Hampton v. State , 295 Ga. 665 ( 2014 )

  • In the Supreme Court of Georgia
    Decided: September 22, 2014
    S14A0768. HAMPTON v. THE STATE.
    HINES, Presiding Justice.
    Cleo Roosevelt Hampton, Jr. appeals the denial of his motion for new
    trial, as amended, following his convictions for malice murder and possession
    of a firearm during the commission of murder in connection with the fatal
    shooting of Jared Taylor. Hampton’s sole claim on appeal is that his trial
    counsel provided ineffective assistance. Finding the claim to be without merit,
    we affirm.1
    The murder and related crimes occurred on January 21, 2011. On November 2, 2011, a
    Clayton County grand jury returned an indictment against Hampton and Darion Cortez Brownlee:
    Count (1) - malice murder; Count (2) - felony murder while in the commission of armed robbery;
    Count (3) - armed robbery; Count (4) - felony murder while in the commission of aggravated assault;
    Count (5) - aggravated assault with a deadly weapon; Count (6) - aggravated assault with the intent
    to rob; Count (7) - possession of a firearm during the commission of murder; Count (8) - possession
    of a firearm during the commission of armed robbery; Count (9) - possession of a firearm during the
    commission of aggravated assault; Count (10) (Hampton only) - possession of a pistol or revolver
    by a person under 18; and Count (11) - theft by receiving stolen property. Hampton was tried before
    a jury March 26-29, 2012, and was found guilty of all charges. On March 29, 2012, he was
    sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole on Count (1), and a consecutive five years
    in prison on Count (7). The felony murder verdicts were vacated by operation of law, Malcolm v.
    263 Ga. 369
    , 371–372 (4) (434 SE2d 479) (1993), and the verdicts on the remaining counts
    were found to merge with that on Count (1) for the purpose of sentencing. A motion for new trial
    was filed on April 10, 2012, amended on May 2, 2013, and denied on October 29, 2013. A notice
    The evidence construed in favor of the verdicts showed the following.
    During the morning of January 21, 2011, Hampton and Darion Brownlee went
    to Jared Taylor’s home in Clayton County under the guise that they intended to
    sell him a handgun. Taylor lived with his girlfriend, Angela Davis, and the two
    sold marijuana out of the home that they shared. Taylor used calls to a cell
    phone and text messages to arrange drug deals. He kept as much as $25,000 in
    the home and stored marijuana in a black book bag on his side of the couple’s
    bed. Taylor had a handgun, but he carried it only when someone he didn’t know
    came to buy drugs. Otherwise, Taylor stored the handgun in the couple’s
    bedroom under his pillow.
    Earlier on the morning of January 21, Davis left home to run errands and
    called Taylor around 11:30 a.m. to ask him what he wanted for lunch. While on
    the phone with Taylor, Davis heard at least two other voices in the background.
    After buying Taylor’s lunch from a restaurant and running some more errands,
    around 1:00 p.m., Davis attempted repeatedly to call Taylor on the cell phone
    he used, but there was no answer. At approximately 1:20 p.m., Davis returned
    of appeal was filed on November 25, 2013, and the case was docketed in this Court’s 2014 April
    Term. The appeal was submitted for decision on the briefs.
    home to find the usually locked entrance door unlocked and Taylor lying bloody
    on the floor between the hallway and the kitchen. Taylor died from a single
    gunshot wound to the head. Davis saw the cell phone used by Taylor under the
    kitchen table and she used it to call 911. While waiting for police to arrive,
    Davis discovered that the closet was in complete disarray and the access panel
    to the attic had been disturbed; however, marijuana and some drug proceeds that
    were stashed in a locked “makeup case” had gone undiscovered. Also, Taylor’s
    handgun was still under his pillow. Because Davis did not want the police to
    learn that the couple was dealing drugs, she hid the marijuana and money in a
    neighbor’s truck. The police’s initial investigation of the crime scene revealed
    several footprints inside and outside of the home.
    Davis’s sister knew Hampton and Brownlee through mutual friends. On the
    night of the murder, Hampton showed up at the sister’s house claiming that he
    was at Taylor’s home earlier to sell him a handgun but left to go to Southlake
    Mall. After the sister received a telephone call informing her that Taylor had
    died, Hampton commented that he “didn’t mean it” and he left. About a month
    before Taylor’s murder, Davis’s sister overheard Hampton and Brownlee
    discussing a plan to rob Taylor and Davis; Brownlee stated that “he knew where
    everything was . . . where the attic was and where [Taylor] hid his stuff at.” At
    the time of the conversation, Hampton was wielding a handgun. Subsequently,
    Davis’s sister related the overheard conversation to the police.
    The police questioned Hampton about his involvement in the shooting. At
    first, Hampton admitted to being present during Taylor’s murder and that he
    “shot two and gave him one in the head.” Later in the investigation, however,
    Hampton’s story was that he and Brownlee went to Taylor’s home only to sell
    him a handgun, and Brownlee decided on his own to shoot Taylor.
    Surveillance video taken the day of Taylor’s death showed Hampton and
    Brownlee shopping with cash at Southlake Mall, where Hampton purchased
    clothes and shoes. After receiving permission to search Hampton’s residence,
    officers found clothing and shoes soaking in a large trash can full of water. The
    shoes that the police recovered were the same size and brand of shoes that
    Hampton later replaced with a purchase at Southlake Mall and they matched
    some of the shoe prints recovered by the police at the crime scene. Subpoenaed
    records from the cell phone used by Hampton revealed several text messages and
    phone calls between Hampton and Brownlee on the day of Taylor’s murder.
    Testifying in his own defense at trial, Hampton admitted that he and Brownlee
    discussed robbing Taylor, and that he knowingly accepted from Brownlee some
    of the cash stolen from Taylor and used it to shop at the mall.
    1. Hampton has not asserted that the evidence was insufficient to sustain
    his convictions; nevertheless, this Court has reviewed the evidence and finds it
    sufficient to enable a rational trier of fact to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt
    that Hampton was guilty of the crimes of which he was convicted. Jackson v.
    443 U.S. 307
    (99 SCt 2781, 61 LE2d 560) (1979).
    2. Hampton contends that his trial counsel deprived him of constitutionally
    effective assistance by failing to seek the suppression of the subpoenaed text
    messages. In order for Hampton to prevail on such claim he must demonstrate,
    pursuant to Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    (104 SCt 2052, 80 LE2d
    674) (1984), that his counsel's performance was deficient and that, but for the
    deficiency, there is a reasonable probability of a different outcome at trial. Allen
    v. State, 
    293 Ga. 626
    , 627 (2) (748 SE2d 881) (2013). In order to satisfy the first
    prong of Strickland, Hampton must overcome the strong presumption that his
    trial counsel's performance fell within a wide range of reasonable professional
    conduct and that the decisions made by counsel were the result of reasonable
    professional judgment; the reasonableness of the conduct is judged from
    counsel's perspective at the time of trial and under the particular circumstances
    then existing in the case. 
    Id. To meet
    the second requirement of Strickland,
    Hampton must show the reasonable probability that, absent any unprofessional
    errors on counsel's part, the result of his trial would have been different. 
    Id. In the
    present review, this Court will accept the trial court's factual findings and
    credibility determinations unless they are clearly erroneous, but the Court will
    independently apply the legal principles to the facts. 
    Id. Citing OCGA
    §§ 16-11-66.1 (a)2; 16-11-673, and 18 USCA § 2703 (a)4,
    OCGA § 16-11-66.1 (a) provides:
    A law enforcement officer, a prosecuting attorney, or the Attorney General may require the
    disclosure of stored wire or electronic communications, as well as transactional records
    pertaining thereto, to the extent and under the procedures and conditions provided for by the
    laws of the United States.
    OCGA § 16-11-67 provides:
    No evidence obtained in a manner which violates any of the provisions of this part shall be
    admissible in any court of this state except to prove violations of this part.
    18 USCA § 2703 (a), in effect during the applicable time frame, provided in relevant part:
    Contents of wire or electronic communications in electronic storage.--A governmental entity
    may require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service of the contents
    of a wire or electronic communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic
    communications system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant
    Hampton argues that he had a statutory right to suppress the text messages, from
    January 21-24, 2011, because they were obtained without a warrant which he
    maintains federal law requires in the absence of a life-threatening emergency.
    But, a criminal defendant has standing to suppress evidence obtained through an
    illegal search or seizure only in the situation in which his or her own rights are
    violated, as such rights are personal and are not to be asserted vicariously. Black
    v. State, 
    281 Ga. App. 40
    , 42 (1) (635 SE2d 568) (2006). And, an individual can
    successfully argue for suppression of the product of a Fourth Amendment
    violation only if that person’s rights were violated by the search itself;
    suppression of the evidence is not available to one who is aggrieved solely by the
    introduction of damaging evidence because the exclusionary rule is to protect
    individuals whose Fourth Amendment rights have been violated. Ellis v. State,
    256 Ga. 751
    , 755(2) (353 SE2d 19) (1987) (applied Fourth Amendment search
    principles to determine whether defendant had standing to challenge the
    electronic surveillance of a co-defendant's telephone). In this case Hampton is
    arguing that he has a right to suppression under the cited federal and state
    issued using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (or, in the
    case of a State court, issued using State warrant procedures) by a court of competent
    statutes. As for Hampton’s invocation of 18 USCA § 2703 (a), federal courts
    have held that there is no statutory suppression remedy under the Stored
    Communications Act (“SCA”), 18 U.S.C. §§ 2701 et seq. United States v.
    2013 WL 2903562
    (N.D. Ga., 2013), citing United States v. Clenney,
    631 F.3d 658
    , 667 (4th Cir.,2011); United States v. Perrine, 
    518 F.3d 1196
    , 1202
    (10th Cir., 2008); United States v. Steiger, 
    318 F.3d 1039
    , 1049 (11th Cir.,
    2003); United States v. Smith, 
    155 F.3d 1051
    , 1056 (9th Cir.,1998);
    2008 WL 4200156
    (N.D. Ga., 2008). As for violations of our
    state statutes regulating eavesdropping, surveillance, or the interception of
    communications, OCGA §§ 16–11–62 through 16–11–67, there is statutory
    authority for suppression pursuant to OCGA § 17-5-30, but under that statute “a
    pretrial motion to suppress is available only to the person aggrieved by an
    unlawful search and seizure.” Deleon-Alvarez v. State, 
    324 Ga. App. 694
    , 699 (2)
    (751 SE2d 497) (2013), quoting Romano v. State, 
    162 Ga. App. 816
    , 819 (1) (a)
    (292 SE2d 533) (1982). Indeed, the focus of OCGA §§ 16–11–62 through
    16–11–67 is the protection of individuals from invasion of their privacy.
    Deleon-Alvarez v. 
    State, supra
    at n. 11. A Fourth Amendment analysis is
    appropriate, and as noted, rights under the Fourth Amendment are personal, and
    in order to challenge the validity of a government search an individual must
    actually enjoy the reasonable expectation of privacy, that is, the individual must
    have standing. United States v. Dooley, 
    2013 WL 2548969
    (N.D. Ga., 2013);
    2008 WL 4200156
    (N.D. Ga., 2008). Thus, demonstrating
    standing is a threshold burden for suppression of the evidence. Rakas v. Illinois,
    439 U.S. 128
    , 130 (n. 1) (99 SCt 421, 58 LE2d 387) (1978). Hampton fails to
    meet such burden.
    Indeed, the named subscriber for the cell phone number at issue was not
    “Hampton.”5 And, Hampton has produced no evidence of the use of an alias in
    regard to the account or that he had any legal link to the account, much less any
    ownership interest in it; nor has he shown that he was an authorized user on the
    account, or the de facto exclusive, primary, or customary user of the cell number
    at issue. See United States v. 
    Dooley, supra
    Suarez–Blanca, supra
    ; compare
    United States v. Herron, 
    2014 WL 824291
    (E.D.N.Y., 2014). Inasmuch as there
    was no evidence that Hampton had a sufficient privacy interest in the cell phone
    whose calls and text messages were the subject of the subpoena, he lacked
    standing to seek suppression of the texts at issue. See Deleon-Alvarez v. State,
    The cell phone provider’s records show that the named subscriber was “Terric White.”
    supra at 699 (2) (a). Therefore, Hampton’s trial counsel cannot be found to be
    deficient for not having moved to suppress the texts on the basis now urged; the
    failure to make a meritless motion or objection does not provide a basis upon
    which to find ineffective assistance of counsel. Moore v. State, 
    293 Ga. 676
    , 679
    (5) (a) (748 SE2d 419) (2013).
    Even assuming arguendo that suppression was possible, Hampton still
    cannot show trial counsel’s ineffectiveness. At the hearing on the motion for new
    trial, as amended, trial counsel testified that he did not object to the text messages
    because they contained information that appeared to be helpful to Hampton’s
    defense in that they corroborated that Brownlee initiated contact with Hampton,
    was the instigator of the fatal incident as well as the shooter, and that Hampton
    went to the victim’s home merely to purchase marijuana; at the time of trial,
    defense counsel “was grasping for straws, . . . looking for any and every bit of
    information or facts that could help [Hampton] with his defense.” Generally, a
    matter of reasonable trial strategy and tactics does not constitute ineffective
    assistance of counsel. Boykins v. State, 
    294 Ga. 277
    , 279 (2) (751 SE2d 811)
    (2013). And, the record fails to provide any basis for finding that the articulated
    strategy for using the text messages was, at the time of trial, unreasonable. The
    fact that at the motion-for-new-trial hearing, trial counsel conceded that in
    reviewing the totality of the text messages they might have been more damaging
    than helpful, is of no moment because “hindsight has no place in an assessment
    of the performance of trial counsel” Hartsfield v. State, 
    294 Ga. 883
    , 888 (3) (b)
    (757 SE2d 90) (2014). Furthermore, the fact that present counsel disagrees with
    trial counsel’s strategy does not render such strategic decision unreasonable.
    McKenzie v. State, 
    284 Ga. 342
    , 349 (4) (e) (667 SE2d 43) (2008).
    Finally, even if trial counsel was found to be deficient in the manner urged,
    Hampton cannot show a reasonable probability that the outcome of his trial
    would have been different had the text messages not been in evidence. The
    remaining evidence against Hampton, which included his inculpatory statements
    to police and his trial testimony that he supplied the pistol to Brownlee, that he
    was at the victim’s home at the time of the fatal shooting, and that he knowingly
    accepted and used money taken from the victim, was overwhelming. See Dunn
    v. State, 
    291 Ga. 551
    , 553 (4) (a) (732 SE2d 524) (2012). Consequently,
    Hampton cannot carry his burden of proving the ineffective assistance of his trial
    Id. Judgments affirmed.
    All the Justices concur.
    S14A0768. HAMPTON v. THE STATE.
    NAHMIAS, Justice, concurring.
    I concur fully in the Court’s opinion. With respect to Division 2, however,
    I want to make sure that our holding that Hampton lacks statutory standing to
    seek suppression of the text messages between Brownlee’s phone and the cell
    phone subscribed to by “Terric White” is not read to suggest that it was
    appropriate for the police to use a subpoena to obtain that information, to the
    extent that the information included the contents of the text messages.
    Under current constitutional doctrine, the Fourth Amendment’s protections
    do not encompass records of a person’s stored communications when the police
    obtain those records from someone else, like the person’s communications
    provider. See Smith v. Maryland, 
    442 U.S. 735
    , 743-744 (99 SCt 2577, 61 LE2d
    20) (1979) (“This Court consistently has held that a person has no legitimate
    expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties.”);
    Registe v. State, 
    292 Ga. 154
    , 156 (734 SE2d 19) (2012). However, federal and
    Georgia statutory law imposes limits on the authority of law enforcement to
    demand stored wire and electronic communications information from a
    communications provider. The statutes generally authorize governmental entities
    to require providers to disclose the contents of recently stored communications
    only by means of a properly issued warrant. See OCGA § 16-11-66.1 (a) (“A
    law enforcement officer, a prosecuting attorney, or the Attorney General may
    require the disclosure of stored wire or electronic communications, as well as
    transactional records pertaining thereto, to the extent and under the procedures
    and conditions provided for by the laws of the United States.”); 18 USC § 2703
    (a) (“A governmental entity may require the disclosure by a provider of
    electronic communication service of the contents of a wire or electronic
    communication, that is in electronic storage in an electronic communications
    system for one hundred and eighty days or less, only pursuant to a warrant issued
    using the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure (or,
    in the case of a State court, issued using State warrant procedures) by a court of
    competent jurisdiction.” (emphasis added)). A subpoena may be used only to
    demand transactional records about such a communication, such as the
    telephone numbers between which it went, the time it occurred, or the names of
    the subscribers to the phone numbers – information that does not directly reveal
    the contents of the communications. See 18 USC § 2703 (c) (allowing a
    governmental entity to use an administrative, grand jury, or trial subpoena, in
    addition to a warrant or court order, to require the disclosure of “a record or other
    information pertaining to a subscriber to or customer of such service (not
    including the contents of communications)” (emphasis added)).
    Stored electronic communications are increasingly a rich source of
    information for use in criminal investigations and prosecutions, and law
    enforcement officials are understandably interested in obtaining such information
    from communications providers. But police and prosecutors should do so in the
    right way. The distinction between contents and transactional records must not
    be blurred, and instead needs to be carefully and clearly delineated with regard
    to demands involving text messages, e-mails, and other types of electronic
    communications for which the stored information may include both the
    “envelopes” for the communications (transactional records) and the “letters”
    (contents) to which that packaging information relates. When defendants have
    statutory standing to seek suppression, as will often be the case, the State may
    find itself precluded from admitting important evidence if its officers selected the
    wrong process to obtain the stored communications information they wanted.