Karim H. Saadeh v. Michael Connors, Colette Meyer Deborah Barfield and Jacob Noble , 166 So. 3d 959 ( 2015 )

    No. 4D13-4831
    [June 24, 2015]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, Palm
    Beach   County;    Peter   D.    Blanc,     Judge;   L.T.   Case     No.
    Bryan J. Yarnell and Irwin R. Gilbert of Gilbert│Yarnell, Palm Beach
    Gardens, for appellant.
    David J. Sales of David J. Sales, P.A., Jupiter, for appellee Colette
    Meyer, Esq.
    Robert W. Goldman of Goldman Felcoski & Stone, P.A., Naples, Gerald
    B. Cope, Jr. of Akerman LLP, Miami, Kenneth B. Bell of Gunster,
    Tallahassee, and John W. Little III of Gunster, West Palm Beach, for
    Amicus Curiae The Real Property Probate & Trust Law Section of The
    Florida Bar.
    CIKLIN, J.
    Karim H. Saadeh appeals the final summary judgment entered in favor
    of an attorney he sued for professional negligence. The trial court based
    its summary judgment on a finding that, as a matter of law, an attorney
    representing Saadeh’s court-appointed guardian owed Saadeh no duty
    under a third-party beneficiary theory. We disagree with the trial court’s
    finding and reverse.
    This is not the first time the incapacitation proceedings involving
    Saadeh have resulted in litigation, and ultimately, an appeal. Our opinion
    in Jasser v. Saadeh, 
    97 So. 3d 241
     (Fla. 4th DCA 2012), illuminates the
    protracted path that has led the parties to this point.
    Mr. Saadeh is a wealthy man of advanced years. After his wife passed
    away, a relative introduced him to a younger woman. Saadeh loaned
    money to the woman, which alarmed his adult children. In response, the
    children contacted attorney Colette Meyer who worked with a professional
    guardian, Deborah Barfield (“guardian”).           The guardian filed an
    incapacitation petition, attaching a neurologist’s report diagnosing Saadeh
    with “dementia, probably Alzheimer’s.” 
    Id. at 242-43
    After a hearing, the court appointed the guardian because of an
    “emergency.” Colette Meyer then became the [emergency temporary]
    guardian’s attorney (and will be referred to hereinafter as the “guardian’s
    attorney”). The court-ordered duration of the temporary guardianship was
    ninety days, pending a full hearing on incapacitation. 
    Id. at 244
    . Three
    days after the guardian’s appointment—after two members of the
    examining committee submitted reports finding Saadeh competent—the
    guardian’s attorney and Saadeh’s court-appointed attorney “submitted to
    the court an agreed order to ‘settle’ the guardianship,” agreeing that
    Saadeh would execute a trust in lieu of plenary guardianship.1 
    agreed order provided that Saadeh would execute the required trust within
    seven days, and that “[a]ll pending incapacity proceedings . . . are hereby
    dismissed . . . .” 
    Id. at 244-45
    The trial court never dismissed the underlying emergency temporary
    guardianship (petition), and the parties and the court continued to
    conduct themselves as though the subject guardianship proceedings had
    never been dismissed, the agreed order notwithstanding. 
    Id. at 245-46
    Saadeh was again found competent by a newly-appointed examining
    committee, and the incapacitation proceedings appear to have then finally
    and formally come to an end. The litigation, however, continued.
    Saadeh sought an order from the trial court setting aside the
    establishment of the trust originally required by the agreed order to “settle”
    the guardianship. The trial court agreed with Mr. Saadeh and entered a
    summary judgment setting aside the trust which this court affirmed. 
    1 “Once formed, plenary guardianships grant all of the ward’s delegable rights
    over person and property to the guardian, while limited guardianships grant only
    that authority expressly set forth in the guardianship order.” Whiting v. Whiting,
    160 So. 3d 921
    , 925 (Fla. 5th DCA 2015); see also § 744.344(5), Fla. Stat. (2009)
    (“A plenary guardian shall exercise all delegable rights and powers of the
    incapacitated person.”).
    at 249.
    Subsequently, in 2010, Saadeh brought suit against multiple players
    in the guardianship proceedings, including the guardian’s attorney, the
    guardian, and Saadeh’s court-appointed attorney. In count III of his
    complaint, Saadeh pled a count of professional negligence and breach of
    duty against the guardian’s attorney. It is this malpractice action against
    the guardian’s attorney which is the primary issue now before us.
    Saadeh alleged the following. The guardian’s attorney represented the
    guardian while the guardian was acting as a court-appointed emergency
    temporary guardian for Saadeh. The guardian, Saadeh’s court-appointed
    attorney, and the guardian’s attorney agreed that Saadeh would execute a
    trust in return for the dismissal of the incapacity proceedings. They
    engaged the services of an attorney to draft the irrevocable trust document.
    The guardian’s attorney and Saadeh’s adult children met with Saadeh in
    an attempt to pressure him to sign the document which established the
    trust. The guardian’s attorney was aware Saadeh was elderly, lacked a
    formal education, and spoke English as a second language, yet she advised
    Saadeh regarding the mechanics of the trust. She led Saadeh to believe
    he would remain in control of the trust and its contents, and would be able
    to make decisions regarding the trust. Although Saadeh initially refused
    to sign the document, he succumbed to the pressure. Afterward, Saadeh
    discovered the trust was irrevocable and had actually granted all trust
    control to his adult children. The guardian’s attorney failed to advise Mr.
    Saadeh of the significant negative tax consequences of establishing such
    a trust.
    The guardian’s attorney moved for summary judgment, arguing that
    there was no privity of contract between her and Mr. Saadeh (the ward),
    and thus she owed no duty directly to Mr. Saadeh. She also argued that
    Saadeh’s interests were adverse to the interests of the children and the
    After a hearing, the court granted summary judgment in favor of the
    guardian’s attorney, rejecting the argument that Saadeh was an intended
    beneficiary. The court noted that Saadeh’s court-appointed attorney
    invited the guardian’s attorney to speak to Saadeh, and it compared this
    situation to a criminal defense attorney and his client engaging in plea
    negotiations with a prosecutor.       The court also relied on section
    744.331(2)(c), Florida Statutes, which precludes an attorney for the alleged
    incapacitated person from serving as either the guardian or the attorney
    for the guardian.
    Here, the claim against the guardian’s attorney was for professional
    negligence, and the court’s entry of summary judgment was based on the
    element of duty. Our standard of review is de novo. Chhabra v. Morales,
    906 So. 2d 1261
    , 1262 (Fla. 4th DCA 2005).
    ‘“[W]here a defendant establishes as a matter of law, that no duty is
    owed to the plaintiff, the trial court may properly grant summary judgment
    in favor of the defendant.’” Hanrahan v. Hometown Am., LLC, 
    90 So. 3d 915
    , 917 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012) (citation omitted). “An attorney’s liability for
    professional negligence is generally limited to clients with whom the
    attorney shares privity of contract.” Dingle v. Dellinger, 
    134 So. 3d 484
    487 (Fla. 5th DCA 2014). However, “[i]f the parties are not in privity, to
    bring a legal malpractice action, the plaintiff must be an intended third-
    party beneficiary of the lawyer’s services.” 
    Id. at 487-88
    Saadeh asserts that he was a third party beneficiary insofar as he was
    the ward and thus, by definition, the intended beneficiary of everything
    connected with the underlying guardianship proceeding. Even though
    legal services were technically provided to the guardian, Mr. Saadeh urges
    that since his guardianship estate was compensating both the guardian
    and the guardian’s attorney, the attorney owed him a duty of care. Mr.
    Saadeh urges that as the “incapacitated ward,” he was the intended
    beneficiary of services provided by the guardian’s attorney. He vigorously
    argues that it would be an oxymoron to consider him, as the ward of the
    estate, to ever be rendered as nothing more than an incidental third party
    Generally, “[t]o assert a third-party beneficiary claim, the complaint
    must allege: (1) a contract; (2) an intent that the contract primarily and
    directly benefit the third party; (3) breach of the contract; and (4) resulting
    damages to the third party.” 
    Id. at 488
    . “Florida has extended the third
    party beneficiary exception to the privity requirement in legal malpractice
    actions to very limited circumstances, mainly in the area of will drafting,
    where it can be demonstrated that the intent of the clients in engaging the
    services of the lawyer was to benefit a third party.” Brennan v. Ruffner,
    640 So. 2d 143
    , 146 (Fla. 4th DCA 1994). However, although the “privity
    requirement has been relaxed most frequently in will drafting situations,”
    the third-party beneficiary exception to the rule of privity may apply in
    other contexts. Dingle, 
    134 So. 3d at 488
     (citation omitted). It must be
    “apparent” that the “intent of the client” is “to benefit a third party . . . .”
    Hewko v. Genovese, 
    739 So. 2d 1189
    , 1191 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999) (citation
    In determining whether the attorney for the emergency temporary
    guardian owes a duty to the alleged incapacitated person under a third
    party beneficiary theory, we first turn to the guardianship statutes. Upon
    the filing of a petition to determine incapacity, the court must appoint an
    attorney to represent the alleged incapacitated person. § 744.331(2)(b),
    Fla. Stat. (2009). “Any attorney representing an alleged incapacitated
    person may not serve as guardian of the alleged incapacitated person or
    as counsel for the guardian of the alleged incapacitated person or the
    petitioner.” § 744.331(2)(c), Fla. Stat. (2009).
    While the petition is pending, the court may appoint an emergency
    temporary guardian to protect the alleged incapacitated person and any
    property from imminent harm. See § 744.3031(1), Fla. Stat. (2009). The
    court must appoint counsel to represent the emergency temporary
    guardian. See id. During the temporary guardianship, the emergency
    temporary guardian is the alleged incapacitated person’s fiduciary to the
    extent defined by the court. See Maxwell v. First Union Bank, 
    782 So. 2d 931
    , 933-34 (Fla. 4th DCA 2001) (“Express fiduciary relationships are
    created by contract, such as principal/agent, or can be created by legal
    proceedings in the case of a guardian/ward.”); Centrust Savings Bank v.
    Barnett Banks Trust Co., N.A., 
    483 So. 2d 867
    , 869 (Fla. 5th DCA 1986)
    (“The term fiduciary includes not only court appointed guardians,
    executors, and administrators, but every person acting in a fiduciary
    capacity for another and includes a trustee under any trust, express or
    implied, an officer of a corporation, and many others.”). Even though there
    is no lawyer-client relationship between the alleged incapacitated person
    who is a temporary ward and the lawyer for the emergency temporary
    guardian, counsel for the emergency temporary guardian owes a duty of
    care to the temporary ward.
    An opinion of this court in a case involving incapacitation, albeit in the
    context of adoption of a minor, supports the proposition that the attorney
    for the emergency temporary guardian in incapacitation proceedings owes
    a duty to the ward. In Rushing v. Bosse, 
    652 So. 2d 869
     (Fla. 4th DCA
    1995), a professional negligence complaint was brought on behalf of a child
    against the attorneys who handled the private adoption proceeding which
    removed her from Florida and the care of relatives for a nine-month period.
    One of the attorneys for the adoptive parents also acted as intermediary
    for the child’s placement. The complaint alleged, among other things, that
    the attorney counseled the adoptive parents to falsify Florida residency
    and that he induced the mother of the child to give up any rights to the
    child by paying her money. This court reversed the dismissal of this count
    of the complaint, finding that privity of contract was not necessary where
    the child was the “intended beneficiary of the adoption” and the defendants
    were the attorneys for the adoptive parents, “who evidently intended to
    benefit the child by adopting her.” 
    Id. at 873
    . This court also reasoned
    that the attorney “served as an intermediary for the child,” and thus had
    other responsibilities he owed her. 
     We noted that adoption proceedings
    are “unique” in that, under the adoption statutes, the intended beneficiary
    of the proceeding is the child to be adopted. 
    Here, as in Rushing, the proceedings were rooted in a Florida statute
    that involves the protection of incapacitated persons. Chapter 744, Florida
    Statutes, governs guardianship proceedings. The purpose of the act is “to
    protect the public welfare” by protecting the rights of incapacitated
    persons. § 744.1012, Fla. Stat. (2010).2 Mr. Saadeh was the apparent
    intended beneficiary of the guardian’s attorney’s services. It would be
    antithetical to suggest that a guardian—appointed for the sacrosanct
    reason of providing protection to the ward and at the ward’s expense—
    could ever take any action which would knowingly be adverse to the
    alleged incapacitated person.
    In a 1996 opinion of former Attorney General Robert Butterworth, the
    existence of this duty of care is explained:
    Under the state’s guardianship statutes, it is clear that the
    ward is the intended beneficiary of the proceedings. Section
    744.108, Florida Statutes, authorizes the payment of
    attorney’s fees to an attorney who has “rendered services to
    the ward or to the guardian on the ward’s behalf[.]” Thus, the
    statute itself recognizes that the services performed by an
    attorney who is compensated from the ward’s estate are
    performed on behalf of the ward even though the services are
    technically provided to the guardian.       The relationship
    2   The statute provides in pertinent part:
    Recognizing that every individual has unique needs and differing
    abilities, the Legislature declares that it is the purpose of this act to
    promote the public welfare by establishing a system that permits
    incapacitated persons to participate as fully as possible in all
    decisions affecting them; that assists such persons in meeting the
    essential requirements for their physical health and safety, in
    protecting their rights, in managing their financial resources, and
    in developing or regaining their abilities to the maximum extent
    possible; and that accomplishes these objectives through providing,
    in each case, the form of assistance that least interferes with the
    legal capacity of a person to act in her or his own behalf.
    § 744.1012, Fla. Stat. (2009).
    between the guardian and the ward is such that the ward
    must be considered to be the primary or intended beneficiary
    and cannot be considered an “incidental third-party
    Since the ward is the intended beneficiary of the
    guardianship, an attorney who represents a guardian of a
    person adjudicated incapacitated and who is compensated
    from the ward’s estate for such services owes a duty of care to
    the ward as well as to the guardian.
    Fla. AGO 96-94, 
    1996 WL 680981
    In its amicus brief that we invited and appreciate, the Real Property
    Probate & Trust Law Section of the Florida Bar indicates agreement with
    the Attorney General opinion. The Section reminds us that the lack of
    privity does not foreclose the possibility of a duty of care to a third party
    intended to benefit from a lawyer’s services. The Section points out that
    the reasoning in the Attorney General opinion is supported by section
    744.1012, Florida Statutes (2009), in which the Legislature states its
    willful intent to protect incapacitated persons.
    Based on the foregoing analysis, we find that Saadeh and everything
    associated with his well-being is the very essence i.e. the exact point, of
    our guardianship statutes. As a matter of law, the ward in situations as
    this, is both the primary and intended beneficiary of his estate. To tolerate
    anything less would be nonsensical and would strip the ward of the dignity
    to which the ward is wholly entitled. Whether there was a breach of the
    duty which caused damages obviously remains to be determined. But Mr.
    Saadeh has a viable and legally recognizable cause of action against the
    guardian’s attorney which is available to Mr. Saadeh and which we direct
    be immediately reinstated.        Accordingly, we remand for further
    Reversed and remanded for further proceedings.
    WARNER and GERBER, JJ., concur.
    *        *         *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.