Johnny L. Jones v. State , 226 So. 3d 1012 ( 2017 )

    v.                                                        Case No. 5D16-1377
    Opinion filed August 25, 2017
    3.850 Appeal from the Circuit Court
    for Putnam County,
    Patti A. Christensen, Judge.
    Johnny L. Jones, Milton, pro se.
    Pamela Jo Bondi, Attorney General,
    Tallahassee, and Kaylee D. Tatman,
    Assistant Attorney General, Daytona
    Beach, for Appellee.
    WALLIS, J.
    Johnny L. Jones appeals pro se the denial of his motion for postconviction relief
    alleging ineffective assistance of counsel. We reverse the summary denial of grounds
    three and seven and remand with instructions. We affirm the denial of the remaining
    grounds without discussion.
    On November 20, 2012, a jury found Jones guilty of grand theft and burglary while
    armed with a firearm. The trial court sentenced Jones as a prison releasee reoffender to
    life in prison. Jones filed a pro se, twelve-ground motion for postconviction relief, alleging
    ineffective assistance of counsel. The postconviction court summarily denied all grounds
    except two and eleven, for which it set an evidentiary hearing.1 Jones now challenges the
    court's summary denial of these grounds, which the State declines to address on appeal.
    "The standard of review of a summary denial of a rule 3.850 motion is de novo."
    Lebron v. State, 
    100 So. 3d 132
    , 133 (Fla. 5th DCA 2012) (citing McLin v. State, 
    827 So. 2d
    948, 954 (Fla. 2002)). "To uphold the trial court's summary denial of claims raised in a
    3.850 motion, the claims must be either facially invalid or conclusively refuted by the
    record." Peede v. State, 
    748 So. 2d 253
    , 257 (Fla. 1999) (citing Fla. R. Crim. P. 3.850(d)).
    "Further, where no evidentiary hearing is held below, we must accept the defendant's
    factual allegations to the extent they are not refuted by the record." McLin, 
    827 So. 2d
    954 (quoting Foster v. State, 
    810 So. 2d 910
    , 914 (Fla. 2002)).
    In ground three, Jones argued his trial counsel provided ineffective assistance by
    failing to call Assistant State Attorney Chris Ferebee during a suppression hearing. A
    facially sufficient claim of ineffective assistance for failure to call a witness must allege:
    "the identity of the potential witness, the substance of the witness' testimony, an
    explanation of how the omission of the testimony prejudiced the outcome of the case, and
    a representation that the witness was available for trial." Spellers v. State, 
    993 So. 2d 1117
    , 1118 (Fla. 5th DCA 2008) (citing Leftwich v. State, 
    954 So. 2d 714
    (Fla. 1st DCA
    2007)). Jones alleged that Ferebee would have testified that law enforcement
    1   Jones later withdrew ground eleven.
    communicated to him that they also arrested Jones's mother, resulting in Jones's
    cooperation in exchange for the possibility of her immunity.
    In its order denying ground three, the postconviction court noted that the trial court
    denied the motion to suppress without a hearing and attached the relevant motion and
    order. On appeal, Jones challenges the postconviction court's findings by asserting that
    a suppression hearing actually did occur, referring to it as the "hearing held on November
    12, 2012," which coincides with his trial date. A review of the transcript in Jones's direct
    appeal demonstrates that the trial court heard the motion to suppress before proceeding
    to trial, considering argument from both sides.2 The State presented two witnesses, and
    Jones testified on his own behalf. Thus, the postconviction court incorrectly stated that no
    hearing occurred.
    The postconviction court further found that Ferebee's deposition, purportedly
    attached to the order, refuted Jones's claim of coercion. However, the record does not
    include the deposition as an attachment. Although the postconviction court described
    "Appendix D" as containing Ferebee's deposition, the appendix, perhaps mistakenly,
    contains only Jones's mother's deposition, not Ferebee's. Thus, because the order does
    not include record attachments conclusively refuting ground three, we reverse and
    remand for the postconviction court to "attach the correct records or address the claim on
    the merits." See Hunter v. State, 
    187 So. 3d 1265
    , 1265 (Fla. 5th DCA 2016) (citing Fla.
    R. Crim. P. 3.850(f)(4)).
    2"This court can take judicial notice of its own records." Scheffer v. State, 
    893 So. 2d
    698, 699 (Fla. 5th DCA 2005).
    In ground seven, Jones argued his trial counsel provided ineffective assistance by
    failing to request an "independent act" jury instruction based on his allegation that "no
    guns were taken to burglarized home, he did not enter the home, and it had been agreed
    upon beforehand that no guns would be used or taken. Co-defendant acquired guns from
    inside of the home." "The 'independent act' doctrine applies 'when one cofelon, who
    previously participated in a common plan, does not participate in acts committed by his
    cofelon, "which fall outside of, and are foreign to, the common design of the original
    collaboration."'" Roberts v. State, 
    4 So. 3d 1261
    , 1263 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009) (quoting Ray
    v. State, 
    755 So. 2d 604
    , 609 (Fla. 2000)). However, "an independent act instruction is
    inappropriate when the unrebutted evidence shows the defendant knowingly participated
    in the underlying criminal enterprise when the murder occurred or knew that firearms or
    deadly weapons would be used." 
    Id. at 1264.
    Although the information charged Jones with burglary with a firearm, the charging
    affidavit supports Jones's assertion that his cofelons acquired the weapons within the
    burglarized home. Jones asserted that he never entered the home, acting only as
    getaway driver to "straight burglary." Thus, the facts of this case suggest that Jones did
    not know "that firearms or deadly weapons would be used." See 
    id. In its
    order, the
    postconviction court summarized Jones's version of events, found that trial counsel
    offered a persuasive hypothetical in support of his theory of the case, and then concluded,
    without elaboration, "Even if [Jones] did not go inside the house but stayed outside as the
    driver, the Independent Act Doctrine would not have applied in this particular case."
    However, because the evidence showed that Jones never entered the home, planned for
    the use of a firearm, nor anticipated the recovery of firearms within the home, Jones raised
    a facially valid ground for relief. See 
    id. Thus, the
    postconviction court erred by summarily
    denying this ground. See 
    Peede, 748 So. 2d at 257
    . We reverse and remand for the court
    to "either attach the portion of the record that conclusively refutes [the] claim or conduct
    an evidentiary hearing on the matter." See Smith v. State, 
    69 So. 3d 1034
    , 1035 (Fla. 5th
    DCA 2011) (citing White v. State, 
    19 So. 3d 444
    , 445 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009)).
    AFFIRMED in Part; REVERSED in Part; and REMANDED with Instructions.
    COHEN, C.J. and LAMBERT, J., concur.