COURTNEY PEYNADO v. STATE OF FLORIDA , 254 So. 3d 457 ( 2018 )

    No. 4D17-3367
    [August 1, 2018]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit,
    Broward County; Michael I. Rothschild, Judge; L.T. Case No. 16-
    Carey Haughwout, Public Defender, and Ian Seldin, Assistant Public
    Defender, West Palm Beach, for appellant.
    Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General, Tallahassee, and Jeanine
    Germanowicz, Assistant Attorney General, West Palm Beach, for appellee.
    Courtney Peynado appeals his withhold of adjudication and sentence
    for one count of possession of cocaine following a plea. We reverse because
    the evidence supporting the charge against Appellant was the result of an
    illegal search and seizure.
    Appellant was arrested and charged with one count of possession of
    cocaine after police found crack cocaine in a food container held by
    Appellant. Appellant moved to suppress the evidence on the grounds that
    it was obtained as the result of an illegal search and seizure. The matter
    proceeded to a suppression hearing where the following was established
    via the testimony of the arresting officer.
    At around 7:30 a.m., the officer and his partner were patrolling a high
    crime area. The officer, who was wearing a vest with the word “Sheriff”
    written on it, was driving an unmarked SUV with the windows rolled down.
    As the officer proceeded to turn at an intersection, he observed two males
    standing at the corner of the intersection. One of the males, who the officer
    identified as Appellant, was holding an open white food container in one
    hand and a fork in the other.
    As the officer turned, Appellant looked up with a “deer in headlights”
    expression on his face. Appellant then dropped his fork, followed by a
    large, yellow, chunky item, into the food container and pushed the item
    down with the fork. Based on his training and twenty-five years of
    experience as a law enforcement officer, the officer testified that he
    immediately recognized the item dropped into the food container as crack
    cocaine. The officer stopped his vehicle, instructed his partner to detain
    Appellant, and took the container, which contained grits, out of Appellant’s
    hands. Using the fork, the officer lifted the item out of the grits. Testing
    confirmed that the item was in fact crack cocaine.
    On cross-examination, defense counsel attempted to ascertain how far
    the officer was when he observed Appellant drop the item into the
    container. In so doing, the record reflects that defense counsel moved
    about the courtroom several times while asking the officer if the distance
    separating them was the same as the distance that separated the officer
    and Appellant. Aside from generically testifying that he was “close enough
    to see the crack drop out of [Appellant’s] hand,” the officer steadfastly
    refused to give an approximation of his distance from Appellant. In fact,
    the officer told defense counsel “[y]ou can go right out the door, I still won’t
    After viewing the cocaine, which the court described as a white, semi-
    waxy, one inch square which at first glance looked like a pat of butter, the
    court made the following finding with regard to the officer’s credibility:
    First, there’s no way I believe the officer when he says he was
    able to immediately identify the object that was dropped into
    the container as being crack cocaine. I don’t think—I think
    it’s incomprehensible from almost any distance based on what
    this court observed to be able to say that no matter with what
    training and experience that the object was in fact crack
    I can tell you with complete surety, even with perfect vision,
    from the size of the item that I saw in evidence there’s no way
    that someone from the back of this courtroom would be able
    to tell me that they could recognize what I saw as a white
    square dropping into a takeout plate was crack cocaine. If it
    was maybe a foot away or two feet away or even five feet away,
    with the officer’s training and experience considering where he
    was, etc., maybe [it] could be something I could buy.
    Nonetheless, citing to case law involving the application of the plain
    view doctrine, the court denied the motion to suppress based on the
    following legal conclusions:
    [T]he standard isn’t whether it was cocaine or not, it’s whether
    or not the incriminating nature of the evidence was
    immediately apparent and that police are not required to know
    what exactly the item is, it’s just a question whether or not the
    circumstances in seeing the item lead the officers to believe
    reasonably that it is incriminating, that there’s incriminating
    nature to the evidence.
    In this case we have a situation where officer pulls up where
    the individual recognizes the person in the car to be an officer
    is surprised, nervous. The description of the officer like a deer
    in headlights. In response to that, the person who happen[s]
    to be in the high crime narcotics area drops first the fork that
    he’s using to eat items immediately followed by what the officer
    claims he . . . sees crack cocaine which I do not believe, but
    does drop an item that is consistent potentially with crack
    cocaine into the plate that he’s holding and proceeds to push
    the item down into the plate all in response to seeing a police
    I think taken those circumstances in its context, I think the
    officer does have a reasonable belief that what [Appellant] was
    dropping did have an incriminating nature. Although I do not
    believe that the officer could identify particularly what it was
    but since he’s not required to under the circumstances, would
    lead a reasonable officer or reasonable person to believe that
    what was being dropped into the [container] was incriminating
    in nature and therefore justified an investigatory stop.
    After the court denied his motion to suppress, Appellant entered a plea
    of no contest, reserving his right to appeal the suppression ruling. Based
    on his plea, the court withheld adjudication and sentenced Appellant to
    twenty-four months of drug offender probation. This appeal follows.
    The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees
    “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
    effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” U.S. Const. amend
    IV. “[A]n officer may, consistent with the Fourth Amendment, conduct a
    brief, investigatory stop when the officer has a reasonable, articulable
    suspicion that criminal activity is afoot.” Illinois v. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. 119
    123 (2000). The officer, however, “must be able to articulate more than an
    ‘inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or “hunch”’ of criminal activity.”
     at 123–24 (quoting Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 27 (1968)).
    In finding that the officer had the requisite reasonable suspicion to
    detain Appellant and search and seize the food container, the trial court
    in the instant case relied on case law involving the application of the plain
    view doctrine. Under that doctrine, items in plain view may be seized
    without a warrant if the incriminating character of the items are
    immediately apparent to the officer. Keller v. State, 
    946 So. 2d 1233
    , 1234
    (Fla. 4th DCA 2007). Stated differently, upon seeing items in plain view,
    the officer “must have probable cause to believe a crime is being, is about
    to be, or has been committed.” 
     Although the officer is not required to
    know that the items are contraband for certain, there must be “facts
    available to the officer [which] would lead a reasonable man of caution to
    believe that certain items may be contraband.” State v. Walker, 
    729 So. 2d 463
    , 464 (Fla. 2d DCA 1999). “These facts may include not only the
    appearance of the suspected contraband, but also all of the surrounding
    circumstances.” State v. Fischer, 
    987 So. 2d 708
    , 712 (Fla. 5th DCA 2008).
    “Based on an officer’s training and experience, the incriminating nature of
    a substance in open view may be determined by the officer’s visual
    observation and identification of the substance.” 
    In the present case, the trial court made an express finding that it did
    not believe the officer immediately identified the item as cocaine based on
    his visual observation of the item. To the contrary, the court found that it
    was “incomprehensible from almost any distance based on what this court
    observed to be able to say that no matter with what training and experience
    that the object was in fact crack cocaine.” Rather, the court found that
    the incriminating nature of the item was determined by the surrounding
    circumstances, namely Appellant’s nervous reaction to seeing the officer
    and his subsequent attempt to conceal the item. Appellant’s movements,
    however, were insufficient to give the officer reasonable suspicion, let alone
    probable cause, to believe that the item was contraband or that Appellant
    was involved in criminal activity. See Welch v. State, 
    689 So. 2d 1240
    1241 (Fla. 2d DCA 1997) (holding that although the officers could have
    properly engaged in a consensual police-citizen encounter upon spotting
    the defendant stuff a baggie into his pants while in a high crime area, the
    officers “acted prematurely in actually seizing him”); M.J.S. v. State, 
    620 So. 2d 1080
    , 1081 (Fla. 2d DCA 1993) (holding that the defendant’s
    startled reaction to seeing the officer and subsequent attempt to conceal
    something in his mouth “did not give the police officer a reasonable
    suspicion or probable cause to believe that the [defendant] was involved in
    criminal activity”).
    In sum, we hold that the trial court erred in denying Appellant’s motion
    to suppress. Because the suppression ruling was established as a
    dispositive issue, Appellant’s withhold of adjudication and sentence is
    reversed. See Osorio v. State, 43 Fla. L. Weekly D1043, D1045 (Fla. 4th
    DCA May 9, 2018).
    LEVINE and KUNTZ, JJ., concur.
    *         *        *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.