Rafael Jacob Stoffel v. State of Florida , 247 So. 3d 89 ( 2018 )

    No. 1D16-0079
    On appeal from the Circuit Court for Okaloosa County.
    William F. Stone, Judge.
    May 16, 2018
    B.L. THOMAS, C.J.
    Appellant, Rafael Jacob Stoffel, appeals his conviction and
    sentence for lewd or lascivious molestation of a child under the
    age of twelve. § 800.04(5), Fla. Stat. (2014). Appellant raises two
    issues on appeal: 1) whether the trial court erred by denying his
    request for a jury instruction on the lesser-included offense of
    battery; and 2) whether the trial court’s imposition of the
    minimum-mandatory term of twenty-five years’ imprisonment
    constitutes cruel and unusual punishment under both the Florida
    and federal constitutions. * We find no merit as to the second
    * Per statute, a conviction for lewd or lascivious molestation
    of a child under the age of twelve requires that a trial court
    impose one of two sentencing options: 1) life imprisonment; or
    issue, but write to address Appellant’s claim that he was entitled
    to a jury instruction on battery.
    Appellant took his nine-year-old stepdaughter, S.P., to a
    movie on a “daddy-daughter” date to celebrate her upcoming
    birthday. A few minutes into the movie, Appellant asked if he
    could touch S.P.’s breasts.     S.P. consented and Appellant
    proceeded to put his hand underneath S.P.’s shirt and grabbed
    her breasts. After the movie, Appellant apologized to S.P. for his
    Approximately a year after the incident, S.P.’s mother asked
    S.P. if Appellant had ever touched her inappropriately. S.P. then
    told her mother what occurred. S.P.’s mother then confronted
    Appellant about the incident, and Appellant admitted to touching
    S.P.’s breasts. Appellant expressed remorse for his actions and
    self-reported the incident by calling the Department of Children
    and Families (DCF). As a result, DCF sent its investigator and
    an Okaloosa County Deputy Sheriff to S.P.’s home. Recorded
    interviews were conducted with S.P., her mother, and Appellant.
    S.P. reiterated what had occurred during the movie. During his
    interview, Appellant stated that when he apologized to S.P for his
    actions, she stated, “Well, I did say yes.” At the conclusion of the
    interviews, Appellant was arrested and charged with lewd or
    lascivious molestation of a child under the age of twelve.
    During trial, S.P. testified that Appellant touched her
    breasts for approximately two to three minutes and told her that
    she was “growing up” and “becoming quite the woman.”
    Additionally, S.P. testified that she “felt like something was
    wrong, but I wasn’t, like, exactly sure, and I didn’t really know
    what was going on.” Appellant testified and admitted to touching
    S.P.’s breasts for a few seconds. Both the State and defense
    2) “a split sentence . . . of at least twenty-five years’
    imprisonment and not exceeding life imprisonment, followed by
    probation or community control for the remainder of the person’s
    natural life.” § 775.082(4)(a), Fla. Stat. (2014).
    counsel stipulated that, while Appellant was touching S.P.,
    Appellant told S.P. “your chest is getting big.”
    At the charge conference, defense counsel asked for a jury
    instruction on the lesser-included offense of battery. The trial
    court denied the request. The trial court, however, granted
    defense counsel’s request for a jury instruction on the lesser-
    included offense of attempted lewd or lascivious molestation and
    a jury instruction for an unnatural and lascivious act.
    In its closing statement, the defense argued that Appellant
    did not have the lascivious intent required to be found guilty of
    lewd or lascivious molestation. The trial court then instructed
    the jury:
    THE COURT: Lewd or lascivious molestation. To
    prove the crime of lewd or lascivious molestation, the
    State must prove the following three elements beyond
    and to the exclusion of a reasonable doubt: One, [S.P.]
    was under the age of 12 at the time of the offense. Two,
    Rafael Stoffel intentionally touched in a lewd or
    lascivious manner the breasts of [S.P.]. Three, Rafael
    Stoffel was 18 years of age or older at the time of the
    The words “lewd” and “lascivious” mean the same
    thing. They mean a wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious,
    or sensual attempt on the part of the person doing the
    Neither the victim’s loss of chastity nor consent is a
    defense to the crime charged. The Defendant’s ignorance
    of the victim’s age, the victim’s misrepresentation of her
    age, or the Defendant’s bona fide belief of the victim’s
    age is not a defense to the crime charged.
    During its deliberations, the jury asked the trial court the
    following question: “Ask [Appellant] why he decided to reach
    under her shirt. What was he thinking? What was his
    reasoning?” The trial court responded by informing the jury that
    “you have all of the evidence that’s been received for your
    consideration of the verdict in this matter.” The jury then
    resumed its deliberations and found Appellant guilty as charged.
    There are two categories of lesser-included offenses:
    necessary and permissive. Sanders v. State, 
    944 So. 2d 203
    , 206
    (Fla. 2006). “Necessarily lesser-included offenses are those
    offenses in which the statutory elements of the lesser included
    offense are always subsumed within those of the charged
    Id. In contrast,
    a permissive lesser-included offense is
    one where both offenses appear to be separate on the face of the
    statutes, “but the facts alleged in the accusatory pleadings are
    such that the lesser [included] offense cannot help but be
    perpetrated once the greater offense has been.” 
    Id. (quoting State
    v. Weller, 
    590 So. 2d 923
    , 925 n.2 (Fla. 1991)) (emphasis added).
    A trial court must instruct the jury on a necessary lesser-
    included offense. McKiver v. State, 
    55 So. 3d 646
    , 649 (Fla. 1st
    DCA 2011). However, the instruction on a permissive lesser-
    included offense must be given only if: 1) the charging document
    alleges all the statutory elements of the requested permissive
    lesser-included offense; and 2) some evidence is adduced at trial
    that establishes those statutory elements. Khianthalat v. State,
    974 So. 2d 359
    , 361 (Fla. 2008). Battery is listed as a lesser-
    included offense of lewd or lascivious molestation. Fla. Std. Jury
    Instr. (Crim.) 11.10(c). Accordingly, Florida courts have found
    that battery is a permissive lesser-included offense of lewd or
    lascivious molestation. Barnett v. State, 
    45 So. 3d 963
    , 964 (Fla.
    3d DCA 2010). The question for this Court is thus two-fold:
    1) did the State’s information allege the statutory elements of
    battery, and if so, 2) did the evidence adduced at Appellant’s trial
    establish those elements?
    The elements of battery are an actual and intentional
    touching or striking of another, without their consent.
    § 784.03(1)(a)1., Fla. Stat. The fact that Appellant intentionally
    touched S.P. is uncontroverted. As a result, this Court’s analysis
    centers on the remaining statutory element of consent.
    The State’s second amended information alleged that
    Appellant “on or about June 22, 2014, at and in Okaloosa County,
    Florida, while being eighteen (18) years of age or older, 31 years
    of age, did unlawfully and intentionally touch in a lewd or
    lascivious manner the breasts, genitals, genital area, or buttocks,
    or the clothing covering them, of a person less than twelve (12)
    years of age, S.P., . . ., 9 years of age, or force or entice S.P. to
    touch the perpetrator, in violation of Section 800.04(5)(b), Florida
    The language of the information makes no mention of
    Appellant’s touching being against the will of S.P., and there is
    no evidence in the record to support the finding that S.P. did not
    consent to Appellant’s touching. Certainly, S.P.’s testimony
    indicates that at the time she felt uncertain or taken aback by
    Appellant’s conduct. It is clear, however, that S.P.’s verbal
    statements to Appellant before and after the incident
    demonstrate that the touching was consensual.
    We find the holding in Barnett to be persuasive here. The
    defendant in Barnett was charged with lewd or lascivious
    molestation of a child under the age of 
    twelve. 45 So. 3d at 964
    He requested a jury instruction on battery, which the trial court
    Id. Relying on
    Khianthalat, the Third District affirmed
    the trial court, holding that the defendant was not entitled to a
    jury instruction on battery, because “[t]he information did not
    include any language stating that the touching was against the
    will of the victim.” 
    Id. The court
    in Barnett addressed Belser v. State, 
    854 So. 2d 223
    (Fla. 1st DCA 2003), which predated Khianthalat. 
    Barnett, 45 So. 3d at 964
    . In Belser, the defendant was charged with lewd
    or lascivious molestation of a child under the age of 
    sixteen. 854 So. 2d at 224
    . On appeal, the defendant argued that the trial
    court erred by denying his request for a jury instruction on
    Id. This Court
    held that the defendant was entitled to
    the instruction and reversed. 
    Id. at 225.
    In our rationale, we
    noted that “[t]he state concedes that simple battery is a
    permissive lesser included offense, that unlawful touching was
    alleged in the information, and that evidence of battery was
    presented at trial to support such a finding.” 
    Id. at 224.
    But our
    decision in Belser made no attempt to analyze the remaining
    statutory element that the touch be against the will of the victim.
    Consequently, the Third District in Barnett found that “Belser
    does not survive the more recent decision of the Supreme Court
    Khianthalat.” 45 So. 3d at 964
    . We agree, and hold that
    Belser has been abrogated by the rule of law articulated by the
    Florida Supreme Court in Khianthalat.
    But Appellant argues that the fact that S.P. was under the
    age of twelve satisfies the requirements of Khianthalat, because a
    minor cannot give consent to an unlawful sexual touching; thus,
    as a matter of law, Appellant’s acts were without S.P.’s consent.
    This assertion is untenable, however, given our Court’s recent
    affirmation that parents and those in loco parentis are privileged
    to touch their children, non-abusively, against their will. Morris
    v. State, 
    228 So. 3d 670
    (Fla. 1st DCA 2017). As a matter of law,
    Appellant could not commit a battery against his stepchild,
    unless Appellant touched her in a lewd manner, which is
    unlawful, and therefore the fondling would be a lewd and
    lascivious molestation. Thus, either the act of fondling the nine-
    year old’s breasts was a lewd molestation or it was no crime at
    all, because a non-lewd touching of a child by a parent cannot
    constitute a battery, absent evidence of physical injury or other
    factors not alleged or proven here. See § 784.085, Fla. Stat.;
    § 827.03(1)(a)&(b), Fla. Stat.
    If it had received the battery instruction, the jury could have
    only found Appellant guilty of battery if they found that the State
    failed to prove the charged offense (as well as the lesser-included
    offenses of attempted lewd or lascivious molestation or unnatural
    and lascivious act) beyond a reasonable doubt. Such a finding
    necessarily means that the jury would have determined that
    Appellant did not act with a lascivious intent. Therefore, the
    resulting touch between Appellant and S.P. could not constitute
    battery, as a matter of law. 
    Morris, 228 So. 3d at 673
    . Thus, the
    only proper choices for the jury to consider were in fact provided:
    Either Appellant committed a lewd or lascivious act, or he
    committed no crime at all
    The record is undisputed that Appellant touched S.P.’s
    breasts.    Appellant admitted touching the victim’s breasts.
    Therefore, the only issue remaining for the jury to resolve was
    whether Appellant had a lascivious intent. Appellant asked S.P.
    if she liked being touched, and Appellant commented that S.P.
    was becoming “quite the woman.” Both parties stipulated that
    Appellant told S.P. that “your chest is getting big.” Based on
    these facts, the jury had sufficient evidence to conclude that
    Appellant acted with lascivious intent.
    OSTERHAUS and M.K. THOMAS, JJ., concur.
    Not final until disposition of any timely and
    authorized motion under Fla. R. App. P. 9.330 or
    Michael Ufferman, Michael         Ufferman   Law   Firm,   P.A.,
    Tallahassee, for Appellant.
    Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General, Trisha Meggs Pate,
    Assistant Attorney General, Thomas H. Duffy, Assistant
    Attorney General, Tayo Popoola, Assistant Attorney General,
    and Steven Woods, Assistant Attorney General, Tallahassee.