Pipeline Contractors, Inc., and The Hanover Insurance Company v. Keystone Airpark Authority, a political subdivision of the city of Keystone Heights, and Passero Associates, L.L.C., etc. ( 2019 )

    No. 1D18-3601
    Florida corporation, and THE
    a New Hampshire corporation,
    a political subdivision of the City
    of Keystone Heights, and
    Florida limited liability
    On appeal from the Circuit Court for Clay County.
    Don H. Lester, Judge.
    July 10, 2019
    Pipeline Contractors, Inc., (Pipeline) and The Hanover
    Insurance Company (Hanover) challenge the trial court’s
    determination that Keystone Airpark Authority (KAA) had
    capacity to contract, to sue, and to be sued. We agree with the trial
    court that estoppel applies to preclude this argument and affirm
    the final judgment in favor of KAA.
    In 2008, Pipeline and KAA entered into a contract for the
    construction of new airport facilities at the Keystone Airpark.
    Pipeline’s performance was guaranteed by a bond issued by
    Hanover. KAA did not pay everything that Pipeline asserted it
    was entitled to under the construction contract, and in 2010,
    Pipeline sued KAA for breach of contract. KAA counterclaimed for
    breach of contract based on defects in the work, and KAA filed a
    third-party complaint against Hanover seeking relief under the
    performance bond.
    Little happened in the litigation for some six years. Then
    Pipeline and Hanover amended their answer and moved for
    summary judgment on KAA’s claims, asserting for the first time
    that KAA’s lawsuit should be dismissed because KAA was not a
    legal entity and did not have the capacity to contract, sue, or be
    sued. In short, the argument was that under the Uniform Special
    District Accountability Act of 1989 (Chapter 189, Fla. Stat. (1991)),
    any special district comprising more than one county required the
    Legislature’s authorization. All of the KAA district was within the
    city limits of Keystone Heights, but the KAA district extended from
    Clay County west into Bradford County. 1 Nonetheless, when the
    KAA was formed in 1991, only the City of Keystone Heights, and
    not the Legislature, acted in establishing it.
    1  This geographic peculiarity is the result of history. The
    airport was originally part of Camp Blanding when it was
    constructed during World War II.            See    The 42J Story,
    http://keystoneairport.com/the-42j-story/     (last visited July 2,
    2019). In 1947, the airport property was acquired from the federal
    Id. In 1963,
    the Town of Keystone Heights was
    abolished, and the City of Keystone Heights established in its
    place. Ch. 63-1496, Art. I, Laws of Florida at 1698-1700. Title to
    the airport property remained vested in the City of Keystone
    Heights, and the City was given “all powers and duties, including
    police powers” over the property “as are exercised over those lands
    included in the corporate limits of the City.” Ch. 63-1496, Art. XII,
    Laws of Florida at 1736-37.
    In 1992, the Legislature amended the law to provide that
    legislative approval is not required for special districts comprising
    more than one county, so long as the entire district is within a
    single municipality. See § 189.403(3), Fla. Stat. (1992); cf. Forsythe
    v. Longboat Key Beach Erosion Control Dist., 
    604 So. 2d 452
    , 455-
    56 (Fla. 1992) (holding that the pre-amendment version’s plain
    text provided that a special district with territory in multiple
    counties was an independent special district requiring legislative
    authorization).    Pipeline and Hanover contended that the
    legislative change did not cure the defect in KAA’s earlier
    formation. 2
    The trial court rejected the lack of capacity defense,
    concluding that the court could deny Pipeline and Hanover’s
    summary judgment motion without resolving whether KAA was
    validly created or whether it later had the right to contract, sue, or
    be sued. Instead, the court decided, because there was “no
    question that Pipeline and Hanover [had] received the benefits of
    the questioned contracts,” Pipeline and Hanover were estopped
    from “challenging KAA’s capacity to contract.” After a seven-day
    bench trial, the trial court entered a final judgment in favor of
    KAA. 3
    Pipeline and Hanover now appeal the trial court’s denial of
    summary judgment. Arguing that the trial court’s application of
    2  Pipeline and Hanover acknowledge that if KAA lacks
    authority to contract, sue, or be sued, then Pipeline itself had no
    ability to initiate this litigation years ago, that it had no right to
    enforce its contract, and that Pipeline’s claims—like KAA’s—were
    due to be dismissed. Pipeline also argues that its entitlement to
    retain the hundreds of thousands of dollars received under the
    contract is not before this court.
    3 The detailed thirty-four-page final judgment resolved the
    dispute about construction defects and Pipeline’s performance.
    The court ultimately awarded KAA a total of $3,217,661.81.
    Pipeline and Hanover do not contest the court’s findings or the
    amount of the award. The only issue on appeal is whether the
    court should have denied all relief based on KAA’s inability to
    contract, sue, or be sued.
    estoppel was in error, Pipeline and Hanover contend that the court
    should have reached the merits of their argument regarding KAA’s
    capacity and ruled in their favor. Pipeline and Hanover ask us to
    reverse the trial court on the issue of estoppel and remand the case
    with directions to vacate the final judgment and dismiss all claims
    between the parties.
    The trial court relied on Booske v. Gulf Ice Co., 
    5 So. 247
    1888), in determining that estoppel applied. At issue in Booske
    was a contract between individuals and a corporation. 
    Id. at 248.
    There was also a surety bond guaranteeing performance. 
    Id. After litigation
    ensued, the principal and obligor on the bond cited Gulf
    Ice Company’s improper corporate creation in arguing that they
    should be immune from liability on the contract. 
    Id. at 250-51.
    rejecting this argument, the Florida Supreme Court held:
    A person who has contracted with an association
    assuming to be incorporated and acting in a corporate
    capacity cannot, after having received the benefit of the
    contract, set up as a defense to an action brought by such
    company that the latter was not legally incorporated, or
    had no authority to enter into the contract in a corporate
    Id. at 251.
    Pipeline and Hanover argue that Booske and the principle
    underlying it is not applicable here because KAA purported to be
    a governmental special district, and the entities at issue in Booske
    and other cases were business corporations. Our review thus turns
    on whether a contract between private entities and a political
    subdivision under these circumstances is subject to the same
    estoppel principles.
    Estoppel is an equitable doctrine “based on principles of fair
    play and essential justice and arises when one party lulls another
    party into a disadvantageous legal position.” Florida Dep’t of
    Health & Rehab. Servs. v. S.A.P., 
    835 So. 2d 1091
    , 1096 (Fla. 2002).
    “‘Estoppel’ has been defined as ‘the preclusion of a person from
    asserting a fact by previous conduct inconsistent therewith, on his
    own part, or the part of those under whom he claims.’” Quality
    Shell Homes & Supply Co. v. Roley, 
    186 So. 2d 837
    , 840-41 (Fla.
    1st DCA 1966) (quoting Coogler v. Rogers, 
    7 So. 391
    (Fla. 1889)).
    Pipeline and Hanover argue that KAA’s improper
    organization as a political subdivision is the fact that makes
    estoppel inapplicable here, but we see no meaningful distinction.
    Just as estoppel can defeat a claim that a purported corporation
    was not validly created, so too can estoppel defeat a claim that a
    purported local special district was not validly created. In either
    instance, the principle is that one cannot contract with an entity
    as if it were validly created, reap the benefits of that agreement,
    and later disavow the contract based on the invalid creation. In
    fact, the doctrine has previously been applied to the benefit of
    political subdivisions in contract disputes. See Billings v. City of
    287 So. 2d 316
    , 318 (Fla. 1973) (estopping an argument
    by former police officers of the City that certain provisions of a
    contract were unconstitutional while noting that “[o]ne who
    accepts the benefits of a contract cannot, having retained these
    benefits, question the validity of the contract”).
    Here, Pipeline and Hanover treated KAA as if it were a
    properly organized entity with no issues of capacity for most of the
    parties’ relationship. Pipeline performed (at least in part),
    accepted payment on the contract, and engaged in years-long
    litigation with KAA. Only after all that did Pipeline and Hanover
    assert any issues of capacity. Because they accepted the benefits
    of the contract through payment from KAA, Pipeline and Hanover
    were properly estopped from raising the argument that the
    contract was void in an attempt to avoid the burdens of the
    contract embodied by KAA’s claims against them.
    RAY, C.J., and WETHERELL and BILBREY, 4 JJ., concur.
    4 Judge Bilbrey was substituted for an original panel member
    in this proceeding after oral argument. He has viewed the digital
    recording of oral argument.
    Not final until disposition of any timely and
    authorized motion under Fla. R. App. P. 9.330 or
    David L. Worthy, Donald A. Niesen, and Christopher W. Lewis of
    Niesen, Price, Worthy, Campo, P.A., Gainesville, for Appellants.
    James J. Taylor Jr. and Katelyn T. Hardwick of the Taylor Law
    Firm, P.A., Keystone Heights, for Appellees.