television Ass'n v.     efore the Subcomm . on Courts , Civil Liberties ,                                                 Referencing House
    Copyright Royalty        and the Administration of Justice of the House                                                   Committee on
    Tribunal, 223 U.S. App. Comm . on the Judiciary , 94th Cong. , 1st Sess . Legislative history of copyright                Admininistration of
    1982 COCAP   D.C. 65                  380                                                provision.                                    Justice
    The Supreme Court ’s test for whether a “ new r
    ule ” in the area of criminal procedure is to be ret
    roactively applied calls for the consideration of th
    ree criteria : “ ( a ) the purpose to be served by th
    e new standards , ( b ) the extent of the reliance b
    y law enforcement authorities on the old standard
    s , and ( c ) the effect on the administration of jus
    C.A. 5, Chapman v.        tice of a retroactive application of the new standa                                             Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   U.S., 
    547 F.2d 1240
           rds . ”                                               Discussing retroactivity.                 retroactivity
    As the Supreme Court in Bertero v. National Ge
    neral Corp , supra , 13 Cal .3 d at pages 50 -
    51 , said : “ The malicious commencement of a
    civil proceeding is actionable because it harms th
    Cal., Camarena v.        e individual against whom the claim is made , an
    Sequioa Ins. Co., 190    d also because it threatens the efficient administr     Rejecting argument for elimination of Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   Cal. App. 3d 1089        ation of justice .                                      liability for malicious prosecution.  procedure
    These judicial officers are necessary for the prop
    er administration of justice , and we recommend
    Fla., In re Certificate, they be made permanent and funded by the state          Recommending creation of new state
    1985 COCAP   
    467 So. 2d 286
               .                                                       judges.                                  Judicary generally
    Society wins not only when the guilty are convict
    ed but when criminal trials are fair ; our system o     Reversing convictions because of
    C.A. 4, U.S. v.          f the administration of justice suffers when any a      government's introduction of dubious Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   Carvalho, 
    742 F.2d 146
     ccused is treated unfairly .                              evidence.                            evidentiary issue
    Under this subsection , allegedly contemptuous c
    onduct will not justify imposition of summary cri
    Pa., Commonwealth v. minal contempt except where it causes an obstru             Announcing rule in overturning           Judicial proceeding;
    1978 COCAP   Garrison, 
    478 Pa. 356
     ction of the administration of justice .                   contempt conviction.                     Contempt
    C.A. 4, U.S. v.          This “ natural consequence , ” the government co
    Neiswender, 590 F.2d ntends , would have obstructed the due administr            Government's contentions regarding       Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   1269                     ation of justice . ,                                    mens rea for an obstruction charge.      Tampering
    The physician -
    patient privilege thus did not bar this testimony ,
    and the court was not required as a prerequisite t
    N.C., Wright v. Am.      o its admission to find that disclosure of the infor
    Gen. Life Ins. Co., 59   mation was “ necessary to a proper administratio        Rejecting challenges to introduction of Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   N.C. App. 591            n of justice . ”                                        evidence.                               evidentiary issue
    The court weighed the above factors and determi
    ned that not only would it penalize law enforcem
    ent agents who had acted in accord with the pres
    ent state of the law , it also would amount to an o
    Ill., People v. Laws, 82 verwhelming burden on the administration of jus         Recalling denial of retroactive effect
    1980 COCAP   Ill. App. 3d 417         tice .                                                  for impacts on law enforcement.          Law enforcement
    It is also charged that , by the foregoing acts , th
    e Respondent violated Supreme Judicial Court R
    ule 3:17 ( 2 ) , in that he engaged in misconduct i
    n office and conduct prejudicial to the administra
    Mass., In re Bonin, 375 tion of justice which brings the judicial office int     Recalling charge in disciplinary
    1978 COCAP   Mass. 680                o disrepute .                                           hearing of judge before another court. Discipline, judge
    E.D. Pa., Stevens         Severance of this action into two actions and tran
    Yachts of Annapolic,      sfer of the cases to Texas and the Virgin Islands r
    Inc. v. Am. Yacht         espectively is not in the interest of the administra
    Charters, Inc., 571 F.    tion of justice if a forum can be found in which a                                              Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   Supp. 467                 ll claims can be litigated simultaneously .          Refusing motion to sever.                  procedure
    The rules of this court are designed to effectuate
    the orderly administration of justice and do not c
    Minn., Krug v. Indep.     ontrol its jurisdiction , for it retains the constituti Allowing appeal where defendant
    Sch. Dist. No. 16, 293    onal power to hear and determine , as a matter of could have raised all issues on appeal Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   N.W.2d 26                  discretion , any appeal in the interest of justice of first judgment.                   procedure
    The concurrence argued that neither history , nor
    the purpose of the writ of habeas corpus , nor the
    desired prophylactic utility of the exclusionary r
    ule as applied in Fourth Amendment claims , nor
    any sound reason relevant to the administration
    of justice justified a federal court , on collateral r
    eview of a state court conviction , to review asser
    ted Fourth Amendment claims with the applicati
    on of the exclusionary rule in precisely the same
    C.A. 4, Doleman v.        manner as it would or could have been utilized o Discussing the contrary view of the            Judicial proceeding;
    1978 COCAP   Muncy, 
    579 F.2d 1258
          n direct review .                                      concurrence.                             procedure
    Law 43 , which as we know establishes the integr
    ated bar of Puerto Rico , charges the Colegio wit
    D. P.R., Schneider v.   h the duty of “ cooperating ] in the improvement
    Colegio De Abogados of the Administration of Justice [ and ] to render
    De Puerto Rico, 565 F. such reports and give such advice as the Govern             Describing the nonjudicial powers of
    1983 COCAP   Supp. 963               ment may require of it . ”                                 lawyers and the bar.                   Judicary generally
    Both August and Bogoff were convicted of consp             Describing indictments for
    iring to defraud the United States of the due adm          interference with blind draw system in
    C.A. 6, U.S. v. August, inistration of justice , in violation of 18 U.S.C. §       bankruptcy court and influence clerk
    1984 COCAP   
    745 F.2d 400
                371 ( 1982 ) ( Count One ) .                               of court in duties.                    Judiciary generally
    This court can not sanction the frustration of its o
    rder ( in this case a consent order ) by permitting
    a post-judgment invocation of the attorney -
    N.J., Fellerman v.         client privilege to unduly interfere with and restr
    Bradley, 191 N.J.         ict the proper administration of justice which it is Rejecting postjudgment assertion of        Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   Super. 73                  entrusted to foster .                               attorney client privilege.                 procedure
    1 Rule 4:01 , § 12 ( 2 ) , inserted by 
    365 Mass. 6
    96 ( 1974 ) , reads as follows : “ The term ‘ serio
    us crime ’ shall include ( a ) any felony , and ( b )
    any lesser crime ( involving conduct of an attorn
    ey demonstrating unfitness to practice as a lawye
    r ) , a necessary element of which , as determine
    d by the statutory or common law definition of su
    ch crime , includes interference with the administ
    ration of justice , false swearing , misrepresentati
    on , fraud , wilful failure to file income tax return    Citing in footnote the relevant rule
    s , deceit , bribery , extortion , misappropriation ,    supporting reversal of judgment below
    Mass., In re Alter, 389    theft , or an attempt or a conspiracy , or solicitati   and two years' suspension, as per the
    1983 COCAP   Mass. 153                 on of another , to commit a ‘ serious crime . ’”         Board's recommendation.               Discipline, lawyer
    One situation where the proper administration of
    Wash., State v. Jones,    justice requires the discharge of a jury is where t Reviewing propriety of discharge of         Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   
    97 Wash. 2d 159
               hat jury is unable to agree on a verdict .          jury.                                       jury
    We agree with the well -
    reasoned Wesley and Lester decisions holding th
    at it is entirely proper to charge defendants under
    § 1503 with interfering with the due administrati
    C.A. 7, U.S. v.        on of justice when the conduct of the defendant r Rejecting appellants' contention that            Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   Rovetuso, 
    768 F.2d 809
     elates to tampering with a witness .                they were improperly charged.                  witness tampering
    Courts have inherent power in the interest of the
    D. Nev., In re Santa   orderly administration of justice and under Rule
    Barbara …, 
    94 F.R.D. 41
     ( b ) , FRCP , to dismiss for disobedience of it                                                  Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   105                    s orders .                                          Outlining remedial options.                    procedure
    Postponement of cases from dates scheduled for
    trial is one of the major factors contributing to de
    Md., St. v. Hicks, 285     lay in the administration of justice , civil as well                                          Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   Md. 310                    as criminal .                                        Discussing legislative history           delay of
    Both the Master and the DRB found that respond
    ent violated DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 3 ) , which provides that a lawyer sha
    ll not “ [ e ] ngage in illegal conduct that adversel
    y reflects on his fitness to practice law ; ” DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 4 ) , which provided that a lawyer sh
    all not “ [ ejngage in conduct involving dishonest
    y , fraud , deceit or misrepresentation ; ” and DR
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) , which provided that a lawyer sh      Outlining lawyer's complicity as
    N.J., In re Rigolosi, 107 all not “ [ e ] ngage in conduct that is prejudicial    assessed in bribe in trial and Board
    1987 COCAP   N.J. 192                  to the administration of justice . ”                    review below.                          Discipline, lawyer
    The Eleventh Circuit rejected Silverman ’s argu
    ment stating : “ Silverman ’s proposed instructio
    n incorrectly explained ‘ specific intent ’ : it plac
    ed the burden on the government to prove that th
    e purpose and object of Silverman ’s endeavor w
    C.A. 7, U.S. v. Machi, as to influence or obstruct due administration of j        Rejecting intent as mens rea in        Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    811 F.2d 991
                  ustice .                                                obstruction.                           witness tampering
    [ I ] t wholly fails to take into account the enorm
    Mo., State v. Butler,    ous societal cost of excluding truth in the search Explaining the inevitable discovery          Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   
    676 S.W.2d 809
               for truth in the administration of justice .          doctrine.                                 procedure
    Just as important as the issue of prejudice is that
    of the efficient administration of justice . In parti
    cular , we question the traditional assumption tha
    E.D.N.Y., U.S. v. Gallo, t denial of severance in cases such as this promot                                              Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    668 F. Supp. 736
             es effi ciency .                                      Assessing motion for severance.           procedure
    By reason of the foregoing Paragraph A , ( 1 ) yo
    u have engaged in willful misconduct relating to
    your official duty and persistent and public cond
    La., In re Whitaker, 463 uct preju dicial to the administration of justice th Violation of ethical rules in practice of
    1985 COCAP   So. 2d 1291              at brings the judicial office into disrepute ,       law by a sitting judge.                   Discipline, judge
    We have weighed the contesting views of the par
    ties in this matter and conclude that the administr
    ation of justice will best be served in the circums
    tances by the court ’s exercise of its discretion to
    permit defendant to except to the trial judge ’s de
    Ct. of Claims, John M.     cisión consisting of his findings , opinion , and c                                           Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   Grieg, 
    224 Ct. Cl. 617
         onclusion of law .                                   Explaining exercise of discretion.       procedure
    The second and third factors to be considered un
    der the three -
    prong test for retroactivity can be dealt with toge
    ther , since , as the Court noted in Hampton , sup
    ra , " the amount of past reliance will often have
    Mich., People v. Rice,     a profound effect upon the administration of justi                                            Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   
    101 Mich. App. 1
               ce ” .                                               Discussing retroactivity.                retroactivity
    He also contends that his suspension from office
    would impose a burden on other judges who will
    be called upon to handle the caseload in the Eight
    Ne., In re Complaint,      h Judicial District and would perhaps result in de Exceptions of judge to suspension
    1984 COCAP   
    351 N.W.2d 693
                 lays in the administration of justice .            from office.                               Discipline, judge
    See Award of Attorneys ’ Fees Against the Feder                                               Referring to House
    al Government : Hearings before the Subcommitt                                                Subcommittee on
    C.A.D.C., Action on        ee on Courts , Civil Liberties and Administration                                             Courts, Civil
    Smoking and Health v.       of Justice of the House Committee on the Judici                                              Liberties and
    Civil Aeroanutics Bd.,     ary , 96th Cong. , 2d Sess . 32 ( 1980 ) ( testimo (collecting sources discussing fee         Administration of
    1984 COCAP   
    724 F.2d 211
                   ny of Sen. DeConcini )                             awards to attorneys)                       Justice
    This general rule , rather than depending upon an
    R.I., JWA Realty v. City y fundamental principle of the law of evidence , i
    of Cranston, 399 A.2d s designed to expedite the orderly administration            Discussing doctrine back of             Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   479                        of justice in eminent domain proceedings .              evidentiary rules.                      procedure
    Additionally , in view of the mass of evidence in
    the instant case , the efficient administration of j
    Mo., State v. Garrette, ustice was served by trying all counts of the ame          Upholding finding that all counts were Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   
    699 S.W.2d 468
                 nded information at one time                            part of a common scheme.               procedure
    At least in the limited context of sentencing , the
    courts can recognize this inherent institutional bi
    Mt., State v. Fitzpatrick, as and the debilitating effect that it has on the ad    Discussing means to limit vindicitive   Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   
    186 Mont. 187
                  ministration of justice .                               sentencing.                             procedure
    Respondent was found guilty of violating DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) , conduct prejudicial to the admin
    istration of justice , although the Committee state
    d that it felt “ considerable empathy for the respo
    Az., In re Riley, 142      ndent in the circumstances in which these statem Basis of liability under conduct rules
    1984 COCAP   Ariz. 604                  ents were made                                      for statements to reporters.                Discipline, lawyer
    Here , substitution was a matter of necessity , w
    Oh., State v. McKinley. here the due administration of justice made it im Finding no error in service of                   Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   
    7 Ohio App. 3d 255
          perative , and no prejudice resulted .             substitutte judge.                              procedure
    The Supreme Court stated in Santobello v. New
    York , 
    404 U.S. 257
     , 92 S.Ct . 495 , 30 L.Ed .2
    d 427 ( 1971 ) , that “ the disposition of criminal
    charges by agreement between the prosecutor an
    U.S. Army Ct. Crim.        d the accused , sometimes loosely called ‘ plea b
    Rev., U.S. v. Lay, 10      argaining , ’ is an essential component of the ad Laying doctrinal background for               Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   M.J. 678                   ministration of justice .                           instant analysis of plea bargains.          procedure
    The Court is of the opinion that the question and
    opinion contained in the Amended Order of Clari
    fication ( a copy of which is attached hereto and i
    s incorporated by reference [ see preceding order
    ] ) involve issues of statewide application , whic
    Fla., St. v. Johnson, 8    h are of great public importance and will affect th Court's order setting standards for
    1984 COCAP   Fla. Supp. 2d 116          e uniform administration of justice in this state . roadside intoxication tests.                Law enforcement.
    Neither the insurance companies nor their insure
    ds , the employers , are officers of the legal syste
    m , nor , unlike lawyers , are they governed by a
    code of conduct casting upon them duties with re
    Fla., Bammac, Inc. v.      spect to the administration of justice beyond that      Rejecting attempts of attorneys to      Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   Grady, 
    500 So. 2d 274
          required of the ordinary citizen .                      insinuate themselves as parties.        procedure
    N.J., Kerr Steamship       And “ secondly the false swearing must have obs
    Co., Inc. v. John D.       tructed or tended to obstruct the administration o
    Westhoff. Jr., 204 N.J.    f justice ... It is the obstruction of judicial power   Reciting legal standards in review of   Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   Super. 300                 which makes it contempt . ”                             contempt finding.                       Contempt
    ( a ) Whenever it appears to the superior court fo
    r any judicial district that the administration of ju
    stice requires an investigation to determine whet
    her or not there is probable cause to believe that
    a crime or crimes have been committed within th
    e judicial district , said court may order an inquir
    Conn., In re               y to be made into the matter , to be conducted be
    Investigation …, 4         fore any judge , state referee , or any three judges Reciting statute back of investigatory
    1985 COCAP   Conn. App. 544              of said court designated by it                       abilities.                                Law enforcement
    In the case of Tafaro ’s Investment Company , In
    c. v. Division of Housing Improvement , et al , 2
    61 La. 183
     , 259 So .2 d 57 ( La. 1972 ) the Loui
    siana Supreme Court discussed the difference bet
    ween the legislative and judicial functions of pub
    lic bodies stating that when a judicial function is
    La., Corcoran v. Parish involved , an analogy to judicial process is made
    of Jefferson, 405 So. 2d and the procedural safeguards developed in the a        Analysis of judicatory hearings at the Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   667                      dministration of justice must be observed .             Parish level.                          procedure
    Suffice it to say that , in dealing with such a litig
    C.A.D.C., Urban v.       ant , the court “ has an obligation to protect and p
    United Nations, 768      reserve the sound and orderly administration of j       Outlining appropriate response to      Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   F.2d 1497                ustice                                                  "prolific pro se litigants."           procedure
    Retroactive application of the Fountain policy wo
    Mich., People v. Young, uld have an adverse effect on the administration                                                Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    410 Mich. 363
                of justice .                                            Discussing retroactivity.              retroactivity
    The footnote in Richmond Newspapers , Inc. v.
    Virginia , 
    448 U.S. 555
     , 100 S.Ct . 2814 , 65 L.
    Ed .2 d 973 ( 1980 ) , to which the court made re
    ference in Romano , explicitly recognizes that a t
    rial judge may , “ in the interest of the fair admin
    istration of justice , impose reasonable limitation
    s on access to a trial ” just as " a government ma
    E.D.N.Y., Latzer v.       y impose reasonable time , place and manner rest
    Abrams, 602 F. Supp.      rictions upon the use of the streets in the interest Discussing limitations on press access Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   1314                      of such objectives as the free flow of traffic . ”   to trials.                             media access to
    The indictment charges that Gaston “ did wil -
    fully and knowingly corruptly endeavor to influe
    nce Johnny Self , a witness before the said Grand
    Jury , [ investigating alleged violations of the fal
    se claims and false statements laws ] and thereby
    corruptly endeavor to influence , obstruct and im
    pede the due administration of justice ... [ in that
    Gaston ] urged and advised Johnny Self to give f
    C.A. 5, U.S. v. Gaston, alse testimony before said Grand Jury in relation Introducing the issue before taking it
    1979 COCAP   
    608 F.2d 607
                to the aforesaid violation . ”                        up on appeal.                             Judicial proceeding
    The forum non conveniens doctrine is equitable i
    n nature ( Bell v. Louisville & Nashville R.R. Co
    . ( 1985 ) , 
    106 Ill. 2d 135
     , 146 ; People ex rel .
    Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Ry . Co. v. Clark (
    Ill., Timothy Myers v.   1957 ) , 
    12 Ill. 2d 515
     , 520 ) and allows courts t
    Bridgeport Machines     o strike a balance between the convenience of the
    Div. of Textron, Inc.,   litigants and the efficient administration of justic
    1986 COCAP   
    113 Ill. 2d 112
             e.                                                    Discussing state of doctrine.             Judicial proceeding
    After overruling the motions the court stated ( 1 )
    that legislative continuances , “ in this particular
    case ” would violate Article I , § 13 , Texas
    Constitution providing that all courts shall be
    open , and every person for an injury done him ,
    in his lands , goods , person or reputation , shall
    have remedy by due course of law , ( 2 ) that the
    statute providing for legislative continuances was
    a “ self serving law passed by the legislators for
    their own self preservation , ” and ( 3 ) the said
    Tex., Collier v. Poe, 732 motions for continuance interfere “ with the         Recalling proceedings below in           Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   S.W.2d 332                orderly administration of justice . ”                mandamus action.                         procedure
    When a patient and understanding judge gives ev
    ery consideration to a defendant ’s change of pos
    ition the day before ' trial and the defendant atte
    Wyo., Osborn v. State,    mpts to mock the administration of justice , there Evaluating procedural decisions            Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   
    672 P.2d 777
                   is no abuse of discretion .                        below.                                    procedure
    Consequently , the present case is one in which t
    he defendant ’s right to be free from repeated tria
    ls is outweighed by the public ’s interest in the ad
    ministration of justice , and we find defendant ’s
    double jeopardy challenge without merit and ove
    1981 COCAP   N.C., State v. Simpson rruled .                                               Overruling double jeopardy challenge. Judicial proceeding
    Questions would thus arise in numerous other cir
    cumstances as to which time computation rule to
    apply ; the efficient administration of justice requ
    Bankr. E.D. Mich., In re ires that the Court and counsel look to one rule fo
    Miramar, Inc., 70 B.R. r time computation in bankruptcy — Bankruptcy Explaining rejection of movant's               Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   32                       Rule 9006 .                                          position.                             procedure
    While the federal courts in the District of Colum
    bia are called upon to handle a much larger perce
    ntage of FOIA litigation and are therefore perhap
    s more overburdened by in camera review in suc
    h cases than most courts , see Weissman v. Centr
    al Intelligence Agency , 
    565 F. 2d 692
     , 697 n. 1
    1 ( D.C.Cir . 1977 ) , this Court has recently enc
    D. Del., Coastal Gas     ountered a disturbing increase in requests for in c
    Station Corp. v. Dept. of amera review in nonFOIA litigation which simila Discussing rationale for burden of
    Energy, 495 F. Supp.      rly threatens to strangle the administration of just government to demonstrate a                    Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   1172                      ice in this District .                               document's exemption from FOIA.                procedure
    However , when the physical or mental condition
    of the patient is at issue in such action , suit or p
    roceeding or when a court in the exercise of soun
    d discretion , deems such disclosure necessary to
    the proper administration of justice , no informat
    ion communicated to , or otherwise learned by , s
    uch physician in connection with such attendance
    Me., State v. Gatcomb, , examination or treatment shall be privileged an                                                      Judicial proceeding;
    1978 COCAP   
    389 A.2d 22
                    d disclosure may be required .                            Discussing limits of privilege.          procedure
    However , a judge may also , through negligence
    or ignorance not amounting to bad faith , behave
    in a manner prejudicial to the administration of j        Outlining bases of a judge's liability as
    N.C., In re Inquiry …, ustice so as to bring the judicial office into disrep         against canons and ethical
    1978 COCAP   
    295 N.C. 291
                   ute .                                                     responsibilities                          Judicial conduct
    The waiver rule , as other like rules of procedure
    , finds its justification upon the interest of a fair ,
    Ill., People v. Friesland, orderly and expeditious administration of justice         Finding no facial constitutional issue   Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   
    109 Ill. 2d 369
                 .                                                        in waiver of appeal                      procedure
    Like the United States Supreme Court , Californi
    a courts use the following criteria to determine w
    hether a new rule of decisional law in criminal ca
    ses should be applied retroactively : ( 1 ) the purp
    ose of the new rule , ( 2 ) the extent of the relianc
    e by law enforcement authorities on the old rule ,
    Cal., People v. Cooper, and ( 3 ) the effect on the administration of justi                                                   Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   
    94 Cal. App. 2d 672
         ce of retrospective application of the new rule . Discussing retroactivity.                           retroactivity
    As we have seen , all of the duties pertaining to t
    he office of superior court clerk , whether essenti
    al to the office or specifically prescribed by statut
    Cal., Price v. Sup. Ct.    e , are ministerial functions necessarily subject to
    Madera Cnty, 186 Cal.       the control of the judges of the court so far as es Reviewing behavior of court
    1986 COCAP   App. 3d 156                sential to the proper administration of justice .     personnel.                                   Judiciary generally
    The power that a court has over its judgments an
    d process notwithstanding , it is equally well esta
    blished that , in the interests of orderly administr
    ation of justice , Judges as a general rule should
    not disturb , vacate , reconsider or modify determ
    N.Y., People v. Varela, inations of a Judge of concurrent jurisdiction ( 28 Outlining appropriate bounds of                   Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   
    124 Misc. 2d 992
             NY Jur 2d , Courts and Judges , § 86 , p 153 ) . discretion in bail remission.                       procedure
    The district court ’s actions in this case to select
    the jury from the Green Bay division only is gove
    rned by Rule 18 of the Federal Rules of Criminal
    Procedure which states in part : The court shall f
    ix the place of trial within the district with due re
    C.A. 7, U.S. v.            gard to the convenience of the defendant and the
    Balistrieri, 778 F.2d      witnesses and the prompt administration of justic Reviewing district court's jury             Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   1226                       e.                                                    selection.                              jury
    Because of this ease by ease approach , we are n
    ot pursuaded that affording Sandstrom retroactivi
    Conn., Crawford v.    ty will result in a devastatingly adverse impact on                                                Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   Warden, 
    189 Conn. 374
     the administration of justice . I                   Discussing retroactivity                       retroactivity
    Finding : Referee finds that the conduct of the Re
    spondent as outlined above would evidence cond
    uct ' prejudicial to the administration of justice w
    Minn., In re Complaint hich brings the judicial office into disrepute in vi       Bar referee found misconduct
    1979 COCAP   …, 
    296 N.W.2d 648
           olation of Canons [ Canon ] 3A ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) .          violative of ethical rules             Judicial discipline
    The Hearing Panel found him guilty of failing to
    preserve client funds in an attorney ’s special acc
    ount in violation of Code of Professional Respon
    sibility DR 9 -
    102 ( A ) and 22 NYCRR 603.15 ; failing to pro
    mptly pay funds to which his client was entitled (
    DR 9 -
    102 [ B ] [ 4 ] ) ; engaging in conduct involving
    dishonesty , fraud , deceit or misrepresentation w
    hich adversely reflected on his fitness to practice
    law ( DR 1 -
    102 [ A ] [ 4 ] , [ 6 ] ) ; and conduct prejudicial t
    N.Y., In re Baltimore, o the administration of justice in violation of DR
    1987 COCAP   
    132 A.D.2d 424
              1 - 102 ( A ) ( 5 ) .                                     Bar hearing panel                      Discipline, lawyer
    Wyo., Hoggatt v. State, Citing criterion for nolo contendere plea in
    1980 COCAP   
    606 P.2d 718
                footnote.                                                 Plea                                   Unclear
    Wash., Rhinehart v.     Moreover , we are not convinced that the Halkin
    Seattle Times Co., 98   approach properly serves the administration of ju                                                Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   Wash. 2d 226            stice .                                                   Discussing retroactivity.              retroactivity
    D.C., In re Hutchison, Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the admi          Citing in footnote basis for 303-day
    1987 COCAP   
    534 A.2d 919
                nistration of justice .                                   suspension.                            Discipline, lawyer
    [ T ] he question whether the conduct complaine
    Ga., Garland v. State,  d of interfered with the administration of justice i      Exploring factual basis for contempt   Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   
    171 Ga. App. 519
            n a pending case is not involved .                        order below.                           Contempt
    Monsanto has appealed from this order , contend
    ing that the order constituted an impermissible pr
    ior restraint of its right of free speech in that it w
    Ill., Kemner v. Norfolk as entered without the necessary showing of thre
    & Western Ry. Co., 133 at to the administration of justice and was imper Affirming order prohibiting party's             Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   Ill. App. 3d 597        missibly over-broad .                                  communication with press.                 press access
    This Court in Bowen v. State , 
    606 P. 2d 589
     , 5
    93 ( Okl.Cr .1980 ) , held that “ [ d ] ue to the ne
    ar certain detriment to the defendant ’s chances o
    f receiving a fair defense and to the administratio    Reciting standard of review for denial
    Okla., Gilbreath v.        n of justice , the defendant must clearly and uneq     of motion of defense counsel to        Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   State, 
    651 P.2d 699
            uivocally assert his demand to proceed pro se : ‘      withdraw.                              procedure
    Pursuant to that consent judgment , the referee re
    commends that Seidel be found guilty of engagin
    g in conduct prejudicial to the administration of j
    ustice , engaging in conduct that adversely reflect
    s on his fitness to practice law , and committing
    Fla., Bar v. Seidel, 510   an act contrary to honesty , justice , or good mora
    1987 COCAP   So. 2d 871                 ls .                                                   Recommendation of Bar referee.         Discipline, lawyer
    This rule is essential to the orderly administration
    S.D.N.Y., Mathias v.        of justice , and to prevent unseemly conflicts bet
    Lennon, 474 F. Supp.       ween courts whose jurisdiction embraces the sam
    1979 COCAP   949                        e subjects and persons .                               Explicating a jurisdictional rule.     Judicial proceeding
    The respondent failed to respond to the request f
    or investigation filed by the complainant with the
    Grievance Committee . The respondent ’s condu
    ct in case No. 83A -
    56 violated C.R.C.P. 241.6 ( 1 ) ( violation of th
    e Code of Professional Responsibility ) and C.R.
    C.P. 241.6 ( 7 ) ( failure to respond to a request f
    rom the committee ) , and DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 1 ) ( violation of a disciplinary rule )
    , DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 4 ) ( conduct involving dishonesty ) ,
    DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ( conduct prejudicial to the admin
    istration of justice ) , DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 6 ) ( conduct that adversely reflects o
    n fitness to practice law ) ' , DR 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( 3 ) ( neglect of legal matter ) , and D
    Colo., People v. Lloyd,    101 ( A ) ( 2 ) ( failure to carry out employment
    1985 COCAP   
    696 P.2d 249
                  contract with client ) .                              Bar Grievance Committee                  Discipline, lawyer
    The entire purpose of the finality requirement of
    section 1291 is to “ discourage undue litigiousne
    C.A.D.C., U.S. v.        ss and leaden -                                         Concluding full review of evidence's
    Richardson, 702 F.2d      footed administration of justice , particularly da     sufficiency would be available after a
    1983 COCAP   1079                     maging to the conduct of criminal cases . ”             final verdict.                         Judicial proceeding
    Professional responsibility does not countenance
    the use of the attorney -
    client privilege as a subterfuge and all conspiraci
    es , either active or passive , which are calculated
    La., State v. Green, 493 to hinder the administration of justice will vitiate                                            Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   So. 2d 1178               the privilege .                                        Precis to evidentiary ruling.           evidentiary issue
    The proper administration of justice demands tha
    Ga., Wilkerson v.         t courts have the power to enforce their orders an                                             Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   Tolbert, 
    239 Ga. 702
          d decrees by contempt proceedings .                    Upholding contempt order.               Contempt
    More important than any inhibiting effect on the
    N.Y., People v. Le        right to gather news is the public interest in the f   Press privilege yields to defendant's   Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   Grand, 
    67 A.D.2d 446
          air administration of justice .                        need for exculpatory evidence.          press access to
    Rule 14 requires the trial court to balance the rig
    ht of defendants to a fair trial absent the prejudic
    N.D. Ga., U.S. v.         e that may result from joint trials , against the pu
    Caldwell, 594 F. Supp.    blic ’s interest in efficient and economic administ                                            Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   548                       ration of justice .                                The court severed sua sponte .              procedure
    Ala., Commercial
    Fisheries Entry Comm'n
    v. Byayuk, 684 P.2d     the effect on the administration of justice of a ret                                             Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   114                    roactive application of the new rule of law .         Discussing retroactivity.                   retroactivity
    Respondent ’s actions as set forth above constitut
    ed a course of conduct prejudicial to the administ
    ration of justice as well as neglect of a legal matt
    er entrusted to him in that respondent failed to pr
    otect his client ’s interest by filing an answer to t
    he defendant ’s request for admissions and left th
    e jurisdiction without notifying his client that he
    would be unable to appear to represent him at the
    scheduled trial date and failed to direct his client Describing predicate conduct
    Ind., In re Merritt, 266   to counsel who could represent the client at such justifying liability to sanction as a
    1977 COCAP   Ind. 353                   trial .                                              matter of law.                           Discipline, lawyer
    S. Ct., Northern
    Pipeline Const. Co. v.    The Framers chose to leave to Congress the prec
    Marathong Pipeline Co., ise role to be played by the lower federal courts i
    1982 COCAP   
    102 S. Ct. 2858
              n the administration of justice .                  Discussing separation of powers              Judiciary generally
    As recently as Rose v. Mitchell , supra , the Sup
    reme Court reaffirmed the longstanding fundame
    ntal principle that discrimination in the administr Assessing constitutional significance
    C.A. 11, U.S. v. Cross, ation of justice harms the accused and undermine of discriminatory jury foreman in trial Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   
    708 F.2d 631
                s the integrity of the judicial process itself .    below.                                jury
    This circuit and others have held that , when the
    delay is short and the defendant does not show m
    ore than minimal prejudice , reprosecution has lit
    C.A. 5, U.S. v.        tle , if any , adverse impact on the administration Affirming dismissal without
    1987 COCAP   Melguizo, 
    824 F.2d 370
     of justice and the administration of the Act .      prejudice.                                  Judicial proceeding
    The trial court must determine whether joint repr
    C.A. 10. U.S. v.       esentation will adversely affect the effective and                                              Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   Dressel, 
    742 F.2d 1256
     fair administration of justice .                    Reciting considerations.                    procedure
    We hold , under these circumstances , that judge
    s already assigned and sitting on other cases or ot
    herwise engaged in the administration of justice i
    Pa., Hamill Estate, 3 Pa. n this judicial district are not “ reasonably availab Deciding composition of en banc
    1977 COCAP   D. & C.3d 100             le ” for serving as a court en banc .                 court.                                 Judiciary generally
    Petitioner had the burden by clear and convincin
    g evidence to persuade the panel and board he ha
    s the proper understanding of and attitude toward
    s the standards imposed on State Bar members a
    Mich., In re Freedman,     nd can be safely recommended to aid in the admi Denying reinstatement on advice of
    1979 COCAP   
    406 Mich. 256
                  nistration of justice .                           Bar Grievance Board.                      Discipline, lawyer
    Pa., Commonwealth v.       It is evident that the orderly administration of jus
    Edrington, 317 Pa.         tice requires that a criminal controversy , like any Denying reargument of validity of
    1983 COCAP   Super. 545                  other litigation , some day come to an end .        guilty plea.                           Judicial proceeding
    In recommending the appointment of a Special
    Master , the Magistrate noted that while the Mast
    er ’s recommended functions could , as a technic
    al matter , be performed by a magistrate , it woul
    S.D.N.Y., Park-Tower d be seriously prejudicial to the proper administr
    Development Group,       ation of justice in this District to allocate so muc                                          Judicial proceeding;
    Inc., v. Goldfeld, 87    h of a magistrate ’s time to serve the parties in th                                          appointment of
    1980 COCAP   F.R.D. 96                is particular multi-million dollar lawsuit .              Assessing sanctions for default.    special master
    We also reject defendant ’s contention that retroa
    N.C., Cox. V. Haworth, ctive application of Nicholson will unduly burden                                               Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    304 N.C. 571
                  the administration of justice .                          Discussing retroactivity.           retroactivity
    When the first case was called for trial , in order
    to facilitate the administration of justice , the trial
    S.C., Creel v. King, 287 judge ordered that all four cases arising out of th       Reversing and remanding order for   Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   S.C. 205                 is accident be consolidated .                             consolidated trials below.          procedure
    While the duty of a lawyer to disclose facts regar
    ding his own conduct to an investigating tribunal
    is not entirely clear in the Code of Professional R
    esponsibility ( see American Bar Association Mo
    del Rules of Professional Conduct § 8.1 and com
    ment thereto ) , an attorney in this State is subjec
    t to discipline for failing to report to the Committ
    ee on Professional Conduct unprivileged knowle
    dge of a lawyer ’s conduct involving dishonesty ,
    fraud , deceit or misrepresentation or conduct pr
    ejudicial to the administration of justice or condu
    ct reflecting adversely on a lawyer ’s fitness to pr
    N.H., Eshleman's Case, actice law . DR 1 - 103 ; 1 -                        Addressing failure to disclose
    1985 COCAP   
    126 N.H. 1
                  102 ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) .                         disciplinary record.                       Discipline, lawyer
    Removal should be limited to cases urgently dem
    anding that action , but the balancing of the defen
    dant ’s confrontation right with the need for the p
    C.A. 8, Scurr v. Moore, roper administration of justice is a task uniquely                                             Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    647 F.2d 854
                suited to the trial judge .                         Assessing possible contempt below.         Contempt
    To sustain a finding of direct contempt of court ,
    it must be shown that the particular conduct was
    calculated to embarrass , hinder or obstruct the c
    ourt in its administration of justice , or to lessen i
    Ill., People v. Stewart,   ts authority of dignity , or to bring the administra                                           Judicial proceeding;
    1978 COCAP   
    58 Ill. App. 3d 630
            tion of law into dispute .                             Reviewing contempt finding.             Contempt
    This power is essential to preserve the authority
    Mich., In re Contempt of the courts and to prevent the administration of                                                  Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   …, 
    113 Mich. App. 549
     justice from falling into disrepute .              Upholding summary contempt.                      Contempt
    The following considerations are pertinent to the
    issue of whether Ross should be given full retroa
    ctivity , limited retroactivity , or prospectivity onl
    Mich., Moorhouse v.        y : ( 1 ) the purpose of the new rule , ( 2 ) the gen
    Ambassador Ins. Co.,       eral reliance upon the old rule , and ( 3 ) the effec
    Inc., 147 Mich. App.       t of full retroactive application of the new rule on                                           Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   412                         the administration of justice                         Discussing retroactivity                retroactivity
    The Court made clear , however , that critical to i
    C.A.D.C., Grace v.         ts decision was the fact that the statute was draw
    Burger, 214 U.S. App.      n narrowly to apply only to picketing with an inte Reviewing overbreadth of statute used
    1981 COCAP   D.C. 375                   nt to interfere with the administration of justice . below.                              Judicial proceeding
    Section 18 ( b ) specifies that the applicant must
    show that “ he or she has good moral character ,
    general fitness to practice law and that his or her
    resumption of the practice of law in this state will
    Ore., In re Bevans, 655 not be detrimental to the administration of justic      Outlining legal standard back of
    1982 COCAP   P.2d 573                e or the public interest . ”                            reinstatement.                            Discipline, lawyer
    Pa., Commonwealth v. Appellant also argues that the evidence was insuf
    Falkenhan, 452 A.2d     ficient to prove an “ actual obstruction ” of the ad    Finding meritless appeal of               Judicial proceeding;
    1982 COCAP   750                     ministration of justice .                               obstruction for refusal to participate.   interference with
    Furthermore , the judge who allowed the motion
    Mass., Berube v.           had been involved with several phases of the acti
    McKesson Wine &            on ’s development and undoubtedly was aware th No abuse of discretion in (affirmed)
    Spirits Co., 7 Mass.       at its restoration to the trial list would not disrupt order allowing motion for relief from
    1979 COCAP   App. Ct. 426               the administration of justice in the county .          judgment.                               Judicial proceeding
    If such bifurcated procedures were encouraged or
    sustained , it would create duplication , and unce
    N.D., Shark Bros. Inc.     rtainty , and waste manpower and money , with n Refusing to allow bifurcated                   Judicial and
    v. Cass Cnty, 256          o appreciable result , and all without improving t procedure in judicial and                   administrative
    1977 COCAP   N.W.2d 701                 he administration of justice .                      administrative venues.                     proceeding
    Castle v. State , 
    237 Ind. 83
    143 N.E. 2d 570
     , 5 Collecting precedent on judicial
    Md., St. v. Frazier, 470 72 ( 1957 ) ( trial court failed in its duty to “ ensu reactions to delays caused by             Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   A.2d 1269                re efficient administration of justice ” )             congestion.                               delay of
    Moreover , unauthorized ex parte contacts of wh
    atever nature erode public confidence in the fairn
    Cal., In re Jonathan S.,   ess of the administration of justice , the very cem Assessing liability to sanctions of
    1979 COCAP   
    88 Cal. App. 3d 468
            ent by which the system holds together .            juvenile court judge.                      Discipline, judge
    What is at issue in this proceeding is whether pet
    itioner met the burden of demonstrating by clear
    In re Anonymous Nos. and convincing evidence that he has the moral qu
    26 D.B. 73 and 32 D.B. alifications and that the resumption of practice by
    73, Disciplinary Board him will be neither detrimental to the integrity a
    of the Supreme Court of nd standing of the bar or the administration of ju
    1986 COCAP   Pennsylvania            stice , not subversive to the public interest .    Considering reinstatement.                     Discipline, lawyer
    In Bar Docket No. 57 -
    83 , the Hearing Committee found that Respond
    ent was guilty of neglecting a legal matter entrust
    ed to him , in violation of DR 6 -
    101 ( A ) ( 3 ) , and conduct prejudicial to the ad
    ministration of justice , in violation of DR 1 -
    102 ( A ) ( 5 ) , and for these violations the Hear
    D.C., In re Washington, ing Committee recommended a suspension of thr Recommendation of Hearing
    1985 COCAP   
    489 A.2d 452
                ee months .                                          Committee.                              Discipline, lawyer
    As a matter of sound administration of justice , T
    exas courts will not intervene in the domestic aff
    Tex., Perry v. Ponder, airs of nonresidents , but will leave them to litigat
    1980 COCAP   
    604 S.W.2d 306
              e in their home states .                                                                     Judicial proceeding
    Pa., Commonwealth v.
    Jackson, 367 Pa. Super. And in desperation , he did what he did in order t                                           Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   6                       o delay the administration of justice .              Recalling transcript below              contempt
    Implicit in what we said is that the judicial power
    to punish a lawyer summarily for contempt of co
    urt , essential to facilitate the orderly administrati
    on of justice ( Gallagher v. Municipal Court ( 19
    48 ) 31 Cal .2 d 784,788 [ 
    192 P. 2d 905
     ] ) , is q
    ualified by the cumulative effect of the lawyer ’s
    right to engage in respectful advocacy on behalf
    of his client ( Cooper v. Superior Court ( 1961 )
    55 Cal .2 d 291 , 303 [ 10 Cal.Rptr . 842 , 359 P.
    Cal., Bloom v. Sup. Ct. 2d 274 ] ) , strict compliance with the statutory f
    of San Diego Cnty, 185 ramework and the lawyer ’s personal right to due Recalling previous refusal to find           Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   Cal. App. 3d 409         process                                               contempt.                             contempt
    Next , the defendant in Local 542 contended , as
    does the respondent , that the fact that the trial ju
    dge did not bring the contempt charge immediate
    ly when the act was committed , but instead dela
    yed 24 hours , was proof that respondent ’s cond
    uct did not obstruct the administration of justice
    as required under 
    18 U.S.C.A. § 401
     ( 1 ) and th
    erefore it was not properly punishable summarily
    under Rule 42 ( a ) , Fed.P . Crim.P , , and shoul
    W.D. Pa., U.S. v.         d have been prosecuted only after notice and hear
    Renfroe, 634 F. Supp.     ing before another judge as required by Fed.R.Cr                                           Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   1536                      im.P . 42 ( b ) .                                     Rejecting theory against contempt.   contempt
    Although the court in Craig did indicate that the
    news articles were " by any standard ” unfair , it
    nevertheless found that the clear and present dan
    N.Y., Wuinn v. Aetna ger test had not been met , stating that the utteran
    Life & Cas. Ins. Co., 96 ces " must constitute an imminent , not merely a                                            Judicial proceeding;
    1978 COCAP   Misc. 2d 545             likely , threat to the administration of justice . ” Outlining standards for contemot.      contempt
    Based upon these facts , the jury found defendant
    C.A. 11, U.S. v. Brand, s committed a corrupt endeavor , tending to impe Overturning jury verdict based on           Judicial proceeding;
    1985 COCAP   
    775 F.2d 1460
                 de the due administration of justice .               facts not violative of s. 1503.       jury
    ithout further explanation , the court declared tha
    t the in -
    state attorney ’s admission to the bar “ does not r
    aise the same concern for the efficient administra
    S. Ct., Frazier v. Heebe, tion of justice that admission of nonresident attor
    1987 COCAP   
    96 L. Ed. 2d 557
              neys does . ”                                        Recalling facts below                 Bar generally
    To compel the government to do so “ would creat
    e an insuperable obstacle to the administration of
    justice in many cases in whieh there is no sembl     Demurring from requiring government Law enforcement;
    Conn., State v. Aillon,   ance of the type of oppressive practices at which     to prosecute all counts against the prosecutorial
    1980 COCAP   
    182 Conn. 124
                 the double - jeopardy prohibition is aimed . ”        same defendant "at one go."         discretion
    The needless delays engendered by frivolous app
    Pa., Commonwealth v.      eals hinder the administration of justice as well a   Refusing to entertain appeal upon    Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   Brady, 
    508 A.2d 286
           s the public interest .                               finding below motion is frivolous.   procedure
    The primary aim of disciplinary proceedings agai
    nst a judge is to maintain the honor and dignity o
    N.D., In re Maragos,      f the judiciary and the proper administration of ju
    1979 COCAP   
    285 N.W.2d 541
                stice                                               Policy back of judicial discipline.        Discipline, judge
    and that his resumption of the practice of law in t
    his state will be neither detrimental to the integrit
    Ore., In re Complaint   y and standing of the bar or the administration of
    1980 COCAP   …, 
    290 Or. 113
               justice nor subversive to the public interest .      Quoting rules en bloc.                     Bar generally
    The Board modified the conclusion to find a viol
    ation of ( CPR ) DR 1 -
    Wash., In re Zderic, 92 102 ( A ) ( 5 ) ( engaging in conduct prejudicial
    1979 COCAP   Wash. 2d 777            to the administration of justice ) .                  Board Conclusion                           Discipline, lawyer
    The Mississippi State Bar Complaints Tribunal f
    ound the appellant guilty of violating the followin
    g disciplinary rules : DR 1 -
    102 . Misconduct ( A ) A lawyer shall not : ( 1 )
    Violate a Disciplinary Rule . ( 3 ) Engage in illeg
    al conduct involving moral turpitude . ( 4 ) Engag
    Miss., Clark v. Miss.     e in conduct involving dishonesty , fraud , deceit
    Bar Ass'n, 471 So. 2d     , or misrepresentation . ( 5 ) Engage in conduct t
    1985 COCAP   352                       hat is prejudicial to the administration of justice .   Board Conclusion                        Discipline, lawyer
    Similarly , if a crime is quite serious , barring rep                                           Law enforcement;
    C.A. 11, U.S. v. Godoy, rosecution will have a severe impact on the admi          Outlining factors to determin propriety prosecutorial
    1987 COCAP   
    821 F.2d 1498
                 nistration of justice .                                 of reprosecution.                       discretion
    Access or closure issues involving the press requ
    Fla., State ex rel Harte- ire a showing ( a ) that the action is necessary to
    Hanks v. Austin, 2 Fla. prevent a serious and imminent threat to the adm          Outlining where press freedoms         Judicial proceeding;
    1983 COCAP   Supp. 2d 160              inistration of justice ,                                recede before needs of defendant.      press access to
    The same question can not be presented in succe
    ssive petitions for writs of habeas corpus before t
    he same court ( Com . ex rel . v. Shovlin , 24 Be
    aver 94 ( 1962 ) ) , and we fail to see how the pro
    mpt and orderly administration of justice is to be
    fostered by presenting a subsequent petition to th
    Pa., Noyer v.            e very court whose purported inaction is being co
    Commonwealth, 20 Pa. mplained of under a subsisting petition presently            Agreeing with magistrate that habeas   Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   D. & C.3d 659            being considered by our Federal district court .         petition lacked merit.                 delay of
    [ I ] t is a general principle of the highest import
    ance to the proper administration of justice that a
    C.A. 5, United            judicial officer , in exercising the authority veste
    Steelworkers of Am.,     d in him , shall be free to act upon his own convi
    AFL-CIO v. Bishop,       ctions , without apprehension of personal conseq         Policy back of upholding judicial
    1979 COCAP   
    598 F.2d 408
                 uences to himself .                                      immunity.                              Judiciary generally
    Zywicki had consulted with an attorney concerni
    ng the legality of his activities and had been infor
    med that the Superior Court for the District of C
    olumbia had construed the statute that prohibited
    leafletting , 40 U. S. C. § 13k , to prohibit only c
    onduct done with the specific intent to influence ,
    Sup. Ct., U.S. v. Grace, impede , or obstruct the administration of justice       Outlining lawyer's assessment of
    1983 COCAP   
    103 S. Ct. 1702
               .                                                       legality of defendant's leafletting.   Unclear
    The Supreme Court has often considered the effe
    C.A. 5, Stretton v.      ct of retroactivity on the administration of justice                                            Judicial
    Penrod Drilling Co.,      as a relevant factor in determining the retroactivi                                            proceceding;
    1983 COCAP   
    701 F.2d 441
                 ty question .                                            Discussing retroactivity.              retroactivity
    Hearing committee [ ] in its report filed May 18 ,
    1983 recommended that the petition for reinstate
    ment be denied because petitioner failed to demo
    nstrate by clear and convincing evidence that he
    has the moral qualifications required for admissi
    on to the practice of law in the Commonwealth o
    In re Anonymous No. 4 f Pennsylvania and because the admission of Peti
    D.B. 76, Disciplinary tioner to the resumption of the practice of law wo
    Board of the Supreme uld be detrimental to ' the administration of justic
    1983 COCAP   Court of Pennsylvania e and subversive to the public interest             Committee Recommendation                     Discipline, lawyer
    In leaving the breadth of the jurisdiction of the as
    sociate divisions of the circuit courts to the judici
    ary , the General Assembly may well have believ
    ed that the circuit courts , subject to the supervisi
    on of the Supreme Court and certain statutory res
    trictions ( some of which are mentioned in this o
    pinion ) , can best decide what cases or classes of
    Mo., St. ex rel McNaul cases should be assigned to associate circuit jud
    v. Bonacker, 711       ges in order to promote the efficient administrati Considering whether refusal of
    1986 COCAP   S.W.2d 566             on of justice in Missouri .                           jurisdiction was misconduct.              Discipline, judge
    Justice Powell has pointed out that it “ hardly co
    mports with the ideal of ‘ administration of justic
    e with an even hand , ’” when “ one chance bene
    ficiary — the lucky individual whose case was ch
    osen as the occasion for announcing the new prin
    ciple — enjoys retroactive application , while oth
    Sup. Ct., Griffith v. Ky., ers similarly situated have their claims adjudicate                                         Judicial proceeding;
    1987 COCAP   
    1987 U.S. LEXIS 283
     d under the old doctrine .                                    Discussing retroactivity             retroactivity
    The destruction of evidence has a uniquely dama
    ging effect on the administration of justice , for o   Withholding immunity from law        Law enforcement;
    E.D. Pa., Wilkinson v. nce evidence has been destroyed it can not be ret          enforcement officers who destroyed   destruction of
    1980 COCAP   Ellis, 
    484 F. Supp. 1072
     rieved for judicial review .                             evidence.                            evidence
    There the plaintiff argued that the phrase , “ cond
    uct which is prejudicial to the administration of j
    Ill., People ex rel.       ustice or which brings the judicial office into disr
    Harrod v. Ill. Courts      epute , ” was unconstitutionally vague and overly      Reciting precedentg in instant
    1977 COCAP   Comm'n, 
    69 Ill. 2d 445
     broad .                                                    consideration of judge's conduct.    Discipline, judge
    The modern view is that the privilege promotes t Articulating rational for, while
    Fla., Brookings v. State, he administration of justice by “ encouraging clie refusing to find waiver of, attorney-     Judicial proceeding;
    1986 COCAP   
    495 So. 2d 135
                nts to lay thé facts fully before their counsel .  client privilege.                         evidentiary issue
    Ill., Hurletron Whittier, Finally , requiring defendant to defend this lawsu
    Inc. v. Barda, 82 Ill.    it in Illinois is neither reasonable nor in keeping Refusing to require defendant to         Judicial proceeding;
    1980 COCAP   App. 3d 443               with the orderly administration of justice .        defend the case in Illinois.             procedure
    To those aware of the problem , it is readily appa
    rent that compliance with the seemingly clear ins
    tructions just noted [ Note 3 ( e ) under MAI -
    CR2d 15.00 ] would contribute more to the orde
    rly administration of justice than have the efforts
    of this and other appellate courts to approve or di
    sapprove of the absence thereof [ the instruction
    Mo., State v. Gordon,     on conventional manslaughter ] in specific cases Reversing and remanding on account Judicial proceeding;
    1981 COCAP   
    621 S.W.2d 262
                .                                                   of failure properly to instruct the jury. jury
    Their sole warrant is the protection of interests a
    nd relationships which , rightly or wrongly , are r
    N.J., Fitzgibbon v.       egarded as of sufficient social importance to justi
    Fitzgibbon, 197 N.J.      fy some incidental sacrifice of sources of facts ne                                          Judicial proceeding;
    1984 COCAP   Super. 63                 eded in the administration of justice .              Qualifying spousal privilege.           evidentiary issue
    Miss., Myers v. Miss.     The courts of this state are dedicated to the fair a
    St. Bar, 480 So. 2d       nd equal administration of justice and act in acco No error where court was unaware
    1985 COCAP   1080                      rdance with that high principle .                    that a party had no representation.     Judicial proceeding
    He who makes studied inquiries of jurors as to w
    E.D. Mich., U.S. v.       hat occurred there acts at his peril , lest he be hel
    Narciso, 446 F. Supp.     d as acting in obstruction of the administration of     Upholding prohibition on post-trial    Judicial proceeding;
    1977 COCAP   252                        justice .                                              contact between lawyer and jurors.     jury
    Thereafter , on August 25 , 1983 , a criminal co
    mplaint was filed in the Court of Common Pleas
    of Dauphin County charging appellant with perju         Consequence for appellant who had
    Pa., Commonwealth v.      ry , false swearing , and obstructing the administr     made false sworn representations to
    1986 COCAP   Thomas, 
    506 A.2d 420
          ation of justice .                                      grand jury.                            Grand Jury
    The First Amendment Interest in Litigation and t
    he Administration of Justice Defendants correctl
    C.A.D.C., In re Halkin,   y point out that attorneys “ have historically been     Discussing lawyers' qualified retention
    1979 COCAP   
    194 U.S. App. D.C. 257
         ‘ officers of the courts [ , ] ’ ”                     of First Amendment rights.              Judicial proceeding
    ( 1 ) The purpose of the new rule , ( 2 ) general
    Mich., People v. Kamin,   reliance on the old rule and ( 3 ) the effect on the                                           Judicial proceeding;
    1979 COCAP   
    405 Mich. 482
                 administration of justice .                             Discussing retroactivity.              retroactivity
    The court may in its wisdom temper
    the administration of justice by casing the degree
    Toorrow's Son (Robert     of punishment, but in this case sees no reason for                                             Judicial decision-
    1977 COHA    Hoskins)                  leniency.                                          Judicial decision-making                    making
    His characterization of the legal profession as
    being motivated by self-interest does a disservice
    to the thousands of lawyers who have actively
    involved themselves in nonpaying charitable
    activities in their local communities throughout
    the state. It also fails to take into consideration
    the active, concerted effort of state and local bar
    associations to aid in the administration of        Bar associations upholding the
    1977 COHA    NYT Letter to Editor      justice, which is a social commitment.              administration of justice                  Bar associations
    Justice Powell said that a judge, when presented
    with a request to close a hearing, should first
    JUSTICES, 5-4, LIMIT decide " whether there are alternative means
    COURTROOM               reasonably available by which the fairness of the
    ACCESS BY PRESS         trial might be preserved without interfering
    AND PUBLIC;             substantially with the public's interest in prompt
    JUDGE'S PRETRIAL access to information concerning                                 Judge deciding whether to close a      Judicial decision-
    1979 COHA    BAN UPHELD (NYT) the administration of justice. "                                 hearing to acess                       making
    Realities and Illusions This court modeled after the Chicago Municipal
    (Frances Moley,         Court was an innovation in the administration of          Expansion of municipal court to take
    1980 COHA    autobiography)          justice.                                                  civil and criminal jurisdiction.       Courts generally
    My familiarity with Pound's writing came from
    the writing of my essay on the Cleveland
    Realities and Illusions   Municipal Court, in which I included a
    (Frances Moley,           sprinkling of quotations from Pound's article on
    1980 COHA    autobiography)            the administration of justice in the modern city.       Courts generally                       Courts generally
    While he had expressed views concerning
    Realities and Illusions   the administration of justice which were rated
    (Frances Moley,           liberal, he was as solidly Republican and as
    1980 COHA    autobiography)            conservative as William H. Taft.                        Author's view of Pound                 Courts generally
    When the survey was about half finished, he
    proposed to the Committee that there be a
    Realities and Illusions   division of the survey which would deal with the
    (Frances Moley,           influence of the newspapers in                          Press reporting about the
    1980 COHA    autobiography)            the administration of justice.                          administration of justice              Unclear
    Neither did the adults who managed the
    education system, nor the lawyers and judges in
    our courts, nor the Governor, nor those who led
    Jimmy Carter, Speaking our Government in Washington and were
    Out for Human Rights, responsible for the administration of justice in                                                   Government
    1982 COHA    TIME                   our great and free nation. I                               School desegration                     generally
    " Rose Bird, " said Deukmejian in his campaign,
    Bennett H. Beach, No       " has done more damage to the California
    Longer Best or             Supreme Court and the administration of justice
    1982 COHA   Brightest, TIME            than any of her predecessors. "                 Campaign for state chief justice   Courts generally
    or a concept of " political justice " that does away
    Gertrude Himmelfarb,       with a need for any kind of polity or
    The Compleat Utopian,      any administration of justice; or a humanism that
    The New Republic:          would like to " extirpate " much of human nature
    12/31/84, Vol. 191 Issue   as we know it, including sex, emotion, parental                                    Government
    1984 COHA   26, p25-30, 6p             love, even parental identity.                        Describing view of thinker.   generally
    Henry V made a deliberate effort to grasp again
    all the reins of power; hugely self-confident,
    industrious, clear in his objectives and
    determined to have his way in all things, he was
    a fright-ening and much feared figure among the
    ruling class; but he simply did not have the time
    Paul Johnson, A History to supervise directly the administration of justice                                   Executive power;
    1985 COHA   of the English People   and finance, while engaged on a war of conquest. Henry V's reign                      law enforcement
    Leon Botstein, Better      For example, Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller
    Than Receiving, The        have consistently sponsored studies and issued
    New Republic:              reports under their own aegis intended to shape
    12/29/86, Vol. 195 Issue   social legislation, foreign policy, public opinion, Describing robber barons'
    1986 COHA   26, p34-38, 4p             and the administration of justice.                  philanthropy.                  Unclear