    No. 4D20-1360
    [October 7, 2020]
    Petition for writ of certiorari to the Circuit Court for the Fifteenth
    Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County; G. Joseph Curley, Jr., Judge; L.T.
    Case No. 502016CA001517XXXXMBAA.
    Charles D. Tobin, Jacquelyn N. Schell and John W. Scott of Ballard
    Spahr LLP, Washington, DC, and L. Martin Reeder, Jr. of Atherton Galardi
    Mullen & Reeder PA, West Palm Beach, for petitioners.
    Christopher W. Kammerer of Kammerer Mariani PLLC, West Palm
    Beach, and Thomas A. Clare, Elizabeth M. Locke, Joseph R. Oliveri and
    Andrew C. Phillips of Clare Locke LLP, Alexandria, VA, for respondent
    Michael D. Black, MD, MBA.
    WARNER, J.
    Petitioner CNN seeks certiorari review of a trial court order compelling
    production of emails and texts between CNN and its co-defendant in a
    defamation action filed by respondent, which CNN asserts should be
    protected by the journalist privilege pursuant to section 90.5015, Florida
    Statutes (2019). We conclude that the trial court did not depart from the
    essential requirements of law in its order and thus deny the petition.
    Respondent Dr. Michael Black sued CNN and its individual journalist
    defendants, as well as others including Kelly Robinson, for alleged
    defamatory statements made when CNN began reporting in June 2015 on
    infant mortality and other topics related to pediatric cardiothoracic
    surgeries at St. Mary’s Hospital and by respondent. The complaint alleges
    that Kelly Robinson is a key source of the information furnished to CNN
    and was motivated to defame respondent because of her association with
    another children’s hospital and surgeon. CNN filed an answer and
    affirmative defenses denying the falsity of the statements, as well as
    denying that they were published with malice or ill will or with knowledge
    of their falsity.
    Through discovery, respondent learned that a substantial amount of
    communication occurred between CNN journalists and Robinson
    regarding its reporting. Respondent served a request for production on
    Robinson requesting, among other items, her communications with the
    CNN defendants. Robinson responded that she had “no documents
    responsive to this request.” Thereafter, the trial court ordered Robinson
    to sit for a deposition to describe the steps she had taken to comply with
    respondent’s document request.          During that deposition, Robinson
    testified that she no longer possessed her text and email communications
    with CNN defendants, because she deleted them in an attempt to keep
    them confidential. In response to an interrogatory requesting her to state
    the substance of those communications, Robinson responded that she
    could not recall any specific details of the communications.
    Thereafter, respondent sought production from the CNN defendants of
    Robinson’s emails and communications with them. CNN objected, citing
    Florida’s qualified journalist’s privilege. It filed a log of over 400 pages to
    identify documents and communications claimed as privileged. The log
    lists information which admittedly comes from Robinson on such matters
    as “Dr. Black;” “the St. Mary’s pediatric heart surgery program;” “the
    calculation of mortality rates for congenital heart surgery;” and similar
    subjects which related to their reporting.
    The trial court referred the matter to the special magistrate who held a
    hearing on the motion to compel. The magistrate’s report concluded that
    the privilege was overcome, and disclosure was warranted as to the
    communications with Robinson.           The magistrate found that the
    communications were relevant, because respondent had to prove that CNN
    acted with malice. Further, respondent did not have an alternate means
    to secure the information.
    The CNN defendants filed objections to the report. After a lengthy
    hearing, the trial court adopted the magistrate’s findings and concluded
    that the findings were not clearly erroneous. Although it concluded that
    CNN’s objections could be overruled on that basis alone, it also made
    independent findings with respect to the journalist’s privilege before
    overruling CNN’s objections.
    In its ruling, the court applied section 90.5015, which provides a
    qualified privilege to a professional journalist “not to be a witness
    concerning, and not to disclose the information, including the identity of
    any source, that the professional journalist has obtained while actively
    gathering news.” As the trial court noted, a party may overcome the
    privilege by making a “clear and specific showing” that 1) the information
    is relevant and material to the unresolved issues in the proceeding for
    which the information is sought; 2) the information cannot be obtained
    from alternative sources; and (3) a compelling interest exists for requiring
    disclosure of the information.
    In a thorough, fifteen-page analysis, the trial court addressed all of the
    criteria. It noted that CNN did not dispute that Robinson was a source for
    the news article, citing to specific evidence in the record. As to the
    relevance of the information, the trial court explained that the
    communications would be relevant to the issue of actual malice to show
    “the subjective knowledge of the CNN Defendants and Defendant Robinson
    at the time that they published their allegedly defamatory statements.”
    Further, because Robinson was also a defendant, her communications
    would be relevant to her own subjective knowledge.
    The trial court found a compelling interest for disclosure because of the
    unique circumstances of the case: 1) the need for the defamation plaintiff
    to prove malice; 2) the centrality of Robinson’s role as a source of CNN’s
    reporting; and 3) the fact that Robinson, a co-defendant, deleted her own
    copies of the communications and was not protected by journalist
    Finally, the trial court determined that the information could not be
    obtained from another source, because Robinson had deleted the
    communications and had answered in an interrogatory that she could not
    recall the details of the communications. Rejecting CNN’s contention that
    respondent should be required to take Robinson’s deposition again, the
    court concluded that it would be a waste of time and effort after her
    answers in depositions and interrogatories.
    The trial court ordered the CNN defendants to disclose the
    communications to respondent. CNN then filed its petition for writ of
    The standard for reviewing a petition for writ of certiorari is familiar.
    Before a court may grant certiorari relief, the petitioner must establish the
    following three elements: “‘(1) a departure from the essential requirements
    of the law, (2) resulting in material injury for the remainder of the case (3)
    that cannot be corrected on postjudgment appeal.’” Williams v. Oken, 
    62 So. 3d 1129
    , 1132 (Fla. 2011) (quoting Reeves v. Fleetwood Homes of Fla.,
    889 So. 2d 812
    , 822 (Fla. 2004)). Establishment of irreparable injury
    not remediable on appeal is jurisdictional.
    Id. Because the denial
    of the
    journalist privilege would require “cat out of the bag” disclosures, the first
    two elements are satisfied., Inc. v. Carroll, 
    20 So. 3d 947
    (Fla. 4th DCA 2009).
    The appellate court then determines whether there has been a clear
    departure from the essential requirements of law:
    In granting writs of common-law certiorari, the district courts
    of appeal should not be as concerned with the mere existence
    of legal error as much as with the seriousness of the error.
    Since it is impossible to list all possible legal errors serious
    enough to constitute a departure from the essential
    requirements of law, the district courts must be allowed a
    large degree of discretion so that they may judge each case
    individually.    The district courts should exercise this
    discretion only when there has been a violation of clearly
    established principle of law resulting in a miscarriage of
    It is this discretion which is the essential distinction between
    review by appeal and review by common-law certiorari.
    Williams, 62 So. 3d at 1133
    (quoting Haines City Cmty. Dev. v. Heggs, 
    658 So. 2d 523
    , 528 (Fla. 1995)).
    The trial court did not depart from the essential requirements of law.
    In fact, it followed clearly established law in its analysis. It provided
    findings on all the elements of section 90.5015, and applied relevant law.
    Because this is a defamation action, upholding the privilege may make
    proof of fault impossible because “establishing what the publisher knew
    or did not know at the time of publication depends on the kind and quality
    of the information and identity of the sources at hand when the publication
    was made.” News-Journal Corp. v. Carson, 
    741 So. 2d 572
    , 576 (Fla. 5th
    DCA 1999). Thus, “[w]hen weighed against the possibility that [the
    plaintiff] stands to lose his day in court and be denied access to the courts
    to redress his alleged libel if the privilege is upheld, . . . the privilege must
    give way.”
    Id. See also Price
    v. Time, Inc., 
    416 F.3d 1327
    , 1346 (11th Cir.
    2005) (“‘To the extent that the disclosure [of even a confidential source]
    might illuminate the defendant’s state of mind, it goes to the heart of the
    plaintiff’s case, and it is evidence that is not likely to be available
    elsewhere.’” (quoting Marc A. Franklin et al., Mass Media Law 659 (6th ed.
    2000)) [other citations omitted].
    We reject CNN’s argument that the communications are irrelevant given
    its claim that Robinson was not the source of any specific defamatory
    statement contained in CNN’s reporting. Even if Robinson was not the
    source of the calculations of mortality rates, it is clear that there were
    communications between Robinson and CNN about those rates and the
    respondent. Also, Robinson remained a key source and connection in the
    case. Thus, those communications would show what CNN “knew or did
    not know at the time of publication,” both on behalf of CNN and also
    Robinson, who is also a defendant in the case.
    “[A] plaintiff is entitled to prove the defendant’s state of mind through
    circumstantial evidence.” Harte-Hanks Commc’ns, Inc. v. Connaughton,
    491 U.S. 657
    , 668 (1989).              This includes an accumulation of
    contemporaneous documents and communications reflecting the
    defendant’s knowledge or state of mind. Herbert v. Lando, 
    441 U.S. 153
    164 n.12 (1979); see also Don King Prods., Inc. v. Walt Disney Co., 
    40 So. 3d
    40, 44 (Fla. 4th DCA 2010); Stern v. O’Quinn, 
    253 F.R.D. 663
    , 671 (S.D.
    Fla. 2008).      The documents Respondent seeks are precisely those
    contemporaneous documents and communications.
    We also reject CNN’s claim that the trial court did not make a clear and
    specific finding regarding the availability of alternative sources to
    Petitioner of this same information; the court directly and clearly
    addressed this issue. Robinson admitted in her deposition that she had
    deleted all the communications with CNN defendants. Respondent would
    have been entitled to obtain the communications from Robinson if she had
    kept them as she would not be protected by the journalist privilege. In her
    interrogatory answer she admitted that she could not remember their
    details. The trial court made those findings and did not abuse its
    discretion in determining that there were no available alternative sources.
    The trial court does not abuse its discretion in determining that it would
    be futile to require respondent to take Robinson’s deposition again.
    While the journalist privilege must be protected, it is a qualified
    privilege. Section 90.5015 provides the procedure to overcome that
    privilege when the facts and circumstances of a case require it. The trial
    court concluded that respondent overcame the privilege in this case. The
    trial court did not depart from any clearly established principle of law.
    Petition denied on the merits.
    LEVINE, C.J., and CONNER, J., concur.
    *         *      *
    Not final until disposition of timely filed motion for rehearing.