Alan L. Lucas ( 2014 )

  •                                           COURT OF CHANCERY
    OF THE
    MASTER IN CHANCERY                                                              NEW CASTLE COUNTY COURTHOUSE
    WILMINGTON, DE 19801-3734
    Final Report: July 1, 2014
    Submitted: June 11, 2014
    Alan L. Lucas                                      Jackie and Della Miller
    Linn County Correctional Center                    1120 37th Street
    P.O. Box 608                                       Des Moines, IA 50311
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-0608
    Francis and Gwen Miller
    Dwight and Carol Miller                            204 12th Street NW
    103 15th Street SE                                 Mason City, IA 50401
    Mason City, IA 50401
    Theodore J. Tacconelli
    Rick S. Miller
    Ferry Joseph & Pearce, P.A.
    P.O. Box 1351
    Wilmington, DE 19899
    Re:   Alan L. Lucas, et al. v. Alan Hanson, et al.
    C.A. No. 9424-ML
    Dear Counsel and Parties:
    I am in receipt of the defendants‟ motions to dismiss the amended complaint in the
    above-captioned action, along with the plaintiff‟s response to those motions. For the
    reasons that follow, I recommend that the Court dismiss without prejudice the amended
    complaint because the plaintiff has not alleged sufficient facts to establish that (i) he has
    standing to maintain this action, and (ii) this Court has personal jurisdiction over certain
    of the defendants. This is my final report on these motions.
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    The following facts are drawn from the complaint, giving the plaintiff the benefit
    of all reasonable inferences.       This case involves Covenant Investment Fund LP
    (“Covenant”), a Delaware limited partnership created in 2007.                Prosapia Capital
    Management LLC (“Prosapia Capital”) is the general partner and a limited partner of
    Covenant.1 Prosapia Capital is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Prosapia Financial LLC
    (“Prosapia Financial”).2 The plaintiff, Alan Lucas (“Lucas”) is the operating manager of
    both Prosapia Capital and Prosapia Financial and is a member of Prosapia Financial.3
    The defendants are current or “disassociated” limited partners of Covenant, none
    of whom are residents of Delaware.4 The complaint does not allege that any of the
    defendants participated in the management of Covenant. According to the Amended
    Complaint, after Prosapia Capital became general partner, it expended some of
    Covenant‟s funds to conduct an audit, hire contractors, and purchase a corporate vehicle,
    and took steps to liquidate Covenant‟s fiber optic utility rights and assets, with an
    ultimate goal of purchasing a large hotel and convention center.5 Some of the limited
    partners objected to this plan for Covenant‟s future. In June 2011, Lucas was charged in
    Am. Compl. for Declaratory J. and Prelim. Inj. (hereinafter “Am. Compl.”) ¶ 16
    Id. ¶ 17.
    Id. ¶¶ 2, 19.
    Id. ¶¶ 3-11. The term “disassociated” is drawn from the complaint. The plaintiff uses the term
    to refer to limited partners who allegedly received final distributions and withdraws from
    Covenant in 2009. Id. ¶ 23.
    Id. ¶ 24
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    Iowa with theft and ongoing criminal conduct associated with the expenditure and
    liquidation of Covenant‟s funds and assets.6
    Lucas was convicted on October 23, 2013 and was sentenced on March 14, 2014
    to 25 years in prison. In connection with the criminal proceedings, Iowa declared “that
    the cash held in [Covenant‟s] account was the property of the [named defendants],” and
    should have been distributed to the named defendants when Prosapia Capital became
    Covenant‟s general partner.7 After his conviction, but before the sentencing, Lucas filed
    this action seeking declaratory and injunctive relief and arguing that “Iowa‟s attempt to
    force distributions of company assets is the regulation of the internal affairs of a
    Delaware entity with no ties to Iowa in violation of the commerce clause, due process
    clause and full faith and credit clause of the United States Constitution.”8 Although the
    Amended Complaint appears to seek declaratory and injunctive relief regarding whether
    Iowa‟s prosecution of Lucas violated his constitutional rights,9 Lucas maintains that he
    seeks only an injunction prohibiting the named defendants from receiving Covenant‟s
    funds as restitution, explaining that “the actions by the State of Iowa and the underlying
    constitutional implications are only alleged to establish that the only proper way for the
    Id. ¶ 26.
    See, e.g. Am. Compl. Prayer for Relief p. 20 (alleging that “[t]he State of Iowa violated the due
    process, full faith and credit, and commerce clauses of the United States Constitution when Iowa
    initiated a criminal prosecution of Lucas for actions undertaken as Operating Manager of the
    General Partner of Covenant. In essence, Lucas‟s conduct that is not only legal, but is required
    under Delaware partnership law, has been deemed illegal under Iowa law”); id. p. 22, ¶ 4
    (seeking a declaration that “[w]hen the State of Iowa imposed criminal sanctions on Alan Lucas
    for directing the partnership to not issue distributions or dissolve the partnership, it was acting
    extraterritorially in violation of the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution”).
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    defendants to receive a distribution or disbursement from [Covenant] is by initiating a
    derivative action in this Court.”10 The defendants filed a series of motions to dismiss the
    Amended Complaint.        Alan Hanson, Patty Hanson, and Marcella Hosch moved to
    dismiss (the “Hanson/Hosch Motion”) on the basis that Lucas lacks standing to pursue
    this action because there is no allegation in the Amended Complaint that Lucas is a
    limited or general partner of Covenant. Dwight Miller, Carol Miller, Jackie Miller, Della
    Miller, Francis Miller, and Gwen Miller (collectively, the “Miller Defendants”) moved to
    dismiss the claims against them for lack of personal jurisdiction and for failure to state a
    Pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6), this Court may grant a motion to dismiss for failure to
    state a claim if a complaint does not assert sufficient facts that, if proven, would entitle
    the plaintiff to relief. The governing pleading standard in Delaware to survive a motion
    to dismiss is “reasonable „conceivability.‟”11 That is, when considering such a motion, a
    court must
    accept all well-pleaded factual allegations in the Complaint as
    true, accept even vague allegations in the Complaint as “well-
    pleaded” if they provide the defendant notice of the claim,
    draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the plaintiff, and
    deny the motion unless the plaintiff could not recover under
    Lucas‟s Resp. to Defs. Hansons‟ and Hosch‟s Motion to Dismiss (hereinafter “Resp. to
    Hanson/Hosch”) at 2-4.
    Central Mortg. Co. v. Morgan Stanley Mortg. Capital Hldgs. LLC, 
    27 A.3d 531
    , 537 (Del.
    2011) (footnote omitted).
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    any reasonably conceivable set of circumstances susceptible
    of proof.12
    This “conceivability” standard asks whether there is a “possibility” of recovery. 13 If the
    well-pleaded factual allegations of the complaint would entitle the plaintiff to relief under
    a reasonably conceivable set of circumstances, the Court must deny the motion to
    In response to the Hanson/Hosch motion, Lucas concedes the Amended Complaint
    does not allege that he is a limited partner of Covenant, but contends the absence of that
    allegation merely is an oversight, asserts that he is in fact a limited partner of Covenant,
    and urges the Court to “constructively amend” the Amended Complaint to add the
    allegation that Lucas has a limited partnership interest in Covenant.15 On a motion to
    dismiss, however, I cannot look outside the complaint for facts to support it,16 and there is
    no basis in this Court‟s rules or precedent for a “constructive amendment” to the
    pleadings at this stage in the proceedings. I therefore recommend that the Court dismiss
    the Amended Complaint without prejudice to Lucas‟s ability to file a second amended
    complaint. Although the Hanson and Hosch defendants urge that any such amendment
    would be futile because the claims Lucas seeks to pursue are derivative, and he is not a
    proper derivative plaintiff, those arguments were raised in the reply brief and are best
     (citing Savor, Inc. v. FMR Corp., 
    812 A.2d 894
    , 896-97 (Del. 2002)).
     at 537 & n.13.
    Id. at 536.
    Resp. to Hanson/Hosch at 5-6.
    Shintom Co., Ltd. v. Audiovox Corp., 
    2005 WL 1138740
    , at *4 n.8 (Del. Ch. May 4, 2005).
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    considered on a more complete record after Lucas has been given an opportunity to
    The Miller Defendants also moved to dismiss on the basis that this Court lacks
    personal jurisdiction over them for purposes of deciding Lucas‟s claims.17 When a
    defendant moves to dismiss for want of personal jurisdiction, it is the plaintiff‟s burden to
    show a basis for the Court to exercise jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant. 18 “In
    determining whether it has personal jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant, the court
    will generally engage in a two-step analysis.         First, was service of process on the
    nonresident authorized by statute?       Second, does the exercise of jurisdiction, in the
    context presented, comport with due process?”19
    Lucas‟s response to the Miller Defendants‟ Motion to Dismiss does not identify
    the statute he contends authorized service of process over the Miller Defendants,
    although I presume he relies on the State‟s long arm statute, 10 Del. C. § 3104. Even if
    Lucas properly identified a statutory provision and alleged sufficient facts to meet the
    terms of that statute, however, he also makes no effort to satisfy any “minimum contacts”
    analysis. Instead, Lucas argues that the Miller Defendants consented to the jurisdiction
    of this Court by signing Covenant‟s partnership agreement.20 Although a defendant may
    waive her defense based on personal jurisdiction by expressly consenting to jurisdiction
    The Hanson/Hosch motion does not raise personal jurisdiction as a basis for dismissal, and I
    therefore have not considered this Court‟s jurisdiction over those defendants.
    Albert v. Alex. Brown Mgmt. Servs., 
    2005 WL 2130607
    , at *14 (Del. Ch. Aug. 26, 2005).
     (citing LaNuova D & B, S.P.A. v. Bowe Co., 
    513 A.2d 764
    , 768 (Del. 1986)).
    Consolidated Resp. to Miller Defs. Mot. to Dismiss (hereinafter “Resp. to Miller Defs.”) at 3,
    4 (citing Sections 14.05 and 14.06 of the partnership agreement).
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    by contract,21 and although such consent eliminates the need for a minimum contacts
    analysis,22 Lucas has not filed with the Court a copy of the partnership agreement, and I
    therefore cannot determine whether the Miller Defendants in fact consented to
    jurisdiction. Because Lucas has not met his burden to establish a basis for this Court to
    exercise jurisdiction over the Miller Defendants, all of whom are residents of Iowa, I
    recommend that the Court grant the Miller Defendants‟ motion to dismiss, without
    prejudice to an amended pleading that establishes a basis by which the Court may
    exercise jurisdiction over those defendants.
    For the foregoing reasons, I recommend that the Court grant the motions to
    dismiss without prejudice. This is my final report and exceptions may be taken in
    accordance with Rule 144.
    /s/ Abigail M. LeGrow
    Master in Chancery
    Hornberger Mgmt. Co. v. Haws & Tingle Gen. Contrs., 
    768 A.2d 983
    , 987 (Del. Super. 2000);
    see also Werner v. Miller Tech. Mgmt., L.P., 
    831 A.2d 318
    , 331 (Del. Ch. 2003) (stating that
    parties can choose to avail themselves of Delaware law through a forum selection clause); cf. Del
    Pharm., Inc. v. Access Pharm., Inc., 
    2004 WL 1631355
    , at *1 (Del. Ch. July 16, 2004)
    (enforcing a forum selection clause, which chose New York as the exclusive forum for
    adjudication, to dismiss suit).
    768 A.2d at 987
    ; USH Ventures v. Global Telesystems Group, Inc., 
    1998 WL 281250
    , at *8 (Del. Super. Ct. May 21, 1998).