MARIE C. CADET v. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH , 255 So. 3d 386 ( 2018 )

    No. 4D17-3431
    [October 17, 2018]
    Appeal from the State of Florida, Department of Health, Board of
    Nursing; Joe R. Baker, Jr., Executive Director; L.T. Case No. 2016-21773
    and License No. PN 5155755.
    Luis A. Bonilla of Bonilla Law Associates, West Palm Beach, for
    Christine E. Lamia, Chief Appellate Counsel, Tallahassee, for appellee.
    Appellant, Marie Cadet, appeals a final administrative order from the
    Department of Health, Board of Nursing (“the Board”) revoking her nursing
    license. Because the undisputed evidence was insufficient to support a
    charge warranting revocation as a penalty, we reverse and remand for
    further proceedings.
    Appellant was a Licensed Practical Nurse (“LPN”) who worked for a
    nursing home. Following a medical incident, Appellant was transported
    from her home to an emergency room along with her medications as
    gathered by paramedics. Upon Appellant’s arrival at the emergency room,
    a nurse inventoried Appellant’s medications and noted that they contained
    several expired packs of non-narcotic prescriptions in other people’s
    names. The emergency room reported this information to the Department
    of Health (“DOH”) which commenced an investigation.
    As part of its investigation, the DOH interviewed the emergency room
    nurse who inventoried Appellant’s medication, the paramedics who
    transported Appellant, Appellant’s employer, and Appellant. In her
    interview, Appellant admitted that she took expired medications from her
    place of employment rather than disposing of them because she could not
    always afford her own medications. Based on its investigation, the DOH
    filed an administrative complaint against Appellant with the Board alleging
    that Appellant was subject to discipline for: 1) engaging in unprofessional
    conduct by misappropriating drugs under section 464.018(1)(h) of the
    Florida Statutes and Rule 64B9-8.005(2) of the Florida Administrative
    Code (Count I), and 2) failing to meet the minimal standards of acceptable
    and prevailing nursing practices under section 464.018(1)(n) of the Florida
    Statutes (Count II). Specifically, in Count I, the DOH alleged that
    Appellant “engaged in acts of misappropriating drugs,” by “removing [the
    expired drugs] from” the nursing home where she worked. In Count II, the
    DOH alleged that Appellant “failed to meet the minimal standards of
    acceptable and prevailing nursing practice” by “failing to return [the
    expired drugs] to [the nursing home’s] pharmacy.”
    Appellant did not respond to the DOH’s complaint or attend the noticed
    hearing in front of the Board. Based on Appellant’s failure to appear, the
    DOH’s investigative report and exhibits were admitted into evidence and
    the facts set forth in the DOH’s complaint were deemed admitted. The
    Board then found that Appellant engaged in unprofessional conduct under
    section 464.018(1)(h) and failed to meet the minimal standards of
    acceptable and prevailing nursing practices under section 464.018(1)(n).
    As a penalty, it revoked Appellant’s nursing license. On appeal, Appellant
    argues that the evidence did not support the Board’s legal conclusion that
    Appellant failed to meet the minimal standards of nursing practices under
    section 464.018(1)(n) of the Florida Statutes as alleged in Count II of the
    DOH’s administrative complaint. Therefore, she argues that the Board
    violated her due process rights by imposing a higher than permissible
    penalty. Based on the governing statutes and regulations, we agree. 1
    The Florida Legislature has granted the Board the authority to adopt
    rules and implement the provisions of the Nurse Practice Act in order to
    ensure that “every nurse practicing in this state meets minimum
    requirements for safe practice.” §§ 464.002, .006, Fla. Stat. (2016). To
    1  Although Appellant did not appear or make any arguments below, a due
    process violation in the administrative law context constitutes fundamental error
    which may be raised for the first time on appeal. See Georges v. Dep’t of Health,
    75 So. 3d 759
    , 762 (Fla. 2d DCA 2011); Henderson v. Dep’t of Health, Bd. of
    954 So. 2d 77
    , 81 n.2 (Fla. 5th DCA 2007) (noting that “[m]atters not
    excepted to or raised properly before a licensing board may still be raised where
    an appellant can show . . . fundamental error”).
    that end, the Legislature also passed section 464.018, which outlines
    certain acts which “constitute grounds for denial of a license or
    disciplinary action” in the nursing license context. § 464.018, Fla. Stat.
    (2016). Based on the Legislature’s delegation of authority, the Board has
    wide discretion in interpreting and enforcing section 464.018. Sullivan v.
    Fla. Dep’t of Envtl. Prot., 
    890 So. 2d 417
    , 420 (Fla. 1st DCA 2004).
    However, this discretion is not unfettered and courts are not required to
    defer to implausible and unreasonable interpretations as adopted by an
    administrative agency. 
    Id. Further, because
    disciplinary statutes and
    rules are penal in nature, they must be construed strictly with any
    ambiguities resolved in favor of the licensee. See State ex rel. Vining v. Fla.
    Real Estate Comm’n, 
    281 So. 2d 487
    , 491 (Fla. 1973); Bach v. Fla. State
    Bd. of Dentistry, 
    378 So. 2d 34
    , 36 (Fla. 1st DCA 1980); Lester v. Dep’t of
    Prof’l & Occupational Regulations, State Bd. of Med. Exam’rs, 
    348 So. 2d 923
    , 925 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).
    Here, based on Count II of the DOH’s complaint, the Board found that
    Appellant was subject to discipline under section 464.18(1)(n) of the
    Florida Statutes for failing “to meet minimal standards of acceptable and
    prevailing nursing practice, including engaging in acts for which the nurse
    is not qualified by training or experience.” Although there is no Board rule
    establishing what constitutes failing to “meet minimal standards” of
    nursing practice, the “practice of practical nursing” is statutorily defined
    [T]he performance of selected acts, including the
    administration of treatments and medications, in the care of
    the ill, injured, or infirm; the promotion of wellness,
    maintenance of health, and prevention of illness of others
    under the direction of a registered nurse, a licensed physician,
    a licensed osteopathic physician, a licensed podiatric
    physician, or a licensed dentist; and the teaching of general
    principles of health and wellness to the public and to students
    other than nursing students. A practical nurse is responsible
    and accountable for making decisions that are based upon the
    individual’s educational preparation and experience in
    § 464.003(19), Fla. Stat. (2016).
    In Appellant’s case, nothing about the conduct the DOH alleged and
    proved as grounds for Count II had anything to do with the conduct
    outlined in the foregoing definition. The DOH did not allege or prove that
    Appellant improperly administered or failed to administer drugs, exceeded
    the scope of her training, or did anything implicating patient care. Rather,
    the DOH’s allegation of “failing to return” the drugs established that
    Appellant misappropriated the drugs by failing to return expired
    medications to her employer’s pharmacy.
    The act of “misappropriating drugs” is defined by Board rule as
    “unprofessional conduct,” which in turn is grounds for discipline under
    section 464.018(1)(h) of the Florida Statutes. Fla. Admin. Code R. Rule
    64B9-8.005(2) (2016). Unprofessional conduct by way of misappropriating
    drugs was the grounds for discipline alleged in Count I of the DOH’s
    complaint. Thus, the grounds for discipline asserted in Count I totally
    encompassed the acts Appellant was alleged and proven to have
    committed. 2 Barr v. Dep’t of Health, Bd. of Dentistry, 
    954 So. 2d 668
    , 668
    (Fla. 1st DCA 2007) (holding that a dentist could not be disciplined both
    for failing “to meet the minimum standards of performance in diagnosis
    and treatment” and for a “records keeping violation” for conduct which was
    totally encompassed by the records keeping violation charge).
    Based on the governing statutes and rules, the Board’s finding that
    Appellant fell below the minimal standards of nursing practices by “failing
    to return” expired drugs to her employer’s pharmacy was clearly
    erroneous. This error resulted in the revocation of Appellant’s license, a
    higher than permissible penalty and, therefore, a violation of Appellant’s
    due process rights. Fla. Admin. Code R. 64B9-8.006(3)(f)1. (2016)
    (providing that for the first offense of engaging in unprofessional conduct,
    the minimum penalty is a “[r]eprimand, $250 fine, and continuing
    2   Indeed, the Board’s own rule history reflects that the misappropriation of
    drugs does not qualify as grounds for discipline under the failure to meet minimal
    standards provision. Prior to 2009, Rule 64B9-8.005 specified some acts that
    constituted failure to meet minimal standards of nursing practices, one of which
    was the misappropriation of drugs. Fla. Admin. Code R. Rule 64B9-8.005(2)(c)
    (2006). However, in 2009, the Board amended the rule by removing any reference
    to “failing to meet or departing from minimal standards of acceptable and
    prevailing nursing practice” and defined “misappropriating drugs” as
    unprofessional conduct instead. Fla. Admin. Code R. Rule 64B9-8.005(2) (2009).
    In doing so, the Board specified that the “purpose of the amendment [was] . . . to
    eliminate actions that constitution violations of specific provisions of Chapter 464
    and Chapter 456.” Vol. 35/08 Fla. Admin. Weekly (Feb. 27, 2009). In other
    words, by its own actions, the Board eliminated “misappropriating drugs” as a
    violation of the minimal standards provision contained in section 464.018(1)(n).
    It is also worth noting that when a misappropriation of drugs was classified as a
    standard of care violation, the maximum penalty for a first offense was a fine and
    suspension. See Fernandez v. Fla. Dep’t of Health, Bd. of Nursing, 
    82 So. 3d 1202
    1204 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012).
    education” and the maximum penalty is a “$500 fine and suspension with
    IPN evaluation or probation”). Accordingly, we reverse the Board’s final
    order as it pertains to Count II of the DOH’s administrative complaint,
    affirm the order as it pertains to Count I, and remand to the Board for
    reconsideration of Appellant’s penalty.
    Reversed and remanded.
    CIKLIN and CONNER, JJ., concur.
    *        *        *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.