Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System v. Citigroup Inc. ( 2015 )

  •                                                     EFiled: Apr 24 2015 12:37PM EDT
    Transaction ID 57133205
    Case No. 9587-ML
    OKLAHOMA FIREFIGHTERS                      :
    PENSION & RETIREMENT SYSTEM,               :
    Plaintiff,         :
    v.                       :     C.A. No. 9587-ML (VCN)
    CITIGROUP INC.,                            :
    Defendant.         :
    Date Submitted: January 22, 2015
    Date Decided: April 24, 2015
    Michael J. Barry, Esquire, Nathan A. Cook, Esquire, and Justin K. Victor, Esquire
    of Grant & Eisenhofer, P.A., Wilmington, Delaware, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
    Stephen P. Lamb, Esquire and Meghan M. Dougherty, Esquire of Paul, Weiss,
    Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, Wilmington, Delaware; Brad S. Karp, Esquire,
    Bruce Birenboim, Esquire, Susanna M. Buergel, Esquire, and Caitlin E.
    Grusauskas, Esquire of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, New
    York, New York; and Jane B. O’Brien, Esquire of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton
    & Garrison LLP, Washington, DC, Attorneys for Defendant.
    NOBLE, Vice Chancellor
    Plaintiff seeks to inspect certain books and records of Defendant Citigroup
    Inc. (“Citigroup” or the “Company”) in order to investigate possible
    mismanagement and breaches of fiduciary duty by Citigroup’s directors and
    officers in connection with events at two of Citigroup’s subsidiaries. Citigroup
    argues that Plaintiff has not established a credible basis to infer possible
    mismanagement or wrongdoing by the Company’s fiduciaries. Further, assuming
    that Plaintiff has stated a proper purpose, Citigroup contends that the scope of
    inspection demanded is overbroad.
    On June 27, 2014, this case was tried on a paper record before a Master in
    Chancery. The Master issued a draft bench report recommending that the Court
    find that Plaintiff has stated a proper purpose for inspection, but narrowing the
    scope of documents sought by Plaintiff’s demand.1
    Citigroup took timely exceptions to the draft report. After the parties briefed
    those exceptions, the Master issued her final report and recommendation (the
    “Final Report”), confirming her conclusion that Plaintiff had established a proper
    purpose for inspection.2 She did, however, again narrow the scope of documents
    that she deemed Plaintiff should be entitled to inspect.
    Section 220 Request Trial Transcript and Draft Bench Report of the Master,
    Okla. Firefighters Pension & Ret. Sys. v. Citigroup Inc., C.A. No. 9587-ML, at
    104-13 (Del. Ch. June 27, 2014) (TRANSCRIPT).
    Okla. Firefighters Pension & Ret. Sys. v. Citigroup Inc., 
    2014 WL 5351345
    , at *8
    (Del. Ch. Sept. 30, 2014).
    On October 7, 2014, Citigroup filed its Notice of Exception to the Master’s
    Final Report. The parties briefed Citigroup’s exceptions and presented argument
    before this Court. This is the Court’s ruling on the Company’s exceptions.
    Citigroup, a Delaware corporation, is a diversified financial services holding
    company headquartered in New York, New York. Its businesses provide a range
    of financial products, including consumer banking and credit, corporate and
    investment banking, securities brokerage, transaction services, and wealth
    management.3 Plaintiff Oklahoma Firefighters Pension & Retirement System has
    held Citigroup stock since December 31, 2007.
    On March 17, 2014, Plaintiff made a written demand (the “Demand”) on
    Citigroup pursuant to 8 Del. C. § 220 (“Section 220”).4 The Demand sought books
    and records relating to recently-disclosed adverse events involving two of
    Citigroup’s subsidiaries: Banco Nacional de Mexico, S.A. (“Banamex”) and
    Banamex USA. More specifically, Plaintiff aims to investigate a recent fraud at
    Banamex (the “Banamex fraud”) and Banamex USA’s compliance with the Bank
    Transmittal Aff. of Meghan M. Dougherty in Supp. of Def.’s Br. in Supp. of
    Exceptions to the Master’s Final Report (“Dougherty Aff.”) Ex. G.
    Verified Compl. Pursuant to 8 Del. C. § 220 to Compel Inspection of Books and
    Records (“Compl.”) Ex. 1.
    Secrecy Act (the “BSA”)5 and anti-money laundering (“AML”) requirements
    under federal laws and banking regulations.
    A. The Banamex Fraud
    Banamex, an indirect wholly-owned Citigroup subsidiary, is one of the
    Company’s largest foreign consumer banks, accounting for approximately 10% of
    the Company’s global profits.6 Citigroup views Banamex as “an integral part of
    [Citigroup’s] global network and a source of great pride . . . .”7 “Banamex is . . .
    subject to the same risk, control, anti-money-laundering and technology standards
    and oversight which are required throughout the [Company].”8 Citigroup’s Co-
    President, Manuel Medina-Mora, holds the title of “Chairman, Mexico” and
    oversees Citigroup’s Mexican business.9
    On February 28, 2014, Citigroup disclosed that a recent fraud had been
    discovered at Banamex:
    As of December 31, 2013, Citi, through [Banamex], had
    extended approximately $585 million of short-term credit to
    Oceanografia S.A. de C.V. (“OSA”), a Mexican oil services company,
    through an accounts receivable financing program. OSA has been a
    key supplier to Petróleos Mexicanos (“Pemex”), the Mexican state-
    owned oil company. Pursuant to the program, Banamex extended
    credit to OSA to finance accounts receivables due from Pemex. As of
    31 U.S.C. § 5311
    , et. seq.
    Transmittal Aff. of Justin K. Victor in Supp. of Pl.’s Answering Br. in Opp’n to
    Citigroup’s Exceptions to the Master’s Final Report (“Victor Aff.”) Ex. 2.D.
    Dougherty Aff. Ex. G.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 15 at 2.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 19.
    December 31, 2013, Banamex also had approximately $33 million in
    either outstanding loans made directly to OSA or standby letters of
    credit issued on OSA’s behalf.
    On February 11, 2014, Citi learned that OSA had been
    suspended from being awarded new Mexican government contracts.
    Upon learning of this suspension, Citi, together with Pemex,
    commenced detailed reviews of their credit exposure to OSA and of
    the accounts receivable financing program over the past several years.
    As a consequence of those reviews, on February 20, 2014, Pemex
    asserted that a significant portion of the accounts receivables recorded
    by Banamex in connection with the Pemex accounts receivable
    financing program were fraudulent and that the valid receivables were
    substantially less than the $585 million referenced above.10
    The Banamex fraud caused Citigroup to adjust downward its fourth quarter
    and full year 2013 financial results by $235 million after tax.11 Citigroup’s net
    income fell from $13.9 billion to $13.7 billion.12 Citigroup’s Chief Executive
    Officer (“CEO”), Michael Corbat, described the Banamex fraud as “significant”
    and suggested that “the impact to [Citigroup’s] credibility [would be] hard[] to
    calculate.”13 The Company fired at least twelve employees, including four high-
    ranking executives in Mexico.14
    Victor Aff. Ex. 2.A.
     In April 2014, Citigroup disclosed that a second fraud had been uncovered at
    Banamex. The magnitude of the second fraud, which involved less than
    $30 million in loans, was small relative to the Banamex fraud. Victor Aff. Ex. 5.
    As a result of the frauds, Citigroup’s Mexican unit reduced its first quarter net
    profit by $112 million. Victor Aff. Ex. 4.
    Dougherty Aff. Ex. G.
    Victor Aff. 13.
    Moody’s Investors Service (“Moody’s”) downgraded its ratings for
    Banamex to “reflect the severity of the fraud revealed in March and the subsequent
    revelations about the deficiencies in Banamex’s risk management and auditing
    functions that permitted this fraud to occur.”15    Moody’s questioned whether
    structural and cultural risk management and governance issues at Banamex were
    broader than initially thought.16
    B. Banamex USA’s BSA/AML Compliance
    Banamex USA is a California-based Citigroup subsidiary. It is a deposit-
    taking bank that provides retail banking and money-transfer services to customers
    doing business in Mexico and the United States. In its Annual Report on Form 10-
    K, filed on March 3, 2014, Citigroup disclosed that it and Banamex USA had
    received grand jury subpoenas issued by the United States Attorney’s Office for
    the District of Massachusetts (the “U.S. Attorney’s Office”) relating to compliance
    with BSA and AML requirements under federal laws and banking regulations.
    Banamex USA had also received a subpoena (addressing its BSA/AML programs)
    from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”).17
    The U.S. Attorney’s Office was reportedly investigating “whether [Banamex
    USA] . . . failed to alert the government to suspicious banking transactions along
    Victor Aff. Ex. 21 at OFP00000979.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 9 at OFP00000512.
    the U.S.-Mexico border that in some cases involved suspected drug-cartel
    members . . . .”18 Concerns stemmed from Citigroup’s failure to “submit . . .
    suspicious-activity reports flagging the questionable transactions . . . .”19 The BSA
    requires banks to notify federal authorities of any suspicious activity on cash
    transactions over $10,000.20
    The government subpoenas came on the heels of a series of consent orders
    (the “Consent Orders”) that Citigroup had entered into with various regulators in
    2012 and 2013 regarding BSA/AML compliance. The first order, on April 4,
    2012, was with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the “OCC”). The
    OCC had investigated Citibank, N.A. (“Citibank”), another Citibank subsidiary,
    and concluded that Citibank’s BSA/AML compliance program was deficient.
    According to the OCC, Citibank had
    failed to adopt and implement a compliance program that adequately
    covers the required BSA/AML program elements due to an
    inadequate system of internal controls and ineffective independent
    testing. [Citibank] did not develop adequate due diligence on foreign
    correspondent bank customers and failed to file Suspicious Activity
    Victor Aff. Ex. 6.
     In 2012, Citigroup had sent a team of employees and consultants to Banamex
    USA’s headquarters to install new controls and review past transactions. That
    investigation had revealed “problems with a money-services business that allowed
    people to transfer money across the U.S.-Mexico border without being a
    Reports (“SARs”) related to its remote deposit capture/international
    cash letter instrument activity in a timely manner.21
    Later in 2012, Banamex USA entered into a consent order with the FDIC
    and the California Department of Financial Institutions. Neither admitting nor
    denying legal violations, Banamex USA agreed to address, among other issues, the
    “(i) overall integrity and effectiveness of the BSA/AML compliance program,
    including policies, procedures, and processes; (ii) BSA/AML risk assessment;
    (iii) BSA reporting and recordkeeping requirements . . . [and] (vii) personnel
    adherence     to       [Banamex   USA’s]   BSA/AML   policies,   procedures,   and
    processes . . . .”22
    Then, on March 21, 2013, Citigroup entered into a consent order with the
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal Reserve”). This
    order referenced the previous two and stated the Federal Reserve’s conclusion that
    “Citigroup lacked effective systems of governance and internal controls to
    adequately oversee the activities of the Banks with respect to legal, compliance,
    and reputational risk related to the Banks’ respective BSA/AML compliance
    programs . . . .”23 Citigroup’s board of directors (the “Board”) agreed to enhance
    its risk management program with regard to BSA/AML compliance.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 18 at 2. The Bank neither admitted nor denied the OCC’s
    Victor Aff. Ex. 16 at 5.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 17 at 2-3. The “Banks” are Citibank and Banamex USA.
    A. Legal Standard
    This Court reviews the Master’s factual findings and legal conclusions de
    Through Section 220, “[a]ny stockholder, in person or by attorney or other
    agent, shall, upon written demand under oath stating the purpose thereof, have the
    right . . . to inspect for any proper purpose . . . [t]he corporation’s . . . books and
    records . . . .”25 A stockholder seeking inspection must demonstrate its proper
    purpose by a preponderance of the evidence.26
    To investigate waste and mismanagement, which is a proper purpose, a
    stockholder “must present some credible basis from which the court can infer that
    waste or mismanagement may have occurred.”27 However, the stockholder is “not
    required to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that waste and
    [mismanagement] are actually occurring.”28 “Both the stated purpose and the
    Ct. Ch. R. 144(a).
    8 Del. C. § 220(b)(1).
    Seinfeld v. Verizon Commc’ns, Inc., 
    909 A.2d 117
    , 121 (Del. 2006).
    Thomas & Betts Corp. v. Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc., 
    681 A.2d 1026
    , 1031 (Del.
    underlying need for information necessarily derive from an absence of conclusive
    facts, and such a standard would beg the ultimate question at issue.”29
    “Delaware courts routinely reject the conclusory allegation that because
    illegal behavior occurred, internal controls must have been deficient, and the board
    must have known so.”30 Nonetheless, the Court is not ruling on a motion to
    dismiss, but a Section 220 demand, where “the ‘credible basis’ standard sets the
    lowest possible burden of proof. The only way to reduce the burden of proof
    further would be to eliminate any requirement that a stockholder show some
    evidence of possible wrongdoing.”31
    B. Plaintiff’s Purposes for Inspection
    Plaintiff intends to investigate mismanagement and possible breaches of
    fiduciary duty by Citigroup’s directors and officers in connection with the
    Banamex fraud and Banamex USA’s BSA/AML compliance.32 Plaintiff seeks to
    investigate, in contemplation of derivative litigation, the disinterest of the Board to
    determine whether presuit demand would be excused.33
    Donald J. Wolfe, Jr. & Michael A. Pittenger, Corporate and Commercial
    Practice in the Delaware Court of Chancery, § 8.06[e][1], at 8-135 (2014).
    Desimone v. Barrows, 
    924 A.2d 908
    , 940 (Del. Ch. 2007).
    909 A.2d at 123
    Compl. Ex. 1.
    C. Investigating the Banamex Fraud Is a Proper Purpose
    Citigroup’s Risk Management and Finance Committee (the “Risk
    Management Committee”) is a standing committee of its Board.                   The Risk
    Management Committee oversees the Company’s risk management, including its
    risk appetite, its risk policies, its exposure to operational risk, and the qualifications
    and background of senior risk officers.34         The Risk Management Committee
    reviews management’s design, implementation, and maintenance of an effective
    risk program. It also reports to the Board regarding the Company’s risk profile and
    risk management policies and practices.         To fulfill its charge, the committee
    receives regular management reports and may request information to investigate
    matters within the scope of its duties.35       The Board also maintains an Audit
    Committee, which further oversees risk assessment and risk management.36
    Plaintiff intends to test whether it has viable Caremark claims against
    Citigroup’s fiduciaries for failing to fulfill their oversight responsibilities.
    According to Citigroup, while the Banamex fraud was unfortunate, its occurrence
    only supports an inference of mismanagement or wrongdoing at Banamex, not at
    Citigroup. Caremark claims are among the hardest to plead successfully.37 For
    that reason, this Court has analogized the practice of immediately filing a
    Victor Aff. Ex. 10 at 2. This is not an exhaustive list of its duties.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 10 at 1.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 12 at 5.
    See In re Caremark Int’l Inc. Deriv. Litig., 
    698 A.2d 959
    , 968 (Del. Ch. 1996).
    complaint asserting such claims after a negative corporate event to purchasing a
    lottery ticket.38 Most claims are unlikely to survive a motion to dismiss, but filing
    is cheap and the payoff, for the “winning ticket,” is potentially large.
    The Court therefore encourages stockholders to pursue a Section 220
    demand instead of bringing a premature complaint.
    [O]nce you have those books and records, you can make an intelligent
    decision about whether or not to sue, because it may well be that the
    board is not involved in the underlying misconduct and, therefore, the
    board is the appropriate corporate actor to determine what if anything
    should be done on behalf of the company as a result of the corporate
    trauma . . . .
    Second and perhaps equally important, if you learn that the
    board was somehow implicated and therefore is not the institutionally
    competent actor, you can actually plead a complaint that might
    survive Rule 23.1.39
    Here, the record would not likely support fiduciary duty claims capable of
    surviving a motion to dismiss. However, the relevant question is whether the
    record establishes a credible basis, the “lowest burden of proof,” to support a
    conclusion that Plaintiff’s demand is based on more than mere suspicion and
    conjecture.   Of course, it may turn out “that the board is not involved in the
    U.C.F.W. Local 1776 & Participating Emp’rs Pension Fund v. Allergan, Inc.,
    C.A. No. 6223-VCL, at 28 (Del. Ch. Apr. 27, 2011) (TRANSCRIPT).
    Id. at 28-29.
    underlying misconduct and, therefore, the board is the appropriate corporate actor
    to determine what if anything should be done on behalf of the company . . . .” 40
    It would be inappropriate to infer possible mismanagement by Citigroup’s
    Board or senior management merely because wrongdoing occurred at Banamex
    and the Board has oversight responsibility. If Plaintiff’s showing ended there, the
    record would merely indicate that improper behavior may have occurred despite
    Citigroup’s internal controls. An inference that those controls were deficient, in a
    sense capable of establishing a credible basis for a Caremark claim, would be
    However, before the Banamex fraud was revealed, there were red flags
    indicating issues at the subsidiary. Plaintiff argues that Citigroup’s Board either
    was, or should have been, aware of the warning signs. The Banamex fraud was not
    merely a blip on Citigroup’s radar. Banamex is “an integral part of [Citigroup’s]
    global network and a source of great pride . . . .” 41 It accounts for approximately
    10% of Citigroup’s annual profits and the fraud was material enough to Citigroup
    to cause it to restate its financial results.42 Citigroup took broad remedial actions to
    address the fraud and its fallout. One might commend Citigroup for the actions it
    took once the Banamex fraud was revealed. Conversely, one might also question,
    Dougherty Aff. Ex. G.
    if the event was so significant to Citigroup, how the Company allowed it to occur
    in the first place.43
    Citigroup’s CEO confirmed that “[t]here were telltales [of the Banamex
    fraud] along the way . . . .”44 “[E]mployees missed signs of trouble they should
    have recognized and elevated to superiors.”45 Perhaps, the failures to report up the
    ladder indicate a lack of adequate controls. Additionally, debt ratings firms Fitch
    and Standard & Poor’s both stopped rating Oceanografia, Banamex’s counterparty
    to the Banamex fraud loans, in 2010, citing insufficient financial information.46
    Citigroup did not review its credit exposure to Oceanografia until February 11,
    2014, upon learning that Oceanografia had been suspended from being awarded
    new Mexican government contracts.47
    These circumstances raise questions over whether proper risk management
    and detection systems were in place, or were properly followed.           One can
    reasonably infer that if the Risk Management and Audit Committees were
    functioning properly, then a system would have existed to detect, prevent, or
    As one financial journalist observed, the Banamex fraud indicated a failure “in
    the . . . Banamex and Citigroup risk-management departments, where no one
    seems to have stopped to ask how on earth a simple accounts-receivable credit line
    could have grown to more than half a billion dollars in size.” Victor Aff. 2.F.
    (Felix Salmon, Incompetent Banamex, THE STREET, Mar. 4, 2014, at 1).
    Victor Aff. Ex. 15 at 1.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 2.D at 2.
    Victor Aff. Ex. 2.A at 1.
    minimize the Banamex fraud. That the fraud involved an accounts-receivable
    credit line, a core component of the bank’s business, is further cause for concern.
    Notably, Banamex is subject to the same oversight standards which are required
    throughout the Company.48
    Citigroup is a sprawling multi-billion dollar corporation. That wrongdoing
    occurred at one of its subsidiaries falls far short of indicating failures on behalf of
    its fiduciaries. Nonetheless, given the nature and magnitude of the Banamex fraud,
    there is at least a credible basis to infer deficiencies at Citigroup, and Plaintiff is
    entitled to investigate.49     This conclusion does not ignore the corporate
    separateness of Citigroup and Banamex, but recognizes the Board’s role in
    overseeing its important subsidiary.
    D. Investigating Banamex USA’s BSA/AML Compliance Is a Proper Purpose
    The Court agrees with the Master that “the issue of Banamex USA’s
    BSA/AML compliance is a closer case” than the Banamex fraud.50 The Consent
    Victor Aff. Ex. 15 at 2.
    Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority v. AbbVie, Inc., 
    2015 WL 1753033
     (Del. Ch. Apr. 15, 2015), is distinguishable. In that case, the record did
    not establish a credible basis to doubt that directors had acted loyally in connection
    with approving and subsequently terminating a merger. The record reflected that
    the board was informed of the merger-related risks and had factored the risks into
    its decision to approve the deal. Id. at *15. Here, the Plaintiff is not asserting that
    Citigroup’s board improvidently made a business decision that imposed a
    substantial risk on the Company. Instead, the Plaintiff has established a minimum
    credible basis from which one can infer a failure of oversight at the Company.
    See Okla. Firefighters Pension & Ret. Sys., 
    2014 WL 5351345
    , at *7.
    Orders, standing alone, would not satisfy the credible basis threshold. Further, that
    Citigroup and Banamex USA subsequently received subpoenas relating to
    BSA/AML issues does not, in the abstract, allow the inference that Citigroup failed
    to implement the Consent Orders properly.
    Citigroup correctly observes that the fact that a corporation is “one of many
    companies in many industries caught up in the dragnet of a federal
    investigation . . . does not support an inference of possible wrongdoing.”51 In
    isolation, Citigroup’s receipt of subpoenas regarding BSA/AML issues does not
    adequately suggest mismanagement or wrongdoing by its fiduciaries.
    However, there is evidence that the subpoenas were not merely the
    consequence of Citigroup’s being “caught up in the dragnet of a federal
    investigation.” The subpoenas were issued shortly after Citigroup entered the
    Consent Orders, which arose from findings by the OCC, the FDIC, and the Federal
    Reserve that Citigroup and certain of its subsidiaries, including Banamex USA, did
    not maintain adequate controls for compliance with BSA/AML requirements.52
    Banamex USA, which is overseen by Citigroup, is now under investigation for an
    apparent failure to report suspicious banking transactions. The Consent Orders
    addressed BSA reporting requirements, which include suspicious activity
    La. Mun. Police Emps.’ Ret. Sys. v. Lennar Corp., 
    2012 WL 4760881
    , at *4
    (Del. Ch. Oct. 5, 2012).
    Again, Citigroup has neither admitted nor denied the agencies’ findings.
    reporting.   The government investigation is thus targeted at Citigroup and
    Banamex USA, and at least part of the government’s reason for investigating is
    known. The government’s rationale relates directly to events at Banamex USA
    that one might expect not to occur if the Consent Orders had been properly
    Therefore, Plaintiff “has cobbled together sufficient evidence, taken as a
    whole, to satisfy the threshold credible evidence standard.”53            One could
    reasonably infer that Citigroup either incorrectly implemented the Consent Orders
    or failed to carry out appropriately the actions those orders contemplated. Plaintiff
    has a proper purpose to investigate Citigroup’s implementation of the controls and
    compliance programs that it agreed to under the Consent Orders.54
    E. Proper Scope of Inspection
    An inspection under Section 220 “is not open-ended; it is restricted to
    inspection of the books and records needed to perform the task. Accordingly,
    inspection is limited to those documents that are necessary, essential, and sufficient
    for the shareholders’ purpose.”55 This Court “has wide latitude in determining the
    Robotti & Co., LLC v. Gulfport Energy Corp., 
    2007 WL 2019796
    , at *3 (Del.
    Ch. July 3, 2007).
    A broader investigation into what may have led to the Consent Orders is not a
    proper purpose. The Master reached this same conclusion.
    BBC Acq. Corp. v. Durr-Fillauer Med., Inc., 
    623 A.2d 85
    , 88 (Del. Ch. 1992).
    proper scope of inspection.”56      In exercising this discretion, the Court limits
    inspection to “documents reasonably required to satisfy the purpose of the
    demand.”57 Circumscribing an appropriate scope “is [a] fact specific [exercise]
    and will necessarily depend on the context in which the shareholder’s inspection
    demand arises.”58     “[T]he stockholder should be given enough information to
    effectively address the problem. . . .”59
    The Master’s Final Report recommends production of
    (1) board and committee minutes and materials provided to the board
    or committees, (2) materials containing talking points, scripts, or other
    summaries of remarks or reports that were delivered at a board or
    committee meeting, and (3) policies and procedures, but only to the
    extent those books and records relate to the following topics: (a) the
    Banamex fraud, (b) the BSA/AML matters at Banamex USA, (c)
    Banamex’s fraud detection and prevention efforts, and (d) Citigroup’s
    BSA/AML compliance.60
    The Master limited the documents subject to her recommendation with two
    separate timeframes: January 2011 until the date of an order for Banamex fraud-
    related documents, and January 2012 until the date of an order for documents
    relating to Banamex USA’s BSA/AML compliance.
    Citigroup’s only exception to the Master’s recommended scope, given the
    Court’s finding of proper purpose, is that production of documents relating to
    Thomas & Betts Corp., 
    681 A.2d at 1035
    Carapico v. Phila. Stock Exch., Inc., 
    791 A.2d 787
    , 793 (Del. Ch. 2000).
    Espinoza v. Hewlett-Packard Co., 
    32 A.3d 365
    , 372 (Del. 2011).
    Saito v. McKesson HBOC, Inc., 
    806 A.2d 113
    , 115 (Del. 2002).
    Okla. Firefighters Pension & Ret. Sys., 
    2014 WL 5351345
    , at *8.
    “Citigroup’s BSA/AML compliance” would exceed what is necessary, essential,
    and sufficient to investigate Plaintiff’s BSA/AML concerns. Citigroup contends
    that this topic of inspection should be narrowed because Plaintiff’s proper purpose
    regarding BSA/AML compliance is limited to investigating the implementation of
    the Consent Orders and not more generally into what may have led to the orders.
    However, the scope recommended by the Master is appropriately tailored to
    allow Plaintiff to investigate its potential claims while mitigating the burden on
    Citigroup. The first Consent Order was entered into on April 4, 2012. The Master
    recommended inspection regarding “Citigroup’s BSA/AML compliance” of
    documents from January 2012 to the date of the order.61           This timeframe
    appropriately allows Plaintiff to investigate Citigroup’s implementation of the
    Consent Orders. Not only did the Master place time constraints on the documents
    to be produced, but she only recommended production of three categories of
    documents, as described in the Final Report.62
    “Citigroup’s BSA/AML compliance” does not describe a vague category of
    documents. It embodies a class of documents potentially instructive on the issue of
    the Company’s implementation of the controls and compliance programs
    contemplated by the Consent Orders. While it is unavoidable that some documents
    The Master substantially narrowed Plaintiff’s request for documents dating back
    to January 1, 2008.
    See supra text accompanying note 60.
    within this category’s scope may not ultimately advance Plaintiff’s proper purpose,
    production of this category is necessary to allow Plaintiff to investigate fully
    BSA/AML         compliance.     Documents      concerning   Citigroup’s   BSA/AML
    compliance are targeted toward investigating whether the Consent Orders were
    properly implemented. Narrowing the scope of inspection further than the Master
    has already done risks rendering Plaintiff’s investigation incomplete.
    Plaintiff has established a proper purpose to investigate mismanagement and
    possible breaches of fiduciary duty by Citigroup’s fiduciaries in connection with
    the Banamex fraud and Banamex USA’s BSA/AML compliance. The Master
    appropriately limited the scope of Plaintiff’s demand to categories of documents
    that are necessary and essential for Plaintiff’s purpose.
    After a de novo review of the issues raised, Citigroup’s exceptions to the
    Master’s Final Report are denied. The Court approves and adopts the Final Report
    and the recommendations contained therein.
    Counsel are requested to confer and to submit an implementing form of