    HEALTHCARE OF FLORIDA, INC.; and any and all entities that are its
    No. 4D16-2767
    [July 19, 2017]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit,
    Broward County; Jack B. Tuter, Judge; L.T. Case No. 15-018699CACE
    Glenn J. Waldman and Douglas T. Marx of Waldman Trigoboff
    Hildebrandt Marx & Calnan, P.A., Fort Lauderdale, for appellant.
    Todd R. Legon and William F. Rhoads of Legon Fodiman, P.A., Miami,
    and David B. Potter and Archana Nath of Fox Rothschild LLP, Minneapolis,
    for appellees.
    WARNER, J.
    Managed Care Insurance Consultants, Inc., appeals the order denying
    its motion to vacate an arbitration award based on the partiality of one of
    the arbitrators. It contends it showed that the arbitrator had an actual
    conflict, as her husband’s medical practice had a business connection with
    the appellee, United Healthcare of Florida. Because the court found that
    the arbitrator did not have “actual knowledge of such a relationship or
    potential conflict prior to or during the subject arbitration,” nor was there
    any actual bias shown, the court did not err in denying the motion. We
    United Health Care (“United”) contracted with Centers for Medicare &
    Medicaid Services (“CMS”) to offer Medicare Advantage health plans to
    Medicare beneficiaries in South Florida. In exchange for United providing
    Medicare benefits, CMS made monthly payments to United for each of its
    Medicare Advantage members. United entered into a delegation agreement
    with Managed Care Insurance Consultants, Inc. (“MCIC”), whereby United
    delegated to MCIC some of its medical management responsibilities under
    the contract with CMS. In return, United was to pay the authorized claims
    and to fund the payments with monies it received from CMS. MCIC was
    to be compensated from revenue placed into a risk pool, based upon a ratio
    of expenses to revenue. Both parties claimed that the other breached the
    The contract had an arbitration provision through the American
    Arbitration Association (“AAA”). The AAA appointed three arbiters to hear
    the dispute, including the chairperson.
    We need not detail the claims and the arbitral proceedings. In short,
    MCIC contended that United had not funded the risk pool properly, nor
    had it paid only authorized expenses from the pool. MCIC claimed lost
    revenues between $14 million and $21 million. United, on the other hand,
    claimed that there were deficits in the risk pool due to MCIC’s management
    of patient care. It sought damages in the millions of dollars.
    In the Final Arbitration Award, the panel found that United had
    breached the agreement for funding the risk pool, but did not award any
    damages to MCIC because it found the evidence in support of the claimed
    damages was too speculative. Similarly, the panel found for MCIC on its
    claim that certain patient expenses should have been removed from the
    risk pool reconciliation. Again, however, it did not award damages because
    of “its inability to quantify with reasonable certainty the amount of invalid
    claims that were paid by United.” As to United’s claim against MCIC, the
    panel denied relief because United could not establish that it had
    performed its part of the contract. Thus, neither party obtained a damage
    award from the other party. MCIC made a motion to affirm the portion of
    the arbitration award which found that United had breached the
    agreement and to vacate the portion which refused to award MCIC
    damages. The panel denied the motion and the order became final.
    Subsequently, MCIC filed a petition in circuit court to confirm the
    award as to its findings of liability in its favor but to vacate the denial of
    damages. It claimed that the lack of damage award was contrary to Florida
    law, and the evidence was clear that it was entitled to at least $24 million
    in damages.
    After filing its petition, MCIC filed an amended petition to vacate the
    award in its entirety because of the chairperson’s failure to disclose the
    relationship between her physician husband and United.                The
    chairperson’s husband was a cardiologist associated with HeartWell, a
    large cardiology group in South Florida. He treated patients at HeartWell
    who were insured by United. He was also on the Board of Directors of
    HeartWell. The motion alleged that the chairperson was the primary
    architect of the arbitration award based on the amounts she charged to
    the parties after the close of the final hearing. The motion also alleged she
    never disclosed that her husband had a contractual relationship with
    United or that some of the medical claims at issue were actually paid to
    her spouse. Because HeartWell was part of United’s network—and United
    reimbursed HeartWell for its doctors’ treatment of patients insured by
    United—the chairperson’s failure to disclose that she was married to a
    physician receiving payments from United established partiality on her
    The court allowed limited discovery from the chairperson. In the
    chairperson’s deposition via written questions, she testified that she had
    asked her husband if he had any relationship with United and he told her
    he didn’t. She had him look at the witness lists, as well as the parties,
    and he said he had no dealings with any of them. She stated that if she
    had known he had a relationship she would have disclosed it, but “[m]ost
    of the times he probably doesn’t even know who the insurance companies
    are for his patients, and he did not tell me that he had any relationship
    with United Healthcare.” She was not aware of any money that her
    husband, or his practice, received from United; nor was she aware that
    HeartWell had a contract with United. She was asked whether, between
    2010 and 2015, HeartWell billed United $12.9 million 1 for medical
    services, something she should have disclosed. She testified that she had
    no idea that there was a relationship. After reviewing the AAA oath, which
    required her to do a reasonable investigation of potential conflicts, she
    testified that she had made that investigation by questioning her husband
    and presenting him with the conflicts checklist of the parties and
    In lieu of testimony at the hearing on the motion to vacate, MCIC
    submitted the affidavit of another arbitrator. That arbitrator testified that
    the relationship between the physician husband and United should have
    been disclosed and that the chairperson arbitrator was obligated to do an
    investigation to ascertain the business relationship. The affidavit did not
    opine on what a reasonable investigation would include.
    1 When this question was re-asked, the figure used was $41.3 million according
    to the transcript. There is no explanation for the discrepancy in the numbers.
    The trial court denied both motions to vacate the award. As to the issue
    of conflict on the part of the chairperson, the court relied on Gianelli Money
    Purchase Plan & Trust v. ADM Investor Services, Inc., 
    146 F.3d 1309
    , 1313
    (11th Cir. 1998), to conclude that MCIC had not proved an actual conflict
    nor that actual bias had been shown. The court ruled that “although there
    was evidence that [the arbitrator’s husband] treats patients who are
    insured by United and, as a result, receives reimbursement from United,
    there was insufficient evidence demonstrating [that the arbitrator] had
    actual knowledge of such a relationship or potential conflict prior to or
    during the subject arbitration.” As to the original claim that the arbitration
    panel had exceeded its powers by not applying the correct law, the court
    found that this was not a statutory ground for vacating the award and
    denied the petition. From this order, MCIC appeals.
    In order to vacate an arbitration award, one of the statutory grounds
    listed in section 682.13(1), Florida Statutes (2015), must be present. One
    of those grounds warranting vacatur is a showing that there was “[e]vident
    partiality by an arbitrator appointed as a neutral arbitrator[.]”
    § 682.13(1)(b)1., Fla. Stat. An arbitrator has an affirmative duty to
    disclose to the parties any business relationships that the arbitrator might
    have which might create the impression of possible bias. See Weinger v.
    State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 
    620 So. 2d 1298
    , 1299 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993).
    The Federal Arbitration Act, which applies in this case, likewise permits
    vacatur of an arbitration award where a litigant shows “evident partiality
    or corruption in the arbitrators[.]” 
    9 U.S.C. § 10
    (a)(2) (2015). In Gianelli,
    the Eleventh Circuit followed its prior precedent and held that “an
    arbitration award may be vacated due to the ‘evident partiality’ of an
    arbitrator only when either (1) an actual conflict exists, or (2) the arbitrator
    knows of, but fails to disclose, information which would lead a reasonable
    person to believe that a potential conflict exists.” Gianelli, 
    146 F.3d at 1312
    In Gianelli, the office manager of the Gray Harris law firm was chosen
    as an arbitrator for a dispute between Gianelli and an investor service. 
    Id. at 1310
    . Before the arbitration commenced, Gianelli discovered that Gray
    Harris represented the principal of the adverse party, Kelly, in a lawsuit.
     The office manager professed no knowledge of the case, and the
    principal indicated that it was an isolated incident. 
     After the officer
    manager arbitrator rendered a ruling in favor of ADM, Gianelli discovered
    that the relationship between Kelly and Gray Harris was considerably more
     Prior to the office manager’s employment with the Gray
    Harris firm, the firm had extensive representation of Kelly, but the
    arbitrator did not know of the representation. 
     While the district court
    granted the motion to vacate for evident partiality, the circuit court
     It concluded that there was no showing of actual bias, and
    thus the first criteria of actual conflict did not exist. 
    Id. at 1313
    . As to the
    second criteria, it found that nothing in the record showed that the
    arbitrator knew of the prior representation of Kelly. 
     “Because [the
    arbitrator] did not have actual knowledge of the information upon which
    the alleged ‘conflict’ was founded, the second ‘evident partiality’ condition
    is not present in this case.” 
    Gianelli has been criticized in several courts for requiring actual
    knowledge of a conflict without requiring that the arbitrator conduct an
    investigation to ascertain whether a conflict exists. See, e.g., New Regency
    Prod., Inc. v. Nippon Herald Films, Inc., 
    501 F.3d 1101
    , 1109 (9th Cir.
    2007). Those courts impose a duty to investigate potential conflicts. Id.;
    see also Schmitz v. Zilveti, 
    20 F.3d 1043
     (9th Cir. 1994); Applied Indus.
    Materials Corp. v. Ovalar Makine Ticaret Ve Sanayi, A.S., 
    492 F.3d 132
    Cir. 2007); ANR Coal Co., v. Cogentrix of N.C., Inc., 
    173 F.3d 493
     (4th Cir.
    The cases requiring investigation deal with instances in which lawyers
    have not made a conflicts check within their own firm or a business person
    has not make a check of business relationships of the arbitrator’s own
    business with the arbitration parties. In this case, however, the business
    relationship is between the arbitrator’s husband’s business and one of the
    parties to the arbitration. The arbitrator did investigate by asking her
    husband about any conflicts and presenting him with a conflicts checklist.
    Thus, even if a duty to investigate is required, the arbitrator complied. We
    do not believe that the arbitrator is compelled to disbelieve the information
    she is given by her husband and investigate further. We are not even sure
    that the arbitrator would have the ability to probe the corporate business
    to determine whether a conflict exists.
    Under Florida law, section 682.041, Fla. Stat. (2015), requires that an
    arbitrator disclose any “known facts that a reasonable person would
    consider likely to affect the person’s impartiality as an arbitrator in the
    arbitration proceeding[.]” § 682.041(1), Fla. Stat. (emphasis added). If
    there was no evidence that the arbitrator knew of the facts, then there
    would be no basis for vacatur. Thus, the Florida Arbitration Code adheres
    most closely to Gianelli.
    There was no actual bias shown by the arbitrator in this case, nor was
    there an actual conflict. The arbitrator did not know of the business
    relationship between her husband’s corporate employer and United (nor,
    apparently, did her husband). The trial court did not err in denying the
    motion to vacate.
    In its other claim for vacatur of the arbitration award, MCIC claims that
    the arbitrators exceeded their powers under the agreement by failing to
    apply controlling Florida law in denying any damage award. As found by
    the trial court, this is an attempt to disguise what is clearly a claim of legal
    error by the arbitration panel, which is not a ground to vacate an
    arbitration award. See Hall St. Assocs., LLC v. Mattel, Inc., 
    552 U.S. 576
    585-86 (2008) (holding that arbitrator’s legal error is not reviewable under
    the Federal Arbitration Act, and private contract cannot expand grounds
    for vacating award under act); see also Visiting Nurse Ass’n of Florida, Inc.
    v. Jupiter Med. Ctr, Inc., 
    154 So. 3d 1115
    , 1138 (Fla. 2014).
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the order denying the motion to
    vacate the arbitration award.
    DAMOORGIAN and FORST, JJ., concur.
    *         *         *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.