Santiago v. Sunset Core Investments, Inc. , 198 So. 3d 658 ( 2015 )

    BENNY G. SANTIAGO, a/k/a                     )
    BENITO G. SANTIAGO,                          )
    Appellant,                     )
    v.                                           )          Case No. 2D13-1205
    SUNSET COVE INVESTMENTS, INC.,               )
    Appellee.                      )
    Opinion filed November 20, 2015.
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for
    Hillsborough County; James H. Barton, II,
    Brian C. Chase of Meridian Partners,
    Tampa, for Appellant.
    David M. Carr of David Michael Carr, P.A.,
    Tampa; and Matias Blanco, Jr., Tampa, for
    MORRIS, Judge.
    Benito Santiago appeals a final judgment awarding sanctions against him
    and in favor of Sunset Cove Investments. Santiago raises six issues relating to the
    award of sanctions. However, we find merit only in one: that the trial court's inclusion of
    appellate attorneys' fees in the sanctions was erroneous because Sunset Cove never
    moved for attorneys' fees in this court. He also challenges the underlying 2005 order
    finding him in contempt, but we conclude that his challenge is barred by the law of the
    case doctrine. Sunset Cove has moved for appellate attorneys' fees pursuant to section
    57.105(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2015), based on Santiago's challenge to the 2005
    contempt order, and as explained herein, we grant that motion solely as against
    Santiago's counsel.
    I. The Trial Court Erred by Including Appellate Attorneys' Fees in the
    Award of Sanctions.
    We review a trial court's determination of entitlement to attorneys' fees for
    abuse of discretion. See Discovery Experimental & Dev., Inc. v. Dep't of Health, 
    824 So. 2d 195
    , 196 (Fla. 2d DCA 2002). Here, we find it unnecessary to include a
    complete recitation of the facts because the inclusion of appellate attorneys' fees in the
    trial court's award is an abuse of discretion based on the undisputed facts.
    We have previously held that "[a] trial court cannot award appellate
    attorney's fees unless the appellate court has authorized such an award." Bartow HMA,
    LLC v. Kirkland, 
    146 So. 3d 1213
    , 1215 (Fla. 2d DCA 2014) (quoting Rados v. Rados,
    791 So. 2d 1130
    , 1131 (Fla. 2d DCA 2001)). Parties are required to file a motion for
    appellate attorneys' fees in this court during an appeal because this court has exclusive
    jurisdiction to award such fees. See 
    id. "Absent an
    appellate court's authorization, a
    circuit court has 'no authority to award attorney's fees for services in [the appellate]
    court, even as a sanction.' " 
    Id. (alteration in
    original) (quoting Closuit v. Crane Envtl.,
    850 So. 2d 652
    , 653 (Fla. 2d DCA 2003)).
    It is undisputed that Sunset Cove never sought appellate fees during prior
    appeals between the parties in this court, nor did this court ever authorize such an
    award. We reject Sunset Cove's contention that Santiago waived any challenge to the
    award of appellate attorneys' fees because he conceded that the amount of the fees
    was reasonable. Santiago's agreement about the reasonableness of the amount does
    not negate his strenuous objection below as to Sunset Cove's entitlement to such fees.
    Further, while a party opposing an attorneys' fees award generally "has the burden of
    pointing out with specificity which hours should be deducted," Levine v. Keaster, 
    862 So. 2d 876
    , 882 (Fla. 4th DCA 2003), the fact that Santiago did not do so here is not an
    impediment to granting him relief. This is because Sunset Cove conceded below that
    appellate fees were included in the amount requested. Consequently, we reverse the
    order awarding sanctions to the extent that it includes appellate attorneys' fees. On
    remand, the trial court shall determine what portion of the award constitutes appellate
    attorneys' fees and shall deduct that amount accordingly. In all other respects, the
    order awarding sanctions is affirmed.
    II. Santiago Is Barred by the Law of the Case Doctrine From
    Challenging the 2005 Contempt Order.
    We also write briefly to address Santiago's challenge to the 2005
    contempt order. The underlying dispute involved a real estate deal gone awry. After
    Sunset Cove filed suit, the parties entered into a mediated settlement agreement which
    was then incorporated into a final judgment. The subsequent contempt order was
    based on Santiago's refusal to close on the real estate deal and his election to instead
    sell the relevant properties to a third-party purchaser. Santiago contends that he should
    not have been held in contempt because the final judgment did not prohibit him from
    selling the properties to a third-party purchaser once the ninety-day closing deadline
    However, in an earlier appellate proceeding between the parties, Santiago
    v. Sunset Cove Investments, Inc., 2D07-1598, Santiago filed a petition to enforce writ of
    prohibition and/or for expedited order to show cause or stay, writ of prohibition or
    alternative writs and remedies. In the petition, he made the same argument: because
    the final judgment contained no specific or express terms regulating or prohibiting the
    sale of the property after the designated closing deadline lapsed, his sale of the
    properties to the third-party purchaser could not support a finding that he willfully
    violated the final judgment. On April 13, 2007, we denied with prejudice the portion of
    the petition raising that ground.1 The denial with prejudice constituted a decision on the
    merits. See Sumner v. Sumner, 
    707 So. 2d 934
    , 935 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998); see also
    Barwick v. State, 
    660 So. 2d 685
    , 691 (Fla. 1995), abrogated on other grounds by
    Topps v. State, 
    865 So. 2d 1253
    (Fla. 2004). We subsequently denied his motion for
    rehearing on that point. Consequently, because that issue has already been decided by
    this court, the law of the case doctrine applies. See Specialty Rests. Corp. v. Elliott,
    924 So. 2d 834
    , 837 (Fla. 2d DCA 2005). We decline to alter the law of the case on this
    III. Sunset Cove is Entitled to Appellate Attorneys' Fees Pursuant to
    Section 57.105(1)(b) as Against Santiago's Counsel Only.
    Sunset Cove seeks appellate attorneys' fees pursuant to section 57.105(1)
    and requests separate judgments against both Santiago and his counsel. We agree
    with Sunset Cove that because Santiago's challenge to the 2005 contempt order is
    1The  denial was rendered via unpublished order. The proceeding was
    then partially converted into a nonfinal appeal to address another unrelated ground that
    ultimately resulted in an opinion. See Santiago v. Sunset Cove Invs., Inc., 
    988 So. 2d 10
    (Fla. 2d DCA 2008).
    based on the same argument that he made in his prior petition for writ of prohibition,
    which we denied with prejudice, his presentation of the argument in this case is not
    supported by the application of existing law to the material facts. Consequently, Sunset
    Cove is entitled to an award of appellate attorneys' fees pursuant to section
    57.105(1)(b). We find no merit in Santiago's contention that Sunset Cove cannot
    recover fees because it is not the prevailing party on appeal. This is because section
    57.105(1) provides in relevant part that
    the court shall award a reasonable attorney's fee, including
    prejudgment interest, to be paid to the prevailing party in
    equal amounts by the losing party and the losing party's
    attorney on any claim or defense at any time during a civil
    proceeding or action in which the court finds that the losing
    party or the losing party's attorney knew or should have
    known that a claim or defense when initially presented to the
    court or at any time before trial:
    (a) Was not supported by the material facts necessary to
    establish the claim or defense; or
    (b) Would not be supported by the application of then-
    existing law to those material facts.
    (Emphasis added.) Because the statute refers to "any claim or defense," it does not
    require that the entire action be unsupported by material facts or the application of then-
    existing law. See Albritton v. Ferrera, 
    913 So. 2d 5
    , 8 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005) (citing
    Mullins v. Kennelly, 
    847 So. 2d 1151
    , 1154 (Fla. 5th DCA 2003)). We note that at least
    one Florida court has sanctioned a party's counsel for filing a brief containing an
    argument that had already been raised and ruled upon in a prior appeal. See
    Waddington v. Baptist Med. Ctr. of the Beaches, Inc., 
    78 So. 3d 114
    , 117 (Fla. 1st DCA
    2012). However, because we base the award of appellate attorneys' fees on section
    57.105(1)(b), the fees may only be awarded as against Santiago's counsel. See §
    57.105(3)(c) (prohibiting the imposition of sanctions pursuant to section 57.105(1)(b)
    against a represented party); see also 
    Waddington, 78 So. 3d at 117
    . We therefore
    grant Sunset Cove's motion and award Sunset Cove its reasonable attorneys' fees that
    were incurred for defending the claim related to the 2005 contempt order; the fees shall
    be paid in full by Santiago's counsel. See 
    Waddington, 78 So. 3d at 117
    . We remand
    for the trial court to determine the amount.
    Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded with instructions.
    VILLANTI, C.J., and BADALAMENTI, J., Concur.