  •       Third District Court of Appeal
    State of Florida
    Opinion filed May 5, 2021.
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
    No. 3D21-141
    Lower Tribunal Nos. 17-4572 CC & 20-131AP
    Express Damage Restoration, LLC, etc.,
    Citizens Property Insurance Corporation,
    An Appeal from the County Court for Miami-Dade County, Myriam
    Lehr, Judge.
    The Diener Firm, P.A., and Erik D. Diener (Plantation), for appellant.
    Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A., and David C. Borucke (Tampa), for
    Before LOGUE, SCALES and LOBREE, JJ.
    SCALES, J.
    In this first party insurance action filed in the county court, Express
    Damage Restoration, LLC (“EDR”), as the assignee of the insured, Marie
    Casimir, appeals a final summary judgment entered in favor of Citizens
    Property Insurance Corporation (“Citizens”) on EDR’s declaratory judgment
    action. EDR’s action sought a determination that Citizens wrongfully invoked
    the underlying homeowner’s insurance policy’s appraisal provision to resolve
    a disagreement between the parties as to both the necessity of the water
    mitigation services provided by EDR and the reasonableness of EDR’s
    charges for those services. In its May 31, 2020 final summary judgment
    order, the trial court determined that the subject appraisal provision clearly
    and unambiguously applies to EDR’s claim for water mitigation services. For
    the following reasons, we agree and affirm.
    Citizens issued an HO-3 homeowner’s insurance policy covering Marie
    Casimir’s home for the policy period between February 24, 2016 and
    February 24, 2017. On September 14, 2016, the interior of Ms. Casimir’s
    home sustained water damage. Ms. Casimir then retained EDR to perform
    water mitigation services in her home. In return for EDR’s services, Ms.
    Casimir gave EDR an assignment of benefits that entitled EDR to collect any
    and all insurance benefits and proceeds due to Ms. Casimir for a covered
    claim under the subject Citizen’s policy.
    Following the completion of its water mitigation services inside Ms.
    Casimir’s home, EDR provided Citizens the assignment of benefits executed
    by Ms. Casimir and an itemized invoice charging $7,604.33 for EDR’s
    services. Citizens’s own appraiser then evaluated the invoice and prepared
    a detailed report determining that the cost for the reasonable and necessary
    water mitigation services provided by EDR should have been only $2,355.99.
    On February 13, 2017, Citizens sent EDR a letter advising EDR that Citizens
    considered EDR’s invoice to be excessive (by $5,248.34). Citizens’s letter
    demanded an appraisal to resolve the parties’ disagreement over the
    reasonable costs of the mitigation services. Citizens attached to the letter
    its appraiser’s evaluation report along with a check for $2,355.99
    (representing the amount Citizens had determined was reasonable for the
    mitigation services).
    On March 13, 2017, EDR filed the instant action in the county court.
    EDR’s second amended complaint for declaratory relief sought a
    determination that the subject policy’s appraisal provision did not apply to
    water mitigation services and, therefore, Citizens had wrongfully invoked the
    policy’s appraisal provision.
    Because the facts were not disputed and the action presented only
    questions of contractual interpretation, the parties filed competing motions
    for summary judgment. After conducting a hearing on the parties’ motions,
    the trial court entered its May 31, 2020 final summary judgment order
    concluding that the dispute was subject to the policy’s appraisal provision
    and ordering the appraisal process to commence. Specifically, the trial court
    concluded that “the language of the appraisal provision of the subject policy
    is clear and unambiguous, straightforward, and that appraisal is appropriate
    for this [water mitigation services] claim.” EDR timely appealed this May 31,
    2020 final summary judgment order.1
    II.     ANALYSIS2
    Frequently, a trial court order compelling appraisal under an insurance
    policy will reserve jurisdiction to, among other things, enforce the terms of
    any appraisal award. Hence, we generally review orders that determine a
    party’s entitlement to appraisal under an insurance policy as nonfinal orders
    pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.130(a)(3)(C)(iv). In this
    case, though, the challenged order does not reserve jurisdiction, and is
    characterized by both parties as a final order. In fact, the order contains
    standard language of finality expressly stating that it “is final and closes the
    case” and that “(EDR) shall take nothing by this action and (Citizens) shall
    go hence without day.”
    We review de novo an order granting summary judgment. Gidwani v.
    248 So. 3d 203
    , 206 (Fla. 3d DCA 2018). We review the
    interpretation of an insurance policy de novo, as well. Cheetham v. S. Oak
    Ins. Co., 
    114 So. 3d 257
    , 261 (Fla. 3d DCA 2013).
    EDR argues that the policy’s appraisal provision applies only to
    disputes regarding the valuation of property damaged by a covered loss, and
    not to disputes regarding the valuation of services (such as those performed
    by EDR) undertaken after a covered loss to prevent further property damage.
    The relevant text of the policy’s appraisal provisions, coupled with the
    structure of the subject insurance policy, bely EDR’s argument.
    A. The structure of the Citizens policy
    The subject HO-3 Citizens insurance policy provides the insured with
    coverage for both property (in the policy’s Section I) and liability (in the
    policy’s Section II). 3 Section I contains four distinct parts. The first part of
    Section I, labeled “PROPERTY COVERAGES,” details the different
    coverages provided for the insured’s property, including the insured’s
    dwelling, other structures, personal property and loss of use. Included in this
    first part of Section I, and relevant to this case, is a schedule of “Additional
    Coverages” that includes “Reasonable Repairs” that are “incurred by [the
    insured] for necessary measures taken solely to protect against further
    damage.” This is the policy provision that covers the post-loss services
    performed by EDR.
    The policy’s liability provisions contained in Section II are not implicated in
    this appeal.
    The second part of Section I identifies the “PERILS INSURED
    AGAINST.” The third part of Section I outlines “EXCLUSIONS” to the
    property coverage. The fourth part of Section I contains a host of
    “CONDITIONS” applicable to all Section I coverages.
    B. The policy’s appraisal provision
    The policy’s appraisal provision is contained in the fourth part (labeled
    “CONDITIONS”) of Section I, and reads, in relevant part, as follows:
    F. Mediation or Appraisal
    2. Appraisal.
    Appraisal is an alternate dispute resolution method to address
    and resolve disagreement regarding the amount of the covered
    a. If you and we fail to agree on the amount of loss, either party
    may demand an appraisal of the loss. If you or we demand
    appraisal, the demand for appraisal must be in writing and shall
    include an estimate of the amount of any dispute that results from
    the covered cause of loss.
    The estimate shall include a description of each item of damaged
    property in dispute as a result of the covered loss, along with the
    extent of damage and the estimated amount to repair or replace
    each item.
    f. The appraisal award will be in writing and shall include the
    (1) A detailed list, including the amount to repair or replace, of
    each specific item included in the award from the appraisal
    (2) The agreed amount of each item, its replacement cost value
    and corresponding cash value; and
    (3) A statement of “This award is made subject to the terms and
    conditions of the policy.”
    h. You, we, the appraiser and the umpire shall be given
    reasonable and timely access to inspect the damaged property,
    in accordance with the terms of the policy.
    (Emphases added).
    C. Applicability of the policy’s appraisal provision to the dispute
    The subject appraisal provision unambiguously provides that either
    party may demand appraisal “to address and resolve disagreement
    regarding the amount of the covered loss.” In this appeal, as below, EDR
    concedes that the work it performed is part of “the amount of the covered
    loss.” Notwithstanding this concession, EDR claims that the parties’ dispute
    over EDR’s invoice for water mitigation services is not subject to appraisal
    because, according to EDR, the appraisal provision’s language “narrow[s]
    the scope of appraisal by defining specific requirements of the appraisal
    process that are impossible once services/repairs are complete and are only
    possible with respect to existing property damage.” Specifically, EDR relies
    upon the provision’s language – emphasized above – requiring that the
    written estimate address the cost of repairing “each item of damaged
    property” as well as any corresponding depreciation applicable thereto, and
    also the requirement that timely access be given “to inspect the damaged
    property.” Claiming that the appraisal provision’s language is ambiguous,
    EDR argues that the provision can reasonably be construed as applying only
    to property damage resulting from a covered loss, and not also to water
    mitigation services performed in order to prevent further damage to the
    As mentioned above, EDR’s water mitigation services are covered
    under the first part of the policy’s Section I. The appraisal provision is also
    contained under Section I of the policy as a “CONDITION” to coverage under
    Section I. The structure of the policy, therefore, indicates that the appraisal
    provision applies to water mitigation services that are incurred to protect
    covered property against further damage. See Walker v. State Farm Fire &
    Cas. Co., 
    758 So. 2d 1161
    , 1162 (Fla. 4th DCA 2000) (“Insurance contracts
    are to be reviewed as a whole, viewing all words in context.”); Nationwide
    Mut. Fire Ins. Co. v. Olah, 
    662 So. 2d 980
    , 982 (Fla. 2d DCA 1995) (“When
    construing an insurance policy to determine coverage the pertinent
    provisions should be read in pari materia.”).
    EDR suggests that the appraisal provision applies only to dwelling and
    other structures coverages that also appear as coverages under the first part
    of the policy’s Section I. We simply find no support for this argument in any
    provision of the policy or in the structure of the policy. Indeed, the language
    of the appraisal provision and the structure of the policy plainly and
    unambiguously provide that disputes over valuation of “Reasonable Repairs”
    performed pursuant to the policy – such as those performed by EDR in this
    case – are subject to the policy’s appraisal provision.
    The subject appraisal provision provides that either party may demand
    an appraisal to resolve a “disagreement regarding the amount of the covered
    loss.” It is not disputed that the water mitigation services performed by EDR
    are part of the amount of the covered loss. Reading the policy as a whole
    and giving the appraisal provision its plain meaning, we conclude that the
    appraisal provision is unambiguous and that the provision applies to the
    instant claim for water mitigation services. Accordingly, we affirm the trial
    court’s May 31, 2020 final summary judgment order.