Damus v. Nielsen ( 2018 )

  •                              UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    ANSLY DAMUS, et al.,
    v.                                          Civil Action No. 18-578 (JEB)
    KIRSTJEN M. NIELSEN, et al.,
    Plaintiffs are members of a provisionally certified class of asylum-seekers detained by
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement at one of its five Field Offices. ICE’s detention policy is
    governed in part by its 2009 “Parole Directive,” which establishes how the agency determines
    whether an individual who has been deemed to have a “credible fear of persecution” — the first
    step in gaining asylum status — will be released on parole pending a full hearing. In bringing
    suit, Plaintiffs’ principal contention, based on plummeting parole rates and testimony from
    detained asylum-seekers and their counsel, is that this Administration is no longer following its
    own Directive but is instead engaging in systematic detention. Finding that Plaintiffs had
    established a reasonable likelihood of success on that claim, the Court last July granted a
    preliminary injunction requiring that Defendants comply with the Directive. See Damus v.
    313 F. Supp. 3d 317
     (D.D.C. July 2, 2018). Citing additional testimony from
    practitioners and parole statistics since the injunction issued, Plaintiffs believe that the five Field
    Offices are not following that injunction. They thus now move for discovery regarding the
    agency’s compliance. As Plaintiffs have raised a sufficient question of noncompliance, the
    Court will grant their Motion and permit limited discovery to see if they can support their theory.
    I.      Background
    The background on the relevant statutory scheme, the Parole Directive, and Plaintiffs’
    detention is laid out in this Court’s prior Opinion. 
     at 323–25. In brief, non-citizens applying
    for asylum may be paroled “into the United States temporarily” at the Attorney General’s
    discretion. See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1182
    (d)(5)(A). Agency regulations provide that the Secretary of
    Homeland Security, under whom ICE operates, “may invoke” parole authority for individuals
    who are “neither a security risk nor a risk of absconding” and who meet one or more of a series
    of conditions — as relevant here, “for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”
    See Damus, 313 F. Supp. 3d at 324 (quoting 
    8 U.S.C. § 1182
    8 C.F.R. § 212.5
    The Directive interprets “public benefit” and sets out procedural requirements for assessing
    whether individual applicants should be released. It provides that, if an asylum-seeker has
    established her identity and that she is neither a flight risk nor a risk to the public, detention is
    not in the public interest and parole should be granted between the initial credible-fear
    determination and the full hearing. Id.; see ICE Directive No. 11002.1 (Dec. 8, 2009) (Parole
    Directive). The Directive also requires that ICE make an individualized determination, provide a
    written notice of the parole process in a language the asylum-seeker understands, grant a parole
    interview within seven days, and provide a “brief explanation” of its decision. See Damus, 313
    F. Supp. 3d at 324 (citation omitted).
    Plaintiffs’ principal allegation that ICE is no longer following the Directive relied in large
    part on statistics: under the Obama Administration, parole was granted to more than 90% of
    asylum-seekers at the five Field Offices at which class members are held; at the time Plaintiffs
    filed suit, ICE was denying over 90% of requests at those locations. Id. at 339. Plaintiffs also
    submitted “a number of declarations from asylum-seekers and their advocates[,] . . . all of whom
    assert[ed] various violations of the . . . Directive.” Id. at 340. Based on that evidence, this Court
    concluded that Plaintiffs were likely to succeed on the merits of their claim and satisfied the
    other prerequisites for a preliminary injunction. Id. at 339–43. It accordingly issued an Order
    requiring, inter alia, that “Defendants . . . [not] deny[] parole to any provisional class members
    absent an individualized determination[;] . . . [that] [t]he individualized determinations of flight
    risk and danger to the community referenced above . . . be based on the specific facts of each
    provisional class member’s case”; and that Defendants comply with the procedural requirements
    of the Directive. See ECF No. 33 (PI Order), ¶¶ 3–5.
    The Government, as also ordered, provided a report on parole determinations from when
    the preliminary injunction issued on July 2, 2018 until August 17. See ECF No. 40 (ICE Data) at
    1–2. In the five Field Offices at issue, ICE granted approximately 19%, 27%, 17%, 42%, and
    18% of requests during that period. Id. Plaintiffs have now filed a Motion for Limited
    Discovery Regarding Compliance with the Preliminary Injunction, contending that these
    statistics and affidavits they have collected raise a significant question about ICE’s compliance
    with the preliminary injunction. See ECF No. 41 (Plaintiff’s Motion) at 1–2.
    II.    Analysis
    The Court must first determine whether this situation is one in which discovery is
    available at all. Concluding that it is, the Court will then move on to address the scope of
    discovery and whether Defendants should, as they contend, receive reciprocal discovery.
    A.      Availability of Discovery
    1.      Standard
    Plaintiffs urge that the Court has authority to grant limited discovery where significant
    questions have been raised about noncompliance with a preliminary injunction. See Pl. Mot. at
    9. Defendants protest that the appropriate standard for Plaintiffs’ request for discovery is not
    whether there are significant compliance questions, but whether the discovery request is
    warranted under a multi-factor test. See ECF No. 45 (Defendants’ Opposition) at 11. They also
    posit that discovery is simply inappropriate before a Rule 26(f) conference has taken place —
    and especially so here, since preliminary injunctions are intended to preserve the status quo,
    rather than “to force one party to ‘radically transform the status quo, on an expedited basis.’” Id.
    (quoting Disability Rights Council v. WMATA, 
    234 F.R.D. 4
    , 7 (D.D.C. 2006)).
    Plaintiffs have the better of this dispute. The Court has the relevant authority “as part of
    its inherent power to enforce its judgments,” and it is clear that “appropriate discovery should be
    granted” where “significant questions regarding noncompliance [with a court order] have been
    raised.” Cal. Dep’t of Social Servs. v. Leavitt, 
    523 F.3d 1025
    , 1033–34 (9th Cir. 2008); see
    Palmer v. Rice, 
    231 F.R.D. 21
    , 25 (D.D.C. 2005) (allowing discovery where, “without [it],
    plaintiffs will not be able to determine whether the government has complied with the court’s
    injunctions”); Blackberry Ltd. v. Typo Prods. LLC, 
    2014 WL 4136586
    , at *5 (N.D. Cal. Aug.
    21, 2014) (granting discovery where Plaintiff had raised “serious questions . . . regarding
    [Defendant’s] possible violations of the preliminary injunction”). The Court retains this
    discretion where compliance questions have been raised before the Rule 26(f) conference. See
    MACOM Tech. Sols. Holdings, Inc. v. Infineon Tech. AG, 
    2017 WL 1371247
    , at *2 (C.D. Cal.
    Mar. 17, 2017). This is particularly so where the discovery sought goes to compliance, as
    opposed to the merits, the typical subject of the Rule 26(f) conference.
    The Court has little trouble, furthermore, rejecting the contention that it should apply the
    alternative standard urged by Defendants — that is, whether a multi-factor test renders discovery
    reasonable. None of the cases on which Defendants rely addresses the propriety of discovery to
    assess compliance with a court order; rather, they deal generally with the considerations courts
    should weigh in determining whether expedited discovery is appropriate before any court order
    has issued. See Def. Opp. at 11 (citing Guttenberg v. Emery, 
    26 F. Supp. 3d 88
    , 97 (D.D.C.
    2014); Attkisson v. Holder, 
    113 F. Supp. 3d 156
    , 161–62 (D.D.C. 2015); Landwehr v. FDIC, 
    282 F.R.D. 1
    , 3 (D.D.C. 2010)). The Court is likewise not persuaded that the approach Plaintiffs
    request risks “forc[ing] [Defendants] to radically transform the status quo,” since the Order in
    question does “no more than hold the Government accountable” to its own existing policy. See
    Damus, 313 F. Supp. 3d at 323.
    2.      Application
    Plaintiffs have, in fact, raised significant questions of noncompliance sufficient to meet
    the standard here. The Government, across the five Field Offices at which Plaintiffs are
    detained, granted approximately 19%, 27%, 17%, 42%, and 18% of parole requests in the six
    weeks between the issuance of the preliminary injunction and the submission of the data. See
    ICE Data at 1–2. Notwithstanding ICE’s assertion that these numbers represent a rate “more
    than six times higher than what Plaintiffs alleged at the outset of this action,” Def. Opp. at 6, they
    are still significantly below the grant rate of over 90% from years past. Put another way: if you
    sextuple a very low percentage, your product remains low. Plaintiffs, moreover, offer additional
    affidavits from practitioners to substantiate their claim that asylum-seekers continue to be
    summarily detained as flight risks without the required individualized analysis. See Pl. Mot.,
    Exh. 1 (Declaration of Elizabeth Ford), ¶¶ 4–5; Exh. 2 (Declaration of Carlos Spector), ¶¶ 6–9;
    Exh. 3 (Declaration of Elizabeth Hercules-Paez), ¶ 5; Exh. 4 (Declaration of Rafael Reyneri),
    ¶¶ 5, 8; Exh. 5 (Declaration of Troy E. Elder), ¶¶ 4, 9; Exh. 6 (Declaration of Andres Alonso),
    ¶¶ 6–7, 9; Exh. 7 (Declaration of Brennan Gian-Grasso), ¶¶ 6–9, 13; Exh. 8 (Declaration of
    Brayan Antonio Guzman Orellana), ¶ 11; Exh. 9 (Declaration of Yosiel Casado Milanes), ¶ 9.
    Plaintiffs also offer evidence that Defendants are failing to comply with several of the
    Directive’s procedural requirements, including that ICE explain the parole process in a language
    that asylum-seekers understand. See Hercules-Paez Decl., ¶ 6; Pl. Mot., Exh. 10 (Declaration of
    Linda Corchado), ¶¶ 3–5. In addition, despite the Directive’s requirements that ICE briefly
    explain its reasons for denying parole, Plaintiffs submit that the Agency continues to use the
    form denial letters without any individualized process that it did before the injunction issued.
    See Ford Decl., ¶¶ 4–5; Spector Decl., ¶ 7; Hercules-Paez Decl., ¶ 8; Reyneri Decl. ¶ 8; Elder
    Decl., ¶ 9; Alonso Decl., ¶ 7; Gian-Grasso Decl., ¶ 9; Guzman Orellana Decl., ¶ 11; Casado
    Milanes Decl., ¶ 9; Corchado Decl., ¶ 8.
    The Government makes no attempt to argue that Plaintiffs have not raised a significant
    question as to compliance, instead relying entirely on the contention that a different standard —
    the multi-factor reasonableness test mentioned above — applies. Even if the Court applied
    Defendants’ preferred standard, however, it would conclude Plaintiffs had met it here. In the
    case on which Defendants most rely, the court explained that its role was to assess the
    reasonableness of the plaintiffs’ request, with the following five factors as “guidelines for the
    exercise of [its] discretion”: “(1) whether a preliminary injunction is pending; (2) the breadth of
    the discovery requests; (3) the purpose for requesting the expedited discovery; (4) the burden on
    the defendants to comply with the requests; and (5) how far in advance of the typical discovery
    process the request was made.” Guttenberg, 26 F. Supp. 3d at 98 (quoting In re Fannie Mae
    Derivative Litig., 
    227 F.R.D. 142
    , 142–43 (D.D.C. 2005)).
    The court in Guttenberg indicated it would be more appropriate to grant discovery had
    the plaintiffs “narrowly tailored [their requests] to reveal information related to the preliminary
    injunction [they were seeking],” rather than “seek[ing] relatively broad discovery on issues going
    to the merits of their case.” 
     (citing Dimension Data North America, Inc. v. NetStar-1, Inc.,
    226 F.R.D. 528
    , 532 (E.D.N.C. 2005)). Here, as the Court will explain further in the next
    section, Plaintiffs do seek discovery specifically relevant to compliance with the injunction,
    rather than the merits question. Similarly, their requests are neither overbroad nor, as tailored by
    the Court, overly burdensome to Defendants. Finally, given the importance of ensuring
    compliance with its orders, the Court would determine the purpose of discovery likewise
    weighed heavily in favor of granting it, even if it occurred in advance of the typical discovery
    B.          Scope of Discovery
    So what type(s) of discovery should Plaintiffs obtain here? They seek three categories:
    (1) parole-determination documentation from the period since the injunction issued in July; (2)
    deposition testimony as to why the grant rates remain low; and (3) “documents reflecting the
    procedures and standards that the five ICE Field Offices have applied in making parole
    determinations” from the relevant period. See Pl. Mot. at 10. The Court will permit some, but
    not all, of this.
    First, as to the parole-determination documentation issued in the relevant period, ICE
    argues that there have been over 1000 determinations, and it would be overly burdensome to
    produce so many. See Def. Opp. at 18. As a compromise, the Court will require production of a
    random sample. It will leave it to the parties to agree on the contours of such sample, which
    might, for example, be one out of every ten documents. The Court will also allow five
    depositions: an official from each of the five Field Offices. The depositions should neither
    address the merits of individual determinations nor delve deeply into the seven years since the
    Directive has been in effect. Rather, they should address ICE’s activity since the injunction
    issued with any necessary context from the preceding period.
    As to the final request, Defendants represent that “Plaintiffs have already received copies
    of the non-attorney-client privileged communications related to the Field Offices’
    implementation of the preliminary injunction.” Def. Opp. at 19 (citing ECF No. 41-12 (Emails
    Between Counsel) at 5–6). While Plaintiffs maintain that they should receive these documents,
    they do not represent that they have not received them. See ECF No. 48 (Plaintiffs’ Reply) at 7.
    Rather, they elaborate that “because Defendants claim to have few if any relevant documents,”
    their request for “testimony is especially important.” 
     Given that the Court is granting
    Plaintiffs five depositions and accepting the representation that all non-privileged material has
    already been provided, the Court will deny the request for documents reflecting ICE’s
    implementation of the injunction.
    The Court believes that this discovery is narrowly tailored to the compliance question,
    bounded both in temporal scope and substance. Defendants nonetheless contend that it is an
    imposition for them to compile the relevant documentation and to spend resources preparing for
    and defending depositions. See Def. Opp. at 20, 21. In addition, they complain that Plaintiffs
    could have sought this discovery in July. 
     The latter point is specious: compliance with the
    injunction was not at issue in July. As to the former, the Court has cabined the number of
    depositions and the amount of parole-determination documentation. That documentation is also
    centrally maintained, see Parole Directive, ¶ 8.10, reducing any burden associated with
    Finally, the Government presses two additional arguments as to why allowing discovery
    of the parole-determination worksheets specifically is improper: “[The relevant] request . . .
    seeks nothing but individualized evidence of ICE’s discretionary determinations,” and it is “so
    broad [as to be] virtually certain to encompass information exempted from disclosure under the
    deliberative process privilege or as law enforcement sensitive.” Def. Opp. at 17, 18. The Court
    need not linger long on these. Plaintiffs are not inquiring into the merits of individual parole
    determinations. Rather, they seek the documentation to confirm that the Government is, as
    required by the preliminary injunction, engaging in a process including “individualized
    determinations” for each class member. See PI Order, ¶¶ 3–4.
    Nor does the privilege claim give the Court pause. The Government contends that
    Plaintiffs’ request “is . . . so broad that it is virtually certain to encompass information exempted
    from disclosure under the deliberative process privilege or as law enforcement sensitive,”
    although “Defendants cannot presently say which documents and information might fall under
    either or both of these exemptions.” Def. Opp. at 18. ICE has not invoked either privilege with
    sufficient specificity. See Ameziane v. Obama, 
    620 F.3d 1
    , 6 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (requiring “at a
    minimum, a ‘specific,’ ‘tailored’ rationale for protecting a general category of information, and a
    precise designation of each particular item of information” withheld as law-enforcement
    sensitive) (quoting Parhat v. Gates, 
    532 F.3d 834
    , 853 (D.C. Cir. 2008)); Public Citizen, Inc. v.
    Office of Management & Budget, 
    598 F.3d 865
    , 874–75 (D.C. Cir. 2010) (finding “blanket
    application” of deliberative-process privilege insufficient to support withholding). Even if it had,
    it is not clear that the documentation contains deliberative or law-enforcement sensitive
    information. Rather, the worksheets contain a factual account of a decision already rendered —
    a recitation that is not privileged. See In re Sealed Case, 
    121 F.3d 729
    , 737 (D.C. Cir. 1997).
    The Court’s conclusion is reinforced by a similar recent court decision on an essentially identical
    issue. A district court in New Jersey determined that neither invocation could support
    withholding of the parole-determination worksheets because they include only “a series of ‘yes
    or no’ factual questions” and “brief factual conclusions” and do not contain “any information
    related to a past, ongoing, or potential law enforcement investigation.” D.A. v. Nielsen, 
    2018 WL 3158819
    , at *5, *7 (D.N.J. June 28, 2018).
    C.      Discovery for Defendants
    Defendants last rejoin that, if Plaintiffs are permitted discovery, “fundamental fairness
    dictates that [the Court] allow Defendants” discovery as well — e.g., information relating to the
    extent of declarants’ experience with parole determinations and the “specific facts underlying the
    declarants’ multiple factual and legal conclusions.” Def. Opp. at 27. The Court cannot agree.
    Of course, Defendants are correct that, as to the merits, “discovery must be a two-way street.”
     (quoting Wardius v. Oregon, 
    412 U.S. 470
    , 475 (1973)). The preliminary injunction,
    however, is a street that runs only one way. At issue here is simply Defendants’ compliance with
    the Order. Allowing the Government discovery on the merits would, at this stage, be premature.
    III.   Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons, the Court will grant Plaintiffs’ Motion for Limited Discovery.
    A separate Order consistent with this Opinion will issue this day.
    /s/ James E. Boasberg
    United States District Judge
    Date: October 22, 2018

Document Info

Docket Number: Civil Action No. 2018-0578

Judges: Judge James E. Boasberg

Filed Date: 10/22/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/17/2021