Chessler v. All American Semiconductor, Inc. , 225 So. 3d 849 ( 2016 )

  •        Third District Court of Appeal
    State of Florida
    Opinion filed November 30, 2016.
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.
    No. 3D16-2244
    Lower Tribunal No. 05-13983
    David Chessler, et al.,
    All American Semiconductor, Inc., etc.,
    On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Circuit Court for Miami-Dade
    County, Bronwyn C. Miller, Judge.
    McIntyre, Thanasides, Bringgold, Elliott, Grimaldi & Guito, P.A., and
    Jennifer E. Jones, Richard J. McIntyre, and Johnny Hightower (Tampa), for
    Broad and Cassel, and Barbara Viota-Sawisch, Adam G. Rabinowitz, and
    Joseph H. Picone (Fort Lauderdale), for respondent.
    Before SUAREZ, C.J., and ROTHENBERG and LOGUE, JJ.
    LOGUE, J.
    The Defendants below, David Chessler and several companies he either
    owns or controls, filed a petition for writ of certiorari to quash a non-final order
    disqualifying their counsel, Richard J. McIntyre, and his law firm based on a
    conflict of interest.   We deny the petition for writ of certiorari because the
    Defendants failed to meet the high standard for certiorari review.
    In the underlying lawsuit, All American Semiconductor, Inc., as the assignee
    of the claims of ParView, Inc., sued Chessler and his numerous business entities.
    All American alleges, among other claims, that Chessler perpetrated fraudulent
    transfers, conversion, breaches of contract, and breaches of fiduciary duty as the
    former CEO of ParView.
    Chessler was the past president and had sole control over the management
    and operations of ParView, a company that manufactured, developed, and leased
    GPS systems for golf courses. ParView became indebted to All American
    Semiconductor, Inc., a company that provided computer hardware for ParView’s
    GPS systems. ParView secured its debt to All American by entering into a series
    of agreements in which All American was granted a first priority security interest
    in ParView’s assets. All American now alleges in the underlying suit that at the
    time ParView and All American entered into these security agreements, Chessler
    improperly transferred Parview’s assets to himself, his entities, and third parties, to
    ParView’s detriment.
    Richard J. McIntyre, the attorney whose disqualification is at issue here, was
    the long-term attorney for ParView. He represented ParView in an earlier
    bankruptcy proceeding in which similar legal claims relating to Chessler’s
    potential misconduct were raised. Despite McIntyre’s former representation of
    ParView, Chessler hired McIntyre to defend him in this matter. All American filed
    an emergency motion to disqualify McIntyre as counsel based on a conflict of
    Chessler maintains McIntyre’s former representation of ParView never
    involved McIntyre in the pursuit of ParView’s claims against him. But after an
    evidentiary hearing, the trial court found otherwise. It noted in a detailed eleven-
    page order that (1) McIntyre was hired “to take any actions necessary to recover
    any voidable transfers”; (2) McIntyre continued to represent ParView after a
    bankruptcy examiner filed a report identifying ParView’s potential claims against
    Chessler for wrongful transfers; and (3) in billing records submitted to the
    bankruptcy judge, McIntyre described the work he undertook for ParView as
    including “work on fraudulent transfer issues” and “attendance at the deposition of
    Chessler.” The trial court also noted that McIntyre was likely privy to information
    he obtained while representing ParView regarding ParView’s alleged payments to
    Chessler—an issue now in dispute in the underlying lawsuit.
    The trial court granted All American’s motion for disqualification,
    concluding in its written order that
    [a] conflict of interest exists because McIntyre
    represented ParView in the underlying bankruptcy
    creating an irrefutable presumption that client
    confidences were disclosed to McIntyre during the course
    of his representation of ParView, and, as such,
    confidences could be used to the detriment of [All
    American], as Parview’s assignee. This would result in
    an impermissible, unfair informational and tactical
    advantage for the Defendants. McIntyre’s representation
    of Chessler and his related entities would also create an
    appearance      of    impropriety,     which     requires
    We conclude that the facts of this case do not meet the high standard for
    issuance of a petition for writ of certiorari of a non-final order. “To support a writ
    of certiorari, the petitioner must demonstrate that the challenged non-final order (1)
    departs from the essential requirements of law, (2) results in material injury for the
    remainder of the case, and (3) such injury is incapable of correction on
    postjudgment appeal.” Sea Coast Fire, Inc. v. Triangle Fire, Inc., 
    170 So. 3d 804
    807 (Fla. 3d DCA 2014). These last two factors are often referred to as “irreparable
    Id. The traditional
    manner of stating the test for certiorari of a non-final order is
    somewhat misleading because it places the substantive issue before the
    jurisdictional issue. As Judge Altenbernd recognized in an insightful review of the
    history of the writ, “a petitioner must establish that an interlocutory order creates
    material harm irreparable by postjudgment appeal before this court has power to
    determine whether the order departs from the essential requirements of the law.”
    Parkway Bank v. Fort Myers Armature Works, Inc., 
    658 So. 2d 646
    , 649 (Fla. 2d
    DCA 1995). For this reason, the test is best stated simply as: “there are two
    indispensable ingredients to common law certiorari when sought to review pretrial
    orders of the circuit courts: (1) irreparable injury to the petitioner that cannot be
    corrected on final appeal (2) caused by a departure from the essential requirements
    of law.” Bared & Co. v. McGuire, 
    670 So. 2d 153
    , 156 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996) (en
    Here, without doubt, the order of disqualification at issue reflects a potential
    irreparable injury “because denying a party counsel of his or her choice is a
    material injury without appellate remedy.” Event Firm, LLC v. Augustin, 
    985 So. 2d
    1174, 1175 (Fla. 3d DCA 2008). We therefore have jurisdiction and turn to
    consider whether the order departs from the essential requirements of law.
    To disqualify opposing counsel the movant must demonstrate that (1) “an
    attorney-client relationship existed,” which “giv[es] rise to an irrefutable
    presumption” that confidential information was disclosed during the relationship;
    and (2) “the matter in which the law firm subsequently represented the interest
    adverse to the former client was the same or substantially related to the matter in
    which it represented the former client.” State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. K.A.W.,
    575 So. 2d 630
    , 633 (Fla. 1991); see also R. Regulating Fla. Bar 4-1.9 (governing
    conflicts of interest).    In a certiorari proceeding, moreover, “[t]he required
    ‘departure from the essential requirements of law’ means something far beyond
    legal error. It means an inherent illegality or irregularity, an abuse of judicial
    power, an act of judicial tyranny perpetrated with disregard of procedural
    requirements, resulting in a gross miscarriage of justice.” Jones v. State, 
    477 So. 2d
    566, 569 (Fla. 1985) (Boyd, C.J., concurring specially). Given the findings of
    the trial court after the evidentiary hearing, the order of disqualification does not
    constitute the type of essential illegality and gross miscarriage of justice which is
    the focus of certiorari.
    Certiorari denied.