D. D. v. STATE OF FLORIDA ( 2018 )

    August 10, 2018
    D.D.,                            )
    Appellant,            )
    v.                               )              Case No. 2D17-769
    STATE OF FLORIDA,                )
    Appellee.             )
    ________________________________ )
    Appellant's motion for rehearing or clarification is granted. The prior
    opinion dated May 16, 2018, is withdrawn, and the attached opinion is issued in its
    place. No further motions for rehearing will be entertained.
    D.D.,                                        )
    Appellant,                     )
    v.                                           )          Case No. 2D17-769
    STATE OF FLORIDA,                            )
    Appellee.                      )
    Opinion filed August 10, 2018.
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for
    Hillsborough County; Barbara
    Twine-Thomas, Judge.
    Howard L. Dimmig, II, Public Defender,
    and Anthony C. Musto, Special Assistant
    Public Defender, Bartow, for Appellant.
    Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General,
    Tallahassee, and Brandon R. Christian,
    Assistant Attorney General, Tampa, for
    SALARIO, Judge.
    D.D. appeals from an order placing him on probation but withholding
    adjudication for the delinquent acts of third-degree grand theft and first-degree
    misdemeanor criminal mischief. Because the State failed to present sufficient evidence
    that the value of the stolen and damaged property met the statutory thresholds for the
    charged offenses, see §§ 812.014(2)(c)(1), 806.13(1)(b)(2), Fla. Stat. (2016), we
    reverse and remand for the delinquency court to enter an order finding that D.D.
    committed second-degree petit theft, see § 812.014(3)(a), and second-degree
    misdemeanor criminal mischief, see § 806.13(1)(b)(1), and to hold a new disposition
    The evidence at the adjudicatory hearing established that while D.D. was
    at school, he stole another student's cell phone and threw it from a second-story
    balcony. The State called the victim to testify about the value of the phone. The victim
    testified that the phone was his "father's old phone" and that he thought it was an
    iPhone 6. Beyond that, he did not know anything important about the phone—such as
    the size of the display, the quantity of memory, the quality of the camera, or anything
    else bearing on the phone's value. Although he originally stated that the phone was in
    perfect condition when it was stolen, he later testified that the only way he was able to
    recognize the shattered phone after it was recovered was by the absence of a small
    piece that had broken off before the theft. The victim nonetheless testified, without
    objection from D.D., that the phone was worth $340 because he and his mother
    "checked online how much a used phone with . . . no damage . . . would be worth." The
    State offered no further evidence of the value of the phone. The trial court subsequently
    denied D.D.'s motion for judgment of dismissal, which had been based in part on an
    argument that the State had failed to offer legally sufficient evidence that the value of
    the phone met the statutory threshold for grand theft, and found him delinquent.
    A motion for judgment of dismissal in a delinquency case is subject to the
    same standard of review as a motion for judgment of acquittal in criminal cases. C.E.L.
    v. State, 
    995 So. 2d 558
    , 560 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008). We review a motion for judgment of
    acquittal de novo. 
    Id. "If, upon
    reviewing the evidence in a light most favorable to the
    State, a rational fact-finder could find the elements of the crimes proven beyond a
    reasonable doubt, then the evidence is sufficient to sustain the adjudication of
    delinquency." I.M. v. State, 
    917 So. 2d 927
    , 929 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005).
    To establish third-degree grand theft, the State must prove that the value
    of the stolen property was at least $300 at the time of the theft. § 812.014(2)(c)(1);
    Pickett v. State, 
    839 So. 2d 860
    , 861 (Fla. 2d DCA 2003). Although value can be
    proven with the owner's direct testimony of fair market value of the property, a witness's
    mere ownership of property unaccompanied by sufficient personal knowledge of its
    value is insufficient. Mitchell v. State, 
    917 So. 2d 1056
    , 1057 (Fla. 2d DCA 2006).
    "Value may be established by direct testimony of fair market value or through evidence
    of the original market cost of the property, the manner in which the items were used, the
    condition and quality of the items, and the percentage of depreciation of the items since
    their purchase." 
    Pickett, 839 So. 2d at 861-62
    In this case, the victim plainly lacked sufficient personal knowledge to
    establish the stolen phone's value beyond a reasonable doubt. The victim was only
    barely able to identify the phone, and he had no knowledge at all of any characteristics
    that would be relevant to its market value. Although there was testimony admitted
    about the internet research the victim and his mother did, nothing in the testimony
    established that the phone or phones they saw on the internet were the same kind of
    phone or in a similar condition to the phone the victim had. Absent that kind of
    testimony—or some other probative evidence bearing on value—there was simply no
    way for the delinquency court to say that the $300 threshold for grand theft was met.
    See, e.g., M.K. v. State, 
    143 So. 3d 428
    , 431 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) (holding that victim's
    testimony was insufficient to establish value of a stolen necklace where the victim
    "lack[ed] . . . familiarity with the quality, length, weight and cost of the stolen necklace"
    and could only testify to a price that was based on her parent's internet research); K.W.
    v. State, 
    13 So. 3d 90
    , 91-92 (Fla. 3d DCA 2009) (holding that testimony from witness
    who lacked personal knowledge of the value of stolen cell phone was insufficient to
    establish value in a first-degree petit theft trial where the witness did not know the
    phone's age, quality, condition, or to what extent its value had depreciated); S.M.M. v.
    569 So. 2d 1339
    , 1341 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990) (holding that State failed to prove
    value of stolen jewelry in grand theft prosecution where victim was only able to testify to
    the price of items a jeweler had indicated were similar to hers). On this evidence, the
    State could only establish that D.D. committed second-degree petit theft.
    D.D. also argues that the State's evidence of the phone's value was not
    sufficient to meet the $200 threshold for first-degree misdemeanor criminal mischief.
    See § 806.13(1)(b)(2). Having already established that the State's value evidence
    could only sustain a conviction for second-degree petit theft under section 812.014, it
    follows that the same evidence is insufficient to prove first-degree misdemeanor
    criminal mischief. However, because D.D. failed to raise this particular argument with
    respect to the criminal mischief count in his motion for judgment of dismissal, it is not
    preserved for appellate review. See Tillman v. State, 
    471 So. 2d 32
    , 35 (Fla. 1985) ("In
    order to be preserved for further review by a higher court, an issue must be presented
    to the lower court and the specific legal argument or ground to be argued on appeal
    must be part of that presentation if it is to be considered preserved.").
    But that does not bring our analysis to an end. D.D. argues further that
    even if his sufficiency-of-the-evidence argument on the criminal mischief count is
    unpreserved, we should nonetheless reverse that finding of delinquency because his
    trial counsel was ineffective in failing to preserve that argument. Generally, "ineffective
    assistance of counsel may not be raised on direct appeal." Corzo v. State, 
    806 So. 2d 642
    , 645 (Fla. 2d DCA 2002). However, on the rare occasion where ineffectiveness is
    "obvious on the face of the appellate record, the prejudice caused by the conduct is
    indisputable, and a tactical explanation for the conduct is inconceivable," we may
    deviate from the general rule and find ineffective assistance of counsel in a direct
    Id. In this
    case, there is no conceivable tactical explanation for D.D.'s
    counsel's failure to raise the exact same sufficiency-of-the-evidence argument for the
    criminal mischief charge that he did for grand theft. And because the prejudice to D.D.
    is obvious in this instance—his criminal mischief charge would have been downgraded
    to a second-degree misdemeanor had counsel preserved the argument—it is clear
    from the face of our record that D.D.'s trial counsel was ineffective and that D.D. is
    entitled to relief. See Bagnara v. State, 
    189 So. 3d 167
    , 172 (Fla. 4th DCA 2016)
    (finding that counsel's failure to seek judgment of acquittal in grand theft prosecution
    where the State failed to offer sufficient evidence that the value of a stolen lawn mower
    exceeded $300 was ineffective assistance on the face of the record); see also Hicks v.
    41 So. 3d 327
    , 331 (Fla. 2d DCA 2010) (finding ineffective assistance on the
    face of the record where counsel failed to move for judgment of acquittal in second-
    degree murder case despite the State's failure to offer evidence showing ill will, hatred,
    spite, or evil intent).
    In sum, because the State's evidence was not sufficient to show that the
    value of the stolen phone met the threshold necessary to prove the offense of grand
    theft, the delinquency court erred in denying the motion for judgment of dismissal, and
    we reverse. Additionally, because D.D.'s counsel was ineffective in failing to challenge
    the sufficiency of the State's evidence as to the phone's value within the context of the
    criminal mischief charge, we also reverse the finding that D.D. committed first-degree
    misdemeanor criminal mischief. On remand, the delinquency court shall enter an order
    finding that D.D. committed the delinquent acts of second-degree petit theft and
    second-degree misdemeanor criminal mischief and hold a new disposition hearing.
    See D.J.S. v. State, 
    242 So. 3d 448
    , 449-50 (Fla. 2d DCA 2018); Perez v. State, 
    162 So. 3d 1139
    , 1141 (Fla. 2d DCA 2015).
    Reversed and remanded with instructions.
    CASANUEVA and CRENSHAW, JJ., Concur.