Edward J. Golden, as Curator of the Estate of Katherine Jones v. Carol Ann Jones, as Successor Trustee of the H. Bruce Jones, M.D., P.A., Money Purchase Plan and the H. Bruce Jones, M.D., P.A. Pension and Profit Sharing Plan , 194 So. 3d 1060 ( 2016 )

    EDWARD I. GOLDEN, as Curator of the Estate of Katherine Jones,
    CAROL ANN JONES, as Successor Trustee of the H. Bruce Jones, M.D.,
    P.A. Money Purchase Plan and the H. Bruce Jones, M.D., P.A. Pension
    and Profit Sharing Plan,
    No. 4D14-3063
    [June 22, 2016]
    Appeal from the Circuit Court for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit,
    Broward County; Laura M. Watson, Judge; L.T. Case No. FMCE 99-
    013968 (42).
    William H. Glasko of Golden Glasko & Associates, P.A., Miami, for
    Robin F. Hazel of Hazel Law, P.A., Pembroke Pines, for appellees.
    CONNER, J.
    Appellant, Edward Golden (“the Curator”), as curator for the Estate of
    Katherine Jones (“the Wife”), appeals the trial court’s order dismissing his
    complaint, with prejudice, filed against Appellee, Carol Jones (“the
    Trustee”), as the successor trustee for certain retirement plans for H.
    Bruce Jones (“the Husband”). We reverse the trial court after determining
    the trial court erred in dismissing the initial complaint with prejudice
    without giving at least one opportunity to amend, and in not transferring
    the complaint to another division of the court, if the complaint should have
    been filed as an independent action.
    Factual Background and Trial Court Proceedings
    In 2003, after the Wife and the Husband entered into a marital
    settlement agreement (“MSA”), the marriage between them was dissolved
    by a final judgment entered in the family division of the trial court below.
    The final judgment stated, as agreed by the parties, that the “[MSA] shall
    not be merged in the Final Judgment but shall survive same.”
    Additionally, the final judgment retained jurisdiction to enter further
    orders to enforce the MSA and to enter appropriate qualified domestic
    relations orders (“QDRO”).
    The MSA included provisions regarding two retirement plans that were
    listed as the H. Bruce Jones M.D., P.A. Money Purchase Pension Plan and
    the H. Bruce Jones M.D., P.A. Profit Sharing Plan. It also stated that the
    Husband agreed to be the trustee of both plans.
    In 2005, the trial court entered QDROs regarding both retirement
    plans. Both QDROs stated that the benefits that had accrued under the
    plan from the date of the marriage to the date of the dissolution of marriage
    were marital property, and therefore assigned to the Wife “50% of the
    [Husband]’s account balance determined as of August 31, 2003; and any
    gains/losses, earnings and interest from August 31, 2003 through the
    date of distribution or segregation of the [Wife]’s share.” The QDROs also
    stated that “[t]he [Husband] shall take no action which will in any way
    impact upon the [Wife]’s rights to receive benefits pursuant to this Order.”
    In 2007, the Husband died. A probate proceeding for his estate was
    filed in Broward County. After the Husband’s death, the Trustee became
    the personal representative of his estate and the trustee for both
    retirement plans. In 2010, the Wife died. A probate proceeding for her
    estate was filed in Dade County. The Curator was appointed in that
    In 2012, the Curator, on behalf of the Wife’s Estate, filed a third-party
    complaint to enforce judgments (“the Complaint”) against the Trustee
    regarding both retirement plans. The Complaint alleged that the Husband
    had diverted portions of the retirement plans to which the Wife was entitled
    under the MSA and “the Judgments,” and that, as of the date of filing,
    those assets had not been distributed to the Wife or her estate. The
    Complaint sought to enforce both QDROs. Although not alleged in the
    Complaint, the Curator had previously sought enforcement of the Wife’s
    claims related to the retirement plans by filing a claim in the Husband’s
    probate proceeding. The Curator’s claim in the Husband’s probate
    proceeding was stricken.
    The Trustee moved to dismiss the Complaint, alleging that the Curator
    had previously filed a claim in the Husband’s probate proceeding, which
    was stricken, seeking the same relief sought in the Complaint. For that
    reason, the Trustee alleged that the Complaint was barred by res judicata
    and collateral estoppel. Additionally, the Trustee alleged the Complaint
    was barred by the statute of limitations and lack of standing (since neither
    the Curator, nor the Trustee, were parties to the dissolution action).
    At the hearing on the motion to dismiss, the Trustee argued that “[t]here
    is [sic] a lot of jurisdictional problems here,” since (1) enforcement of a
    trust has to be filed in probate court, (2) no party had been substituted for
    the Wife, and (3) the Curator brought the same action in the other probate
    case. The Curator argued that there were two different types of assets in
    play: (1) assets that the Husband owned in his name at the time of his
    death, and (2) assets in the trust at the time of the Husband’s death, and
    that the Complaint sought enforcement as to assets of the retirement plans
    held in trust, not assets subject to control by the probate court. Thus, he
    argued that the Wife, through him as curator, had brought suit against
    the Trustee to enforce the QDROs, which was proper for the family division
    to handle, just as if a bank, as the trustee of a retirement plan, was not
    complying with a QDRO. The Curator also argued that, if the case should
    be in the probate division because it involves litigation regarding assets in
    a trust, then the trial court should transfer the case, not outright dismiss
    the case.
    The trial court ruled orally at the hearing:
    I’m dismissing the third-party complaint. Irrespective of
    whether you’re discussing estate assets or trust assets, it has
    no business being brought in this court, and I have no
    jurisdiction over a matter like this.
    Upon the Curator’s request that the court dismiss without prejudice so
    that he could bring the action in another court, the trial court stated:
    I’m dismissing the case, with prejudice, as to this family law
    case 99-13968. How that washes about bringing another
    claim, I don’t know.
    Subsequently, the trial court entered a written order granting the motion
    to dismiss and denying the Curator’s motion for rehearing. The Curator
    gave notice of appeal.
    Appellate Analysis
    “We review dismissal orders de novo.” West v. West, 
    126 So. 3d 437
    438 (Fla. 4th DCA 2013) (citing Simpson v. State, 
    33 So. 3d 776
    , 778 (Fla.
    4th DCA 2010)).
    The Complaint facially alleges a cause of action against a trustee based
    on a prior judgment. More specifically, the Complaint alleges that assets
    the Wife was to receive from a retirement plan as equitable distribution
    under a final judgment of dissolution of marriage were wrongfully diverted
    into a trust. The Complaint, in a somewhat contradictory manner, states
    in an introductory paragraph that it is “an action for damages in excess of
    $15,000,” yet the subsequent paragraphs indicate the Complaint seeks
    something other than a judgment for damages. In summarizing the relief
    sought, the Complaint “requests that this Honorable Court enter judgment
    against the Trustee enforcing and compelling compliance with the August
    2, 2005 Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (the Judgments), determining
    the current value of the Disputed Assets[,] . . . awarding prejudgment
    interest, . . . and, if the Trustee is found in civil contempt, order
    compensatory and/or coercive fines, and granting any additional relief
    which this Court deems appropriate.”
    We agree that the Complaint was subject to dismissal because it is
    unclear what relief is sought (damages, coercive orders, or both) and what
    legal theory and ultimate facts support a further decision or judgment by
    the trial court. The Trustee argued multiple bases for dismissal. The trial
    court appears to have concluded the Complaint was not properly filed in
    the family division of the court. It is unclear from the record if the trial
    court’s decision was based on one or more of the grounds for dismissal
    argued by the Trustee, or some other unarticulated ground.
    As we explained in DeSantis v. DeSantis, 
    714 So. 2d 637
    , 638 (Fla. 4th
    DCA 1998),
    Once the final judgment [of dissolution of marriage] awarded
    each party the interest in his or her own pension plan, those
    assets were no longer marital property but the sole property
    of the individual spouse. . . . Once the final judgment is
    entered, there are no longer marital property rights, only
    individual property rights.      The remedies available for
    enforcement of those provisions of the final judgment with
    regard to the equitable distribution of assets are those of
    creditor against debtor.
    (citation omitted). Since it appears that the Curator is not seeking relief
    from judgment in the context that the final judgment of dissolution of
    marriage or the QDROs were entered in error, the trial court may have
    correctly determined the Complaint was not properly filed in the family
    division of the trial court.
    However, the trial court erred in two regards. First, a dismissal with
    prejudice was improper. Kairalla v. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
    534 So. 2d 774
    , 775 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988) (“This court has held on
    numerous occasions that a dismissal with prejudice should not be ordered
    without giving the plaintiff an opportunity to amend the defective pleading,
    unless it is apparent that the pleading cannot be amended to state a cause
    of action.”). Second, a complaint filed in the wrong division of the court
    should be transferred to the proper division, rather than dismissed with
    prejudice. As we said in West,
    We have previously acknowledged that, in a situation where a
    complaint should have been filed in the probate division, the
    court should not dismiss the case solely because it was filed
    in the wrong division. Grossman v. Selewacz, 
    417 So. 2d 728
    730 (Fla. 4th DCA 1982) (citing In re Guardianship of Bentley,
    342 So. 2d 1045
     (Fla. 4th DCA 1977)). “[W]hile the circuit
    court is divided into divisions for efficiency in administration,
    all judges of the circuit court exercise the court’s jurisdiction,
    and cases filed in the wrong division should be transferred to
    the proper division.” 
    126 So. 3d at 438-39
     (alteration in original).
    It appears the Curator is attempting to enforce prior judgments. Since
    both the Husband and the Wife are now deceased, the Complaint does not
    appear to state grounds for enforcing the judgments in the same action
    within the family division of the court from which the judgments issued.
    The trial court may have properly concluded the Complaint should be filed
    as an independent action. Either way, the Complaint should not have
    been dismissed with prejudice, and the Curator should have had an
    opportunity to amend the pleading. To the extent the Complaint may be
    seeking a remedy available to a creditor against a debtor as an
    independent action, the Complaint should have been transferred to the
    appropriate division of the trial court.
    Reversed and remanded.
    GROSS and LEVINE, JJ., concur.
    *         *         *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.