Anastacia S. Lacombe and Max P. Lacombe v. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, etc. , 149 So. 3d 152 ( 2014 )

  •                                      IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL
    CASE NO. 1D13-4094
    TRUST COMPANY, as Trustee
    Opinion filed October 14, 2014.
    An appeal from the Circuit Court for Duval County.
    A. C. Soud, Jr., Judge.
    Austin T. Brown of Parker & DuFresne, P.A., Jacksonville, for Appellant.
    Jeffrey S. York and N. Mark New, II of McGlinchey Stafford, Jacksonville and
    Latoya O. Fairclough, Choice Legal Group, P.A., Fort Lauderdale, for Appellee.
    The Lacombes, defendants below, appeal the final judgment of foreclosure
    against them and in favor of Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., as Trustee for
    Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-2 (“Deutsche Bank”). Appellants assert
    that the evidence presented at the bench trial was insufficient to support the trial
    court’s judgment because Deutsche Bank’s documents and witness did not prove
    the bank’s standing to bring the foreclosure action. We agree and the judgment is
    thus reversed.
    Because the final judgment was based on a bench trial and Appellants
    challenge the sufficiency of the evidence to support the judgment, the general rule
    requiring specific contemporaneous objection to preserve the asserted error for
    appeal does not apply. Rather, rule 1.530(e), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure
    allows review of the sufficiency of the evidence despite any deficiencies in the
    objections made at trial and absence of post-trial motions. Rule 1.530(e) applies to
    appeals challenging the sufficiency of the evidence in mortgage foreclosure actions
    after bench trial. See Correa v. U.S. Bank N.A., 
    118 So. 3d 952
    , 954 (Fla. 2d DCA
    2013).   Accordingly, Appellants’ challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence is
    properly before this court.
    We review the sufficiency of the evidence to prove standing to bring a
    foreclosure action de novo.   Dixon v. Express Equity Lending Grp., 
    125 So. 3d 965
     (Fla. 4th DCA 2013).
    Deutsche Bank commenced its foreclosure action on February 19, 2008, by
    filing its complaint, together with a promissory note payable to Tower Mortgage
    and Financial Services and secured by a mortgage on Appellants’ residential real
    property. The note was “payable to order” under section 673.1091, Florida Statutes
    because it specifically named Tower Mortgage as the payee. The note itself did
    not contain any indorsement, but an allonge signed by a representative of Tower
    Mortgage was attached to the note and filed with the complaint. 1 The allonge was
    a “special indorsement” because it named a specific payee, Long Beach Mortgage
    Company. § 673.2051(1), Fla. Stat. Negotiation of the note thus required both
    possession and an indorsement by Long Beach Mortgage Company. Id.
    Deutsche Bank alleged in its complaint that it was the owner of the note. In
    every pleading and other filing, Appellants denied this allegation. Appellants
    raised the affirmative defense that Deutsche Bank lacked standing to enforce the
    note and failed to acquire an interest in the note prior to the filing of the lawsuit.
    See Mazine v. M & I Bank, 
    67 So. 3d 1129
     (Fla. 1st DCA 2011) (party seeking
    foreclosure must prove it owns and holds note and mortgage to establish standing).
    Accordingly, throughout the litigation Appellants disputed the fact of Deutsche
    Bank’s right to enforce the note and attendant standing to maintain an action for
    foreclosure. Deutsche Bank’s ownership of the note was thus an issue it was
    required to prove. Gee v. U.S. Bank Nat. Ass’n, 
    72 So. 3d 211
    , 214 (Fla. 5th DCA
    2011) (“When [defendant] denied that U.S. Bank had an interest in the Mortgage,
    “In essence, an allonge is simply an elegant-sounding legal term for a
    supplemental attachment to a note in which endorsements to subsequent note
    holders may be identified.” Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Bohatka, 
    112 So. 3d 596
    598 (Fla. 1st DCA 2013).
    ownership became an issue that U.S. Bank, as the plaintiff, was required to
    At trial, as proof of its ownership and standing to enforce the note, Deutsche
    Bank presented the testimony of Andrew Benefield, case manager for Select
    Portfolio Servicing (“SPS”), and five exhibits.
    Exhibit 1 was a Limited Power of Attorney under which SPS obtained
    certain powers from JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (described as “Master Servicer”)
    and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee (described as “Trustee”)
    “in connection with all mortgage or other loans serviced by Master Servicer”
    including foreclosure on the Trustee’s interest in mortgage notes. Attached to the
    Power of Attorney was Exhibit A, a list of thirty-five “Pooling and Servicing
    Agreements” governing groups of “asset-backed certificates.” While exhibit 1
    shows that JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank transferred certain powers to SPS
    in 2013, it is not clear from Exhibit 1 or Mr. Benefield’s testimony that the
    particular note and mortgage executed by Appellants in 2005 and endorsed by
    Tower Mortgage to Long Beach Mortgage Company is one of the mortgages
    affected by one of the multitude of pooling and servicing agreements referenced in
    the attachment.
    Exhibit 2 consisted of the note and mortgage. As previously noted, the only
    indorsement of the note was from Tower Mortgage to Long Beach Mortgage
    Deutsche Bank’s Exhibit 3 consisted of a collection of nine pages from one
    or more documents. The first page of this exhibit is a title page of a Pooling and
    Servicing Agreement with the phrase “dated as of March 1, 2006” under the title.
    The parties listed on this page are Long Beach Securities Corp., Long Beach
    Mortgage Company, and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company. The next five
    pages of the exhibit are signature and notarization pages. The seventh page is
    entitled “Summary of Terms” and states:
    The following summary highlights selected information from this
    prospectus supplement. It does not contain all of the information that
    you need to consider in making your investment decision. To
    understand the terms of the offered certificates, read carefully this
    entire prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus.
    The final three pages of Exhibit 3 appear to be computer-generated print-outs of
    single lines of data which might or might not correspond to Appellants’ note and
    mortgage. These pages were not authenticated by the witness and their significance
    was not explained by Mr. Benefield’s testimony or any other evidence.          See
    LaFrance v. U.S. Bank Nat. Ass’n, 
    141 So. 3d 754
    , 756 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014)
    (reversing summary judgment for Bank due to failure of proof that Bank was
    owner of note prior to filing of complaint; loan servicing records without any
    explanation failed to prove Bank was owner of note).
    Although Mr. Benefield repeatedly testified that he was relying on “the
    pooling and servicing agreement” for proof that Deutsche Bank had standing to
    enforce the note, no actual pooling and servicing agreement, indorsement, or other
    evidence of negotiation of the note at issue from Long Beach Mortgage Company
    to any entity is contained in Plaintiff’s Exhibit 3 or elsewhere in the record.
    Deutsche Bank’s evidence to prove its right to enforce the Note, including Mr.
    Benefield’s testimony, is incoherent. Mr. Benefield testified that he did not know
    why pooling and service agreements were so entitled, did not know whether
    Exhibit 3 was a composite exhibit from several documents or an incomplete copy
    of a single document, and did not address the meaning of the page which
    referenced a “Prospectus Settlement” and “information . . . to consider in making
    your investment decision.” Exhibit 3 fails to support any finding that the Note
    between Tower Mortgage and the Lacombes was ever negotiated, by subsequent
    indorsement or otherwise, to Deutsche Bank. The composite document admitted
    as Exhibit 3 and the testimony of Mr. Benefield were not competent or substantial
    evidence even to tend to prove Deutsche Bank’s standing to enforce the Note.
    Exhibit 4 was a copy of a letter entitled “Notice of Intent to Accelerate,”
    addressed to Mrs. Lacombe from Washington Mutual in Chatsworth California,
    dated December 5, 2007. The letter has no certificate of service, return receipt, or
    other indication from a courier or delivery service that it was actually received by
    the addressee. Appellants’ pleadings consistently denied ever receiving this letter.
    Although Mr. Benefield was questioned about this document, he had no personal
    information about its authenticity or delivery. It was never suggested that he ever
    worked for Washington Mutual or had any knowledge about the creation of the
    letter or about Washington Mutual’s business practices regarding such letters, as
    would be required to admit the hearsay document as a business record. See §
    90.803(6), Fla. Stat.
    Finally, Deutsche Bank’s Exhibit 5 was submitted as a “payment history”
    for the debt at issue. The computer-generated pages indicate preparation by SPS
    for some pages and Washington Mutual Bank for other. Counsel for Appellants
    objected to the lack of foundation to admit this hearsay document into evidence
    and noted that Mr. Benefield was not a records custodian for SPS or any of the
    previous loan servicers. See §§ 90.801, 90.803(6), Fla. Stat. The court overruled
    the objection without discussion and the document was admitted into evidence.
    It is well-settled that:
    A plaintiff who is not the original lender may establish standing to
    foreclose a mortgage loan by submitting a note with a blank or special
    endorsement, an assignment of the note, or an affidavit otherwise
    proving the plaintiff’s status as the holder of the note. McLean v. JP
    Morgan Chase Bank Nat’l Ass’n, 
    79 So. 3d 170
    , 173 (Fla. 4th DCA
    2012). But standing must be established as of the time of filing the
    foreclosure complaint.
    Focht v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 
    124 So. 3d 308
    , 310 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013)
    (footnote omitted). Even if exhibits 1, 3, 4 and 5—admitted by the trial court—had
    been relevant, properly authenticated, and qualified for the business records
    exception to the hearsay rule, see Hunter v. Aurora Loan Services, LLC, 
    137 So. 3d 570
     (Fla. 1st DCA 2014), none of Deutsche Bank’s exhibits qualifies as an
    indorsement from Long Beach Mortgage to Deutsche Bank, an assignment from
    Long Beach Mortgage to Deutsche Bank, or an affidavit otherwise proving the
    plaintiff’s standing to bring the foreclosure action on the note and mortgage at
    issue as a matter of law. Likewise, the record contains no assertion or proof by
    Deutsche Bank of its standing under any means identified in section 673.3011,
    Florida Statutes. See Mazine v. M & I Bank, 
    67 So. 3d 1129
    , 1130 (Fla. 1st DCA
    2011).      Absent evidence of the plaintiff’s standing, the final judgment must be
    Appellants also challenge the trial court’s pre-trial denial of their motion for
    summary judgment. However, the trial of the issue of fact regarding plaintiff’s
    right to enforce the note via ownership thereof rendered any error in the denial of
    summary judgment moot. Sunrise Lakes Condo. Apts., Phase III, Inc. v. Frank, 
    73 So. 3d 901
     (Fla. 4th DCA 2011).
    We decline to remand the case for the presentation of additional evidence
    because “appellate courts do not generally provide parties with an opportunity to
    retry their case upon a failure of proof.” Morton’s of Chicago, Inc. v. Lira, 
    48 So. 3d 76
    , 80 (Fla. 1st DCA 2010). Deutsche Bank filed its complaint in 2008 and had
    more than five years until the eventual trial to produce competent evidence to
    prove its right to enforce the note at the time the suit was filed and prove the
    amount of the indebtedness. When Deutsche Bank finally tried its case in mid-
    2013, it relied upon a note secured by a mortgage payable to the order of the
    original lender, a specific indorsement transferring the debt to an entity other than
    Deutsche Bank, a single witness employed by the latest in a succession of “loan
    servicers,” and upon unauthenticated, largely unexplained papers it advanced as
    proof of its standing. This failure of proof after ample opportunity is no reason to
    provide Deutsche Bank with a second opportunity to prove its case on remand.
    See Wolkoff v. American Home Mortg. Servicing, Inc., ___ So. 3d ___, 39 Fla. L.
    Weekly D1159, 
    2014 WL 2378662
     (Fla. 2d DCA May 30, 2014); Correa v. U. S.
    Bank, N.A., 
    118 So. 3d 952
    , 956 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013).
    The final judgment of foreclosure is reversed due to the insufficiency of the
    evidence to support the judgment. This case is remanded for the entry of an order
    of involuntary dismissal of the action.