Harris v. State ( 2014 )

    SHANNON HARRIS,                         §
    §      No. 664, 2013
    Defendant Below,                  §
    Appellant,                        §      Court Below–Superior Court
    §      of the State of Delaware in
    v.                                §      and for New Castle County
    STATE OF DELAWARE,                      §
    Plaintiff Below,                  §      Cr. ID No. 0508015411
    Appellee.                         §
    Submitted: May 28, 2014
    Decided:   August 7, 2014
    Before STRINE, Chief Justice, BERGER and RIDGELY, Justices.
    This 7th day of August 2014, upon consideration of the appellant’s
    brief under Supreme Court Rule 26(c), his attorney’s motion to withdraw,
    and the State’s response, it appears to the Court that:
    (1)    On August 17, 2005, the police arrested Roderick Butler and
    the appellant, Shannon Harris, in connection with a robbery early that
    morning in New Castle, Delaware. In the indictment that followed, Harris
    and Butler were charged with Robbery in the First Degree, Attempted
    Burglary in the First Degree, Reckless Endangering in the First Degree,
    Criminal Mischief, and several weapon offenses. In February 2007, Harris
    and Butler were jointly tried before a Superior Court jury.
    (2)     Harris and Butler attended only the first two days of the three-
    day trial. Midway through the third day of trial and before the jury rendered
    its verdict, both men voluntarily left the courthouse and did not return.
    Harris was convicted in absentia of Attempted Burglary in the First Degree,
    Reckless Endangering in the First Degree, Criminal Mischief, and three
    weapon offenses and was acquitted of the remaining counts in the
    indictment. Butler was convicted in absentia of one weapon offense and
    was otherwise acquitted.
    (3)     Butler was apprehended in March 2007 and was sentenced in
    August 2008.1 On direct appeal, the Court affirmed the Superior Court
    judgment.2 Harris was apprehended in April 2013 and was sentenced in
    November 2013 to a total of twenty-nine years at Level V, suspended after
    twenty-one years, for Level III probation. This is Harris’ direct appeal from
    his conviction and sentencing.
    (4)     On appeal, Harris’ appellate counsel (“Counsel”)3 has filed a
    brief and a motion to withdraw under Supreme Court Rule 26(c) (“Rule
    26(c)”) asserting that there are no arguably appealable issues.            Harris,
    See Butler v. State, 
    2009 WL 1387640
    , at *1 (Del. May 19, 2009) (summarizing
    Harris was represented by a different counsel at trial.
    through Counsel, has submitted several points for the Court’s consideration.
    The State has responded to Harris’ points and has moved to affirm the
    Superior Court judgment.
    (5)   When reviewing a motion to withdraw and an accompanying
    brief under Rule 26(c), the Court must be satisfied that the appellant’s
    counsel has made a conscientious examination of the record and the law for
    arguable claims.4 The Court must also conduct its own review of the record
    and determine whether the appeal is so totally devoid of at least arguably
    appealable issues that it can be decided without an adversary presentation.5
    (6)   The State’s first witness, Oliver Cephas, testified that on
    August 17, 2005 at approximately 1:00 a.m., he was walking in Rosegate, a
    residential area of New Castle, when he was accosted by two men, one with
    a gun. The man with the gun ordered Cephas to get on the ground and
    empty his pockets. Cephas handed over a cell phone. The man with the gun
    took the phone, threw it on the ground, and ordered Cephas to get up and
    walk to a nearby residence. When the man with the gun began kicking the
    front door of the residence, Cephas ran and hid behind a nearby parked car.
    Moments later, Cephas heard gunshots and was nearly struck by gunfire as
    Penson v. Ohio, 
    488 U.S. 75
    , 83 (1988); McCoy v. Court of Appeals of Wisconsin, 
    486 U.S. 429
    , 442 (1988); Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
    , 744 (1967).
    the two men who had accosted him fled the scene. Cephas could not
    identify his assailants at trial.
    (7)    Another witness for the State, Donald Gordy, testified that at
    approximately 1:00 a.m. on August 17, 2005, he was heading south on New
    Castle Avenue when his car broke down. Gordy pulled into Rosegate,
    where the light was better, to work on his car. As he was working on his
    car, Gordy noticed two men walk past him. Moments later, Gordy heard
    gunshots and saw the same two men run back past him. Gordy testified that
    the shorter of the two men was wearing a white tee shirt and had a gun.
    Gordy could not identify the men at trial.
    (8)    A third witness for the State, Darrell Little, testified that
    between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. on August 17, 2005, he was looking out of the
    front doorway of his home in Rosegate when he saw his cousin, Cephas,
    walking down the street. Little struck up a conversation with Cephas. As
    the two men were chatting, Little saw a person suddenly appear next to
    Cephas and then Cephas drop to the ground. Little also noticed another
    person in the bushes by his patio. Alarmed, Little shut the front door and
    was heading toward his backyard to get his dog when the front door was
    kicked open.      From his backyard, Little heard a total of eight or nine
    gunshots. Little could not identify the person or persons who attempted the
    (9)    As part of the investigation into the events of August 17, 2005,
    the police recovered a .380 handgun, live ammunition, and a spent .380 shell
    casing from the front room of Little’s home. Little denied exchanging
    gunfire with the assailants.
    (10) Several police officers in the Rosegate area heard the gunshots
    and immediately responded to the scene. One of the responding officers,
    Detective Edward J. Sebastianelli, testified that as he was driving south on
    Route 9, he saw two black males, both with handguns, running from
    Rosegate toward a tan minivan parked on the shoulder of Route 9. One
    man, dressed in dark clothing, went around the front of the van and out of
    sight. The other man, dressed in a light-colored tee shirt, got in the van and
    pulled off, making a right turn into a development.        Det. Sebastianelli
    followed the van to the end of the street where the van stopped. From his
    police car, Det. Sebastianelli watched as the man in the light-colored tee
    shirt got out of the van and jogged into a wooded area. Later that day, Det.
    Sebastianelli located the man in the light-colored tee shirt at Christiana
    Hospital, where the man was being treated for a gunshot wound. The man
    was identified as Harris.
    (11) Officer Christopher Sarnecky testified that at approximately
    4:30 p.m. on August 17, 2005, he retrieved a nine-millimeter handgun from
    the backyard of a New Castle residence after a citizen, Melody King
    Thomas, called to report that her child had found the gun in a grassy area
    behind her house. At trial, a forensic analyst testified that blood on the gun
    was found to match Harris’, and a firearms and toolmarks examiner testified
    that seven of the thirteen shell casings recovered at the scene of the
    robbery/break-in were determined to have been fired from the gun.
    (12) On the second day of trial, Harris’ defense counsel sought to
    introduce the results of a preliminary gunshot residue (“PGSR”) test that was
    performed on Harris when he was taken into custody on August 17, 2005.
    The State objected to the proffered evidence on the basis that the police had,
    in the interim, stopped using the PGSR test after determining that the test
    was unreliable. The Superior Court ruled that, before moving the test results
    into evidence, defense counsel would have to lay a foundation that the PGSR
    test was reliable.
    (13) In an attempt to lay the foundation for the reliability of the
    PGSR test, defense counsel conducted a voir dire of Detective Anthony
    Dinardo of the New Castle County Police Evidence Detection Unit. Det.
    Dinardo testified that the New Castle County Police had discontinued using
    the PGSR test, also called an “instant-shooter test,” because the test had
    “been shown to be fairly unreliable – false positives, false negatives,
    whatever.”6 Based on Det. Dinardo’s testimony, the Superior Court ruled
    that defense counsel had not laid a sufficient foundation for the reliability of
    the PGSR test and did not admit the test results.
    (14) In his first point on appeal, Harris contends that the Superior
    Court’s exclusion of the PGSR test results deprived him of a fair trial. The
    Court reviews the admission or exclusion of evidence for an abuse of
    (15) In this case, the Superior Court did not abuse its discretion in
    excluding the proffered PGSR test results. Harris, as the proponent of the
    test results, had the burden to establish a sufficient foundation for the
    reliability of the underlying test.8 The only testimony Harris proffered in
    support of the PGSR test described the test as unreliable.
    (16) In his second point on appeal, Harris contends that Officer
    Sarnecky’s testimony about the phone call from Ms. Thomas was
    impermissible hearsay. Because Harris’ claim could have been raised at trial
    Trial Tr. at 143 (Feb. 8, 2007).
    Wright v. State, 
    25 A.3d 747
    , 752 (Del. 2011).
    Sturgis v. Bayside Health Ass’n Charter, 
    942 A.2d 579
    , 584 (Del. 2007).
    and was not, the Court has reviewed the claim for “plain error.”9 Plain error
    is error that is “so clearly prejudicial to substantial rights as to jeopardize the
    fairness and integrity of the trial process.”10
    (17) The Court has found no plain error arising from Officer
    Sarnecky’s testimony recounting Ms. Thomas’ phone call. In a criminal
    case, under appropriate circumstances, a police officer’s testimony
    recounting an out-of-court third-party phone call is properly admitted to
    explain the police officer’s action.11             In this case, Officer Sarnecky’s
    recounting of Thomas’ phone call explained what led to his retrieval of the
    gun and was not specific to Harris.12
    (18) In his third point on appeal, which was also not raised at trial,
    Harris challenges the forensic analyst’s testimony and report summarizing
    the results of the DNA comparison performed on the blood swabbed from
    the gun and a sample of Harris’ blood.13 According to Harris, “the statistical
    Del. Supr. Ct. R. 8.
    Wainwright v. State, 
    504 A.2d 1096
    , 1100 (Del. 1986) (citations omitted).
    Johnson v. State, 
    587 A.2d 444
    , 451 (Del. 1991).
    See Kanda v. State, 
    2012 WL 4862590
    , at *2 (Del. Oct. 12, 2012) (citing VanArsdall v.
    524 A.2d 3
    , 11 (Del. 1987)).
    The forensic analyst testified from the report that “[t]he probability of randomly
    selecting an unrelated individual with the DNA profile matching that of the two samples
    is . . . 1 in 1.477 trillion for the African-American population.” Trial Tr. at 43 (Feb. 8,
    probabilities or frequencies of DNA with like characteristics being found in
    the population have not been demonstrated to be reliable.”
    (19) In Nelson v. State, we held that “DNA matching evidence is
    inadmissible in the absence of a statistical interpretation of the significance
    of the declared match.”14 Under Nelson v. State, Harris’ claim that “the
    statistical probabilities or frequencies of DNA . . . have not been
    demonstrated to be reliable” is simply without merit.
    (20) In his remaining points on appeal, Harris alleges numerous
    instances of prosecutorial misconduct in the prosecutor’s opening and
    closing statements.           Because Harris did not object to the asserted
    prosecutorial misconduct at trial, and the trial judge did not intervene sua
    sponte, we have reviewed the alleged misconduct for plain error.15
    (21) Harris alleges that the prosecutor committed misconduct when
    he did not call Ms. Thomas as a witness after he told the jury in the State’s
    opening statement that they would “meet a woman” who “would come in
    and tell” them that her child had found a gun. In an attempt to demonstrate
    the prosecutor’s bad faith, Harris contends that the prosecutor’s failure to
    Nelson v. State, 
    628 A.2d 69
    , 75 (Del. 1993).
    See Williams v. State, 
    2014 WL 2803068
    , at *1 (Del. June 17, 2014) (citing Torres v.
    979 A.2d 1087
    , 1093-94 (Del. 2009)).
    issue a subpoena assuring Thomas’ appearance at trial suggests that he did
    not intend to call Thomas as a witness.
    (22)          In his opening statement the prosecutor
    should confine his remarks to evidence he
    intends to offer which he believes in good
    faith will be available and admissible, and a
    brief statement of the issues in the case. It is
    unprofessional conduct to allude to any
    evidence unless there is a good faith and
    reasonable basis for believing that such
    evidence will be tendered and admitted into
    (23) In this case, assuming that the prosecutor erred when he did not
    call Ms. Thomas as a witness after telling the jury in his opening statement
    that they would meet and hear from her, we conclude that the error was not
    “so clearly prejudicial to substantial rights as to jeopardize the fairness and
    integrity of the trial process.”17 Because Officer Sarnecky testified about
    where he found the gun, it seems probable that the prosecutor came to
    believe that Thomas’ testimony regarding her discovery of the gun added
    little to justify the additional trial time.       Moreover, precisely because
    Thomas’ additional testimony would have been largely cumulative, the
    failure of her to testify presented no substantial prejudice to Harris.
    Hughes v. State, 
    437 A.2d 559
    , 566-67 (Del. 1981) (citing ABA Standards, the
    Prosecution and Defense Functions § 5.5 (Approved Draft, 1971)).
    Wainwright v. State, 
    504 A.2d at 1100
    . See Williams v. State, 
    2014 WL 2803068
    , at*1
    (Del. June 17, 2014) (citing Baker v. State, 
    906 A.2d 139
    , 150 (Del. 2006)).
    (24) Harris’ remaining claims of prosecutorial misconduct concern
    comments made by the prosecutor in the State’s closing statement. Having
    reviewed the litany of comments that Harris now finds objectionable, even if
    we assume that that the prosecutor’s comments on the DNA evidence were
    improper hyperbole because they involved his own estimate of the odds of
    winning a lottery,18 we would conclude that those comments were not “so
    clearly prejudicial to substantial rights as to jeopardize the fairness and
    integrity of the trial process.”19          The balance of the prosecutor’s closing
    statement properly argued legitimate inferences of [Harris’] guilt adduced
    from the evidence and did not imply that the prosecutor had “personal
    superior knowledge, beyond what [was] logically inferred from the evidence
    at trial.”20
    (25) The Court concludes that Harris’ appeal is wholly without merit
    and devoid of any arguably appealable issue. We are satisfied that Counsel
    made a conscientious effort to examine the record and the law and properly
    determined that Harris could not raise a meritorious claim on appeal.
    When commenting on the DNA evidence in his closing statement, the prosecutor said:
    “[C]oincidentally, it’s got, essentially, his DNA, a one in 4.3 billion chance. Anybody
    play the Power Ball? What is the Power Ball? One in 93,000,000. That’s the odds it’s
    his blood.” Trial Tr. at 55-56 (Feb. 12, 2007).
    Wainwright v. State, 
    504 A.2d at 1100
    . See Williams v. State, 
    2014 WL 2803068
    , at *1
    (Del. June 17, 2014) (citing Baker v. State, 
    906 A.2d 139
    , 150 (Del. 2006)).
    Burns v. State, 
    76 A.3d 780
    , 789-90 (Del. 2013) (citations omitted).
    NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the State’s motion to
    affirm is GRANTED. The judgment of the Superior Court is AFFIRMED.
    The motion to withdraw is moot.
    /s/ Henry duPont Ridgely