    KIM CIMINO, individually, as Personal Representative of the Estate of
    MICHAEL CIMINO, and as Natural Guardian of MICHAEL DREW
    No. 4D18-2485
    [June 12, 2019]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit,
    Broward County; Patti Englander Henning, Judge; L.T. Case No. 15-1723
    Jennifer Olmedo-Rodriguez, Jesse H. Diner, Kelly H. Kolb, and Mary
    Beth Ricke, of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC, Fort Lauderdale and
    Miami, for petitioners.
    Robert A. Rosenberg of The Law Offices of Robert A. Rosenberg, Coral
    Springs, and Chris Kleppin and Chelsea A. Lewis of Glasser & Kleppin,
    P.A., Plantation, for respondent.
    FORST, J.
    We deny Respondent’s motion for rehearing, but withdraw our
    previously issued opinion, substituting the following in its place.
    Petitioners American Airlines, Inc. (“AA”) and Edwin Diaz seek certiorari
    review of a discovery order that requires Petitioners to produce allegedly
    privileged documents to Respondent Kim Cimino, individually, as personal
    representative of the estate of Michael Cimino, and as natural guardian of
    Michael Drew Cimino (collectively, “the Estate”).         The trial court
    determined that Petitioners “waived privileges” through affirmative
    defenses. The trial court reached this decision without conducting an in
    camera review of the material at issue, and without defining the scope of
    any waiver. As set forth below, we grant the petition and remand for
    further proceedings.
    The pending litigation arises from Michael Cimino’s suicide, committed
    days after he was fired by AA. Diaz, who had only recently become
    Cimino’s supervisor, told Cimino he was being fired for time card fraud.
    Cimino, a manager in the cargo area at the Miami airport, had worked for
    AA for over thirty-four years, purportedly without incident, until Diaz
    became his supervisor.
    In its operative complaint, the Estate alleges claims for violation of the
    Florida Civil Rights Act, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional
    distress, negligent retention, and wrongful death. The Estate alleges that
    the pretextual firing of Cimino, a white, non-Hispanic male, followed
    Petitioner’s long pattern of alleged discrimination and hostility based on
    race, national origin, and/or ethnicity. Specifically, the Estate alleges that
    Diaz “hates Anglos” and led the charge to fire Cimino and other Anglo
    employees before him, resulting in their replacement with Hispanic
    employees. The Estate further alleges that Diaz, who had been transferred
    from another location for bullying, bullied and harassed Cimino,
    threatening him with criminal charges and the loss of his pension and
    According to the complaint, Diaz hired Cimino’s replacement well before
    accusing Cimino of any wrongdoing and firing him. Following purported
    claims that he was “piggybacking” into the employee parking lot, Cimino
    was placed on administrative leave. He invoked his right to have a co-
    worker, Michelle Chung, present for any discussions with Diaz. Discovery
    from Chung is one of the contested issues—the Estate alleges that Diaz
    scheduled his final meeting with Cimino when he knew Chung had left
    work for the day.
    The complaint further alleges that AA knew about the bullying and
    harassment, and that Cimino was suicidal after the firing, as he
    participated in AA’s mental health program which had recommended
    medication and additional treatment. In short, the complaint alleges that
    all of the above led to Cimino’s depression and ultimate suicide.
    The discovery at issue concerns AA’s investigation, conducted by
    Jeanette Gibbs (an HR representative), after receiving anonymous letters
    from AA Miami cargo employees following Mr. Cimino’s suicide (the “Gibbs
    Investigation”), and Gibbs’ resulting report. The letters referenced a
    petition to remove Diaz and other bullying supervisors from their
    positions. According to AA, the purpose of the Gibbs Investigation was to
    gather information to allow AA’s legal department to assess AA’s liability
    for potential claims brought by the Estate and/or other AA employees
    relating to workplace conditions at AA’s Miami cargo division.
    Petitioners have denied liability and asserted various affirmative
    defenses—the third, fourth and fifth of which pertain to this petition.
    Briefly, the third, a “mixed-motive” defense, provides that any
    discriminatory motive for the firing was mixed with a legitimate, non-
    discriminatory reason, i.e., Cimino’s purported falsification of records and
    dishonesty. The fourth, a “good faith” defense, is based on AA’s policies
    that prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace and its
    procedures for reporting and investigating employee claims of such
    conduct. In their fifth affirmative defense, Petitioners contend that Mr.
    Cimino failed to take advantage of preventative and/or corrective
    opportunities established by AA’s policies and procedures by not reporting
    any of the complained-of conduct.
    The Estate filed three motions to compel discovery of materials and
    testimony that Petitioners assert is attorney-client and work product
    privileged. Specifically, the Estate moved to compel nonparties Chung and
    Gibbs to answer deposition questions and to compel AA to produce
    documents associated with requests 15 and 22. 1 These discovery motions
    sought materials and witness testimony related to the Gibbs Investigation.
    The Gibbs Investigation file exceeds 1,000 pages and involves matters
    beyond those specific to Mr. Cimino.
    In their omnibus response to the Estate’s motions to compel,
    Petitioners explained the genesis of the Gibbs Investigation and their basis
    for asserting the attorney-client and work-product privileges. Petitioners
    also proposed that the trial court should review the documents in camera
    if it had any questions regarding the privileged nature of the Gibbs
    At the hearing on its motions to compel, the Estate argued for the first
    time that Petitioners waived the privileges via their third (mixed-motive),
    1 Request no. 15 seeks: “Any complaint from any employee of the corporate
    Defendant that Edwin Diaz was discriminatory, harassing and/or bullying them
    at any work site of the corporate Defendant during Diaz’s employment with the
    corporate Defendant.” Request no. 22 seeks “[a]ll anonymous complaints
    concerning various member[s] of the Miami Cargo maintenance team referred to
    in the deposition of Jeanette Gibbs . . . .”
    fourth (good faith) and fifth (failure to report) affirmative defenses. In their
    court-ordered supplemental memorandum, Petitioners disputed the
    claimed waiver and consistently maintained the existence of a privilege.
    Without conducting an in camera review of the material claimed to be
    privileged, the trial court granted the Estate’s motions to compel. The
    court ruled solely that Petitioners had “waived privileges by virtue of their
    Affirmative Defenses.” Not only did the trial court fail to identify which
    affirmative defense(s) gave rise to the waiver, 2 but the court failed to define
    the scope of the purported waiver. Petitioners moved for reconsideration,
    requesting that, consistent with this court’s precedent, the trial court
    conduct an in camera inspection of the Gibbs Investigation materials and
    witness testimony to determine the scope of the waiver of the asserted
    privileges and whether those purportedly privileged materials and witness
    testimony fall outside the scope of that waiver. The trial court denied the
    motion, and this petition follows.
    “Certiorari is available only when the petitioner is able to demonstrate
    both a departure from the essential requirements of law and the lack of an
    adequate remedy by direct appeal after final judgment.” Estate of
    Schleusener v. Stuart, 
    462 So. 2d 129
    , 130 (Fla. 4th DCA 1985). “Certiorari
    is the appropriate vehicle to obtain review of orders requiring cat-out-of-
    the-bag disclosure of privileged documents.” Fla. Power & Light Co. v.
    162 So. 3d 1074
    , 1075 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015) (citing Bd. of Trs. of the
    Internal Improvement Tr. Fund v. Am. Educ. Enters., LLC, 
    99 So. 3d 450
    457 (Fla. 2012)).
    In seeking a writ, Petitioners argue that the trial court failed to conduct
    an in camera hearing before it ordered the disclosure of allegedly privileged
    information, and failed to define the scope of the purported waiver. We
    agree with both arguments and grant the writ.
    Our holding in Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. v. Riemer Insurance
    22 So. 3d 779
    (Fla. 4th DCA 2009), relied upon by Petitioners both
    below and on appeal, is controlling. In Alliant, the trial court similarly
    granted a motion to compel discovery—over the petitioner’s assertions of
    attorney-client privilege—without conducting an in camera inspection of
    the documents at issue and without defining the scope of any waiver of
    the privilege. In granting certiorari relief, we held that
    2 The trial court denied Petitioners’ motion to clarify which defense(s) “waived
    [i]f a party seeks to compel the disclosure of documents that
    the opposing party claims are protected by attorney-client
    privilege, the party claiming the privilege is entitled to an in
    camera review of the documents by the trial court prior to
    Similarly, if attorney-client privilege is waived regarding a
    certain matter, the waiver is limited to communications on the
    same matter. If the parties disagree as to the scope of the
    privilege waiver, a trial court must delineate the scope of the
    waiver before it may compel discovery of 
    information. 22 So. 3d at 781
    (internal citations omitted); accord Butler v. Harter, 
    152 So. 3d 705
    , 714 (Fla. 1st DCA 2014); see also Las Olas River House Condo.
    Ass’n, Inc. v. Lorh, LLC, 
    181 So. 3d 556
    , 559 (Fla. 4th DCA 2015) (holding
    it was error to order production of documents regarding communications
    with the condo association and its attorneys without an in camera
    inspection on the basis the privilege was waived by disclosure to the
    association’s community manager); Old Holdings, Ltd. v. Taplin, Howard,
    Shaw & Miller, P.A., 
    584 So. 2d 1128
    , 1128-29 (Fla. 4th DCA 1991) (finding
    that where documents may be protected from discovery by both the
    attorney-client privilege and the work-product doctrine, the petitioners are
    entitled to an in camera review of the documents by the trial court prior to
    disclosure). 3
    Here, the Estate seeks to compel the discovery of material that AA
    claims is privileged. As such, Petitioners are entitled to an in camera
    review of the material by the trial court before any disclosure. Alliant Ins.
    Servs., 22 So. 3d at 781
    . As for the trial court’s finding that Petitioners
    “waived privileges by virtue of their Affirmative Defenses,” the court must
    delineate the scope of the waiver before it may compel discovery of
    information. See id.; see also 
    Butler, 152 So. 3d at 714
    (holding that “even
    if privilege had been waived here, that waiver would have been limited, and
    petitioner would have been entitled to an in camera review” and “find[ing]
    the trial court departed from the essential requirements of the law in
    compelling disclosure of the entire litigation file, because that file is
    protected by work-product and attorney-client privilege”).
    3 Petitioners discussed Alliant and Las Olas River House extensively in the
    petition; the Estate addressed neither case in its response.
    Petitioners will suffer irreparable harm that cannot be remedied on
    appeal of a final order if they are compelled to produce privileged materials
    and witness testimony pursuant to the discovery order. Accordingly, we
    grant the petition, quash the discovery order and remand this matter to
    the trial court with instructions to conduct an in camera inspection and
    delineate the scope of any waiver.
    Petition granted, order quashed, and remanded for further proceedings.
    WARNER and KLINGENSMITH, JJ., concur.
    *        *         *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.

Document Info

Docket Number: 18-2485

Filed Date: 6/12/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 6/12/2019