Albert Stephens v. State of Florida ( 2019 )

    No. 1D17-850
    On appeal from the Circuit Court for Leon County.
    Angela C. Dempsey, Judge.
    May 16, 2019
    WINSOR, J.
    After a burglary in Tallahassee’s Capital City Country Club
    neighborhood, Albert Stephens was charged with grand theft and
    burglary of a dwelling. He was convicted and sentenced to prison.
    This is his appeal.
    The evidence at trial showed that someone forcibly entered
    the victims’ home and stole electronics and other items. A golf
    course employee had reported suspicious men and an unfamiliar
    car outside the home, and police issued a BOLO for the car and
    men. Officers promptly found a car matching the description at a
    nearby gas station, but the car sped off when officers approached.
    A man then exited the gas station and briefly ran after the car,
    waving his arms and yelling for it to stop. When officers ordered
    that man to stop, he fled on foot. Officers apprehended the man,
    who turned out to be Stephens. Surveillance video showed that
    Stephens had been in the car before police arrived and had gone
    inside the store to pay for gas. The car (which had been stolen) was
    quickly found abandoned. Stolen electronics were inside the car, as
    were socks with Stephens’s DNA. A sock was also found in the yard
    at the crime scene, but DNA testing on it was inconclusive.
    Stephens’s first argument on appeal is that his counsel was
    ineffective. Specifically, he argues that his counsel should have
    moved for a judgment of acquittal relating to the value of the stolen
    property. The grand-theft conviction required proof that the
    property at issue was worth at least $100, see § 812.014(2)(d), Fla.
    Stat., and the jury found that it was. Stephens argues that the
    evidence was such that no reasonable juror could have made that
    finding *—and that had counsel made an appropriate motion, the
    court would have acquitted as to grand theft.
    Generally, claims of ineffective assistance of counsel are not
    cognizable on direct appeal. Sorey v. State, 
    252 So. 3d 853
    , 855 (Fla.
    1st DCA 2018). There are rare exceptions to this general rule, see
    Monroe v. State, 
    191 So. 3d 395
    , 404 (Fla. 2016), but no exception
    applies here. To succeed with an ineffective-assistance-of-counsel
    claim on direct appeal, the appellant must demonstrate
    “indisputable prejudice,” among other things, Morales v. State, 
    170 So. 3d 63
    , 67 (Fla. 1st DCA 2015), and Stephens cannot do that.
    Even assuming the evidence was insufficient to support the
    conviction—an issue we need not reach—there would not be
    indisputable prejudice unless it was clear the State could not have
    cured any insufficiency by reopening the case and presenting
    additional evidence. See 
    Sorey, 252 So. 3d at 856
    (Winsor, J.,
    concurring); see also Corzo v. State, 
    806 So. 2d 642
    , 645 (Fla. 2d
    DCA 2002) (holding that “failure to move for a judgment of
    *  The evidence included, among other things, victim testimony
    that the stolen property included a two-year-old television bought
    new for “about $700,” a Nintendo Wii that was “probably three
    years old” and purchased for “about 199,” a laptop that was “two
    or three years old,” originally purchased for around $1,200, and a
    gift card with “about $25, $30” on it.
    acquittal when the State has not proved an essential element of its
    case, when it is clear that the State could not reopen its case to prove
    that essential element, amounts to ineffective assistance of counsel
    that may sometimes be adequately assessed from the record on
    direct appeal” (emphasis added)). Stephens’s ineffective-assistance
    claim, then, will have to wait for an appropriate postconviction
    Stephens next argues that the court erred in giving a principal
    instruction, an issue we review only for an abuse of discretion, see
    Langston v. State, 
    789 So. 2d 1024
    , 1026 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001)
    (noting standard of review for jury-instruction issues). The court
    instructed the jury that “[i]f the defendant helped another person
    or persons commit or attempt to commit a crime, the defendant is
    a principal and must be treated as if he had done all the things the
    other person [] did,” so long as Stephens “had a conscious intent
    that the criminal act be done” and did something to “cause,
    encourage, assist, or advise the other person or persons to actually
    commit or attempt to commit the crime.” See Fla. Std. Jury Instr.
    (Crim.) 3.5(a). It is error to give this instruction if no evidence
    supports the principal theory. Banks v. State, 
    219 So. 3d 19
    , 32
    (Fla. 2017). Here, though, there was no error because there was
    evidence that Stephens acted in concert with another in
    committing the burglary. A witness saw two men by the house, one
    coming from behind the home, the other watching the witness.
    (The witness also saw someone moving around inside the house
    around the same time.) There was evidence of forced entry and
    stolen items. Evidence showed Stephens had been in the car (in
    which stolen property was found), fled on foot immediately
    thereafter when officers approached the car, and had been wearing
    socks found in the car. There was enough evidence to justify the
    principal instruction.
    Stephens’s third argument is that the court should have
    granted a judgment of acquittal as to grand theft. We review this
    issue de novo. Pagan v. State, 
    830 So. 2d 792
    , 803 (Fla. 2002).
    Stephens contends that all evidence against him was
    circumstantial and that the State did not present evidence
    inconsistent with his theory of innocence. See Hodgkins v. State,
    175 So. 3d 741
    , 746 (Fla. 2015) (“Where the only proof of guilt is
    circumstantial, no matter how strongly the evidence may suggest
    guilt, a conviction cannot be sustained unless the evidence is
    inconsistent with any reasonable hypothesis of innocence.”
    (quoting Thorp v. State, 
    777 So. 2d 385
    , 389 (Fla. 2000))). Here,
    Stephens’s theory of innocence was that the car’s driver picked him
    up after the burglary—that while he happened to be in the car
    when officers approached, he had not participated in the burglary.
    At least two pieces of evidence are inconsistent with this theory.
    First, Stephens fled after officers approached, and fleeing is
    consistent with recent participation in a crime. Second, the
    evidence showed that very little time passed between the burglars’
    departing the home and the officers’ apprehending Stephens.
    Stephens argues that there was enough time to pick up a
    passenger and that it was logical to flee even if he had not
    participated in the crime. And it is true that neither of these facts
    conclusively disproves Stephens’s theory of innocence. But there
    was enough to deny the motion for judgment of acquittal. “Under
    the circumstantial evidence standard, when there is an
    inconsistency between the defendant’s theory of innocence and the
    evidence, when viewed in a light most favorable to the State, the
    question is one for the finder of fact to resolve and the motion for
    judgment of acquittal must be denied.” Durousseau v. State, 
    55 So. 3d
    543, 557 (Fla. 2010); see also 
    id. (“The state
    is not required to
    rebut conclusively every possible variation of events which could
    be inferred from the evidence, but only to introduce competent
    evidence which is inconsistent with the Defendant’s theory of
    events.” (marks omitted) (quoting State v. Law, 
    559 So. 2d 187
    (Fla. 1989)).
    Finally, we reject Stephens’s argument that there was
    insufficient evidence to support the burglary conviction. As with
    the grand theft conviction, there was enough evidence, and it was
    up to the jury to decide whether to accept Stephens’s theory of
    LEWIS and M.K. THOMAS, JJ., concur.
    Not final until disposition of any timely and
    authorized motion under Fla. R. App. P. 9.330 or
    Joseph C. Bodiford and Gannon M. Coens of Bodiford Law, PA,
    Tallahassee, for Appellant.
    Ashley Moody, Attorney General, and Julian Markham, Assistant
    Attorney General, Tallahassee, for Appellee.