State of Florida v. Dwayne Boatman ( 2019 )

    No. 1D18-2808
    Petition for Writ of Certiorari—Original Jurisdiction.
    July 9, 2019
    ROWE, J.
    The State seeks a writ of certiorari to quash an order
    prohibiting the use of hearsay statements by the child victim in
    the prosecution of Dwayne Boatman for capital sexual battery and
    lewd or lascivious molestation. In determining that the child’s
    statements were too unreliable to be admitted into evidence, the
    trial court made findings and reached legal conclusions based on
    facts not presented at the evidentiary hearing and unsupported by
    the record. This was a departure from the essential requirements
    of law and caused irreparable harm.
    Boatman’s nine-year-old stepdaughter, K.S., reported to
    officials at her elementary school that Boatman “had sex” with her.
    She also stated that Boatman “raped” her the very morning she
    made the report. K.S. was referred to a child protection team, who
    then performed a recorded forensic interview.          During the
    interview, K.S. repeated that Boatman “raped” her. When asked
    what she meant by that term, K.S. said that it meant that he “had
    sex with her” and explained that Boatman had penetrated her
    anus with his penis.
    A sexual assault examination was conducted the same day.
    A nurse practitioner swabbed K.S.’s anal area to test for DNA. The
    test results revealed that the DNA retrieved from the anal swabs
    matched Boatman’s DNA. Based on the evidence obtained from
    the forensic interview and the sexual assault examination, the
    State charged Boatman with sexual battery and lewd and
    lascivious molestation.
    Before the State could go to trial, K.S. recanted. In a four-
    minute deposition taken by Boatman’s attorney two years after the
    alleged rape and K.S.’s reports to school officials, K.S. denied that
    Boatman raped her. When asked by defense counsel if she knew
    what the term “rape” meant, K.S. responded, “I know what it
    means now, but I didn’t know what it means then.” She refused to
    explain her current understanding of the word. When asked if
    Boatman had ever put his private part to her private part, K.S.
    responded, “No. Not that I’m referring of, no.” K.S. stated that
    she loved Boatman more than her real father and that Boatman
    would not be in prison were it not for her earlier statements. The
    State asked K.S. on cross-examination whether she would do
    anything to protect her family. K.S. responded affirmatively, “I
    don’t care how I do it, shoot to kill.” No further questions were
    asked, and the deposition concluded.
    After the deposition, the State moved under section
    90.803(23), Florida Statutes (2018), to introduce the child hearsay
    statements K.S. made in her recorded CPT interview and the
    hearsay statements she made to the two school officials, the nurse
    who performed the sexual assault examination, and the CPT
    member who conducted the interview. The court conducted an
    evidentiary hearing and after considering testimony and
    information obtained during discovery, determined that K.S.’s
    statements were unreliable. Included in the order were findings
    regarding DNA evidence:
    The evidence provided by the State in the course of
    discovery indicates that the DNA from the swabs taken
    from K.S.’s anal and vaginal areas matched the
    Defendant’s DNA.        One reasonable hypothesis of
    innocence to explain the presence of such DNA may be
    that the Defendant and his wife had sexual intercourse;
    the wife (K.S.’s mother); the wife used the “community”
    dirty, green rag to “wipe up” after this marital activity;
    and K.S. used this same dirty, green rag to “wipe up” to
    retaliate against her stepfather for not giving her the
    attention she sought.
    The court also found that K.S.’s conduct may “fall under the
    description of a child with feminine Oedipal complex (Electra
    complex).” The court excluded the hearsay statements based on
    its determination that the statements were unreliable.
    The State seeks certiorari review of the court’s order
    prohibiting K.S.’s hearsay statements from being used to prosecute
    Boatman. See State v. Pettis, 
    520 So. 2d 250
    , 253 (Fla. 1988)
    (holding that the State may seek certiorari review of nonfinal
    pretrial orders in a criminal case). Before certiorari relief may be
    granted, we must find that the order is “(1) a departure from the
    essential requirements of the law, (2) resulting in material injury
    for the remainder of the case (3) that cannot be corrected on
    postjudgment appeal.” Reeves v. Fleetwood Homes of Fla., Inc., 
    889 So. 2d 812
    , 822 (Fla. 2004) (quoting Bd. of Regents v. Snyder, 
    826 So. 2d 382
    , 387 (Fla. 2d DCA 2002)).
    We first consider whether the State will suffer a material
    injury that cannot be corrected on appeal. Segura v. State, 
    44 Fla. L
    . Weekly D1210a (Fla. 1st DCA May 6, 2019). When a pretrial
    order significantly impairs the State’s ability to prosecute by
    excluding critical evidence, the harm is irreparable because the
    State cannot appeal if the defendant is acquitted. Pettis, 
    520 So. 2d
    at 253; See Fla. R. App. P. 9.140(c)(1) (listing the orders the
    State may appeal in criminal proceedings). Here, the State’s
    prosecution of Boatman will be seriously, if not entirely, impeded
    if K.S.’s hearsay statements are excluded. State v. Thomas, 
    207 So. 3d 928
    , 932-33 (Fla. 1st DCA 2016).
    Because the State has established irreparable harm, we must
    next determine whether the order departs from the essential
    requirements of the law. This requires the State to show “more
    than a simple legal error.” Allstate Ins. Co. v. Kaklamanos, 
    843 So. 2d 885
    , 889 (Fla. 2003). Rather, the State must show “an
    inherent illegality or irregularity, an abuse of judicial power, an
    act of judicial tyranny perpetrated with disregard of procedural
    requirements, resulting in a gross miscarriage of justice.” Jones v.
    477 So. 2d 566
    , 569 (Fla. 1985).
    The order under review excludes the use of hearsay
    statements by K.S. in the prosecution of Boatman. See §
    90.803(23), Fla. Stat. (2018) (allowing as an exception to the
    hearsay rule, the admission of a statement of a child victim of
    sexual abuse when certain conditions have been met.) Before
    permitting statements of a child victim to be admitted into
    evidence, the trial court must find that “the source of the
    information through which the statement is reported is
    trustworthy.” State v. Townsend, 
    635 So. 2d 949
    , 954 (Fla. 1994).
    Further, the court must find that “the time, content, and
    circumstances of the statement must reflect that the statement
    provides sufficient safeguards of reliability.” 
    Id. Here, the
    found that each source was trustworthy. But the court concluded
    there were “not sufficient safeguards of reliability with respect to
    K.S.’s statements.” The State argues that in reaching this
    conclusion, the trial court relied on facts and theories unsupported
    by the record. The State argues that this was a departure from the
    essential requirements of law. See State v. White, 
    152 So. 3d 633
    635 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014).
    The State first points to the court’s findings regarding the
    presence of Boatman’s DNA on swabs taken from K.S.’s anal
    region. The court offered a “reasonable hypothesis of innocence” 1
    1The “reasonable hypothesis of innocence” standard is used
    when a defendant moves for judgment of acquittal, and the
    to explain how the DNA could have been transferred from
    Boatman to K.S. The court found that Boatman’s DNA was
    present on swabs taken from K.S.’s anal and vaginal areas. This
    is significant because the court relied on this finding to explain its
    theory of how Boatman’s DNA was transferred to K.S. The court
    theorized—absent any argument by Boatman—that Boatman and
    his wife had sex, the wife used a rag to clean herself, and then K.S.
    used the same rag to wipe up, transferring Boatman’s DNA to K.S.
    The court’s findings and theory about the DNA transfer are
    unsupported by any evidence offered by the State or the defense.
    The nurse practitioner who performed the sexual assault
    examination testified that she took swabs only from K.S.’s anal
    region. Nothing in the record supports the court’s supposition that
    Boatman and his wife had sex before the alleged sexual battery—
    much less that Boatman’s wife cleaned up afterwards with the
    same rag that later was used by K.S. Even if these events had
    occurred, K.S. testified that she used a rag to wipe her vaginal area
    after Boatman had sex with her—she never testified that she
    cleaned her anal region where the nurse swabbed for DNA. These
    findings and theories by the court were wholly speculative, without
    foundation in the record, and appeared for the first time in the
    order excluding K.S.’s hearsay statements. 2 This was a departure
    from the essential requirements of law. 
    White, 152 So. 3d at 635
    evidence of the defendant’s participation in the case is wholly
    circumstantial. Knight v. State, 
    186 So. 3d 1005
    , 1009-10 (Fla.
    2016).   The standard does not apply to the trial court’s
    determination of whether to exclude the child victim hearsay
    2    The State was prohibited from introducing the DNA
    evidence to corroborate the trustworthiness of K.S.’s hearsay
    statements. Idaho v. Wright, 
    497 U.S. 805
    , 822 (1990) (“[H]earsay
    evidence used to convict a defendant must possess indicia of
    reliability by virtue of its inherent trustworthiness, not by
    reference to other evidence at trial.”). Instead, the State had to
    show that the statements were independently reliable. N.W. v.
    41 So. 3d 383
    , 384 (Fla. 2d DCA 2010) (explaining that the
    trial court applied the wrong standard for admitting evidence
    under the child hearsay exception when it found a statement
    The court also diagnosed K.S. with a psychiatric disorder
    without an evidentiary foundation. Although it determined that
    there was no evidence that K.S. fabricated her reports that
    Boatman raped her, the trial court opined that K.S. suffered from
    a “feminine Oedipal complex (Electra complex).” 3 But there was
    no medical evidence in the record to support the court’s clinical
    diagnosis of the child victim. Although a nurse performed a sexual
    assault examination of K.S., K.S. was never examined by a
    psychologist or psychiatrist. The only evidence in the record with
    even a remote nexus to the court’s diagnostic finding was a self-
    serving statement made by Boatman during a police interrogation
    that K.S. had recently started to “rub” and “grind” on him. The
    court’s order injected for the first time in the proceeding any notion
    that K.S. suffered from a psychiatric disorder. This, too, was a
    departure from the essential requirements of the law. See Walker
    v. State, 
    55 So. 3d 718
    , 720-21 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011) (granting
    certiorari when the court considered an exhibit submitted after the
    close evidence because the opposing party had no opportunity to
    Because the order departs from the essential requirements of
    law and irreparably harms the State, we GRANT the petition and
    QUASH the order excluding K.S.’s hearsay statements. See State v.
    651 So. 2d 1249
    (Fla. 2d DCA 1995) (granting certiorari
    relief where pretrial order excluded child victim hearsay evidence).
    JAY and M.K. THOMAS, JJ., concur.
    unreliable because of the lack of medical evidence). The trial
    court’s insertion of the DNA evidence into the proceeding created
    a catch-22: while the court relied on the DNA evidence and
    advanced a theory of Boatman’s innocence based on the DNA
    evidence, the State could not offer the DNA evidence to corroborate
    K.S.’s hearsay statements.
    3   An Electra complex is “the female counterpart of the
    Oedipus complex, involving the daughter’s love for her father,
    jealousy toward the mother.” APA Dictionary of Psychol., ELECTRA
    COMPLEX, (last visited
    May 29, 2019).
    Not final until disposition of any timely and
    authorized motion under Fla. R. App. P. 9.330 or
    Ashley Moody, Attorney General, and Virginia Harris, Assistant
    Attorney General, Tallahassee, for Petitioner.
    Andy Thomas, Public Defender, and Megan Long, Assistant Public
    Defender, Tallahassee, for Respondent.