Donald H. Davidson Jr. v. State of Florida ( 2021 )

  •           Supreme Court of Florida
    No. SC19-1851
    July 8, 2021
    Donald H. Davidson Jr. appeals his judgment of conviction of
    first-degree murder and sentence of death. We have jurisdiction.
    See art. V, § 3(b)(1), Fla. Const. For the reasons explained below,
    we affirm in all respects.
    In September 2014, Davidson was conditionally released from
    prison, meaning that he was still subject to the Department of
    Corrections’ (DOC) supervision even though he no longer resided in
    prison. As a condition of his supervised release, Davidson was
    required to wear a GPS monitor on his ankle.
    On the morning of December 1, 2014, Davidson left his job
    early, complaining to his employer that he felt ill. Davidson called
    James Earls, his stepbrother, asking to be picked up from a
    restaurant near Davidson’s work. As requested, Earls picked
    Davidson up and dropped him off at the home of Roseann Welsh
    and Michael Scott, longtime friends of Davidson. Welsh was home,
    but Scott and their two children—R.S. and M.S.—were not.
    Welsh invited Davidson into the home. After being in the
    home for some time, Davidson requested to be shown a video game
    in Welsh’s bedroom, and Welsh agreed. While in the bedroom,
    Davidson put Welsh in a chokehold, forced her face-first into the
    bed, pulled her dress over her head, and began trying to rape her.
    While Davidson was attempting to rape Welsh, 10-year-old
    M.S. arrived home from school. Hearing the arrival of the school
    bus, Welsh broke away from Davidson and ran into the adjoining
    bathroom, but Davidson followed her there. In the bathroom, he
    located a shoe and removed the lace from it. He then used that lace
    to strangle Welsh in the shower until she lost consciousness. He
    “lean[ed]” her down to the floor. Realizing that she was still
    breathing, Davidson stabbed her in the throat three times with a
    buck knife.
    After killing Welsh, Davidson emerged from the bedroom,
    encountering M.S. in the kitchen. He grabbed her by the neck,
    threw her against the couch, and started to sexually assault her.
    Davidson told her to remove her clothing and suck his penis. She
    While the assault was ongoing, M.S.’s thirteen-year-old
    brother, R.S., returned home from school. Davidson turned his
    focus to R.S., whom he met at the front door. He told R.S. that his
    sister and mother were not at home. Though somewhat skeptical of
    Davidson’s statement, R.S. left the home in search of his sister and
    After R.S. left, Davidson removed his GPS ankle monitor,
    forced M.S. into the family’s minivan, and drove away. As he was
    driving, Davidson threw out his cell phone through an open window
    and directed M.S. to duck down when they passed by other
    vehicles. While in the minivan, Davidson again sexually assaulted
    M.S. by fondling her vagina, placing his penis in her mouth, and
    placing his penis in or around her anus and vagina. Eventually, he
    returned to a location near M.S.’s home, allowed her to exit the
    minivan, and then began driving to Georgia.
    Meanwhile, after failing to locate his sister and mother, R.S.
    returned home. While looking through the home, R.S. found his
    deceased mother in her bedroom. He then called 911 and reported
    that his mother was dead, stating: “[S]he’s bleeding in her mouth
    and eyes.”
    Police responded to the home and began an investigation,
    which included searching the home for physical evidence, speaking
    with Scott, and interviewing R.S. Based in part on the information
    learned from Scott and R.S., police issued a BOLO 1 for the stolen
    Moments later, while still at the scene, police officers observed
    M.S. approaching the home. Officers took her to a police station
    where Detective Ryan Ellis interviewed her. Among other things,
    M.S. told him that she heard her mother yell something about
    calling 911 as she was arriving home from school. According to
    1. BOLO stands for “Be on the Lookout.”
    M.S., Davidson physically and sexually assaulted her in her home,
    kidnapped her, stole the minivan, and sexually assaulted her again
    in the stolen minivan.
    After her interview with Detective Ellis, M.S. was interviewed
    and examined by a child protective investigator (CPI). M.S. again
    recounted the details of Davidson’s sexual assaults against her.
    Additionally, M.S. stated that her buttocks and neck were hurting
    from the assaults.
    In the early morning hours of December 2, police officers
    located and stopped the stolen minivan. Inside the vehicle, police
    officers found and apprehended Davidson. After Davidson was
    taken to a police station interview room, Detective Wes Smith
    advised him of his Miranda 2 rights, which he acknowledged and
    waived. Then Detectives Smith and Dwayne Singletary interviewed
    During the interview, Davidson confessed to committing
    several crimes. He acknowledged attempting to rape Welsh,
    murdering Welsh by strangling and stabbing her, sexually
    2. Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    assaulting M.S. both in her home and in the minivan, and
    kidnapping her. He also told the detectives that he ingested cocaine
    a short time before arriving at Welsh’s home.
    Ultimately, the State charged Davidson with nine crimes,
    including first-degree premeditated murder, kidnapping, and
    multiple counts of sexual battery upon a child twelve years of age or
    younger. Based on the charge of first-degree murder, the State filed
    a notice of intent to seek the death penalty.
    Davidson filed numerous motions, including one that
    challenged the constitutionality of the prior-violent-felony
    aggravator. 3 He argued that this aggravator was overbroad and
    vague—both facially and as applied—rendering the entire death-
    penalty statute constitutionally infirm. Following a hearing, the
    trial court rejected Davidson’s argument.
    At a subsequent hearing, Davidson expressed his intent to
    plead guilty to first-degree murder (and the other charged crimes)
    and waive a penalty-phase jury. After a lengthy colloquy with
    Davidson and the presentation of a detailed factual basis by the
    3. See § 921.141(6)(b), Fla. Stat. (2019).
    prosecutor, the court accepted the guilty plea—finding it to be
    “knowingly, freely, voluntarily, and intelligently given.”
    At the ensuing penalty-phase hearing, the State introduced
    numerous exhibits, including: (1) the judgment and sentence for
    Davidson’s aggravated-battery conviction for assaulting a pregnant
    female in 2010, (2) Davidson’s police interview, (3) M.S.’s interview
    with Detective Ellis, (4) R.S.’s 911 call, (5) a stipulation that
    Davidson was declared a sexual predator in 2005, and (6) a
    stipulation that Davidson was on conditional release at the time of
    the murder.
    In addition, the State called eight witnesses. One such
    witness was Dr. Valerie Rao, the medical examiner who performed
    the autopsy of Welsh. According to Dr. Rao, Welsh died from
    asphyxiation—due to strangulation—and the stab wounds to her
    neck. Detectives Ellis and Smith also testified, discussing their
    involvement in the investigation and relaying facts gleaned from the
    The victim of Davidson’s 2010 aggravated battery provided
    details about Davidson’s attack against her. According to the
    victim, Davidson entered her home under false pretenses, grabbed
    her neck, lifted her off the floor, and squeezed her neck so tightly
    that she blacked out. After she lost consciousness, Davidson began
    removing her clothing. She regained consciousness and ran from
    Davidson. Though he pursued her, she was able to escape.
    After the State rested, the defense presented mitigating
    evidence. This evidence included the testimony of three experts: Dr.
    Erin Bigler, Dr. Robert Ouaou, and Dr. Steven Gold.
    Dr. Bigler is a clinical neuropsychologist and cognitive
    neuroscientist, who reviewed scans of Davidson’s brain. She made
    two significant findings. One, the “overall white matter volume in
    Mr. Davidson’s brain was on the low end of average . . . [which] can
    have implications for how the brain is functioning.” Two, a PET
    scan showed metabolic differences in the cerebellum and
    orbitofrontal portions of Davidson’s brain. Dr. Bigler declined to
    comment on the significance of this latter finding.
    Dr. Ouaou, a neuropsychologist, reviewed numerous records
    and administered neuropsychological tests on Davidson. Based on
    the records, test results, and Dr. Bigler’s report, Dr. Ouaou
    concluded that, at the time of the murder, Davidson was under the
    influence of a mental or emotional disturbance and that his ability
    to conform to the law’s requirements was substantially impaired
    due to brain damage and cocaine use.
    Dr. Gold, a psychologist, discussed Davidson’s adverse
    childhood experiences (ACEs). He explained that Davidson’s
    background included the following ACEs: “childhood physical
    abuse, childhood physical neglect, childhood emotional neglect,
    childhood sexual abuse, parents separated or divorced, mother
    treated violently, . . . a household member going to prison, . . .
    childhood verbal abuse[,] [and a chaotic] household.” He opined
    that the ACEs on their own or in combination with trauma “over-
    activate [the] part of the brain responsible for emotionality and
    impulsivity [and cause] . . . the part of the brain that cur[bs]
    emotional expression [and] impulses . . . [to be] underdeveloped and
    underactive.” Those changes cannot be altered, Dr. Gold explained,
    absent significant intervention which was not present in Davidson’s
    background. Ultimately, however, Dr. Gold refrained from offering
    an opinion as to Davidson’s mental or emotional state at the time of
    the crimes or his ability to comply with the law.
    Ten lay witnesses also testified in support of the defense case.
    In broad terms, their testimony established that Davidson’s
    upbringing was chaotic and difficult. Davidson’s father abandoned
    the family while Davidson was young, leaving the mother (who was
    poor) to raise Davidson and Earls without him. Davidson lived in a
    dirty home, sometimes lacking electricity and running water. He
    frequently went hungry and routinely slept on the floor or couch.
    Additionally, Davidson lived “from time to time” in the same
    household as two uncles who had been prosecuted for sexual
    offenses. In addition, Davidson was sexually abused as a child by
    an older cousin and later by Earls. Aside from the sexual abuse,
    some of Davidson’s relatives physically or emotionally abused him,
    at least to some extent. For example, Davidson’s great-
    grandmother occasionally slapped him on the face, hard enough to
    leave red marks; two of his cousins and one uncle sometimes beat
    him up; Earls picked on him; and one of his aunts would
    occasionally “whip” him. As for academics, Davidson did poorly in
    school, never obtaining a high school diploma. In addition,
    Davidson suffers from several health issues, experienced
    hallucinations as an adult, and has been diagnosed with ADHD.
    Following the penalty-phase hearing, the parties submitted
    sentencing memoranda. In arguing for the death penalty, the State
    - 10 -
    relied on five aggravating circumstances, including that Davidson
    had committed prior violent felonies. For his part, Davidson asked
    the court to find two statutory mitigating circumstances—he was
    under the influence of an extreme emotional disturbance at the
    time of the murder and his ability to conform to the requirements of
    the law was substantially impaired. As for nonstatutory mitigating
    circumstances, Davidson contended that he established more than
    seventy such circumstances.
    At the Spencer 4 hearing, the defense introduced several
    exhibits, 5 presented additional argument, and read into the record
    the proposed mitigators. Additionally, the defense read a written
    statement prepared by Davidson. In that statement, Davidson
    expressed remorse and regret for what he did to Welsh, Scott, M.S.,
    and R.S.
    Thereafter, the court held a sentencing hearing where it
    pronounced a sentence of death for the first-degree murder of
    4. Spencer v. State, 
    615 So. 2d 688
     (Fla. 1993).
    5. These exhibits included Davidson’s medical and
    educational records, brain scans, disability records, Dr. Ouaou and
    Dr. Bigler’s demonstrative slides, and childhood photographs of
    - 11 -
    Welsh. In the sentencing order, the trial court found five
    aggravating factors to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, with
    the noted weight: Davidson committed the murder while under a
    sentence of imprisonment for a felony (great weight); Davidson
    committed prior violent felonies consisting of the 2010 aggravated
    battery, as well as the sexual batteries on and kidnapping of M.S.
    (great weight); Davidson murdered Welsh after attempting to
    commit a sexual battery upon her (great weight); the murder was
    especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel (great weight); and Davidson
    committed the murder after having been designated a sexual
    predator (moderate weight).
    As for mitigating circumstances, the trial court rejected the
    substantial-impairment mitigator, relying on Davidson’s “own
    admissions” and his post-murder efforts to conceal his wrongdoing.
    In so concluding, the court discounted Dr. Ouaou’s contrary
    opinion. Nevertheless, as to the other proposed statutory mitigator,
    the court found that Davidson committed the murder while under
    the influence of an extreme emotional disturbance. But the court
    assigned only some weight, stressing that the disturbance “was
    exacerbated by his voluntary ingestion of cocaine.”
    - 12 -
    In addition, the court addressed all proposed nonstatutory
    mitigating circumstances, grouping them into several categories:
    childhood upbringing; childhood abuse; educational background;
    mental health, drug use, and behavioral issues; remorse; and
    miscellaneous. Under the headings childhood upbringing and
    childhood abuse, the court found fifteen mitigating circumstances
    to which it assigned various weight. These circumstances included
    the following: Davidson’s father abandoned him at a young age
    (little weight); Davidson was raised by a single mother, and she was
    very poor (little weight); Davidson lived with two uncles, both of
    whom were prosecuted for sexual offenses (little weight); Davidson
    and Earls thought that incestuous relations were normal when they
    were young (some weight); and Davidson lived with numerous
    violent relatives who abused him and one another (some weight).
    The court also recognized as mitigating Davidson’s poor scholastic
    performance and mental-health issues, assigning weight ranging
    from slight to some.
    Ultimately, the court concluded that the aggravating
    circumstances heavily outweighed the mitigating circumstances,
    - 13 -
    thereby warranting imposition of the death penalty. Davidson now
    Davidson raises three issues for our review. First, Davidson
    asserts that the trial court committed fundamental error by not
    finding beyond a reasonable doubt that sufficient aggravating
    circumstances existed and that those aggravating circumstances
    outweighed the mitigating circumstances. Next, he contends that
    the trial court erred in rejecting the substantial-impairment
    mitigator and abused its discretion in assigning too little weight to
    certain nonstatutory mitigating circumstances. Finally, Davidson
    argues that the prior-violent-felony aggravator is unconstitutional. 6
    Though not raised by Davidson, we must also determine whether
    6. The State raises the issue of the comparative
    proportionality of Davidson’s death sentence. However, after the
    briefing in this case, we decided Lawrence v. State, 
    308 So. 3d 544
    (Fla. 2020). In Lawrence, we held that the conformity clause in
    article I, section 17 of the Florida Constitution prohibits us from
    undertaking comparative proportionality review. 
    Id. at 550-52
    Thus, in accordance with Lawrence, we do not review the
    comparative proportionality of Davidson’s death sentence.
    - 14 -
    Davidson’s guilty plea was knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily
    entered. 7
    Sufficiency of Findings
    For his first argument, Davidson assails as fundamental error
    the trial court’s failure to find beyond a reasonable doubt that
    sufficient aggravating circumstances existed and that those
    circumstances outweighed the mitigating circumstances. We
    disagree. 8
    Davidson’s argument rests upon the faulty premise that the
    sufficiency and weighing determinations of section 921.141 are
    subject to the beyond-a-reasonable-doubt standard. Our recent
    case law is inconsistent with that premise. For example, in Rogers
    v. State, 
    285 So. 3d 872
    , 885 (Fla. 2019), we rejected the argument
    “that the trial court erred in failing to instruct the jury that it must
    determine beyond a reasonable doubt whether the aggravating
    factors were sufficient to justify the death penalty and whether
    7. See Altersberger v. State, 
    103 So. 3d 122
    , 128 (Fla. 2012).
    8. This issue involves a pure legal matter and is thus subject
    to de novo review. See Anderson v. State, 
    291 So. 3d 531
    , 533 (Fla.
    2020) (citing Khianthalat v. State, 
    974 So. 2d 359
    , 360 (Fla. 2008)).
    - 15 -
    those factors outweighed the mitigating circumstances.” (Emphasis
    added.) We explained that “these determinations are not subject to
    the beyond a reasonable doubt standard of proof.” Id. at 886.
    Since Rogers, we have consistently held the reasonable-doubt
    standard inapplicable to either the sufficiency or weighing
    determination. See, e.g., Craft v. State, 
    312 So. 3d 45
    , 57 (Fla.
    2020); Santiago-Gonzalez v. State, 
    301 So. 3d 157
    , 177 (Fla. 2020);
    Bright v. State, 
    299 So. 3d 985
    , 998 (Fla. 2020); Doty v. State, 
    313 So. 3d 573
    , 577 (Fla. 2020); Lawrence, 308 So. 3d at 552 n.8.
    Davidson has not presented a compelling argument to recede from
    our precedent.
    Davidson presents two challenges to the trial court’s handling
    of mitigating evidence: one directed at the rejection of the
    substantial-impairment mitigator and the other assailing the weight
    assignment for certain nonstatutory mitigators. We find no merit in
    either challenge.
    In his first challenge, Davidson argues that the trial court’s
    rejection of the substantial-impairment mitigator lacks evidentiary
    support. However, we have upheld rejection of the substantial-
    - 16 -
    impairment mitigator where a defendant “took logical steps to
    conceal his actions from others.” Snelgrove v. State, 
    107 So. 3d 242
    , 260 (Fla. 2012) (quoting Zommer v. State, 
    31 So. 3d 733
    , 750
    (Fla. 2010)). This is so because “[logical] steps constitute
    ‘purposeful actions . . . indicative of someone who knew those acts
    were wrong and who could conform his conduct to the law if he so
    desired.’ ” 
     (second alteration in original) (quoting Hoskins v.
    965 So. 2d 1
    , 18 (Fla. 2007)).
    Here, Davidson took several logical steps to conceal his
    murder of Welsh and flee from her home. For example, Davidson
    lied to R.S. to keep him from entering the home; Davidson cut off
    his GPS tracking device; Davidson stole the family’s minivan to
    facilitate his escape; and, while in the minivan, Davidson discarded
    his cell phone to avoid being tracked and directed M.S. to duck
    down so that others could not see her. This conduct constitutes
    competent, substantial evidence supporting the trial court’s
    rejection of the substantial-impairment mitigator—notwithstanding
    the testimony of Davidson’s experts. Cf. Bright, 299 So. 3d at 1006-
    07 (upholding the rejection of the substantial-impairment mitigator
    based on the defendant’s purposeful actions, which consisted of
    - 17 -
    fleeing from the scene of the murder and hiding the murder
    weapon); Ault v. State, 
    53 So. 3d 175
    , 187 (Fla. 2010) (upholding
    the trial court’s rejection of the same mitigator based on the
    defendant’s purposeful post-murder conduct); see also Colley v.
    310 So. 3d 2
    , 16 (Fla. 2020) (“Even expert evidence can be
    rejected if that evidence cannot be reconciled with other evidence in
    the case.” (citing Bright, 299 So. 3d at 1006-07)).9
    Davidson also argues that rejection of this statutory mitigator
    is inconsistent with the trial court’s acceptance of seven
    nonstatutory mitigating circumstances concerning his mental
    health. This argument also lacks merit. Of note, Davidson fails to
    explain how acceptance of those mitigating circumstances
    inevitably leads to the conclusion that he was substantially
    impaired at the time of the murder. As noted by the State, the trial
    court could properly determine that Davidson suffered from mental-
    9. We also note that the trial court made a finding that “Dr.
    Ouaou never questioned the defendant about the crimes in this
    case, his feelings about the crimes in this case, or what he was
    feeling leading up to the crimes in this case.” This finding further
    undermines Davidson’s argument that the trial court improperly
    rejected the mitigator.
    - 18 -
    health issues to some extent, but nonetheless had the ability to
    conform his conduct to the requirements of law.
    Finally, Davidson’s reliance on Coday v. State, 
    946 So. 2d 988
    (Fla. 2006), is misplaced. In Coday, we found an abuse of
    discretion in the trial court’s rejection of the substantial-
    impairment mitigator. 
    Id. at 1004-05
    . We noted that six experts
    testified in support of the mitigator, and the State called no experts
    to rebut that testimony. 
    Id. at 1003-05
    . Of importance, we
    stressed, “The evidence offered by the State to counter this
    mitigation evidence can be squared with the expert testimonies.” 
    Id. at 1005
     (emphasis added). Here, in contrast with Coday, the State
    provided evidence that supported rejection of the mitigator, i.e.,
    Davidson’s purposeful conduct to conceal his crimes and flee from
    Welsh’s home.
    Davidson’s second challenge concerns the assignment of little
    weight to certain nonstatutory mitigating circumstances. According
    to Davidson, it was arbitrary and unreasonable for the court to
    assign little weight to his father’s abandonment and abusive
    childhood experiences. Davidson’s argument lacks merit.
    - 19 -
    Here, the trial court found that Davidson’s father had indeed
    abandoned him at a young age, that Davidson (at times) lived with
    two uncles who were sex offenders—assigning little weight to each
    circumstance. Davidson did not present evidence establishing a
    close nexus between this mitigating evidence and his murdering
    Welsh. See Bright, 299 So. 3d at 1008 (finding no abuse of
    discretion in the trial court’s assignment of no weight to the
    defendant’s difficult childhood; stressing that no evidence
    connected the abuse and neglect with the murders). The mitigating
    value of the above evidence was less than compelling in other
    respects. As for living with two sex-offender uncles, there was no
    evidence that either of them abused Davidson; and the evidence
    does not disclose the length of time that they actually lived in the
    same household as Davidson. And, although Davidson’s father
    abandoned him at an early age, Davidson had a good and loving
    relationship with his mother. Thus, in light of the evidence
    presented in this case, Davidson has not demonstrated an abuse of
    discretion. See Craft, 312 So. 3d at 53-54.
    Davidson points to our decisions in Morton v. State, 
    789 So. 2d 324
     (Fla. 2001), and Douglas v. State, 
    878 So. 2d 1246
     (Fla. 2004),
    - 20 -
    but they in no way undermine our analysis. In each case, we found
    no abuse of discretion in the trial court’s assigning little weight to
    the defendant’s childhood abuse or parental abandonment. See
    789 So. 2d at 332
     (child abuse); Douglas, 
    878 So. 2d at 1260
     (parental abandonment). Of significance, neither case states
    or suggests that long-term abuse or permanent parental
    abandonment warrant a specific weight; nor does either case limit
    the discretion of the trial court in assigning weight to such
    evidence. Indeed, both decisions stress that the weight given to
    such circumstances is entrusted to the sound discretion of the trial
    court. Morton, 
    789 So. 2d at 332
     (“The weight given to this
    mitigating circumstance is also within the trial court’s discretion.”
    (citing Shellito v. State, 
    701 So. 2d 837
    , 844 (Fla. 1997))); Douglas,
    878 So. 2d at 1260
     (“[T]he weight given to this mitigating
    circumstance is within the trial court’s discretion.”). Thus, Morton
    and Douglas do not help Davidson. 10
    10. To the extent Davidson also relies on the evidence of his
    abusive childhood, such reliance is misplaced. As the State
    properly notes, the trial court gave more than “little weight” to his
    childhood abuse.
    - 21 -
    Davidson also attacks the assignment of little weight to
    portions of his mental-health mitigation. He contends that it was
    unreasonable for the court to assign little weight to such
    circumstances based on the fact that it assigned the same weight to
    his good behavior in court. We reject this argument as inconsistent
    with our reasoning in Craft, 312 So. 3d at 53-54. Specifically, Craft
    argued, “[T]he weight assigned to the childhood-trauma mitigator
    was arbitrary and unreasonable because the trial court also
    assigned the same weight to the mitigating circumstance that Craft
    exhibited good behavior during trial.” Id. In rejecting that
    argument, we observed that the trial court “independently
    considered and weighed both mitigating circumstances,” the “trial
    court’s findings with respect to both circumstances [we]re
    supported by competent, substantial evidence,” and “the trial court
    did not simply arbitrarily assign all mitigation the same weight.” Id.
    at 54.
    Here, as reflected in the sentencing order, the trial court gave
    individualized consideration to each proposed mitigating
    circumstance and assigned various weight—ranging from none to
    some—to the mitigating circumstances found to be established.
    - 22 -
    And Davidson does not claim that the underlying factual findings
    are not supported by competent, substantial evidence. Thus, Craft
    supports affirmance.
    In sum, Davidson has not demonstrated error or an abuse of
    discretion in the trial court’s handling of mitigating circumstances.
    Constitutionality of Prior-Violent-Felony Aggravator
    As his final argument, Davidson challenges the
    constitutionality of the prior-violent-felony aggravator. See §
    921.141(6)(b), Fla. Stat. Specifically, Davidson argues that the
    prior-violent-felony aggravator is overbroad and impermissibly
    vague, thereby constituting cruel and unusual punishment under
    the state and federal constitutions. Our cases have consistently
    rejected overbreadth and vagueness challenges to this aggravator.
    See, e.g., Bush v. State, 
    295 So. 3d 179
    , 214 (Fla. 2020); Gonzalez v.
    136 So. 3d 1125
    , 1169 (Fla. 2014); Lowe v. State, 
    2 So. 3d 21
    , 44 (Fla. 2008); Hudson v. State, 
    708 So. 2d 256
    , 261 & n.4 (Fla.
    1998)). And we see no reason to depart from that case law now.
    Voluntariness of Guilty Plea
    In death-penalty cases, “[t]his Court has a mandatory
    obligation to independently review the sufficiency of the evidence
    - 23 -
    underlying [a first-degree murder] conviction, and the ‘customary
    review’ evaluates whether the conviction is supported by competent,
    substantial evidence.” Santiago-Gonzalez, 301 So. 3d at 180
    (quoting Ocha v. State, 
    826 So. 2d 956
    , 965 (Fla. 2002)). “However,
    where a defendant pleads guilty and waives a jury trial, the relevant
    inquiry is not whether there was competent, substantial evidence,
    but whether the defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily
    entered the guilty plea.” 
     (citing Tanzi v. State, 
    964 So. 2d 106
    121 (Fla. 2007)). “Proper review requires this Court to scrutinize
    the plea to ensure that the defendant was made aware of the
    consequences of his plea, was apprised of the constitutional rights
    he was waiving, and ple[aded] guilty voluntarily.” Covington v.
    228 So. 3d 49
    , 67 (Fla. 2017) (alteration in original) (quoting
    826 So. 2d at 965
    Here, as argued by the State, the trial court conducted an
    extensive inquiry into Davidson’s knowledge and understanding of
    the charges against him, his rights, and the consequences of
    pleading guilty. Specifically, the trial court apprised Davidson that
    a guilty plea would mean no guilt-phase trial and the forfeiture of
    trial-related rights such as requiring the State to prove his guilt
    - 24 -
    beyond a reasonable doubt, the right to have a jury decide his guilt,
    the right to be represented by a lawyer at the trial, the right to call
    and confront witnesses, and the right to remain silent. The court
    also apprised Davidson that there were only two sentencing options
    for the first-degree-murder conviction: life in prison or death. And,
    after being so advised, Davidson told the trial court that he was
    making the decision to plead guilty “based on [his] own free[] and
    voluntary will.”11 Finally, the evidence of guilt was overwhelming as
    detailed in the factual basis given by the prosecutor.
    Thus, we conclude that Davidson’s guilty plea was voluntarily
    and knowingly given. See Craft, 312 So. 3d at 58; Santiago-
    Gonzalez, 301 So. 3d at 180.
    For the reasons given above, we affirm Davidson’s first-degree-
    murder conviction and his sentence of death.
    It is so ordered.
    GROSSHANS, JJ., concur.
    LABARGA, J., concurs in result with an opinion.
    11. Davidson also signed a written plea form acknowledging
    the forfeiture of certain trial-related rights and attesting to the
    voluntary nature of the plea.
    - 25 -
    LABARGA, J., concurring in result.
    For the reasons expressed in my dissenting opinion in
    Lawrence v. State, 
    308 So. 3d 544
     (Fla. 2020) (receding from
    proportionality review requirement in death penalty direct appeal
    cases), I can only concur in the result.
    An Appeal from the Circuit Court in and for Clay County,
    Don H. Lester, Judge – 102014CF001904000AMX
    Jessica Yeary, Public Defender, and Barbara J. Busharis, Assistant
    Public Defender, Second Judicial Circuit, Tallahassee, Florida,
    for Appellant
    Ashley Moody, Attorney General, and William David Chappell,
    Assistant Attorney General, Tallahassee, Florida,
    for Appellee
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