State v. White ( 2017 )

    STATE OF DELAWARE,                 :
    :        ID No. 1508010489
    v.                 :        In and For Kent County
    ABDUL T. WHITE,                    :
    Defendant.            :
    Submitted: February 14, 2017
    Decided: May 8, 2017
    Jason Cohee, Esquire, and Lindsay Taylor, Esquire, DEPARTMENT OF
    JUSTICE, Dover, Delaware, for the State.
    Edward Gill, Esquire, LAW OFFICE OF EDWARD C. GILL P.A., and Alexander
    Funk, Esquire, CURLEY, DODGE & FUNK, LLC, Dover, Delaware, Attorneys
    for Defendant.
    Clark, J.
    I. Introduction
    On August 8, 2015, John Harmon (hereinafter “Mr. Harmon”) was fatally
    shot in the head in Milford, Delaware. After a police investigation, the Milford
    Police Department (hereinafter the “police”) suspected that Defendant Abdul
    White (hereinafter “Mr. White”) was involved. The police sought and obtained
    several warrants including a search warrant for his DNA. The Philadelphia police
    located Mr. White while he was in Pennsylvania and detained him on a Fugitive of
    Justice charge.       After his apprehension, Delaware police interrogated him in
    Philadelphia regarding the murder. After Pennsylvania extradited Mr. White to
    Delaware, the police again interviewed him in Milford. During the course of that
    interview, Mr. White made incriminating statements.              Following Mr. White’s
    discussion with the police, the police arrested him and charged him with Murder in
    the First Degree and several other offenses.
    Mr. White has filed several motions to suppress. First, regarding an issue of
    first impression in Delaware, he argues that the Court must suppress any DNA
    evidence in the case because the search warrant affidavit did not represent that
    DNA was actually recovered from the scene. Accordingly, he argues that there is
    not the nexus required to justify the seizure of his DNA.
    Second, Mr. White argues that the Court must suppress incriminating
    statements made during his Milford police interview for several reasons. These
    include his argument that the Milford police detective provided invalid Miranda 1
    warnings to him both in Philadelphia and in Milford. Also, Mr. White argues that
    a twelve minute delay in providing the warnings occurred after the start of an
    interrogation, rendering the warnings invalid.            Mr. White also argues that he
    formerly invoked his rights in writing by signing a non-waiver form in
    Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 486
    Philadelphia while represented by counsel on a Fugitive of Justice charge. He
    argues that the non-waiver form invoked his rights for his subsequent interrogation
    in Milford. Lastly, he requests the Court to suppress his incriminating statements
    in Milford because the police violated his Sixth Amendment right to counsel
    because he was represented in Philadelphia before his extradition to Delaware.
    The State opposes Mr. White’s motion arguing that the warrant for Mr.
    White’s DNA contained a sufficient nexus to establish probable cause that seizing
    a sample of his DNA would provide evidence of his involvement. The State also
    maintains that the police provided Mr. White with valid Miranda warnings prior to
    the interrogations and that he knowingly and voluntarily waived his rights.
    Finally, the State argues that Mr. White’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel had
    not yet attached to the Murder First Degree charge, and therefore, the police did
    not violate this constitutional right by questioning him in Milford without counsel.
    After considering the respective positions of the parties, Mr. White’s motions to
    suppress (1) DNA evidence on the basis of a defective warrant, and (2) his
    statements pursuant to Miranda and the Sixth Amendment right to counsel are
    II. Facts
    All facts stated herein that are relevant to the motion to suppress DNA
    evidence are recited in the probable cause affidavit. Separately, all facts relevant
    to the motions to suppress Mr. White’s statements are those facts found by the
    Court after the January 5, 2017 suppression hearing, and through documents
    supplementing that record.
    On August 8, 2015, the police were notified of a home invasion in Milford.
    Three intruders wearing dark clothes and dirt bike style masks entered a home
    located at 515 Walnut Street in Milford. The intruders ordered nine people in the
    house to lay on the floor in the living room and then held them at gunpoint.
    Another person was duct taped and also held at gunpoint in the living room. While
    two of the intruders held these people, one of the three intruders kept Mr. Harmon
    in his bedroom. The intruder duct taped Mr. Harmon to his wheelchair and then
    fatally shot him in the head. After arriving at the scene, the Milford police located
    an intruder’s dirt bike mask in Mr. Harmon’s bedroom. After processing the mask,
    the police found a latent fingerprint belonging to the left middle finger of Mr.
    White. Thereafter, a magistrate at the Justice of the Peace issued a search warrant
    for Mr. White’s DNA.
    After securing the warrant, the police unsuccessfully attempted to locate Mr.
    White. The Philadelphia police arrested him in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on
    September 23, 2015 on a Fugitive of Justice charge and later extradited him to
    Delaware. During his detention in Pennsylvania, however, the Milford police read
    Mr. White his Miranda rights and interviewed him. Later, at some point prior to
    his extradition to Delaware, the Philadelphia Public Defender’s office had Mr.
    White execute a written assertion of his Miranda rights, apparently in reference to
    the Pennsylvania charge.
    Pennsylvania then extradited Mr. White to Delaware on December 2, 2015.
    While the police held Mr. White at the police station in Milford, Delaware, the
    same Milford detective spoke to him and asked if he wanted to continue a
    conversation he had with another police officer regarding separate charges.
    Without prompting, Mr. White then began talking about the home invasion and
    murder. At that point, the police interrupted Mr. White to again inform him of his
    Miranda rights. Mr. White then waived his rights and provided a six hour long
    incriminating statement to the police regarding the home invasion and murder.
    Following this interview, the police formerly charged Mr. White with various
    charges including Murder First Degree.
    III.      Discussion
    Following Mr. White’s arrest, his defense counsel filed several motions to
    suppress evidence.         The first motion to suppress focuses on the DNA search
    warrant, and the balance of Mr. White’s motions focus on the incriminating
    statements he provided to the police. For the reasons set forth below, Mr. White’s
    several motions to suppress evidence are denied.
    A. The warrant for collection of Mr. White’s DNA was valid.
    Mr. White challenges the issuance of the search warrant authorizing the
    collection of his DNA by buccal swab.                   Since this motion involves a search
    warrant, the burden is on Mr. White to prove that the collection of his DNA was
    unlawful.2 A judicial officer must only issue a search warrant if the government
    has established probable cause. 3 The affidavit must set forth enough facts to allow
    the judicial officer to form a reasonable belief that a particular offense has been
    committed and that seizable property would be found in a particular location. 4
    Additionally, probable cause requires a nexus between the items sought by the
    police and the place in which the police wish to search.5 A warrant involving
    authorization for a DNA swab is evaluated pursuant to these same standards.
    Mr. White must establish the illegality of this search and seizure by a
    preponderance of the evidence.6 Furthermore, a reviewing court must pay great
    See State v. Sisson, 
    883 A.2d 868
    , 875 (Del. Super. Ct. 2005) (stating that “[o]n a motion to
    suppress challenging the validity of a search warrant, the defendant bears the burden of
    establishing that the challenged search or seizure was unlawful”).
    Fink v. State, 
    817 A.2d 781
    , 786 (Del. 2003).
    Sisson v. State, 
    903 A.2d 288
    , 296 (Del. 2006).
    Hooks v. State, 
    416 A.2d 189
    , 203 (Del. 1980).
    883 A.2d at 875
    deference to a magistrate’s decision that a warrant is supported by probable cause. 7
    Notwithstanding this deference, the reviewing court’s “‘substantial basis’ review
    requires [it] to determine whether ‘the warrant was invalid because the magistrate’s
    probable-cause determination reflected an improper analysis of the totality of the
    circumstances . . . .’”8 The Court is confined to a four-corners analysis. Namely,
    the search warrant’s affidavit “must, within the four-corners of the affidavit, set
    forth facts adequate for a judicial officer to form a reasonable belief that an offense
    has been committed and the property to be seized will be found in a particular
    Mr. White argues that the language found in the affidavit to support a
    collection of his DNA included merely conclusory statements that are insufficient
    to establish the required nexus between his DNA and other evidence of a crime.
    Here, the relevant information contained in the affidavit does not include a
    statement that the police recovered any DNA from the scene.              It does, however,
    recite the affiant’s belief that Mr. White’s DNA would be located on various items
    of evidence collected at the scene of the crime. He further recites that it has been
    (1) the affiant’s experience that those involved in committing crimes leave their
    DNA behind; and (2) when a person involved in committing a crime leaves items
    of clothing worn or used to commit the crime at the scene, those items often
    contain the suspect’s DNA. Mr. White argues that these conclusory statements are
    insufficient to establish a nexus between Mr. White’s DNA and the evidence found
    at the crime scene.
    State v. Holden, 
    60 A.3d 1110
    , 1114 (Del. 2013).
    LeGrande v. State, 
    947 A.2d 1103
    , 1108 (Del. 2008) (quoting United States v. Leon, 
    486 U.S. 897
    , 915 (1984)).
    903 A.2d at 296
    In support of his argument, Mr. White points to dicta in the Superior Court’s
    decision in State v. Campbell to argue that conclusory statements that DNA may be
    recovered from an item without adequate support for such statements is insufficient
    to establish a proper foundation for a seizure of a suspect’s DNA.10 Therefore, Mr.
    White argues that the Court must suppress the evidence obtained as a result of the
    DNA sample.
    In response, the State argues that the statements in the affidavit establish a
    sufficient nexus to support probable cause because the affiant stated that in his
    experience people who commit crimes leave their DNA at the crime scene.
    Furthermore, it argues that when items of clothing are left behind at the scene,
    those items often contain DNA evidence. The State also relies upon State v.
    Campbell by referencing its dicta that a warrant’s inclusion of a statement that
    based on the affiant’s experience that it is likely that the intruders left DNA on
    these items, establishes the required nexus. 11
    During the evidentiary hearing, defense counsel for Mr. White clarified this
    argument acknowledging that the affidavit did include statements regarding the
    affiant’s experience.        However, Mr. White argues that the affidavit is still
    insufficient because it contains no information regarding why the affiant’s
    experience justifies this conclusion.          According to Mr. White, there must be
    further foundation to support the conclusion that based on the affiant’s experience,
    training, or education, DNA is often left behind at the scene.
    The State counters that affidavit recited that he had 13 years of experience
    investigating homicides, attempted homicides, and other serious assaults. The State
    argues that this is an adequate basis for the affiant’s experience supporting the
    2015 WL 5968901
     (Del. Super. Ct. Oct. 5, 2015).
    belief that there would be DNA left at the crime scene. The State also maintains
    that the expectation of finding Mr. White’s DNA on the dirt bike mask left behind
    at the crime scene was augmented when the police found a latent finger print on
    the mask which belonged to Mr. White. Accordingly, the State then advocates the
    Campbell decision’s reasoning that an affidavit for DNA seizure would be
    sufficient if it relied on an affiant’s training, experience, and education. 12
    Both parties represented during the evidentiary hearing that the only
    Delaware case discussing this issue is State v. Campbell. While instructive and
    persuasive, Campbell’s relevant analysis is dicta. In that case, there was in fact no
    DNA evidence recovered at that crime scene, making this Court’s review of the
    case at hand a matter of first impression in Delaware.
    In Campbell, police obtained a search warrant for the defendant’s DNA. 13
    The only DNA specific information contained in that warrant included
    [y]our affiant is aware that several casings from the
    firearm that was fired were located at the scene and
    collected as evidence, [and] [y]our affiant is aware that it
    is possible to collect DNA evidence of the suspect(s)
    from the casings. Your affiant is aware that DNA
    belonging to Keith Campbell 8/3/1988 can be compared
    to any DNA found on the casings.14
    The court in Campbell acknowledged that there was no evidence recited that
    the shell casings would contain DNA to compare against the collected DNA. 15 The
    affiant merely stated that he was aware that it would be possible to recover DNA
    Id. at 1.
    Id. at 4.
    from a shell casing without providing support for this conclusion. 16 Notably, the
    court in Campbell was concerned by the fact that the statement that DNA could be
    collected from shell casings was “not supported by the detective’s personal
    knowledge gained from work experience or other investigations that may have
    occurred or [was] even based on specific training or education.” 17
    In further discussing the issue, the court in Campbell acknowledged that
    many jurisdictions have held that without “law enforcement recovery of a
    comparison sample of DNA, a DNA swab search warrant is unsupported by
    probable cause.”18 However, the Campbell decision, without discussing persuasive
    authority rejecting this approach, merely rejected it because it “goes too far”.19
    The court based its reasoning on practical concerns.                  Namely, it wrote that
    determining whether DNA is present on an object can be difficult and time
    consuming, and requiring a comparison with DNA found at the crime scene is too
    burdensome on law enforcement.20 Relevant to the case at hand, the court in
    Campbell further discussed that “[a]t a minimum, the assertions made in the
    affidavit must be supported by training, education, or experience that would
    Id. See Hindman v. United States, 
    2015 WL 4390009
    , at *2 (N.D. Ala. July 15, 2015)
    (holding that in order to establish probable cause for DNA, “the government must possess a
    testable DNA sample sufficiently linked to the subject crime, which might then be compared to
    the suspect’s sample to attempt to establish a ‘match’”); United States v. Robinson, 
    2011 WL 7563020
    , at *5 (D. Minn. Dec. 2, 2011) report and recommendation adopted, 
    2012 WL 948670
    (D. Minn. Mar. 20, 2012) (recommending that probable cause has not been established for the
    defendant’s DNA because the government has not shown that DNA evidence on the firearm
    exists to compare against defendant’s DNA); United States v. Pakala, 
    329 F.Supp.2d 178
    , 181
    (D. Mass. 2004) (holding that the defendant cannot be subjected to a buccal swab until the
    government has determined whether the firearm contains a sufficient DNA profile in which to
    compare it to); State v. Turnbull, 
    61 V.I. 46
    , 54-55 (V.I. Super. Ct. 2014) (holding that absent a
    DNA sample to compare defendant’s to, a search warrant lacks probable cause).
    2015 WL 5968901
    , at *5.
    Id. at 5.
    reasonably justify and explain the detective’s conclusion that DNA could
    reasonably be recovered from the particular object.” 21
    This Court does not accept the approach that a finding of probable cause
    should be automatically rejected on nexus grounds if the police do not recite in the
    affidavit that they have recovered a DNA sample from the crime scene to compare
    with a DNA sample sought from a suspect. After examining a string of authority
    in other jurisdictions not finding such a litmus test, this Court agrees with the dicta
    in the Campbell discussion. 22 What is required for a showing of such a nexus is
    that there is a fair probability that the seized sample of DNA can be linked to a
    crime. Due to the nature of DNA recovery and analysis, requiring a known sample
    to compare Mr. White’s DNA at the time of the issuance of a warrant would be too
    burdensome of a requirement.             Moreover, such a bright line rule would not
    comport with the standard Delaware courts employ when reviewing a search
    warrant. These include reviewing warrants for sufficiency based on the totality of
    the circumstances and common sense. Accordingly, the fact that the police had not
    yet developed a comparison DNA sample found at the crime scene at the time of
    See e.g., United States v. Hudson, 
    2014 WL 4348241
    , at * 3 (D. Minn. Sept. 2, 2014) (holding
    that the totality of circumstances justified the issuance of a warrant for defendant’s DNA because
    “[t]here was probable cause to believe that Defendant’s DNA would provide evidence of a
    crime” after the warrant set forth that Defendant was arrested for drug use “and firearms had
    been inferentially connected to Defendant through observation of him arriving at and leaving
    from the location from which the firearms were recovered along with heroin”); Mincey v. State,
    774 S.E.2d 752
    , 754 (Ga. Ct. App. 2015) (holding that a sample of DNA found at the scene was
    not required to issue a search warrant when information in the warrant made it possible that the
    police would find DNA evidence); State v. Sharp, 
    2014 WL 3558020
    , at *3 (Minn. Ct. App.
    Sept. 24, 2014) (holding that the totality of the circumstances established a fair probability that
    the police would find defendant’s DNA on the firearm; the fact that it was possible that the
    evidence did not exist did not diminish this); Wilson v. State, 
    752 A.2d 1250
    , 1264–65 (Md. Ct.
    Spec. App. 2000) (holding that the warrant for the defendant’s blood sample was supported by
    probable cause based on eyewitnesses describing the defendant and his apparel in detail linking
    him to the kidnapping).
    the issuance of the warrant is not fatal to the probable cause determination,
    provided there is a fair probability that such evidence exists.
    Here, the affiant included information that based on his experience
    investigating homicides, DNA is often left behind at crime scenes and that when
    perpetrators leave behind items they wore during the commission of the crime,
    those items can contain DNA. The affiant also stated that he believed Mr. White’s
    DNA would be found on the evidence collected at the scene.
    Moreover, in the affidavit, the affiant explained that a dirt bike mask was left
    behind and that after processing that mask, the police found a finger print. The
    police were able to match that finger print to Mr. White. In evaluating the facts
    recited in the affidavit, under the totality of the circumstances and employing the
    required deference to the issuing magistrate and a common sense review, there was
    a fair probability that DNA from hair or other matter would be discovered on the
    dirt bike mask. In fact, in this case the facts support the link to an even greater
    degree because a dirt bike mask, under common and ordinary understanding, is a
    tightfitting article of headgear that would be more likely to retain hair or other
    DNA. This information, in total, was sufficient to allow the issuing magistrate to
    reasonably believe that there was a fair probability that the police would find Mr.
    White’s DNA on evidence found at the crime scene. Under the totality of the
    circumstances, and employing the appropriate deferential review, the Court holds
    that the warrant for Mr. White’s DNA established a sufficient nexus, and was
    properly supported by probable cause.
    While the Court finds the warrant sufficient to justify the taking of Mr.
    White’s DNA, the State raised two alternative justifications. During the evidentiary
    hearing, the State argued that the independent source doctrine and a search incident
    to arrest justified the seizure of his DNA.23 The parties provided supplemental
    briefing on the issue of DNA seizure incident to arrests. The State maintains that if
    the Court were to find the search warrant to be invalid, the seizure of Mr. White’s
    DNA would still be constitutional because the police performed the buccal swab
    pursuant to a search incident to arrest.
    The parties aptly argued the issue of whether, under Delaware law both
    statutory and Constitutional, a buccal swab taken close to the time of arrest,
    incident to the arrest, would fall under such an exception. Since the warrant
    lawfully provided for a swab of Mr. White, the Court will not further address either
    the independent source or the search incident to arrest doctrine.
    B. The Miranda warnings given to Mr. White were not ambiguous despite
    the detective’s addition to the warnings.
    Mr. White’s second motion argues that he did not properly waive his
    Miranda rights while questioned in Philadelphia by the Milford detective. He
    further argues that after he was extradited to Delaware, police questioning in
    Milford violated the requirements of Miranda because the same detective
    misstated those rights in the exact same way. Therefore, Mr. White maintains that
    he could not validly waive his Miranda rights because he did not understand those
    The State disagrees with Mr. White and argues that the Milford detective in
    Pennsylvania properly Mirandized Mr. White and that he waived those rights. The
    The State initially argued that a sample it collected of Mr. White’s DNA pursuant to 29 Del. C.
    § 4713 constituted an independent source. However, after the evidentiary hearing, in its
    supplemental briefing, the State withdrew its independent source argument. Therefore, the Court
    declines to rule separately on the admissibility of a sample maintained in this data base, or the
    admissibility of the results of any comparison that may involve that sample.
    State also argues that Mr. White was properly Mirandized once again in Milford
    where he again waived those rights.
    After testimony at the suppression hearing, Mr. White filed supplemental
    material arguing that the Miranda warnings given by the detective both at the
    Milford police station and in Philadelphia included an inappropriate qualification
    to when his right to counsel attached.             He also argues that this additional language
    made the warning unclear and thus constitutionally deficient.
    In support of this argument, Mr. White relies on a Washington Supreme
    Court decision, State v. Mayer, where that court determined that a Miranda
    warning followed by an explanation of the timing of the right to counsel was
    ambiguous because it made the timing of the availability for appointment of
    counsel unclear. 24 The Washington Supreme Court held that waiver of Miranda
    rights is not knowing and voluntary when the police provide such an ambiguous
    warning.25 Mr. White also relies on the United States Supreme Court decision in
    California v. Prysock.26 In Prysock, the Court acknowledged that if the right to
    counsel is qualified as attaching only at some future point in the process, it is an
    invalid Miranda warning.27
    State v. Mayer, 
    362 P.3d 745
    , 752 (Wash. 2015). The initial warning in this case was the
    standard Miranda warning. Id. at 747. However, the defendant then asked the detective what
    would happen if he wanted a lawyer but could not afford one. Id. The detective responded that
    if he was “charged with a crime and arrested” the court would appoint him an attorney. Id. The
    defendant asked another follow up question about how the appointment would work to which the
    detective responded, “[y]ou’re not under arrest at this point . . . [.]” Id. The detective then stated
    that if he were under arrest he would be taken to jail and then would go before a judge who
    would inquire about whether he could afford an attorney. Id. at 747–48. After this explanation,
    the defendant waived his Miranda rights and made an incriminating statement to the detective.
    Id. at 748.
    Id. at 754.
    California v. Prysock, 
    453 U.S. 355
    Id. at 360
    The State counters that the detective informed Mr. White of all four of his
    Miranda rights. He was informed that he had the right to remain silent, that
    anything he said could be used against him in a court of law, that he had the right
    to have counsel present, and that if he could not afford an attorney one would be
    provided. The State further notes that the United States Supreme Court has never
    required the Miranda warnings to be given in a specific manner. 28 Instead, the
    State argues that in order to comply with Miranda, the police must “reasonably
    ‘conve[y] to [a suspect] his rights as required by Miranda.’”29
    The State relies principally on the United States Supreme Court decisions in
    Duckworth v. Eagan30 and Florida v. Powell.31 In both cases, the United States
    Supreme Court examined variations of Miranda warnings, and in both cases, held
    the Miranda warnings were valid because the police informed the defendants of
    the required rights. 32        The State also argues that the added statement by the
    detective did not tie the right to counsel until a future point in time. Accordingly,
    it argues that the Miranda warnings provided to Mr. White by the police were
    The Court finds that the same alleged insufficiency was included by the
    Milford detective in the Miranda warnings in both the Philadelphia and Milford
    interviews. Accordingly, a parallel analysis of their sufficiency is appropriate.
    Duckworth v. Eagan, 
    492 U.S. 195
    , 202–03 (1989).
    Id. at 203
     (quoting Prysock, 
    453 U.S. at 361
    429 U.S. 195
    559 U.S. 50
    Duckworth, 429 U.S. at 203; Powell 
    559 U.S. at 62
    Delaware has adopted a two-part test, established in Moran v. Burbine,33 to assess a
    suspect’s waiver of his Miranda rights.34 The two-part test states
    [f]irst the relinquishment of the right must have been voluntary in the
    sense that it was the product of a free and deliberate choice rather than
    intimidation, coercion, or deception. Second, the waiver must have
    been made with a full awareness of both the nature of the right being
    abandoned and the consequences of the decision to abandon it. Only
    if the ‘totality of the circumstances surrounding the interrogation’
    reveal both an uncoerced choice and the requisite level of
    comprehension may a court properly conclude that the Miranda rights
    have been waived.35
    The burden is on the state to show “by a preponderance of the evidence that the
    suspect’s Miranda rights have been waived.”36
    At the outset, Mr. White advanced a cursory argument that Mr. White’s
    statement was involuntary because the detective informed him that his cooperation
    would be helpful for him. Such a statement does not make Mr. White’s waiver
    involuntary because it was not sufficient to overbear Mr. White’s will and rational
    thinking process.37 Based on the totality of the circumstances, this one vague
    statement by the detective did not make Mr. White’s waiver involuntary. After
    reviewing the videotaped statement, the detective’s behavior did not evidence an
    attempt to be intimidating or coercive. Furthermore, Mr. White did not react to
    this statement in any noticeable way that evidences that he felt intimidated or
    coerced. Therefore, Mr. White’s waiver was voluntary.
    475 U.S. 412
    Hubbard v. State, 
    16 A.3d 912
    , 917 (Del. 2011).
     (quoting Moran, 
    475 U.S. at 421
    See Alston v. State, 
    554 A.2d 304
    , 307 (Del. 1989) (stating that “[p]romises or inducements . . .
    do not make a statement involuntary, unless so extravagant, or so impressionable as to overbear
    the person’s will and rational thinking process”).
    While the Court finds Mr. White’s waiver to be voluntary, his argument
    primarily focuses on the second prong of the two-part test for a valid waiver. Mr.
    White argues that additional language the police included in the Miranda warning
    made his rights unclear, and therefore, he argues that he did not fully understand
    his rights.        In order to knowingly waive Miranda rights, the suspect “must
    comprehend the ‘plain meaning of his basic Miranda rights.’”38 In making this
    determination, a court is to look to the totality of the circumstances, “including ‘the
    behavior of the interrogators, the conduct of the defendant, his age, his intellect, his
    experience, and all other pertinent factors.’” 39
    The detective informed Mr. White that
    you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be
    used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with
    an attorney and have an attorney present during questioning. If you
    cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided to you for questioning
    at no cost. If at any time you wish to answer any questions you can
    stop and request an attorney, okay? Um do you understand these
    rights? (emphasis added).
    Here, the Court finds that the Miranda warnings were sufficient, as the
    police informed Mr. White of his four Miranda rights. The Delaware Supreme
    Court, in citing the United States Supreme Court, has held that the Miranda
    warnings “do[] not have to be stated exactly as it is written in the Miranda
    opinion.”40        However, law enforcement officials must convey the complete
    substance of Miranda’s safeguard to a suspect.”41 Here, the detective clearly
    informed Mr. White of the four Miranda rights.
    16 A.3d at 917
     (quoting Bennett v. State, 
    922 A.2d 1236
    2010 WL 987025
    , at *3
    (Del. Mar. 18, 2010) (Table)).
     (quoting Whalen v. State, 
    434 A.2d 1346
    , 1351 (Del. 1981)).
    Id. at 918.
    The Court recognizes that the detective included additional language when
    he said “[i]f at any time you wish to answer any questions you can stop and request
    an attorney, okay?” This added language, while not particularly helpful, does not
    render the balance of the statement of rights confusing. While other jurisdictions
    have determined additional language can make the Miranda warnings unclear and
    therefore invalid, 42 this additional statement did not make the warnings unclear.
    The Court disagrees with Mr. White’s argument that the circumstances here
    are similar to the Meyer case in Washington where a detective’s clarification made
    the warning ambiguous. Instead, the additional language provided by the Milford
    detective is similar to the Miranda warning given in Florida v. Powell where the
    detective stated
    [y]ou have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to
    remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in court. You
    have the right to talk to a lawyer before answering any of our
    questions. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed
    for you without cost and before any questioning. You have the right
    to use any of these rights at any time you want during this interview.43
    In Powell, the Court determined the Miranda warnings were valid because the
    police officers “did not ‘entirely omi[t]’ any information Miranda required them to
    impart.”44        Similarly here, the officer did not omit any information Miranda
    Furthermore, while Miranda warnings that tie the right to counsel to a point
    in the future are invalid,45 the warning at issue here did not create a condition
    See State v. Mayer, 
    362 P.3d 745
    , 752 (Wash. 2015) (holding that a defendant’s waiver was
    invalid because the Miranda warning was unclear); State v. Crisler, 
    438 N.W.2d 670
    , 672 (Minn.
    1989) (cautioning that “a cryptic or paraphrased warning that deviates from the standard” can be
    held to be inadequate).
    Florida v. Powell, 
    559 U.S. 50
    , 54 (2010).
    Id. at 62
    California v. Prysock, 
    453 U.S. 355
    , 360 (1981).
    precedent for the right to counsel. In Duckworth v. Eagan, the Court upheld a
    Miranda warning that stated, in relevant part,
    [y]ou have a right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any
    questions, and to have him with you during questioning. You have
    this right to the advice and presence of a lawyer even if you cannot
    afford to hire one. We have no way of giving you a lawyer, but one
    will be appointed for you, if you wish, if and when you go to court. If
    you wish to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have
    the right to stop answering questions at any time. You also have the
    right to stop answering at any time until you’ve talked to a lawyer. 46
    Despite the “if and when you got to court” statement, the Court determined that the
    defendant’s right to counsel was not tied to a future point in time. 47 Instead, the
    Court determined that the warnings reasonably conveyed his rights because the
    warning “touched all of the bases required by Miranda.”48 Here too, the warning
    the detective provided to Mr. White touched all the bases required by Miranda and
    as such reasonably conveyed to him his rights. The right to an attorney was not
    conditioned on him answering questions first. It merely informs Mr. White that he
    did not lose his right to an attorney if he began answering questions without the
    presence of an attorney.
    Accordingly, Mr. White’s argument that he was unable to understand the
    plain meaning of his Miranda rights is without merit. Furthermore, after having
    received a proper Miranda warning, Mr. White, when asked if he understood his
    rights, stated that he did. The detective then asked Mr. White, “with these rights in
    mind, do you wish to speak to me now” to which Mr. White responded
    affirmatively. Additionally, Mr. White, at the time of the interview, was 31 years
    old and has had experience with the criminal justice system. Based on the fact that
    Ducksworth v. Eagan, 
    492 U.S. 195
    , 198 (1989).
     at 203–04.
    Id. at 203
    the police provided a proper Miranda warning and based on Mr. White’s age and
    experience with the justice system, the Court finds that he knowingly waived his
    Miranda rights. As the Court finds Mr. White’s waiver, under the totality of the
    circumstances, to be both knowing and voluntary, the Court will not suppress the
    statements he provided to the police.
    C. During the Milford interrogation, the twelve minute delay in re-
    Mirandizing Mr. White did not violate his rights.
    Mr. White also seeks suppression of his six hour interview in Milford
    because there was a twelve minute delay before the police read him his Miranda
    rights. Accordingly, the State must establish by a preponderance of the evidence
    that this “statement was not the product of custodial interrogation conducted in the
    absence of Miranda warnings.”49 However, both the United States Supreme Court
    and the Delaware Supreme Court have held that the Miranda warnings are only
    required “when police interrogate a suspect in a custodial setting.” 50                     The
    Delaware Supreme Court has adopted the approach taken by the United States
    Supreme Court in determining when an interrogation has occurred by defining
    interrogation to include actual questioning and its functional equivalent. 51 The
    functional equivalent “includes ‘any words or actions on the part of the police
    (other than those normally attendant to arrest and custody) that the police should
    know are reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response from the suspect.’” 52
    United States v. Cordero, 
    31 F.Supp.3d 641
    , 648–49 (D. Del. 2014).
    E.g., Rhode Island v. Innis, 
    446 U.S. 291
    , 300 (1980); Tolson v. State, 
    900 A.2d 639
    , 643 (Del.
    900 A.2d at 643
     at 643–44.
    In this regard, “[a]n interrogation only encompasses actions or words by the officer
    that he or she should have known would elicit an incriminating response.” 53
    Here, the issue is whether, in the twelve minutes before the detective read
    Mr. White his Miranda warnings, the interaction amounted to an interrogation or
    its functional equivalent, making it unlawful for the police to not provide the
    Miranda warnings at the outset. The police officer began the interview by stating
    you spoke to a, uh, a sergeant from Delaware State Police it seems a
    day or two after you and I talked. And it was about a totally different
    case. So he’s here now and um, he’s wondering if you guys can
    continue your conversation. It has nothing to do with, with our case,
    but obviously it could probably help go a long way with the
    prosecutor. 54
    Asking a yes or no question regarding whether the suspect wants to continue
    talking to a different police officer about an unrelated case is not something that an
    officer should have known would elicit an incriminating response. The detective
    merely asked whether Mr. White wished to talk to a different officer about a
    different crime. This interaction did not amount to an interrogation.
    After the Court’s review of the video and the transcript of this statement, it
    finds that Mr. White’s statements relevant to the murder investigation during the
    beginning twelve minutes were not in response to police questioning or its
    functional equivalent.       Promptly upon Mr. White’s unsolicited shift of the
    conversation, the detective re-Mirandized him. Consequently, the police did not
    violate Mr. White’s rights.
    Id. at 644
    Court Ex. 2 at 1.
    D. The non-waiver form provided by defense counsel did not invalidate
    Mr. White’s waiver of the Miranda rights administered during the
    questioning in Milford.
    After the suppression hearing, Mr. White filed a motion to expand the
    suppression record and presented the Court, inter alia, with a non-waiver form that
    he signed in Philadelphia on October 16, 2015. The Court has accepted and
    considered Mr. White’s additional documentary submissions as part of the
    suppression record.        The non-waiver form stated that he does not wish to be
    questioned without counsel present, he wishes to remain silent, and that he will not
    waive these rights without the presence of an attorney. Based on this non-waiver
    form signed after the Philadelphia interview with the Milford detective, Mr. White
    argues that he did not waive his Miranda rights in Milford.
    In response, the State argues that neither it nor the police were aware of this
    form. Therefore, according to the State, given Mr. White’s valid waiver during the
    interrogation, the non-waiver form does not provide a ground to suppress his
    Mr. White then filed a response to the State’s reply in which he argued that
    there was no evidence that the State did not have knowledge of this form. He
    further argued that the public defender that instructed Mr. White to sign this form
    would have made the existence of it known to the Delaware authorities, and failing
    to do so would have amounted to ineffective assistance of counsel.
    The Delaware Supreme Court has confronted the effect of a non-waiver
    form in Alston v. State.55 There, the defendant, while detained at Gander Hill,
    signed a similar form. 56 In Alston, the defendant retained a copy of the form, the
    554 A.2d 304
     (Del. 1989).
    Id. at 306
    public defender retained a copy, and a third copy was placed in the defendant’s file
    at the public defender’s office located in Gander Hill for the Warden’s review. 57
    The defendant was later transported to the Wilmington police department where he
    was re-Mirandized.58 However, during the course of this police interview, the
    defendant waived his Miranda rights and confessed.59             Defendant’s counsel
    attempted to suppress this confession on the basis of the non-waiver form. 60 In
    deciding the Alston case, the Court stated that while a suspect can invoke his right
    to counsel in a variety of ways, invocation of this right must be conveyed to
    someone who would seek to question him. 61 The Court determined that signing a
    non-waiver form was not a valid invocation of his rights because there was no
    evidence that any state actor questioning him had knowledge of the form’s
    existence. 62 Not only were the police officers unaware of the form’s existence, but
    the defendant did not inform them that he had signed anything that invoked his
    rights.63 The Court accordingly refused to impute knowledge of this form to the
    police officers based solely on the fact that it was accessible to other state agents
    through his file at the public defender’s office in Gander Hill. 64
    The Alston case controls here, particularly since the case at hand is even
    clearer than Alston.       The State represents that it was unaware of this form.
    Moreover, Mr. White provided no evidence that the police or the State were aware
    Id. at 307
     at 309–10.
    Id. at 310
    of the existence of this non-waiver form prior to the Milford interrogation.65 After
    the suppression hearing, Mr. White’s counsel obtained a copy of this form through
    the public defender’s office in Philadelphia. As Mr. White executed the form in
    Philadelphia and a Pennsylvania public defender signed it, it is not reasonable to
    impute knowledge to the Milford police officers without evidence that the State of
    Delaware or any of its agents actually had knowledge of this form. 66
    Finally, Mr. White did not inform the detective that he had executed a non-
    waiver form or that he invoked his rights to anyone that would seek to question
    him. Instead, when the police questioned him in Milford, he was re-Mirandized
    Mr. White, during the evidentiary hearing, raised a concern regarding a potential Brady
    violation for the State’s alleged failure to produce this form. During the evidentiary hearing, Mr.
    White had the opportunity to create a record regarding his Brady violation claim. However, he
    failed to do so. During the evidentiary hearing, he merely stated that he did not have paperwork
    regarding the extradition. Mr. White renewed the issue of a Brady violation in a response to the
    State’s reply to his motion to expand the suppression record. In his response, he merely alleges
    that “the State has not provided any information, including police reports or notes, regarding this
    information which clearly should have been provided to the defense as Brady material . . .”
    When making a Brady violation claim, the defendant is required to show that: “(1) evidence
    exists that is favorable to the accused, because it is either exculpatory or impeaching; (2) that
    evidence is suppressed by the State; and (3) its suppression prejudices the defendant.” Liu v.
    103 A.3d 515
    2014 WL 5460431
    , at *1 (Del. Oct. 27, 2014) (Table). Mr. White has
    failed to establish that the State suppressed this form or that he was prejudiced because his
    counsel ultimately obtained it for him. Accordingly, his Brady violation allegation is
    unsupported.       A Brady violation claim, however, can be raised at any time during the
    proceedings. Super. Ct. Crim. R. 16(d). Accordingly, Mr. White would not be barred from
    revisiting this issue if he can file a motion that satisfies the three required elements. In any
    event, at Mr. White’s request to supplement the suppression record, the Court has considered the
    document for purposes of this motion, making the alleged prejudice unclear.
    Other jurisdictions have also addressed the issue of a defendant invoking his rights in one
    jurisdiction and then being transported and interrogated in another jurisdiction. Those cases have
    held that it is a valid invocation of rights only when the second jurisdiction had actual knowledge
    of the invocation. Compare People v. Young, 
    558 N.E.2d 1287
    , 1292 (Ill. App. Ct. 1990)
    (holding that when the defendant invoked his rights for the present and future in Wisconsin, this
    invocation was insufficient to invoke his rights after he was extradited to Illinois because there
    was no evidence that the Illinois authorities had knowledge of this invocation) with People v.
    478 N.E.2d 1106
    , 1107 (Ill. App. Ct. 1985) (holding that defendant’s invocation of his
    rights in Iowa was a sufficient invocation of his rights in Illinois because the police file in Illinois
    contained a note that defendant had refused to talk to the police in Iowa).
    and agreed to waive his rights, and to talk to police. As the form in Alston was not
    a valid invocation of the defendant’s rights, here too, the non-waiver form was not
    a valid invocation of Mr. White’s rights. Despite Mr. White’s argument that it is
    incomprehensible for an attorney to have a client sign such a form and then not
    inform authorities of its existence, such a scenario has previously occurred in
    Delaware and the Delaware Supreme Court has declined to impute an invocation
    of these rights.67 The Court cannot properly assume that a public defender in
    Pennsylvania provided Delaware authorities with a copy of this form or even
    informed them of its existence.
    E. The police did not violate Mr. White’s Sixth Amendment right to
    Mr. White’s final argument is that the police violated his Sixth Amendment
    right to counsel.           Mr. White was arrested in Philadelphia as a fugitive on
    September 23, 2015.            He argues that his Sixth Amendment right to counsel
    attached to his Fugitive of Justice charge when he was arraigned in Pennsylvania
    on that charge and Pennsylvania provided him with a public defender. Mr. White
    argues that because he was appointed counsel for that charge pursuant to his Sixth
    Amendment right, the police violated his constitutional right when they
    interrogated him in Milford regarding the homicide. He asks this Court to follow
    an overturned United States Supreme Court decision, Michigan v. Jackson, which
    held that a defendant could not waive his rights regarding subsequent prosecutions
    without counsel present, once counsel had been appointed. 68 When raising this
    argument, Mr. White candidly disclosed that the United States Supreme Court
    554 A.2d at
    306–307, 310.
    475 U.S. 625
    overruled Jackson in Montejo v. Louisiana which held that a review of a Sixth
    Amendment waiver must be made on a case-by-case basis.69 Nevertheless, Mr.
    White argues that this Court should follow Michigan v. Jackson.
    The State argues that Mr. White’s argument is flawed because the Sixth
    Amendment right to counsel is offense specific and is triggered at the earliest, at
    the time of arrest for the charge. Therefore, Mr. White did not have any Sixth
    Amendment right to counsel, at that point, regarding the non-existent murder
    charge. Furthermore, the State argues that Delaware courts should follow the
    approach of Montejo v. Louisiana instead of Michigan v. Jackson.
    After reviewing both parties’ contentions, this Court finds it unnecessary to
    reach a conclusion as to whether Delaware courts should follow the Montejo or
    Jackson approach when reviewing a waiver of a suspect’s Sixth Amendment right
    to counsel. In Montejo and Jackson the suspects all made incriminating statements
    after their Sixth Amendment right to counsel had attached for the crime in which
    they made those incriminating statements. Here, Mr. White made an incriminating
    statement regarding a crime where his Sixth Amendment right had not yet
    The Sixth Amendment right to counsel entitles a defendant to a lawyer “at or
    after the time that adversary judicial proceedings have been initiated against
    him.”70 Accordingly, this right is triggered when the police formally charge a
    suspect, a preliminary hearing is conducted, the government indicts the person, or
    there is an arraignment. 71 Therefore, because Mr. White was arraigned on the
    Fugitive of Justice charge, it is clear that he had a Sixth Amendment right to
    counsel on that specific charge.            However, at the time of his statement, the
    556 U.S. 778
    , 797 (2009).
    Deputy v. State, 
    500 A.2d 581
    , 589 (Del. 1985).
    Id. at 590
    homicide was still under investigation. The police had not formally charged Mr.
    White, he had not been arraigned, there was no preliminary hearing, nor was he
    indicted.72      Accordingly, his Sixth Amendment right to counsel had not yet
    attached to the subsequent charge.
    Mr. White’s right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment for the Fugitive of
    Justice charge did not create a right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment on the
    murder charge because a suspect’s right to counsel pursuant to the Sixth
    Amendment is offense specific.73 A suspect cannot invoke the Sixth Amendment
    “for all future prosecutions, for it does not attach until a prosecution is
    commenced.”74 When Mr. White made the incriminating statement regarding the
    homicide, it was at a time when his Sixth Amendment right to counsel had not yet
    attached for the Murder First Degree charge. Furthermore, when a suspect makes
    an incriminating statement regarding a separate crime after the Sixth Amendment
    right to counsel has attached for a different crime, such a statement is admissible at
    trial.75 Accordingly, the incriminating statement is admissible.
    While the Delaware Supreme Court has not addressed whether a warrant for arrest is an
    adversary judicial proceeding that entitles a defendant to the Sixth Amendment right to counsel,
    this Court finds persuasive the Delaware Superior Court’s decision in State v. Cabrera. 
    2000 WL 33113956
     (Del. Super. Ct. Dec. 19, 2000). There, the court found that issuance and
    execution of an arrest precedes the start of the adversary judicial proceeding that triggers the
    Sixth Amendment right to counsel. Id. at 17. The court reached this conclusion after examining
    United States Supreme Court decisions which find, in dicta, that an arrest warrant does not
    trigger Sixth Amendment rights. Id. at 16 –17.
    McNeil v. Wisconsin, 
    501 U.S. 171
    , 174 (1991); Jackson v. State, 
    643 A.2d 1360
    , 1372 (Del.
    1994) (quoting McNeil, 
    501 U.S. at 174
    501 U.S. at 174
    Jackson v. State, 
    643 A.2d at 1372
    IV.    Conclusion
    For the reasons set forth above, the search warrant for Mr. White’s DNA
    was valid. Furthermore, the police provided Mr. White with proper Miranda
    warnings, both in Philadelphia and again in Milford, which he knowingly and
    voluntarily waived on both occasions. Furthermore, the non-waiver form was not
    a valid invocation of his rights, since there is no evidence that it was known to the
    State or its actors. Moreover, Mr. White did not have a Sixth Amendment right to
    counsel when he made incriminating statements regarding the murder, and
    therefore, the police did not violate this right when they questioned him.
    Accordingly, Mr. White’s motions are DENIED.