John Henry v. Phixios Holdings, Inc. ( 2017 )

    JON HENRY,                             )
    Plaintiff,                  )
    v.                               )    C.A. No. 12504-VCMR
    PHIXIOS HOLDINGS, INC.,                )
    a Delaware corporation,                )
    Defendant.                  )
    Date Submitted: April 10, 2017
    Date Decided: July 10, 2017
    Michael W. McDermott, BERGER HARRIS LLP, Wilmington, Delaware; Attorney
    for Plaintiff.
    Carl D. Neff and E. Chaney Hall, FOX ROTHSCHILD LLP, Wilmington,
    Delaware; Attorneys for Defendant.
    MONTGOMERY-REEVES, Vice Chancellor.
    In this action, an alleged stockholder seeks books and records for the purpose
    of investigating mismanagement of the company, communicating with other
    stockholders, and valuing his shares. He points to the chief operating officer’s own
    in-court admissions of using corporate funds for personal expenses and the
    company’s precarious financial situation as a credible basis to infer mismanagement
    sufficient to establish a proper purpose under 
    8 Del. C
    . § 220.
    The company has rebuffed all examination efforts because it alleges that the
    plaintiff is no longer a stockholder. According to the company, its initial three
    directors adopted bylaws that contain stock transfer restrictions, and all company
    stock certificates were issued after that time and are subject to those restrictions.
    Under the restrictions, stock may be revoked by a majority of all voting stockholders
    if a stockholder is found to be engaging in acts that are damaging to the company.
    The company admits that the stock transfer restrictions are not noted on the stock
    certificate. Instead, the company asserts that the stockholder plaintiff knew about
    these restrictions and consented to be bound before he obtained stock in the
    company.     The chief operating officer (who is partially the subject of the
    investigation) purportedly explained the restrictions multiple times and provided the
    bylaws to the stockholder before he accepted stock in the company. Thereafter, she
    sent the bylaws again, and the stockholder acknowledged receipt. Thus, according
    to the company, the stockholder was bound by the restrictions. The company
    contends that after the stock was issued, the stockholder engaged in efforts to
    compete with the company, and, in response, the company validly rescinded his
    stock under the bylaws. As such, the company claims he has no right to the
    documents except to value his shares.
    The plaintiff stockholder responds that he did not have actual knowledge of
    the stock transfer restrictions before he acquired the stock and never assented to the
    restrictions after he acquired the stock, which is required under 
    8 Del. C
    . § 202.
    Through this action, the plaintiff stockholder requests that the Court: (1) declare that
    his stock is not subject to the restrictions and that he is still a stockholder of the
    company; (2) order the company to grant him access to all documents sought in his
    demand letter; and (3) award the plaintiff attorneys’ fees.
    I hold that under Section 202, in order for a stockholder to be bound by stock
    transfer restrictions that are not “noted conspicuously on the certificate or certificates
    representing the security,” he must have actual knowledge of the restrictions before
    he acquires the stock. If the stockholder does not have actual knowledge of the stock
    transfer restrictions at the time he acquires the stock, he can become bound by the
    stock transfer restrictions after the acquisition of the stock only if he affirmatively
    assents to the restrictions, either by voting to approve the restrictions or by agreeing
    to the restrictions.
    After a full trial, I find that the plaintiff stockholder did not have actual
    knowledge of the restrictions prior to acquiring his stock. Although the plaintiff
    stockholder may have received knowledge after he was granted stock, he did not
    assent to be bound by the restrictions. Therefore, the company could not rescind his
    stock under the bylaws, and he remains a stockholder of the company. As a valid
    stockholder, he is entitled to inspect the books and records of the company for any
    proper purpose. The stockholder has stated a proper purpose for inspection, and the
    company has failed to prove any of its defenses. Thus, the company must produce
    the requested documents as they are necessary to effectuate the stockholder’s stated
    purpose. The plaintiff, however, is not entitled to attorneys’ fees.
    These are my findings of fact based on the parties’ stipulations, documentary
    evidence, and the testimony of two witnesses during a half-day trial. I accord the
    evidence the weight and credibility I find it deserves.1
    Citations to testimony presented at trial are in the form “Tr. # (X)” with “X”
    representing the surname of the speaker, if not clear from the text. After being
    identified initially, individuals are referenced herein by their surnames without
    regard to formal titles such as “Dr.” This opinion refers to certain individuals by
    first name for clarity only. No disrespect is intended. Exhibits are cited as “JX #.”
    Unless otherwise indicated, citations to the parties’ briefs are to post-trial briefs.
    A.      Parties and Relevant Non-Parties
    Plaintiff Jon Henry became a stockholder of Phixios Holdings, Inc. in March
    2015. Non-party Rhonda S. Henry is Jon Henry’s wife. Non-party RSH Business
    Consulting Services (“RSH”) is a consulting company owned by Rhonda.
    Defendant Phixios Holdings, Inc. (“Phixios” or the “Company”) is a Delaware
    corporation formed in July 2013 as a holding company to build product lines, make
    them successful, and sell them. Non-parties James Walker (“Walker”), Delbert
    Walker, and Michael Jacobson were the initial directors of Phixios. Walker is the
    Chief Executive Officer of Phixios. Non-party Jacobson was the Chief Information
    Officer during all relevant times. Non-party Penni Blake is the Chief Operating
    Officer of Phixios. Non-party Condor Monitoring, Inc. (“Condor”) is a subsidiary
    of Phixios.
    B.      Facts
    1.      The directors adopt bylaws that contain stock transfer
    On July 18, 2013, the board of directors of Phixios, Walker, Delbert, and
    Jacobson, approved and executed the Phixios Holdings, Inc. Stockholder Agreement
    (the “Stockholder Agreement”).2 The purpose of the Stockholder Agreement was to
    JX 2. Walker, Delbert, and Jacobson also were stockholders. Blake testified that
    she, David Byars, Derek Walker, and Daniel Diaz were also stockholders at the time
    “protect the company and everybody in it from somebody who would potentially do
    something that could be harmful” to the Company.3 The Stockholder Agreement
    provides, in relevant part:
    Stock maybe [sic] surrendered only by the registered
    owner except in the following circumstances:
     A stockholder is found to be engaging in acts, or has
    previously engaged in acts, that are damaging to
    Phixios. Examples include but are not limited to:
    o Working for a competitor.
    o Willfully disclosing proprietary information.
    o Other willful acts that are harmful to Phixios as
    determined by a majority vote of the board of
    directors and all voting stockholders.
    In these circumstances, by a majority vote of all voting
    stockholders, the ownership of the stock will be revoked
    and returned to Phixios Treasury and may be redistributed.
    . . . Phixios will pay par value of the stock at the time of
    revocation to the registered stock holder.4
    The Company did not retain legal counsel but rather Googled how to draft a
    stockholder agreement.5 Blake was advised by a “” lawyer “that the
    majority of the directors had to sign it and that this would be what every shareholder
    was bound by” so long as Phixios explained the agreement to each potential
    the Stockholder Agreement was approved. No stock certificates were issued until
    2014. Tr. 127, 130.
    Tr. 129 (Blake).
    JX 2, at 2.
    Tr. 127 (Blake).
    stockholder before stock in the Company was issued to that stockholder.6 Blake
    testified that Phixios had corporate controls in place to ensure every stockholder
    received an explanation. The Company would e-mail the agreement to every
    potential stockholder, and Blake would explain each provision to each potential
    stockholder prior to the issuance of any stock certificate.7 The Company, however,
    did not require any written evidence of the potential stockholder’s knowledge of or
    assent to the Stockholder Agreement because the Company “operated on trust.”8
    2.        The Company hires Henry and issues stock to him
    In February 2015, Jacobson contacted Henry to see if he would consider
    becoming involved with Phixios.9 On February 27, 2015, Blake e-mailed Henry an
    employment offer.10 The offer stated, in relevant part:
    . . . understanding our limited funds right now, I’d like to
    propose the following:
    1)    We will give you 50,000 shares of Phixios
    Holdings, Inc. stock immediately.
    2)    Salary of $130,000 per year beginning day
    you start.
    Blake Dep. 99-100; Tr. 197-98 (Blake).
    Tr. 130-32, 196-98 (Blake).
    Id. at 196-98.
    Tr. 8 (Henry).
    JX 5; Tr. 9 (Henry).
    3)     30% yearly bonus (based on personal
    performance, company performance, and customer
    4)     We can only pay you $1,000 per month right
    now until revenue is high enough to cover your full
    5)     100% of back pay will be paid as soon as we
    get to the revenue point to pay your full salary.
    We understand we are asking for a fulltime commitment
    with a deferred salary. Hence, the 50,000 shares of
    Henry accepted the offer and was “officially onboard” as of March 5, 2015.12
    On March 25, 2015, Walker signed and issued Henry’s stock certificate for
    50,000 shares of Phixios.13 The certificate does not contain or note any stock transfer
    restriction, and there is nothing in writing to show the restrictions were provided to
    Henry by March 25th.        In a March 25, 2015 e-mail exchange titled “Stock
    Certificates,” Blake provided Henry with a tracking number, and Henry responded,
    “. . . thanks for the discussion today, it made me feel much more comfortable with
    everything.”14 That e-mail does not attach or reference the Stockholder Agreement.
    In an affidavit submitted on September 6, 2016 in support of Phixios’s opposition to
    JX 5.
    JX 6.
    JX 9.
    JX 10.
    Henry’s motion for summary judgment, Blake stated that the “discussion”
    referenced in Henry’s e-mail was a telephone conversation in which she explained
    “each and every section of the Stockholder Agreement to Henry.”15 Blake testified
    at trial that she e-mailed Henry the Stockholder Agreement on the same day she sent
    the stock certificate.16 Blake did not provide any credible explanation for why one
    e-mail exchange from March 25, 2015 could be produced but another exchange from
    the same day that purportedly attached the Stockholder Agreement could not be
    produced. She merely stated that the “e-mail has gone missing,” presumably
    because she “switched computers.”17 No explanation was provided as to why
    “switch[ing] computers” would affect the availability of certain e-mails and not
    Additionally, Blake’s testimony regarding when and how many conversations
    occurred regarding the Stockholder Agreement changed throughout trial. Initially,
    there were two conversations between Blake and Henry before February 27, 2015.18
    One conversation was at a “high-level,” and the other went through “every single
    JX 91.
    Tr. 140-41.
    Blake Aff. Ex. A; Tr. 199-200.
    Tr. 137.
    paragraph.”19       Blake testified that she specifically discussed the terms of the
    Stockholder Agreement, including the stock transfer restrictions, and that Henry said
    “he was fine, he was happy” and that “it sound[ed] good. He understood.” 20 Then
    Blake testified that there was a conversation on February 27, 2015 and another on
    March 25, 2015.21 Later Blake said she had at least three phone calls with Henry.22
    Finally, Blake explained that she didn’t “have the dates right in [her] mind,” but
    there were “a bunch” of telephone conversations.23
    Henry testified that he and Blake did not discuss the Stockholder Agreement
    before his employment offer.24 The purpose of their conversation was to address
    Henry’s concern that Phixios had delayed the issuance of shares.
    On August 10, 2015, Blake sent an e-mail titled “Stockholder Agreement” to
    multiple Phixios stockholders attaching the Stockholder Agreement.25 Blake wrote,
    “I think everyone already has this, but just sending again as I’m trying to get
    Id. at 136-38.
    Id. at 139-40.
    Id. at 187.
    Id. at 190.
    Id. at 192-93,
    Id. at 20-21.
    JX 13.
    everything in order with documentation and such to get ready for growth.”26 Henry
    responded, “Thank you for getting a copy out for my records” and forwarded the e-
    mail to his wife, Rhonda.27 Henry testified at trial that he did not look at the
    Stockholder Agreement when he received it but rather sent it to his wife to print a
    copy and put it with their “important paperwork.”28 He thought this document was
    a “set of instructions” that would tell him what day Phixios stockholders had the
    ability to tender their stock if they wanted to and how to go about tendering if the
    occasion ever came up.29
    3.    Business begins to suffer and the Company explores further
    By the end of 2015, things at the Company were “slowing down
    significantly,” and there “weren’t nearly as many prospects.”30 To deal with these
    concerns, Walker and Jacobson discussed alternatives to increase the business’s
    lagging revenue.31 Henry testified that Walker asked Jacobson to explore the Federal
    Id. 27 Id.;
    JX 14; Tr. 48.
    Tr. 22.
    Id. at 22-23.
    Id. at 26.
    Id. 11 Business
    Opportunities (“FBO”) process and to use Henry’s services for the
    “documentation of those processes.”32 That testimony is corroborated by a January
    2016 e-mail exchange between Henry, Jacobson, and Walker, in which Henry stated
    to Jacobson: “Based upon the brief text message you sent me last weekend you’ve
    asked me to look into and define to [sic] new processes that would allow us to take
    advantage of Contract Proposals (RFP’s) issued by the Federal Government.”33 The
    e-mail further stated: “After some research and direct communications, I’ve put
    together a process.”34 Jacobson responded by stating, in part:
    Jon & James
    FBO website needs to be utilized until I can figure
    when/if paying for the actual gov contract web site is a
    more viable option. Concur?
    That said why is [sic] Phixios representatives
    unable to login to FBO and is this going to be rectified?35
    Id. at 27.
    JX 24.
    Id. 35 Id.
    On March 10, 2016, Rhonda registered an account for RSH with the FBO
    Vendor System, and Henry e-mailed Jacobson the information.36 Henry testified
    that this registration was necessary in order to obtain an FBO access ID.37 Henry
    never attempted to register Phixios through the FBO, and to his knowledge, neither
    did Jacobson.38
    After completing the FBO registration process, throughout March and April,
    RSH began to receive numerous requests for proposals and requests for quotations
    for various contracts.39 Henry and Jacobson communicated through their Phixios e-
    mail accounts, considered many of these solicitations, and worked to document the
    processes that would be required to pursue these opportunities.40 Phixios points to
    several exchanges in particular that it believes evidence RSH’s, and thus Henry’s,
    competition with the Company. For example, on March 31, 2016, Jacobson e-
    mailed Henry about a potential FBO opportunity and told Henry: “So I figure it is
    something you should check out or we should look into together . . . You know turn
    JX 43; JX 44.
    Tr. 68-71.
    Tr. 83-84.
    JX 46; JX 47; JX 53; JX 60; JX 62; JX 65; JX 68; JX 69; JX 73; JX 74.
    JX 46; JX 47; JX 53; JX 60; JX 62; JX 65; JX 68; JX 69; JX 73; JX 74.
    the other check[.] [sic]”41 Additionally, in response to a discussion regarding a
    government on-boarding call, Henry told Jacobson:
    We need to keep in mind that the business is registered as
    a Sole Proprietorship owned by a women. [sic] If you and
    I attempt to make the call without my wife being on the
    line, it could quickly go against us. We might need to do
    the on boarding call with her present in the event they
    expect to speak to the owner?42
    In an e-mail chain titled “NASA Mentor Protégé Program,” Jacobson tells Henry to
    call him about this NASA opportunity. An attachment highlights the requirement
    that a protégé “must meet one of the eligibility requirements,” and the attachment
    highlights the “Woman-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs)” category.43 Henry
    testified that Phixios did not qualify as a woman-owned small business or any of the
    additional categories mentioned in the attachment. This meant Phixios would not
    have been able to receive “preferential points to awardment of a contract
    potentially.”44 Henry testified at trial that he was using RSH to explore potential
    revenue sources and opportunities for Phixios and reporting his findings back to
    JX 46.
    JX 69.
    JX 73; JX 74.
    Tr. 95-96.
    Jacobson. Ultimately, because the Company was so overwhelmed in other areas,
    Phixios did not pursue any of these potential contracts.
    4.      Conflicts with Blake surface
    On January 28, 2016, Walker sent an e-mail to Jacobson attaching 60 days of
    Wells Fargo Bank statements stating, “As you can see I need to have a talk with
    Penni.”45 The attached statements included various seemingly personal purchases,
    such as iTunes and Target transactions. Blake reviewed these communications at
    trial and confirmed that they related to her. She testified at trial that she was “a
    signer on the account,” and she “got to decide how money was spent and when it
    was spent.”46 She explained that because finances were tight, she did not take her
    full salary and used the debit card when she “had to buy something or pay
    something.”47 She paid herself “$6,000 less that year” and “1099’d” herself for
    everything she spent.48 She testified that during a discussion about this behavior
    Walker said, “Your heart was in the right place, but that was really dumb, so don’t
    JX 26.
    Tr. 160.
    Id. at 160-61.
    Id. at 161.
    do it again.”49 Walker also told her that if she did it again, he would have to fire
    her.50 Blake further testified that Walker made her “do a full accounting of all the
    money that was spent against all the bank accounts and show him” in the March-
    April 2016 timeframe.51
    5.      Henry is fired and the litigation begins
    On May 6, 2016, Walker sent Henry an e-mail stating, in part:
    Jon, I tried to reach you this morning to discuss a layoff.
    Effective immediately. As a company we can no longer
    financially support outside contractors. If the company
    sells or starts making money you will receive what is owed
    to you.52
    Henry replied that he had “stopped billing [Phixios] as of April 1st since things had
    slowed down due to the cut backs in available revenue. This blocked our ability to
    purchase any parts needed to test, build or deliver anything to sales or the customer
    base.”53 He also stated that he understood the situation and thanked Walker for the
    opportunity to work with him for the past year.54 Henry testified that he went back
    Id. 50 Id.
    Id. at 162-63.
    JX 75.
    Id. 54 Id.
    to being retired after he left Phixios.55 On October 14, 2016, Blake submitted an
    affidavit in support of Phixios’s opposition to Henry’s motion to quash and stated
    her understanding that “Henry, through RSH, is continuing to compete with Phixios
    now.”56 At trial, she admitted that her belief was based solely on a conversation with
    Chuck Nash, a person with whom Phixios suspected Henry and Jacobson were
    continuing to do business.57 Blake has no first-hand basis for believing that Henry
    continues to compete with the Company and no proof to support the statement in her
    In June 2016, Henry, Rhonda, and Jacobson received a cease-and-desist letter
    from counsel representing Phixios.59 The letter addressed to Henry alleged that he
    was “conspiring with Mr. Jacobson to defraud the Company and misappropriate
    Company assets for [his] own personal gain.”60 On June 8, 2016, Jacobson delivered
    a Section 220(d) demand to the Company requesting inspection of certain books and
    Tr. 31-32.
    JX 93; Tr. 218-22.
    Tr. 218-20.
    Id. 59 JX
    76; JX 77.
    JX 76.
    records.61 On June 19, 2016, the Company sent notice to stockholders of a special
    meeting to be held June 30, 2016.62 On June 21, 2016, Henry sent a request under
    Section 219 to examine the list of the Company’s stockholders entitled to vote at the
    special meeting.63
    On June 23, 2016, Henry and Jacobson delivered a written demand (the
    “Demand Letter”) to the Company requesting that the Company allow Jacobson and
    Henry “to examine a list of the Company stockholders in connection with a special
    meeting the [C]ompany has purportedly noticed to take place on June 30, 2016”
    pursuant to Section 219.64 The Demand Letter also seeks the inspection of books
    and records “(i) to communicate with other stockholders concerning the June 30
    special meeting; (ii) to value their stock; and (iii) to investigate mismanagement and
    wrongdoing” pursuant to Section 220(b).65            The Demand Letter asks for the
    following specific documents:
     All executed stockholder agreements, any
    amendments thereto, and any current capitalization
    table, and the stockholder list described above;
    Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation 24.
    Id. 63 Id.
    JX 79, at 1.
    Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation 24; JX 79, at 3.
     Annual, quarterly and monthly financial statements,
    including both audited and internally-prepared
    income statements, balance sheets, cash flows and
    stockholders’ equity statements, from the
    Company’s 2013 inception through the present;
     Federal, state and local income tax returns and
    reports together with supporting documentation;
     General ledger, check registry and related journal
    entries for the years 2013 to the present;
     Schedule of current Company debt;
     Schedule of compensation paid to the officers,
    managers and board of directors;
     Payroll records from July 2013 to present;
     Bank statements from July 2013 through the present
    for all Company bank accounts;
     Documents constituting budgets, projections, or
    business plans; and
     Documents relating to any actual, potential or
    contemplated transaction resulting in a merger or
    other business combination, or the sale of the
    Company’s assets.66
    On June 30, 2016, the Company held a special meeting of the stockholders
    and voted to remove Jacobson as a director.67 On July 12, 2016, the Company held
    another special meeting of the stockholders and purported to revoke all of the
    common stock held by Henry and Jacobson under Section 11 of the Stockholder
    JX 79, at 2-3. In connection with post-trial briefing, Henry narrowed his request to
    documents from March 2015 through the present. Pl.’s Reply Br. 12-14.
    Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation 25, 28.
    Agreement.68 Henry testified that he never received notice of the July 12, 2016
    meeting.69 In a letter dated July 19, 2016, Phixios notified Henry and Jacobson that
    their common stock had been revoked on July 12, 2016.70 On July 22, 2016, Henry
    was added as a plaintiff to this action.71
    In this case, the Company alleges that the Stockholder Agreement was
    adopted as part of the bylaws of the Company long before Henry was issued stock
    in the Company. The Company further maintains that although the restrictions were
    not noted conspicuously on the stock certificate representing Henry’s stock, Henry
    had actual knowledge both before and after the shares were issued, either of which
    is adequate under 
    8 Del. C
    . § 202(a).             Henry concedes that the Stockholder
    Agreement was in place before Henry’s stock was issued. But he contends that the
    provisions contained in the Stockholder Agreement are not bylaws of the Company.
    Even accepting as true that the provisions in the Stockholder Agreement are bylaws,
    Henry argues that he is not bound under Section 202 because he did not have actual
    Id. 69 Tr.
    Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation 25.
    Id. 20 knowledge
    of the restrictions before the stock was issued, and he did not consent to
    be bound after the stock was issued.
    I need not decide whether the provisions in the Stockholder Agreement
    constituted bylaws because whether the restrictions were adopted through bylaws,
    through an agreement, or otherwise does not change the analysis. Instead, I must
    determine whether Henry had actual knowledge by the time the stock was issued. If
    the answer is no, I must also determine whether under Section 202 Henry may be
    bound by restrictions that were in place before the securities were issued to him if
    he gained actual knowledge of the restrictions after the securities were issued to him.
    If the answer to that question is no, I must determine whether Henry otherwise
    consented to be bound by a subsequent agreement or vote in favor of the restrictions.
    In order to obtain a declaratory judgment, the plaintiff bears the burden of
    proving each element of his claim by a preponderance of the evidence.72 “Proof by
    a preponderance of the evidence means proof that something is more likely than not.
    It means that certain evidence, when compared to the evidence opposed to it, has the
    Prizm Gp., Inc. v. Anderson, 
    2010 WL 1850792
    , at *4 (Del. Ch. May 10, 2010).
    more convincing force and makes you believe that something is more likely true
    than not.”73
    A.       Principles of Statutory Interpretation
    Under Delaware law, “a statute or an ordinance is to be interpreted according
    to its plain and ordinary meaning.”74 “Where a statute contains unambiguous
    language that clearly reflects the intent of the legislature, then the language of the
    statute controls.”75 Delaware courts “construe statutes ‘to give a sensible and
    practical meaning to a statute as a whole in order that it may be applied in future
    cases without difficulty.’”76 The courts also “read each relevant section of the statute
    in light of all the others to produce a harmonious whole.”77 “Words in a statute
    should not be construed as surplusage if there is a reasonable construction which
    Agilent Techs., Inc. v. Kirkland, 
    2010 WL 610725
    , at *13 (Del. Ch. Feb. 18, 2010)
    (quoting Del. Express Shuttle, Inc. v. Older, 
    2002 WL 31458243
    , at *17 (Del. Ch.
    Oct. 23, 2002)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    New Cingular Wireless PCS v. Sussex County Bd. of Adjustment, 
    65 A.3d 607
    , 611
    (Del. 2013).
    State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Kelty, 
    126 A.3d 631
    , 635 (Del. 2015) (quoting
    Hoover v. State, 
    958 A.2d 816
    , 820 (Del. 2008)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Rapposelli v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 
    988 A.2d 425
    , 427 (Del. 2010)
    (quoting Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. v. Krongold, 
    318 A.2d 606
    , 609 (Del. 1974)).
    Kelty, 126 A.3d at 635
    (quoting Progressive N. Ins. Co. v. Mohr, 
    47 A.3d 492
    , 496
    (Del. 2012)).
    will give them meaning, and the courts must ascribe a purpose to the use of statutory
    language, if reasonably possible.”78
    B.     Knowledge and Consent Requirements Under Section 202
    Section 202(a) of the Delaware General Corporation Law provides:
    A written restriction or restrictions on the transfer or
    registration of transfer of a security of a corporation . . . if
    permitted by this section and noted conspicuously on the
    certificate or certificates representing the security or
    securities so restricted . . . may be enforced against the
    holder of the restricted security or securities or any
    successor or transferee of the holder. Unless noted
    conspicuously on the certificate or certificates
    representing the security or securities so restricted . . . a
    restriction, even though permitted by this section, is
    ineffective except against a person with actual knowledge
    of the restriction.79
    Thus, a written restriction on the transfer of a security may be enforceable against a
    particular stockholder if: (1) it is noted conspicuously on the certificate representing
    the security in the case of certificated shares; or (2) the person against whom
    enforcement is sought had actual knowledge of the restriction.
    Section 202(b) states:
    A restriction on the transfer or registration of transfer of
    securities of a corporation . . . may be imposed by the
    certificate of incorporation or by the bylaws or by an
    Cingular, 65 A.3d at 611
    (quoting Oceanport Indus., Inc. v. Wilm. Stevedores, Inc.,
    636 A.2d 892
    , 900 (Del. 1994)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    8 Del. C
    . § 202(a).
    agreement among any number of security holders or
    among such holders and the corporation. No restrictions
    so imposed shall be binding with respect to securities
    issued prior to the adoption of the restriction unless the
    holders of the securities are parties to an agreement or
    voted in favor of the restriction.80
    Therefore, a stock transfer restriction may be binding on existing securities through
    one of three ways: (1) by inclusion in the certificate of incorporation; (2) by inclusion
    in the bylaws of the corporation; or (3) by agreement among stockholders or among
    stockholders and the corporation. An existing stockholder must affirmatively assent
    to the restriction in order to be bound either by becoming a party to an agreement or
    by voting in favor of the restriction.81 A restriction cannot be retroactively imposed
    on a current stockholder without his express consent.
    “The purpose of § 202 is to protect a shareholder’s investment from
    diminishment through post-purchase restrictions placed on the shareholder’s shares
    by the corporation or its other shareholders.”82           “Otherwise, others might
    Id. § 202(b).
    Id.; see Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. v. Conoco, Inc., 
    519 F. Supp. 506
    , 513-14
    & nn.4-5 (D. Del. 1981); EDWARD P. WELCH ET AL., FOLK ON THE DELAWARE
    GENERAL CORPORATION LAW § 202.06, at 6-20 (6th ed. 2016); R. FRANKLIN
    BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS § 6.6, at 6-10 (3rd ed. 2013); FOLK, THE DELAWARE
    Di Loreto v. Tiber Hldg. Corp., 
    1999 WL 1261450
    , at *6 (Del. Ch. Jun. 29, 1999).
    circumscribe the stockholder’s ability to transfer his or her shares, reducing the
    investment’s liquidity and value.”83 The phrasing in Section 202 was modeled after
    Section 8-204 of the Uniform Commercial Code,84 to which the official comments
    state, “A purchaser who takes delivery of a certificated security is entitled to rely on
    the terms stated on the certificate.”85 Section 202(a) thus is intended to provide
    notice such that encumbered securities are easily identified.86 A stockholder who
    bargains for a security is entitled to use the certificate’s terms as evidence of his
    economic rights and as proof of the value he bargained for.
    Reading the statute holistically to give it its intended purpose, the statute must
    be read to mean that an existing restriction on the transfer of a security is binding on
    subsequent purchasers of the securities if: (1) it is noted conspicuously on the
    certificate representing the security; (2) the stockholder has actual knowledge of the
    restriction at the time he acquires the stock; or (3) the stockholder consents to be
    bound by the restriction either through a vote or through a subsequent agreement
    Id. 84 WELCH
    ET AL., supra note 81, § 202.06, at 6-19; FOLK, supra note 81.
    UCC § 8-204.
    BALOTTI & FINKELSTEIN, supra note 81 § 6.6, at 6-9 to 6-10.
    with the stockholders or with the company.87 To allow otherwise would “produce
    the incongruous result of allowing the Board of Directors [or other stockholders]
    unilaterally to impose stock transfer restrictions, which might be of significant
    economic consequence, on existing shares without the [knowledge before purchase
    or] consent [after purchase] of the corporation’s stockholders.”88
    Taken to its logical conclusion, the Company’s position would allow it to
    entice an investor into purchasing securities with the expectation that transfer is
    unrestricted because no restrictions are noted on the certificate representing the
    securities, while withholding the existence of potentially value-reducing restrictions.
    “[T]he Legislature could not have intended to produce such onerous results.”89 This
    absurd result would completely undercut the purpose of Section 202 to protect the
    stockholder’s bargained-for rights.
    1.     Henry did not have actual knowledge of the restrictions
    when he received Company stock
    Phixios argues that Henry had actual knowledge of the restrictions before
    stock was issued to him because Blake discussed the Stockholder Agreement with
    8 Del. C
    . § 202(a); see also Agranoff v. Miller, 
    1999 WL 219650
    , at *12 (Del. Ch.
    Apr. 12, 1999); Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. v. Conoco, Inc., 
    519 F. Supp. 506
    513-14 (D. Del. 1981); BALOTTI & FINKELSTEIN, supra note 81, § 6.6, at 6-10.
    Seagram, 519 F. Supp. at 513
    Id. at 514.
    Henry before issuing his stock and sent him the Stockholder Agreement on March
    25, 2015 (the day she issued the stock). Blake’s testimony that she explained each
    provision to Henry and sent him the Stockholder Agreement prior to the issuance of
    stock is dubious at best.90 She claims in her September 7, 2016 affidavit that she
    discussed the Stockholder Agreement with Henry and sent him the agreement on
    March 25, 2015.91 The affidavit does not mention any conversation occurring before
    March 25, 2015. At trial, however, she contradicted her own sworn affidavit.92 She
    stated she had multiple conversations with Henry regarding the Stockholder
    Agreement. She testified that she could not remember the exact dates of these
    conversations, but she also testified that she had a phone call about the Stockholder
    Agreement prior to February 27, 2015, on February 27, 2015, and on March 25,
    2015.93 Her only explanation for why these additional conversations were not
    included in her affidavit is that she “didn’t author this document,” but merely
    “approved” it.94 Finally, although Blake testified at trial that she e-mailed Henry the
    See supra
    Section I.B.2.
    JX 91.
    Tr. 136-38.
    Id. at 190-92.
    Id. at 192.
    Stockholder Agreement on the same day she sent the stock certificate,95 she did not
    provide any credible explanation for why the purported e-mail containing the
    agreement could not be produced when other e-mails from the same day were
    produced. And she did not produce any documentation showing that she sent the
    Stockholder Agreement to Henry prior to March 2015.96 Thus, Phixios offers
    nothing to rebut Henry’s credible testimony that he did not have actual knowledge
    of the restrictions when he became a stockholder in March 2015.
    2.        Henry did not assent to the stock transfer restrictions
    Both sides acknowledge that the Stockholder Agreement was sent to Henry
    on August 10, 2015.97 Even assuming, arguendo, that after this date Henry had
    actual knowledge of the Stockholder Agreement, as discussed above, to impose
    transfer restrictions on a stockholder who did not have actual knowledge of those
    restrictions when he became a stockholder and who did not affirmatively assent to
    the restrictions after he became a stockholder would run afoul of the legislative
    Id. at 140-41.
    Id. at 199-200.
    JX 13; Pl.’s Opening Br. 11; Def.’s Answering Br. 9.
    purpose of Section 202.98 Thus, the question becomes whether Henry affirmatively
    assented or became a party to a subsequent agreement containing these restrictions.99
    “The use of the internet as the vehicle for contract formation ‘has not
    fundamentally changed the principles of contract.’”100 “The ‘threshold issue is the
    same: did the party who assented online have reasonable notice, either actual or
    constructive, of the terms of the putative agreement and did that party manifest
    See Di Loreto v. Tiber Hldg. Corp., 
    1999 WL 1261450
    , at *6 (Del. Ch. Jun. 29,
    1999); Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. v. Conoco, Inc., 
    519 F. Supp. 506
    , 513-14
    (D. Del. 1981); Harlamert v. World Finer Foods, Inc., 
    494 F. Supp. 2d 681
    , 687
    (S.D. Ohio 2006) (“As can be seen, a restriction on the transferability of shares of
    stock is permissible under Delaware law, if the shareholder agrees to such a
    restriction or has actual knowledge of the restriction when the securities are issued
    to him.”); UCC § 8-204; WELCH ET AL., supra note 81, § 202.06, at 6-19.
    Phixios points to Agranoff v. Miller where the Court held that a restriction on stock
    was valid, even where not noted on the stock certificate, because the stockholder
    had actual knowledge of the restriction. 
    1999 WL 219650
    , at *12-13 (Del. Ch. Apr.
    12, 1999); Def.’s Answering Br. 20-22. In Agranoff, then-Vice Chancellor Strine
    found that the stockholder had actual knowledge of the restriction years before he
    acquired the stock. 
    1999 WL 219650
    , at *12. There, the stockholder “purposely
    refrained from obtaining a copy” of the pertinent agreement until after he purchased
    some of the stock. But, his agents had a copy of the pertinent agreement prior to his
    purchase of any shares, and he received a copy of the agreement prior to his further
    purchase of a majority stake in the company. 
    Id. at *12
    & n.14. No such facts exist
    here. Henry did not receive or have knowledge of the agreement prior to his
    purchase. There are no credible allegations that he was purposely avoiding
    knowledge of the restrictions. And there are no allegations that he purchased more
    shares after he knew of the restrictions.
    Newell Rubbermaid v. Storm, 
    2014 WL 1266827
    , at *6 (Del. Ch. Mar. 27, 2014)
    (quoting Van Tassell v. United Mktg. Gp., LLC, 
    795 F. Supp. 2d
    . 770, 790 (N.D. Ill.
    assent to those terms.’”101 “A party may assent to an agreement on the internet [or
    through email] without reading its terms and still be bound by it if she is on notice
    that she is modifying her legal rights, just as she may with a physical written
    On August 10, 2015, Blake sent an e-mail titled “Stockholder Agreement,”
    and wrote “I think everyone already has this, but just sending again as I’m trying to
    get everything in order with documentation.”103 Henry responded, “Thank you for
    getting a copy out for my records.”104 The Newell Rubbermaid Inc. v. Storm105 case
    provides an example of the type of language that gives adequate notice of the
    modification of legal rights. There, the Court held that a clickwrap agreement
    modifying an employee’s post-employment rights was enforceable because the
    defendant had to affirmatively click a box next to a bolded, conspicuous sentence
    stating that she “read and agree[d] to the terms of the” agreement.106 She also had
    Id. (quoting Vernon
    v. Qwest Commc’ns Int’l, Inc., 
    857 F. Supp. 2d
    . 1135, 1149 (D.
    Colo. 2012)).
    Id. at *7.
    JX 13.
    Id. 105 Newell
    2014 WL 1266827
    , at *6-7.
    Id. 30 to
    affirmatively assent on an additional screen with an “Accept” button that stated
    in order to complete the agreement, she must “read and accept the terms outlined in
    the document” and that her “grant acceptance will be final once [she] click[ed]
    Accept.”107 Although the precise language in Newell Rubbermaid is not mandatory
    to manifest assent, there is no evidence that Henry was on notice that he was
    modifying his legal rights when he acknowledged receipt of the August 10, 2015 e-
    mail. To the contrary, Henry credibly testified at trial that he did not open the
    attachment because he thought it was a set of instructions describing how Phixios
    stockholders could tender their stock.108 Phixios does not provide any credible
    evidence to the contrary. Therefore, Henry did not assent to be bound by the stock
    transfer restrictions contained in the Stockholder Agreement; his stock was revoked
    invalidly; and Henry remains a stockholder of Phixios.109
    Id. 108 Tr.
    Phixios argues that Henry acquiesced to the terms of the Stockholder Agreement or,
    in the alternative, is equitably estopped from denying the restrictions contained
    therein. Def.’s Answering Br. 24-29. In support of its arguments, Phixios cites
    Henry’s reply to the August 10, 2015 e-mail attaching the Stockholder Agreement
    saying “Thank you for getting a copy out for my records.” JX 13. Acquiescence
    requires that a plaintiff “has full knowledge of his rights and the material facts and
    (1) remains inactive for a considerable time; or (2) freely does what amounts to
    recognition of the complained act; or (3) acts in a manner inconsistent with the
    subsequent repudiation, which leads the other party to believe the act has been
    approved.” Klaassen v. Allegro Dev. Corp., 
    2013 WL 5739680
    , at *20 (Del. Ch.
    Oct. 11, 2013) (quoting NTC Gp., Inc. v. West-Point Pepperell, Inc., 
    1990 WL 31
    A stockholder of a Delaware corporation may inspect the corporation’s books
    and records under Section 220 for any proper purpose. “A proper purpose shall
    mean a purpose reasonably related to such person’s interest as a stockholder,”110 and
    “a stockholder has the burden of proof to demonstrate a proper purpose by a
    preponderance of the evidence.”111 A stockholder who seeks inspection of books or
    records in order to investigate wrongdoing also must state “a credible basis from
    which the Court of Chancery can infer there is possible mismanagement that would
    warrant further investigation—a showing that ‘may ultimately fall well short of
    demonstrating that anything wrong occurred.’”112 A plaintiff seeking inspection
    143842, at *5 (Del. Ch. Sept. 26, 1990)). Estoppel requires that a “party by his
    conduct intentionally or unintentionally leads another, in reliance upon that conduct,
    to change position to his detriment.” Wilson v. Am. Ins. Co., 
    209 A.2d 902
    , 903-04
    (Del. 1965). “To establish an estoppel, it must appear that the party claiming the
    estoppel lacked knowledge and the means of knowledge of the truth of the facts in
    question, that he relied on the conduct of the party against whom the estoppel is
    claimed, and that he suffered a prejudicial change of position in consequence
    Id. at 904.
    But Phixios fails to prove that it was misled or changed its
    position in any way in reliance on Henry’s acknowledgement of receipt of the
    attachment. And Phixios has put forth no other evidence to prove acquiescence or
    8 Del. C
    . § 220.
    Seinfeld v. Verizon Commc’ns, Inc., 
    909 A.2d 117
    , 121 (Del. 2006).
    Id. at 123
    (quoting Khanna v. Covad Commc’ns Gp., Inc., 
    2004 WL 187274
    , at *6
    n.25 (Del. Ch. Jan. 23, 2004)).
    must also prove that “each category of the books and records requested is essential
    and sufficient to the party’s stated purpose.”113 “The plaintiff can obtain books and
    records that ‘address the crux of the shareholder’s purpose and if that information is
    unavailable from another source.’”114 And, this Court “may, in its discretion,
    prescribe any limitations or conditions with reference to the inspection, or award
    such other or further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.”115
    Henry’s Demand Letter states that his purposes are to (1) communicate with
    other stockholders regarding the June 30 meeting; (2) value his shares; and (3)
    investigate mismanagement.116 All three are proper purposes under Section 220, and
    Phixios does not argue otherwise.
    Instead, Phixios argues that: (1) Henry’s true purpose is not to value his shares
    but to retaliate against the Company and to further his competitive scheme against
    the Company; (2) the inspection demand as it relates to the valuation of shares should
    be appropriately tailored; (3) Henry has failed to provide a credible basis for
    Thomas & Betts Corp. v. Leviton Mfg. Co., 
    681 A.2d 1026
    , 1035 (Del. 1996).
    Amalgamated Bank v. Yahoo! Inc., 
    132 A.3d 752
    , 788 (Del. Ch. 2016) (quoting
    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Ind. Elec. Workers Pension Tr. Fund IBEW, 
    95 A.3d 1264
    1271 (Del. 2014)).
    Id. at 796
    8 Del. C
    . § 220(c)).
    JX 79.
    investigating mismanagement and wrongdoing; and (4) the purpose for the
    stockholder list has been mooted because the June 30, 2016 meeting has come and
    A.     Henry Has Alleged a Proper Purpose
    Phixios contends that Henry’s primary purpose is to compete with the
    Company through RSH and to aid and abet Jacobson in his breaches of fiduciary
    duties. As evidence of this, Phixios argues that Henry never requested access to
    financial records of the Company before making the demand, and he seeks to know
    the value of his shares for estate planning purposes, not to sell or buy more shares.117
    But Henry never stated in the Demand Letter or in this litigation that he did not want
    to value his stock to decide whether to sell.118 And, more importantly, Phixios has
    not provided any reason why Henry’s valuation of his shares for estate planning
    purposes would be improper.
    Phixios also has not shown that Henry is competing or plans to compete with
    Phixios. Phixios points to e-mail exchanges regarding the FBO account registered
    to RSH as evidence of Henry’s competition with the Company. Phixios argues that
    Henry created the account for RSH’s benefit and solicitation of FBO opportunities.
    Def.’s Answering Br. 31-32.
    Id. at 53-54.
    Phixios contends that if Henry was working on behalf of Phixios he would have
    created a new FBO account for Phixios or fixed Phixios’s existing account, which
    he did not do.       Also, Phixios points to Henry’s and Jacobson’s e-mail
    correspondence considering FBO opportunities of which Phixios would not be able
    to take advantage. The most damning e-mails refer to certain requests for proposals
    that require the company to be a woman-owned business.119 These e-mails prove
    improper competition, according to Phixios, because Phixios did not fit into this
    category, and it would not be able to take advantage of an opportunity limited to
    woman-owned businesses, while RSH could. Although I recognize the reality that
    Phixios could not take advantage of certain of the opportunities explored by Henry
    and Jacobson, Henry credibly testified that Walker set the mandate and knew about
    the plan to explore the FBO process.120 Walker also knew about the problems with
    Phixios’s FBO account.       Henry credibly testified that he and Jacobson were
    identifying potential sources of revenue for Phixios. And Walker was aware that
    Henry was reporting to Jacobson, the Chief Information Officer of the Company,
    regarding the documentation of these processes for the future. Phixios did not bring
    Walker to trial to refute any of Henry’s statements.
    JX 69; JX 73; JX 74.
    Tr. 26-27.
    Further, these exchanges stopped before May 6, 2016 (Henry’s termination
    date), which comports with Henry’s testimony that the exploration of the FBO
    process was all done for the benefit of Phixios.         This also confirms Henry’s
    testimony that after leaving the Company, he retired and is currently not working.
    And the record contains no reliable evidence of any current plans to compete, much
    less actual competition. Although Blake stated in her October 14, 2016 affidavit that
    Henry is continuing to compete with Phixios, at trial she testified that she in fact had
    no knowledge of RSH’s dealings after Henry and Jacobson left in May 2016.121
    Therefore, any argument that Henry seeks to compete with Phixios is
    unsubstantiated, as Phixios has not proven any scheme, conspiracy, or competitive
    conduct by Henry. And Phixios concedes, as it must, that communicating with other
    stockholders, valuing shares, and investigating mismanagement each states a proper
    purpose for inspection.
    B.     Henry Has Stated a Credible Basis to Infer Wrongdoing
    Phixios argues that Henry has not shown a credible basis to infer
    mismanagement or wrongdoing because (1) a lack of liquidity does not form a
    credible basis for mismanagement, and (2) Blake’s use of the company credit card
    for personal expenses did not harm the Company and the issue was resolved. The
    Id. at 217;
    JX 93.
    “credible basis” standard “sets the lowest possible burden of proof.”122 To state a
    credible basis to support investigation of possible mismanagement, the stockholder
    must show “some evidence” from which the “Court of Chancery can infer there is
    possible mismanagement that would warrant further investigation.”123 This
    “threshold may be satisfied by a credible showing, through documents, logic,
    testimony, or otherwise, that there are legitimate issues of wrongdoing.”124
    Henry testified that Phixios had insufficient funds to purchase “inexpensive
    components needed to do some of the development and prototyping work that Mr.
    Jacboson was doing,” and his requests for such items were never satisfied.125
    Furthermore, he testified that he “had seen text messages, e-mails, and an assortment
    of other documentation specifically showing that there were expenditures taking
    place that had nothing to do with business, and they were far outside the realm of
    anything that should have had anything to do with the business.”126 At trial, Blake
    admitted that, because Phixios’s finances were tight, she would “take some
    Seinfeld v. Verizon Commc’ns, Inc., 
    909 A.2d 117
    , 123 (Del. 2006).
    Id. 124 Id.
    (quoting Sec. First Corp. v. U.S. Die Casting & Dev. Co., 
    687 A.2d 563
    , 568
    (Del. 1997)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Tr. 38-39.
    Id. at 39.
    variation” of her full pay by using “the debit card out of the bank account when I
    had to buy something or pay something.”127 These purchases included iTunes
    purchases, Target purchases, home furnishing purchases, and various restaurant
    transactions, to name a few.128 She and Walker discussed this conduct, and by her
    own admission, Walker told her “that was really dumb, so don’t do it again.” 129
    Walker also warned that if she engaged in this type of behavior again, “he would
    have to let [her] go because he was telling [her] not to do it.” 130 Blake claims she
    “1099’d herself” for everything she spent.131 These allegations are sufficient to
    establish a credible basis from which the Court of Chancery can infer there is
    possible mismanagement that would warrant further investigation.
    C.       Henry Is Entitled to the Documents He Seeks
    Phixios argues that Henry’s inspection demand should be appropriately
    tailored and not used to give access to overly broad categories of documents. I agree.
    “A stockholder who states a proper purpose for inspection is entitled to inspect only
    Id. at 160.
    JX 26.
    Tr. 161.
    Id. 131 Id.
    those records that are ‘essential and sufficient’ to achieve his purpose.”132 A
    document is “essential” if “it addresses the crux of the shareholder’s purpose,” and
    the ‘information the document contains is unavailable from another source.’”133
    “[A] stockholder seeking to inspect books and records must specifically and
    discretely identify, with ‘rifled precision,’ the documents sought.”134
    Phixios points to the Bizzari v. Suburban Waste Services, Inc. case, where
    Judge LeGrow, sitting by designation as a Vice Chancellor, ruled that financial
    statements, tax returns, and certain agreements encumbering the company’s assets
    were necessary and essential for the purpose of valuing his stock in two
    companies.135 But Judge LeGrow also ruled that Bizzari did not prove how the
    remaining requests for compensation paid to employees, monthly cash flow
    statements, sales and expenses, credit, security, and pledge agreements would “aid
    in valuing his interests beyond the aggregate information” contained in the financial
    Bizzari v. Suburban Waste Servs., Inc., 
    2016 WL 4540292
    , at *7 (Del. Ch. Aug. 30,
    2016) (quoting Macklowe v. Planet Hollywood, Inc., 
    1994 WL 560804
    , at *6 (Del.
    Ch. Sept. 29, 1994)).
    2016 WL 4540292
    , at *7 (quoting Espinoza v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    32 A.3d 365
    , 371-72 (Del. 2011)).
    Id. (quoting Sec.
    First Corp. v. U.S. Die Casting and Dev. Co., 
    687 A.2d 563
    , 570
    (Del. 1997)).
    Id. 39 statements.136
    Importantly, Judge LeGrow found that Bizzari had ulterior motives,
    including competing directly with the company, which are not present here, and
    Bizzari     did   not   adequately   allege    a   proper   purpose   of   investigating
    Here, Henry may only need the financial statements and tax information to
    value the Company; but, Henry has adequately alleged a credible basis for
    investigating mismanagement, and the other documents are essential to this purpose.
    Blake is the Chief Operating Officer of the Company who testified that she was a
    signer on the Company accounts, and she “got to decide how money was spent and
    when it was spent.”138 She also admitted that she used Company funds to pay her
    personal expenses.139
    Henry’s request for check ledgers, a schedule of compensation paid to
    officers, managers and board of directors, payroll records, and bank statements are
    necessary to properly investigate Blake’s mismanagement. Henry is entitled to all
    the documents he seeks through this litigation.
    Id. at *7-8.
    Id. at *5-6.
    Tr. 160.
    Id. 40 D.
        Henry is Not Entitled to Have the Court Void the Results of the
    June 30, 2016 Stockholder Meeting
    Under Section 219(a):
    The officer who has charge of the stock ledger of a
    corporation shall prepare and make, at least 10 days before
    every meeting of stockholders, a complete list of the
    stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting . . . . Such list
    shall be open to the examination of any stockholder for
    any purpose germane to the meeting for a period of at least
    10 days prior to the meeting . . . .140
    Section 219(b) states:
    If the corporation, or an officer or agent thereof, refuses to
    permit examination of the list by a stockholder, such
    stockholder may apply to the Court of Chancery for an
    order to compel the corporation to permit such
    examination. The burden of proof shall be on the
    corporation to establish that the examination such
    stockholder seeks is for a purpose not germane to the
    meeting. The Court may summarily order the corporation
    to permit examination of the list upon such conditions as
    the Court may deem appropriate, and may make such
    additional orders as may be appropriate, including,
    without limitation, postponing the meeting or voiding the
    results of the meeting.141
    Phixios did not provide the stockholder lists because of its belief that Henry
    was attempting to harass and compete with the Company. I find these reasons
    insufficient to justify the denial of Henry’s inspection request. Phixios also argues
    8 Del. C
    . § 219(a).
    Id. § 219(b).
    that this Court should not exercise its discretion to void the results of that meeting
    because Henry could have, but did not, petition this Court to obtain the list before
    the meeting. Henry’s initial Section 219 request was sent on June 21, 2016; his
    Demand Letter was delivered on June 23, 2016; and yet he did not become a plaintiff
    in this action until July 22, 2016, nearly a month later and well after the June 30,
    2016 meeting came and went. Henry did not respond to Phixios’s argument in his
    post-trial briefing or at oral argument. Therefore, I decline to exercise the discretion
    granted under the statute to void the results of the June 30, 2016 stockholder meeting.
    Henry seeks the award of costs and attorneys’ fees for this litigation. As an
    initial matter, Henry did not brief his fees request in his opening post-trial brief.142
    Additionally, “[a]lthough . . . fee-shifting awards may be merited in exceptional
    cases in order to deter abusive litigation, avoid harassment, and protect the integrity
    of the judicial process,”143 in order to warrant the Court’s departure from the
    In re IBP, Inc. S’holders Litig., 
    789 A.2d 14
    , 62 (Del. Ch. 2001) (“In its opening
    post-trial brief, Tyson did not argue that these issues would in themselves be
    sufficient to give it a reason not to close in the event that the DFG-related issues in
    the Restated Financials were carved out by Schedule 5.11. As a result, I consider
    Tyson to have waived any arguments about these issues.”); Emerald P’rs v. Berlin,
    726 A.2d 1215
    (Del. 1999) (“Issues not briefed are deemed waived.”).
    Fairthorne Maint. Corp. v. Ramunno, 
    2007 WL 2214318
    , at *9 (Del. Ch. July 20,
    American Rule requiring each party to bear their own costs and fees regardless of
    the outcome of the case, the plaintiff must show that defendants “‘unnecessarily
    required the institution of litigation, delayed the litigation, and asserted frivolous
    motions,’ or, put another way, [that] defendants’ bad faith has ‘made the procession
    of the case unduly complicated and expensive.’”144 Although I have ruled against
    Phixios, Henry has not convinced me that Phixios engaged in bad faith litigation
    conduct that would justify a fee award to Henry.
    For the foregoing reasons, I find that Henry is not subject to the stock transfer
    restrictions contained in the Stockholder Agreement and, therefore, is a stockholder
    of Phixios. Henry is entitled to inspect the books and records he seeks in this
    litigation. While Henry was entitled to inspect the stock ledger of the Company
    before the June 30, 2016 stockholder meeting, and the Company withheld this list
    without justification, Henry has not provided any substantive response to the
    Company’s argument that this Court should not exercise its discretion to void the
    results of the June 30, 2016 meeting. Thus, I deny Henry’s request to void the results
    Id. (quoting Johnston
    v. Arbitrium (Cayman Islands) Handels, 
    720 A.2d 542
    , 545-
    46 (Del. 1998); ATR-Kim Eng Fin. Corp. v. Araneta, 
    2006 WL 3783520
    , at *23
    (Del. Ch. 2006), aff’d 
    2007 WL 1704647
    (Del. 2007)).
    of the meeting. Henry also is not entitled to fee shifting. The parties shall submit
    an order consistent with this opinion within ten (10) days.